Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture...

Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen 1 1 Department of Physics and Center of Mathematics for Applications University of Oslo, N-0316 Oslo Second MSU-UiO-UT/ORNL Winter School in Nuclear Physics CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Transcript of Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture...

Page 1: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and


Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions

Morten Hjorth-Jensen1

1Department of Physics and Center of Mathematics for ApplicationsUniversity of Oslo, N-0316 Oslo

Second MSU-UiO-UT/ORNL Winter School in Nuclear Physics

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 2: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and



1 Introduction and Motivation to the Lectures

2 Lecture I: Nucler Interactions, from QCD to Effective TheoriesDeveloping Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

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IntroLecture I

Lecture Plan, see also the link http:


1 First lecture set: Nuclear interactions, models and calculational schemes, fromone-boson exchange models to effective field theories, file lecture1.pdf.

2 Second lecture set: Methods for renormalizing the nucleon-nucleon interaction,Similarity transformation methods and link to many-body methods, filelecture2.pdf.

3 Third lecture set (covers lectures 3, 4 and 5): Many-body methods, we startwith Hartree-Fock theory,large scale diagonalization methods (full configurationinteraction or shell-model), many-body perturbation theory. Applications ofmany-body methods and further properties of the different methods, emphasison shell model and many-body perturbation theory, file lecture3.pdf.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 4: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

Why CENS and what is it?

Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure (CENS)

AIM: To provide you with computational tools for nuclearstructure analyses. Useful both for data analysis (finalizingarticles, theses etc) as well as for writing proposals.

CENS is a graphical user interface (GUI) written in Pythonwhich coordinates:

1 Many programs in Fortran 90/95 for computing effectivetwo-body interactions starting with free nucleon-nucleoninteractions (proton-neutron formalism).

2 A shell-model code and a transition code. Source code inC/C++ (portable to all systems) which allows you to addresssystems up to 109 basic states. Parallel codes for largersystems available upon demand.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 5: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

Why CENS and what is it?

Weblink with codes and lectures:(http://www.fys.uio.no/compphys/cp/software.html).

Understand how nuclear spectra evolve from the underlyingnuclear interactions. Many types of effective interactions.

Critical assessment of the methods, pros and cons and theirlimitations.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

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IntroLecture I

Additions to come and further stuff

1 CENS works for Linux/Unix and MAC.

2 For windows, we recommend to install Wubi, Ubuntu onWindows, see http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/

get-ubuntu/windows-installer. Can then install Intel’scompilers for free academic use.

3 Add possibility to do Coupled-Cluster calculations

4 Include three-body interaction and effective interactiondiagrams

5 Code to perform shell-model calculations with and withoutthree-body interactions

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 7: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

An alternative way to use the GUI

1 For large calculations the GUI is not very practical.

2 Use the GUI to generate the input files to the effectiveinteraction calculation and the shell-model calculations.

3 Then run the shell-model or effective interaction codes onyour local computing node(s).

4 The GUI is then an easy to use tool to generate inputfiles.

5 This is the most likely usage of the GUI at the end.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

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IntroLecture I

Code Developers

Torgeir Engeland, Morten Hjorth-Jensen, Gustav Jansen, Maxim Kartamychev

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

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IntroLecture I

CENS, with everything installed

Load down the cens.tar.gz packageand read the README file withinstallation prescriptions

run as cens

Need python, numpy and Pmw,Tkinter and gnuplot packages

Linux: sudo apt-get install< name − of − package >

C/C++ and Fortran 95 compilers,see http://software.intel.



CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

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IntroLecture I

Nuclear Many-Body Methods

1 Shell-model and No-core shell-model calculations; Large-scalediagonalization.

2 Perturbative many-body methods.

3 Coupled cluster theory

4 Extention to weakly bound systems. Complex scaling andcomplex shell model, Gamow shell model.

5 DFT and how to link it with ab initio methods

6 Density matrix renormalization group.

7 Variational, Diffusion and Path integral Monte Carlo methods.

8 Green’s function theory, Unitary operator method....

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

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IntroLecture I

Our story: Ground state of 101Sn, Darby et al, PRL105,2010

Proton number




) CIExp

E(7/2+) – E(5/2+)


Shell-model calculationwith 88Sr as core.

Ground state of 101Sn is7/2+!

Core-polarization andtensor force crucial

One crucial matrixelement 〈(0g7/2)

2J =0|V |(0g7/2)

2J = 0〉

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

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IntroLecture I

Our story: Ground state of 101Sn, Darby et al, PRL105,2010

1 Can we relate the spectrum of the above isotones to specificproperties of the nuclear forces?

2 The tools we will give allow you study questions like: what isthe role of the tensor force and other components of tehnuclear force?; or what is the structure of the wave function?;can we extract some simple physics messagges fromcomplicated many-body calculations?

3 How reliable are our theories? Can we trust the result?

We will outline all ingredients needed to study the N = 50 isotonesand to make a critical analysis of the results.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 13: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

From Yukawa to Lattice QCD and Effective Field Theory


Chadwick (1932) discovers the neutron and Heisenberg (1932) proposes the firstPhenomenology (Isospin). Yukawa (1935) and his Meson Hypothesis


Discovery of the pion in cosmic ray (1947) and in the Berkeley Cyclotron Lab (1948).Nobelprize awarded to Yukawa (1949). Rabi (1948) measures quadrupole moment ofthe deuteron.


Taketani, Nakamura, Sasaki (1951): 3 ranges. One-Pion-Exchange (OPE): o.k.Multi-pion exchanges: Problems! Taketani, Machida, Onuma (1952); ”Pion Theories”Brueckner, Watson (1953).

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

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IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

From Yukawa to Lattice QCD and Effective Field Theory


Many pions = multi-pion resonances: σ(600), ρ(770), ω(782)etc.One-Boson-Exchange Model. Refined Meson Theories


Sophisticated models for two-pion exchange: Paris Potential (Lacombe et al.,Phys. Rev. C 21, 861 (1980)) Bonn potential (Machleidt et al., Phys. Rep. 149, 1(1987))


Quark cluster models. Begin of effective field theory studies.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

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IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

From Yukawa to Lattice QCD and Effective Field Theory


1993-2001: High-precision NN potentials: Nijmegen I, II, ’93, Reid93 (Stoks et al.1994), Argonne V18 (Wiringa et al, 1995), CD-Bonn (Machleidt et al. 1996 and 2001.Advances in effective field theory: Weinberg (1990); Ordonez, Ray, van Kolck andmany more.

3rd Millenium

Another ”pion theory”; but now right: constrained by chiral symmetry. Three-bodyand higher-body forces appear naturally at a given order of the chiral expansion.


Nucleon-nucleon interaction from Lattice QCD, final confirmation of meson hypothesisof Yukawa?

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

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IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

Lattice QCD, Ishii et al, PRL 2007








0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0





r [fm]





0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0


The nucleon-nucleon interaction, Phenomenology vs Latticecalculations.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

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IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

Features of the Nucleon-Nucleon (NN) Force

The aim is to give you an overview over central features of thenucleon-nucleon interaction and how it is constructed, bothtechnical and theoretical approaches.

1 The existence of the deuteron with Jπ = 1+ indicates that theforce between protons and neutrons is attractive at least forthe 3S1 partial wave. Interference between Coulomb andnuclear scattering for the proton-proton partial wave 1S0

shows that the NN force is attractive at least for the 1S0

partial wave.

2 It has a short range and strong intermediate attraction.

3 Spin dependent, scattering lengths for triplet and singletstates are different,

4 Spin-orbit force. Observation of large polarizations ofscattered nucleons perpendicular to the plane of scattering.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 18: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

Features of the Nucleon-Nucleon (NN) Force, continued

1 Hard core. The s-wave phase shift becomes negative at ≈ 250MeV implying that the singlet S has a hard core with range0.4− 0.5 fm.

2 Charge independence (almost). Two nucleons in a giventwo-body state always (almost) experience the same force.Modern interactions break charge and isospin symmetrylightly. That means that the pp, neutron-neutron and pn partsof the interaction will be different for the same quantumnumbers.

3 Non-central. There is a tensor force. First indications fromthe quadrupole moment of the deuteron pointing to anadmixture in the ground state of both l = 2 (3D1) and l = 0(3S1) orbital momenta.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

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IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

Short Range Evidence

Comparison of the binding energies of 2H (deuteron), 3H (triton),4He (alpha - particle) show that the nuclear force is of finite range(1− 2 fm) and very strong within that range. For nuclei withA > 4, the energy saturates: Volume and binding energies of nucleiare proportional to the mass number A.Nuclei are also bound. The average distance between nucleons innuclei is about 2 fm which must roughly correspond to the rangeof the attractive part.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 20: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

Charge Dependence

After correcting for the electromagnetic interaction, the forcesbetween nucleons (pp, nn, or np) in the same state are almostthe same.

”Almost the same”: Charge-independence is slightly broken.

Equality between the pp and nn forces: Charge symmetry.

Equality between pp/nn force and np force: Chargeindependence.

Better notation: Isospin symmetry, invariance under rotationsin isospin

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 21: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

Charge Dependence, 1S0 Scattering Lengths

Charge-symmetry breaking (CSB), after electromagnetic effectshave been removed:

app = −17.3± 0.4fm

ann = −18.8± 0.5fm. Note however discrepancy from ndbreakup reactions resulting in ann = −18.72± 0.13± 0.65fmand π− + d → γ + 2n reactions givingann = −18.93± 0.27± 0.3fm.

Charge-independence breaking (CIB)

apn = −23.74± 0.02fm

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 22: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

Symmetries of the Nucleon-Nucleon (NN) Force

1 Translation invariance

2 Galilean invariance

3 Rotation invariance

4 Space reflection invariance

5 Time reversal invariance

6 Invariance under the interchange of particle 1 and 2

7 Almost isospin symmetry

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 23: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

CENS options

1 Charge symmetry breaking (CSB): available for N3LO andCD-Bonn interaractions. The Argonne V18 model includesCSB.

2 Isospin symmetry breaking (ISB): available for N3LO andCD-Bonn interaractions. The Argonne V18 model includesCSB.

3 Coulomb: Argonne includes Coulomb by default. All otherinteraction models can or cannot include the Coulombinteraction as an option.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 24: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

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= 1<6�6

V (r) =

{Cc + Cσσ1 · σ2 + CT

(1 +











)L · S



How do we derive such terms? (Note: no isospin dependence)

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 25: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

References for Various Phenomenological Interactions

Potentials which are based upon the standard non-relativisticoperator structure are called ”Phenomenological Potentials” Somehistorically important examples are

Gammel-Thaler potential ( Phys. Rev. 107, 291, 1339 (1957)and the · Hamada-Johnston potential, Nucl. Phys. 34, 382(1962)), bot with a hard core. core.

Reid potential (Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 50, 411 (1968)), soft core.

Argonne V14 potential (Wiringa et al., Phys. Rev. C 29, 1207(1984)) with 14 operators and the Argonne V18 potential(Wiringa et al., Phys. Rev. C 51, 38 (1995)), uses 18 operators

A good reference: R. Machleidt, Adv. Nucl. Phys 19, 189(1989).

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 26: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

Effective Degrees of Freedom, History

1 From 1950 till approximately 2000: One-Boson-Exchange(OBE) models dominate

2 Now: models based on chiral perturbation theory.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

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IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

Dramatis Personae

Baryons Mass (MeV) Mesons Mass (MeV)

p, n 938.926 π 138.03Λ 1116.0 η 548.8Σ 1197.3 σ ≈ 550.0∆ 1232.0 ρ 770

ω 782.6δ 983.0K 495.8K ? 895.0

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

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IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory


To describe the interaction between the various baryons andmesons of the previous table we choose the followingphenomenological lagrangians for spin 1/2 baryons

Lps = gpsΨγ5Ψφ(ps),

Ls = g sΨΨφ(s),


Lv = g vΨγµΨφ(v)µ + g tΨσµνΨ


(v)ν − ∂νφ(v)



for pseudoscalar (ps), scalar (s) and vector (v) coupling,respectively. The factors g v and g t are the vector and tensorcoupling constants, respectively.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 29: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

Spinors for Protons and Neutrons

For spin 1/2 baryons, the fields Ψ are expanded in terms of theDirac spinors (positive energy solution shown here with uu = 1)

u(kσ) =

√E (k) + m





with χ the familiar Pauli spinor and E (k) =√

m2 + |k|2. Thepositive energy part of the field Ψ reads

Ψ(x) =1




with a being a fermion annihilation operator.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 30: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

The Classical Expression

Expanding the free Dirac spinors in terms of 1/m (m is here themass of the relevant baryon) results, to lowest order, in the familiarnon-relativistic expressions for baryon-baryon potentials. Theconfiguration space version of the interaction can be approximatedas

V (r) =

{C 0C + C 1

C + Cσσ1 · σ2 + CT

(1 +











)L · S



where mα is the mass of the relevant meson and S12 is the familiartensor term.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

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IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

OBE for Pion Exchange

We derive now the non-relativistic one-pion exchange interaction.Here p1, p′1, p2, p′2 and k = p1 − p′1 denote four-momenta. Thevertices are given by the pseudovector Lagrangian

Lpv =fπ



From the Feynman diagram rules we can write the two-bodyinteraction as

V pv =f 2π


u(p′1)γ5γµ(p1 − p′1)µu(p1)u(p′2)γ5γν(p′2 − p2)νu(p2)

(p1 − p′1)2 −m2π


CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 32: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

OBE for Pion Exchange

The factors p1 − p′1 = p′2 − p2 are both the four-momentum of theexchanged meson and come from the derivative of the meson fieldin the interaction Lagrangian. The Dirac spinors obey

γµpµu(p) = mu(p)

u(p)γµpµ = mu(p).

Using these relations, together with {γ5, γµ} = 0, we find

u(p′1)γ5γµ(p1 − p′1)µu(p1) = mu(p′1)γ5u(p1) + u(p′1)γµp′µ1 γ5u(p1)

= 2mu(p′1)γ5u(p1)

andu(p′2)γ5γµ(p′2 − p2)µ = −2mu(p′2)γ5u(p1).

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 33: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

OBE for Pion Exchange

We get

V pv = − f 2π


4m2 u(p′1)γ5u(p1)u(p′2)γ5u(p2)

(p1 − p′1)2 −m2π


By inserting expressions for the Dirac spinors, we find

u(p′1)γ5u(p1) =

√(E ′1 + m)(E1 + m)


(χ† − σ1·p1

E ′1 +mχ

†)( 0 1

1 0





√(E ′1 + m)(E1 + m)


(σ1 · p1

E1 + m− σ1 · p′1

E ′1 + m


CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 34: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

OBE for Pion Exchange


u(p′2)γ5u(p1) =

√(E ′2 + m)(E2 + m)


(σ2 · p2

E2 + m− σ2 · p′2

E ′2 + m


In the CM system we have p2 = −p1, p′2 = −p′1 and so E2 = E1,E ′2 = E ′1. We can then write down the relativistic contribution tothe NN potential in the CM system:

V pv = − f 2π


4m2 1

(p1 − p′1)2 −m2π

(E1 + m)(E ′1 + m)


×(σ1 · p1

E1 + m− σ1 · p′1

E ′1 + m

)(σ2 · p1

E1 + m− σ2 · p′1

E ′1 + m


CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 35: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

OBE for Pion Exchange

In the non-relativistic limit we have to lowest order

E1 =√

p21 + m2 ≈ m ≈ E ′1

and then (p1 − p′1)2 = −k2, so we get for the contribution to theNN potential

V pv = − f 2π


4m2 1

k2 + m2

2m · 2m



2m· (p1 − p′1)


2m· (p1 − p′1)

= − f 2π


(σ1 · k)(σ2 · k)

k2 + m2π


We have omitted exchange terms and the isospin term τ 1 · τ 2.

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IntroLecture I

Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

OBE for Pion Exchange, from k-space to r -space

We have

V pv (k) = − f 2π


(σ1 · k)(σ2 · k)

k2 + m2π


In coordinate space we have

V pv (r) =


(2π)3e ikrV pv (k)

resulting in

V pv (r) = − f 2π


σ1 · ∇σ2 · ∇∫


(2π)3e ikr 1

k2 + m2π


We obtain

V pv (r) = − f 2π


σ1 · ∇σ2 · ∇e−mπr


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OBE for Pion Exchange, really the last Step (I promise)

Carrying out the differentation of

V pv (r) = − f 2π


σ1 · ∇σ2 · ∇e−mπr


we arrive at the famous one-pion exchange potential with centraland tensor parts

V (r) = − f 2π


{σ1 · σ2 + CT

(1 +








For the full potential add the exchange part and the τ 1 · τ 2 termas well. (Subtle point: there is a divergence which gets cancelledby using cutoffs).

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Other Mesons: Collecting Terms, σ

When we perform similar non-relativistic expansions for scalar andvector mesons we obtain for the σ meson

V σ = g 2σNN


k2 + m2σ

(−1 +



− k2


− LS



We note an attractive central force and spin-orbit force. This termhas an intermediate range. We have defined 1/2(p1 + p′1) = q. Forthe full potential add the exchange part and the isospindependence as well.

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Other Mesons: Collecting Terms, ω

We obtain for the ω meson

V ω = g 2ωNN


k2 + m2ω

(1− 3




We note a repulsive central force and an attractive spin-orbit force.This term has short range. For the full potential add the exchangepart and the isospin dependence as well.

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Other Mesons: Collecting Terms, ρ

Finally for the ρ meson

V ρ = g 2ρNN


k2 + m2ρ

(−2σ1σ2 + S12(k)


We note a tensor force with sign opposite to that of the pion. Thisterm has short range. For the full potential add the exchange partand the isospin dependence as well.

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CENS options

1 You can compute a pure one-pion exchange interaction,option OPEP

2 Or you can just study the role of the LS interaction

3 Or just the tensor force.

All these options are derived using the parameterizations of theArgonne V 8 interaction model.

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Brief summary of properties of the NN interaction

1 Can use a one-boson exchange picture to construct a nucleon-nucleoninteraction a la QED

2 Non-relativistic approximation yields amongst other things a spin-orbit forcewhich is much stronger than in atoms.

3 At large intermediate distances pion exchange dominates while pion resonances(other mesons) dominate at intermediate and short range

4 Potentials are parameterized to fit selected two-nucleon data, binding energiesand scattering phase shifts.

5 Nowaydays, chiral perturbation theory gives an effective theory that allows asystematic expansion in terms of contrallable parameters. Good basis formany-body physics

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CENS options

1 You can choose to omit or include particular partial wavesunder the options knob of the renormalization part. Thevariables refer to the minimum and maximum J in the relativecoordinates.

2 Note that the Argonne model is parameterized with J ≤ 4.

3 Data are scanty above J > 5 and the other interaction modelsgive therefore only theoretical predictions.

4 For the no-core, vlowk, v-krg and v-nrg options, beyond J > 6the Hamiltonian is given by kinetic energy only.

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CENS image

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How do I construct the interaction: Lippman-SchwingerEquation

To parameterize the nucleon-nucleon interaction we solve the Lippman-Scwhingerequation

Tαll′ (kk ′K) = Vαll′ (kk ′) +2



∫ ∞0

dqq2Vαll′′ (kq)1

k2 − q2 + iεTαl′′ l′ (qk ′K).

The shorthand notation

T (V )αll′ (kk ′Kω) = 〈kKlLJ ST |T (ω)∣∣k ′Kl ′LJ ST


denotes the T (V )-matrix with momenta k and k ′ and orbital momenta l and l ′ of the

relative motion, and K is the corresponding momentum of the center-of-mass motion.

Further, L, J , S and T are the orbital momentum of the center-of-mass motion, the

total angular momentum, spin and isospin, respectively.

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Numerical Solution

For scattering states, the energy is positive, E > 0. The Lippman-Schwinger equation,which is the non-relativistic version of the Bethe-Salpeter equation discussed above, isan integral equation where we have to deal with the amplitude R(k, k ′) (reactionmatrix, which is the real part of the full complex T -matrix) defined through theintegral equation for one partial wave (no coupled-channels)

Rl (k, k′) = Vl (k, k

′) +2

πP∫ ∞

0dqq2Vl (k, q)


E − q2/mRl (q, k


For negative energies (bound states) and intermediate states scattering states blockedby occupied states below the Fermi level.

The phaseshift codes are at http://www.fys.uio.no/compphys/cp/software.html

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Relation to data

The symbol P in the previous slide indicates that Cauchy’sprincipal-value prescription is used in order to avoid the singularityarising from the zero of the denominator.The total kinetic energy of the two incoming particles in thecenter-of-mass system is

E =k2



The matrix Rl(k , k ′) relates to the the phase shifts through itsdiagonal elements as

Rl(k0, k0) = − tanδlmk0


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T -matrix and V


Matrix elements V (q0, k) for the 1S0

partial wave for the CD-Bonn (solidline), Nijm-I (dashed), Nijm-II(dash-dot), Argonne V18

(dash-triple-dot) and Reid93 (dotted)potentials. The diagonal matrixelements with k = q0 = 265 MeV/c(equivalent to Tlab = 150 MeV) aremarked by a solid dot. Thecorresponding matrix element of the fullscattering R-matrix is marked by thestar.

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T -matrix and V


Matrix elements for the 3S1 for theCD-Bonn (solid line), Nijm-I (dashed),Nijm-II (dash-dot), Argonne V18

(dash-triple-dot) and Reid93 (dotted)potentials. The diagonal matrixelements with k = q0 = 265 MeV/c(equivalent to Tlab = 150 MeV) aremarked by a solid dot. Thecorresponding matrix element of the fullscattering R-matrix is marked by thestar.

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T -matrix and V


Matrix elements for 3S1–3D1 for theCD-Bonn (solid line), Nijm-I (dashed),Nijm-II (dash-dot), Argonne V18

(dash-triple-dot) and Reid93 (dotted)potentials. The diagonal matrixelements with k = q0 = 265 MeV/c(equivalent to Tlab = 150 MeV) aremarked by a solid dot. Thecorresponding matrix element of the fullscattering R-matrix is marked by thestar.

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T -matrix and V


Matrix elements for 3P1 for theCD-Bonn (solid line), Nijm-I (dashed),Nijm-II (dash-dot), Argonne V18

(dash-triple-dot) and Reid93 (dotted)potentials.The diagonal matrix elementswith k = q0 = 265 MeV/c (equivalentto Tlab = 150 MeV) are marked by asolid dot. The corresponding matrixelement of the full scattering R-matrixis marked by the star.

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Something to ponder about

The behavior seen here has important consequences for renormalizations in a nuclearmedium.All interactions yield the same on-shell T -matrix, although V and its off-shellcharacter can be very different from interaction model to interaction model and maylead to for example different nuclear binding energies for different interaction models.Question: Is this off-shell character something which can be constrained by data? Canyou see some potential problems in a many-body context?

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Exercise Day 1: CENS tasks

1 Install the software and make sure everything runs smoothly.

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Exercises Day 1)

1 List all partial waves with isospin projection Tz , spin S , orbitalangular momentum l and total spin J for J ≤ 2.

2 Show that the spin-orbit force LS gives a zero contribution forS-waves (orbital angular momentum l = 0).

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Effective Field Theories

We want to describe the low-energy scenario of QCD by anEffective Field Theory (EFT). The steps to take:

Write down the most general Lagrangian including all termsconsistent with the assumed symmetries, particularly,spontaneously broken chiral symmetry.

Calculate Feynman diagrams. Note: There will be infinitelymany diagrams.

Find a scheme for assessing the importance of the variousdiagrams, because we cannot calculate infinitely manydiagrams.

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Chiral Perturbation Theory

The starting point for the derivation of the NN interaction is aneffective chiral Lagrangian

L = LπN + Lππ + LNN ,

which is given by a series of terms of increasing chiral dimension,

LπN = L(1)πN + L(2)

πN + L(3)πN + . . . ,

Lππ = L(2)ππ + . . . ,

LNN = L(0)NN + L(2)

NN + L(4)NN + . . . ,

where the superscript refers to the number of derivatives or pionmass insertions (chiral dimension). Good review: Epelbaum,Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 57, 654 (2006).

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Chiral Perturbation Theory

Common to apply the heavy baryon (HB) formulation of chiralperturbation theory in which the relativistic Lagrangian issubjected to an expansion in terms of powers of 1/MN (kind of anonrelativistic expansion), the lowest order of which is

L(1)πN = N

(iD0 −

gA2~σ · ~u


≈ N

[i∂0 −


4f 2π

τ · (π × ∂0π)− gA2fπ

τ · (~σ · ~∇)π

]N + . . .

For the parameters that occur in the leading order Lagrangian, weapply MN = 938.919 MeV, mπ = 138.04 MeV, fπ = 92.4 MeV,and gA = gπNN fπ/MN = 1.29, which is equivalent tog 2πNN/4π = 13.67.

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NN Interaction

The chiral NN force has the general form

V2N = Vπ + Vcont ,

where Vcont denotes the short–range terms represented by NN contact interactionsand Vπ corresponds to the long–range part associated with the pion–exchangecontributions Both Vπ and Vcont are determined within the low–momentumexpansion.

Notice that the nucleon kinetic energy contributes to L(2). The above terms

determine the nuclear potential up to N2LO (with the exception of the NN contact

terms at NLO) in the limit of exact isospin symmetry.

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Developing Models for the NN forceHow to construct an Interaction from chiral perturbation theory

NN Interaction

Consider now pion–exchange contributions to the potential

Vπ = V1π + V2π + V3π + . . . ,

where one–, two– and three–pion exchange (3PE) contributions V1π , V2π and V3π

can be written in the low–momentum expansion as

V1π = V(0)1π + V

(2)1π + V

(3)1π + V

(4)1π + . . . ,

V2π = V(2)2π + V

(3)2π + V

(4)2π + . . . ,

V3π = V(4)3π + . . . .

Here, the superscripts denote the corresponding chiral order and the ellipses refer to

(Q/Λ)5– and higher order terms. Contributions due to the exchange of four– and

more pions are further suppressed: n–pion exchange diagrams start to contribute at

the order (Q/Λ)2n−2.

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NN Interaction

The static 1PE potential at N3LO has the form

V(0)1π + V

(2)1π + V

(3)1π + V

(4)1π = −




(1 + δ)2 τ 1 · τ 2~σ1 · ~q ~σ2 · ~q~q 2 + M2



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Chiral Perturbation Theory


��� � � ��� � � �


��� � � ��� � � �



The most important irreducibleone- and two-pion exchangecontributions to the NN interactionup to order Q3.

Vertices denoted by small dots are

from L(1)πN .

Large dots refer to L(2)πN, ct

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zzz aaa

Leading ((QΛ )2), subleading ((QΛ )3) and

sub-subleading ((QΛ )4) contributions tothe chiral 2π–exchange potential. Solid(dashed) lines correspond to nucleons(pions). Solid dots, filled rectangles andfilled diamonds represent vertices with∆i = 0, 1 and 2, respectively. Shadedblob denotes thenext–to–next–to–leading ordercontribution to the pion–nucleonscattering amplitude.

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Leading contributions 3π-Exchange

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Three-Nucleon Force at order ν = 3.

(a) (b) (c)

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3NF Interaction

The first non–vanishing 3NF contribution appears at order ν = 3, i.e. at N2LO. Thecontribution from graph (a)

V(3)2π =

∑i 6=j 6=k





)2 (~σi · ~qi )(~σj · ~qj )(~qi 2 + M2

π)(~qj 2 + M2π)

Fαβijk ταi τ

βj ,

where ~qi ≡ ~pi ′ − ~pi ; ~pi (~pi′) is the initial (final) momentum of the nucleon i and

Fαβijk = δαβ[−


F 2π


F 2π

~qi · ~qj]



F 2π

εαβγτγk ~σk · [~qi × ~qj ] .

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3NF Interaction

The contributions from the remaining graphs (b) and (c) take the form

V(3)1π, cont = −

∑i 6=j 6=k


8F 2π

D~σj · ~qj

~qj 2 + M2π

(τ i · τ j

)(~σi · ~qj ) , V

(3)cont =



∑j 6=k

E (τ j · τ k ) ,

where D and E are the corresponding low-energy constants from the Lagrangian of

order ν = 1.

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NN and 3NF Interaction

Chiral order 2N force 3N force 4N force

ν = 0 V1π + Vcont − −ν = 1 − − −ν = 2 V1π + V2π + Vcont − −ν = 3 V1π + V2π V2π + V1π, cont + Vcont −ν = 4 V1π + V2π + V3π + Vcont work in progress work in progress

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Results with NN interaction to ν = 4












0 100 200 300Lab. Energy (MeV)













0 100 200 300Lab. Energy (MeV)












0 100 200 300Lab. Energy (MeV)












0 100 200 300Lab. Energy (MeV)













0 100 200 300Lab. Energy (MeV)











0 100 200 300Lab. Energy (MeV)


Phase Shifts

np phase parameters below 300MeV lab. energy for partial waveswith J ≤ 2. The solid line is theresult at N3LO.

The dotted and dashed lines arethe phase shifts at NLO andNNLO, respectively.

The solid dots show the Nijmegenmulti-energy np phase shift analysis

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Results with NN interaction to ν = 4








er (



0 100 200 300Lab. Energy (MeV)












0 100 200 300Lab. Energy (MeV)












0 100 200 300Lab. Energy (MeV)













0 100 200 300Lab. Energy (MeV)













0 100 200 300Lab. Energy (MeV)










er (



0 100 200 300Lab. Energy (MeV)


Phase Shifts

np phase parameters below 300MeV lab. energy for partial waveswith J ≤ 2. The solid line is theresult at N3LO.

The dotted and dashed lines arethe phase shifts at NLO andNNLO, respectively.

The solid dots show the Nijmegenmulti-energy np phase shift analysis

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How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

Exercises Day 1)

1 Show that the tensor operator in the nucleon-nucleon potential isgiven by

〈lSJ|S12 |l ′S ′J〉 = (−)S+J√

30(2l + 1)(2l ′ + 1)(2S + 1)(2S ′ + 1)


J S ′ l ′

2 l S

}(l ′ 2 l0 0 0

) s1 s2 Ss3 s4 S ′

1 1 2

×〈s1| |σ1| |s3〉 〈s2| |σ2| |s4〉 ,

and that it is zero for the 1S0 wave. Find the value for the 3S1 state.

2 Calculate ⟨1S0




Can we couple states with different total spins when we have onlyspin 1/2 fermions? (See e.g. the recent text of Talmi, SimpleModels of complex nuclei, or any advanced text on NuclearStructure if you need to know more about angular momentum, theWigner-Eckart theorem etc.).

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How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

Exercises Day 1)

The tensor operator in the nucleon-nucleon potential can be written as(see for example Talmi’s recent text)

V =3

r 2

[[σ1 ⊗ σ2](2) ⊗ [r ⊗ r](2)



Since the irreducible tensor [r ⊗ r](2) operates only on the angular

quantum numbers and [σ1 ⊗ σ2](2) operates only on the spin states wecan write the matrix element

〈lSJ|V |lSJ〉 = 〈lSJ|[[σ1 ⊗ σ2](2) ⊗ [r ⊗ r](2)


0|l ′S ′J〉

= (−1)J+l+S

{l S Jl ′ S ′ 2

}〈l | | [r ⊗ r](2) | |l ′〉

× 〈S | | [σ1 ⊗ σ2](2) | |S ′〉

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Exercises Day 1)

You will need that the coordinate vector r can be written in terms ofspherical components as

rα = r



Using this expression we get

[r ⊗ r](2)µ =

3r 2∑α,β

〈1α1β| 2µ〉Y1αY1β

The product of two spherical harmonics can be written as

Yl1m1 Yl2m2 =∑lm

√(2l1 + 1)(2l2 + 1)(2l + 1)

(l1 l2 l

m1 m2 m

)(l1 l2 l0 0 0


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Exercises Day 1)

Using this relation we get

[r ⊗ r](2)µ =

√4πr 2



〈1α1β| 2µ〉 〈1α1β| l −m〉 (−1)1−1−m√

2l + 1

(1 1 l0 0 0



4πr 2

(1 1 20 0 0



4πr 2



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Exercises Day 1)

Use then this relation to rewrite the reduced matrix element containingthe position vector as

〈l | | [r ⊗ r](2) | |l ′〉 =√


15r 2 〈l | |Y2| |l ′〉



15r 2(−1)l

√(2l + 1)5(2l ′ + 1)

(l 2 l ′

0 0 0


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Exercises Day 1)

Use the reduced matrix element of the spin operators defined as

〈S | | [σ1 ⊗ σ2](2) | |S ′〉 =√

(2S + 1)(2S ′ + 1)5

s1 s2 Ss3 s4 S ′

1 1 2

× 〈s1| |σ1| |s3〉 〈s2| |σ2| |s4〉

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Exercises Day 1)

Inserting these expressions for the two reduced matrix elements we get

〈lSJ|V |l ′S ′J〉 = (−1)S+J√

30(2l + 1)(2l ′ + 1)(2S + 1)(2S ′ + 1)


l S Jl ′ S 2

}(l 2 l ′

0 0 0

) s1 s2 Ss3 s4 S ′

1 1 2

×〈s1| |σ1| |s3〉 〈s2| |σ2| |s4〉 .

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Mathematical Intermezzo, two-body Schrodinger ink-space

The Schrodinger equation in abstract vector representation is

(T + V ) |ψn〉 = En|ψn〉 (1)

Here T is the kinetic energy operator and V is the potential operator.The eigenstates form a complete orthonormal set according to

1 =∑n

|ψn〉〈ψn|, 〈ψn|ψn′〉 = δn,n′

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Mathematical Intermezzo, two-body Schrodinger ink-space

The most commonly used representations of equation 1 are thecoordinate and the momentum space representations. They define thecompleteness relations

1 =

∫dr |r〉〈r|, 〈r|r′〉 = δ(r − r′) (2)

1 =

∫dk |k〉〈k|, 〈k|k′〉 = δ(k− k′) (3)

Here the basis states in both r- and k-space are dirac-delta functionnormalized. From this it follows that the plane-wave states are given by,

〈r|k〉 =



exp (ik · r) (4)

which is a transformation function defining the mapping from the

abstract |k〉 to the abstract |r〉 space.

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That the r-space basis states are delta-function normalized follows from

δ(r − r′) = 〈r|r′〉 = 〈r|1|r′〉 =

∫dk 〈r|k〉〈k|r′〉 =


)3 ∫dke ik(r−r′)

(5)and the same for the momentum space basis states,

δ(k− k′) = 〈k|k′〉 = 〈k|1|k′〉 =

∫dr 〈k|r〉〈r|k′〉 =


)3 ∫dre ir(k−k′)


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Mathematical Intermezzo, two-body Schrodinger ink-space

Projecting equation 1 on momentum states the momentum spaceSchrodinger equation is obtained,


2µk2ψn(k) +

∫dk′ V (k, k′)ψn(k′) = Enψn(k) (7)

Here the notation ψn(k) = 〈k|ψn〉 and 〈k |V |k′〉 = V (k, k′) has beenintroduced. The potential in momentum space is given by a doubleFourier-transform of the potential in coordinate space, i.e.

V (k, k′) =


)3 ∫dr

∫dr′ e−ikr V (r, r′)e ik′r′ (8)

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Mathematical Intermezzo, two-body Schrodinger ink-space

Here it is assumed that the potential interaction does not contain any

spin dependence. Instead of a differential equation in coordinate space,

the Schrodinger equation becomes an integral equation in momentum

space. This has many tractable features. Firstly, most realistic

nucleon-nucleon interactions derived from field-theory are given explicitly

in momentum space. Secondly, the boundary conditions imposed on the

differential equation in coordinate space are automatically built into the

integral equation. And last, but not least, integral equations are easy to

numerically implement, and convergence is obtained by just increasing

the number of integration points. Instead of solving the

three-dimensional integral equation given in equation (7), an infinite set

of 1-dimensional equations can be obtained via a partial wave expansion.

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Mathematical Intermezzo, two-body Schrodinger ink-space

The wave function ψn(k) can be expanded in a complete set of sphericalharmonics, i.e.

ψn(k) =∑lm

ψnlm(k)Ylm(k), ψnlm(k) =

∫dk Y ∗lm(k)ψn(k). (9)

By inserting equation 9 in equation 7, and projecting from the leftYlm(k), the three-dimensional Schrodinger equation (7) is reduced to aninfinite set of 1-dimensional angular momentum coupled integralequations,(


2µk2 − Enlm

)ψnlm(k) = −


∫ ∞0

dk ′k ′2Vlm,l′m′(k, k ′)ψnl′m′(k ′)

(10)where the angular momentum projected potential takes the form,

Vlm,l′m′(k , k ′) =


∫dk ′ Y ∗lm(k)V (k, k′)Yl′m′(k ′) (11)

here dk = dθ sin θ dϕ.CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

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Mathematical Intermezzo, two-body Schrodinger ink-space

Often the potential is given in position space, so it is convenient toestablish the connection between Vlm,l′m′(k , k ′) and Vlm,l′m′(r , r ′).Inserting position space completeness in equation (11) gives

Vlm,l′m′(k, k ′) =




∫dk ′ Y ∗lm(k)〈k|r〉〈r|V |r′〉〈r′|k′〉Ylm(k ′)




{ ∫dkY ∗lm(k)〈k|r〉

}×〈r|V |r′〉

{∫dk ′ Ylm(k ′)〈r′|k′〉


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Mathematical Intermezzo, two-body Schrodinger ink-space

Since the plane waves depend only on the absolute values of position andmomentum, |k|, |r|, and the angle between them, θkr , they may beexpanded in terms of bipolar harmonics of zero rank, i.e.

e ik·r = 4π∞∑l=0

i l jl(kr)(

Yl(k) · Yl(r))


(2l + 1)i l jl(kr)Pl(cos θkr )

(13)where the addition theorem for spherical harmonics has been used inorder to write the expansion in terms of Legendre polynomials. Thespherical Bessel functions, jl(z), are given in terms of Bessel functions ofthe first kind with half integer orders,

jl(z) =



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Mathematical Intermezzo, two-body Schrodinger ink-space

Inserting the plane-wave expansion into the brackets of equation (12)yields, ∫

dkY ∗lm(k)〈k|r〉 =



4πi−l jl(kr)Y ∗lm(r),∫dk ′ Ylm(k ′)〈r′|k′〉 =



4πi l′jl′(k ′r ′)Yl′m′(r).

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Mathematical Intermezzo, two-body Schrodinger ink-space

The connection between the momentum- and position space angularmomentum projected potentials are then given,

Vlm,l′m′(k , k ′) =2

πi l

′−l∫ ∞


dr r 2

∫ ∞0

dr ′ r ′2jl(kr)Vlm,l′m′(r , r ′)jl′(k ′r ′)

(14)which is known as a double Fourier-Bessel transform. The position spaceangular momentum projected potential is given by

Vlm,l′m′(r , r ′) =


∫dr ′ Y ∗lm(r)V (r, r′)Yl′m′(r ′). (15)

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Mathematical Intermezzo, two-body Schrodinger ink-space

No assumptions of locality/non-locality and deformation of theinteraction has so far been made, and the result in equation (14) isgeneral. In position space the Schrodinger equation takes form of anintegro-differential equation in case of a non-local interaction, inmomentum space the Schrodinger equation is an ordinary integralequation of the Fredholm type, see equation (10). This is a furtheradvantage of the momentum space approach as compared to thestandard position space approach. If we assume that the interaction is oflocal character, i.e.

〈r|V |r′〉 = V (r)δ(r − r′) = V (r)δ(r − r ′)

r 2δ(cos θ − cos θ′)δ(ϕ− ϕ′),

then equation (15) reduces to

Vlm,l′m′(r , r ′) =δ(r − r ′)

r 2

∫dr Y ∗lm(r)V (r)Yl′m′(r), (16)

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and equation (14) reduces to

Vlm,l′m′(k , k ′) =2

πi l

′−l∫ ∞


dr r 2 jl(kr)Vlm,l′m′(r)jl′(k ′r) (17)


Vlm,l′m′(r) =

∫dr Y ∗lm(r)V (r)Yl′m′(r), (18)

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Mathematical Intermezzo, two-body Schrodinger ink-space

In the case that the interaction is central, V (r) = V (r), then

Vlm,l′m′(r) = V (r)

∫dr Y ∗lm(r)Yl′m′(r) = V (r)δl,l′δm,m′ , (19)


Vlm,l′m′(k, k ′) =2


∫ ∞0

drr 2jl(kr)V (r)jl′(k ′r)δl,l′δm,m′ = Vl(k, k ′)δl,l′δm,m′

(20)where the momentum space representation of the interaction finallyreads,

Vl(k , k ′) =2


∫ ∞0

dr r 2 jl(kr)V (r)jl(k ′r). (21)

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Mathematical Intermezzo, two-body Schrodinger ink-space

For a local and spherical symmetric potential, the coupled momentumspace Schrodinger equations given in equation (10) decouples in angularmomentum, giving


2µk2ψnl(k) +

∫ ∞0

dk ′k ′2Vl(k , k ′)ψnl(k ′) = Enlψnl(k) (22)

Where we have written ψnl(k) = ψnlm(k), since the equation becomesindependent of the projection m for spherical symmetric interactions.The momentum space wave functions ψnl(k) defines a completeorthogonal set of functions, which spans the space of functions with apositive finite Euclidean norm (also called l2-norm),

√〈ψn|ψn〉, which is

a Hilbert space. The corresponding normalized wave function incoordinate space is given by the Fourier-Bessel transform

φnl(r) =



∫dk k2jl(kr)ψnl(k) (23)

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Bethe-Salpeter Equation

In order to obtain the parameters which define an NN potentialderived from OBE or chiral perturbation theory models, theBethe-Salpeter equation is used as the starting point for mostcalculations. This equation serves to define a two-particleinteraction T , meant to reproduce properties like low-energyscattering data. The fully covariant Bethe-Salpeter equation reads(suppressing spin and isospin) in an arbitrary frame⟨p′1p′2

∣∣ T |p1p2〉 =⟨p′1p′2

∣∣V |p1p2〉





∣∣V |P + k ,P − k〉

×S(1)(P + k)S(2)(P − k) 〈P + k ,P − k| T |p1p2〉 .

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Bethe-Salpeter Equation, contn.

Here we have defined P to be half the total four-momentum, i.e.P = 1

2 (p1 + p2), and k to be the relative four-momentum. Theterm S(i) is the fermion propagator, which for e.g. positive energyspin 1/2 baryons reads

S(i)(p) = ( 6 pi −mi + iε)−1 ,

with the subscript i referring to baryon i .

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Bethe-Salpeter Equation, contn.

In principle V is supposed to represent all kinds of irreducibletwo-particle interactions, though it is commonly approximated bythe lowest order two-particle diagram. With this prescription weobtain the familiar ladder approach to the Bethe-Salpeterequation, similar to the approach discussed in connection with theG -matrix. The schematic structure of the ladder equation isrepresentative for both the scattering matrix and the reactionmatrix G . It is a four-dimensional integral equation, which israther tedious to solve numerically.

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Bethe-Salpeter Equation, contn.

It is therefore commonly replaced by a three-dimensionalquasi-potential equation, where the time components of thefour-momenta of the incoming and outgoing particles have beenfixed by some adequate choice. Still in an arbitrary frame we get⟨

p′1p′2∣∣T |p1p2〉 =


∣∣V |p1p2〉





∣∣V |P + k,P− k〉

g(k, s) 〈P + k,P− k|T |p1p2〉 .

V is now the so-called “quasi-potential”, with fixed timecomponents of the in- and outgoing particle momenta. As such, itis no longer an independent quantity. A much favored choice is tofix p0

1 = p02 = 1


√s, s = (p1 + p2)2.

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Bethe-Salpeter Equation, contn.

This prescription puts the two particles symmetrically off-shell, andis used in connection with the Blankenbecler-Sugar equation. Thelatter is one possibility of several three-dimensional reductions ofthe Bethe-Salpeter equation. The quantity g is related to thebaryon propagators S(1)S(2) through

g(k, s) = −i


The Blankenbecler-Sugar choice for g is (assuming m1 = m2 andspin 1/2 fermions)

g(k, s) =m2




14 s − E 2

k + iε.

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All NN potentials reproduce essentially the same set of low-energyNN scattering data (Elab ≤ 350 MeV) and properties of thedeuteron. These are referred to as the “on-shell” properties of anNN potential, since all potential models result in a roughly similaron-shell scattering matrix T . The crucial point is then the differingoff-shell behavior of the NN potentials in nuclear structure studies.The Bethe-Salpeter equation reads in the center-of-mass system(omitting angular momentum, isospin, spin etc. assignments)

T (k, k′) = V (k, k′)+

∫ ∞0


(2π)3V (k,q)





k2 − q2 + iεT (q, k′),

where Eq =√

M2N + q2.

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Three-dimensional Reduction

For positive-energy spinors

T (k, k′) = V (k, k′) +

∫ ∞0


(2π)3V (k,q)




k2 − q2 + iεT (q, k′).


T (k, k′) =


Ek ′T (k, k′)




V (k, k′) =


Ek ′V (k, k′)




T (k, k′) = V (k, k′) +

∫ ∞0


(2π)3V (k,q)


k2 − q2 + iεT (q, k′).

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First Solution Step

In terms of the relative and center-of-mass momenta k and K, thepotential in momentum space is related to the nonlocal operatorV (r, r′) by


∣∣V |kK〉 =


′r′V (r′, r)eıkrδ(K,K′).

We will assume that the interaction is spherically symmetric. Canseparate the radial part of the wave function from its angulardependence. The wave function of the relative motion is describedin terms of plane waves as

eıkr = 〈r| k〉 = 4π∑lm

ıl jl(kr)Y ∗lm(k)Ylm(r),

where jl is a spherical Bessel function and Ylm the sphericalharmonic.

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Decomposing the NN Force

This partial wave basis is useful for defining the operator for thenucleon-nucleon interaction, which is symmetric with respect torotations, parity and isospin transformations. These symmetriesimply that the interaction is diagonal with respect to the quantumnumbers of total angular momentum J, spin S and isospin T .Using the above plane wave expansion, and coupling to final J, Sand T we get⟨

k′∣∣V |k〉 = (4π)2

∑STll ′mJ

ıl+l ′Y ∗lm(k)Yl ′m′(k′)


⟨k ′l ′STJM

∣∣V |klSTJM〉 ,

where we have defined⟨k ′l ′STJM

∣∣V |klSTJM〉 =

∫jl ′(k ′r ′)

⟨l ′STJM

∣∣V (r ′, r) |lSTJM〉 jl(kr)r ′2dr ′r 2dr .

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The general structure of the T -matrix is

Tαll ′(kk ′Kω) = V α

ll ′(kk ′)



∑l ′′mMS

∫ ∞0

dq(C l ′′SJmMSM)2 Y ∗l ′′m(q)Yl ′′m(q)V α

ll ′′(kq)Tαl ′′l ′(qk ′Kω)

ω − H0,

The shorthand notation

Tαll ′(kk ′Kω) = 〈kKlLJ ST |T (ω)

∣∣k ′Kl ′LJ ST⟩,

denotes the T -matrix with momenta k and k ′ and orbital momental and l ′ of the relative motion, and K is the correspondingmomentum of the center-of-mass motion. Further, L, J , S and Tare the orbital momentum of the center-of-mass motion, the totalangular momentum, spin and isospin, respectively.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

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How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

Using the orthogonality properties of the Clebsch-Gordancoefficients and the spherical harmonics, we obtain the well-knownone-dimensional angle independent integral equation

Tαll ′(kk ′Kω) = V α

ll ′(kk ′) +2


∑l ′′

∫ ∞0

dqq2 V αll ′′(kq)Tα

l ′′l ′(qk ′Kω)

ω − H0.

Inserting the denominators for the Blankenbecler-Sugar of the fullBethe-Salpeter equation we arrive at

Tαll ′(kk ′K ) = V α

ll ′(kk ′)+2


∑l ′′

∫ ∞0

dqq2V αll ′′(kq)


k2 − q2 + iεTαl ′′l ′(qk ′K ).

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 102: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

Recipe I

From now on we will drop the subscript l in all equations. In orderto solve the Lippman-Schwinger equation in momentum space, weneed first to write a function which sets up the mesh points. Weneed to do that since we are going to approximate an integralthrough ∫ b

af (x)dx ≈


wi f (xi ),

where we have fixed N lattice points through the correspondingweights wi and points xi . Typically obtained via methods likeGaussian quadrature, see my course on computational physics (allmaterial in english) http:


CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 103: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

Recipe II

If you use Gauss-Legendre the points are determined for theinterval xi ∈ [−1, 1] You map these points over to the limits inyour integral. You can then use the following mapping

ki = const × tan{π

4(1 + xi )


andωi = const




cos2(π4 (1 + xi )

) .If you choose units fm−1 for k, set const = 1. If you choose towork with MeV, set const ∼ 200 (~c = 197 MeVfm).

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 104: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

Recipe III

The principal value integral is rather tricky to evaluate numerically,mainly since computers have limited precision. We will here use asubtraction trick often used when dealing with singular integrals innumerical calculations. We introduce first the calculus relation∫ ∞



k − k0= 0.

It means that the curve 1/(k − k0) has equal and opposite areason both sides of the singular point k0. If we break the integral intoone over positive k and one over negative k , a change of variablek → −k allows us to rewrite the last equation as∫ ∞



k2 − k20

= 0.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 105: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

Recipe IV

We can then express a principal values integral as

P∫ ∞


f (k)dk

k2 − k20


∫ ∞0

(f (k)− f (k0))dk

k2 − k20


where the right-hand side is no longer singular at k = k0, it isproportional to the derivative df /dk, and can be evaluatednumerically as any other integral.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 106: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

Recipe V

We can then use this trick to obtain

R(k , k ′) = V (k, k ′)+2


∫ ∞0

dqq2V (k , q)R(q, k ′)− k2

0 V (k, k0)R(k0, k′)

(k20 − q2)/m


This is the equation to solve numerically in order to calculate thephase shifts. We are interested in obtaining R(k0, k0).

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 107: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

Recipe VI

How do we proceed?Using the mesh points kj and the weights ωj , we reach

R(k , k ′) = V (k, k ′)+2



ωjk2j V (k , kj)R(kj , k


(k20 − k2

j )/m− 2


0 V (k , k0)R(k0, k′)



(k20 − k2


CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 108: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

Recipe VII

This equation contains now the unknowns R(ki , kj) (withdimension N × N) and R(k0, k0).We can turn it into an equation with dimension (N + 1)× (N + 1)with a mesh which contains the original mesh points kj forj = 1,N and the point which corresponds to the energy k0.Consider the latter as the ’observable’ point. The mesh pointsbecome then kj for j = 1, n and kN+1 = k0.With these new mesh points we define the matrix

Ai ,j = δi ,j − V (ki , kj)uj ,

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 109: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

Recipe VIII

where δ is the Kronecker δ and

uj =2



(k20 − k2

j )/mj = 1,N


uN+1 = − 2




(k20 − k2

j )/m.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 110: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

Recipe IX

The first task is then to set up the matrix A for a given k0. This isan (N + 1)× (N + 1) matrix. It can be convenient to have an outerloop which runs over the chosen observable values for the energyk2

0/m. Note that all mesh points kj for j = 1,N must be differentfrom k0. Note also that V (ki , kj) is an (N + 1)× (N + 1) matrix.With the matrix A we can rewrite the problem as a matrix problemof dimension (N + 1)× (N + 1). All matrices R, A and V havethis dimension and we get

Ai ,lRl ,j = Vi ,j ,

or justAR = V .

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 111: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

Recipe X

Since you already have defined A and V (these are stored as(N + 1)× (N + 1) matrices) The final equation involves only theunknown R. We obtain it by matrix inversion, i.e.,

R = A−1V .

Thus, to obtain R, you will need to set up the matrices A and Vand invert the matrix A. With the inverse A−1, perform a matrixmultiplication with V results in R.With R you can then evaluate the phase shifts by noting that

R(kN+1, kN+1) = R(k0, k0) = − tanδ


where δ are the phase shifts.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 112: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

OBE vs Chiral Perturbation Theory

Historically, the experimental discovery of heavy mesons in the early 1960s gavemomentum to the one-boson-exchange (OBE) model. Prior to that it was pionphysics which dominated the picture. The weak point of this model, however, is thescalar-isoscalar “sigma” or “epsilon” boson, for which the empirical evidence remainscontroversial. Since this boson is associated with the correlated (or resonant)exchange of two pions, a vast theoretical effort that occupied more than a decade(1970-1980) was launched to derive the 2π-exchange contribution of the nuclear force,which creates the intermediate range attraction.

The nuclear force problem appeared to be solved; however, with the discovery of

quantum chromo-dynamics (QCD), all “meson theories” had to be relegated to

models and the attempts to derive the nuclear force started all over again.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 113: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

OBE vs Chiral Perturbation Theory

The problem with a derivation from QCD is that this theory is non-perturbative in the

low-energy regime characteristic of nuclear physics, which makes direct solutions

impossible. Therefore, during the first round of new attempts, QCD-inspired quark

models became popular. These models were able to reproduce qualitatively some of

the gross features of the nuclear force. But were useless for nuclear structure. Also, on

a critical note, it has been pointed out that these quark-based approaches were

nothing but another set of models and, thus, did not represent any fundamental

progress. Equally well, one may then stay with the simpler and much more

quantitative meson models.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 114: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

Chiral Perturbation Theory

A major breakthrough occurred when the concept of an effective field theory (EFT)

was introduced and applied to low-energy QCD. As outlined by Weinberg in 1979 one

has to write down the most general Lagrangian consistent with the assumed symmetry

principles, particularly the (broken) chiral symmetry of QCD. At low energy, the

effective degrees of freedom are pions and nucleons rather than quarks and gluons;

heavy mesons and nucleon resonances are “integrated out”. So, in a certain sense we

are back to the 1950s, except that we are smarter by 40 years of experience: broken

chiral symmetry is a crucial constraint that generates and controls the dynamics and

establishes a clear connection with the underlying theory, QCD.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 115: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

Chiral Perturbation Theory

Chiral Perturbation Theory (CHPT) is the effective theory of QCD and, moregenerally, of the Standard Model, which was formulated by Weinberg and developed into a systematic tool for analyzing low–energy QCD by Gasser and Leutwyler.Consider the QCD Lagrangian in the two–flavor case of the light up and down quarks

LQCD = q (iγµDµ −M)q −


4G aµνG

aµν ,

where Dµ = ∂µ − igsG aµT

a with T a, (with a = 1 . . . 8) are the SU(3)color Gell–Mann

matrices and q the quark fields. Further, G aµν are the gluon field strength tensors, and

the quark mass matrix is given by M = diag(mu , md ).

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 116: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

Chiral Perturbation Theory

The left– and right–handed quark fields are defined by qL,R = 1/2(1± γ5)q. The

chiral group G is a group of independent SU(2)flavor transformations of the left– and

right–handed quark fields, G = SU(2)L × SU(2)R. Expressing the quark part in the

QCD Lagrangian in terms of qL,R , it is easy to see that the covariant derivative term

is invariant with respect to global chiral rotations, while the quark mass term is not.

The running quark masses at the renormalization scale µ = 1 GeV are mu ∼ 5 MeV

and md ∼ 9 MeV. Given the fact that the masses of the up and down quarks are

much smaller than the typical hadron scale of the order of 1 GeV, chiral SU(2)L ×SU(2)R symmetry can be considered as a rather accurate symmetry of QCD.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces

Page 117: Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactionsbrown/Uio-MSU-ORNL-UT-2011/Morten... · Outline Lecture I: Models for Nuclear Interactions Morten Hjorth-Jensen1 1Department of Physics and

How to construct an Interaction: Partial Wave AnalysisAdditional material: From QCD to Effective Field Theories

Chiral Perturbation Theory

There is a strong evidence on both experimental and theoretical sides that chiralsymmetry of QCD is spontaneously broken down to its vector subgroup (isospin groupin the two–flavor case). Perhaps, the most striking evidence of the spontaneousbreaking of the axial generators is provided by the nonexistence of degenerate paritydoublets in the hadron spectrum and the presence of the triplet of unnaturally lightpseudoscalar mesons (pions). The latter are natural candidates for the correspondingNambu–Goldstone bosons which acquire a small nonzero mass due to the explicitchiral symmetry breaking by the nonvanishing quark masses.

CENS: A Computational Environment for Nuclear Structure Lecture I: NN Forces