Learning Outcomes and Modularisation A Key for Innovative...

Kurztitel der Präsentation www.duw-berlin.de Learning Outcomes and Modularisation – A Key for Innovative Teaching and Learning? Session 6: Curricula design in the context of innovative teaching and learning HERE Annual Conference 2015 Tbilisi, December 4, 2015 Dr. Eva Cendon

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Learning Outcomes and Modularisation – A Key for Innovative Teaching and Learning?Session 6: Curricula design in the context of innovative teaching and learning

HERE Annual Conference 2015

Tbilisi, December 4, 2015

Dr. Eva Cendon

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• Curricula design

• Learning outcomes

• Linking learning outcomes and assessment

• What it means for …

• An Example


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Curricula Design

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Two Approaches to Curriculum Design

an input oriented and teacher oriented approach

an outcome oriented and student centred approach


content objectivesteaching-strategy





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Outcome oriented curricula design as iterative process

• Formulate learning outcomes on study programme level: What students should be able to know, understand, and do after the completion of a study programme.

• Define modules of the study programme.

• Formulate learning outcomes for each module: After completion of the module students should be able to…

• Review if learning outcomes from the programme as whole find themselves within the modules (module mapping).

• Start the process from the beginning and (re-)formulate the learning outcomes for the study programme.


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Ensuring coherence - modulmapping


Learning Outcomes of

Study Programme

(e.g. BA or MA)


Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

Module 5

Module 6

Module 7

LearningOutcome 1

x xLearning

Outcome 2x x x

LearningOutcome 3

x x x

LearningOutcome 4

x x

Learning Outcome 5

x x x x x

Learning Outcome 6


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Important terms in curricula design

Learning outcomes are statements of what a student should know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate after completion of a process of learning.

The objective of a module or programme is a specific statement of teaching intention, i.e. it indicates one of the specific areas that the teacher intends to cover.

The aim of a module or programme is a broad general statement of teaching intention, i.e. it indicates what the teacher intends to cover.


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Learning Outcomes

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Why Learning Outcomes?

• comparability with other programs, also in the VET sector

• recognition of prior learning

• transparency for (prospective) students, teachers, (future) employers, cooperation partners

• quality assurance – providing a frame

• bigger radius for action – for both teachers and students

• development of competencies becomes visible


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Possible Shortcomes of Learning Outcomes

• could limit learning if learning outcomes written within a very narrow framework (lack of intellectual challenge to learners)

• could be reductionist instead of expansive and promoting the higher order thinking skills.

• danger of assessment-driven curriculum if learning outcomes too confined

• could be confusing for students and staff if framework for learning outcomes is not set up properly


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Frames of Reference for Learning Outcomes

• Qualifications Frameworks and standards are central points of reference for outcome-oriented curricula design

• in the European context they are mostly formulated in learning outcomes

• they differ in how learning outcomes are systematized (knowledge, skills...)

• on different levels: frameworks can be installed on international, national, sectoral, disciplinary level

• with different foci: they can be general overarching frameworks, sector-specific frameworks, disciplinary frameworks


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Writing Learning Outcomes

1. Learning outcomes need to be clearly written so that they are understood by students, colleagues and (prospective) employers.

2. Focus on what you expect students to be able to demonstrate after completion of the module/programme.

3. Start by using a phrase like “On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:” then list the learning outcomes.

4. Use an active verb that indicates what the learner is expected to be able to do and indicate the specific context (what and where).

5. Avoid complicated sentences.6. General recommendation: 5 – 8 learning outcomes per

module/ study programme.7. Avoid certain words as know, understand, be familiar – they

are aims but no learning outcomes.


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Taxonomy of Anderson and Krathwohl (2001)

1. to remember – recalling information

2. to understand – explaining concepts and ideas

3. to apply – using information in a new context

4. to analyse – breaking information into parts to better understand it

5. to evaluate – determining and justifying a course of action or decision

6. to create – creating new concepts, ideas perspectives


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LOTS and HOTS by Anderson and Krathwohl (2001)


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Linking Learning Outcomes to Assessment

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Constructive alignment

Aligning teaching strategy and assessment to learning outcomes

• To think from the outcome: Was should students be able to know, understand and do after the completion of the module?

• What and how should the teaching strategy look like that intended learning outcomes can be achieved?

• How can the achievement of learning outcomes be assessed? Which methods of assessment allow to show the evidence of learning?


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Linking learning outcomes and assessment


After successful completion of the module the student should be able

AssessmentAssessment Criteria (exemplary)

Teaching Strategy (exemplary)

to present a draft on the topic „Lifelong Learning“ for a specific context


time and formstructurecontentperformance

to give an overview onconceptions of LLLto give advice for presentations

to critically discuss the idea of “Lifelong learning for all” in different contexts


To develop an own stance to argue conclusivelyto integrate counter arguments

To provide different papers with different perspectivesto introduce the format ofdebateto do exercises in debating

to develop a research paper on„The social dimension of LLL“


form (length,…) citation and bibliographyresearch questioncoherence of content

to introduce ways of developing a research questionto give insight into scientific writing to provide feedback on first draft of paper

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What it means…

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… for curricula developers

• to set up a good development process

• to include from the beginning responsible units at the university (quality department, center for teaching and learning…)

• to work in a development team

• to integrate views of different actors (prospective students, prospective employers, experts of the field)

• to regularly re-enter in the process of further development


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… for teachers

• to be precise what students should be able to do after completion – to think in outcomes rather than content

• to become aware what students may need in the world outside after studies – to think of the needs of the professional world

• to consider what the own subject/discipline can contribute to that

• to become more innovative with provision of content

• to develop new methods for assessment

• to reconsider if outcomes are clear and precise


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… for students

• to get a clearer view on what they can achieve with a module/study programme

• to look for matching of their own goals and the learning outcomes within a module/programme

• to better plan their studies and to work towards their learning outcomes

• to share their “real” learning outcomes for further curricula development (evaluation)

• to critically assess learning outcomes from their professional life (alumni survey)


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An Example

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Study Model



online learning

face-to-face learning

Blended Learning Architecture

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Design of a module



Study material

Study booklet(s)


online learning

online course

(3-5 weeks)

face-to-face learning

on-site seminar



Group work

Module (5 ECTS)



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Thank you for your attention!

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Useful Literature

Kennedy, D. (2007). Writing and using learning outcomes: A practical guide. Cork, Ireland: University College Cork. https://cora.ucc.ie/bitstream/handle/10468/1613/A%20Learning%20Outcomes%20Book%20D%20Kennedy.pdf (01.12.2015)

Krathwohl, D. R. (2002). A Revision of Blooms’ Taxonomy: An Overview. In: Revising Blooms Taxonomy. Theory into Practice, vol. 41, no. 4, Autumn 2002. p. 212-218.

Moon, J. (2002). The Module and Programme Development Handbook: A Practical Guide to Linking Levels, Outcomes and Assessment Criteria. London: Kogan Page Limited.

Moon, J. (2004). Some thoughts on learning outcomes: their role and use in higher education in the UK. http://www.aic.lv/ace/ace_disk/Bologna/Bol_semin/Edinburgh/JennyMoon.pdf (01.12.2015)

Moon, J. (o.J.). Linking Levels, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria. http://www.aic.lv/ace/ace_disk/Bologna/Bol_semin/Edinburgh/J_Moon_backgrP.pdf (01.12.2015)