Leadership quality



Leadership quality

Transcript of Leadership quality


LEADERSHIP:Leadership is the lifting of mans vision to higher sights, the raising of mans performance to a higher standard , the building of mans personality beyond its normal limitation -Peter Drucker

DEFINITION: Leadership can be defined as an art /process where a person exerts influence over others and inspires , motivates and directs their activities towards the achievement of goals.Vision of the future for all stakeholders.Art of motivating and persuading others to follow a course of action.Influencing others to attain organisational and personal goals.Matching environmental opportunities with core competencies and the skills of employees.DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MANAGERS AND LEADERS:MANAGERS

LEADERSGetting things done

Focus on demand and constraints of the moment

Must deal with internal daily production concerns

Attempt to preserve the status.

Getting the right things doneAre often bored with routine tasks

Thrive on chaos and seeks innovative and novel solution

Are concerned with substance-the true purpose of the work.

COMPONENTS OF LEADERSHIP:A combination of personal attributes and abilities such as vision , energy and knowledge ,the situational factor and the followers characteristics make a leaderQUALITIES OF EFFECTIVE FOLLOWER:Capable of self-management.Committed to organisation s purpose , principles and goals.Willing to increase their competence and skills and apply them to organisational outcomes.Courageous , honest and credible. BETTER FOLLOWERS:Re defining the roles of the leader and the follower.Honing effective followership skills.Using the performance evaluation process and feedback to shape behavior.Using the organisation structure to encourage effective followership.THE SITUATION:Its the context in which leadership occurs.Determines how successful a leader can be in influencing and persuading subordinates.Reward powerCoercive powerReferent powerExpert powerLegitimate powerTypes of powerPOWER:Power is used to affect others behavior and get them to act in given ways.Different types of power used in any human relation/interactionLegitimate powerReward powerCoercive powerExpert powerReference powerDIFFERENCE BETWEEN POWER AND AUTHORTY: POWER AUTHORITYIt is the personal ability to get People to do something theyOtherwise wouldnt do.It is gained by membership in the organization and is generally related to ones position or job.It is the influence on the organization is not limited to and can exceed the authority assigned to an individuals position.Limits the decision making power of managers.1.LEGITIMATE POWER:Managers authority resulting by their management position in the firm.Can be power to hire/fire workers , assign wok.2.REWARD POWER:Based on the managers ability to give or withhold rewards.Pay raises , bonuses , verbal praise.Effective managers use reward power to signal employee they are doing a good job.3.COERCIVE POWER:Ranges from verbal reprimand to pay cuts to firingCan have serious negative side effects.

4.EXPERT POWER:Based on special skills of leader.First &middle manager have most expert powerOften found in technical ability

5.REFERENT POWER:Results from personal characteristics of the leader , which earns workers respect , loyalty and admiration.Usually held by likable managers who are concerned about their workers.THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP:







TRAIT THEORY OF LEADERSHIP:Focusing on personal characteristics of a leader.Effective leader could be identified based on certain physical and psychological attributes. INTELLIGENCE HEIGHT ATRICULATIVENESSTraits did not transfer well from one situation to another or across culturesIgnore the effect of the situation and workers.TRAITS OF A LEADER:CAPACITY : Intelligence , alertness , originality and judgment.ACHIEVEMENT: Knowledge , accomplishment and scholarship.RESPONSIBILITY:Dependability,initiative,persistenc-e and aggressiveness.PARTICIPATION: Activity , sociability,co operation and adaptability.STATUS : Popularity and social status.BEHAVIORAL THEORY:Leader effectiveness is based on leader behaviors what leader does, rather than which traits the leader possessess.Effective leaders focus not only on the work but also on workers attitude and expectations.Task /job oriented behavioral styleRelationship/people oriented behavioral style.SITUATIONAL THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP:Leaders are the product of given situations.People tend to follow those whom they perceive as offering them a means of accomplising their own personal desires.Leader effectiveness is contingent on displaying behaviour appropriate to situational demands.People become leaderAttributes of personalityVarious situational factorInteraction between leader and group members.Leader should adjust their behaviour to suit decision making situation in work place.

FIEDLERS LEAST PREFERRED CO-WORKER (LPC)THEORY:Behavioural predisposition of the leader matched with a favourable situation.Leaders personality determines how they are likely to respond to their workersPeople have a primary orientation that emphasizes task completion or concern for people.SITUATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS:Leader-member relations represent the followers trust and confidence in the leaderTask structure is the degree to which a task is well defined and clearly understood.Position power is the power available to leader to reward or punish the follower.COGNITIVE RESOURCES THEORY:Based on the question of, what resources do effective leaders rely on to make decision?Leaders rely on their cognitive resources , developed through education,and personality, to make decisions.HIGH STRESS SITUATION:ExperienceLOW-STRESS SITUATION:IntelligenceHOUSE S PATH-GOAL THEORY OF LEADERSHIP:Leaders role is to clarify the path by which followers can achieve personal and organisational outcomes and increase rewards valued by followers..Path-goal is a contingency modelIt proposes the stepsManagers should take to motivate their workers.STEP TO PATH-GOAL:1.Determine the outcomes2.Reward sub ordinates3.Clarify the path MOTIVATING WITH PATH-GOAL1.Directive behaviour2.Supportive behaviour3.Participative behaviour4.Achievement oriented behaviourLEADER-MEMBER EXCHANGE THEORY:Assumes that the relationship leaders develop with each subordinate influences leadership effectiveness and results in differential treatment of followersLow exchange relationship is based on rules and proceduresHigh exchange relationship involve the leaders allocation of discretionary rewards in exchange for the sub ordinates complianceLEADER SUBSTITUTE MODEL:Characteristics of subordinates : their skills , experience, motivation.Characteristics of context: the extent to which work is interesting and funWorker empowerment or self-managed work teams reduce leadership needs.Managers need to be aware that they do not always need to directly exert influence over workers.

TYPES OF LEADERSHIP: Transformational leadership: An inspirational form of leader behaviour based on modifying followers belief , values and ultimately the behaviour.Transactional leadership: Leader behaviour that is based on appealing to followers rational exchange motive (e.g. exchanging labor for wages) to help clarify the path from effort to reward and to focus them on organisational goals.