Learn top metrics to track your e commerce website

Learn Top Metrics to Track Your eCommerce Website The key to start with web analytics is to analyze some basic numbers. Once you understand these key metrics, you can go further to build your expertise. So, let us get a closer look at some key metrics to track your eCommerce website today: 1. Visitors It indicates the number of people visited your site during a specific timeframe. An important component in it is of ‘Unique visitors’ that represents the count of individual people that visited your site regardless of the number of times they visited your site. These numbers are important because they represent the size of the audience that you are reaching. As you expand your marketing wwww.etailingindiaexpo.com

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Learn Top Metrics to Track Your eCommerce Website

The key to start with web analytics is to analyze some basic numbers. Once you understand these

key metrics, you can go further to build your expertise.

So, let us get a closer look at some key metrics to track your eCommerce website today:

1. Visitors

It indicates the number of people visited your site during a specific timeframe. An important

component in it is of ‘Unique visitors’ that represents the count of individual people that visited

your site regardless of the number of times they visited your site.

These numbers are important because they represent the size of the audience that you are

reaching. As you expand your marketing efforts, you will want to see if they are effective. This is

especially true if you do offline marketing that can’t get tracked explicitly in Google Analytics.

2. Referrals


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When you see the handle on your visitor numbers, you would like to know, “Where did these

people come from?” The referrals report is the answer to that question.

Referrals track users as they click on links in search engines, on other blogs, and other websites

to your web site. The referrals report will show the number of visitors you are getting from social

sites as well.

Analyzing and understanding where you traffic is coming from is the key to know whether your

promotion is actually working or not. Are people mentioning you on their blogs and linking back

to you? Are your social efforts paying off?

3. Bounce Rate

A “bounce” is when someone visits your site and immediately clicks the back button or closes

their browser tab. What this usually imply that that user didn’t find what they were looking for

on your site and decided to leave.

Obviously, many a times people just end up on the wrong site by accident, so getting your

bounce rate down to zero is impossible. But reducing the rate is critical. Every lost visitor is a

lost opportunity, so you’ll want to figure out why people are leaving and try to add the right

content or navigation on your site to keep users around.

You can combine the referral report with your bounce rate data to see what sites are generating

the highest bounce rate.

4. Exit Pages

Unlike a “bounce”, when a user visits your site and barely views one page, an “exit” is when a

user visits multiple pages and then leaves your site.

Pages on your site may naturally have a high exit rate, such as the order receipt page. After all, a

visitor is probably done with their purchase if they have reached the order receipt page after

successfully completing a purchase.


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However, having a high exit rate on other pages on your site may indicate that you site may have

some problems. Are they not finding the information they need? Why are they leaving?

5. Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is one of the most important metric which defines the percentage of people who

achieved a goal on your site. Goals are things like completing a purchase, filling out a contact

form, or viewing a certain page on your site.

The reason conversion rate is so important is that it is the ultimate measure of how successful

your site is. If your site has a low conversion rate, you are either attracting the wrong kind of

visitor to your site or your site is not effective at convincing your visitors that you offer the right

solution to their problem. Sometimes, it also leads us to broken links to fix as well.

6. Top Pages

It’s important to know what pages your visitors think are the most important on your site. If you

run a content site, your top pages report may change frequently. The report will tell you what

types of content your visitors find most useful and engaging, and which headlines you’ve written

were the most successful. Use this knowledge to help determine your further content.

So, these are some of the simplest yet important metrics to go by while tracking your eCommerce / business website.
