Lead Poisoning Prevention in Migrant Populations Bonnie L. Hinds Extension Specialist May 2013 1.

Lead Poisoning Prevention in Migrant Populations Bonnie L. Hinds Extension Specialist May 2013 1

Transcript of Lead Poisoning Prevention in Migrant Populations Bonnie L. Hinds Extension Specialist May 2013 1.

Page 1: Lead Poisoning Prevention in Migrant Populations Bonnie L. Hinds Extension Specialist May 2013 1.

Lead PoisoningPrevention in

Migrant Populations

Bonnie L. HindsExtension Specialist

May 2013 1

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In 2013, lead poisoning remainsthe #1 environmental threat tothe health of America’s children,

as well as a health risk forpeople of all ages.

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Migrant workers and their families are likely encounter heightened risks

of lead poisoning.

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Leading Cause of Lead Poisoning ADULTS

Ninety-five (95) percent of all adultlead poisonings are related to occupational


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Lead in SOIL

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Leading Cause of Lead Poisoning CHILDREN

Lead poisoning in children is most often associated withdeteriorating lead-based

paint in the home.

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Because lead was not abolished for

use in house paint until 1978, any

home built before that time may

contain lead-based paint.

Conservative estimates indicate that at least25 percent of all American housing was built

before 1978.

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Lead-Based Paint DUST

Intact (encased) lead-based paint may not be

problematic. Areas, however that are

vulnerable to weathering and friction (such as windows and

doors) present major risks.Leaded paint degrades into fine,

virtually invisiblelead dust.

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The inhalation of leadDUST is the most

common and troublesome method of


It takes only a tiny amount of dust to

poison a child. Lead dust is virtually


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Lead Absorption• Children absorb 50 percent of ingested lead

and retain at least 30 percent.

• Adults absorb 15 percent of ingested lead and retain less than 5 percent.

• Both children and adults absorb and retain as much as 70 percent of inhaled lead.

• Lead is stored in the kidneys, liver, bones (marrow), and brain. A healthy diet, low in

fat and rich in calcium and iron, will helpinhibit lead absorption.

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A home’s water supply mayalso be affected if the plumbing

is copper.

Lead solder usually seals connection joints. This lead can

leach into the water,particularly when water is


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Lead in Consumer Goods

Lead is found in the glaze of much Mexican pottery; it provides stability to vinyl and plastic,and confers flame retardancy to a number of

household products.

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Sleep disturbancesHeadache

Hearing impairmentDigestive problems

Kidney damageAnemia

More commonly, children show no signs of physical illness


However . . .

Physical Symptoms of Lead Poisoning:

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Children’s Brain Development

Fully 90 percent of a child’sbrain development is

accomplished by the age ofFIVE.

While blood lead levels canbe decreased by removing

the source of exposure, neurological damage is

irreversible.Lead poisoning results in

diminished IQ.

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Socio-Behavioral Effects of Lead Poisoning

• Irritability• Aggression

• Hyperactivity• Diminished attention span• Criminal andviolent behavior

• Reduction in graduation rates and educational attainment.

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Lead “Reference Value” – May 2012Lead poisoning is determined by measuring the

amount of lead in an individual’s blood.Reference values are in micrograms of lead

per deciliter of blood (µg/dL).

Until May of 2012, the blood lead level of concernfor children was 10 µg/dL. Following the

recommendation of an advisory committee, theCDC officially lowered the level

to 5 µg/dL in acknowledgement of mountingevidence that shows significant neurologicaldamage is occurring at these lower levels.

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Lead poisoning is 100% preventable!!

Keep floors, window frames, and window sills CLEAN with

soap/household cleaner andwarm water.

Keep children’s hands CLEAN (especially before meals) with

soap and warm water.

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Follow lead testing guidelines!

The state of Tennessee and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend a routine blood test

for all children at the age of 12 and 24 months.

It requires only a capillary blood test(finger prick).

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Questions? Additional Information?

Bonnie L. [email protected]


CDC – www.cdc.gov/nceh/leadEPA – www.epa.gov/lead

Contact me for free materials in English and/or Spanish!