
Establishing Professional Practice 25.02.13 Week 6 Module name: Design & Materials Timetable hours: 450 minutes Hours attended: 0 - Tutorial Additional hours: 5760 minutes What I expect to achieve: Start to do Auto-Cad and technology drawing and go to 3D workshop do my model and finish to do my sketchbook. What have I achieved: I used Auto-Cad to do technology drawing but my computer skill was poor so need to ask for Matt or Paul to do it and been to 3D workshop cut a part of my work then can do at home. Did I visit any galleries to further my knowledge: I been to Manchester Art Gallery, saw Raqib Shaw’s exhibition and jewellery exhibition. I took some photos and give me some idea.Raqib Shaw ‘s work was amazing. Every piece of his work was very detail and very colourful. He was to tell the stories on his work. I really like it. What do I think/feel about my achievements: I feel ok, still carry on do my work. What did I learn this week: Been to Art Gallery is good to open my idea. I think next time if I find hard or don’t know what to do then go to Art Gallery or ask tutor. What will I do next: Finish to do my model and take photographs, doing Sketch up and client board then final check to make sure everything done then submit it before 4 pm.


learning to learn 1

Transcript of learning

Establishing Professional Practice


Week 6

Module name: Design & Materials

Timetable hours: 450 minutes

Hours attended: 0 - Tutorial

Additional hours: 5760 minutes

What I expect to achieve:

Start to do Auto-Cad and technology drawing and go to 3D workshop do my model and finish to do my sketchbook.

What have I achieved:

I used Auto-Cad to do technology drawing but my computer skill was poor so need to ask for Matt or Paul to do it and been to 3D workshop cut a part of my work then can do at home.

Did I visit any galleries to further my knowledge:

I been to Manchester Art Gallery, saw Raqib Shaw’s exhibition and jewellery exhibition. I took some photos and give me some idea.Raqib Shaw ‘s work was amazing. Every piece of his work was very detail and very colourful. He was to tell the stories on his work. I really like it.

What do I think/feel about my achievements:

I feel ok, still carry on do my work.

What did I learn this week:

Been to Art Gallery is good to open my idea. I think next time if I find hard or don’t know what to do then go to Art Gallery or ask tutor.

What will I do next:

Finish to do my model and take photographs, doing Sketch up and client board then final check to make sure everything done then submit it before 4 pm.