Learn About Daily Family Life in Spain

Learn About Daily Life in Spain

Transcript of Learn About Daily Family Life in Spain

Our daily life in Spain posts cover a multitude of topics.

Unlike the numerous other websites offering advice and information on life in Spain, we have chosen to write more of a diary style approach to the daily challenges we face, and the fun we have, as a family, living in Spain.

As our children are young, we are able to take you through the life process, each step of the way.

We share the good, the bad and the ugly about our daily life in Spain. We don’t believe in selling dreams. We portray reality. We believe we have chosen the best place to bring up our children and strive to live and learnto the full, on a daily basis.

Admittedly, there are times when you want to scream and shout and feel frustrated. But, that’s true everywhere you live, isn’t it? Look out for mum’s (Lisa’s) rants and raves about specific matters … she does always find a solution though!

For information related to the daily life in Spain of our children and others, read the Children Category posts .