BY Joe L. Clayton Jr. CJM 490 Don Lacher Winter 2010 March 15, 2010 SPECIAL TOPICS THE FUNDAMENTALS OF LEADERSHIP

Transcript of LEADERSHIP


BYJoe L. Clayton Jr.CJM 490Don LacherWinter 2010March 15, 2010




Introduction of LeadershipWhat makes up a Good Leader

- The Characteristics of a Leader

- The Goals of a Leader

- The Vision of a Leader

Leadership Directives

- Decision Making

- Delegating Subordinates

- The use of Authority and Power

Leadership Styles and Team Work

-What are Leadership Styles

-The different type of Leadership Styles

- Motivating and Empowering Team Members

-The Importance of Team Work


Introduction to Leadership

Every great institution can be linked back to a successful group of

leaders or management team. Leadership is not only the ability to lead,

but to take responsibility of your teams actions. If an organization is to be

successful it is vital that they have strong leaders in place to guide their

team to success and accomplish the goals of the institution. A good

leader motivates, empowers, and influences their team members to be the

best. If a leader is to be successful in accomplishing his or her goals they

must have a clear direction in which their subordinates need to follow and

have a clear realistic vision for the team members to achieve. A leader is

like an architect they mold, shape, and construct a product, the team is

the their product. To be a good leader you must remember that a leader

is only as good as the product that he or she creates. This power point

will explore some of the fundamentals of leadership.


What makes a good Leader?


The Characteristics of a Leader

Good leaders share common traits and objectives, to help

their team succeed. All leaders may not utilize the same

leadership styles but their mission is similar to build a rapport

with the team members and guide them to their targeted

objective and to deliver to the organization the best product

possible. “They do not look alike , talk alike, or even work

alike. However, good leaders do share several common

characteristics:” (Goethsch p.2)

- Show balanced commitment to people and work

- Set a positive example

- Use good communication skills

- Have influence

- Are persuasive

- Exhibit coaching skills


The Goal of Leadership The goal of leadership is to get the most out of your team and subordinates.

Utilizing leadership styles and other motivating tools to direct the team in

completing the targeted objective. The goal of leadership is to know your team

members and to mold them into an ensemble of players that are willing,

dedicated, and focused to accomplishing the mission of the organization. The goal

of leadership is based on the foundation of trust. If leadership is able to instill the

team with core values, goals, and the direction of the organization, then leaders

should believe and trust in their team members to achieve the endeavors of the

institution. “The goal of leadership is to get people willing toward

accomplishing the goals of the organization. No amount of authority,

coercion, or fear will make this occur” (Harvey p.13).


The Vision of Leadership

To be a good leader you must have a vision of what you want to

accomplish. The vision of a leader is being able to see what you want

done, how you want it to be done, and how does this vision benefit the

organization. A leader’s vision must encompass the whole team allowing

them to share the moment. The more leaders include subordinates in the

scope of their vision then team members will feel more involved with the

vision and will want to be a part in seeing it prosper. “Once you feel

you have effectively articulated your vision, then missions, values,

goals, and objectives must be identified and communicated in

order to support the vision” (Harvey p.19).


Leadership Directives


Making Decisions Making decisions is a very vital component of being a leader. Leaders make decisions constantly.

The decision making process can be used for delegating, for the use of power and authority, or

reprimanding. A good leader always tries to make a decision which is best for the team. Most leaders

make their decisions through knowledge and experience, but there are several options used in making

decisions. When making a decision leadership must look at the totality of the circumstances. A leader

must review the past history, the negative-positive aspect, solutions, the end results, and how those

end results will affect the team. Decision making is not always easy, but a leader needs to make

decisions fairly, punctually in a reasonably amount of time. It is always good to concur with your

subordinates or other leadership figures when making decisions this option allows a leader a different

perspective or have another insight of the decision making process, this will aid leadership in making

a well thought out decision. “As a leader, you are going to have to determine when you will

decide alone and when you will collaborate with others. Making decisions collaboratively is

often beneficial because it can include the people involved, and it allows for more than one

perspective on the issue” (Harvey p. 102).


Delegating Subordinates Leaders have their work cut out for them. It is almost

impossible for leaders to complete all the task that is

needed and still be efficient. “Delegation is the only

way to efficiently manage an organization. Leaders

must realize that there is only so much time, and

they cannot possibly do everything themselves

(Harvey p.155). This is why good leadership delegates

subordinates and team members to assist with the

various tasks at hand. A good leader delegates based on

the abilities of the team and what an individual can

contribute to a project. Not only does delegating tasks

allows the subordinates abilities to used effectively, this

gives the individual team member a sense of

accomplishment and self worth being a valued part of

the team.


The Use of Authority and Power

Authority and power used in leadership can have an effect on the lives and the

efficiency of the team members. If authority and power are not utilized correctly

then it can effect the morale of the team members. A leader is placed in a position

of authority and trust, with high standards and morals. A leader should be an

example to the team members and make the team a better unit. “You may often

have the opportunity to use your authority in positive ways to help

employees do their jobs more productively” (Harvey p.31). When in a

leadership role you are given power, it is important not to abuse it. Power in

leadership is used to build foundations on which your team members can stand on

and prosper. Regardless of how leaders use their power it is their responsibility

and accountability of the results. “Along with any type of power comes

responsibility” (Harvey p.33).


Leadership Styles&


What are Leadership Styles

Leadership styles are strategies or methods used to approach subordinates or team

members, these strategies are used to lead and direct individuals to certain goals, needs, or

expectations of the organization. Not every person is alike, so there are different styles to fit

each team members personality. Leadership styles can be viewed as positive or negative it

depends on the level of the subordinates ability to understand directions. For example, some

team members may need to be reinforced constantly on their job performance and be told

what to do. There are team members that are strong solid individuals who need little to no

reinforcements. Leadership styles are catered to the level of response of the team or the

individual team member. The main focus of leadership styles is to motivate, and empower the individual to achieve success and to become an important component into the team work concept.


The Different Leadership Style To direct the team to reach the goals and vision of the organization, leaders incorporate

leadership styles. These are some of the leadership styles utilizes by leadership today.

Autocratic- This leadership style allows the leader to make decisions and choices without the notification of the team members. This style does not allow valuable input from the team.

Democratic- This leadership style allows the involvement of team members. This style gives the leadership the opportunity to assess valuable ideas and viewpoints given by team members to come up with a final disposition. This style inspires team members to get involved and be a part of the leadership process.

Participative- This leadership style provides input from the team members. This allows team members views and recommendations to be heard. Similar to a democratic style, participative style allows the team to interact with leadership.

Goal-Oriented- This leadership style allows the team members to focus on the goals of the team. Leadership is allowing the team members to have an input in the goals and mission of the organization, this makes team members feel valued and equally part of the organization. Similar to democratic and participative, goal-oriented gives team member an opportunity to be apart of the decision making and leadership team.


(Continued) Laissez-Faire- This leadership style is

to do nothing. The premise for this style is to let things work out for themselves. This style may be good for a more solid well rounded team member, but for a team member that needs constant reinforcements it could lead that individual on a path to failure with no direction, focus, or leadership.

Situational- This leadership style implements the right style for the right situation. Any of type of leadership style can be used to help team members to become successful and encourages team work. This style allows the leader to access the situation and decide the best method to use for an individual or team members. In situational leadership it is used to get an individual or group to work as a team.

“Leadership styles are like a tool. The key is to select the right tool for the task at hand”

(Goetsch p.8)


Motivating and Empowering Team Members

Motivation is important in building a team. For a team to be successful then they

must at some point be motivated. If the team members are not motivated to do a

task it will show in their assignments. It is up to the leadership to motivate the

team and to eliminate the barriers that will effect the motivation and moral of the

team members. “As a leader you should first be concerned with eliminating

factors that can negatively impact motivation” (Harvey p.151). Once your

team members are motivated towards utilizing their abilities and skills continue to

motivate and empower them to strive for their aspirations. A team member not

only wants to be a part of the team but they want to have a voice and to be heard.

“Employee empowerment means not just involving people, but involving

them in ways that give them a real voice” (Goetsch p. 213).



There are several different ways to empower

your team members. A leader can use different

leadership styles that allow the team to have

input, a leader can mentor team members in

development and proficiency, a leader can also

delegate authority and task, this makes team

members feel like a valued member of the

organization. “True employee empowerment

comes when you delegate responsibilities

so that employees can grow in their skills

and knowledge” (Harvey p.155). When

leadership is able to motivate and empower

team members then they become a cohesive

unit this is the foundation of team work.


The Importance of Team Work

One of the most gratifying moments a leader can have is when they

can mold a group together into a proficient effective team. Team

work is the foundation on which all organizations are established.

Team work can only work when everyone in the group works

together and contribute. When an individual doesn’t pull their own

weight it can effect the whole team. It is up to leadership to put

individuals back into perspective. “Everyone probably knows at

least one “individualist” who is a nonconformist and cannot fit

into a group or function as part of a team” (Harvey p.35). This

is why it important for leadership to be able to take charge of the

team and focus on the strengths and weakness’ of the unit to bring

them together as a team. Leaders must encourage and acknowledge

team members who contribute and utilize the team work concept.


(Continued) Leaders must counsel, mentor, even discipline individuals who don’t fit into the team

work concept. A leader do what has to be done for the benefit of the team. “If team

players are rewarded, and non-team players are dealt with effectively, this will

send a strong message about the importance of team work” (Harvey p.37). Team

work is about transforming individuals into a proficient group working together to

become a better unit. It’s up to the leadership to make the group better and to focus on

the goals of the team and the organization. “Teamwork is what occurs when

employees put aside their personal goals and preferences and work together

cooperatively to achieve the teams goal” (Goetsch p.217). For any team to be

successful it must have the direction of good leadership, if leadership is to be successful

they must have the support and the commitment of a good team. Team work is a

relationship between leadership and team members both working together for success

and to achieve the goals of the organization.


Final Thought

“A leader is like an artist, a team is like a canvas, it is up to the leader to paint the portrait of success. Leaders are only as good as the portraits they create. If a leader is talented then they can produce a priceless master piece call team work”

- Joe L. Clayton


Works Cited

Goetsch, David L. Effective Supervision 2002, Prentice Hall

Upper Saddle River, New jersey

Harvey, Andrew The Call to Lead 2002, Cypress Publishing

Group, Inc. Leawood. KS


The fundamentals of Leadership

ByJoe Clayton

The End