Learn tutorial - Automatic group creation

TUTORIAL Learn (ver. 2.7) How to auto-create groups Notice that students can be split into groups in two ways: Auto-create groups Create groups manually (see separate tutorial) How to auto-create groups Groups can be created automatically via the 'Auto-create groups' button ! Clic" the #Auto-create groups$ button in Administration > Course administration > Users > Groups % Clic" the Expand all lin" top right to see all the settings


This is a tutorial on how to automatically create groups on Learn.

Transcript of Learn tutorial - Automatic group creation

TUTORIALLearn (ver. 2.7)How to auto-create groups

Notice that students can be split into groups in two ways: Auto-create groups Create groups manually (see separate tutorial)How to auto-create groups

Groups can be created automatically via the 'Auto-create groups' button.1. Click the Auto-create groups button inAdministration > Course administration > Users > Groups. 2. Click theExpand alllink top right to see all the settings

General3. Select a Naming schemeYou can create anaming scheme automatically. # is replaced by sequential numbers, and @ by letters. For example:Group @will create group with a naming scheme Group A, Group B, Group C . . .Group #will create group with a naming scheme Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 . . .4. Specify if you want to auto-create groups based on number of groups or number of members in the groups5. Specify how many groups or how many members in the groups you want:

x number of groups or x number of students in each group Notice that SpecifyandGroup/Member countwork together.6. When selectingMembers per group,thePrevent last small groupwill allocate additional members to an existing group rather than create a new group with fewer members than x. E.g. if you want to have at least 5 in each group, select this option to prevent the creation of a last group with only 1-4 members.

This setting is found by clicking on the Show More link.

Group members7. The option Select members with roleallows you to choose from roles or available cohorts.Cohortsare groups of users created by admin which can then be brought in "en masse" to courses.8. The setting 'Select members from cohort' lists all cohorts which users enrolled on the current course are part of. The number in brackets is the number of users enrolled on the course in that cohort.9. Select how you want group members to be allocated (E.g. randomly, alphabetically by first name, alphabetically by last name)

Grouping10. Create in groupingandGrouping nameallow you to create a new grouping and allocate the new auto-created groups to be created to it.Prior to creating the groups by clicking Submit, you can preview the groups.