Leaders With No Title

Mindset Many people go to work with the mind set that when they get a bigger title and when they are granted more responsibility, then they will perform at mastery and go the extra mile in everything they do. But a restaurant is the only place I know of where you get the good stuff first and then you pray the price



Transcript of Leaders With No Title

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Many people go to work with the mind set that when they get a bigger title and when they are granted more responsibility, then they will perform at mastery and go the extra mile in

everything they do. But a restaurant is the only place I know of where you get the

good stuff first and then you pray the price

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Something for Nothing

“People want something for nothing. They dream of having it all but aren’t willing to roll up their selves and put in the effort.

They show up at a job and expect to be well paid without having to deliver the value that would justify them being well paid”.

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Laws of Nature

In work and in life in general – you need to pay the price of success be fore you get all the rewards due to you. And by the

way, just because you haven’t yet received the benefits of positive deeds you may have done, that doesn’t mean they’re not coming. You will always reap what you sow. The chickens

will always come home to roost.

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Faith, Perseverance & Patience

“And yet the farmer doesn't give up. The farmer doesn't run out into the field and start digging to find vegetables,”

The farmer has patience and trusts the process. He just has the faith and deep understanding that through his daily efforts, the harvest will come. And then one day, almost out of nowhere, it


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Unrecognized Potential

Because every single one of us alive in the world today has unrecognized powers and disowned potential that are far

superior to the power conferred by a title. Once you learn how to awaken and then apply those powers, every element of your

life will explode into success. Leadership then becomes automatic – then default at which you work and play. You’ll

know of no other way to be.

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Everyone is a Leader

To succeed, everyone now must see themselves as part of the leadership team. You just don’t need formal authority to lead

anymore – only a desire to be involved and the commitment to making a positive difference.

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EAB (Expressing their absolute best)

Everyone needs to drive innovation. Everyone needs to inspire their teammates. Everyone needs to embrace change. Everyone

needs to take responsibility for results. Everyone needs to be positive. Everyone needs to become devoted to

expressing their absolute best

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Build Leadership Capability at each layer

Growing and developing the leadership talent of every single person throughout the organization faster than their competition

should be the core competency of the organization.

The only way to avoid getting eaten alive is for companies to strengthen the capacities of employees at every level to lead in

everything they do.

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Leaders & Managers

We need the people on the executive team setting the vision, steering the boat, and holding ultimate responsibility for the

results. Titles and structures maintain order and keep everything running smoothly.

Leadership has nothing to do with what you get or where you sit. Leadership’s lot more about how brilliantly you work and how masterfully you behave to create serious exceptional work.

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Great Leaders

Great leaders were driven by the challenge. By the chance to push the envelope.

By the desire to do something uncommonly great. And that’s the drive that made them legends.

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“ The real key is to bring some emotion, energy and passion into the equation. That’s when real break- throughs happens.

I brought you to this place to get you mad, sad, and more than a little frustrated at how small you’ve been playing with your

career – and with the treasure that’s called your life.

I wanted you to start to take personal responsibility for each of the current conditions you are experiencing. Because the

more you own your power to make choices, the more powerful your choices become.”

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Failure is just a learning

Failure, on the other hand, is just as easy to slip into. Failure’s is nothing more than the inevitable outcome of a few small

acts of daily neglect performed consistently over time so that they take you past the point of no return

Desire to Succeed >> Fear of failure

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Serious Exceptional Work

“What society thinks is of no interest to me. All that’s important is how I see myself. I know who I am. I know

the value of my work. I find ways to challenges myself each day. And I’ve made this job into something really meaningful

to me.”

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Never play victim! It’s impossible to build a tribute to success on a foundation of excuses.

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You learn to lead by trying. But every misstep bring you closer to the perfect step.

And if people don’t quite understand what you are up to, why let them bring you down?

Great people construct monuments with the stones their critics throw at them, you know.

And critics generally criticize you only because, at some level, they care..

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Unlimited Opportunities

“This is the first time in the history of humanity that each one of us has had this opportunity. And it’s only happened because so many of the traditions of business and society have been torn


“Each one of us can now be a force of one and assume responsibility for creating exceptional results at work – and

building a world-class organization that will make a world- class contribution to customers, communities, and the larger world outside of it. No one’s unimportant . There are no extra people alive today. Every person and every job matters, and all work

can be made meaningful with the Lead without a Title philosophy.

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Without innovation, life is death. And only the brave will survive these days. Definitely keep challenging yourself to see things as

you dream of seeing them. And truly being that visionary that my cute friend.

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Nothing fails like Success

Nothing fails like success, because the higher you rise, the easier it becomes to stop pushing the envelope, challenging the status

quo, and keeping your focus. Sure, it’s human nature to try and reach a place where things don’t change, where we can coast

along, where everything is certain.

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Belief – Self fulfilling prophecy

Most of us just don’t believe this truth. But beliefs are nothing more than thoughts we have repeated over and over until we

have made them into personal truths. And the really sad thing is that every belief inevitably becomes self-fulfilling prophecy.

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Listening from within

There’s a huge pull to behave like the majority. But leadership really is about closing your ears to the noisy voices of others so you can

more clearly hear the mission and call within yourself, Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t

matter and those who matter don’t mind.

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Believing in self

Stay committed to your mission, values, and the full self expression of your inner leader even when people doubt you.

When people say you’ll fail or suggest you’re not good enough, stand strong in your own skin and don’t let them tear you down.

Because leadership has a lot to do with believing in yourself when no one else believes in you

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Setbacks will happen. Things will go wrong. Competitors will try to knock your down. And even the people around you will

try to discourage you. Those who are clinging to the old way of doing things and frightened of change will join hands and

become your loudest critics. They will claim you are doing something that’s wrong, rocking the boat, and basically being

abnormal. And that would be true.

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One Big Idea

One good ideas is all you need to break through to a completely new game. A single big thought carries with it the ability to shatter all your barriers. One intelligent insight can

inspire you to make a decision that shifts you into revolutionary new way of performing.

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Uncertainty & Change

It’s all so chaotic. Everything’s changing. Harsh uncertainty

blended with deep negativity. All the rules of the game are different. Competition is more fierce than ever before.

Customers are less loyal than they’ve ever been. Technology

has totally altered the way we work. And globalization has leveled the entire playing field so that only organizations made

up of people showing Leadership without Title will be left standing. It’s a stressful and it’s confusing and super-scary for

most of us,bro,” he shouted, waving his arms for dramatic effect.

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Uncertainty & Change

Most employees and most businesses avoid dealing with change. They really do stick their heads in snow and hope it’ll just go away.

They pretend everything’s going to be okay if they cling to business as usual. But it won’t. Normal is gone. Business unusual is the new usual. And complacency has now become the primary

enemy of victory.

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Uncertainty & Change

Arrive at the mindset where you embrace all the change and disruption and use it to your advantage. You leverage it to

promote your leadership abilities. You exploits it to do your part to build a better business, regardless of whether or not you have the

formal authority that a lofty title brings to do so.

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Integrity & Courage

Delivering the naked truth, and nothing but the naked truth, promotes trust and respect for you. Your customers know that

they'll get straight talk from you. Your teammates know that you won’t play games. And you’ll know you are behaving with

integrity and courage. Yes, that kind of bold communication is rare in these days, but amid all the uncertainty, people do want

to know where they stand.

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It’s so easy to get disconnected from your mission, vision, values and goals. When things feel like they are falling apart, there’s a

powerful pull to get nailed by the seduction of distraction.

Do fewer but better things. Because the person who tries to achieve everything ultimately accomplishes nothing. Focus.

Focus. Focus. Focus,” he repeated, for emphasis.

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Relationship with Teams

With the pace people work at, it’s easy to sacrifice relationships in pursuit of results. But the irony is that the stronger the bonds

between you and your teammates – as well as with the customers you work for – the stronger the results.

You spend the best hours of the best days of the best years of your life among those you work with. Doesn’t it make sense to

really get to know them and have superb relationships with them

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Money follows contribution. The more value you create for all your constituents – from your teammates to your customers – the more your organization will see incredible financial success. And the more you’ll win in your own career.

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Great Organizations

The organizations that will own their industries and build globally beloved brands will be those who grow leaders without title

through every level of the enterprise and those who put people and their relationships with them first.

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Making the difference

Human beings have these core human hungers deep within them whether they consciously know it or not. Every one of us wants

to know that we are expanding our potential & growing as people. Every one of us wants to know that no matter what we do for employment, we are somehow making a difference. And

we all want to know that we are living in a way that when we get to the end of our lives, we don’t feel we have lived in vain. No one wants to get to their deathbed and look back at a life that

counted for nothing.