“LE: Collaborative Learning in eTwinning: Alone we can do so little; together we can

“LE: Collaborative Learning in eTwinning: Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” A selection of outcomes created by the participants of the Learning Event Irene Pateraki


A selection of lesson plans created by the participants of the LE

Transcript of “LE: Collaborative Learning in eTwinning: Alone we can do so little; together we can

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“LE: Collaborative Learning in eTwinning: Alone we can do so little; together we can

do so much”

A selection of outcomes created by the participants of the Learning EventIrene Pateraki

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What do you consider as collaborative learning?

A Collaborative project is like a puzzle. Every piece of it is important for completing thewhole image (Maria Sourgiadaki)

Several students (from different countries) take over responsibility for a mutual product.Everyone has the chance to contribute their special skills/knowledge and learn from theothers. The final product is only possible because of all the contributions of all members(Andrea Ullrich)

Collaborative learning means cooperating with others in order to accomplish a commongoal. Sharing ,understanding, respect, support ,help, responsibility and activeengagement are some of the prerequisites of successful collaborative learning (MariaVasilopoulou)

When we learn in a collaborative way we think about the group instead of thinking onlyabout us. Our contributions are always important and everybody is at the same level, weneed each other to finish the project (Elena Osés)

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Collaboration is working together as a team. Every member of a team is valuablemember. Members discuss, negotiate and organise their work. At the end the problem issolved and every member made a valuable contribution to the problem solving (KristinaKaučić)

Two heads in one!! That’s collaboration for me. When people and especially teachers orstudents work in groups participating in a project they share ideas, experiences and goodpractices. Students are more motivated developing their skills and expanding theirknowledge. Teachers from the other hand work collaboratively with a common goal: toproduce a common output. In this way they achieve things that they wouldn’t be able todo working on their own. Teachers become open-minded and more responsible, giving avibrant example to their students (Angeliki Kougiourouki)

Working collaboratively is not easy. Many times it is believed that we are workingtogether when we are actually working in parallel (Mª José García)

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Collaborative Lesson Plans

In the next pages, you can read a selection of the lesson plans that the participants of the Learning Event have created, giving an emphasis on COLLABORATION, the secret for a successful project. Hope you find some useful ideas for your projects!

Irene Pateraki

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Pre- primary LevelLesson plans for kindergarten students

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“Friendship…is all around”,

Maria Tsapara

Age of students: 4-6 years old

Subjects involved: Writing, Art,ICT, Literature

The activity is described here:http://www.slideshare.net/MariaTsapara/lesson-plan-tsapara-maria

“Our city from above”, Evi Karella

Age of students: 4-6 years old

Description: Children learn aboutour city from above by usinggoogle earth,zee maps

The activity is described here:https://v.gd/hwBz4r

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“Our city from above”, Evi Karella

Age of students: 4-6 years old

Description: Children learn about our city from above by using google earth,zee maps

The activity is described here: https://v.gd/hwBz4r

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“ That's the fairytale I like most”, Cristina Antal

Subjects involved: Art, English, Communication and Literature;

Age of students: 5-6

Tools: Powerpoint, Jigsaw Puzzle, Slideshare, Story Jumper;

Descriprion: Every group of pupils choose a fairy tale, create drawings or paintings with the heroes or thestory line. Using their drawings the children create a Powerpoint, Slideshare or a Story Jumper. The groupsshare their work than talk about similarities: values, heroes (prince, princess, wolf, witch...).Every group choose its favourite fairy tale, create a Jigsaw puzzle and the other groups solve it to find outwhich one is that.

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“Growing Plants”, Kate Keaveny

Subjects involved: Science, English, Maths, ICT, Geography

Age of students: 5,6 and 7

Tools that you will use: Story jumper, Padlet, Book creator app, camera, thing link, google docs

Description of the lesson plan:

The children will be given sunflower seeds. They will plant their sunflower seeds and write instructions for how to plant a seed and help it to grow.

Children will use iPads to take photos and will make an instruction book on book creator. They will continue to take photos andmeasurements of the sunflower as it grows and post them on padlet. When the sunflower has grown to it's full height the children will use story jumper to make a book about the sunflower and its growth. The children will all share the height of their sunflower and with the teacher will input it into a google spreadsheet. The children can then compare who had the tallest sunflower. They can then look at the weather in the different countries and decide whether this had an impact on the height of the sunflower. The children can then use thing link with a picture of Europe they can then post a picture of their sunflower and it's height on their country.

Duration: 30 mins on the first lesson

4 - 6 weeks until the sunflowers have grown.

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Primary LevelLesson plans for primary school students

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“My School”, Despoina Founta

Subjects involved: ICT , language

Age of students:11

Tools: Thinglink

Description: This will be an introductoryactivity.

The students will add photos, videos,comments on information about our schoollife on a thinglink photo of our school. Thenwe will share it with our partners.

Duration :1 hour

“Let’s celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day”, María Rosario Pérez

Subjects involved: English

Age of students: 10 years

Tools : Glogster, AnswerGarden, ThingLink and powerpoint.

Description: Consolidation and assessment stage. At this step pupils alreadyknow many information about this festivity and know the teacher asks them in4-5 mixed nationality groups to create a Glogster about Saint Patrick with theirprevious knowledge and adding new information to the interactive poster.

Other groups will create an AnwerGaden related to the following question:What do you know about Saint Patrick’s Day? They will give many info theyconsider using this tool.

Another mixed nationality group will create a thingLink in order to express inan interactive image the information they have learnt about this topic.

Other groups will create a quiz to evaluate the knowledge related to the topicusing the PowerPoint presentation.

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“Day for play”, Slavica ilić

Subject:Language,Sport, Drama


Tools: Powtoon, Video maker, Skype..Introduction: Every child tell us his favourite playBrainstorming: What could you change in yourfavourite gameDeciding: According to the answers they will bedivided in groups. Each groups will workcollaboratively and created own gameCreating: Poster with description of game andrules, than play gameEvaluating: Movie maker playing and childrenexpress experience, and then we will share it withour partners and ask them for favourite game

“Grandparents’ Day”, Vasilica Gazdac

Subjects involved: History ,Geography Language, ICT

Age of students: 6-7 years old

Tools: Thinklink, Pizap, JingsawPlanet. Tricider

Description: In this activity the children will bring in kindergarten

photographs of grandparents. Photos will scan and children will be

divided into three groups.

The first group will develop a digital poster with the application


The second group will develop a digital game puzzle digital

application with Jingsawplanet.

The second third group will develop a collage of photographs with

Pizap .

All these creations will be loaded in the project Twinspace and

partners it will be asked to vote on the most successful of them with

Tricider app.

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“Classroom without borders” , Massaregli Claudia

Subjects involved: English, Mother tongue, Geography, Math, Art, ICT, Citizenship-Cross curricular.

Age of students: 6-10 years old

The lesson plan can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UAzcrSvhYJrTIpVdzoxGIbFfKPFmBCQ7MMkz-qozEtg/edit

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“The password” , Koutsouri Magda

Subject: English

Age of students: 11-12

Web tools: Padlet, Zeemap, Vimeo

The lesson plan can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3vR4y9dN26HV0R1R09ZdWJ3RHM/view

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“Dixit: a collaborative story”, Emanuela Costa

Subject: Creative writing

Age of students: 8 years old

The lesson plan: https://www.slideshare.net/secret/FvCorg4zQEVa6A

“Relevant European Artists”, Zulmira Lima

Familiarization with the countriesinvolved in the project and knowledge offamous artists

Student’s age: 8-9 years old

Tools: Dotstorming; Kizoa

Subjects involved: Mother tongue;English; ICT; Social Studies

The lesson plan:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0xHS4jkM4iFbkU1NXVCazljbk0/view

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“Let’s get to know each other”, Vassiliki Liberiou

Subjects: English , Greek , ICT

Age of students: 10-11 years old

Tools used: Zeemap, Padlet ,TitanPad, Prezi, Internet, TwinSpace

Aims: Communicate in English, practice writing and relevant vocabulary learned in class , promote group work, interaction, digitalcompetence, diversity awareness, create collaboratively , motivate all students..

Description of the lesson:

a) Division of the class in 5 groups /Give a name to your group .(15’)

b) Brainstorming stage 1) Share ideas about the theme of our project using TitanPad

2) Build the map of our project in Zeemap collaboratively. 3) Meet our partners online using different web 2.0 tools.(30’)

c) Introduction stage: In this second stage we’ll write a few things / introduce ourselves (name, place, what we like, etc) in order tostart knowing each other using Padlet this time. Then imagine and draw our partners, school , find information about their countryon the internet . All the partners’ creations will be presented using Prezi so as for everybody to see them.(45’)

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“Everybody give a hand” , Maria Tsiamtsouri

Subjects involved: Geography, Foreign Languages, ICT, Environmental Studies, ArtAge of students: 8-11Duration of the activity: Two weeks (5 sessions)Materials: Laptop, projector, 4 PCs in the school computer labObjectives: Collaborate in mixed nationality groupsPractice the use of written and spoken language (English)Practice the use of ICTStudents express themselves through drawingMotivate students to act as regards environmental protectionTools used :Zeemap to identify our location and our partners’ locationAnswergarden to mention the environmental problems in every countryGoogle drawings to make a poster about protecting the environment (students work in mixed nationality teams)Easypolls to vote for the best posterAdobe connect through Twinspace to announce the winners and give them their prizes.Description of lesson plan1st session (about 45 minutes): Students use Zeemap to mark their location and their partners’ locationCreate an AnswerGarden to list the environmental problems in every country. Class discussion about the similarities/ differences regarding location, climate, environmental problems in every country2nd – 3rd session (about 45 minutes each):Create mixed nationality groups with 8 members each and start making a collaborative poster using Google drawings4th session (about 45 minutes): Presentation of the posters in TwinSpace and answer a poll- created In easypollls.com- to decide on the best one.5th session (about 45 minutes): Adobe connect through TwinSpace where all teams present their posters and the winner of the poll is announced.All winning team members get an award and the voted poster becomes the project logo.

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“Making our story”, Marija Grah

Subjects: English, literature, ICT, Art

Age: 10-11 years old

Tools: Padlet, Zeemaps (to introduce ourselves); Cacoo/ Voxpop (to brainstorm and make the project diagram); Stickymoose, Dotstorming (to decide on the story title and story topic); Doodle (to schedule an online meeting on eTwinning online); Titanpad (to write and discuss the story, to illustrate it and create an ebook); Easypolls (to evaluate the project)

Description: Pupils should collaborate to make a story together. They will try many ICT tools and most importantly they will communicate with their peers. They will practise their speaking and writing skills while collaborating and also learn what collaboration is.

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“Comicohistory”, Aggeliki Kougiourouki

Subjects involved: History, Literature, English as a foreign language, ICT

Age of students: 10-12

Tools to be used: Introduction (zoobe and voki and then padlet to put them all there, zeemap for the countries’ location), Brainstorming (Tricider, Voxpop), Deciding(Dotstorming or stickymouse), Meeting online (Doodle, adobe connect in eTwinning), Creating (Prezi, and some of these tools for comics: toondoo, comicstripcreator, Pixton, webcomicbookcreator), Evaluating (Todaysmeet, googleforms)

The lesson plan: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B08wdkLBabocaWxFOHJlQVRja2s/view

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“Let’s retell the story of The Very hungry Caterpillar”, Sophia Kouzouli

Subjects involved: English Language, Art, ICT, Literature, Mother tongue

Age of students: 7-9, Yet, it can be used with older or younger students, if the level of the book and of the tasks are adapted.

Tools: AnswerGarden, Tagxedo, issuu, colorillo

The lesson plan: file:///C:/Users/epateraki/Downloads/sophiakouzoulicollaborativelearninginetwinning-alonewecandosolittleletsretellthestoryoftheveryhungry-160525203100.pdf

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“Folklore and festivals”, Mª José García

Age of students: 8-9 years

Web tools: Smore, Prezi, Glogster, Widbook

Develop a collaborative work to learn about folklore and customs of the partners through a collaborative digital book in which our parties we share with our partners which should answer a few questions and make a sketch of what we have told them in the book.

The lesson plan: https://www.smore.com/f9ymw

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“Together is better”, Adriana Cristea

Age of students: 8-9 years old

Subject: councelling

Tools: colorillo, FlockDraw, smore

Objectives: differentiate between cooperation behavior and non-cooperation behavior

practice cooperation behavior

Description: The students will be divided in two groups. One group of students will receive a task using a collaborative work. The directions will be given separately for each group. The other group will receive the same task but they will be selfish, they will counter each-other, they will not share and so on. They will observe and discuss the final work for each team. The teacher will underline which are the behaviors needed for working together and which are the behaviors when we are non-cooperative. At the end they will make a flyer about cooperative behavior working together.

Lesson Plan: https://www.smore.com/rd61y-together-is-better

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“Safer Internet Day”, AfrodotiNtinou

“MYOL- My legends, your legends, OUR legends”, Carme Pellicer

Age of students: 10-11 years old

Subjects involved: Foreign languages, History of Culture, Informatics / ICT, Art, Design and Technology and Primary school subjects.

Tools that we’ll use: Sticky Moose, AnswerGarden, Colorillo, FlockDraw, Cacoo, different tools for e-book/video creation: Issuu, Pixton, MovieLive Maker, Google docs, YouTube, SurveyMonkey …

Description of the lesson plan: Length: a school year. Activity 1: students work in mixed transnational groups of 5-6. Each group uses Sticky Moose as brainstorming and deciding on the ideas for the tasks (which traditional legend are going to choose from each country) and they’ll use Cacoo to make a mindmap for the steps of creating the eBook and the videos. Activity 2: students work together choosing a name for their group using AnswerGarden. Activity 3: they create the project logo collaboratively using Colorillo or FlockDraw. Activity 4: Each group translates the peers' legends from the other countries into their mother language in order to achieve an eBook in English and all mother tongues of participants. Activity 5: organizing video conferences or/and chats to arrange the performances and eBook elaboration. Activity 6: Every group prepares a performance about a legend of other country. Students have to manage the show and to record it. Activity 7: Students, teachers and families will evaluate the project using SurveyMonkey. The final outcomes will be the eBook and the videos of the legends.

Students' age:11-12Subjects involved: Language, IT, EnglishWeb Tools: Googledocs and PPT, tricider, answergarden, padlet, titanpadDescription: Students will work in mixed groups to researchand present one of the following: on line games and addiction, social media, cyberbullying, educational pagesand copyrigths, internet safety and netiquette.For brainstorming they will use tricider.In a padlet they will share "what I do on line"In an answergarden they will refer to their "biggest fear on line".They will create the Rules of Safe Use of Internet.The presentations of the groups will take place in a liveevent in twinspace.The lesson will be complete in 3-4 days

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“From trash to treasure”, Diana Gette

Subjects involved: Cross Curricular, Environmental Education, Foreign Languages, Language and Literature, ICT

Age of students: 6-12

Tools : Padlet,Issu, ourboox, googletools,Prezi,

Aims :

To understand what is meant by the term ‘waste’,

To consider what happens to our waste once it has been thrown away,

To gain and demonstrate an understanding of the terms ‘Reduce’, ‘Reuse’, ‘Recycle

Description of the lesson plan:

1.Students are divided into international teams: artists, writers, scientists, inventors.

2. The task for each team :

- Artists create the environment inspiration posters and logo for the project.( glogster, photocollage or other tools)

- Scientists discover how the garbage gets another life. (The results will be presented by PowerPoint, Prezi)

- Writers write about a journey of plastic bottle from being created in a factory to arriving on the shores of a distant land. Think about how it came to be in the sea, all the creatures it meets on the way, or was it recycled and made into something else .(ourboox, google word, google presentation)

- Inventors create a model of a new product using recycled items.

Expected results:

Awareness of peoples' role and their responsibility of the Earth.

Knowledge about rubbish, reduction of production of rubbish, reusing and recycling.

Being better at group work, develop communication skills in mother tongues and English.

Ebook of students’ collaborative work

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“Let’s compose our puppet”, Fabrizio Ferrari

Subject involved: language, art, English.

Pupils age: 7-9

Description: this idea wants to motivate students to collaborate both online and offline.

Online students will share three or more stories (one for each partner involved) about their culture but separating the incipit from their ending plus one without an ending.

Each partner will have to recompose the stories according to their preferences plus inventing an end to the one incomplete.

When finished each partner will share the stories to be voted for the best according different criteria: the most scary, the most romantic, the most horrible, the most ....

The stories will be collected in an ebook.

While online work goes on, each partner will have three or more parts of a puppets (one for each partner). Students doesn't know what puppet's part partners have so they have to ask partners what do they have in order to ship the correct part to the right partner.

When they finish the book they will have the puppet too.

“Traditional craft/ eTwinning project: Food Art & Music – FAM”, Valentina Marinova

Topic: Art & Traditions

Description: The lesson is result of project based learning in our group.

Pupil’s age: 3-11-years-old


1.Stimulating the kids' interest in traditional craft;

2.Further developing the students’ creative skills and teamwork;

3.Encouraging the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT);

4.To keep the interest in the Bulgarian cultural heritage( like a part of European culture) alive by using traditional craft in the educational process.

Tools: PPT, Prezi….

Watch our video: http://slidetalk.net/Home/Viewer?video=2039885

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“We love Art”, Martina Komušar

Subjects involved: Arts and crafts, History of Culture, Foreign Languages, Design and Technology, ICT

Age of students: 8-11 years old

Tools: Padlet, Tricider, Prezi, Wevideo

Description of the lesson plan: Activity 1. Pupils talk about famous artists they like, share opinions about their work and vote for their favorite artist. Activity 2. Pupils from each country choose one famous artist and do a short presentation about his life and art work. Activity 3. Pupils exchange presentations and watch other presentations to learn more about painting styles of famous artists. Activity 4. Finally, they create their own pieces of art work based on the work of a famous artist.

“Let’s sing for Europe”, Mela Rguez

Subjects involved: Music , Arts and crafts, Geography , Langueges studied at school: Mother tongue/Regional Language and Foreign Languages.

Age of students: 10-12 years old

Tools that you will use: Google docs, Youtube, vimeo, Kizoa, Cacoo, Joomag, LIVE

Description of the lesson plan:

This lesson plan is designed to celebrate Europe Day on the 9th of January.

Pupils will try the European Anthem using different instruments in each country.

Each partner will record a video s that partners can learn the lyrics in different languages.

Each language will be sang using a different instrument: guitar, violin, flute, piano and different precision instruments.

Using LIVE tool a coral performance will include singing the anthem in different languages

By turns the melody will be sung in different languages The final performance will be only instruments no lyrics.

A final video will be recorded adding some images from the country culture the pupils will draw.

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“The biggest of our country project - building collaboratively an e-book or a video” , Ljubica Ruzhinska

Subjects involved: Art, Design and Technology, Foreign Languages, History of Culture, Informatics / ICT, Primary School Subjects, Technology

Age of students: 7-11 years old

Tools that were used: Stickymoose, Cacoo, different tools for e-book/video creation (Prezi, Wevideo, Biteable, Google docs, ect).

Description of the lesson plan:

Activity 1. Students work in mixed national groups of 4-5 participants. Each group uses Stickymouse to brainstorm and decide on the ideas for the task (which famous person to choose, what part of their life they should write about, etc.).

Activity 2. Students continue working in their own groups and use Cacoo, to make a Mindmap for the stages of creating the e-book/video (plan the stages, choose activities, resources, etc.).

Activity 3. Create the e-book/video collaboratively.

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Secondary LevelLesson plans for secondary school students

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“Peace Song”, Yuliya Troyan

Subjects involved: Music, Art, Literature, ICT, Foreign languages

Age of students: 12 – 16

Tools to be used: Facebook, Onedrive, Youtube, Padlet, Titanpad, https://dotstorming.com/, Skype, TwinSpace

Description of the lesson plan

1. Students are divided into international groups: artists, musicians, singers, cameramen, editors

2. Students choose a song to sing about peace, love, tolerance. For example, they may choose among such songs as:

- “Don’t worry, be happy”

- “What a wonderful world”

- “Give peace a chance” (J. Lennon)

Students may vote for the song they will do using Stickymoose or dotstorming

3. Group of artists draw illustrations to the song lyrics and share them via Facebook, Onedrive or Padlet.

4. Group of musicians play and record the music to the song. In this stage students from different countries can decide which part of the song they will play and sing. I mean, each country may sing one stanza. They may also change the song lyrics and discuss it in Titanpad. Students may sing together, organize an international rehearsal using Skype or eTwinning Live event.

5. Group of cameramen record video and audio of the song.

6. Group of editors creates video clips of the Peace Song. There may be some variants:

- Video with students singing and playing;

- Music video with students’ drawings and texts…

7. Publish films on YouTube

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“Peace Advocates”, Svitlana Dyka

Subjects involved: Peace Education, English, History, Geography, Literature, Art, ICTAge of students: 11-16Tools that you will use: TwinSpace, Padlet, Smore Flyers, Madmagz, Tricider, YouTubeAims:- to form pupils’ peacekeeping views and humanistic outlook through Peace Education, English, History, Literature, Art, and ICT;- to provide their awareness about nonviolent solutions to conflict, teaching them to be tolerant to different opinions and points of view and be able to engage in dialogue with those, who think differently;- to develop the pupils’ 21-st century skills, such as: critical thinking, creativity, ability for communication and collaboration, ability to work in a team and be a leader, information and digital literacy; - to develop the pupils social and civic competences drawing out from them the instincts to live peacefully with others and emphasizespeaceful values.

Activities: 1. Project Participants’ PresentationsEach partner of the project should present yourself, telling about three specific features of their educational establishment connected withPeace Education. For presentation the participants should use flyers on Smore (https://www.smore.com).2.Brainstorming “What is Peace for you?” using Padlet.Each partner school brainstorm on the mentioned above question, draw its own mind map and then disposed it on common Padlet.3.As Peace Advocates the participants of the project should create their “Peace Massage to the World”, publish it in Madmagz(www.madmagz.com) and then dispose the link to their common creation on Twinspace of the Project.The “Peace Massages” may be done in form of poems, songs, stories, essays, drawings, paintings, posters, etc. They may create video, audioand PowerPoint Presentations. 4.Using tricider (https://www.tricider.com/) the participants vote for the most informative and original ‘peace massages’.5.The participants organize and participate in Video Meeting during which they discuss the results of their project work.

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“Twinnafairy's adventure”, Valentina Petrova

Subjects: Langauge and Literature, Hisitory, Geography, ICT, Social Studies

Age: 12-15 years old

Tools: Padlet, Zeemaps, Answergarden, Titanpad, Storyjumper, Stickymoose, SurveyMonkey

Description: Students present themselves on Padlet and put a pin on ZeeMaps. International groups of 5-6 students are created. Then groups suggest names for the story and their class with Answergarden. They easilly communicate with Titanpad (by group) and organize a TwinspaceLive meeting to create the story outlines. Teacher create Trello board to easily follow students' workplan. Students work on their story for a week and add their part of the story to a collaborative storyjumper e-book.

They present their e-book to the other groups and other classes by promoting it on FB, twitter, email etc.

Students create a Stickymoose to evaluate their work and their e-book and teachers create a survey (SurveyMonkey or Google Forms) as evaluation of the project.

Description :on a padlet wall students usebrainstorming about traditional games-Students will do some research on the web abouttraditional games and teach them to the others .-Using videos or fotos they will add them in a StoryJumper .-Students will work in groups to great there owngame with the rools that they will choose .-They will use Survey Monkey tool for evaluation.

“Playing traditional games we meet Europe”, Angelica Melis

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“ A fantastic journey around the world” Nicoletta Forestiere

Subjects: English, History, Geography, Mother Tongue, IT.Age of students: 13/14 years oldTools: Padlet, Tricider, Storyjumper, Answergarden.Description: The project engages students from around the world in interactive activities that encourage them toexplore aspects of their own towns and cities while learning about towns and cities of their peers. The genre used isfairy tales because it helps pupils to practise their imagination and improve creative skills. First of all, students from the countries involved in the project use padlet to introduce themselves. Then they will meet on Skype and in videoconferences to know each other better. Then students of the same class are divided into cooperative groups, each group working about a feature of their townthey want to share with their peers. Each group will also draw a fairy and a name. The protagonist will be the mostvoted. She will take the reader around Europe. A class will begin the story tha will be continued by the following classfrom another country using the collaborative tool Storyjumper. The Padlet will be used also to agree about deadlines. At the end students will evaluate the results as well as their feelings about the project.A rubric built by Rubistar will be shared and used by the teachers to evaluate about collaboration both inside the group and among students from the different schools.

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“Revise, improve through story writing”, Loredana Popa

Subjects involved: English, Art, ICT, Geography

Age of students: 12-13 years old

Tools to be used: Voki, Aurasma, Popplet, Tricider, Google docs, Audacity and Lame for Audacity, Storyjumper

Description: Students will be divided into teams of 4-5, mixed levels and personalities. Each team will have to draw 20 words from the ones they have studied that semester and 2 grammar structures. The 20 words will be 10 nouns, 5 adjectives and 5 verbs. Each team will have to create a unique story, of around 700 words, using all the words and grammar structures. They will illustrate it as well and record it.The recording will be both video and only audio. The video recordings of each member of the team reading or narratinga part of the story will be used to create Auras for the written story using Aurasma. The audio recordings will be editedwith Audacity and used as reading comprehension texts for the other teams by adding them to Voki avatars created byeach team to represent their story.Each member of the team will have a clear role, but all of them will contribute to the story, based on their skills and strengths. The final story will be written either in Google Docs or directly from paper onto Storyboard and published in the class' Facebook page where other colleagues will be able to comment and offer feedback.

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“Teach me your mother tongue”, Beate Vollmer

Subjects: English, mother tongue, the arts, ICT, sports

Age: 12 – 15

Tools: Meetingwords to ask for help, prezi, glogster for the poster, voicethread for pronunciation, dotstorming to agree on the situation, watch2gether to reenact the scene in your partner’s language

Description: Step 1: In small groups of 3 – 5 pupils per country, pupils are asked to present one topic like: ‚Getting ready for school‘ (My way to school‘, Lunch‘, ‚Time for fun‘), in form of a photo or a poster to their partners. They explain in their mother tongue what constitutes such a situation (ingredients: objects used, potential small talk). 2) Pupils provide vocabulary sheets to their partners. 3) Pupils then are asked to ‚perform‘ the partner’s photo, trying out the partner’s language. English as the mediating language can be used to ask for language help. 4) One poster (glogster) is made in which all the native languages involved are joined together to show how in one situation we use our mother tongue. A common English version serves as a common denominator.

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“Gamification”, Bojana Manic“ International Days”, Rosa Maria Falà


Tools: Timetoast timelines, https://www.zeemaps.com, https://www.goconqr.com, https://www.tes.com/lessons, http://www.classtools.net/breakingnews/,http://amara.org/it/,https://flixpress.com,Kahoot!

All partners add the dates of the international days on the line of the time line setup using Timetoast- On zee map all partner add a pin where people celebrate international days using the same color for the same day.Each country using goconqr to share poster video concerning the different way to celebrate international daysflixpress BledSpace classtools. All partner add subtitles in English and French using Amara.AssessmentToolUsing Kahoot all Partners create some learning game about own informations shared before

Subjects involved: English language, ITC Age of students: 14 Tools that you will use: Kodu game Description of the lesson plan: Pupils use the features of Kodu: bottom tool bar: creating land, changing colours etc. Students use this time to gain confidence in their ability to apply the knowledge gained during this investigation stage of the lesson. Teacher encourages the students to make an effort to use all the Kodu tool bar bottom. Pupils in groups decide what the objective will be in their game (i.e. collect apples) and start to design game on paper. Final phase will include children playing and assigning their games to their peers. Children to give feedback on other children's games to include: style, aesthetic, playability, difficult, enjoyment and the other issues that may arise

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“ Celebrating Woman’s Day”, Veronique Sarrere

Subjects involved : History – Arts – French – Music –Documentation


1. In each school pupils will have to select 2 famous women and writetheir names using the tool Answergarden

2. 12 propositions will be chosen (6 for the primary school and 6 forthe secondary school)

3. Pupils will be teamed up in groups . Each group will have to presentone famous woman (name, free photo, country of origin, decade,century of birth, area in which she’s famous and a brief biography).

4. They will present their work using Blabberize (record theirresearches, upload their free picture and add a mouth to thatpicture)

5. They will also create 1 question (QCM form), a Kahoot will becreated.

1. During Arts lessons, they will create a collage to present theirsubject. Pupils can use drawings, photos, letters…

2. All the collages will be uploaded on a map using the toolThinglink.

3. On the 8th of March students will meet in the library. Theywill present their work

4. .. And play their Kahoot in mixed teams (2 pupils from the 5thgrade + 2 pupils from the 6th grade)

5. A final padlet will be created to collect all the pupils’ feelings

Age of students: 5th grade (primary school) + 6th grade (secondaryschool)

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“Let’s dance together”, Mine Demir

Purpose: Students will be able to know and appreciate the folklore of partner countries and share their customs and typical songs.Age of Students: 12-15Tools: Youtube, vimeo , prezi, google docs, madmagzSubjects involved: Art, LanguageDescription of the lesson: First of all each partner will record a video s that partners can learn the traditional dance of the partners. Then, they will search about them on the Net and get accustomed to the dances. After that, a magazine will becreated together to make it more interesting and eye catching. A questionnaire will be prepared collaboratively to seewhat is learned. A final video will be created from the parts of the dances of each country.

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Main Activities /Production

1. Each class has to pickup a book ( 5 books in total are suggested by the teachers tochoose from ,different ones for each class) without the others know about theirchoice

2. On a shared screen using thing link they build up images related to it .

3. Padlet is also used as a brainstorming area on the topic of each book with keyphrases about the plot and characters

4. Being connected on eTwinngLive or on Skype the 3 classes using a titanpad towrite questions and answers to each other, they present their books miming the main plot and the others have to guess the title. The titan pad facilitates Qs and Answs. Where the spokesman of each group is entitled to answer only with yes or no, the maximum number is the 20 Qs . The winner team is the one with the least Qsused to guess correctly.

5. They play in turns until all titles are revealed.


Each group has to pick up one of the other books (not his own) and he has to thinkup of a different end for the story, and write it on a shared Google doc.

Exploiting the Dogonews for creative classroom collaboration ( the webpage providinga variety of articles , books , videos, and vocabulary/glossary support on-line).Subject : EnglishAge of pupils : 14-15 Tools : ThinglinK, Padlet, Titanpad, Google docsAims: Improving linguistic, digital skillsDeveloping collaboration skills and team spiritDeveloping communicative skills through drama teqniquesDeveloping writing skills –creative writing , having fun at the same time

PARTICIPANTS : at least 3 classes from different European countries working on a common eTwinning project ( Required : the Ps have already been working on the twinspace together for 2-3 months , so more or less they are acquainted)TIME : 2 x 45mins lessons

STAGESWarm-upAll classes get familiar with the page : http://www.dogobooks.com browsing atcontents and discussing about it

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“Solve the mystery”, Maria Vassilopoulou

Subjects involved : English, History Age of students: 13-15Tools to be used: jigsaw puzzle, Linoit, QR codes, Mobile Phones , Dotstorming, Skype, EasyPolls

DescriptionStage 1: Students will do some research on the web to find various coding methods, eg.R0T1, Transposition Ciphers, Ceasar Shift Cipher, Jigsaw Puzzle (hide a message in a picture) etc, or even invent their own.

Stage 2: They will use Dotstorming to present their findings and vote the ones the like best.(more than one coding systems can be used)

Stage 3: Working in national teams they will create their hidden messages which could be a) a sentence about their partner( looking back at their partners’ presentations) b) a secret that they would like to reveal or a riddle( free choice) c) a question which may relate to their history school subject - preferably related to conspiracy or secret agents.Coded messages will be uploaded on LINOIT 1 and their partners will have to decode them. (guided choice of posit colours by their teachers) They will send emails to their partners when their codes are ready.

Stage 4: Students will decode their partners’ hidden messages and upload their answers(LINOIT 2) using QR codes .Students will use their mobile phones with the appropriate application Neo Reader or QR code Reader, to read the codes.

Stage 5 : Meeting online: Students will meet online to talk about the activity, they will share feelings and possible difficulties they met.

Stage 6: Evaluation: Students will use EasyPolls to evaluate the activity.

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“Let’s Talk about Love”, Olgica Spasojević

The aims of this project are to encourage students` interest for poetry and music and to develop their creativity. Discussing about poems and songs from different cultures, they recognize similar emotions and motives

Subjects: Literature, Art, Music, Languages

Age of students: 12 - 15

Tools: Padlet, Prezi, Colorillo, Tricider, WeJIT, Answergarden, Titan Pad, LearningApps, Animoto

The lesson plan:

-School teams present famous national love songs. They read them (making a video) in native languages and translate them.

-Making international teams

-Each international team gets one of suggested poems. Students collect information about author and the poem, discuss about it (Padlet), describe emotions and motives (Answergarden), ilustrate poem (Colorillo) and declaim it in original language (each member of the team declaims one part of the poem, then they complete it in a video).

-School teams suggest famous national love songs and present them (Padlet).

-Each school team has to learn one of the suggested songs from different countries, to sing it and send a video.

-International teams create their own love poems using Public Pad.

-Students discuss about all created poems (WeJIT).

-School teams create quizzes about all poems and songs (Kahoot, Learning Apps)

Final discussion and evaluation on Live Event.

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“Experience emotions through Art!”, Francisco José BalseraGómez


Collaborative work with ICT is vital. We will ensure a shared co-leadership on the project. The project will last an academic year (from October to June) The mixed work teams will produce these products:

•Introduction of the participants (students and teachers) in TwinSpace.

•Self-awareness activity about the development of our emotional intelligence (Google questionnaire)

•Creation of our logo.

•Summary and reflections based on a video conference from an expert (Padlet)

•Creation of an “emotional diary” in a blog.

• Aesthetic and emotional analysis of a piece of music (Slideshare, PowToon, Emaze, Youtube…)

•Guided analysis of a painting or sculpture set (WiseMapping, Mindomo, Text 2 Mind Map, Bubbl.us, Creately, Cmaptools or Mindmeister)

•Production of a podcast about a piece of music, painting or sculpture and its relationship with emotions (Audacity)

•Performance and video recording of a silent theatre scene.

•Emotional analysis of silent film scenes (Slideshare, PowToon, Emaze, Youtube…)

•Artistic creation (Music, poetry, prose writing, painting or comic) Movimaker

http://www.jamstudio.com/ http://www.ampledesign.co.uk/va/ https://www.looplabs.com/beta http://artpad.art.com/gallery/ http://bomomo.com/ http://www.zefrank.com/scribbler/scribblertoo/ http://intelloware.com/art/ http://www.queeky.com/app http://www.myoats.com/create.aspx http://storybird.com/ http://stripgenerator.com/ http://www.wittycomics.com/make-comic.php https://www.pixton.com/for-fun?l=es/ The results willbe published in TwinSpace.

I would like to develop the students’ emotionalintelligence with this eTwinning project. The different expressions of art (music, painting, sculpture, theatre and dance) and literature arethe best way to develop human faculties, educate aesthetic sensitivity and aestheticjudgment. Students will develop their self-awareness, their autonomy and will improvetheir motivation and social skills. Subjects involved in the project: Music, Art, Literature, Languages (English), History, Cinema, Theatre, Media. Age of students: 15-17 Objectives1.- To become aware of the importance of the emotional intelligence in our lives and itsinvolvement in Art. 2.- To Develop different emotional skills (Sel-awareness, self-control, motivation, empathyand social skills) 3.- To express and recognize emotions throughArt. 4.- To develop aesthetic judgment.5.- To Foster positive attitudes. 6.- To practice English.

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“Music is the answer”, Katerina Regouza “Packaged food”, Efi Douloumi

age of students: 12-15

Subjects: chemistry, household economy

Tools: tricider, google docs

We could make a survey to ask students what kind of packaged food they buy most. We could then compare and export results. Then we could investigate the ingredients this packaged food has. Maybe some food would be the same may some other would be different from country to country. In a google doc we could work together to record this ingredients. Then we could investigate if this ingredients are harmful or not and what their purpose is. After that we could think about how to avoid buying this food in packaged form and if we could prepare it at home to avoid preservatives.

Subjects involved: EFL, ICT, Music/Art Age of students: 14-15 (3rd grade in Junior High School, Level B1+ in English as a Foreign Language) ICT Tools: Padlet, Titanpad, Tricider, Voxpop, Mindmeister, Doodle, e-Twinning Live Event, Google.docsDescription of the Lesson Plan:

Curricular objective: a. Practise all four skills in EFL b. exchange music knowledge c. use the appropriate ICT tools on a collaborative project with students from e-Twinning partner schools. Extra-curricular objective: Interact with students from other countries and develop intercultural understanding. Tasks/Steps: 1. A padlet is created where Ss from from all partner schools write their music preferences. Working groups according to similar music preference from all the different schools are formed. 2. Each group members discuss their ideas on a Titanpad / Voxpop about the artist/band they would prefer to present and vote on a Tricider. 3. The members of each group contribute their ideas and material on the group's Mindmeister. 4. Each transnational group schedules an on-line meeting on a Doodle. 5. They have a Live Event on e-Twinning live platform where they discuss the layout and content and decide on the details. 6. They prepare their collaborative articles on Google.docs, exchange and edit drafts until they are satisfied with their end product. Let us wish them good luck. What we, their teachers, can make sure is that they enjoy themselves throughout the project. Thank you for this opportunity e-Twinning partners!

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“Creation of a project logo”, Milena Ignjatova

Age of students: VII grade - 12-13 years old

Subject: English language, ICT, Art

Students should know how to:

spell nouns (written and vocally)

use them in the given context with different grammatical constructions

Students know how to :

spell nouns (written and vocally)

describe a festival

Tools: White paper, pencil, scanner, computer, internet connection, Voki, Answer garden, Tricader,Tagul-word cloud, TwinSpace

Activities: Activity 1- students are introduced to the topic “Music festivals” and they were told that they should make a logo for the topic using the word cloud

Activity 2- Teacher motivates each student to write 5 words that represent music festivals in the notebook

Activity 3- students are spelling the words and they use the words in the music festival context using different grammatical constructions. They record everything using Voki and upload in the Twin Space

Activity 4- students write the words in the Answer garden on the Twin Space, previously prepared by the teacher

Activity 5- students are given paper where each student should draw a picture of a logo that will represent the music festival

Activity 6- teacher scan the drawings and students upload every drawing in the Tricader on the TwinSpace and vote for the best one.

Activity 7- using the words from the Answer garden and the most voted drawing in the Tricider, teacher is making the logo in the Tagul-Word cloud

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“Maps”, Adil Tugyan

Here is my Lesson with Maps. 3- Your Country Located ; Learning with Geo-Location tools

The aim of this activity is both to teach the pupils how to use geo location tools in their learnings and to find out about partner school countries’ school, city or town and country locations within basic knowledge of population, flag, currency and language.

The activity will be done as a hands on workshop consisting of four stages;

a- The pupils will be divided into mixed national groups accompanying with a facilitator teacher. Some Geo location tools like Google maps , Zed maps, MapQuest, Apple Maps will be introduced to the students with pictures and basic explanations. The presenter can find some locations online for show the pupils how the tool works.

b- In this session, the students in teams are given a country name among the countries in the project and are asked to find basic information about the countries like flag, language, population and some information about its location.

c- The groups work on online map tools and search the location of their country and landmark it writing the basic information about.

d- Each team present their work to the whole groups of students giving specific information

e- A scavenger hunt challenge game is played. Using maps students have to find a pre defined location marked on the map. The winner team is awarded.

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Upper Secondary LevelLesson plans for upper secondary school students

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“We are what we eat”, Grazia Del Tito

Subjects involved: Biology, Chemistry, History, Geography, English, IT.

Age of students: 14-16.

Tools: Internet, tablets, photos, power point presentation.

Description of lesson plan:

1. Presentation of the topic.

2. Brainstorming.

3. Students, in groups of 4, look for information and pics on the web ( and or they have already prepared the material needed at home).

4. They plan their power point presentation.

5. They make the power point presentation (text, images, song). 6. Each group presents the PowerPoint to the rest of the class.

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“Games in Schools”, ChrysanthiMoschou

Age of Students: 13-14 years old

Subjects: Language, Maths, ICT, human rights

The description: http://www.slideshare.net/chrismos76/games-in-schools

“Herb Garden”, Maria Sourgiadaki

Subjects involved: Natural resources, geography, biology, gardening, ict, English language

Age of students 16-19

Tools that were used: Forum of discussion, google drive shared files (google spreadsheets, docs, presentations, drawing), external blog with multiple authors

Description of the lesson plan

Every student makes a research for one plant. All students fill a table with their information. They communicate in the forum to find the data that concern the same plant but in the other country.

4 international teams are formed, with different task assigned to each team. Team members communicate in forums and collaborate online for producing their final product. All products are shared in the project padlet.

Team Activities:

Team 1: creating a collaborative presentation of the plants

Team2: a cook-book with the uses of the herbs (or collaborative video, or a thinglink map)

Team3: “a herb gardener’s guide” blog for cultivating the plants

Team4: designing an aromatic herb garden

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“Do you know your town?”, Alessandro Ruffino

Subjects involved: Hotel management, tourism business, History, geography, English;

Age of students: 14-18;

Web tools: youtube, AnswerGarden, tagul, spicynodes, tripline, animaps;

Description of the lesson plan:

•The teacher tells the students that they are going to listen (youtube) and read a text

about the tourism of their Town.

•The students brainstorm (AnswerGarden) the topic (in groups or onto the board). The teacher elicits / teaches basic information (Attractive, hotels, facilities, etc..).

•Students predict the touristic content of the text (monuments, kind of hotels, services, travel agency).

•Students listen to the text to confirm expectations.

•Students are asked to ‘map’ (spicynodes) the text on the basis of their predictions. This takes the form of an ideational framework (flow, tabular, tree or star diagram) which can be used as a basis for note-taking later. The teacher provides an example of a framework but also offers the students the option of alternative diagrammatic representations of the text (tagul);

•Students try to make a short itinerary of their town (tripline, animaps)

Evaluation: 1.Self-evaluation (Students answer to questionnaires to evaluate their performance)

2.Peer-evaluation (working in team, sharing information)

3.Final - evaluation (the products made by the students – A short itinerary of their town)

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“Tell me your Story”, Barbara Anna

Subjects involved: Social Studies/English/Geography

Age of students: High School Students aged 15-18

Tools that you will use: GeoStorieshttps://www.geostories.org/portal/index or https://spark.adobe.com/

Description of the lesson plan

The objective of this lesson is for high school students to create a multimedia presentation in the form of a digital story. Every year we tend to visit three different museums. Students will be asked to create a multimedia presentation using their own photos and audio files.

“What could we do to help…!”, Maria Teresa Rughi

SUBJECTS: History, Social Studies, Geography, English.


TOOLS: http://www.superteachertools.us/instantclassroom/#.V0M2sfmLTIU



It is aimed at improving active citizenship as a basic competence for upper secondary students.

Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fSPI2fFrgKDiVxmpBpxicQskTDzMBkomrAOtwTnEglM/edit

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"GAMIFY YOUR MESSAGE“, Glykeria Gouvatsou

Subjects involved: Media Education, Cross Curricular

-Age of students 15-18

Description: In the multi-media world of our century messages can be transmitted in various ways and students may present their findings of research projects in several ways including games and gamified formats.Thelesson plan consists an effort to use Kahoot as a creative tool, which gives students a voice and as an alternative medium to inform and change attitudes at the same time. The students are encouraged to gamify their own content or, even better, use gamification as an effective way to communicate their message and/or even lead the players to certain answers or data and guide behaviours; They research a topic, focus on the main points to be carried forward, ask great questions and come up with wrong answers as well as the right ones in order either to enforce learning or develop critical thinking or convey messages.


.Twinspace live event to introduce kahoot game

.Answer garden to vote for the topics to be researched

.Google drive (xl) to fill in their names according to the topic they are interested and form groups

.Forum threads for the groups to communicate

.Padlet to upload useful links to be researched and locate messages to be transmitted

.Titan pad/ google doc to add their questions and the relevant answers (right and the wrong ones to be used) and indicate the most suitable

.Kahoot to create their game and evaluate

It has already been applied in real classroom consisted of students of 3 different countries with amazing outcomes. Our intention is to try it online using the eTwinning platform.

The full lesson plan is here with the relevant rights: http://www.europeanmediaeducationlab.com/texts-and-articles.html

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“Acrostic value poem”, Andrea Ullrich

subject: English

age of students:16

tools: titanpad, google slides, smartphone for recordings


1)Present teachers DIVERSITY poem in collaboration area

2) Brainstorm other European values - titanpad

3)Create multinational groups

4) Each group chooses 1 value from titanpad and creates acrostic poem in English, then translate into all native languages

5) collaborative presentation of all groups (google slides): each group 1 slide with their poem + words in all languages+ image

6) Ss record words in their mother tongue and upload them to slides to teach them to their partners

7) groups 'shuffle' the languages in their group poems (cf. l.1 En, l.2 NOR, l.3 GER...) 1 mixed poem per student

8) each student records his/her poem, which consists of several languages, and uploads the recording

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“Globalization:Pros&Cons”, Aránzazu Iturrioz Pardo

Subjects involved: Social Studies-Ethics-Citizenship-English.

Schools involved: 5

Age of students: 16-18

Tools: You-Tube/Tricider/Mobiles:pictures and video/Prezi presentation.

Time estimated:1 hour and 45 minutes.

Description of the lesson plan:

The lesson, for the 5 different schools in the project, starts watching short documentaries in You-Tube (20´).

Then, students in each school exchange their ideas about pros and cons and they add them to a common international Tricider (20´). During a break, students, in small groups, interview students from other classrooms, record these interviews and take some pictures (20´). Afterwards, back to class, they show their recordings and check their opinions in Tricider (20´). Finally, they create a collaborative Prezi presentation summarizing and evaluating their research (25´).

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“Similarities and differences among European schools”, Irena Zywluk - Dudowicz

-Subjects involved: English

Age of students: 16-19 olds

Tools that you will use: Computers with the access to the internet (popplet.com)

Description of the lesson plan

1. Before the lesson students from different countries have to take some photos presenting their school (both outside and inside the building and premises)

2. The teachers form first international groups (untitled group 1 / group2 etc) sending them invitation to popplets on which students are going to work.

3. The students need to create a popplet including different categories (it will be their choice) for example:

* Timetables (eg number of lessons a week/ a day, the hardest day, exams, test per week - number etc)

* school outside with close premises (e.g yard, football/ valleyball pitch etc)

* school inside (canteen, assembly hall, library etc)

* classrooms ( outlook, equipment etc)

* students (eg - clothes (uniforms?), rules

They are asked to add photos and comments presenting different schools. The teachers must remember that one group should include at least 2 students of one nationality to let students share ideas and help each other if they language skills are on different levels. Moreover, it depends on the group how many categories they choose They can also add more categories eg Others (English lessons, PE, competitions etc) - everything depends on students creativity. The students can finish their popplets at home. After some days they are asked to vote on tricider.com for the best photo presentation ( popplet) and are asked to leave their comments about different aspects such as general output, comments, inserted videos etc

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“HEALTHY FOOD vs FAST FOOD”, Emanuela Raggetta

SUBJECT INVOLVED: English; biology


TOOLS USED: tricider (for brainstorming); internet connection; Wi-Fi; students’ own devices to look for online information(mobiles; tablets); Prezi for students’ presentations; skype for the debate; popplet.com to add students’ own ideas.


•Students are shown a food pyramid to explain them what are the basic principles of a healthy life-style

•In the brainstorming they are asked to add their ideas about fast food, junk food and healthy eating on tricider.

•Students look for information about typical dishes from their areas and and create (in small groups) a presentation using Prezi in which they tell what they think about their typical dishes and if they can be considered healthy or not and compare them withmore modern dishes

•Students are divided into groups supporting healthy eating or fast food and they have to find information and arguments to support their idea; a debate via skype follows

•After the debate students are invited to add and share their ideas using popplets

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“Shakespeare in Action”, Lina Kalliontzi

Subjects involved: English Language , ICT

Age of Students: 16-17

Tools that you will use: Answergarden, Teamup, Paddlet, Quizizz, Titanpad

Description of the Lesson

1st Task (5’): Students write in the answergarden the first phrase or word that comes to their mind when they hear the word “Shakespeare”

2nd Task (25’): Using the tool Teamup the teacher creates teams and assigns to each team 4 to 5 phrases that the students came up to explore in the internet and write short paragraphs (100 words) that they will then upload on a paddlet.

3rd Task (15’): Each team using titanpad create four different multiple choice questions based on the information about Shakespeare which they introduced in the paddlet.

Homework: The students study the information about Shakespeare that the other teams have uploaded in the paddlet.

Follow-up activity: The students do a quiz using quizizz.com which the Teacher has prepared using the questions the students have come up with in the previous lesson.

Page 62: “LE: Collaborative Learning in eTwinning: Alone we can do so little; together we can
Page 63: “LE: Collaborative Learning in eTwinning: Alone we can do so little; together we can