lec1 part 1 oral and mfs Dentistry ...By Dr.Ahmad Oweidah


Transcript of lec1 part 1 oral and mfs Dentistry ...By Dr.Ahmad Oweidah

In examination there are 3 patho’swe will find it in examination :-

• 1-Lumps : which mean “swelling”

مقارنة “size,duration,causes مثًال المریض بحكي انا كنت موجوع و جبت ابرة و نخرت اللثة و نفخت او ممكن مریض استعمل مواد

associated lymph nodes ,shape ,color, consisting , does it attach ? Pain? Change in its size? Location? Deffined borders ?regular ?irregular? Warm ? Fluctunt?

• 2-Ulcers :size? Shape? Count? Multiple? Edges :exaversion or inversion ?

Adjucant tissue : discharge? Raise?

.3-Pain : continuous? Intermitted? Severity?

sign? Radiation ? Onset? Duration ? Aggregating & reliefing factors? و ھل ھومترافق مع صفات اخرى ؟

Further investigations

• Hematology

• Vitality test

• Radiology