Newsletter No 18 – October 25 th 2018 Email: [email protected] Web: www.lepage.vic.edu.au Office Phone: 9583-8342 Term 4 Dates for Your Diary Tue Nov 6 th : Cup Day Public Holiday Wed Nov 14 th : Pizza Lunch and Twilight Working Bee 3:45-6:45pm Mon Nov 26 th : Village Film Festival 6pm and 7pm Screenings Mon Dec 3: Half-day F Transition 9:30-12:30 and New Parents’ Information Session 6pm Fri Dec 7 th : Curriculum Day 3 non-student day Tue Dec 11 th : School Council Meeting 6pm Wed Dec 12 th : Pizza Lunch and Carols Evening Picnic 6-7:30pm Sun Dec 16 th : Term 4 Concert 5-7pm Wed Dec 19 th : Grade 6 Graduation 7pm Thu Dec 20 th : Last day of term 4, casual dress day and 1:30pm dismissal Fri Dec 21 st : Curriculum Day 4 non-student day Principal’s Report Our Vision There is a prosperous path for every child. Each journey is theirs to lead. There is a place, in which every child can shine. Our Mission Identify the talent, develop the confidence and create the leader. Our Habits Be Proactive (I’m in charge) Begin with the End in Mind (have a plan) Put First Things First (work first then play) Think Win-Win (everyone can win) Seek First to Understand Then to Be Understood (listen before you talk) Synergise (together is better) Sharpen the Saw (balance feels best) Our Attitude Gratitude: Be thankful for what we have. Empathy: Practice random acts of kindness. Mindfulness: Keep in the present moment. This and previous Newsletters are now available at www.lepage.vic.edu.au Click the “Newsletter” link on the Home Page


Newsletter No 18 – October 25th 2018 Email: [email protected] Web: www.lepage.vic.edu.au Office Phone: 9583-8342

Term 4 Dates for Your Diary Tue Nov 6th: Cup Day Public Holiday

Wed Nov 14th: Pizza Lunch and Twilight Working Bee 3:45-6:45pm

Mon Nov 26th: Village Film Festival 6pm and 7pm Screenings

Mon Dec 3: Half-day F Transition 9:30-12:30 and New Parents’ Information Session 6pm

Fri Dec 7th: Curriculum Day 3 non-student day

Tue Dec 11th: School Council Meeting 6pm

Wed Dec 12th: Pizza Lunch and Carols Evening Picnic 6-7:30pm

Sun Dec 16th: Term 4 Concert 5-7pm

Wed Dec 19th: Grade 6 Graduation 7pm

Thu Dec 20th: Last day of term 4, casual dress day and 1:30pm dismissal

Fri Dec 21st: Curriculum Day 4 non-student day

Principal’s Report Our Vision

There is a prosperous path for every child.

Each journey is theirs to lead. There is a place, in which every child can shine.

Our Mission

Identify the talent, develop the confidence and create the leader.

Our Habits Be Proactive (I’m in charge)

Begin with the End in Mind (have a plan)

Put First Things First (work first then play)

Think Win-Win (everyone can win)

Seek First to Understand Then to Be Understood (listen before you talk)

Synergise (together is better)

Sharpen the Saw (balance feels best)

Our Attitude

Gratitude: Be thankful for what we have.

Empathy: Practice random acts of kindness.

Mindfulness: Keep in the present moment.

This and previous Newsletters are now available at www.lepage.vic.edu.au Click the “Newsletter” link on the Home Page

Principal’s Report

Building Momentum It is energising when our optimism drives us to work hard, to create that which we hoped. As we move ever closer to achieving the goal, our confidence increases and we begin to see that which we once only dreamed of. In the context of Le Page Primary School, we are now seeing exactly that. Less than two years ago, the school consisted of one teacher, nineteen students and one administrator. In preparation for the 2019 school year we already have thirty-one new enrolments, with twenty-two being Preps. With a staff of twelve and a student enrolment pressing on ninety, Le Page Primary School is now a beacon, shining hope and joy into the local community. What a privilege it is to be walking this journey.

Danielle de Haas Danielle de Haas has settled well into Le Page Primary School. Danielle is a highly effective teacher with a high-level capacity to relate to and inspire students, colleagues and parents. We have been fortunate to have her join our team. I would encourage parents to introduce themselves to Danielle.

Filming The grade movies have been filmed and the staff movie filming will conclude this week. The students have had a fun time and learned a lot during this rich educational experience. The process meets a number of student learning standards stipulated in the Victorian Curriculum in the areas of Performing Arts, Speaking and Listening and Capabilities. We are looking forward to the Village screening 6pm and 7 pm Monday November 26th. Shortly, ticket orders and session bookings will be sent home.

Car Parking Safety Reminder This is a safety reminder. Safety is our number one priority at Le Page Primary School. When it comes to cars coming and going, and reversing in small areas such as the staff car park, the safety of everyone is compromised. In the newsletter last term, I strongly recommended that all drivers park their vehicles outside the staff car park in one of the 30 parking spaces on both sides of Argus Street. Friendship Square road parking is another option. Off-street parking is also located next door on the Scout Hall grounds and at the football and netball court facility.

School Strategic Plan Amendment In reviewing the progress and developments of Le Page Primary School over the past year, the original School Strategic Plan has been amended and endorsed by the School Council. Initially we were going to focus on Reading, then Number and Algebra. However, current evidenced-based best practices in teaching Writing, are demonstrating explicit links with the teaching of Reading, and that the Reading lessons serve as the platform to build writing skills. In 2018 we introduced a new Reading Instructional Model and now see the vital need to continue this natural momentum and to implement a new Writing Instructional Model, so the teaching of Reading and Writing are linked. As a result, we have included the improvement of the teaching and learning of Writing as one of our 2019 Annual Implementation Plan priority goals.

Music Scholarships Last Friday Jack Harris presented the Le Page Singing Group, made up of students participating in the music scholarship program. The group sang inspirational songs and moved listeners. Student scholarships are offered to students in Grades 2-6 with an aptitude and interest in singing and instrumental development. The students participate in weekly generalist music classes, additional music classes, lunchtime singing workshops, and participate in the beginners, intermediate or advanced orchestra workshops on Wednesday afternoons. Students choose to make a strong commitment to their development when they take up the scholarship offer. The pathways for students to excel in the Performing Arts here at Le Page Primary are many. We look forward to future assembly and special event performances by soloists and ensembles.

Thought for the Week Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. Helen Keller

Kind regards, George Danson

News from the Parents & Friends’ Club UPCOMING EVENTS (Please note these dates in your diaries)


Cadbury Chocolate Drive PLEASE NOTE – It is time to finalise the Chocolate Drive with Cadbury. Thank you for your support in selling or buying the chocolates. Please return the money as soon as you can please.

2 Brothers Brewery Tonight Social Night Thursday, 25th October

Thank you for your support.

Rita Moon, School Council Vice President

Student Banking - Tuesday

Don’t forget to send in bank books every Tuesday. This is the only way to earn rewards for your deposits. If any parent interested in finding out more about the Student Banking, please see Heather in Office.

In Term 4, two new reward items from our Super Savers range are available to redeem (while stocks last):

Slushie Maker Cup Zoom Flying Disc

Don’t forget there are more reward to earn

Issue 7 Term 4 - 2018. If you are interested in ordering, you can go online and order and pay for the books directly. Don’t forget Series 7 ends on 31st October. The website address is – www.scholastic.com.au/LOOP), or you can

continue to fill in the order form and return it to school and I will put the order in for you. If you choose to send the orders to school, please do so by Wednesday 31st October. Orders, both online and through the office need to be in by Friday 2nd November. If you would like further information, please see me in the office. Thank you – Heather Gillott

CLASSROOM CUISINE Lunch Orders - MONDAY & FRIDAY ONLY Please Order online up until 8.30am on the day the Lunch is required. www.classroomcuisine.com.au

News from Before and After School Care

In Before and After School Care the children have continued to play with the Lego by making various models, playing UNO, Connect Four, Jenga, bowling, doing jigsaw puzzles and free range drawing. Next week on Wednesday 31st October, we will have fun activities for Halloween. I would like to remind you if you have outstanding fees that you need to pay. Please come see me or Mrs Gillott in the office. Thank you for your support.

Giancarlo Siclari