


Management Principles chapter

Transcript of Leadership

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The ability to positively influence people and systems to have a

meaningful impact and achieve results.

Leadership is :

• The activity of leading a group of people or an organization.

• The process of Influencing, Motivating others, guiding them towards a

visualized goal.

Set direction : mission, goals, vision

Build commitment : motivate & inspire

Confront challenges : innovation, deal 

with change, turbulence, take risks 

3 primary tasks of a leader :-

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Importance of Leadership:-

1. Aid to authority.

2. Motive power to group efforts.

3. Basis for co operation.

4. Integration of Formal and Informal Organization.


1. Goal Determination

2. Motivating Followers

3. Direction

4. Coordination

5. Representation


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Leader must have followers.

It is working relationship between leader and followers.

Purpose is to achieve some common goal or goals.

A leader influences his followers willingly not by force.

Leadership is exercised in a given situation.

Leadership is a power relationship .

It is a continuous process.

Characteristics of Leadership:-

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Leadership Vs Management

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Leadership Styles:-

Autocratic Leader

Democratic or Participative

Free-rein leader / laissez-faire Leadership

Paternalistic Leadership

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1. Autocratic Leader :–

Leadership Styles:-

i) An authoritarian leadership style is being used when

-> a leader dictates policies and procedures,

-> decides what goals are to be achieved,

-> and directs and controls all activities without any meaningful

participation by the subordinates.

ii) This leader has full control of the team leaving low autonomy within the


Example of Autocratic Leader:-

One person has control over all of the workers or followers. 

Hitler is in complete control and no one is permitted to make 

any suggestions or offer any opinions, no matter how it may 

benefit the group. Hitler

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•  This style involves the leader  including one or more people in 

the decision  making process  (determining what to do and 

how to do it). 

• However, the leader maintains  the final decision making 


• In an autocratic leadership, the leader might say, ‘I want both of

you to work on X project’,  but in a democratic leadership

the same leader  would say ‘Let’s work on the X project


2. Democratic or Participative:-

Leadership Styles:-

Example of Democratic Leader:-

He was very reasonable while dealing with his subordinate. He

provided them challenges to perform better and at the same

time made them realized that he trusted them and their

capabilities. Carlos ghosn:President and chief executive officer, Renault, France

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• In this style, the leader  allows the people to make 

their own decisions.

• However, the leader is still  responsible for the decisions 

that are made.

• This style allows greater  freedom and responsibility.  

• You need competent people  around you.

Leadership Styles:-

3.Laissez-Faire Leadership Style:-

Example of Laissez-Faire Leader:-

Gandhi was a laissez-faire leader because he encouraged peaceful

protesting and he didn’t direct the group, they all came together to

work towards a common goal.Gandhi

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4. Paternalistic Leadership:–

Leadership Styles:-

• The way a Paternalistic leader works is by acting as a father figure by

taking care of their subordinates as a parent would.

• In this style of leadership the leader supplies complete concern for his

followers or workers.

Mother Teresa

Example of Paternalistic Leader:-

 Mother Teresa was as exceptional leader who exhibited charisma and

had the ability to inspire the members of her order to transcend their

own self-interests to achieve the vision.

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Great Man Theory

Trait Theory

Behavioral Theory

Contingency Theory

a. Fiedler Model

b. Likert Model

c. Managerial Grid Theory

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1.Great Man Theory:-

• Leaders are born, not made.

• This approach emphasized that a person is born with or without

the necessary traits of leaderships.

• Early explanations of leadership studied the “traits” of great


• “Great man” theories (Gandhi, Lincoln, Napoleon) , Belief that

people were born with these traits and only the great people

possessed them

• According to the great man theory of leadership, leadership calls

for certain qualities like commanding personality, charm,

courage ,intelligence, persuasiveness and aggressiveness.

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•  Trait theories of leadership sought personality, social,

physical or intellectual traits that differentiate leaders from

non leaders.

• Trait view has little analytical or predictive value, technical,

conceptual and human skills.

2. Trait Theory :– Trait is an approach to the study of human personality.


Ambition and energy.

The desire to lead.

Honesty and integrity.



Job-relevant knowledge.

Leadership Traits:-

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• In contrast with trait theory, behavioral theory attempts to describe

leadership in terms of what leaders do, while trait theory seeks to

explain leadership on the basis of what leaders are.

• Leadership according to this approach is the result of effective role


• Leadership is shown by a person’s acts more than by his traits.

• Theories proposing that specific behaviors differentiate leaders from

non leaders.

• Pattern of actions used by different individuals determines

leadership potential. Examples – Autocratic, democratic and laissez-


3.Behavioural Theory:-


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4. Contigency Theory :–

a. Fiedler Model

b. Likert Model

c. Managerial Grid Theory

Contingency Theories:-

• While trait and behavior theories do help us understand leadership, an

important component is missing: the environment in which the leader


• Contingency Theory deals with this additional aspect of leadership

effectiveness studies.

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