Lec05 Systems

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  • 8/9/2019 Lec05 Systems



    See Chapter 3 of text

    Background on linear systems

    Gaussian elimination and the Gauss-Jordan algorithms

    The LU factorization

    Gaussian Elimination with pivoting

    5-1 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    Background: Linear systems

    The Problem: Ais an n n matrix, and ba vector ofRn.

    Find x such that:


    x is theunknownvector, b theright-hand side, and A

    is thecoefficient matrix


    2x1 + 4x2 + 4x3 = 6

    x1 + 5x2 + 6x3 = 4x1 + 3x2 + x3 = 8

    or2 4 41 5 6

    1 3 1


    = 648

    Solution of above system ?5-2 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    Standard mathematical solution by Cramers rule:

    xi = det(Ai)/ det(A)

    Ai = matrix obtained by replacing i-th column by b.

    Note: This formula is useless in practice beyond n= 3

    orn= 4.

    Three situations:

    1. The matrix A is nonsingular. There is a unique solutiongiven by x=A1b.

    2. The matrix A is singular and b Ran(A). There are

    infinitely many solutions.3. The matrix A is singular and b /Ran(A). There are no


    5-3 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    Example: (1) Let A = 2 0

    0 4 b =


    8 . A is non-

    singular a unique solution x=




    Example: (2) Case whereAis singular &b Ran(A):

    A= 2 0

    0 0 , b= 1

    0 . infinitely many solutions: x() =



    Example: (3) Let A same as above, but b=




    No solutions since 2nd equation cannot be satisfied

    5-4 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    Triangular linear systems


    2 4 40 5 20 0 2


    = 214

    One equation can be trivially solved: the last one.x3 = 2

    x3 is known we can now solve the 2nd equation:

    5x2 2x3 = 1 5x2 2 4 = 1 x2 = 1

    Finally x1 can be determined similarly:

    2x1+ 4x2+ 4x3 = 2 ... x1 =5

    5-5 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    ALGORITHM : 1 Back-Substitution algorithm

    Fori =n:1 : 1 do:t :=biForj =i+ 1 :n do

    t := t (ai,i+1:n, xi+1:n)= t an inner productt:=t aijxjEndxi =t/aii


    We must require that each aii = 0

    Operation count?

    Round-off error (use previous results for (, ))?

    5-6 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    Backward error analysis for the triangular solve

    The computed solution xof the triangular systemU x=b computed by the previous algorithm satisfies:


    with|E| n u |U| +O(u 2)

    Backward error analysis. Computed x solves a slightly

    perturbed system.

    Backward error not large in general. It is said that

    triangular solve is backward stable.

    5-7 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    Column version of back-substitution:

    Back-Substitution algorithm. Column versionForj =n :1 : 1 do:

    xj =bj/ajj

    Fori = 1 :j 1 dobi := bi xj aij



    Justify the above algorithm [Show that it does indeed

    compute the solution]

    See text for analogous algorithms for lower triangular


    5-8 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    Linear Systems of Equations: Gaussian Elimination

    Back to arbitrary linear systems.

    Principle of the method: Since triangular systems are

    easy to solve, we will transform a linear system into

    one that is triangular. Main operation: combine rows so

    that zeros appear in the required locations to make the

    system triangular.

    Notation: use a Tableau:

    2x1 + 4x2 + 4x3 = 2

    x1 + 3x2 + 1x3 = 1

    x1 + 5x2 + 6x3 = 6

    tableau:2 4 4 21 3 1 1

    1 5 6 6

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    Main operation used: scaling and adding rows.

    Example: Replace row2 by: row2 - 1

    2*row1:2 4 4 2

    1 3 1 1

    1 5 6 6

    2 4 4 2

    0 1 1 0

    1 5 6 6 This is equivalent to:

    1 0 0


    1 0

    0 0 1

    2 4 4 2

    1 3 1 1

    1 5 6 6


    2 4 4 2

    0 1 1 0

    1 5 6 6

    The left-hand matrix is of the form

    M =I veT1 with v =



    5-10 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    Linear Systems of Equations: Gaussian Elimination

    Go back to original system. Step 1 must transform:

    2 4 4 2

    1 3 1 1

    1 5 6 6


    x x x x

    0 x x x

    0 x x x

    row2 :=row2 12

    row1: row3 := row3 12


    2 4 4 2

    0 1 1 0

    1 5 6 6

    2 4 4 2

    0 1 1 0

    0 3 4 7

    5-11 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    Equivalent to

    1 0 0


    1 0


    0 1

    2 4 4 2

    1 3 1 1

    1 5 6 6


    2 4 4 2

    0 1 1 0

    0 3 4 7

    [A, b][M1A, M1b]; M1 =I v(1)eT1 ; v

    (1) =



    New system A1x=b1. Step 2 must now transform:

    2 4 4 20 1 1 0

    0 3 4 7

    into:x x x x0 x x x

    0 0 x x

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    row3 := row3 3 row2 :

    2 4 4 2

    0 1 1 00 0 7 7

    Equivalent to

    1 0 0

    0 1 0

    0 3 1

    2 4 4 2

    0 1 1 0

    0 3 4 7


    2 4 4 2

    0 1 1 0

    0 0 7 7

    Second transformation is as follows:

    [A1, b1][M2A1, M2b1] M2 =I v(2)eT2 v(2) =00


    Triangular system Solve.

    5-13 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    Row k


    A =k

    5-14 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    ALGORITHM : 2 Gaussian Elimination

    1. For k = 1 :n 1 Do:2. For i=k+ 1 :n Do:

    3. piv :=aik/akk4. For j :=k+ 1 :n+ 1 Do :

    5. aij :=aij piv akj6. End

    6. End

    7. End

    Operation count:

    T =n1k=1




    2] =n1k=1


    (2(n k)+3) =...

    Complete the above calculation. Order of the cost?5-15 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    The LU factorization

    Now ignore the right-hand side from the transformations.

    Observation: Gaussian elimination is equivalent to n

    1 successive Gaussian transformations, i.e., multiplica-

    tions with matrices of the formMk =I v(k)eTk , where

    the first k components ofv(k) equal zero.

    Set A0 A

    A M1A0 =A1 M2A1 =A2 M3A2 =A3

    Mn1An2 =An1 U

    Last Ak U is an upper triangular matrix.

    5-16 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    At each step we have: Ak =M1k+1Ak+1. Therefore:

    A0 = M11 A1= M11 M

    12 A2

    = M11 M12 M

    13 A3

    = . . .= M11 M

    12 M

    13 M


    L=M11 M12 M

    13 M


    Note: L is Lower triangular, An1 is upper triangular

    LU decomposition : A=LU

    5-17 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    How to get L?

    L=M11 M

    12 M

    13 M


    Consider only the first 2 matrices in this product.

    Note M


    k = (I v




    k )


    = (I+v




    k ). So:

    M11 M12 = (I+ v

    (1)eT1 )(I+ v(2)eT2 ) =I+ v

    (1)eT1 + v(2)eT2


    M11 M12 M

    1k =I+v

    (1)eT1 +v(2)eT2 + v


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    The L factor is a lower triangular matrix with ones on

    the diagonal. Column k of L, contains the multipliers

    lik used in the k-th step of Gaussian elimination.

    5-19 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    A matrix A has an LU decomposition if

    det(A(1 :k, 1 :k))= 0 for k = 1, , n 1.

    In this case, the determinant ofA satisfies:

    det A = det(U) =



    If, in addition, A is nonsingular, then the LU factoriza-

    tion is unique.

    5-20 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    Show how to obtain L directly from the multipliers

    Practical use: Show how to use the LU factorization tosolve linear systems with the same matrix A and different


    LU factorization of the matrixA =2 4 41 5 6

    1 3 1


    Determinant ofA

    ? True or false: Computing the LU factorization of

    matrix A involves more arithmetic operations than solving

    a linear system Ax=b by Gaussian elimination.

    5-21 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    Gauss-Jordan Elimination

    Principle of the method: We will now transform thesystem into one that is even easier to solve than triangular

    systems, namely a diagonal system. The method is very

    similar to Gaussian Elimination. It is just a bit moreexpensive.

    Back to original system. Step 1 must transform:

    2 4 4 2

    1 3 1 1

    1 5 6 6


    x x x x

    0 x x x

    0 x x x

    5-22 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    row2 :=row20.5row1: row3 :=row30.5row1:

    2 4 4 2

    0 1 1 0

    1 5 6 6

    2 4 4 2

    0 1 1 0

    0 3 4 7

    Step 2:2 4 4 20 1 1 0

    0 3 4 7

    into:x 0 x x0 x x x

    0 0 x x

    row1 :=row1 4 row2: row3 :=row3 3 row2:

    2 0 8 2

    0 1 1 0

    0 3 4 7

    2 0 8 2

    0 1 1 0

    0 0 7 7

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    There is now a third step:

    To transform: 2 0 8 20 1 1 0

    0 0 7 7

    into: x 0 0 x0 x 0 x

    0 0 x x

    row1 :=row1 87 row3: row2 :=row2 1

    7 row3:

    2 0 0 10

    0 1 1 0

    0 0 7 7

    2 0 0 10

    0 1 0 1

    0 0 7 7

    Solution: x3 =1; x2 =1; x1 = 5

    5-24 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    ALGORITHM : 3 Gauss-Jordan elimination

    1. For k = 1 :n Do:

    2. For i= 1 :n and ifi! =k Do :

    3. piv :=aik/akk4. For j :=k+ 1 :n+ 1 Do :

    5. aij :=aij piv akj6. End

    6. End

    7. End

    Operation count:

    T =n



    [1 +n+1


    2] =n1k=1


    (2(n k) + 3) =

    Complete the above calculation. Order of the cost?

    How does it compare with Gaussian Elimination?5-25 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    function x = gaussj (A, b)%---------------------------------------------------% function x = gaussj (A, b)% solves A x = b by Gauss-Jordan elimination%---------------------------------------------------

    n = size(A,1) ;A = [A,b];for k=1:n

    for i=1:nif (i ~= k)

    piv = A(i,k) / A(k,k) ;A(i,k+1:n+1) = A(i,k+1:n+1) - piv*A(k,k+1:n+1);


    endx = A(:,n+1) ./ diag(A) ;

    5-26 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    Gaussian Elimination: Partial Pivoting

    Consider again Gaussian Elimination for the linear system

    2x1 + 2x2 + 4x3 = 2

    x1 + x2 + x3 = 1

    x1 + 4x2 + 6x3 = 5


    2 2 4 2

    1 1 1 1

    1 4 6 5row2 :=row2


    row1: row3 := row3 12


    2 2 4 2

    0 0 1 0

    1 4 6 5

    2 2 4 2

    0 0 1 0

    0 3 4 6

    Pivot a22 is zero. Solution : permute rows 2 and 3:2 2 4 2

    0 3 4 6

    0 0 1 05-27 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting

    Partial Pivoting

    General situation:

    Largest a ik




    Row k

    Always permute row k with row l such that|alk|= maxi=k,...,n |aik|

    More stable algorithm.

    5-28 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    function x = gaussp (A, b)%---------------------------------------------------

    % function x = guassp (A, b)% solves A x = b by Gaussian elimination with% partial pivoting/%---------------------------------------------------

    n = size(A,1) ;A = [A,b]for k=1:n-1

    [t, ip] = max(abs(A(k:n,k)));ip = ip+k-1 ;

    %% swaptemp = A(k,k:n+1) ;A(k,k:n+1) = A(ip,k:n+1);A(ip,k:n+1) = temp;


    for i=k+1:npiv = A(i,k) / A(k,k) ;A(i,k+1:n+1) = A(i,k+1:n+1) - piv*A(k,k+1:n+1);


    x = backsolv(A,A(:,n+1));5-29 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    Pivoting and permutation matrices

    A permutation matrix is a matrix obtained from theidentity matrix by permuting its rows

    For example for the permutation = {3, 1, 4, 2} we


    P =

    0 0 1 0

    1 0 0 00 0 0 1

    0 1 0 0

    Important observation: the matrix P A is obtained from

    A by permuting its rows with the permutation

    (P A)i,: =A(i),:

    5-30 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

    Wh i h i P A h

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    What is the matrix P A when

    P =

    0 0 1 0

    1 0 0 0

    0 0 0 1

    0 1 0 0


    1 2 3 4

    5 6 7 8

    9 0 1 2

    3 4 5 6


    Any permutation matrix is the product of interchange

    permutations, which only swap two rows ofI.

    Notation: Eij = Identity with rows i and j swapped

    5-31 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    Example: To obtain ={3, 1, 4, 2} from ={1, 2, 3, 4}

    we need to swap (2) (3) then (3) (4) and

    finally (1) (2). Hence:

    P =

    0 0 1 0

    1 0 0 00 0 0 1

    0 1 0 0

    =E1,2 E3,4 E2,3

    In the previous example where

    >> A = [ 1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8; 9 0 -1 2 ; -3 4 -5 6]

    Matlab gives det(A) =896. What is det(P A)?

    5-32 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

    At h t f G E ith ti l i ti

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    At each step of G.E. with partial pivoting:

    Mk+1Ek+1Ak =Ak+1

    whereEk+1encodes a swap of rowk+1with rowl > k+1.

    Notes: (1) E1i = Ei and (2) M1

    j Ek+1 = Ek+1


    for k j, where Mj has a permuted Gauss vector:

    (I+v(j)eTj)Ek+1 = Ek+1(I+Ek+1v(j)eTj)

    Ek+1(I+ v(j)eTj)

    Ek+1 Mj

    Here we have used the fact that above row k+ 1, the

    permutation matrix Ek+1 looks just like an identity matrix.

    5-33 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

    Res lt

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    A0 = E1M11 A1

    = E1M11 E2M

    12 A2 =E1E2

    M11 M12 A2

    = E1E2 M11 M

    12 E3M

    13 A3

    = E1E2E3 M11 M

    12 M

    13 A3

    = . . .

    = E1 En1 M11 M

    12 M

    13 M

    1n1 An1

    In the end

    P A=LU with P =En1 E1

    5-34 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

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    Error Analysis

    If no zero pivots are encountered during Gaussian elimi-nation (no pivoting) then the computed factors L and U


    U =A+H


    |H| 3(n 1) u

    |A| + |L| |U|

    +O(u 2)

    Solution x computed via Ly =b and Ux= y is s. t.(A+E)x =b with

    |E| nu 3|A| + 5 |L| |U|+O(u 2)

    5-35 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems

    Backward error estimate

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    Backward error estimate.

    |L| and |U| are not known in advance they can be


    What if partial pivoting is used?

    Permutations introduce no errors. Equivalent to stan-dard LU factorization on matrix P A.

    |L| is small since lij 1. Therefore, only U is uncer-


    In practice partial pivoting is stable i.e., it is highly

    unlikely to have a very large U.

    5-36 GvL 3.{1,3,5}; Heath 2; TB 7,20-21 Systems