Leadsheet for STB P28 Genesis 1 thru 8 by Ron Porter

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Transcript of Leadsheet for STB P28 Genesis 1 thru 8 by Ron Porter

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Smooth {q = c 80}

The Old Tes ta ment of the King- -


James Ver sion of the Bi ble The First Book of Mo ses: Called Gen- - - -

e sis Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse One. In the be gin ning God- - - - - -

cre at ed the heav en and the earth. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse- - - - - -


Two. And the earth was with out form, and void; and dark ness was up on- - -


the face of the deep. And the Spir it of God moved up on the- -


face of the wa ters. Gen e- - -

Bible Project 0028 Genesis 001 008

Ron Porter

© copyright [email protected] Ron Porter


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sis Chap ter One Verse- - -


Three. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Gen -


e sis Chap ter One Verse Four. And God saw the light, that it- -


was good: and God di vid ed the light from the dark ness. Gen e sis- - - - -


Chap ter One Verse Five. And God called the light Day, and the dark ness- -


he called Night. And the eve ning and the morn ing were the first- -


day. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse Six. And God said, Let there be a- - -


fir ma ment in the midst of the wa ters, and let it di vide the-- - -

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wa ters from the wa ters. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse Sev en. And- - - - - -


God made the fir ma ment, and di vid ed the wa ters which were un- - - - - -


der the fir ma ment from the wa ters which were a bove the fir ma- - - - - -


ment: and it was so. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse- - -


Eight. And God called the fir ma ment Heav en. And the eve ning and the- - - -


morn ing were the sec ond day. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse Nine.- - - - -


And God said, Let the wa ters un der the heav en be gath ered to- - - - -


geth er un to one place, and let the dry land ap pear: and it was- - -

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so. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse Ten. And God called the dry land Earth;- - -


and the gath er ing to geth er of the wa ters called He Seas:-- - - -


and God saw that it was good. Gen e sis Chap ter- - -


One Verse E le ven. And God said, Let the earth bring forth- -


grass, the herb yield ing seed, and the fruit tree yield ing fruit af  - - -


ter his kind, whose seed is in it self, up on the earth: and it was- -


so. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse Twelve. And the earth brought forth grass,- - -


and herb yield ing seed af ter his kind, and the tree yield ing- - -

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fruit, whose seed was in it self, af ter his kind: and God saw that it- -


was good. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse Thir teen. And the eve ning and- -- - -


the morn ing were the third day. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse Four teen.- - - - -


And God said, Let there be lights in the fir ma ment of the heav en- - -


to di vide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for-


sea sons, and for days, and years: Gen e sis Chap ter- - - -


One Verse Fif teen. And let them be for lights in the fir ma ment of  - - -


the heav en to give light up on the earth: and it was so. Gen- - -

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e sis Chap ter One Verse Six teen. And God made two great lights; the great- - - -


er light to rule the day, and the less er light to rule the night: he-


made the stars al so. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse Sev en teen. And- - - - - -


God set them in the fir ma ment of the heav en to give light-- -


up on the earth, Gen e sis- - -


Chap ter One Verse Eight- -


teen. And to rule o ver the day and o ver the night,- - -


and to di vide the light from the dark ness: and God saw that- -

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it was good. Gen e sis Chap ter- - -


One Verse Nine teen. And the eve ning- -


and the morn ing were the fourth day. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse- - - -


Twen ty. And God said, Let the wa ters bring forth a bun dant- - - - -


ly the mov ing crea ture that hath life, and fowl that may fly a bove- - -


the earth in the o pen fir ma ment of heav en. Gen e sis Chap- - - - - - -


ter One Verse Twen ty One. And God cre at ed great whales, and eve ry- - - -


liv ing crea ture that mov eth, which the wa ters brought forth a bun dant- - - - - - -

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ly, af ter their kind, and eve ry winged fowl af ter his kind: and God- - -


saw that it was good. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse- - -


Twen ty Two. And God blessed them, say ing, Be fruit ful, and mul ti ply,- - - - -


and fill the wa ters in the seas, and let fowl mul ti ply in- - -


the earth. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse Twen ty Three. And the eve ning- - - - -


and the morn ing were the fifth day. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse Twen- - - - -


ty Four. And God said, Let the earth bring forth the liv ing crea ture af - - -


ter his kind, cat tle, and creep ing thing, and beast of the earth af  - - -

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ter his kind: and it was so. Gen e sis Chap ter- - -


One Verse Twen ty Five. And God made the beast of the earth-


af ter his kind, and cat tle af ter their kind, and eve ry- - - -


thing that creep eth up on the earth af ter his kind: and God saw that- - -


it was good. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse Twen ty Six. And God- - - -


said, Let us make man in our im age, af ter our like ness:- - -


and let them have do min ion o ver the fish of the sea, and o- - - -


ver the fowl of the air, and o ver the cat tle, and o ver all- - -

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the earth, and o ver eve ry creep ing thing that creep eth up on the- - - - -


earth. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse Twen ty Sev en. So God cre at- - - - - - -


ed man in his own im age, in the im age of God cre at ed- - - -


he him; male and fe male cre at ed he them. Gen- - - -


e sis Chap ter One Verse Twen ty Eight. And God blessed them, and God said- - -


un to them, Be fruit ful, and mul ti ply, and re plen ish the- - - - - -


earth, and sub due it: and have do min ion o ver the fish of the- - - -


sea, and o ver the fowl of the air, and o ver eve ry liv ing- - - -

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thing that mov eth up on the earth. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse Twen- - - - - -


ty Nine. And God said, Be hold, I have giv en you eve ry herb- - -


bear ing seed, which is up on- -


the face of all the


earth, and eve ry tree, in the which is the fruit of a-


tree yield ing seed; to you it shall be for meat. Gen e sis- - -


Chap ter One Verse Thir ty. And to eve ry beast of the earth, and to- - -


eve ry fowl of the air, and to eve ry thing that creep eth up- - - -

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on the earth, where in there is life, I have giv en eve ry- - -


green herb for meat: and it was so. Gen e sis Chap ter One Verse Thir- - - -


ty One. And God saw eve ry thing that he had made, and, be hold, it- -


was ver y good. And the eve ning and the morn ing were the sixth day.- - -


Gen e sis Chap ter Two Verse One. Thus the heav ens and the earth were- - - -


fin ished, and all the host of them. Gen e sis Chap ter Two Verse Two.- - - -


And on the sev enth day God end ed his work which- -


he had made; and he rest ed on the sev enth day from all his work - -

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which he had made. Gen e sis Chap ter Two Verse Three. And God blessed- - -


the sev enth day, and sanc ti fied it: be cause that in it he had- - - -


rest ed from all his work which God cre at ed and made. Gen e sis- - - - -


Chap ter Two Verse Four. These are the gen er a tions of the heav ens- - - - -


and of the earth when they were cre at ed, in the day that the- -


Lord God made the earth and the heav ens, Gen e sis- - -


Chap ter Two Verse Five. And eve ry plant of the field be- - -


fore it was in the earth, and eve ry herb of the field be- -

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fore it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain up on the-


earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. Gen e sis Chap- - -


ter Two Verse Six. But there went up a mist from the earth, and


wa tered the whole face of the ground. Gen e sis Chap ter Two Verse Sev- - - - -


en. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed in -


to his nos trils the breath of life; and man be came a liv ing soul.- - -


Gen e sis Chap ter Two Verse Eight. And the Lord God plant ed a gar- - - - -


den east ward in E den; and there he put the man whom he had formed.- -

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Gen e sis Chap ter Two Verse Nine. And out of the- - -


ground made the Lord God to grow eve ry tree that is pleas ant to the- -


sight, and good for food; the tree of life al so in the midst of  -


the gar den, and the tree of knowl edge of good and e vil. Gen e- - - - -


sis Chap ter Two Verse Ten. And a riv er went out of E den to- - -


wa ter the gar den; and from thence it was part ed, and be came in- - - - -


to four heads. Gen e sis Chap ter Two Verse E le ven. The name-- - - -


of the first is Pi son: that-

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is it which com pass- -


eth the whole land of Hav i lah, where there is gold; Gen- - - -


e sis Chap ter Two Verse Twelve. And the gold of that land is- -


good: there is bdel li um and the on yx stone. Gen e sis Chap ter- - - - - -


Two Verse Thir teen. And the name of the sec ond riv er is Gi- - - -


hon: the same is it that com pass eth the whole land of E- - -


thi o pi a. Gen e sis Chap ter Two Verse Four teen. And the name- - - - - - -


of the third riv er is Hid de kel: that is it which go eth to- - - - -

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ward the east of As syr i a. And the fourth riv er is Eu phra- - - - - -


tes. Gen e sis Chap ter Two Verse Fif teen. And the Lord God took the- - - -


man, and put him in to the gar den of E den to dress it and- - -


to keep it. Gen e sis Chap ter Two Verse Six teen.- - - -


And the Lord God com mand ed the man, say ing, Of eve ry tree of  - - - -


the gar den thou may est free ly eat: Gen e sis Chap ter Two- - - - - -


Verse Sev en teen. But of the tree of the knowl edge of good and e- - - -


vil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eat est there- -

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of thou shalt sure ly die. Gen e sis Chap ter Two Verse Eight teen. And- - - - -


the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be a lone;-


I will make him an help meet for him. Gen e sis- -


Chap ter Two Verse Nine teen. And out of the ground the Lord- -


God formed eve ry beast of the field, and eve ry fowl of the- -


air; and brought them un to Ad am to see what he would call them: and- -


what so ev er Ad am called eve ry liv ing crea ture, that was- - - - - - -


the name there of. Gen e sis Chap ter Two Verse Twen ty. And- - - - -

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Ad am gave names to all cat tle, and to the fowl of the air, and- -


to eve ry beast of the field; but for Ad am there was not found an--


help meet for him. Gen e sis Chap ter Two Verse Twen ty One. And the- - - -


Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall up on Ad am, and he slept: and- -


he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in stead there of; Gen- - -


e sis Chap ter Two Verse Twen ty Two. And the rib,- - -


which the Lord God had tak en from man, made he a wom an, and brought- -


her un to the man. Gen e sis Chap ter Two Verse Twen ty Three.- - - - -

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And Ad am said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh:-


she shall be called Wom an, be cause she was tak en out of Man. Gen- - - -


e sis Chap ter Two Verse Twen ty Four. There fore shall a man leave his- - - -


fa ther and his moth er, and shall cleave un to his wife: and they- - -


shall be one flesh. Gen e sis- -


Chap ter Two Verse Twen- -


ty Five. And they were both na ked, the man and his wife,- -


and were not a shamed. Gen e sis Chap ter Three Verse One. Now- - - -

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the ser pent was more sub til than an y beast of the field which the- - -


Lord God had made. And he said un to the wom an, Yea, hath God- -


said, Ye shall not eat of eve ry tree of the gar den? Gen- - -


e sis Chap ter Three Verse Two. And the wom an said un to the ser- - - - -


pent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the gar den: Gen e- - -


sis Chap ter Three Verse Three. But of the fruit of the tree which is in-


the midst of the gar den, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, nei- -


ther shall ye touch it, lest ye die. Gen e sis Chap ter Three Verse Four.- - -

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And the ser pent said un to the wom an, Ye shall- - -


not sure ly die: Gen e sis Chap ter Three Verse Five. For God doth know- - - -


that in the day ye eat there of, then your eyes shall be o pened,- -


and ye shall be as gods, know ing good and e vil. Gen e sis Chap- - - - -


ter Three Verse Six. And when the wom an saw that the tree was good for-


food, and that it was pleas ant to the eyes, and a tree to be de- -


sired to make one wise, she took of the fruit there of, and did eat,-


and gave al so un to her hus band with her; and- - -

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he did eat. Gen e sis Chap ter Three Verse Sev en. And- - - -


the eyes of them both were o pened, and they knew that they were-


na ked; and they sewed fig leaves to geth er, and made them selves a prons.- - - - -


Gen e sis Chap ter Three Verse Eight. And they heard the voice of the- - -


Lord God walk ing in the gar den in the cool of the day:- -


and Ad am and his wife hid them selves from the pres ence of the Lord- - -


God a mongst the trees of the gar den. Gen e sis Chap ter Three Verse-- - - -


Nine. And the Lord God called un to Ad am, and said un to him, Where- - -

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art thou? Gen e sis Chap ter Three Verse Ten. And he said, I heard thy- - -


voice in the gar den, and I was a fraid, be cause I was na ked;- - - -


and I hid my self. Gen e sis Chap ter Three Verse- - - -


E le ven. And he said, Who told thee that thou wast na ked? Hast thou- - -


eat en of the tree, where of I com mand ed thee that thou should- - - - -


est not eat? Gen e sis Chap ter Three Verse Twelve. And the man said, The- - -


wom an whom thou gav est to be with me, she gave me of the tree,- -


and I did eat. Gen e sis Chap ter Three Verse Thir teen. And the Lord- - - -

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God said un to the wom an, What is this that thou hast done? And- -


the wom an said, The ser pent- -


be guiled me, and I-


did eat. Gen e sis Chap ter Three Verse Four teen. And the- - - -


Lord God said un to the ser pent, Be cause thou hast done this,- - -


thou art curs ed a bove all cat tle, and a bove eve ry beast of  - - - - -


the field; up on thy bel ly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat- -


all the days of thy life: Gen e sis Chap ter Three Verse Fif  - - - -

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teen. And I will put en mi ty be tween thee and the wom an, and- - - -


be tween thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise-


his heel. Gen e sis Chap ter Three Verse Six teen. Un to the wom an- - - - - -


he said, I will great ly mul ti ply thy sor row and thy con cep- - - - - -


tion; in sor row thou shalt bring forth child ren; and thy de sire shall be- - -


to thy hus band, and he shall rule o ver thee. Gen- - -


e sis Chap ter Three Verse Sev en teen. And un to Ad am he said,- - - - - -


Be cause thou hast heark ened un to the voice of thy wife, and hast- - -

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eat en of the tree, of which I com mand ed thee, say ing, Thou shalt- - - -


not eat of it: curs ed is the ground for thy sake; in sor row shalt- -


thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Gen e sis Chap ter Three- - -


Verse Eight teen. Thorns al so and this tles shall it bring forth to thee;-- -


and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; Gen e sis- -


Chap ter Three Verse Nine teen. In the sweat of thy face shalt- -


thou eat bread, till thou re turn un to the ground; for out of  - -


it wast thou tak en: for dust thou art, and un to dust shalt thou re- - -

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turn. Gen e sis Chap ter Three Verse Twen ty. And Ad am called his- - - - -


wife's name Eve; be cause she was the moth er of all liv ing.- - -


Gen e sis Chap ter Three Verse Twen ty One. Un to Ad am al so- - - - - - -


and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them. Gen -


e sis Chap ter Three Verse Twen ty Two. And the Lord God said, Be hold,- - - -


the man is be come as one of us, to know good and e vil: and- -


now, lest he put forth his hand, and take al so of the tree of life,-


and eat, and live for ev er: Gen e sis Chap ter- - - -

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Three Verse Twen ty Three. There fore the Lord God sent him forth from the gar- - -


den of E den, to till the ground from whence he was tak en. Gen- - -


e sis Chap ter Three Verse Twen ty Four. So he drove out the man; and- - -


he placed at the east of the gar den of E den Cher u bims, and- - - -


a flam ing sword which turned eve ry way, to keep the way of the tree- -


of life. Gen e sis Chap ter Four Verse One. And Ad am knew Eve- - - -


his wife; and she con ceived, and-


bare Cain, and said, I

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have got ten a man from the Lord. Gen e sis Chap ter- - - -


Four Verse Two. And she a gain bare his broth er A bel. And- - -


A bel was a keep er of sheep, but Cain was a till er of the- - -


ground. Gen e sis Chap ter Four Verse Three. And in pro cess of time- - - -


it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an


of fer ing un to the Lord. Gen e sis Chap ter Four Verse Four. And- - - - - -


A bel, he al so brought of the first lings of his flock and of the-- -


fat there of. And the Lord had re spect un to A bel and to his- - - -

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of fer ing: Gen e sis Chap ter Four Verse Five. But un to Cain and- - - - - -


to his of fer ing he had not re spect. And Cain was ver y wroth,- - - -


and his coun te nance fell. Gen e sis Chap ter Four- - - - -


Verse Six. And the Lord said un to Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is-


thy coun te nance fall en? Gen e sis Chap ter Four Verse Sev en.- - - - - - -


If thou do est well, shalt thou not be ac cept ed? and if thou do- - - -


est not well, sin li eth at the door. And un to thee shall be his- -


de sire, and thou shalt rule o ver him. Gen e sis Chap ter Four Verse- - - - -

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Eight. And Cain talked with A bel his broth er: and it came to pass,- -


when they were in the field, that Cain rose up a gainst-


A bel his broth er, and slew him. Gen e sis Chap ter- - - - -


Four Verse Nine. And the Lord said un to Cain, Where is A bel- -


thy broth er? And he said, I know not: Am I my broth er’s keep er?- - -


Gen e sis Chap ter Four Verse Ten. And he said, What hast thou done?- - -


the voice of thy broth er’s blood cri eth un to me from the- - -


ground. Gen e sis Chap ter Four Verse E le ven. And now art thou curs- - - - - -

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ed from the earth, which hath o pened her mouth to re ceive thy broth er’s-- -


blood from thy hand; Gen e sis Chap ter Four Verse Twelve. When thou till est- - - -


the ground, it shall not hence forth yield un to thee her strength; a fu gi- - - -


tive and a vag a bond shalt thou be in the earth. Gen e sis Chap- - - - -


ter Four Verse Thir teen. And Cain said un to the Lord,- -


My pun ish ment is great er than I can bear. Gen e sis Chap ter- - - - - -


Four Verse Four teen. Be hold, thou hast driv en me out this day from- - -


the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall

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be a fu gi tive and a vag a bond in the earth; and it shall- - - -


come to pass, that eve ry one that find eth me shall slay me. Gen e- - - -


sis Chap ter Four Verse Fif teen. And the Lord said un to him, There- - - -


fore who so ev er slay eth- - - -


Cain, venge ance shall be-


tak en on him sev en fold. And the Lord set a mark  - - -


up on Cain, lest an y find ing him should kill him. Gen e- - - - -


sis Chap ter Four Verse Six teen. And- -

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Cain went out from the pres ence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of -


Nod, on the east of E den. Gen e sis Chap ter Four- - - -


Verse Sev en teen. And Cain knew his wife; and she con ceived, and bare E- - - -


noch: and he build ed a cit y, and called the name of the cit y,- - -


af ter the name of his son, E noch. Gen e sis Chap ter Four Verse- - - - -


Eight teen. And un to E noch was born I rad: and I rad be gat- - - - - -


Me hu ja el: and Me hu ja el be gat Me thu sa el: and- - - - - - - - - -


Me thu sa el be gat La mech. Gen e sis Chap ter Four- - - - - - - -

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Verse Nine teen. And La mech took un to him two wives: the name- - -


of the one was A dah, and the name of the oth er Zil lah. Gen- - - -


e sis Chap ter Four Verse Twen ty. And A dah bare Ja bal: he- - - - -


was the fa ther of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cat- -


tle. Gen e sis Chap ter Four Verse Twen ty One. And his broth er’s name- - - - -


was Ju bal: he was the fa ther of all such as han dle the- - -


harp and or gan. Gen e sis Chap ter Four Verse Twen ty Two. And- - - - -


Zil lah, she al so bare Tu bal cain, an in- - - - -

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struct er of eve ry ar tif i cer in brass and i- - - - - -


ron: and the sis ter of Tu bal cain was Na a mah. Gen e sis- - - - - - -


Chap ter Four Verse Twen ty Three. And La mech said un to his wives, A- - - - -


dah and Zil lah, Hear my voice; ye wives of La mech, heark  - - -


en un to my speech: for I have slain a man to my wound ing, and- -


a young man to my hurt. Gen e sis Chap ter Four Verse Twen ty Four.- - - -


If Cain shall be a venged sev en fold, tru ly La mech sev en ty- - - - - - -


and sev en fold. Gen e sis Chap ter Four Verse Twen ty Five. And Ad- - - - - - -

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am knew his wife a gain; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth:-


For God, said she, hath ap point ed me an oth er seed in- - - - -


stead of A bel, whom Cain slew. Gen e sis Chap ter Four Verse- - - -


Twen ty Six. And to Seth, to him al so there was born a son; and- -


he called his name E nos: then be gan men to call up on the- - -


name of the Lord. Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse One. This is the book - - -


of the gen er a tions of Ad am. In the day that God cre at- - - - - -


ed man, in the like ness of God made he him; Gen e sis Chap- - - -

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ter Five Verse Two. Male and fe male cre at ed he them; and blessed- - -


them, and called their name


Ad am, in the day when they were cre at ed. Gen e- - - - -


sis Chap ter Five Verse Three. And Ad am lived an hun dred and- - -


thir ty years, and be gat a son in his own like ness, and af ter- - - -


his im age; and called his name Seth: Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse- - - -


Four. And the days of Ad am af ter he had be got ten- - - -


Seth were eight hun dred years: and he be gat sons and daugh ters: Gen e- - - - -

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sis Chap ter Five Verse Five. And all the days that Ad am lived were nine--


hun dred and thir ty years: and he died. Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse- - - - -


Six. And Seth lived an hun dred and five years, and be gat E nos: Gen- - - -


e sis Chap ter Five Verse Sev en. And Seth lived af ter he be gat- - - - -


E nos eight hun dred and sev en years, and be gat- - - -


sons and daugh ters: Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse Eight. And all the days- - - -


of Seth were nine hun dred and twelve years: and he died. Gen e sis- - -


Chap ter Five Verse Nine. And E nos lived nine ty years, and be gat Ca- - - - -

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in an: Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse Ten. And E nos lived af ter- - - - - -


he be gat Ca in an eight hun dred and fif teen years, and be gat- - - - - -


sons and daugh ters: Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse E le ven. And-- - - - -


all the days of E nos were nine hun dred and five- -


years: and he died. Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse Twelve. And- - -


Ca in an lived sev en ty years and be gat Ma ha la- - - - - - - -


le el: Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse Thir teen. And Ca in an lived- - - - - - -


af ter he be gat Ma ha la le el eight hun dred and for- - - - - - - -

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ty years, and be gat sons and daugh ters: Gen e sis Chap ter- - - - -


Five Verse Four teen. And all the days of Ca in an were nine hun dred- - - -


and ten years: and he died. Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse Fif teen. And-- - -


Ma ha la le el lived six ty and five years, and be gat Jar ed:- - - - - - -


Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse Six teen. And Ma ha la le el lived- - - - - - - -


af ter he be gat Jar ed eight hun dred and thir ty years, and be- - - - - -


gat sons and daugh ters: Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse- - - -


Sev en teen. And all the days of Ma ha la le el were eight hun- - - - - - -

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dred nine ty and five years: and he died. Gen e sis Chap ter Five- - - -


Verse Eight teen. And Jar ed lived an hun dred six ty and two years, and- - - -


he be gat E noch: Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse Nine teen. And Jar- - - - - - -


ed lived af ter he be gat E noch eight hun dred years, and be gat- - - - -


sons and daugh ters: Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse Twen ty. And all-- - - -


the days of Jar ed were nine-


hun dred six ty and- -


two years: and he died. Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse Twen- - - -

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ty One. And E noch lived six ty and five years, and be gat- - -


Me thu se lah: Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse Twen ty Two. And E- - - - - - - -


noch walked with God af ter he be gat Me thu se lah three hun- - - - - -


dred years, and be gat sons and daugh ters: Gen e sis Chap ter- - - - -


Five Verse Twen ty Three. And all the days of E noch were three hun dred- - -


six ty and five years: Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse Twen ty Four. And-- - - -


E noch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. Gen e sis- - -


Chap ter Five Verse Twen ty Five. And Me thu se lah lived an hun dred- - - - - -

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eight y and sev en years, and be gat La mech. Gen e sis Chap ter- - - - - - -


Five Verse Twen ty Six. And Me thu se lah lived af  - - - - -


ter he be gat La mech sev en hun dred eight y and two years, and- - - - -


be gat sons and daugh ters: Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse Twen ty- - - - - -


Sev en. And all the days of Me thu se lah were nine hun dred six- - - - - -


ty and nine years: and he died. Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse Twen ty- - - -


Eight. And La mech lived an hun dred eight y and two years, and be gat- - - -


a son: Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse Twen ty Nine. And he called- - - -

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his name No ah, say ing, This same shall com fort us- - -


con cern ing our work and toil of our hands, be cause of  - - -


the ground which the Lord hath curs ed. Gen e sis Chap ter Five- - - -


Verse Thir ty. And La mech lived af ter he be gat No ah five hun- - - - - -


dred nine ty and five years, and be gat sons and daugh ters: Gen e- - - - -


sis Chap ter Five Verse Thir ty One. And all the days of La- - -


mech were sev en hun dred sev en ty and sev en years: and he died.- - - - -


Gen e sis Chap ter Five Verse Thir ty Two. And No ah was five hun-- - - - -

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dred years old: and No ah be gat Shem, Ham, and Ja pheth. Gen e sis- - - - -


Chap ter Six Verse One. And it came to pass, when men be gan to mul- - -


ti ply on the face of the earth, and daugh ters were born un to them,- - -


Gen e sis Chap ter Six Verse Two. That the sons of  - - -


God saw the daugh ters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives-


of all which they chose. Gen e sis Chap ter Six Verse Three. And the- - -


Lord said, My spir it shall not al ways strive with man, for that he al- - -


so is flesh: yet his days shall be an hun dred and twen ty years. Gen- - -

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e sis Chap ter Six Verse Four. There were gi ants in the earth in those- - -


days; and al so af ter that, when the sons of God came in un- - -


to the daugh ters of men, and-


they bare child ren to-


them, the same be came might y men which were of old, men- -


of re nown. Gen e sis Chap ter Six Verse Five. And God saw- - - -


that the wick ed ness of man was great in the earth, and that eve ry- - -


im ag i na tion of the thoughts of his heart was on ly e- - - - - -

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vil con tin u al ly. Gen e sis Chap ter Six Verse Six.- - - - - - -


And it re pent ed the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and- -


it grieved him at his heart. Gen e sis Chap ter Six Verse Sev en. And-- - -


the Lord said, I will de stroy man whom I have cre at ed from the- - -


face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creep ing thing, and the fowls-


of the air; for it re pent eth me that I have made them. Gen e- - - -


sis Chap ter Six Verse Eight. But No ah found grace in- -


the eyes of the Lord. Gen e sis Chap ter Six Verse Nine. These are the- - -

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gen er a tions of No ah: No ah was a just man and per- - - - - -


fect in his gen er a tions, and No ah walked with God. Gen e sis- - - - - -


Chap ter Six Verse Ten. And No ah be gat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Ja- - - -


pheth. Gen e sis Chap ter Six Verse E le ven. The earth al so was- - - - - -


cor rupt be fore God, and the earth was filled with vi o lence. Gen- - - - -


e sis Chap ter Six Verse Twelve. And God looked up on- - -


the earth, and, be hold, it was cor rupt; for all flesh had- -


cor rupt ed his way up on the earth. Gen e sis Chap ter- - - - - -

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Six Verse Thir teen. And God said un to No ah, The end of all flesh- - -


is come be fore me; for the earth is filled with vi o lence through- - -


them; and, be hold, I will de stroy them with the earth. Gen e- - - -


sis Chap ter Six Verse Four teen. Make thee an ark of go pher wood; rooms- - -


shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it with in and with out with- -


pitch. Gen e sis Chap ter Six Verse Fif teen. And this is the fash ion- - - - -


which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hun dred-


cu bits, the breadth of it fif ty cu bits, and the height of it thir- - - -

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ty cu bits. Gen e sis Chap ter Six Verse Six teen.- - - - -


A win dow shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cu bit shalt thou- -


fin ish it a bove; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in- -


the side there of; with low er, sec ond, and third stor ies shalt thou make- - - -


it. Gen e sis Chap ter Six Verse Sev en teen. And, be hold, I, e- - - - - - -


ven I, do bring a flood of wa ters up on the earth, to de stroy- - -


all flesh, where in is the breath of life, from un der heav en; and-- -


eve ry thing that is in the-

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earth shall die. Gen e- -


sis Chap ter Six Verse Eight teen. But with thee will I es- - - -


tab lish my cov e nant; and thou shalt come in to the ark,- - - -


thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and


thy sons' wives with thee. Gen e sis Chap ter Six Verse Nine teen. And of - - - -


eve ry liv ing thing of all flesh, two of eve ry sort- - -


shalt thou bring in to the ark, to keep them a live with thee; they shall- -


be male and fe male. Gen e sis Chap ter Six Verse Twen ty. Of fowls- - - - -

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af ter their kind, and of cat tle af ter their kind, of eve ry creep- - - - -


ing thing of the earth af ter his kind, two of eve ry sort shall come- -


un to thee, to keep them a live. Gen e sis Chap ter Six Verse Twen- - - - - -


ty One. And take thou un to thee of all food that is eat- -


en, and thou shalt gath er it to thee; and it shall be for-


food for thee, and for them. Gen e sis Chap ter Six Verse Twen ty Two.- - - -


Thus did No ah; ac cord ing to all that God com mand ed him,- - - - -


so did he. Gen e sis Chap ter Sev en Verse One. And the Lord said- - - -

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un to No ah, Come thou and all thy house in to the ark; for thee- - -


have I seen right eous be fore me in this gen er a tion. Gen- - - - - -


e sis Chap ter Sev en Verse Two. Of eve ry clean beast thou shalt- - - -


take to thee by sev ens, the male and his fe- -


male: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and


his fe male. Gen e sis Chap ter Sev en Verse Three. Of fowls al so- - - - - -


of the air by sev ens, the male and the fe male; to keep seed a- - -


live up on the face of all the earth. Gen e sis Chap- - - -

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ter Sev en Verse Four. For yet sev en days, and I will cause it to- -


rain up on the earth for ty days and for ty nights; and eve ry liv- - - - -


ing sub stance that I have made will I de stroy from off the face of  - -


the earth. Gen e sis Chap ter Sev en Verse Five. And No ah did ac- - - - - -


cord ing un to all that the Lord com mand ed him. Gen e sis Chap- - - - - - -


ter Sev en Verse Six. And No ah was six hun dred years old- - -


when the flood of wa ters was up on the earth. Gen e sis- - - -


Chap ter Sev en Verse Sev en. And No ah went in, and his sons, and- - - -

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his wife, and his sons' wives with him, in to the ark, be cause of  - -


the wa ters of the flood. Gen e sis Chap ter Sev en Verse Eight. Of - - - - -


clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of eve ry-


thing that creep eth up on the earth, Gen e sis Chap ter Sev en- - - - - -


Verse Nine. There went in two and two un to No ah in to the- - -


ark, the male and the


fe male, as God had com mand ed No ah. Gen e sis- - - - - -


Chap ter Sev en Verse Ten. And it came to pass af ter sev- - - -

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en days, that the wa ters of the flood were up on the earth. Gen e- - - -


sis Chap ter Sev en Verse E le ven. In the six hun dredth year- - - - -


of No ah's life, in the sec ond month, the sev en teenth day- - - -


of the month, the same day were all the foun tains of the great deep bro- -


ken up, and the win dows of heav en were o pened. Gen e sis Chap- - - - - -


ter Sev en Verse Twelve. And the rain was up on the earth for ty days- - -


and for ty nights. Gen e sis Chap ter Sev en Verse Thir teen. In the- - - - - -


self same day en tered No ah, and Shem, and Ham, and Ja pheth, the sons- - - -

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of No ah, and No ah's wife, and the three wives of  - -


his sons with them, in to the ark; Gen e sis Chap ter Sev en Verse- - - - -


Four teen. They, and eve ry beast af ter his kind, and all the cat- - - -


tle af ter their kind, and eve ry creep ing thing that creep eth up on- - - - -


the earth af ter his kind, and eve ry fowl af ter his kind, eve ry- - - -


bird of eve ry sort. Gen e sis Chap ter Sev en Verse Fif teen. And- - - - - -


they went in un to No ah in to the ark, two and two of  -- -


all flesh, where in is the breath of life. Gen e sis- - -

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Chap ter Sev en Verse Six teen. And they that went in, went- - -


in male and fe male of all flesh, as God had com mand ed- - -


him: and the Lord shut him in. Gen e sis Chap ter Sev en Verse Sev- - - - -


en teen. And the flood was for ty days up on the earth; and the- - -


wa ters in creased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up- -


a bove the earth. Gen e sis Chap ter Sev en Verse Eight teen. And the- - - - - -


wa ters pre vailed, and were in creased great ly up on the earth; and the- -- - -


ark went up on the face of the wa ters. Gen e sis Chap ter Sev- - - - - -

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en Verse Nine teen. And the wa ters pre vailed ex ceed ing ly up on- - - - - - -


the earth; and all the high hills, that were un der the whole heav en, were- -


cov ered. Gen e sis Chap ter Sev en Verse Twen ty.- - - - - -


Fif teen cu bits up ward did the wa ters pre vail; and the moun tains- - - - - -


were cov ered. Gen e sis Chap ter Sev en Verse Twen ty One. And- - - - - -


all flesh died that moved up on the earth, both of fowl, and of cat tle,- -


and of beast, and of eve ry creep ing thing that creep eth up on the- - - -


earth, and eve ry man: Gen e sis Chap ter Sev en Verse Twen ty Two.- - - - - -

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All in whose nos trils was the breath of life, of all that was in-


the dry land, died. Gen e sis- -


Chap ter Sev en Verse- -


Twen ty Three. And eve ry liv ing sub stance was de stroyed- - - - -


which was up on the face of the ground, both man, and cat tle,- -


and the creep ing things, and the fowl-


of the heav en; and they were de stroyed from the earth: and No ah on- - - -


ly re mained a live, and they that were with him in the- -

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ark. Gen e sis Chap ter Sev en Verse Twen ty Four. And the wa ters- - - - - -


pre vailed up on the earth an hun dred and fif ty days. Gen e sis-- - - - -


Chap ter Eight Verse One. And God re mem bered No ah, and eve ry liv- - - - - -


ing thing, and all the cat tle that was with him in the ark: and God-


made a wind to pass o ver the earth, and the wa ters as swaged; Gen- - - -


e sis Chap ter Eight Verse Two. The foun tains al so of the- - - -


deep and the win dows of heav en were stopped, and the rain from- -


heav en was re strained; Gen e sis Chap ter Eight Verse Three. And the wa- - - - - -

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ters re turned from off the earth con tin u al ly: and af ter- - - - - -


the end of the hun dred and fif ty days the wa ters were a bat- - - - -


ed. Gen e sis Chap ter Eight Verse Four. And the ark rest ed in the- - - -


sev enth month, on the sev en teenth day of the month, up on the- - - -


moun tains of Ar a rat. Gen e sis Chap ter Eight Verse Five. And- - - - - -


the wa ters de creased con tin u al ly un- - - - - - -


til the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of  


the month, were the tops of the moun tains seen. Gen e sis Chap ter Eight- - - -

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Verse Six. And it came to pass at the end of for ty days, that No- -


ah o pened the win dow of the ark which he had made:- -


Gen e sis Chap ter Eight Verse Sev en. And he sent forth a ra ven,- - - - -


which went forth to and fro, un til the wa ters were dried up from off - -

the earth. Gen e sis Chap ter Eight Verse Eight. Al so he sent forth a-- - -

dove from him, to see if the wa ters were a bat ed from off the- - -

face of theground; Gen e sis Chap ter Eight Verse Nine. But the dove found- - -

no rest for the sole of her foot, and she re turned un to- -

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him in to the ark, for the wa ters were on the face of  - -

the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in

un to him in to the ark. Gen e sis Chap ter Eight Verse Ten.- - - - -

And he stayed yet oth er sev en days; and a gain he sent forth the- - -

dove out of the ark; Gen e sis Chap ter Eight Verse E le ven. And- - - - -

the dove came in to him in the eve ning; and, lo, in her mouth-

was an ol ive leaf pluckt off: so No ah knew that the wa ters- - -

were a bat ed from- -

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off the earth. Gen e sis Chap ter Eight Verse Twelve. And he- - -

stayed yet oth er sev en days; and sent forth the dove; which re- - -

turned not a gain un to him an y more. Gen e sis Chap ter Eight- - - - - -

Verse Thir teen. And it came to pass in the six hun dredth and first- -

year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the wa ters-

were dried up from off the earth: and No ah re moved the cov er ing- - - -

of the ark, and looked, and, be hold, the face of the ground was dry. Gen- -

e sis Chap ter Eight Verse Four teen. And in the sec ond month, on the- - - -

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sev en and twen ti eth day of the month, was the earth dried. Gen e- - - - -

sis Chap ter Eight Verse Fif teen. And God spake un to No ah, say ing,- - - - -

Gen e sis Chap ter Eight Verse Six teen. Go forth of  - - - -

the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives with thee. Gen -

e sis Chap ter Eight Verse Sev en teen. Bring forth with thee eve ry- - - - -

liv ing thing that is with thee, of all flesh, both of fowl, and of cat- -

tle, and of eve ry creep ing thing that creep eth up on the earth; that- - - -

they may breed a bun dant ly in the earth, and be fruit ful, and mul- - - - -

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ti ply up on the earth. Gen e sis Chap ter Eight Verse Eight teen.-- - - - -

And No ah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and-

his sons' wives with him: Gen e sis Chap ter Eight Verse Nine- - - -

teen. Eve ry beast, eve ry creep ing thing, and eve ry fowl, and- - - -

what so ev er creep eth up on the earth, af ter their kinds, went forth- - - - - -

out of the ark. Gen e sis Chap ter Eight Verse Twen ty. And No- - - - -

ah build ed an al tar un to the Lord; and took of eve- - - -

ry clean beast, and of eve ry clean fowl, and of fered burnt of fer ings- - - -

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on the al tar. Gen e sis Chap ter Eight Verse Twen ty One. And the- -- - -

Lord smelled a sweet sa vour; and the Lord said in his heart, I will not-

a gain curse the ground an y more for man's sake; for the im ag i- - - - -

na tion of man's heart is e vil from his youth; nei ther will I a- - - -

gain smite an y more eve ry thing liv ing, as I- - -

have done. Gen e sis Chap ter Eight Verse Twen ty Two. While the earth re- - - - -

main eth, seed time and har vest, and cold and heat, and sum mer and- - - -

win ter, and day and night shall not cease. Gen e sis Chap ter Nine Verse- - - -

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One. And God blessed No ah and his sons, and said un to them, Be fruit- - -

ful, and mul ti ply, and re plen ish the earth. Gen e sis Chap ter- - - - - - -

Nine Verse Two. And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be

up on eve ry beast of the- -

earth, and up on eve- -

ry fowl of the air, up on all that mov eth up on- - - -

the earth, and up on all the fish es of the sea; in to- - -

your hand are they de liv ered. Gen- - -

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e sis Chap ter Nine Verse Three. Eve ry mov ing thing that liv eth shall- - - - -

be meat for you; e ven as the green herb have I giv- -

en you all things. Gen e sis Chap ter Nine Verse Four. But flesh with the- - -

life there of, which is the blood there of, shall ye not eat. Gen e sis- - - -

Chap ter Nine Verse Five. And sure ly your blood of your lives will I re- - -

quire; at the hand of eve ry beast will I re quire it, and at the- -

hand of man; at the hand of eve ry man's broth er will I re quire- - -

the life of man. Gen e sis Chap ter Nine Verse Six. Who so- - - -

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shed deth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the-

im age of God made he man. Gen e sis Chap ter Nine Verse Sev en.- - - - -

And you, be ye fruit ful, and mul ti ply; bring forth a bun dant- - - - - -

ly in the earth, and mul ti ply there in. Gen e sis Chap ter Nine- - - - - -

Verse Eight. And God spake un to No ah, and to his sons with him, say- - -

ing, Gen e sis Chap ter Nine Verse Nine. And I, be hold, I es- - - - -

tab lish my cov e nant with you, and with your seed af ter you;- - - -

Gen e sis Chap ter Nine Verse Ten. And with eve- - - -

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ry liv ing crea ture that is with you, of the fowl, of  - -

the cat tle, and of eve ry beast of the earth with you; from all that- -

go out of the ark, to eve ry beast of the earth. Gen e sis Chap- - - -

ter Nine Verse E le ven. And I will es tab lish my- - - -

cov e nant with you, nei ther shall all flesh be cut off an y more- - - -

by the wa ters of a flood; nei ther shall there an y more be a- - -

flood to de stroy the earth. Gen e sis Chap ter Nine Verse Twelve. And God- - - -

said, This is the to ken of the cov e nant which I make be tween- - - -

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me and you and eve ry liv ing crea ture that is with you, for per- - - -

pet u al gen er a tions: Gen e sis Chap ter Nine Verse- - - - - - - -

Thir teen. I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for-

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