Lec 01 Introduction to Fm

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  • 8/12/2019 Lec 01 Introduction to Fm




  • 8/12/2019 Lec 01 Introduction to Fm


    Introduction: Definition, Scope and Objective of Financial

    Management. Basic Financial Concepts

    Long Term Sources Of Finance

    Capital Budgeting Principal Techniques Concept and Measurement of Cost of Capital

    Cash Flows For Capital Budgeting

    Financial Statement and Analysis

    Leverage and Capital Structure Decision

    Working Capital Decision

    Dividend Policy


  • 8/12/2019 Lec 01 Introduction to Fm


  • 8/12/2019 Lec 01 Introduction to Fm


  • 8/12/2019 Lec 01 Introduction to Fm


    Introduction: Definition, Scope and Objective of Financial

    Management. Basic Financial Concepts

    Long Term Sources Of Finance

    Capital Budgeting Principal Techniques Concept and Measurement of Cost of Capital

    Cash Flows For Capital Budgeting

    Financial Statement and Analysis

    Leverage and Capital Structure Decision

    Working Capital Decision

    Dividend Policy


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  • 8/12/2019 Lec 01 Introduction to Fm


    Despite of the variations between businesses the basicfinance issues they face are essentially the same.

    The most important activities of a business firm are

    Financial Management is concerned with the financesof an organization.


  • 8/12/2019 Lec 01 Introduction to Fm


    Financial Management performs facilitation, reconciliationand controls functions in an organization.

    All the decision having monetary implications comes underthe purview of financial management.

    Financial decision making involves procurement of fundsand their optimal utilization through investment, financingdividend and working capital decisions.

    The key issue in finance are

    Where to raise financial resources from

    Where to invest the resources How to best manage the production distribution function

    How much of profit to distribute and how much to retain

    Finance function reconciles the conflicting interest of

    the varied stakeholders.

    Defining Finance


  • 8/12/2019 Lec 01 Introduction to Fm


    Finance is analytical.

    Finance is based on economic principles.

    Finance uses accounting information as an input fordecision-making.

    Finance is international in perspective.

    Finance is constantly changing.

    Finance is the study of how to invest and raise moneyproductively

    Finance is the study of how people allocate scarceresources over time

    - costs and benefits are distributed over time

    - but the actual timing and size of future cash flowsare often known only probabilistically

    Defining Finance

  • 8/12/2019 Lec 01 Introduction to Fm


    1. Investment or Long Term Asset Mix Decision Function of investing raised funds in assets are known as

    investment decision. Examples include Expansion, Modernization, Replacement of

    Long Term Assets, R & D (having long term implications). The 2 important aspect of investment decision are

    (a) Evaluation of the prospective profitability of newinvestments(b) The measurement of a cut-off rate; against that the

    prospective return of new investments could becompared.

    Decisions are taken in the light of their impact on the wealth ofshareholders.

    The decision involve huge capital outlay, have long termimplications, and are usually irreversible.

    Investment decision also referred as Capital Budgeting decisions.

    Finance Functions

  • 8/12/2019 Lec 01 Introduction to Fm


  • 8/12/2019 Lec 01 Introduction to Fm


    3. Dividend or Profit Allocation Decision Distributing returns earned from assets to shareholders are known

    as dividend decision. The financial manager must decided whether the firm should

    distribute all profits, or retain them, or distribute a portion andretain the balance.

    Such a decision depends on trade off between the future financing

    needs of the firm and current consumption requirement ofshareholders.

    The proportion of profits distributed as dividends is called thedividend payout ratio and the retained portion of profits is known

    as retention ratio. Normally firms follow a policy of stable dividend, but firms withhigh growth rate generally offers a high retention and low payoutratio.

    Dividends are generally paid in cash, but it can also be given in

    form of bonus shares.

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  • 8/12/2019 Lec 01 Introduction to Fm


    4. Working Capital Decision/ Liquidity Decision Working Capital decisions are related to the management of

    current assets. The two key decision points in working capital management are

    level of investment in current assets and financing of such assets.

    Current asset management affect the firmsliquidity.

    A firm attempts to balance cash inflows and outflows whileperforming these functions. These are called liquidity decisions.

    A conflict exists between profitability and liquidity while

    managing current assets. Hence, a proper trade-off must be

    achieved between profitability and liquidity.

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