Learning Objective Objective: Students will examine examples of people who resisted slavery in the...

Learning Objective Objective: Students will examine examples of people who resisted slavery in the United States before the Civil War. . Name ________________________________ CFU What are we going to do today? Activate (or provide) Prior Knowledge Previously, we learned: -In the United States, the North and the South were two very different regions. -While the North was industry-based and ran on immigrant labor, the South ran on slave labor. -Slavery was a terrible institution -Why didn’t slaves just rise up? That is the question many people ask.

Transcript of Learning Objective Objective: Students will examine examples of people who resisted slavery in the...

Learning Objective

Objective: Students will examine examples of people who resisted slavery in the United States before the Civil War.


Name ________________________________

CFU What are we going to do today?

Activate (or provide) Prior Knowledge

Previously, we learned:

-In the United States, the North and the South were two very different regions.-While the North was industry-based and ran on immigrant labor, the South ran on slave labor. -Slavery was a terrible institution-Why didn’t slaves just rise up? That is the question many people ask.

Concept Development

There were those who resisted slavery in the United States. However, it was very difficult because many slaves were afraid to do so out of fear of being captured or killed. Those who did resist did it in at least one of four ways

1. They escaped or attempted to escape.

2. They told people in the North how horrible slavery was.

3. They helped others to escape via secret networks1 (Underground Railroad)

4. They led violent uprisings against their white masters in the South.

1. Secret Network: group of people who secretly helped slaves escape

Pair-Share: Why would slaves be afraid to rise up or resist?

Pair Share: Would you have taken part in a violent uprising if you were a slave? What would the risks be for yourself and those you care about?

Pair Share: What is a “secret network”

Concept Development

Frederick Douglass

Harriet Tubman Denmark Vesey Nat Turner

Born a slave, escaped slavery around 20 years oldLived in the North. Wrote and made speeches about the evils of slavery in the 1840s and 1850s

Escaped slavery at a young age

Once escaped, returned to the South many times to help many slaves also escape through the Underground Railroad

Born a slave, bought his freedom

Tried to start a slave revolt and uprising in South Carolina in 1822.

It failed and he was hanged.

Slave who led an uprising in Virginia in 1831.

It failed and Turner was skinned, beheaded and quartered.

Many white southerners became terrified of another uprising and punished slaves for it.

Pair Share: Tell your partner about Harriet TubmanPair Share: Tell your partner about Denmark VeseyPair Share: Tell your partner about Nat TurnerPair Share: Tell your partner about Frederick Douglass

Skill Development/Guided Practice: Analyzing Primary Sources

• We will take a look at several Primary Sources about resisting slavery.

• Use the statements to help you cite appropriate evidence in the text.

• Be prepared to answer questions.

Frederick Douglass- Life of a Slave

• My new mistress1 proved to be all she appeared when I first met her at the door, — a woman of the kindest heart and finest feelings. Very soon after I went to live with Mr. and Mrs. Auld, she very kindly commenced to teach me the A, B, C. After I had learned this, she assisted me in learning to spell words of three or four letters. Just at this point of my progress, Mr. Auld found out what was going on, and at once forbade Mrs. Auld to instruct me further, telling her, among other things, that it was unlawful, as well as unsafe, to teach a slave to read. To use his own words, further, he said, “If you give a [slave] an inch, he will take an ell. A [slave] should know nothing but to obey his master–to do as he is told to do. Learning would spoil the best [slave] in the world. Now,” said he, “if you teach that [slave] (speaking of myself) how to read, there would be no keeping him. It would forever unfit him to be a slave. He would at once become unmanageable, and of no value to his master.

1- mistress- female slave who looked over younger slaves, especially if the child was sold without the parent.

Douglass says he was taught “the A, B, C”. What does that mean?




According to Douglass, how did slave owners view educating slaves? Use evidence to support your claim (Underline or highlight portions of the text).




What might Douglass’ master do if they discover he is learning how to read and write?




Effects of the Nat Turner Rebellion

• According to the text, what were some of the things Nat Turner and his men did?




Who wrote this article? A freeman (African-American who wasn’t a slave) or a white southerner? Use evidence from the text to support your position.






Predict: How do you think slaves were treated after the Nat Turner Rebellion?




• Extract of a letter from Jerusalem, Va., 24th August, 3 o'clock - The oldest inhabitants of our county have never experienced such a distressing time, as we have had since Sunday night last. The [slaves], about fifteen miles from this place, have massacred from 50 to 75 women and children, and some 8 or 10 men. Every house, room and corner in this place is full of women and children, driven from home, who had to take the woods, until they could get to this place. We are worn out with fatigue.

A fanatic preacher by the name of Nat Turner (Gen. Nat Turner) who had been taught to read and write, and permitted to go about preaching in the country, was at the bottom of this infernal brigandage1. He was…vindicative2, without any cause…that could be assigned.-He was the slave of Mr. Travis. He and another slave of Mr. T. a young fellow, by the name of Moore, were two of the leaders. Three or four others were first concerned and most active.-- They had 15 others to join them…We cannot say how long they were organizing themselves-but they turned out on last Monday early (the 22d) upon their nefarious3 expedition.... They were mounted to the number of 40 or 50; and with knives and axes-knocking on the head, or cutting the throats of their victims. They had few firearms among them-and scarcely one, if one, was fit for use.... But as they went from house to house, they drank ardent spirits4-and it is supposed, that in consequence of their being intoxicated,-or from mere fatigue, they paused in their murderous career about 12 o'clock on Monday.

•  • Brigandage- destruction• Vindicative- seeking revenge• Nefarious- evil• Ardent Spirits- alcohol

Closure/Independent Practice

• How did some resist slavery in the United States?• Be sure to discuss three of the following people: • Frederick Douglass Harriet Tubman Denmark Vesey Nat Turner




