Leadership – Engagement, Recruitment & Development Presented by: Kyira Hauer; Associate Director;...

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Transcript of Leadership – Engagement, Recruitment & Development Presented by: Kyira Hauer; Associate Director;...

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  • Leadership Engagement, Recruitment & Development Presented by: Kyira Hauer; Associate Director; NAMI Wisconsin Creating an Inclusive Environment Focused on Commitment & Collaboration
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  • How do you define leadership?
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  • http://new.ted.com/talks/drew_dudley_everyday_leadership
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  • Lets start with a
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  • Whats Your Status? Assessing Your Board of Directors What does it mean? How do we do one? What does it mean? How do we do one?
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  • Other Questions to Consider with Your Board? What would happen to our organization if the board did not meet for 2 years? How does the composition of our board contribute to effective governance? What does our board do to ensure that board meetings are both productive and rewarding? What is the connection between the organizations strategic plan and our current board and committee structure? How might technology be used to better strengthen our performance? What might be done to strengthen our board as a high performance team?
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  • Identify Your Needs Observations? What is your boards current tenure? Things to think about: Size and composition? What is your ideal and why? What expertise is missing at our table? What voices are not represented in our current structure?
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  • Bridging the Gap Define 2 to 3 goals for your affiliate for this upcoming year. What barriers might you face in trying to accomplish these goals given your boards current state? What is needed in order to achieve these goals?
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  • You have probably come to two conclusions: There is an opportunity here to restructure current leadership roles and better nurture your leaders There are some gaps you can see in your team for which you have the opportunity to recruit strong leaders
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  • Lets Start With You! When you think of your ideal role and job duties with NAMI, what do you see? What made you want to get involved with NAMI originally? What would your role be? Your responsibilities? Time commitment? What do you bring to the table? Now, write out a job description for your current role i.e. title, time commitment, responsibilities, etc.? How do the two compare? If these dont match upits time to redefine your role (and chances are this is probably true for your entire team)
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  • Things to Consider How do you see yourself fulfilling your hopes and desires in your current role? What would need to change so you are working towards that? What does success & fulfillment look like in terms of both your role at the affiliate and your leadership team overall?
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  • You Cant Get Away from Everything Board members HAVE to make decisions Duty of Care* Believe in and follow the mission of NAMI Duty of Loyalty* Fiduciary duties NEED to know where the MONEY is! Legally responsible Duty of Obedience* Need to show up!
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  • CREATE COMMITTEES Membership Programs Fundraising Unleashing the creative power of several minds on a single issue can work miracles. Bob Hooey
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  • Considerations What is the committees purpose? What are the responsibilities of the committee? Limitations? Specific tasks associated with the committee? Who will chair the committee? (Example: should it be a board member?) Who will serve on the committee? How appointed? What skills are needed? What is the timeline? What types of reports are created? What is the budget? What is the authority of the committee? What resources are needed? What is already available? How will the committee measure success?
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  • What Works Clear Roles Measurable Outcomes Time Management Good Preparation Member Buy-In/Support Repeated self and committee evaluation What Doesnt Ineffective Leadership Unclear Goals & Vision Lack of Commitment Wasted Time Ball Hogs Lack of Preparation Hidden Agendas Voices not being heard or decisions trusted Or form committees who can all be taking bites at the same time!
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  • Okay, now, lets fill in the gaps!
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  • Assemble a Team I. Look to: I. Board at large II. Subset of your BODs III. Developing a Committee II. Define the role of each member I. Is everyone involved in the whole process or will they take on various responsibilities (i.e. recruitment, application & position development, app review, interview)? II. Note all members should be involved in the voting decision
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  • Create an Action Plan Write out position descriptions and duties Remember to be Up front about ALL details and requirements Could have one main description for all directors or specific roles Know the requirements per your bylaws with regards to voting or appointing leaders to various positions Create an application or review your current one to be sure it allows you to assess the candidate against each major duty or requirement Need to be sure you can assess if the person pairs well with the position and determine if their goals and mission is aligned with your affiliate s Make the application available Set deadlines for the application, vetting process, interviews, and final decisions ( again with attention to restrictions of your bylaws )
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  • Would YOU want to be a part of this organization if asked? Dont expect the recruits to fix everything! Recruit with a Purpose Where do you need help? What characteristics and skillset are you looking for? Have the position description & application ready to go at all times! Set the demands no MOLDING!
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  • Nowto begin the hunt Recruiting people is easier than you think its recruiting the right people that can be difficult, so it is important to structure your efforts accordingly.
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  • Brain Dump Key players in affiliate generate a list of potential board members are there people already active in your affiliate you feel could help fulfill the needs of your leadership team?? THINK: volunteers, donors, govt officials, community foundations, non profit advisory & govt boards, corporate giving and board programs, non- profit networks, etc.
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  • Make a list of all other major organizations and non-profits in your community that have a similar mission as NAMI Get together with leaders of these organizations and see about potential partnerships Is there a conflict of interest if people serve on both boards? Could you recommend retiring board members to each other once their term is expired? Note - this relationship may develop in a variety of ways and even if it doesnt bring board members, may open the door to some great opportunities to partner or work in conjunction with these organizations
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  • Connect with Youth
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  • Post an ad or flyer in local areas including the market, coffee shops, library, meetings sites, newsletters and emails! BONUS - This is a great way to build a relationship with other local vendors and organizations!
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  • Contact your local papers!
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  • NAMI [Affiliate Name] is looking for a few talented and conscientious volunteer board members to lead and strengthen our programs for people with a mental illness and their families. Were especially looking for folks with [insert any specifics or requirements]. If you can contribute your time, thoughtfulness, and leadership one evening a month, and are interested in exploring this opportunity, call [contact name] at XXX-XXX-XXXX to find out whether this volunteer opportunity is right for you. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing how we can work together to better our community. Example Newspaper Ad
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  • Use Social Media
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  • Be enthusiastic, energetic, and HONEST! Talk to people individually whenever possible What to talk about? Why have you approached them ? Explain the position you are recruiting for and the responsibilities it entails How is he/she a strong fit for this position? In what ways can he/she make an impact in your affiliate? In what ways can their work with NAMI and your affiliate better them? Start Talking
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  • Creating the Opportunity for Discussion Wear gear that has your logo or other information on it people can comment on or ask about! At social gatherings, when asked about your work, take time to talk about what you do with NAMI and the importance is has in your community Consider turning a personal event into a fundraiser: In lieu of gifts this year, please consider making a contribution to NAMI [affiliate name] for the work we are doing in [explain what the money would go to] or join our voice by becoming a member!
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  • Decide if application will be standard or position specific Content: Generate questions that determines if the prospect will help to fill gaps on the board and has the capacity to commit fully to the BODs Include questions to ascertain what about NAMI [Affiliate Name] draws them in? What makes them want to be a part of this organization, and specifically the BODs? Are there any notable conflicts of interest? Example: serve on a board soliciting for same grants as your affiliate Chief executive for another organization with a similar mission Designing the Application
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  • Decide how the application will be made available to prospects online, print, etc.? How will they get access to it? Be sure to think about those who may not have computer access! What is the timeframe for completing the applications? How will they be vetted? By whom? What information will they need to include along with their application? What support can you offer someone who is interested in completing an application?
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  • Prep Work for Interviews Prepare a question sheet for interviews key is consistency! Appoint an interview team Identify any conflicts of interest that may be present Determine what you need to know about each candidate Set a large group meeting after interviews are complete to discuss recommendations Determine how and by when you will notify candidates about the decision
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  • Dont be Afraid to Ask What You NEED to Know! Can you fulfill the fiduciary and legal oversight responsibilities? How have you already demonstrated a passion for NAMI? Other organizations like ours? Do you fundamentally have the time to commit to this position? Note they need to know upfront how many meetings they will be required to attend, what expectations there are to serve on committees or be at various events, any trainings they will need to complete.
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  • Details Once Selected: New leader signs agreement that includes: Position description Any position requirements: Needs to become a member Must attend X number of mtgs a year Any financial giving responsible for Length of term
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  • Orientation Orientation check list Overview and history of your affiliate Mission statement and values Fundraising overview Board structure and resources Description and expectations Communications Board manual? Policies and Procedures at a minimum Programs & resources available to them and community at large Sign commitment letter Assign to any committees Assign a board buddy? (or think about program buddies, etc.)
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  • Buddy System Pair a new board member or facilitator with a more tenured member Encourage them to get together socially as well as professionally Answer questions for each other and offer different perspectives The tenured member can serve as a resource to new members
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  • Retention
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  • What Ultimately Makes People Leave? Inconvenient location Lack of access to transportation Group seems disorganized Difficulty scheduling time to be involved Feeling of being unappreciated or being taken for granted Do not understand or align with organizations mission or goals Incompatibility or lack of cohesion amongst team (especially within leadership) Do not feel welcomed Feel overwhelmed or that the work is too strenuous Havent been asked to stay Unresolved conflicts
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  • Conflict Is It A Bad Sign? NO! Conflict can actually lead to stronger relationships and deeper trust if seen as an opportunity for growth and not as a negative.
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  • However, conflict can be very stressful and uncomfortable, but it important not to avoid it as that further creates a destructive environment.
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  • Oftentimes, people just want to feel heard!
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  • How to Manage Conflict Effectively Recognize disagreements happen every day in both our personal and professional lives, our needs, values and opinions are different from those of everyone we work with Address it constructively by making sure all parties: Feel respected rather than coerced Are listened to rather than lectured to See the proposed outcome as mutually beneficial and without favoritism
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  • Strategies? Describe issues clearly Clarify what is being said Paraphrase to confirm understanding Analyze situations Support others Ask others what they are hearing Offer relevant information Suggest alternatives Accept others feelings Avoid explaining others behavior Give advice sparingly Listen responsively and attentively
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  • Creating Connection Think about what makes you stay involved?? Get them involved RIGHT AWAY! Check in regularly Recognize their efforts Create clear expectations of each other as teammates Be mindful and acknowledge personal costs to participation (i.e. time, money, etc.) Use these resources carefully Discuss their value and importance Be grateful
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  • Ways of Checking In Semi-regular or annual satisfaction surveys Create regular check-ins at board meetings or within program leader meetings, etc. Use the buddy system
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  • Recognition Share organizational successes Connect successes to the work everyone is doing Highlight individual accomplishments Major projects or initiatives End of term or service Birthdays Anniversaries as BODs, teachers, etc
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  • Prepping for Change Don't allow your team to get complacent you should always be prepping for your or someone elses replacement! The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers - Ralph Nader
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  • Leadership Dance Card Activity : Seek out your dance partners to conduct a short leadership interview Purpose: To solicit specific leadership best practices from 3 of your peers How do you motivate your team? Members of your affiliate? (MOTIVATION) How do you keep people you are leading meaningfully informed? (COMMUNICATION) How do you maintain your teams focus on specific goals? (GOALS)
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  • What did you learn? What commonalities did you find? What best practices inspired you?
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  • What do you do when it gets to be too much?
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  • Does this look familiar to any of you?
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  • Take a Break! This is easier said than done as many of us feel if we dont get the work done, it never will or feel bad about asking for help when you feel everyone else is probably just as stressed.
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  • Set Healthy Boundaries Boundaries are not meant to control others. They are meant to be used as guidelines for you to know what is acceptable and what is not in your own life.
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  • Volunteerism is an enormous economic force, ye it is never mentioned in business school or in economics classes - Walter Hoadley, former Chief Economist for the Bank of America