Learning from Denver’s FasTracks Experience June 20, 2011.

Learning from Denver’s FasTracks Experience June 20, 2011

Transcript of Learning from Denver’s FasTracks Experience June 20, 2011.

Learning from Denver’s FasTracks Experience

June 20, 2011


• RTD created by legislature in 1969

• First light rail corridor opened in 1994

• Proposed expansion called “Guide the Ride” failed in 1997 (58% to 42%)

• Three light rail corridors opened – 2000, 2002, and 2006

• RTD began extensive outreach to develop new plan – “FasTracks”

• Needed .4% sales tax increase

FasTracks Plan

• 119 miles of Rail

• 18 miles of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

• 31 new park-n-Rides with over 21,000 new parking spaces

• Enhanced bus network and transit hubs

• Development of Denver Union Station

Research, Research, Research

• Start early

• Avoid “talking to ourselves”

• Listen!

To gain knowledge regarding voter sentiment:

• 4 baseline surveys

• 20+ focus groups

• Tracking polls

Some Things We “Expected”

• Transit riders most likely to support

• Higher income households less likely to support

• “Republicans will never vote to increase taxes for transit”

• It won’t make a difference in “my lifetime”

Key Findings of Research

• Voters wanted something done now to address traffic – 12 years was “too long”

• Highways alone would not solve congestion

• Loved “the trains”

• General awareness of the success of light rail

• Voters did NOT know about the FasTracks Plan – needed major education piece

Key Findings of Research

• Once citizens learned about the Plan, they overwhelmingly supported it

• Perception: good transit equates to more prosperity, higher property values, and a better quality of life

• Transportation choices vs. actual transit use

• Be specific!

Key Campaign Messages

• “The time is now”

• Translate the cost –• 4 pennies on a $10 purchase

• The “Map” was key

• Can’t stop growth – need to plan for it

• FasTracks provides choices– TV visuals – traffic jams– Not ‘just’ commuting

Campaign Plan – 3 Phases

• Phase 1 – Volunteer petition drive

• Phase 2 – Voter education and outreach– Speaking engagements– Coalition building – business, environmental, political,

and neighborhood communities

• Phase 3 – Voter contact and turn out– Target absentee and early voters by county – phone

and mail– Aggressive door to door program– Early media buy – stay on the air throughout


• Campaign field work– 150 individuals gave over 500 presentations– 5,000 volunteers by end of campaign– 30,000 yard signs– 250,000 phone calls– 800,000 pieces of literature

• 70% of all campaign funds spent on direct voter contact – TV and mail

• $3.6 million – cost of campaign


Election Results

YES: 590,673 (57.9 %)

NO: 428,915 (42.8 %)County Yes % No %

Adams 55,588 47.2% 62,093 52.8%

Arapahoe 116,729 56.2% 90,822 43.8%

Boulder 93,247 64.7% 50,950 35.3%

Broomfield 11,816 53.9% 10,112 46.1%

Denver 127,875 65.2% 68,374 34.8%

Douglas 42,530 55.1% 34,598 44.9%

Jefferson 142,888 56.1% 111,966 43.9%

Weld 617 50.2% 612 49.8%

TOTALS 618,168 57.9% 449,142 42.8%

Election Results

• All counties with Republican majorities - voted for FasTracks

• 1 of 3 Democratic majority counties and 2 of the most ethnic Denver City Council districts - voted against

Keys to a Successful Campaign

• Started early

• Hired a professional campaign team

• Thought like a region, acted like a region

• Research driven

• All volunteer petition drive

• Built a very broad-based coalition

• Voter contact and education

• Timely purchase of television ad time

What Happened after 2004?

• “Perfect storm” of the economic downturn and rise in material costs caused budget shortfall

• Currently facing a $2.2 billion shortfall and, if no tax increase is approved, will not be completed until 2042

So, Where Do We Go Now?

• Traffic, transit and transportation have given way to economy and jobs as the most pressing concerns

• Compared to other public services and funding needs, completing FasTracks is not a high-intensity priority at this time

• Financial plan assumes a 2012 sales tax increase of .4 percent to complete FasTracks by 2020

Current Status




0% 100%

Don't Know

Bad Decision

Good Decision

“And regardless of how you voted in that election. . .looking back with the benefit of hindsight. . .do you believe approval of FasTracks was a good decision or a bad decision?”

The good news is in retrospect, voters still believe FasTracks was a good decision.

Map – Then and Now

Under Construction/

Upcoming Construction

Future Construction

Existing Rail

Existing Rail / BRT

Park - n - Ride

What is Different in 2011?

• 48 miles of new rail line currently in construction or under contract to begin construction– West Corridor: 75% complete– Denver Union Station: 30% complete– East Corridor (to DIA): Broke ground in August 2010

• All environmental processes complete

• RTD signed agreements with BNSF and UPRR

• Federal funding has been successful – FFGAs/Grants

Current Activities

• Education mode for agency• 18-month plan

• A study to ascertain positive/negative perceptions of RTD and FasTracks

• Focus Groups – test strategic messaging

• Develop marketing plan based on findings

Strategies Moving Forward

• Public information plan spanning 18 months

• Maximize federal funding opportunities

• Continue working with regional stakeholders and elected officials

• Research, Research, Research

• Start early for any ballot initiative


• Board of Directors will decide in early 2012 whether to pursue ballot initiative– Review research/survey results– Review Annual Program Evaluation

• Funding for campaign must come from community/businesses

• Outside campaign group will be formed

• RTD reverts to “information” providing mode

Denver FasTracks
