Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka [email protected] Introduction to Robots and...

Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka [email protected] Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments
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Transcript of Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka [email protected] Introduction to Robots and...

Page 1: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

Lecture 3: Behavior Selection

Gal A. Kaminka

[email protected]

Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems

Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments

Page 2: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

2 © Gal Kaminka

Previously, on Robots …Multiple levels of control: Behaviors

Avoid Object




Monitor Change

Identify objects

Plan changes

Page 3: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

3 © Gal Kaminka

Subsuming Layers How to make sure overall output is coherent?

e.g., avoid object is in conflict with explore Subsumption hierarchy: Higher levels modify lower

Avoid Object




Page 4: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

4 © Gal Kaminka

This week, on Robots ….

Behavior Selection/Arbitration Activation-based selection

winner-take-all selection argmax selection (priority, utility, success likelihood, … )

Behavior networks Goal-oriented behavior-based control Takes a direct aim at key weaknesses of reactive approach

Behavior hierarchies

Page 5: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

5 © Gal Kaminka

Behavior Selection (Arbitration) One behavior takes over completely

All sensors, actions controlled by the behavior Behaviors compete for control

Key questions: How do we select the correct behavior? When do we terminate the selected behavior?

Page 6: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

6 © Gal Kaminka

Maes’ Actions Selection Mechanism (MASM)

Some key highlights: Merges some planning with behavior-based control

Goal-oriented, allows predictions Responsive, allows reactivity “Speed vs. thought” trade-off

Lots of number-hacking A later article addressed this issue with learning However, complex environment may suffer from this

Page 7: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

7 © Gal Kaminka

Overall Structure

Behaviors: preconditions, delete/add lists, activation Activation links spread positive and negative activation













Page 8: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

8 © Gal Kaminka


Similar to a fully-instantiated planning operator No variables (i.e, pick-up-A, not pick-up(A)

Preconditions (what must be true to be executable) Add/delete list (what changes once behavior



Page 9: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

9 © Gal Kaminka

Connecting Behaviors

Activation: Sensors to behaviors with matching preconditions



Page 10: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

10 © Gal Kaminka

Connecting Behaviors

Activation: Sensors to behaviors with matching preconditions Add lists to behaviors with matching preconditions





Page 11: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

11 © Gal Kaminka

Connecting Behaviors (Backward)

Activation: Goals to behaviors with matching add lists Behaviors to behaviors with matching add lists






Page 12: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

12 © Gal Kaminka

Connecting Behaviors (Backward)

Advantages: Goal-orientedness (goal drives behaviors) Reactivity (sensors drive behaviors) Parameterized!






Page 13: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

13 © Gal Kaminka

Handling Conflicts

Conflicting behaviors inhibit each other This is a winner-take-all configuration











Page 14: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

14 © Gal Kaminka

Winner Take All

A very basic structure in neural networks Relies on recurrence

Key idea: Nodes compete by inhibiting each other After some cycles, winner emerges This is useful in many neural models of behavior

Page 15: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

15 © Gal Kaminka

Basic Structure

Each node excited by incoming information Each node’s activation inhibits its competitors













Page 16: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

16 © Gal Kaminka

First activation

Darker == more activation

(2 is most active, 1 least)














Page 17: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

17 © Gal Kaminka

After a few cycles

3 and 2 stronger than 1, so 1 quickly deactivates 2 slightly stronger than 3, so 3 slowly deactivates














Page 18: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

18 © Gal Kaminka

After a few more cycles

Once 1 is out of picture, only 2 and 3 compete 2 becomes stronger: a weaker 3 inhibits 2 less














Page 19: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

19 © Gal Kaminka

Until finally….

Only output from 2 remains














Page 20: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

20 © Gal Kaminka

Winner Take All

Output from winning node ends up being used Typically, if over a threshold

Once node becomes active, never lets in any other A basic problem. Standard solutions: reset after some time, decay, …

This mechanism can be used to solve competition Activation is key feature/requirement

Page 21: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

21 © Gal Kaminka

Running a behavior network

Let activation spread for a while, wait for threshold Once behavior over threshold, execute it

Reset activation after it’s done











Page 22: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

22 © Gal Kaminka


We’ve discussed planned vs. reactive behavior Threshold value changes “speed vs. thought”

Larger threshold, more behaviors involved before selection Small threshold, less likely to find optimal chain

This is not hybrid architecture—really something new!

Page 23: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

23 © Gal Kaminka


Where will this fail? Succeed?

What needs improvement? What does not?

What tasks is it good for?

As scientists,

you must always ask yourself these questions

Page 24: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

24 © Gal Kaminka

Protected Goals Sussman Anomaly:

Given: A on B, B on table, C on table Do: A on B, B on C, C on table

No way to do this without undoing a subgoal If one is not careful, might go into thrashing

Take off A, put A back, Take off A, …. Maes added mechanism for protected goals

Not clear where protection comes from

Page 25: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

25 © Gal Kaminka

Other problems with MASM No variables Blow up in the number of behaviors Thrashing: Behavior resets, then re-selected Bug in activation algorithm:

Activation from goals is divided by number of goals Thus a behavior satisfying more goals is not preferred Additional minor issues like this found, corrected later Tyrell 1993,1994, Dorer 1999, Blumberg 1994, …

Page 26: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

26 © Gal Kaminka

Reminder We are talking about behavior selection Multiple behaviors exist Question is which one to choose

Behaviors compete for control of robot

Behavior networks have activation: Goal priority “meets” sensor data (preconditions, effects) Winner-take-all selection

Page 27: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

27 © Gal Kaminka

Activation-based selection For each behavior, build an activation function

How useful it is (utility, value) How urgent it is (priority) How likely it is to succeed (likelihood of success) How much it matches current state (applicability) ….

Can of course combine these (e.g., utility X priority) Select behavior with top activation Let it run Re-evaluate all activations

Page 28: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

28 © Gal Kaminka

Formal behavior selection Behaviors are arranged in a DAG <B,E>

DAG: Directed Acyclic Graph B set of behaviors (vertices) E set of edges (a,b), where a, b in B.

The graph is structured hierarchically: Single root behavior is most general leaf behaviors correspond to primitive actions A path from every behavior to at least one primitive behavior children(b) = { all behaviors a, such that (b,a) is in E }

Page 29: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

29 © Gal Kaminka

Hierarchical behaviors The root behavior is always active An active behavior with no active child must select one An active behavior can decide to deactivate itself


Play Interrupt

Attack-Center Zone Defense

Move Kick Pass Clear Turn

Attack Pincer

Page 30: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

30 © Gal Kaminka

argmax selection At any given time, select behavior whose

priority value likelihood of success applicability

is greatest No sequence of behaviors known in advance

Many instances of behaviors can co-exist, compete

Page 31: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

31 © Gal Kaminka

Formally …. f(b) be a function which gives the behavior’s activation Then the arbitration result is:

argmaxc (f(c)), where c in children(b) For instance, to choose by value,

argmaxc (value(c)) Or, to choose by priority,

argmaxc (priority(c) Or decision-theoretic choice,

argmaxc (probability(c) * value(c))

Page 32: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

32 © Gal Kaminka

Subsumption as argmax selection Subsumption level of behavior b, given by level(b) Applicability of behavior b, given by app(b) --- 0 or 1 Subsumption arbitration: argmaxb (app(b) * level(b))

Avoid Object




Page 33: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

33 © Gal Kaminka

Case Study: HandleBall Arbitrator (ChaMeleons’01)

HandleBall behavior triggered when player has ball Must select between multiply-instantiated children:

shoot on goal, pass for shot, pass forward, dribble to goal dribble forward, clear, pass to closer, ….

We defined a complex arbitrator combining: priority, and likelyhood of success

Page 34: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

34 © Gal Kaminka

HandleBall Example

Page 35: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

35 © Gal Kaminka

“Number-hacking”: Thrashing

de-selection and re-selection of behaviors the time

sensor value around threshold

sensor value around threshold

sensor value around threshold

sensor value around threshold

Page 36: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

36 © Gal Kaminka

“Number-hacking”: Sensitivity Sensitivity to specific values, ranges

Manually adjusting values by 0.1 to get a wanted result… Where do the numbers come from? Learning?

e.g., programmer forgot a range of values? e.g., programmer needs to extend range

Page 37: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

37 © Gal Kaminka

State-Based Selection

State-based selection Look at world and internal state to make selection

Behaviors as operators? Almost. Pre-conditions, termination-conditions Selection control rules (non-numeric preferences, priorities)

Finite state machines and hierarchical machines

Page 38: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

38 © Gal Kaminka

State-Based Behavior Selection

Elements from reactive control, but with internal state Quick response to sensor readings

Sensor-driven operation Behaviors maintain internal state

e.g., previously-executed behaviors e.g., previous sensor readings …

Page 39: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

39 © Gal Kaminka

Behaviors as operators Conditions:

Preconditions: When is it applicable? Termination conditions: When is it done?

Conditions test sensors, internal state Must maintain World Model

Can be simple (e.g., vector of sensor readings) Or complex (e.g., internal variables, previous readings)

Page 40: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

40 © Gal Kaminka

State-Based Selection: Architecture

World Model(beliefs)






Page 41: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

41 © Gal Kaminka

State-Based Selection: Architecture

World Model(beliefs)






Page 42: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

42 © Gal Kaminka

State-Based Selection: Architecture

World Model(beliefs)






Page 43: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

43 © Gal Kaminka

Conflicting Behaviors

What if more than one behavior matches?

World Model(beliefs)






Page 44: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

44 © Gal Kaminka

Preference Rules Prefer one behavior over another Provide “local guidance”

Do not consider all possible cases, nor global ranking Test world model (which also records behaviors)

World Model(beliefs)







Page 45: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

45 © Gal Kaminka


Page 46: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

46 © Gal Kaminka

What’s in a world model?

World Model(beliefs)







Page 47: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

47 © Gal Kaminka

What’s in a world model?

A vector of sensor readings Distance front = 250 Light Left = Detected Battery = Medium level

A vector of virtual sensors Distance front < 90 AND light front Average front distances = 149.4



Page 48: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

48 © Gal Kaminka

What’s in a world model?

A vector processed data Estimated X, Y from detected landmarks Seen purple blob at pixel 2,5 Communication from teammate

A vector of world models Position of opponent 2 seconds ago My position 10 seconds ago



Page 49: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

49 © Gal Kaminka

Hierarchical Behaviors

Hierarchies allow designer to build reusable behaviors

At any given moment, a path is selected All behaviors in the path are active

May issue action commands Monitor sensors

This is different from a function call stack What happens when behavior terminates?

Page 50: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

50 © Gal Kaminka

Case Study: ModSAF Preference rules manage high-priority interrupts Preconditions dictate ordering

Execute Mission

Fly Flight Plan Wait-at-Point

Fly Route Land

NOE Low Contour Unmask Shoot

Find Position

Halt Join Scout Engage

Page 51: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

51 © Gal Kaminka

State-based selection

Preconditions and termination conditions Effective, allow flexible re-use

Very complex behavior generated Thrashing still very much a problem

Page 52: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

52 © Gal Kaminka

Finite State Machines: Avoid Thrashing by Sequencing

Every state represents a behavior Transitions are triggered by sensor readings








Page 53: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

53 © Gal Kaminka

Example: Foraging

Pick UpClose to Puck

Go HomeAcquire

Have Puck

Drop At Home

Page 54: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

54 © Gal Kaminka

Example: Foraging

Pick UpClose to Puck

Go HomeAcquire

Lost Puck

Have Puck

Drop At Home

Page 55: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

55 © Gal Kaminka

Hierarchical Finite State Machines

A behaviors can be decomposed into others Decomposition selected based on sensors, memory







Page 56: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

56 © Gal Kaminka

BITE: Bar Ilan Teamwork Engine

Combining FSAs and state-based selection Multiple opportunities for arbitration

Temporal (what comes next) Hierarchical (which child should be selected)

Prevention of cycling, thrashing e.g., by keeping record of which child was recently selected

Page 57: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

57 © Gal Kaminka


Page 58: Lecture 3: Behavior Selection Gal A. Kaminka galk@cs.biu.ac.il Introduction to Robots and Multi-Robot Systems Agents in Physical and Virtual Environments.

58 © Gal Kaminka

Homework #2

1. Propose algorithms for detecting (a) thrashing, (b) cycling. The algorithms must be appropriate for execution on robots.

2. One of the advantages of the state-based and activation-based approaches (non-FSA) is that they allow opportunism. Using FSAs limits this opportunism, since behaviors are executed in pre-determined sequences. Propose a method to allow opportunism in FSAs.

3. Propose a technique for resolving thrashing and cycling once detected.