Lecture - 7 Sm

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  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Acquisitions and


  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Mergers, Acquisitions, and Takeovers:

    What are the Differences?• Merger – A transaction where two firms agree to integrate their

    operations on a relatively coequal asis ecause they have

    resources and capailities that together may create a stronger

    competitive advantage

    • Acquisition – A transaction where one firm uys another firm with the intent

    of more effectively using a core competence y making theacquired firm a susidiary within its portfolio of usinesses

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    Mergers, Acquisitions, and Takeovers:

    What are the Differences?• Joint Venture

     – A contractual agreement !oining together two or more parties

    for the purpose of e"ecuting a particular usiness undertaking#

    All parties agree to share in the profits and losses of the


    • Take Over – An acquisition where the target firm did not solicit the id of

    the acquiring firm

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    Inadequateevaluation of target

    Too muchdiversification

    Large or extraordinary debt

    Inability toachieve synergy

    Managers overlyfocused on acquisitions

    Too large


    market power 

    Overcomeentry barriers

    Lower riskcompared to developingnew products

    Cost of newproduct development

    Increased speedto market


     void excessivecompetition


    Reasons Problems

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Acquisitions: $ncreased Market %ower

    • &actors increasing market power when: – There is the aility to sell goods or services aove

    competitive levels#

     –'osts of primary or support activities are elowthose of competitors#

     – A firm(s si)e, resources and capailities gives it a

    superior aility to compete#

    • Acquisitions intended to increase market powerare su!ect to: – *egulatory review

     – Analysis y financial markets

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Acquisitions: $ncreased Market %ower

    +cont(d• Market power is increased y: – -ori)ontal acquisitions: other firms in the same


     – .ertical acquisitions: suppliers or distriutors of the

    acquiring firm

     – *elated acquisitions: firms in highly related


  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Market %ower Acquisitions

    •  cquisition of a company in the

    same industry in which the

    acquiring firm competes

    increases a firm!s market power

    •  cquisitions with similar

    characteristics result in higher

    performance than those with

    dissimilar characteristics"


  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Market %ower Acquisitions +cont(d

    •  cquisition of a supplier or

    distributor of one or more of the

    firm!s goods or services

    Increases a firm!s market

    power by controlling additional

    parts of the value chain"




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    Market %ower Acquisitions +cont(d

    •  cquisition of a company in a

    highly related industry

    #ecause of the difficulty in

    implementing synergy$

    related acquisitions are often

    difficult to implement"





  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Acquisitions: /vercoming 0ntry


    • 0ntry 1arriers – &actors associated with the market or with the firms

    operating in it that increase the e"pense and

    difficulty faced y new ventures when trying to

    enter that market• 0conomies of scale

    • Differentiated products

    • 'ross21order Acquisitions

     – Acquisitions made etween companies with

    headquarters in different countries

    • Are often made to overcome entry arriers#

    • 'an e difficult to negotiate and operate ecause of the

    differences in foreign cultures#

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Acquisitions: 'ost of 3ew2%roduct

    Development and $ncreased 4peed to

    Market• $nternal development of new products is often

    perceived as high2risk activity#

     – Acquisitions allow a firm to gain access to new and

    current products that are new to the firm#

     – *eturns are more predictale ecause of the

    acquired firms( e"perience with the products#

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Acquisitions: 5ower *isk 'ompared to

    Developing 3ew %roducts

    • An acquisition(s outcomes can e estimated

    more easily and accurately than the outcomes

    of an internal product development process#

     – Managers may view acquisitions as lowering risk

    associated with internal ventures and *6D



    Acquisitions may discourage or suppress innovation#

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    Acquisitions: $ncreased Diversification

    • 7sing acquisitions to diversify a firm is the

    quickest and easiest way to change its portfolio

    of usinesses#

    • 1oth related  diversification and unrelated  diversification strategies can e implemented

    through acquisitions#

    • The more related the acquired firm is to theacquiring firm, the greater is the proaility

    that the acquisition will e successful#

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Acquisitions: *eshaping the &irm(s

    'ompetitive 4cope

    • An acquisition can:

     – *educe the negative effect of an intense rivalry on a

    firm(s financial performance#

     – *educe a firm(s dependence on one or more products

    or markets#

    • *educing a company(s dependence on specific

    markets alters the firm(s competitive scope#

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Acquisitions: 5earning and Developing

    3ew 'apailities• An acquiring firm can gain capailities that the

    firm does not currently possess:

     – 4pecial technological capaility

     – A roader knowledge ase

    • &irms should acquire other firms with different

    ut related and complementary capailities inorder to uild their own knowledge ase#

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    %rolems in Achieving Acquisition


    Too large


    overly focused on

    acquisitionsExtraordinary debt


    target evaluation

    Too much


    Inability to

    achieve synergy






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    %rolems in Achieving Acquisition

    4uccess: $ntegration Difficulties• $ntegration challenges include:

     – Melding two disparate corporate cultures

     – 5inking different financial and control systems

     – 1uilding effective working relationships +particularly

    when management styles differ

     – *esolving prolems regarding the status of the newly

    acquired firm(s e"ecutives – 5oss of key personnel weakens the acquired firm(s

    capailities and reduces its value

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    %rolems in Achieving Acquisition

    4uccess: $nadequate 0valuation of the

    Target• Due Diligence – The process of evaluating a target firm for


    • $neffective due diligence may result in paying an e"cessivepremium for the target company#

    • 0valuation requires e"amining:

     – &inancing of the intended transaction

     – Differences in culture etween the firms

     – Ta" consequences of the transaction

     – Actions necessary to meld the two workforces

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    %rolems in Achieving Acquisition

    4uccess: 5arge or 0"traordinary Det• -igh det can:

     – $ncrease the likelihood of ankruptcy

     – 5ead to a downgrade of the firm(s credit rating

     – %reclude investment in activities that contriute to

    the firm(s long2term success such as:

    • *esearch and development

    • -uman resource training• Marketing

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    %rolems in Achieving Acquisition

    4uccess: $naility to Achieve 4ynergy

    • Synergy 

     – When assets are worth more when used in

    con!unction with each other than when they areused separately#

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    %rolems in Achieving Acquisition

    4uccess: $naility to Achieve 4ynergy

    +cont(d•  A firm develops competitive advantage through

    an acquisition strategy only when a transaction

     generates private synergy.

    • Private synergy  – When the comination and integration of the acquiring and

    acquired firms( assets yields capailities and core

    competencies that could not e developed y comining andintegrating either firm(s assets with another company#

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    %rolems in Achieving Acquisition

    4uccess: $naility to Achieve 4ynergy

    +cont(d• %ossile when firm(s assets are complimentary

    in unique ways

     – 7nique type of assets complimentarity is not possiley comining either company(s assets with another

    firm(s assets#

    • Advantage: $t is difficult for competitors to understand andimitate#

    • Disadvantage: $t is also difficult to create#

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    %rolems in Achieving Acquisition

    4uccess: Too Much Diversification• Diversified firms must process more information

    of greater diversity#

     – $ncreased operational scope created y

    diversification may cause managers to rely too muchon financial +*/$ rather than strategic controls to

    evaluate usiness units( performances#

     – 4trategic focus shifts to short2term performance#

    • *esult ? 4trategic competitiveness?

     – Acquisitions may ecome sustitutes for innovation#

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    %rolems in Achieving Acquisition

    4uccess: Managers /verly &ocused on

    Acquisitions• Managers invest sustantial time and energy inacquisition strategies in:

     – 4earching for viale acquisition candidates#

     – 'ompleting effective due2diligence processes#

     – %reparing for negotiations#

     – Managing the integration process after the

    acquisition is completed#

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    %rolems in Achieving Acquisition

    4uccess: Managers /verly &ocused on

    Acquisitions• Managers in target firms operate in a state ofvirtual suspended animation during an


     – 0"ecutives may ecome hesitant to make decisionswith long2term consequences until negotiations have

    een completed#

     – The acquisition process can create a short2term

    perspective and a greater aversion to risk amonge"ecutives in the target firm#

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    %rolems in Achieving Acquisition

    4uccess: Too 5arge

    • Additional costs of controls may e"ceed the

    enefits of the economies of scale and

    additional market power#

    • 5arger si)e may lead to more ureaucraticcontrols#

    • &ormali)ed controls often lead to relatively

    rigid and standardi)ed managerial ehavior#• The firm may produce less innovation#

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Acquired firm has Assets / Resources

    that are comlementary to the

    acquiring firm!s core business

    "uying firms with assets that meet current needs

    to build cometitiveness#

    Acquisitions is $riendly

    $riendly deals ma%e integration go more smoothly#

    $aster and more effective integration and ossiblylower remiums

    Acquiring firm conducts due


    &areful 'election Process

    (eliberate evaluation and negotiations are more

    li%ely to lead to easy integration and building


    Acquiring firm has $inancial

    'lac% )cash or a favorable debt


    Provide enough additional financial resources

    so that rofitable ro+ects would not be


    $inancing is easy and less costly to obtain

    Attributes Results

    Attriutes of 0ffective Acquisitions

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Attriutes of 0ffective Acquisitions

    Attributes Results

    Merged firm maintains ,ow-to-



    Merged firm maintains financial flexibility

    ,ower financing cost. ,ower ris%

    Acquiring firm manageschange well and is flexible and


    $aster and more effective integrationfacilitates achievement of synergies

    Acquiring firm has sustained

    emhasis on Innovation/R( &ontinue to invest in R( as art of

    the firm!s overall strategy

    ,ong term cometitive advantage

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm



    • A strategy through which a firm changes its set

    of usinesses or financial structure#

     – &ailure of an acquisition strategy often precedes a

    restructuring strategy# – *estructuring may occur ecause of changes in the

    e"ternal or internal environments#

    • *estructuring strategies:

     – Downsi)ing

     – Downscoping

     – 5everaged uyouts

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Types of *estructuring: Downsi)ing

    • A reduction in the numer of a firm(s

    employees and sometimes in the numer of its

    operating units#

     – May or may not change the composition ofusinesses in the company(s portfolio#

    • Typical reasons for downsi)ing:

     – 0"pectation of improved profitaility from cost


     – Desire or necessity for more efficient operations

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Types of *estructuring: Downscoping

    • A divestiture, spin2off or other means of

    eliminating usinesses unrelated to a firm(s

    core usinesses#

    • A set of actions that causes a firm tostrategically refocus on its core usinesses#

     – May e accompanied y downsi)ing, ut not

    eliminating key employees from its primary

    usinesses# – 4maller firm can e more effectively managed y

    the top management team#

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    *estructuring: 5everaged 1uyouts


    • The acquisition of another company using a significant

    amount of orrowed money +onds or loans to meet

    the cost of acquisition#

    •  /ften, the assets of the company eing acquired are

    used as collateral for the loans in addition to the assets

    of the acquiring company#

    •  The purpose of leveraged uyouts is to allow

    companies to make large acquisitions without having to

    commit a lot of capital#

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    *estructuring: 5everaged 1uyouts


    • $n an 51/, there is usually a ratio of 89 det to ;9


     – 5everaged uyouts have had a notorious history, especially in

    the ;8

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    *estructuring and /utcomes

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm



    Thank You

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Assignment - 2

    Case Presentations

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Case Presentations

    Group ames Cases

    ; M 'ultivating 'ore competency +'ase2;

    AMD .s $ntel: 'ompetitive 'hallenge +'ase2B

    1oeing: *edefining strategies to manage the competitivemarket +'ase C @

    B Dell: &rom a low cost %' market to an innovativecompany +'ase 2

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    Group ames CasesG -uawei: 'isco(s 'hinese 'hallenger +'ase 2 ;B

    < Fet 1lue Airways: 'hallenges Ahead +'ase 2 ;E

    8 5ufthansa: oing loal ut how to managecomple"ity+'ase2;

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture - 7 Sm


    • ;

    • B

    • @

    • E

    • G

    • <

    • 8

    • ;9

    • ;;
