Le Grand Bicycles & Accessories



Whether a bike is a mean of transport for you, a way to express your personal style or simply a form of recreation - you will find Le Grand that fits you perfect.

Transcript of Le Grand Bicycles & Accessories

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It is up to you to decide what our bike means to you. We will give you just a little hint ;)

Le Grand is a lifestyle.

Le Grand is liberty and freedom.

Le Grand is love and friendship.

Le Grand is a lazy afternoon spent with a bunch of friends in the park.

Le Grand is a family trip to the lake.

Le Grand is getting to know your beloved city from a completely different perspective.

Le Grand is an idea for a greener, healthier and more conscious life.

Le Grand is a solution to traffic jams during daily commuting.

Le Grand is a way to show your style.


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A city bike is more than two wheels and a handlebar. It is something else than blood, sweat, and dirt. It is also much more than a beautiful bicycle. Le Grand is not just a city bike. Le Grand is a stylish city bike and you will fall head over heels for it! Whether you pedal every day or only on special occa-sions, Le Grand will proudly accompany you during urban bike rides.

Le Grand are stylish city bikes inspired by the classic bicycle frames used in the towns over the years, with a touch of retro, but in a definitely modern form. We of-fer solutions that were proven functional over the years, for example: chain guard, fenders, dynamo lighting or roller brakes. Meanwhile we go with the times - we use LED lighting, we install modern derailleurs, but what really matters, we follow the cycle style - we offer a variety of fashion-able colors of our bikes, we equip them with baskets loved by women, we offer high-quality components, such as leather saddles and grips in the premium models.

Le Grand consists of five lines for adults and two for younger riders, each of them is different in character, but all are well-de-signed.

That is why Le Grand responds to various needs of different people.

Whether a bike is a means of transport for you, a way to express your personal style or simply a form of recreation - you will find Le Grand that fits you perfect.

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Tú decides lo que es correcto para usted nuestra bici. Nosotros sólo sugerimos ;)

Le Grand es un estilo de vida.

Le Grand es la libertad y la independencia.

Le Grand es el amor y la amistad.

Le Grand es una tarde de ocio pasado con los amigos en el parque.

Le Grand es un viaje familiar al lago.

Le Grand es conocer a tu ciudad querida desde una perspectiva diferente.

Le Grand es una idea para una vida más verde, más saludable y más consciente.

Le Grand es una receta para los atascos de tráfico durante los viajes al trabajo cada día.

Le Grand es una manera de mostrar tu estilo.


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La bicicleta urbana es algo más que dos ruedas y un manillar. También es otra cosa que el polvo, el sudor y el cansancio. También es algo más que una bicicleta bonita. Le Grand es sólo y hasra la bici de la ciudad. Le Grand es una bici de estilo, en la que te enamorarás al primer vistazo y para siempre. No es importante si te vas todos los días o los festivos, Le Grand será tu gran amigo durante los viajes por la ciudad.

Le Grand significa las bicicletas de la ciu-dad con estilo, evidentemete refiriéndose al cuadro clásico de la bicicleta utilizados en la metrópoli durante los años, con un toque de retro, pero en una versión mod-erna. Entregamos a lo largo de los años por multitud de ciclistas las soluciones comprobadas - el protector de la cadena, guardabarros, iluminación dínamo o frenos roller. Al mismo tiempo, vamos con los tiempos - se utiliza iluminación LED, insta-lamos velocidades modernos, pero sobre todo seguimos la moda de la bici - ofrec-emos una variedad de colores de moda en nuestras bicicletas, las equipamos en cestas valoradas por las mujeres, en los modelos más altos ofrecemos compo-nentes de alta calidad, como por ejemplo el sillín de cuero y puños.

Le Grand se compone de cinco líneas para adultos y dos para los fans más jóvenes de dos ruedas, cada una de ellas se difer-encia en carácter, pero, invariablemente, todos comparten un compromiso con el buen estilo.

Por eso Le Grand responde a las difer-entes necesidades de distintas personas.

Independientemente de que si la bici es para ti un medio de transporte, una forma de expresar su propio estilo o simple-mente una forma de recreación – vas a encontrar por sí mismo un modelo de Le Grand.

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ОЗНАКОМЬСЯ С LE GRANDОТКРОЙ СВОЙ ГОРОД ПО-НОВОМУРешай сам, чем для Тебя станет наш велосипед. Мы только подсказываем ;) Le Grand - это стиль жизни.Le Grand - это свобода и независимость.Le Grand - это любовь и дружба.Le Grand - это неспешный полдень с друзьями в парке.Le Grand - это семейный выезд на озеро.Le Grand - это познавание Твоего любимого города с неожиданной перспективы.Le Grand - это способ более здоровой, экологически чистой и осознанной жизни.Le Grand - это отсутствие пробок во время ежедневных поездок на работу.Le Grand - это способ утверждения своего собственного стиля.


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Городской велосипед - это нечто большее, чем два колеса и руль. Это не только пыль дорог, пот и усталость. Это больше, чем просто красивая вещь. Le Grand - это всего лишь городской велосипед, но зато КАКОЙ! В стильный городской велосипед Le Grand можно влюбиться раз и навсегда. И неважно, ездишь ли Ты ежедневно или раз в году, Le Grand будет Твоим верным другом в путешествиях по городу.

Стильные формы городских велосипедов Le Grand заметно тяготеют к классическим, встречающимся в городских метрополиях на протяжении многих десятилетий. С выразительной ноткой ретро, но однозначно в современном исполнении. Мы предлагаем проверенные временем и признанные велосипедистами решения - защитные щитки для велосипедной цепи, защитные крылья на колеса, динамо для фар или роликовые тормоза. Вместе с тем, мы идем в ногу со временем, используя LED-освещение, устанавливая современные трансмиссии. Но и прежде всего, мы следим за вело-модой - предлагаем множество цветов окраски наших велосипедов, оснащаем их популярными среди женщин велосипедными корзинками, а в более дорогих моделях используем кожу для отделки сидений и ручек.

Le Grand - это пять модельных линеек для взрослых и две для младших фанатов двyх колес, каждая из которых отличается характером, но всех их объединяет стремление к хорошему стилю.

Именно поэтому Le Grand соответствует всевозможным требованиям самых различных покупателей.

Независимо от того, является ли для Тебя велосипед средством передвижения, способом самовыражения или средством отдыха - Ты всегда найдешь свою модель Le Grand.

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Ese día fue ideal para andar por la ciudad. Cuando él subió a la bici y fue por la calle de empe-drado, recordaba como le gusta el tono de timbre que suena en los adquirines y … el sillín muy

cómodo de su bici. Paraba en la calle en la bici femenina de estilo, y ella ….se sonría a él y ….cada uno se fue en su

dirección. Iba y pensaba: y ¿ si acaba de pasar con el amor de su vida? ¡No se puede simple-mente dejarlo! Entonces se volvió y pedaleó tan rápido para alcanzar a esa chica. Tan pronto

como ella lo notó, ella sonrió de nuevo, diciendo: “que bicicleta bonita “...

Это был идеальный день для шатания по городу. Как только он сел на велосипед и поехал по выложенной брусчаткой улице, он вспомнил, насколько сильно ему нравится звук звон-ка, разносящийся над булыжной мостовой и…. мягкое и удобное сиденье его велосипеда.

Он остановился на светофоре на своей стильной дамке, а она… улыбнулась ему и… каждый из них продолжил свой путь. Он ехал и думал: а что если я только что упустил любовь всей

своей жизни? Этого ни в коем случае нельзя было допустить! Поэтому он развернулся и что было сил крутя педали, догнал девушку. Только увидев его, она ему снова улыбнулась,

сказав: „классный велосипед”…


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It was a perfect day for hanging around the city. As soon as he hopped on his bike and rode down the narrow paved street, he noticed the sound of his brass bell ringing on the cobble stones. How much he appreciated his comfy saddle! He stopped on the tra� c lights while the girl on a stylish dutch bike… smiled at him and soon after rode in the opposite direction. He wondered: what if I had just passed the love of a lifetime? It can’t be like that!He turned back pedaling quickly and caught up with the girl. She noticed him smiling again and said: „Fancy bike…”

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ORIGINALS line bikes are inspired by the early models of urban bicycles. These are the classic projects that combine functionality with refined retro design. ORIGINAL

bike will complement your personal style and is meant for city rides.

Las primeras bicicletas urbanas fueron la inspiración para las bicicletas de la serie ORIGINALS. Estos son los proyectos clásicos que unen las funciones usuales con el

dieseño retro. Mostrando elegancia a su dueño es muy adecuado para los paseos cotidianos por la ciudad.

Идея создания велосипедов из серии ORIGINALS заимствована у первых моделей городских велосипедов. Это классические модели, сочетающие

в себе практичную функциональность и продуманную, доработанную до мелочей ретро-стилистику. Придавая своему владельцу шик,

они идеально подойдут для ежедневных поездок по городу.



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ADDITIONAL: Wicker basket with liner, kickstand, rear carrier, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 28"

Fork Steel 28"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Shimano Nexus SG-C30007

Brake front Calliper Alloy

Brake rear Shimano coaster brake

Saddle Brooks B67

Grips Brooks Slender

Tires 28"x1.6" Schwalbe

Lights Front / rear battery light

Weight 19,7kg (18”)

18” ”20 7

white matte


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white matte

celadon matte

Meet Virginia 5, our top female model from the

Originals line. Be enchanted by her retro, Dutch-type

frame. Fall in love with her retro skirt guard, romantic

wicker basket with liner and original chain guard. Be

amazed by the ultimate comfort delivered by Brooks

hand-crafted leather saddle and grips. Ride proudly,

keep the upright position and admire your beloved

city from the best perspective possible.

white matte

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ADDITIONAL: Wicker basket with liner, kickstand, rear carrier, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 28"

Fork Steel 28"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Shimano Nexus SG-C30007

Brake front Calliper Alloy

Brake rear Shimano coaster brake

Saddle GS-117 Leather

Grips G-607A Leather

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Front / rear battery light

Weight 19,3kg (18”)

rose glossy

navy blue matte cream matte rose glossy

18” ”20 7



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aquamarine matte

burgundy matte aquamarine matte powder pink glossy



ADDITIONAL: Wicker basket with liner, kickstand, rear carrier, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 28"

Fork Steel 28"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Shimano Nexus SG-3C41

Brake front Calliper Steel

Brake rear Shimano coaster brake

Saddle VL-8114

Grips VLG 105

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Front / rear battery light

Weight 18,5kg (18”)

18” ”20 3

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white matte

white matte sky blue matte lemon glossy



ADDITIONAL: Wicker basket with liner, kickstand, rear carrier, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 28"

Fork Steel 28"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Shimano Nexus SG-3C41

Brake front Calliper Steel

Brake rear Shimano coaster brake

Saddle VL-8114

Grips VLG 105

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Reflectors

Weight 18,4kg (18”)

18” ”20 3


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raspberry matte

white glossy raspberry matte mint glossy



ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, rear carrier, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 28"

Fork Steel 28"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Steel KT-305

Brake front Calliper Steel

Brake rear Coaster brake

Saddle FM-2734A

Grips VLG 105

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Reflectors

Weight 16,1kg (18”)

18” ”20 1

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ADDITIONAL: Front / rear carrier, kickstand, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 28"

Fork Steel 28"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Shimano Nexus SG-C30007

Brake front Drum brake

Brake rear Shimano coaster brake

Saddle Brooks B67

Grips Brooks Slender

Tires 28"x1.75" Schwalbe

Lights Front / rear battery light

Weight 20,4kg (22”)

20” ”22 7

black glossy


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black glossy

Let us introduce William 5, the highest model in the hierarchy of

men’s Originals. Handsome as hell thanks to his sleek frame design

reminding of all those old-fashioned bicycles from the beginning of the

past century. Brooks leather saddle and grips will add extra comfort

and boost your style. Roller brake works perfectly in all weather

conditions and moreover does not ruin your looks. Prepare yourself for

ultra-vintage experience.

black glossy

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brown glossy

brown glossy blue matte



ADDITIONAL: Rear carrier, kickstand, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 28"

Fork Steel 28"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Shimano Nexus SG-C30007

Brake front Caliper Alloy

Brake rear Shimano coaster brake

Saddle GS-117 Leather

Grips G-607A Leather

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Front / rear battery light

Weight 18,4kg (22”)

20” ”22 7


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black glossy

black glossy slate grey matte



ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, rear carrier, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 28"

Fork Steel 28"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Shimano Nexus SG-3C41

Brake front Calliper Steel

Brake rear Shimano coaster brake

Saddle VL-8114

Grips VLG 105

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Front / rear battery light

Weight 18,2kg (22”)

20” ”22 3

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blue glossy

blue glossy grey matte



ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, rear carrier, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 28"

Fork Steel 28"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Shimano Nexus SG-3C41

Brake front Calliper Steel

Brake rear Shimano coaster brake

Saddle VL-8114

Grips VLG 105

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Reflectors

Weight 18,2kg (22”)

20” ”22 3


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green matte



ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, rear carrier, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 28"

Fork Steel 28"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Steel KT-305

Brake front Calliper Steel

Brake rear Coaster brake

Saddle FM-2734A

Grips VLG 105

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Reflectors

Weight 16,2kg (22”)

20” ”22 1

black glossy plum matte green matte

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Por fi n un rato de descanso. Estabamos a mayo, todo fl orecía, es muy divertido estudiar, pero en los días calurosos como ese, es difícil sentarse en clase…especialmente cuando se puede que-

dar con su novia para un picnic en el parque. Entonces subió a la bici, pasó por la panadería. En el picnic tiene que tener unos cruasanes para

tener unas migajas para dar a comer a los pajaritos. Después fue a un mercadito y puso a su ces-ta las fresas, a su novia le gustan. Quería montar en bici todo el día, pero su novia ya esperaba

en el parque…se puede montar siempre y es major si se puede hacerlo en parejas.

Наконец-то перерыв в занятиях. Наконец-то наступил май, все вокруг цвело, даже учиться было приятно, однако в такой день как этот, трудно было усидеть на занятиях… особенно

когда можно договориться с девушкой и устроить небольшой пикник в парке.Поэтому он сел на велосипед, по пути заскочив в пекарню. Для пикника обязательно

нужны рогалики, после которых останутся крошки для птиц. Потом он заехал на рынок - и в корзинке появилась клубника - ведь его девушка ее очень любит. Он мог бы так ездить

весь день, но ведь она уже ждала его в парке… а покататься можно всегда успеть, а лучше всего вдвоем.


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Finally it ’s spring so all the fl owers and trees are in full bloom. It is good to be a stu-dent but sitting inside the university room is tiring especially when you can meet your girlfriend for a picnic in the park. He hopped on his bike, passing by a local bakery. He bought some croissants - the breadcrumbs will be left for sparrows. Then he dropped by the grocery and picked some ripe strawberries – his girlfriend is very fond of them. He could be cruising like this all day long but she was waiting for him in the park. And riding together is the best thing!

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CLASSIC line bikes, are a unique combination of style and ergonomics, inspired by the classic models from the 50’s of the twentieth century. It means not only riding in comfort, but what is equally important, standing out from the crowd.

Los modelos clásicos de los años 50 del siglo XX fueron la inspiración para las bicicletas de la serie CLASSIC, que unen perfectamente el estilo con la ergonomía. Gracias a esto se puede disfrutar del paseo no sólo por la comodidad, porque la bici es adaptada a las condiciones urbanas, pero también disfrutar de las miradas llenas del encanto de la gente.

Велосипеды из серии CLASSIC, созданные по образцу классических моделей 50-х годов XX века, это уникальное сочетание стиля и эргономики. Наслажде-ние от езды доставляет не только комфорт, обеспеченный функциональностью велосипеда, адаптированной к городским условиям, но и исполненные восхи-щения взгляды остающихся позади прохожих.


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ADDITIONAL: Steel basket with liner, kickstand, rear carrier, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 28"

Fork Steel 28"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Shimano Nexus SG-3C41

Brake front Calliper Steel

Brake rear Shimano coaster brake

Saddle FM-2734A

Grips VLG 105

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Front / rear battery light

Weight 17,8kg

18” 3

celadon matte


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white matte

black matte

celadon matte

Get to know Madison 4 - the queen of our Classic line. Her retro, yet

modern design of the frame guarantees ergonomics and joy of ride.

She is equipped with practical steel basket with liner that will carry

all the things that every modern woman needs during busy day. Chain

guard with attractive floral motives for that girly touch.

celadon matte

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sky blue glossy

sky blue glossy black glossy cream matte



ADDITIONAL: Steel basket with liner, kickstand, rear carrier, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 26"

Fork Steel 26"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Shimano Nexus SG-3C41

Brake front Calliper Steel

Brake rear Shimano coaster brake

Saddle FM-2734A

Grips VLG 105

Tires 26"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Front / rear battery light

Weight 16,1kg

18” 3


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white glossy

white glossy sky blue matte brown glossy yellow glossy



ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, rear carrier, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 28"

Fork Steel 28"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Steel KT-305

Brake front Calliper Steel

Brake rear Coaster brake

Saddle FM-2734A

Grips VLG 105

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Reflectors

Weight 17,3kg

18” 1

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rose matte

cream glossy mint matte rose matte ruby glossy



ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, rear carrier, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 26"

Fork Steel 26"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Steel KT-305

Brake front Calliper Steel

Brake rear Coaster brake

Saddle FM-2734A

Grips VLG 105

Tires 26"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Reflectors

Weight 15,6kg

18” 1


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¿Los helados…los gofres…el algodón de azúcar…o las frambuesas? Es una elec-ción muy difícil que tenían que hacer los que iban en las bicis cruiser cuando

fueron al malecón. Después se pararon, miraron a su alrededor y por hermosas cirunstancias naturales, decidieron dejar para más adelante la decisión. Quitaron

las chancletas, las pusieron a la cesta de bici y encontraron un sitio en la playa. En ese momento había la puesta del sol.

Мороженое… вафли… сахарная вата… а может, малина? Именно такой сложный выбор предстояло сделать велосипедистам-круизерам, когда они

выехали на приморский бульвар. А потом они остановились, осмотрелись вокруг и учитывая красоту окружающей природы, решили отложить

принятие решения на неопределенное „потом”. Сняли сандалии, закинули их в корзинку велосипеда и нашли себе место на пляже. Был закат, солнце

клонилось к горизонту.


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Ice-cream, cotton candy or maybe a basket of ripe raspberries? It was a hard decision to take for cruiser riders who just entered the seaside promenade. Suddenly they stopped, took a look around agreed to keep their options open, taking into account the marvellous views. They took o� their fl ip-fl ops, put them in the bike basket and found their perfect place on the beach. It was the begin-ning of sunset.

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PLEASANT AND WITHOUT ANY RUSHCRUISER line bikes were created based on the designs of “beach” bicycles dating back to the 30’s of the twentieth century. Thick wheels, comfy saddles and upright position that makes for admiring the surroundings, mean that even in the city you may feel like on holidays.

Las bicicletas de la serie CRUISER fueron creadas en base de los proyectos de las bicis de la playa de los años 30 del siglo XX. Su regla principal fue la comodidad. Las ruedas anchas, los sillínes blandos y la postura estirada hace que aun en la ciudad se puede sentirse como en las vacaciones.

Велосипеды из серии CRUISER разработаны на основе моделей „пляжных” велосипедов 30-х годов XX века, основной задачей которых был комфорт. Благодаря толстым колесам, мягким сидениям и прямой посадке, удобной для любования окрестностями, даже в городе можно почувствовать себя как в отпуске.

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ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 26"

Fork Steel 26"

Hub front Alloy

Hub rear Shimano Nexus SG-3C41

Brake front -

Brake rear Shimano coaster brake

Saddle VL-8088

Grips VLG 105

Tires Schwalbe Fat Frank 26x2,35"

Lights Reflectors

Weight 15,0kg

18” 3

black matte


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black matte

Ladies and gents, here comes Bowman 2, the mister of the beach. He

owes this title thanks to his laid-back personality and relaxed attitude.

Schwalbe Fat Frank tyres and chrome elements make him drop-dead

gorgeous. Try him for yourself and find out how does it feel to be on

the holidays all year long.

black matte

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brown glossy

brown glossy graphite matte



ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 26"

Fork Steel 26"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Steel KT-305

Brake front -

Brake rear Coaster brake

Saddle VL-8088

Grips VLG 105

Tires Schwalbe Fat Frank 26x2,35"

Lights Reflectors

Weight 14,5kg

18” 1


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ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 26"

Fork Steel 26"

Hub front Alloy

Hub rear Shimano Nexus SG-3C41

Brake front -

Brake rear Shimano coaster brake

Saddle VL-8088

Grips VLG 105

Tires Schwalbe Fat Frank 26x2,35"

Lights Reflectors

Weight 15,0kg

17 ” 3

blue / white matte


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blue / white matte

Did you know that Sanibel 2 won the Miss of the beach 2016 contest?

The judges were unanimous: Sanibel is both the most relaxed thanks

to the comfortable riding position, and the cutest due to lovely floral

motives on the saddle and the fenders. Schwalbe Fat Frank tyres look

seductively good on her and offer ultimate pleasure of ride.

blue / white matte

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white / rose matte

white / rose matte raspberry matte



ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, fenders, bell


Frame Steel 26"

Fork Steel 26"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Steel KT-305

Brake front -

Brake rear Coaster brake

Saddle VL-8088

Grips VLG 105

Tires Schwalbe Fat Frank 26x2,35"

Lights Reflectors

Weight 14,5kg

17 ” 1


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Ella puso su portatil al bolso y lo fi jó al portabultos de su bicicleta femenina. En el viaje estaba ya antes de las 9 de la mañana. Por delante ha tenido varias reuniones, cada uno en el otro

extremo de la ciudad. Sabía que tiene la agenda ocupada, pero consciente de que es sobre los atascos de tráfi co porque tiene la bici, ha encontrado un momento para tomar una taza de

café en su cafetería favorita. Y entonces se le ocurrió la refl exión, que son estos pequeños momentos de placer conectado con alegría, que le da cada viaje, lo hacen que ama esta ciu-

dad animada y ruidosa.

Закинула ноутбук в сумку и прикрепила ее к багажнику своей любимой дамки. Еще не было 9 утра, а она уже была на трассе. Впереди ее ожидало несколько встреч, и все в разных концах города. Она знала, что у нее загруженный график, однако благодаря осознанию того, что она едет на велосипеде и пробки ей нипочем, ей все же удалось найти свободную минутку, чтобы

выпить утреннюю чашечку хорошего кофе в любимом кафе. И в тот момент ее посетила мысль, что именно за такие минуты маленьких удовольствий и радости, которую ей доставляет каждая

прогулка на велосипеде, она столь сильно любит этот шумный и оживленный город.


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She put the laptop inside pannier and attached it to the rack of her beloved bike. It was 9 a.m. and she was already on the go. She had some meetings ahead all around the city. She knew her schedule was tight, but as she goes by bike, tra� c jams don’t a� ect her. That’s why she found some time for the morning cup of good co� ee in her favorite café. At the same time she realized that these little pleasures and the joy of bike ride make her love this busy and noisy city.

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QUICK AND COMFORTABLEUTILITY bikes were designed to make city life easier. They are a quick and convenient form of urban transport thanks to their lightweight construction. A frame-integrated rack allows for carrying all those items that large city dweller just … must have on them during the day.

Las bicicletas de la serie UTILITY fueron diseñadas para que sea útil en la ciudad. Gracias a su construcción ligera es perfecto como un modo de transporte rápido, práctico y sin embargo elegante en la ciudad. El portabultos integrado permitirá llevar cómodamente todas estas cosas que todos los habitantes de la metrópoli llena de vida... debe tener con sí mismo.

Велосипеды из серии UTILITY разработаны с учетом городских особенностей. Благодаря легкой конструкции они превосходно подходят в качестве быстрого, удобного и в то же время стильного средства передвижения в городе. Встроенный багажник позволит комфортно перевозить все те вещи, которые каждый житель бурлящего мегаполиса просто... обязан иметь с собой.

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ADDITIONAL: Wicker basket with liner, kickstand, rear carrier integrated with frame, fenders, bell


Frame Alloy 28"

Fork Suntour SF13-CR7V

Hub front Panasonic NWM 789

Hub rear Shimano Nexus SG-C30007

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear Shimano coaster brake + V-brake

Saddle KS9026

Grips LG-649AD2

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Front / rear light

Weight 18,5kg (19”)

17 ” ”19 7

celadon matte


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white matte

celadon matte

Meet Lille 7, the top fair sex of Utility line. She is a typical large

city dweller: busy, constantly on the run, but always paying extra

attention to her looks. High curbs won’t be a

problem thanks to front suspension fork and

suspension seatpost. Spacious basket with

the matching liner will carry all your necessary

stuff from home to work and finally…. to your

date at the coffee shop when the day ends.

celadon matte

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blue matte

white glossy black matte blue matte ruby glossy



ADDITIONAL: Plastic wicker style basket with liner, kickstand, rear carrier integrated with frame, fenders, bell


Frame Alloy 28"

Fork Steel 28"

Hub front Alloy

Hub rear Shimano Nexus SG-C30007

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear Shimano coaster brake + V-brake

Saddle KS9026

Grips VLG 105

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Front / rear battery light

Weight 18,7kg (19”)

17 19” ” 7


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ruby matte

white matte black glossy blue glossy ruby matte



ADDITIONAL: Plastic wicker style basket with liner, kickstand, rear carrier integrated with frame, fenders, bell


Frame Alloy 28"

Fork Steel 28"

Hub front Alloy

Hub rear Shimano Nexus SG-3C41

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear Shimano coaster brake + V-brake

Saddle KS9026

Grips VLG 105

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Front / rear battery light

Weight 17,7kg (19”)

17 19” ” 3

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yellow matte

white glossy navy blue glossy cream matte yellow matte



ADDITIONAL: Steel basket with liner, kickstand, rear carrier integrated with frame, fenders, bell


Frame Alloy 28"

Fork Steel 28"

Hub front Alloy

Hub rear Alloy

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear V-brake

Saddle VL-6273

Grips VLG 105

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Reflectors

Weight 17,5kg (19”)

17 19” ” 6


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white matte

white matte navy blue matte cream glossy yellow glossy



ADDITIONAL: Steel basket with liner, kickstand, rear carrier integrated with frame, fenders, bell


Frame Alloy 26"

Fork Steel 26"

Hub front Alloy

Hub rear Alloy

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear V-brake

Saddle VL-6273

Grips VLG 105

Tires 26"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Reflectors

Weight 15,5kg (19”)

15 17 19” ” ” 6

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sky blue glossy

sky blue glossy brown matte black matte cream glossy



ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, rear carrier integrated with frame, fenders, bell


Frame Alloy 28"

Fork Steel 28"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Steel KT-305

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear Coaster brake

Saddle VL-6273

Grips VLG 105

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Reflectors

Weight 16,1kg (19”)

17 19” ” 1


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cream matte



ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, rear carrier integrated with frame, fenders, bell


Frame Alloy 26"

Fork Steel 26"

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Steel KT-305

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear Coaster brake

Saddle VL-6273

Grips VLG 105

Tires 26"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Reflectors

Weight 15,6kg (19”)

15 17 19” ” ” 1

cream matte brown glossy sky blue matte black glossy

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ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, rear carrier integrated with frame, fenders, bell


Frame Alloy 28"

Fork Suntour SF13-CR7V

Hub front Panasonic NWM 789

Hub rear Shimano Nexus SG-C30007

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear Shimano coaster brake + V-brake

Saddle KS9018

Grips VLG 105

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Front / rear light

Weight 17,4kg (19”)

19” ”21 7

brown glossy


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brown glossy

blue matte

Meet Lille 7’s companion, Metz, 3 who is a famous urban rider. He is

in his element each time he feels the need to get from one part of

the city to another, carrying items on his frame-integrated rack. He

attracts girls by the modern design of the frame and matching

accessories like ding-dong bell and retro looking, yet modern

LED equipped light. Metz 3 is now ready for an adventure in

the concrete jungle!

brown glossy

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graphite matte

graphite matte khaki matte



ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, rear carrier integrated with frame, fenders, bell


Frame Alloy 28”

Fork Steel 28”

Hub front Alloy

Hub rear Shimano Nexus SG-3C41

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear Shimano coaster brake + V-brake

Saddle YBT-7800P107

Grips VLG 105

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Front / rear battery light

Weight 16,6kg (19”)

19 21” ” 3


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black matte

black matte grey matte



ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, rear carrier integrated with frame, fenders, bell


Frame Alloy 28”

Fork Steel 28”

Hub front Alloy

Hub rear Alloy

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear V-brake

Saddle YBT-7800P107

Grips VLG 105

Tires 28"x1.75" Rubena

Lights Reflectors

Weight 15,2kg (19”)

19 21” ” 6

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Cuando hace sol, no podemos quedarnos en casa el fi n de semana. Porque el fi n de semana signifi ca la bici. Esta vez hemos decidido hacer algo loco y hemos subido al. tren suburbano con las bicicletas. Según el plano hemos bajado en la primera parada, que su nombre empieza por la letra “S”. Inmediatamente fuimos

al. bosque…y montando en bicis hemos mirado a la naturaleza que se ha desper-tado a la vida. Desde ese momento los paseos similares llamamos “los safaris


Как только на улице становится тепло, ничто не может нас удержать дома в выходные дни. Ведь выходные - это велосипед. В этот раз мы решили

действовать нестандартно и сели с велосипедами в пригородный поезд. Согласно плану мы вышли на первой станции, название которой начинается на „С”. И сразу же нырнули в лес… и так не спеша крутя педали, любовались

в течение следующих нескольких часов пробуждающейся природой. В такие моменты подобного рода прогулки мы называем „лесным сафари”.


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As soon as it gets warm, we can’t stay at home during the weekend. Because weekend means bike! This time we decided to do a crazy thing. We caught a lo-cal train, of course with our two-wheelers, and decided to get o� on the fi rst sta-tion starting with the letter „S”. We immediatelly ducked into the forest… and kept on cruising without any rush, admiring the blooming trees and fl owers for the next couple of hours. From this time on, we use to call such trips „plant safari”.

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RECREATIONALCOMFORT bikes were designed specifically for recreational riding: they perform

equally well in the concrete jungle, on the park alleys as well as on the forest trails.

Las bicicletas de la serie COMFORT fueron diseñados así para garantizar la comodidad del paseo tanto en la jungla urbana, en los senderuelos en el parque, como en las rutas del bosque – entonces fueron creadas para el viaje recreativo.

Велосипеды из серии COMFORT разработаны с учетом комфорта езды как в городских джунглях, по парковым аллейкам, так и по лесным тропинкам - они

созданы для отдыха.


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ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, fenders, bell


Frame Alloy 28"

Fork Suntour SF13-CR7V

Hub front Alloy

Hub rear Alloy

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear V-brake

Saddle KS9026

Grips VLG-649AD2

Tires 28x1,9" Rubena

Lights Reflectors

Weight 16,0kg (18”)

16” ”18 7

ruby matte


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ruby matte

white matte

celadon matte

Come closer and take a look at Pave 4, the top model of Le Grand

Comfort line. Don’t be misled by her innocent, delicate

feminine looks – she will do well on rougher forest trails

thanks to front suspension and suspended seatpost.

ruby matte

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white glossy



ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, fenders, bell


Frame Alloy 26"

Fork Suntour SF13-CR7V

Hub front Alloy

Hub rear Alloy

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear V-brake

Saddle KS9026

Grips VLG-649AD2

Tires 26x1,9"

Lights Reflectors

Weight 14,9kg (16”)

14 16” ” 7

white glossy blue matte cherry glossy


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brown matte

brown matte lemon matte navy blue matte



ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, fenders, bell


Frame Alloy 28"

Fork Steel 28”

Hub front Alloy

Hub rear Alloy

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear V-brake

Saddle VL-6256M

Grips VLG 105

Tires 28x1,9" Rubena

Lights Reflectors

Weight 15,3kg (18”)

16 18” ” 7

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sky blue glossy

fuchsia glossy cream glossy sky blue glossy



ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, fenders, bell


Frame Alloy 26"

Fork Steel 26”

Hub front Alloy

Hub rear Alloy

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear V-brake

Saddle VL-6256M

Grips Herrmans DD08B

Tires 26x1,9"

Lights Reflectors

Weight 14,8kg (16”)

14 16” ” 6


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Al principio tuvimos que reunir todo el equipo. Había que esperar un poco porque cada uno quería tener la bici más bonita. Los chicos pulían y las chicas

apretaban los timbres juveniles. Y después empezó. Alguien trajo una banderita ajedrezada, alguien contó y después corrimos en competencia hasta el fi nal de la calle. ¿Quién ganó? Es difícil decir, porque hay que tener en cuenta no solo la

rapídez, pero también estilo con que gana.

Сначала надо было собрать полную команду. Немного пришлось подождать, потому как каждый хотел, чтобы его велосипед был самым

крутым. Парни полировали лаковое покрытие, а девушки прикручивали крутезные звонки. Ну а потом началось. Кто-то принес гоночный флажок,

кто-то начал отсчет, после чего мы начали заезд на скорость до самого конца улицы! Кто победил? Сложно ответить, ведь тут важна была не только

скорость, но и стиль достижения победы!


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First we needed to complete the team. Everybody wanted to pimp up his bike so we needed some extra time. Boys polished the frames, the girls installed the fancy bells. And so it began. Someone brought the start fl ag, the other counted down 3…2..1 and we raced till the end of the street! Who won? It’s hard to tell, because it is not only the speed, but also the style that counts!

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JUNIOR series bikes are smaller counterparts of CRUISER and COMFORT bikes. Equally stylish and comfortable like their “adult” versions, will be a pride of each

fashionable girl and every trendy boy.

Las bicicletas de la serie JUNIOR son los modelos juveniles de las bicis de serie CRUISER y COMFORT. También son cómodos y con estilo como sus versiones

adultos, serán un orgullo para cada chica de moda y para cada chico que sigue las tendencias.

Велосипеды из серии JUNIOR - молодежные аналоги велосипедов серии CRUISER и COMFORT. Такие же стильные и удобные, как и их „взрослые”

версии, они станут предметом гордости любой модной девушки и следящего за последними трендами парня.


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ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, fenders, bell


Frame Alloy 24"

Fork Steel 24”

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Steel KT-305

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear Coaster brake

Saddle Tillany

Grips VLG 105

Tires 24x1,9" Rubena

Lights Reflectors

Weight 14,0kg

14” 1

black / red matte


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navy blue / lime matte

black / red matte

Have a look at Bowman Jr… and regret that you are already a grown-

up! Just buy it for your kid (or future kid, one never knows) and he will

be the coolest guy on the block. A set of check-patterned bell, grips

and a saddle complete that fancy-pancy style.

black / red matte

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ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, fenders, bell


Frame Alloy 24"

Fork Steel 24”

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Steel KT-305

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear Coaster brake

Saddle Tillany

Grips VLG 105

Tires 24x1,9" Rubena

Lights Reflectors

Weight 14,0kg

14” 1

mint glossy


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white / rose glossy

mint glossy

rose / green matte

Sanibel Jr is Sanibel’s 2 younger sister, the Miss of the beach. She will

ride with you through ups and downs of childhood, reminding of the

carefree, sunny summer holidays. And maybe one day you will meet a

cool biker boy so you can cruise together?

mint glossy

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ADDITIONAL: Kickstand, fenders, bell


Frame Alloy 24”

Fork Steel 24”

Hub front Alloy

Hub rear Alloy

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear V-brake

Saddle Justek 1700

Grips 85A

Tires 24x1,9" Rubena

Lights Reflectors

Weight 13,7kg

14” 6

white glossy


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rose glossy

white glossy

celadon glossy

Meet Pave Jr, the girly version of the grown-up Pave. Feminine pastel

colours and delicate floral motives make a perfect bike for

a small lady.

white glossy

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ADDITIONAL: Fenders, bell


Frame Steel 20”

Fork Steel 20”

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Steel KT-305

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear Coaster brake

Saddle PVC

Grips PVC

Tires DSI 20”x1,125"

Lights Reflectors

Weight 11,2kg

11 ” 1

peach glossy


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peach glossy

rose glossy

Back to “The Wonder Years” series! Winnie is one of a kind thanks to

her extra-long banana seat, awesome apehanger handlebars and vivid,

girly colours, that’s for sure!

peach glossy

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ADDITIONAL: Fenders, bell


Frame Steel 20”

Fork Steel 20”

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Steel KT-305

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear Coaster brake

Saddle PVC

Grips PVC

Tires DSI 20”x1,125"

Lights Reflectors

Weight 11,2kg

11 ” 1

navy blue / red glossy


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red glossy

navy blue / red glossy

There is no Winnie without Kevin, and vice versa. Banana seat,

extraordinary handlebars and fancy bell can’t be ignored on the street.

So… keep calm and mischief!

navy blue / red glossy

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black / yellow glossy



ADDITIONAL: Fenders, bell


Frame Steel 20”

Fork Steel 20”

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Steel KT-305

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear Coaster brake

Saddle PVC

Grips PVC

Tires DSI 20”x1,125"

Lights Reflectors

Weight 11,0kg

11 ” 1

black / yellow glossy brown / blue glossy


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rose glossy

white glossy rose glossy celadon glossy



ADDITIONAL: Fenders, bell


Frame Steel 20”

Fork Steel 20”

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Steel KT-305

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear Coaster brake

Saddle PVC

Grips PVC

Tires DSI 20”x1,125"

Lights Reflectors

Weight 11,0kg

11 ” 1

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mint glossy


white glossy rose glossy mint glossy red glossy


ADDITIONAL: Fenders, bell


Frame Steel 16”

Fork Steel 16”

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Steel KT-305

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear Coaster brake

Saddle PVC

Grips PVC

Tires DSI 16”x1,125"

Lights Reflectors

Weight 9,3kg

10” 1


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cream glossy

blue glossy brown glossy red glossy cream glossy



ADDITIONAL: Fenders, bell


Frame Steel 16”

Fork Steel 16”

Hub front Steel

Hub rear Steel KT-305

Brake front V-brake

Brake rear Coaster brake

Saddle PVC

Grips PVC

Tires DSI 16”x1,125"

Lights Reflectors

Weight 9,3kg

10” 1

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COPENHAGENStylish double panniers for a classic bicycle. Will carry all the things

that are important to get you through your day. Closed by press

studs. Easy attachment to the rack with velcro straps.

Material Canvas

Dimensions 2 x 31 x 12 x 27,5 cm

BERLINA chic saddle bag roomy enough for either some bike tools or just

your mobile and a lipstick. Closed by press studs. It attaches with

velcro loops to the saddle bars or to the handlebars.

Material Canvas

Dimensions 20,5 x 6,5 x 9,5 cm

AMSTERDAMA classy bag that pretties-up your rack. Whenever you are meeting

friends for a cafe or just riding down the park, this compact, yet

spacious bag will fit all your essentials: wallet, phone, sandwich and

much more. Closed by press studs. Easy attachment to the rack with

velcro straps.

Material Canvas

Dimensions 30,5 x 12 x 18 cm

BRUXELLESClassic saddle wallet - another chic accessory that will match your

flawless style. Place some basic tools and have it always mounted

under your saddle. Closed by press studs.

Material Canvas

Dimensions 16 x 1 x 10,5 cm



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DUBLINFunctional and minimalistic double bike bag. Wherever you go: to

work for shopping or just hang around the city, it will carry all your

necessary stuff. One main compartment. and additional pocket, zip

closed. Reflective stripes on both sides.

Material Polyester

Dimensions 2 x 36 x 12,5 x 31 cm

OXFORDCarry your daily essentials with this convenient clip-on single

pannier. One main compartment and additional pocket, zip closed.

Easy to mount and dismount.

Material Polyester

Dimensions 36 x 13,5 x 31,5 cm

VIENNASpacious and very convenient double bike bag. Remember to have

it always with you when going shopping. Feminine floral motive

makes it a perfect bag for all romantic ladies. Main compartment

and outer pockets. Reflective stripes on both sides.

Material Polyester

Dimensions 2 x 36 x 12,5 x 31 cm

PARISIf you seek permanently mounted carriers, choose double panniers.

These panniers are both spacious and convenient in the city.

Material Polyester

Dimensions 2 x 35 x 10 x 28 cm

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PUSCHKINIACarry your everyday essentials safely and comfortably with this

lightweight puschkinia basket. Waterproof nylon and a top cover

will protect your stuff from getting wet. Attached via a quick-release

handlebar mount.

Material Bag - nylon, frame - aluminium

Fastening QR mount for handlebar

Dimensions 36 x 28 x 22 cm

Weight 960 g

CAMOMILLEOur handlebar wicker basket is a must-have for every stylish urban

cyclist. Easy on/off clip system makes it also a very convenient

accessory. Equip it with a matching liner and off you go. Fits most


Material Wicker

Fastening QR mount for handlebar

Dimensions 34 x 26 x 20 cm

Weight 620 g

LILACOne of the most practical bike accessories you could imagine -

our handlebar steel mesh basket. Attaches to the handlebar and

remains in place. Quick release click on/off system makes it a

perfect shopping companion. Fits most handlebars.

Material Steel mesh

Fastening QR “click” handlebar mount

Dimensions 33 x 26 x 25 cm

Weight 983 g

IRISIris wicker basket is ready to carry all your everyday groceries

letting you enjoy the ride. Easy to put on and take off thanks to the

hooks attached to your handlebar.

Material Wicker

Fastening Handlebar hooks

Dimensions 31 x 39 x 31 cm

Weight 660 g



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ORCHIDForget about shopping bags hanging on the handlebar. Use our

reed basket which will carry all your groceries. It is easily mounted

and dismounted from the bike thanks to the quick on/off system.

Material Wicker

Fastening QR mount for handlebar

Dimensions 34 x 25 x 24 cm

Weight 1230 g

GEORGINIAIf you use your bike on a daily basis, you probably know that

baskets prove very handy. This classic basket will carry all your

everyday essentials.

Material Steel mesh

Fastening Under headset spacer / front fork

Dimensions 35 x 26 x 24 cm

Weight 910 g

BEGONIAThis steel basket will not only carry all your smaller and bigger stuff

but also looks very original. Easy mounting and dismounting thanks

to the smart on/off system. Comes in two colours.

Material Steel

Fastening QR “click” handlebar mount

Dimensions 31 x 24 x 22 cm

Weight 1150 g

DAHLIAThis lightweight steel mesh rear rack basket is ideal for everyday

commuters. Use our rubber straps to protect your cargo from


Material Steel mesh

Fastening Rear rack

Dimensions 41 x 28 x 19 cm

Weight 670 g


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CROCUSAnother version of the most practical accessory - a steel basket

mounted on the side of the rack. It will perfectly fit all your


Material Steel mesh

Fastening Hooks mounted on rear rack

Dimensions 33 x 24 x 32cm

Weight 670 g


BRANCHIf you own more that one bike and a single basket, having a spare

quick release mounting bracket will be a good option. Fits standard

metal mesh baskets.

Material Plastic

GLAM LINEROur basket liner is the best idea to personalize your bike. Wide

variety of bike liners enable you to change the look of your bike

any time you want. Pair it with a matching bell and a saddle cover to

create you unique style.

AZALEAIf you wish to leave your bike often outside, our Azalea rack basket

is a perfect choice. It is made of wicker-like synthetic material that

withstand all weather conditions: harsh sun, heavy rain. Quick

release click on/off system makes it a perfect shopping companion.

Material Plastic

Fastening QR “click” handlebar mount

Dimensions 33 x 25 x 26cm


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PASSAGEIf you wish to give extra look to your bike, choose rear rack with

wooden finish. It is both functional and good-looking on the city


Material Steel hollow tube O/D 12,7 mm

Wheel size 26”

Max load 25 kg

Weight 0,93 kg

GRAND TOURHave you ever felt uneasy when carrying your precious stuff behind

you on the rear rack? Finally the solution to this problem: a very

stylish wood-finished front rack which will fit all your smaller and

bigger essentials. It is not only fucntional, but also has a very stylish,

Dutch-type sturdy look. Suitable for bicycles with 24’’ to 28’’ wheels

without front fork suspension. This rack is not designed to be used

with quick release wheels.

Material Steel hollow tube O/D 16 mm

Wheel size 24” - 28”

Max load 15 kg

Weight 2,25 kg

ROUND TRIPHave you ever felt uneasy when carrying your precious stuff

behind you on the rear rack? Finally the solution to this problem:

a handlebar mounted front rack which will fit all your smaller and

bigger essentials. It is not only fucntional, but also has a very stylish,

Dutch-type sturdy look. Suitable for bicycles with 24’’ to 28’’ wheels

without front fork suspension. This rack is not designed to be used

with quick release wheels.

Material Steel hollow tube O/D 16 mm

Wheel size 24” - 28”

Max load 15 kg

Weight 2,5 kg

ODYSSEYEither you live in the city or in the village, the rear rack is the choice

for your bike. Mount classic double panniers, a metal basket or just

use rack straps and have a cargo bike! Center shelf protects the

luggage as well as your jeans from mud and water.

Material Alluminum alloy

Fastening Two-point mounting

Wheel size 26” - 28”

Max load 25 kg

Weight 0,66 kg


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CONVOYProtect your cargo from slipping out with this durable rear rack

straps. If you decide to put your luggage on the rear rack, the strap

is the best idea to safeguard it.

Fastening Strap with two hooks

Wheel size 26” - 28”

Lenght 50 cm

SAFE AND SOUNDYour luggage will never fall of your rack with this elastic cargo net.

Great for carrying odd shaped items. Attaches to rack or basket with

durable, coated hooks. Fits most racks/baskets.

Size 25 cm x 25 cm



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VINCENTHave you ever got a flat tyre in the middle of nowhere and the only

thing you lacked to fix it was the pump? No more worries, the pump

will be always on your rack.

Material Plastic composite

Fastening Rear rack with pegs (distance 235 mm)

Valve system DV, F/V and A/V

Max pressure 80 PSI

Lenght 24 cm

Weight 99 g

GASPARDThis simple yet stylish long bike pump will make you feel safer

during city rides. Comes in a few different colours.

Material Plastic

Fastening Frame tube with pegs

Valve system DV, F/V and A/V

Max pressure 60 PSI

Weight 85 g

MAXIMEIt’s good to have a pump mounted on your frame - just in case.

Comes in a few different colours.

Material Steel

Fastening Frame tube with pegs

Valve system DV, A/V

Max pressure 60 PSI

Weight 170 g


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CRUISEIn city bikes details create unique style, so do not forget about retro

pedals. This model will satisfy fans of classic style. Reflectors on

both sides. Supplied as a pair, for left and right.

Body CP steel, black PVC rubber blocks

Axle Doron steel

Bearings Ball bearings

Size 119 x 80 mm

Features Reflectror included

Weight 620 g/pr

CIRCUITThis premium model will satisfy even the most demanding city

riders. Reflectors on both sides. Supplied as a pair, for left and right.

Body Barrel polished aluminum

Cage Barrel polished aluminum

Axle Boron steel

Bearings Ball bearings

Size 111 x 60 mm

Features Reflectror included

Weight 350 g/pr

JOYRIDEPedal comfortably and in style with our Joyride pedals. Reflectors

on both sides. Supplied as a pair, for left and right.

Body Barrel polished aluminum, inlaid TPE tread

Axle Boron steel

Bearings Ball bearings

Size 107.5 x 68.5 mm

Features Reflectror included

Weight 370 g/pr



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COMPACTFallen out of fashion in the 1970’s, the kickstand is now back in city

bikes. This one is also very smart - it folds in one direction.

Material Aluminium

Mounting location Central

Size Adjustable 24’’ - 28’’

Features Double leg

Weight 540 g

SOLIDA solid kickstand is priceless when you need to inflate your tyre. It is

definitely an urban accessory that proves very useful.

Material Aluminium

Mounting location Central

Size Adjustable 26”

Features Double leg

Weight 630 g

WITTYThis adjustable rear kickstand is a solution for diffferent bikes’ sizes.

Material Aluminium

Mounting location Chain stay

Size Adjustable 24” - 28”

Features Fits on rectangular and oval tube chain stay

Weight 320 g

SEATEDWhen you get off your bike in an open space, a kickstand is very

useful. This central stand will keep your bike stable and safe.

Material Aluminium

Mounting location Center, behind BB

Size Adjustable 24” - 29”

Weight 310 g


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ENFANTINEYoung riders use up their equipment very quickly. Be ready to

replace it with the new ones.

Material Steel

Fastening On wheel axle - 2 stainless steel bolts

Size 12”-20”

Certificate EN 14765

NEWBIEBack in times when your parents mounted a regular stick on the

back to assist you with your first two-wheel adult bike? Now you can

have a professional pushing rod for your own kids.

Material Steel

Mounting Brace w. bolts

Fastening On wheel axle - 2 stainless steel bolts

Size 12”-20”

Certificate EN 14765



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CITY CAPERain will be no longer your enemy thanks to our stylish rain cape.

Material Polyester


SHELTERMade of tear-resistant polyester. To protect the bike against the

rain, snow, or intense sunlight. Will also work as a protection against


Material Waterproof polyester 170T

Additional information:

- velcro closure - compatible with bike locks

Sizes- L - 195 cm x 77 cm x 90 cm - XL - 200 cm x 70 cm x 98 cm - XXL- 193 cm x 97 cm x 102 cm

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GLEAM SETLight lighting set made of plastic composite and silicone protection

against damage. Both the front and rear-light are equipped with

LEDs, ensuring high service life. Different operating modes allow

you to choose the type of light. An easy way to mount allows you to

use lighting on different bikes.

Material Silicone + plastic composite

Mounting location Any frame tube

Fastening Silicone clamp

Light source 2 LED

Power source 2 batteries CR2032 (included)

Modes- 1 constant - 2 pulse


- tool free fastening - waterproofness IPX1 - ultra-light - ultra-thin

Weight 20 g

CLAIREBeing visible on your way is extremely important. Be safe with this

smart silicone LED light. It is mounted on rubber so you don’t need

any tools.

Material Silicone + plastic composite

Mounting location Handlebar

Fastening Silicone clamp

Light source 1 Nichia LED

Power source 1 battery AA

Modes- 1 constant - 1 pulse - 1 stroboscope

Features- tool free fastening - waterproofness IPX1

Weight 40 g



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FULLMOONThis small accessory will increase your safety on the road,

especially during dim days. Just mount it easily thanks to the rubber

strap, you don’t need any special tools.

Material Plastic composite

Mounting location Handlebar

Fastening Rubber clamp

Light source 1 LED

Power source 1 battery CR2032

Modes- 1 constant - 2 pulse

Features- tool free fastening - waterproofness IPX1

Weight 6 g


DAYLIGHTYour little helper during those dim days. This small accessory will

increase your safety on the road. It is easily mounted on the rubber

to the handlebar, you do not need any tools.

Material Plastic composite

Mounting location Handlebar

Fastening Rubber clamp

Light source 1 LED

Power source 2 batteries CR2016

Modes- 1 constant - 2 pulse

Features- tool free fastening - waterproofness IPX1

Weight 6 g

SUNRISEOur dynamo front light is a perfect choice for all retro & vintage-

style bikes - always there on your bike and always ready for action

- no need to charge or change batteries. Comes in a few different

colours. Mounting set included.

Material Plastic composite

Mounting location Lamp bracket

Light source 5 LED

Power source External dynamo

Modes - 1 constant

Weight 77 g

SUNLIGHTOld-fashioned on the outside, modern on the inside. This retro,

powered by baterry, LED light will help you ride safely and in style.

Material Plastic composite

Mounting location Lamp bracket

Light source 5 LED

Power source 4 AAA batteries

Modes - 1 constant

Weight 104 g

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NIGHTOWLBe visible and be safe with this elastic, reflective wrist or ankle


Size 3 cm x 33 cm

RED FLASHHaving a reliable light on your bicycle is crucial for your safety. Be

visible with this rear LED light. Mounting to the fender with screws.

Material Plastic composite

Fastening Bolts

Light source 3 LED

Power source 2 AAA batteries

Modes - 1 constant

Features- built in reflector - waterproofness

Weight 60 g

MOONSETGive your bike a classic look with this retro rear light mounted on

rear carrier.

Material Plastic composite

Mounting location Rear rack

Fastening 2 bolts

Light source 3 LED

Power source 2 batteries AA

Modes - 1 constant

Weight 78 g


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PITBULLSolid frame lock with a robust plastic housing. Made of reinforced

steel, 10 mm locking arm Safety catch to prevent accidental locking

while riding.

Material Steel and plactic

Lock type Key

Hole spacing 68 - 105 mm

Locking arm diameter 10 mm

Maximum mudguard width 65 mm

Maximum tire width 56 mm

Weight 936 g

BASSETUseful when security needs are low, when you’re away from your

bike for just a short time or perfect as a secondary lock for securing

your front wheel. This lock is covered with anti-scratch material so it

will not hurt your frame.

Lock type Flat key

Length 100 cm

Diameter 8 mm

Features 2 keys included

Weight 188 g


AKITA2 in 1 - frame and cable lock for additional security. Cable with

protective vinyl cover.

Material Steel

Lock type Flat key

Hole spacing 66 - 95 mm

Locking shackle 8,5 mm


- maximum mudguard width: 64 mm - maximum tire width: 56 mm - 2 keys are supplied with the lock - cable 1500x10mm

Weight 726 g

DOBERMANIf you seek higher safety, heavy chain lock is a wise solution.

Chain diameter 10 mm

Chain lenght 100 cm


- 2 keys are supplied with the lock - weather-resistant nylon sleeve prevents scratches. - reinforced plastic padlock case

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SHEPHERDSafeguard your bike with this sturdy U-lock. Made of reinforced

steel. anti-scratch outer layer make it a practical accessory.

Head outer material Steel with plastic composite outer casing

Lock type 4 digit, resettable code

Dimensions 225 mm x 125 mm

Inner size 76 mm

Shackle diameter 14 mm

Features- anti-cut resistance - outer casing features Rubber Finish technology - resettable code

Weight 583 g

EASY RIDERA U-lock belt holder - finally the solution to the biggest bikers’

problem: how to carry a bike lock? Just adjust it to your pants and

be safe! Dimensions: Fastened with velcro. Fits on side or back of

pants. Adjustable for different locks.

Material Canvas


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TERRIERRobust spiral lock, covered with delicate material that protects

frame from scraches.

Head outer material Plastic composite

Lock type Flat key

Lenght 200 cm

Diameter 6 mm

Features 2 flat keys

BEAGLECable provides good bike security. Thanks to proper length there is

ability to attach it even for very thick streetlight, etc.

Material Steel + plastic

Lenght 180 cm

Diameter 8 mm

Features- perfect to combine with U-locks and padlocks - vinyl cover

Weight 351 g

BELLE VUEThough not obligatory, a mirror is quite useful when riding in the city

traffic. Pair it with a retro light for a complete old-timey look.

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XXL GONGA bell is obligatory for every cyclist so why not have some fun with

it. Not only will you dazzle passerbys by its looks but also alert them

by its clear two tone ring (can be heard from up to 100 metres!).

Attaches to bike with two metal brackets. Fits all standard bike

handlebars. Comes in a variety of motives and colours.

Material Steel

Diameter 80 mm

Weight 225 g

BRASS CYMBALBrass is the new gold! A stylish bell made of durable, high quality

brass will alert pedestrians of your approach. Combine it with retro

panniers, a classic saddle and time travel to the past. Fits all bike


Material Brass

Diameter 55 mm

Weight 84 g

RETRO BUZZHere comes the real chic classic! Fits all bike handlebars. Comes in

two classic colours.

Material Steel

Diameter 60 mm

Weight 189 g


CHIC HORNBored with normal bells? Try this retro trumpet. Loud dual tone will

announce your approach in style. Material: aluminum alloy. Comes

in a variety of colours. Fits all kinds of bicycles.

Material Steel

Weight 148 g


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DING-DONGIndispensable for each cyclist. This minimalistic bell will keep both

you and other road users safe. Fits all bike handlebars.

Material Steel

Weight 148 g


CHARMAn eye-catching detail that will pimp-up your bike. Suitable for

schrader valves (or adapters for presta). A set of two.

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PROMENADEA comfortable saddle is one of the most important bike components

- if well matched, it will turn your ordinary ride into wonderful

journey. High density foam and built-in elastomers will guarantee

comfort also on longer routes. Comes in two elegant colours.

Coating Synthetic leather

Fill High density foam

Rails Ø 7 mm hardened steel

Dimensions 258 x 185 mm

Features Vibration damping elastomer inserts

Weight 600 g

BED OF ROSESA comfortable saddle is one of the greatest, if not the greatest

asset to real pleasure cycling. This super wide saddle will gurantee

ultimate comfort during your everyday bike rides.

Coating Synthetic leather

Fill High density foam

Rails Ø 7 mm hardened steel

Dimensions 246 x 180 mm

Features Vibration damping elastomer inserts

Weight 564 g


GLOBE-TROTTINGIf you ride in the upright position, this wide, fully padded city saddle

in the best choice. It was designed especially for men.

Coating Synthetic leather

Fill High density foam

Rails Ø 7 mm hardened steel

Dimensions 260 x 178 mm

Features Vibration damping elastomer inserts

Weight 569 g

PLEASURE TRIPChoose the best saddle for your city bike to fully enjoy your

everyday ride. This saddle is designed especially for women. High

density foam fill and built-in elastomers will add to your comfort also

on longer routes.

Coating Synthetic leather

Fill High density foam

Rails Ø 7 mm hardened steel

Dimensions 238 x 205 mm

Features Vibration damping elastomer inserts

Weight 633 g


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CHESTNUTBe stylish but also ride in ultimate comfort with these ergonomic

cork/TPR grips. Also a solution for those who refrain from real

leather but seek grips with a natural look. Pair them with marron

saddle and classic double panniers for a full retro look. A set of two.

Material Natural cork + TPR

Lenght 130 mm

Weight 143 g

POPLARThese elegant grips go very well with a brown saddle and a bike

bag. Cork composite will add extra comfort to your ride as it

absorbs shock and does not get slippery. A set of two.

Material Natural cork + TPR

Lenght 120 mm

Weight 112 g

HAZELIf you are like natural materials, choose cork/TPR material grips. It

is known for its ability to absorb shock and does not get slippery

during the rain. These grips are also very elegant and will match

your classic style. A set of two.

Material Natural cork + TPR

Lenght 120 mm

Weight 99 g

LIFE OF EASEIf you want to pimp up your bike quickly and you prefer

monochromatic colors, the smarttest idea is to use the pair of foam

grips. They will not only match your personal style but also add

extra comfort.

Material Foam PP

Lenght 300 mm

Weight 84 g


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