Lecture 09 Competition Ecology

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Transcript of Lecture 09 Competition Ecology

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    Lecture 9:


  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    What is competition?! An interaction that occurs when a number of

    organisms of the same ( intraspecific ) or different(interspecific ) species utilize common resources

    ! General types of competition:!

    Exploitation competition - organisms compete for resourcesthat exist in a limited supply

    ! Interference competition - organisms compete aggressivelyfor a resource, with the possibility of competitors being harmed orkilled. In this case, the resource need not necessarily be in shortsupply.

    ! Pre-emptive competition - organisms compete for space as alimiting resource.

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    Competition in Hypothetical Space

    K for two different species may be different, such that a single areamay accommodate more individuals of one species than another

    In resource competition, each species may fill a particular area at adifferent rate, regardless of species density

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    What does this model predict?

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    What about species 2?!

    For species 2 we can take the same approach. First,find a conversion factor:

    " N 1 = equivalent # of species 2 individuals! And include this expression into our equation for

    species 2:dN 2 /dt = r 2 N 2 ((K 2-N 2- " N 1 )/K 2 )

    ! We can then represent this graphically with a similarequilibrium isocline

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    Species 2 equilibrium

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    So if we put these two species together, what happens?

    ! One of three things:! Both species coexist! Species 1 goes extinct! Species 2 goes extinct

    ! How do we predict which of these outcomes is mostlikely?

    ! Solve the following simultaneous equations atequilibrium:

    dN 1 /dt =0=dN 2 /dt ! We can do this by vector additions with our isocline


  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    So if we put these two species together,

    what happens?

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    So if we put these two species together,

    what happens?

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    So if we put these two species together,

    what happens?

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    Outcome of Lotka-Volterra models

    ! No equilibrium unless the isoclines cross

    ! If the isoclines do cross, the equilibrium pointrepresented by the crossing can be stable orunstable

    ! We can make predictions of outcomes based on thevalues of ! , " , K 1 and K 2

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    Competition in Tilman

    s Model

    ! We can repeat this analysis for a second species andsuperimpose the two zero growth isoclines

    ! We can then determine how the two species willinteract when competing for the consideredresources

    ! Much like the L-V models, extinction or equilibrium(stable or unstable) are possible

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    Mathematical models of competition! From the Lotka-Volterra and Tilman models three

    important ideas about the competitive interactions oftwo species have arisen! Competition can lead to one species winning and one

    going extinct!

    Some competitive interactions can lead to coexistence! We can understand competitive interactions only byknowing the resources involved and the mechanisms bywhich species compete

    dN 1 /dt = r 1 N 1 ((K 1-N 1-! N 2 )/K 1 )

    dN 2 /dt = r 2 N 2 ((K 2-N 2- " N 1 )/K 2 )

    dN 1 /dt =0=dN 2 /dt

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    Competition in Natural Populations! Does competitive exclusion prevent the simultaneousoccupancy of a niche by two species?! Hutchison (1958) suggested some conditions under which

    competitive exclusion might not lead to extinction! Unstable environments that never reach equilibrium and are

    occupied by colonizing species! Environments in which species do not compete for resources! Fluctuating environments that reverse the direction of

    competition before extinction is possible

    ! How can we explain the apparent coexistence of largenumbers of species in field communities?! Perhaps competition in nature is actually somewhat rare! Perhaps competition is common, and has resulted in similar

    species having adaptations that serve to minimizecompetition

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    How can we determine whether

    competitive exclusion will occur?! A species will not be excluded from a habitat if it can still

    invade under non-ideal circumstances! When abundance is close to 0 and competitor abundance

    is close to K! If per capita growth rate is still positive under these

    conditions then the species can invade.dN 1 /dtN 1 = r 1((K 1-N 1-! N 2 )/K 1 ) !!!! if K 1 /K 2 > ! , then Sp. 1 caninvade

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology



    Ghost of Competition Past

    ! The apparent coexistence of a number of species ledConnell (1980) to suggest that the currentdistribution of species resulted from a past in whichcompetitive exclusion was a significant selectiveforce

    ! Competition between species in the evolutionary pasthas led to a current state where species with verysimilar niches have either:! 1) experienced extinctions or! 2) evolved differences in behavior, diet, phenology ordistribution that now minimize competition

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    Character Displacement & Speciation! Character displacement takes place when competingspecies evolve to be more distinct from one another in

    some attribute so as to minimize competition! Intraspecific competition can select for differences within

    a population that can ultimately bring about speciation

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  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    Character Displacement & Speciation

    ! Resource partitioning in terns: acase of character displacement?

    ! Species differ in their overall size,and the size of fish they tend to

    consume! Two species (Sooty and Brown

    Noddy) have similar prey sizedistributions, but search for preyin very different habitats

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    Character displacement infinch beak size

    Comparison of 5 islandswhere Geospiz fortis and G.fuliginosa occur

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    Testing competition using replacement Series Experiments

    ! Pioneered in the 1960

    s,these experiments allow forthe manipulation of thedistribution of plant speciesin a common garden.! Similar to common garden

    experiments! Density is held constant

    across experimental plots, butthe distribution of the studyspecies is altered.

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    Competition and Facilitation

    ! Interactions between species need not always be a lose-lose situation! For some species, the presence of another species

    improves growth, leading to a phenomenon know asfacilitation

    ! Sometime both species in an interaction arefacilitated; in other cases one species benefits whilethe other experiences a net loss

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    Competition, Facilitation & Effect Size! Gurevitch and colleagues (1992) tabulated the results of

    218 competition experiments and arrived at the followingresults:

    ! Thus, for different groups, the mean effect of competitionis quite different

    ! This is calculated through mean effect size:

    (X e-X c )/s! Xc= mean biomass of the control group (w/ competition)! Xe= mean biomass of the experimental group (w/o

    competition)! s = standard deviation of both groups pooled

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology



    Paradox of Plankton

    ! Plant communities in many ways compete moredirectly than animal species, as they generally havemore similar needs:! nutrient, water and light--necessities for survival

    ! Phytoplankton communities are often quite diverse,despite the similarity in niches of the species

    ! Hutchinson suggested that the phytoplanktoncommunity might serve as an exception tocompetitive exclusion, due to climatic and seasonalvariation in aquatic (freshwater and marine) habitats

    ! This variability prevents the system from attainingequilibrium and allows a large number of species tocoexist

  • 8/12/2019 Lecture 09 Competition Ecology


    Intraguild predation When neighborsattack!!

    ! Types of IGP! Symmetrical both species prey upon each other.! Asymmetrical one species preys upon the other! Age-structured Predator and prey roles are usually

    determined by an age or size!

    Juveniles and small individuals become the prey.! Additional term added to the equations for

    population growth.

    Predator - dN 1 /dt = r 1 N 1 ((K 1-N 1-! N 2 )/K 1 )+ # N 1 N 2

    Prey dN 2 /dt = r 2 N 2 ((K 2-N 2-! N 1 )/K 1 )+ $ N 1 N 2

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    ! How will IGP influence influence our zero-growthisoclines?

    Intraguild predation