Leadership texas hold em style

Leadership: Texas Hold ‘em Style Dr Andrew J. Harvey Raymond E. Foster C 2011 Hi Tech Criminal Justice


Companion PowerPoint slides for the book Leadership: Texas Hold 'em Style. Out of the 52 chapters, the following subjects are covered: The Goal of Leadership; Leadership by Example; Organizational Goals; Followership; integrity; Leadership versus Management; morale courage; Interventions; Vision; Power; Empowerment; Determination and Adversity; Communication; and, innovation.

Transcript of Leadership texas hold em style

  • 1. Dr Andrew J. Harvey Raymond E. Foster C 2011 Hi Tech Criminal Justice

2. THE GOAL OF LEADERSHIP Gets down to what its all about, doesnt it? Making the wrong move at the right time. Lacy Howard, in the Cincinnati Kid 3. Leadership: The art of influencing human behavior toward organizational goals. 4. Art Influence Human Behavior Toward Organizational Goals 5. Leadership as an Art 6. Range of Influence 7. Human Beings not Things 8. Behavior 9. Toward 10. Organizational Goals 11. PEOPLE ARE WATCHING You have to learn what kind of hand this guy shows down, watch that one's moves, watch the veins in his neck, watch his eyes, the way he sweats. Johnny Moss (1975) 12. Gripes go up Four Pips 13. Leadership by Example refers to good followership the foundation of Followership are: 1. Do the job; 2. Do it well; 3. Do it the way the organization wants it done; and, 4. Innovate from a solid foundation. 14. INTEGRITY The key is transparency, full disclosure. If everybody knows who has an interest in the outcome of a players results, the likelihood of impropriety is significantly lessened. It also creates opportunities for examination of the play of hands, a higher standard of scrutiny for those who have an interest in each other. Such transparency, of course, is not an easy thing to enforce. Roy Cooke, Card Player Magazine 15. The Navy is an organization designed by geniuses to be run by morons. Lt. Colonel Albert W. Johnson, USAF 16. A bad tree does not yield good apples. Danish Proverb 17. Develop mature controls Develop mature curriculum Communicate controls and curriculum, consistently Make small interventions 18. Discretion Rules Regulations Policies Procedures Do I Intervene? What do I do? How do I do it? Mature controls communicate a consistent message about behavior 19. Incorporate the Constitution, ethical decision making and morale courage into all training, controls, goals and operations. 20. Moral courage has five major components: Presence and recognition of a moral situation; Moral choice; Behavior; Individuality; and, Fear Rielle Miller, Ethics Resource Center 21. Education Habituation Use of Stories & Heroes 22. You get what you count. Communicate consistent messages 23. In leadership, unlike poker, always call a pair. Establish an inspection calendar. Use fresh eyes. 24. VISION Poker is the game closest to the western conception of life, where life and thought are recognized as intimately combined, where free will prevails over philosophies of fate or of chance, where men are considered moral agents and where - at least in the short run - the important thing is not what happens but what people think happens. John Luckacs, Poker and the American Character (1963) 25. Play the sunset. Play like the sunset. Playing this song is like the sun setting. All three put a vision into the followers mind, but metaphor is more direct and powerful. 26. A vision is participatory means of communication. 27. Words: We see the sails Mental Pictures: We will meet them face to face. Symbols: Horse and Armor Activity: Pomp and Circumstance 28. THE USES OF POWER Air power is like poker. A second-best hand is like none at all - it will cost you dough and win you nothing. Lieutenant General George Kenney, Commanding General of the 5th Air Force 29. EM (to make into) POWER (ability to do or act) MENT (action, process, or skill) Empowerment is the process of enabling or authorizing an individual to think, behave, take action, and control work and decision making in autonomous ways. Susan M. Heathfield 30. Empowerment is the process of enabling.. 31. To Reach full potential; and To increase potential. We reach and increase potential by increasing access to power. 32. Positional Based on Job Assignment; Usually official bestowed; Expert Knowing a task, usually better than subordinates. Compensatory The ability to reward team members. Rewards can be praise, cash, a corner office, a title, control over schedule and priorities, recommendations, choice of the next assignment, promotion, or any number of things. Referent Respect of your subordinates. Usually developed when you have a track record of making successful decisions and you develop bonds with your subordinates. 33. E f f e c t i v e n e s s Difficulty in obtaining, increasing and keeping Positional Expert Compensatory Referent 34. Leadership Activity Supervision/Management Activity Positional Expert Compensatory Referent Empowerment 35. People become empowered through leadership and by becoming leaders. 36. DETERMINATION AND ADVERSITY Some people succeed because they are destined to succeed, but most succeed because they are determined to succeed. Winston Churchill 37. Determination and Adversity 38. It ain't as bad as you think. It will look better in the morning. General Collen Powell I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits. General George S. Patton I do the very best I know how - the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end. - Abraham Lincoln 39. Action Thought Success 40. Internal ques about yourself are weak; External ques about yourself are much stronger; therefore, action is a stronger force than thoughts. and 41. Leader Action Follower Thought Follower Success 42. LIFE-LONG LEARNING How long does it take to learn poker, Dad?" "All your life, son. David Spanier, "Total Poker" (1977) 43. Google Email Alerts National Institute for Justice IACP www.police-lieutenant.com 44. You can manage a long term project. You can work independently. You can work in a group. You can manage competing resources. You can read and write. You learned new ideas. You were exposed to a variety of cultures. You enhanced your critical thinking skills 45. COMMUNICATION The cardinal sin in poker, worse than playing dead cards, worse even than figuring your odds incorrectly, is becoming emotionally involved. A Girlhood Among Gamblers by Katy Lederer 46. Sender Encode Transmit Decode Receiver Encode Transmit Decode Noise Any barrier to communication 47. The degree to which senders and receivers rely on factors other than explicit speech to convey their messages 48. Copy Right 2005, Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Low-context communication: My words speak for themselves," Prefer to be less direct, relying on what is implied by the communication. High-context communication Prefer indirect messages from others Verbal and nonverbal cues help me understand the meaning 49. THE IMPORTANCE OF FAILURE Sometimes you'll miss a bet, sure, but it's OK to miss a bet. Poker is an art form, of course, but sometimes you have to sacrifice art in favor of making a profit. Mike Caro 50. INNOVATION Business shares a lot in common with poker. The goal in both is to make as much money as possibleeither over the long or short-term to win. You are competing against other people with similar objectives, with a finite amount of potential returns available. In order to be successful, you must observe and understand people and situations, devise strategies based on those observations, and use skill to successfully execute the strategy and accomplish your objectives. In gambling, it's called play; in business it's called design. Upping The Ante: Understanding Business and Design Through Casino Poker Dirk Knemeyer 51. Scanning Analysis Response 52. Logical Analysis Problem Brainstorming What if? One Outcome Multiple Solutions