LDM Yoga Session Book Edition I

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Transcript of LDM Yoga Session Book Edition I

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LDM Yoga Session Book, Edition I

Featuring Michelle’s Fun Home Yoga

Michelle’s Sessions By:

Love and Divinity In Motion (LDM) Yoga University

Legal Name:

Dr Leslie (Michelle) Moore’s

 Alternate Ego

 An Experienced, Trained, and Certified Professional 

Required Yoga Level:Intermediate or Advanced Yoga

Class Purpose:Fall Session Reference, 1-3

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Copyright Year: 2007, 2008, 2009

Publisher Copyright Notice: 

Dr. Leslie M. MooreLove & Divinity In Motion Accredited Organizationhttp://psychoanalysis-library-edu.webs.com/

All rights reserved.

No parts of this Yoga Fitness book may be reproduced in any form

without permission from the author, except by a reader or student who

may fairly quote brief sentences for reference purposes. Our Book

contains information intended to improve your Home Daily Exercise

Routine. Our Yoga is also intended for those of the Intermediate and

Advance Yoga. You must already be familiar and experienced in Fitness

 Yoga. LDM advise that you all use your own discretion, comfort level,

limits, and former skills when performing these postures, poses, and

asanas. Working within your limits and comfort level will prevent

injury in any regular and new exercise. The reader, fan, or student of 

the information presented by L.D.M; is to not be abused or misused.

 This information is also not for duplication for commercial and

practitioner purposes. Each New and Current Yoga Teacher should

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always work within their own skills, comfort level, limits, and

experience. If you have any health problems, issues, or concerns;

 please consult with your Medical or Family Physician before pursuing

any new yoga, exercise, healing or therapy health method.

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e. In this I say from the heart and soul, please; Go with the flow and

this section can be your reference tool if you decide to practice or 

pursue Physical Yoga.

f. I have combined a lot of instruction methods together, for this

section. It all remains within the rules and guidelines of: Gentle,

Classical, and Basic Hatha.

g. Warm Ups are important in any exercise; you must warm up those

tensed and tired muscles to prevent any injuries and next day

soreness. I only mentioned a few as examples; below. Warm Ups

can be done for 30 minutes to an hour alone; there are so many

warm ups to choose from. My College class was 3 hours long, one

hour of my Hatha class as a trainee; was warm ups. For beginners,

Handicap wheelchair bonded individuals, or elderly students new to

yoga (They advance as well), warm ups are done as the session in

itself, without the core exercises included. There are no limits, Yoga

is for everyone.

h. “Let God, Let God,” As the saying goes in Christianity today.

Surrendering to God, to your higher self, Christ Consciousness,

Intuition, or Discernment comes in handy for Yoga and daily life ingeneral.

i. Warm ups can include a variety of exercises, examples below:

i. Stand in Mountain Pose (Tadasana). This basic pose is

good for balance and a transition for other asanas. Ground

and stabilize your feet into the Floor.

ii. Neck Rolls: are good for relieving tension and any possible

headaches. Lower the chin to your chest and slowly begin to

roll and rotate your head in one direction. Relax your 

breathing as you rotate your head. You can do this in small

sets, reversing the same amount of times for each side.

iii. Shoulder Shrugs and Rolls: are good for relaxation and done

the same way as the Neck rolls. Begin by standing in the

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Tadasana Pose. Keep arms loosely at your sides. Inhale

and lift your shoulders towards the ears. Exhale and drop the

shoulders. Repeat 3 or more times. Now begin to roll your 

shoulders in small or medium circles, change directions

when ready, stay relaxed in your breathing and motion.

iv. Standing in Tadasana, Mountain Pose, You can continue

your warm up with Simple Arm Circles. This will prepare you

for any Sun Salutations and Arm Standing poses. While

standing tall and erect in this pose, lift your arms to the side,

holding them straight and parallel to the floor. Keep your 

shoulders relax now, as you circle your arms in small

movements. You can gradually make the movements bigger 

drawing a beautiful big circle. Maintain this movement for a

number of sets or even breaths, and then rotate in the

opposite direction. You will begin to feel this warm up in your 

upper arms after awhile, building strength, toning, and

relieving any stored tension from your busy schedule.

v. To use your fire chakra and Inner God Fire Energy , we will

go through the Sun Salutation Exercise (Surya Namaskara)it is nice to perform this routine in the early morning hours

during sunrise, however; there is much flexibility if your 

schedule is busy in the mornings. Starting your day with

yoga or early afternoon will enhance your energy levels and

increase positive thinking. During my Hatha training I was in

Computer, Internet, and Business Courses all day on my

days off from Full time employment. Those were done early

in the day between breakfast and lunch hours (college

boyfriends of course) on campus. The evening class was my

favorite; Hatha Yoga. So that is why I say; there is flexibility.

There is no black and white, this or that reality.

Accommodate your schedule.

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vi. Starting in the Mountain pose, you will begin your salutations

by having your feet together, hip-width apart and parallel,

straight spine, imagine your body lifting through the top of 

your head and crown chakra; standing nice and tall. Close

your eyes and stand in a pray Namaste pose. Breath deep.

vii. Stretch your hands over head, as you move into a back

bending pose. Feel the stretch, release the tension and back


viii. Now move into your forward bend pose, exhaling as you go

down. Back is straight in this pose and your arms are

stretched out at your sides like a bold flying eagle.

ix. (Some Yogins may do this automatically) however; you may

want to pay very close attention to your breathing patterns

as you move in yoga. You breathing should always be

smooth and flow with your steps. Almost the exact opposite

of Aerobics and Cardio Exercise, where the breath is strong

and sped up; naturally. My comparation is; neither wrong

nor right, here or there, correct or incorrect; only states of 

being and breath pattern change.x. Knowing this, on your inhalation breath; step back with one

leg; right or left. It does not matter which one, just try to keep

track of your movements. In Yoga we like to even out the

steps and rotate legs. This is also done in the Sun

Salutations (Surya Namaskara). You will need to use the

alternative leg when going back up from the floor positions.

In this pose, allow your lower area and pelvis to flow towards

the floor.

xi. Next will be the Table Pose. (For Basic Hatha, in power yoga

the positions are faster and you will see different variations.

For example; this variation may be done for a brief minute.

My advice for beginners are to start off slow then speed up

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for a power yoga effect. I have learned this from many

teachers. This can be done in one session or gradually week

to week. For intermediate and advanced Yogins, you can

perform a variety of Sun Salutations with No problems.) The

Table Pose is a transition pose to the Plank Position. The

only difference is; you will have your lower body/Legs on the

floor , straight arms, shoulder blades down, and lengthen

from the base of the spine to the top of your crown.

xii. Now (optional) you can replace the Table pose with the

Downward Facing Plank pose. It will depend upon your 

strength at that time. You must support yourself a little more.

You will lift up the lower body and legs, the very top of your 

toes on floor (with ease and comfort, no problems).

xiii. Remember to maintain a strong Body, and strong Mind,

focus your energy, thoughts, and awareness on your solar 

plexus Chakra. This is your core and center; you will hear in

Pilates and abs exercises.

xiv. Then you can transition from the plank pose to the Eight-

Points Pose or inch worm. As you Exhale and monitor your breath; position yourself as worm, as if inching across the

floor. In this pose you will have your spine arched, buttocks

in the air and pelvis up. Some people will do this pose

occasionally in Salutations not often I have noticed. This

pose powers the Salutation; you can feel the energy in the

flow of movements as a worm.

xv. The Unsupported Cobra Pose; will be your next step after 

the inch worm. Release the body to the floor, a smooth

transition to Cobra. Maintain your palms on the floor, arms

snug at your sides, keep buttocks firm and tucked in. Press

your lower body to the floor and yoga mat. Now you will do

an Inhalation breath and draw your head and upper body

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upwards to the ceiling. At this moment; you will simply be

lifting the head and chest. Keep your shoulders back and

elbow tucked in.

xvi. On an exhalation, you will graduate to the famous

Downward-Facing Dog pose. In this pose you can start off 

with your knees slightly bend. For a deeper and advanced

effect, you can straighten the legs, having feet flat on the

floor or mat. I naturally do both, it depends on the time of day

and speed of my poses. So I advise others to go with the

flow of your body. Do not put much complex thought into the

pose, just be at ease.

xvii. In Iyengar Yoga, we hold our poses longer than the power 

and some Hatha routines, you are free to practice this at any

time. Hold your poses for a number of breaths. Lets say; 5 to

9 breaths. You can say affirmations, prayers, and mantras

with your pose to blend in the spiritual mind meditation with

your physical position. This will build your focal points,

concentration, strength, balance, and teach you a little

Iyengar with your Hatha Yoga. When adding the mantras,

you will be combining three yoga styles into one session; it is

that simple, challenging, and Yogi Fun.

xviii. Yoga should not be a task, just do it. Stay on a regular 

schedule. I try to maintain early mornings, on an early

bedtime at 4am to 8am pretty much. If detoured with errands

and another working project; then before Lunch is always the

personal goal.

xix. Set a schedule around your work, college, family, marriage,

dating, and social life. Have you have noticed, how some

individuals will try to complicate things to the very extreme?

This is a form of worry and anxiety too. The goal in Yoga

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Fitness (and Yoga Meditation) is to relax the tension and

allow the mind to detox, no worries.

xx. Be comfortable in your asanas and postures. We are in no

competition and pain should not be present in any yoga


xxi. Now you can make the transition, smooth and easy to the

Lunge Pose. In this pose you will inhale and step one foot

forward, while resting the other leg and foot on your yoga

mat. As you bring this leg forward to a bended knee for the

lunge, pay attention to your breath and balance. If you feel

unsettle or off in balance. Take a few deep breaths and allow

your body and mind to relax in this pose. I say this only

because in Power Yoga, you can really get out of focus if the

speed is too fast without having a focal point or mental

concentration. Right now, you can maintain a slow pace until

you feel safe enough to speed up the asanas. This can be

done to meditation, chanting, yoga, or even regular, hip hop

dance music in for the intermediate and advance

contemporary Yogins.

xxii. The next pose in this series of Salutations will be the

Forward bend. This popular pose can be done by itself 

anytime or saved for the Sun Salutations. From the Lunge

pose, you will slowly bring your other leg to meet the bended

knee. Then straighten your spine to a straight legged

position. Inhale and exhale as many times as needed. Enjoy

the comfort of this asana. As you hang in balance, you cankeep your knees slightly bend, to protect the back or simply

maintain a straight leg effect. This pose is naturally good for 

concentration in mental skills.

xxiii. As we come to a close; you will now on an inhalation, bend

the knees and open the arms out to your sides. Once you do

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this you will lengthen the spine and full the stretch as you

pull up the torso; your upper body. Try to keep your back

straight as you rise up to Mountain pose. You can bring your 

hands into the prayer Namaste position.

xxiv. Once in the Traditional Mountain Pose, you can repeat the

Sun Salutations as many times as needed, allowed in your 

time schedule, and comfortable for you as a yogi. The sets

can be 4-5 typical in a class setting. Interested in More

ideas? I have included my favorite website of poses and

Sequences below

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Session 2~Continuation from Our Holistic Health Extras (See Reference in

back of Book)

2. Let’s Review and Use Chakra Yoga:

a. Well, I am assuming most of you at this point; are intermediate or intermediate or  

advancedadvanced Yogins byby class design. If not, do not worry; this yoga is

not complex, but you will need former knowledge or other props toneed former knowledge or other props to 

understand or visualize.understand or visualize. Please work within your means, tools, and

resources; if you get stuck and need other assistance.

b. We will be starting session two with Chakra YogaChakra Yoga. I find Chakra

Yoga is the perfect combination for balancing energy. In research,

the chakra energy system actually originates from Yoga. This

system is now used in Metaphysics, Psychic Science, Wicca, and

Maturing New Age practices in general. We learned about Chakra

Yoga around the time of 2005 and feel in love with the concept of 

clearing energy with fitness poses, affirmations, and basic yoga

psychology awareness. I learned about chakras, of course; from

the teachers and authors of Metaphysics and Psychic Science.

c. Once you discover the Chakra concept, it may be hard to digest or apply the actual information. At times you may continue to have an

imbalance in chakras, body type, energy, and your external reality

for many months and years to come; until you master the


d. The Root and Base Chakra

i. The First chakra is located at the base of the spine.

ii. It deals with issues such as safety, shelter, survival,

nourishment, your trust, limits, and physical health.

iii. When you are out of balance, it is good to practice yoga,

walking, biking, running, and general exercise for this chakra

especially. It will do wonders for any situation.

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iv. Affirmation: I am safe and grounded. I am prosperous and

abundant. I connect to life, wealth, and good health.

v. Pose: Yoga Squat

1. In this mini session:

a. You will need a yoga mat,

b. optional small pillow or Blanket,

c. optional safe candles,

d. Incenses, or some sort of aromatherapy.

e. Aromatherapy is used often in Yoga or 

Meditation Sessions.

2. Begin: in the Standing Mountain pose, legs should be

hip-width apart from each other.

3. Then gently lower yourself down to the floor or ground

in a squat position.

4. Knees bend and deep breathe, while you lower 

yourself to the floor.

5. Feet can be flat on floor. A prop can be used such as

a small folded blanket or pillow, or slightly lifted

naturally. Whatever makes you comfortable, Ipersonally; prefer lifted feet in this pose.

6. In this visual, you will have butterfly legs; facing the

opposite direction, or slightly in front of you, wide

apart. Adjust yourself as needed, if in pain; stop and


7. As a teacher and trained yogi, I automatically feel at

ease and comfortable to do variations and

adjustments. I offer you the same advice; never push

yourself in any yoga position, class, or gym. I will

remind the most experienced Grandparent Yogi , “I

prefer this variation.” They usually support your 

decision and choice. This is how you learn as a

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trainee to work within your limits at all times, you then

mature into Gentle Yogi. Your strength will improve

and some variations disappear; depending on the


vi. An Important Gym Example:

a. I will not state the name of this gym, due to

their good reputation. I had a free trial 

membership one summer and wanted to test a

gym. Once there, for my first day; this built,

muscle man trainer; almost kilt me in lifting the

heaviest weights when I could not go beyond 

about 30 pounds at the time. I also stated, did 

not want to bulk up my body but keep it toned.

The trainer laughed and never paid me any 

attention, because I let it go. From that 

moment, I learned to state my fitness limits;

there’s nice trainers and mean ones. I now 

train with my body weight in yoga, not 50 

 pounds or more pushed upon me. My Body has toned naturally and with ease since then

by asanas, Bellydance, and Pilates. Actually 

my weight and control works better for me as a


b. We are not done yet, we are now ready to

move on to another pose, also for the Root 

Chakra. Mini Summaries will be given for your 

understanding in between. Please feel free to

go over the sessions as many times as

needed, once you are familiar with the


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e. Pelvic Rotations:

1. This pose begins while you are sitting down on your 

mat or chair and comfortable.

2. Make sure to do your yoga breathing while

performing. No specialized yoga exercise is needed

but deep inhalations and exhalations. The Breathing

is a whole exercise and experience in itself, once you

learn the different methods. We will teach you that in

another Yoga Book, we have witness the benefits.

3. Advanced Yoga:

a. For those that know how to do the “Belly “Belly  

Breath” Breath” or “Alternate Nostril Breath”,“Alternate Nostril Breath”, may do

that at this present time before moving on.

Again, only optional for those in the

intermediate yoga section.

4. While sitting, keep your spine extended comfortable

and shoulders down and leveled. If confused, just be

flexible, relax and release all tension and stress in thebody.

5. You will rotate the body at the waist line in a circle

motion. Pretend to be an old fashion balloon toy or kid

boxing item, you can throw in either direction while

grounded to the floor. So you will control your body in

a smooth flow. Keeping the spine straight and not

bent. You will be actually toning the waist and loosing

the lower back with this position. Simple, but; will

supply weight loss, just imagine. Most poses in yoga

will distress and cause weight loss and natural body 

toning . You curve to a Sporty look, male or female.

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6. When you are rotating, you will be going from side to

side in this circle motion. Repeat this, as often; as


7. Use visualizations of your energy being grounded.

You are grounded to the floor, rooted to the earth, and

like a tree. Your Roots and/or energy are connecting

while in this position. At first, I could never use this

visual of being a rooted tree. I had issues with the

image, until I read it in other terms. In Yoga terms, the

image makes more sense to me personally. This is

due to the motion of the asanas in action. So, use

whatever visual works for you . Anything that can be

grounded to the earth. You are releasing energy 

naturally; the meditations only enhanced the yoga.

Yoga will on auto pilot, release, detox, cleanse, and

tone the body, mind, and soul

8. Make sure to switch sides before you close this pose

activity and meditation. Do not go in one direction for 

several minutes, and then forget to change directions.All exercises must be made even by the end of any

fitness session. This speed depends on the teacher; I

have seen many versions. If you forget, after awhile;

one side will be more flexible or fit than the other. This

can happen often in unmonitored Yoga Therapy as

well. Medical Yoga Example:Medical Yoga Example: Patients with Severe or 

Chronic Pain, will cater to that pain, but forget to

exercise both sides not one.both sides not one. By Accident, one side of 

their body is more flexible from Medical Yoga. The

Yoga worked, however; it was not evened out for theit was not evened out for the 

homehome therapy sessionsession. This happens unsupervised.

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3. Third Eye Yoga:

a. We will notwill not be able to perform all chakras with you at once.at once. You

will, in time; experience more chakra yoga sessions with us, if you

so desire; with each book release. We state this early on, because;

some of you will enjoy, see the importance, or grow secure in

Chakra yoga and desire more. We will be moving on through, to a

different type of yoga after this one. Right now, we are going to

review information on the Third Eye ChakraThird Eye Chakra. This Chakra is your 

sixth one. It is connected to discernment, intuition, psychic gifts,

and so on. You can achieve your higher God Self achieve your higher God Self very easily.

b. Your Third Eye can be located between the eyes.

c. Your Third Eye is associated with the eyes, brain, pituitary and

pineal glands. The Pituitary glandPituitary gland is actually the body’s scientific

mind, body, connection. The body relies on this connectionbody relies on this connection,

constantly for messages to the brain. It is too radical that the Third

Eye spiritually connects, adding more dept and meaning.

d. When your Third Eye is out of balance, you will have a hard time

seeing the ‘‘Whole or Big Picture’’ of things. If you are into PsychicScience and Spirituality Readings and Sessions, this can often

come up, automatically; if you are having a third eye issue. The

Chakra may not be verbalized, however; still apart of the problem at

hand. There are so many ways to give a reading that CChakras are

read by specialtyby specialty in the Metaphysics or Yoga Consultation


e. Humming Bee Breath

f. Sit in a meditation or comfortable position on the floor,

g. Use your yoga mat, or a chair; can work as well.

h. Sit with your back tall and erect.

i. Your legs can be in a crossed position for meditation or in a chair,

straight and parallel.

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 j. Close your eyes and deep breath.

k. Imagine clearing your mind of all confusion, stress, mental strain,

busyness, and the day’s agendas. If you are currently on a short

schedule as we speak, then shorten your meditation. I do advice,

meditating on a clear schedule where you will not lose track of timeclear schedule where you will not lose track of time 

or worry about timeor worry about time. I know those in my network that will do the

opposite of me, they are busy all the time.

l. As you begin your deep breathing exercise, allow the lips to part an

exhalation hum. So as you inhale and then exhale, the sound from

your lips should vibrate a smooth “hmmmmm.”

m. The hum will be a low lip vibration, to calm the mind and guide you

into a deep meditation. The high vibration, in terms of energy; can

be achieved for those on the advance level of meditation. Vibration

then has a whole different meaning. If you do not feel anything

different in energy levels in meditation, then no worries. This is

more of a Channeling and Intuitive Advanced Experience.

n. The Benefits are:

i. Releases Body tension in your relaxation.

ii. Calms the body and mind of all stress, strain, and negativeenergy patterns.

iii. Keeps you grounded instantly.

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Session 3 “Work Life and Yoga”

4.  Yoga for After Your Work Shift:

a. Leslie the Part Time Sim’s Tutor:

i. A tutor? For a game? Sounds weird for some, however; Very

true for those with new purchases of Sims. Have you ever 

played this popular Computer Game? Over the years this

game has become famous by many young generation

groups. Anyone who loves virtual life, 3D animations, Highvirtual life, 3D animations, High 

Graphics,Graphics, computer games, and Real Life interactions, know

about Sims. The game, like any other high graphicanimation; it does require an up to date computer or laptop,

but very well worth the millennium investment(s). How is this

related to our Session? Sims can serve as a parallel realityparallel reality 

to health and wellnessto health and wellness. Sims even includes Yoga practice

and exercise for their characters as an option. The Key is to

balance your character or person’s needs for daily life.your character or person’s needs for daily life. Your 

character or family can go car pool, to work, school, gain

skills, be creative, socialize, gain new love, and go online,

everything related to our World todayeverything related to our World today. The needs are

monitored and very important to understand while playing

the game, very much like our real world lifestyles. Below, we

are going to raise your energy, balance our needs, and de-to raise your energy, balance our needs, and de-

stress your reality after workstress your reality after work.

ii. A 20 Minute Yoga Routine. 

1. This Yoga Session can be done in only 20 minutes.

You can shorten it or extend it however you please for 

your yogi levels, schedule, and working needs.

2.2. Yoga Props:Yoga Props: 

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a. Required:Required:  A floor mat, something secure for 

your floor work,

b. Optional:Optional:  For relaxing needs add meditation or 

yoga music, incenses, candles, anything in the

music or aromatherapy department.

3. Begin on the floor in a kneeling position

4. Hands resting on your knees with an erect, tall spine

5. Monitor your breath, always deep breathe

6. Your breathing must be controlled and with a closed

mouth, the opposite of fitness cardio breathing.

7. Stand or settle upon your knees, with your arms

inhaling to the air, over head. Exhale them to your 

sides as you deep breathe. Now transition to the cat

pose, on all fours. Repeat the cat pose 5 or more


8. Your next pose will be the standing forward bend.

Practice this 5 or more times. This serves as a good

warm up, stretch, and transition pose. If you have

been sitting at your desk or computer for awhile, thisstretch can benefit your circulation and back. Add

shoulder rolls if this helps for any built up tension.

9. For those that have a yoga mat or floor preparations

already. Next lie on your Back and relax. Take this

time to clear your mind of any work related issues,

stress, strain, tension, and any collected negative

energy. You can also meditate on positive thinking

and affirmations for your employment and career 


10. In this relaxed meditation position, imagine

bringing in more income, awareness, wisdom, and

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high energy into your work life. That ends our 


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Reference Materials and Source:



 The official site above by Maxis, features exclusivedownloads, contests, news, BBS,

Chat and a Sims Exchange. Sims is the #1 bestselling game of all time. Discover the Sims Complete

Collection which delivers the original hit game plus all of itsbeloved expansion packs. An entire world of Sims awaits

your home command and control. Experience the lifestylesof the rich and famous and guide your Sims to

superstardom. Become a movie star, yogi, rocker, orsupermodel and beyond.

http://www.lulu.com/content/2264083 Description:

Our Original Edition has been retired as of spring 2008. This

Edition will remain in its place for Visitors, Family, Friends, Our

Network, Radio Fans, and LDM Distance Students.

 This Edition can also be found in Amazon.com as a Digital


Alternative medicine is where science-based Western medicine

and Naturopathic, Eastern healing practices meet. “Alternative

 Therapy involves faith. Faith that God will see you through your

healing and situation. Faith that you will be lead to the right

Alternative Healer, the right job as a Practitioner, the right tools

and resources to build your business. Faith that God will provide

for all of your needs, if you allow him to. All Therapy methods are

based on positive thinking and mind and body connection.

Without Faith in God and Your Higher Power; the Therapy will not

work and even the medical physician care for that matter. It is all

connected to your ‘will be done’ as children of God. ~Dr Rev


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About LDM Online History and Activities.About LDM Online History and Activities.








Received 12,000 hits


Natural Medicine also Naturopathic Practice

Welcome to Love and Divinity In MotionWelcome to Love and Divinity In Motion

Apart of the Internet (lulu and Google SearchApart of the Internet (lulu and Google Search Engine) and Global (Amazon) Market of Books.Engine) and Global (Amazon) Market of Books.

Catch our Podcast Radio in itunes Music Store underLove and Divinity In Motion

Certified and Accredited with: The American

Council of Holistic Healers is an organizationfounded to serve the growing needs of theholistic health industry. They provideindependent professional certification servicesto those who qualify.



Podcast Show:http://www.gcast.com/u/practitionerdr/main.xml

We are A Legal Homeschool System in thecategory of Private, Alternative and Distance

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Education. We are Accredited in Holistic Healthand Healing.

Company FactsCompany Facts:











*Teachers, Wholesalers, and Bookstores seekingour Published Books please contact L.D.M forBulk Supply details.

A Modern, Vibrant Youth Organization. We are a

collection of Alternative Therapy and Holistic

Healing methods. This includes the

Metaphysics, Psychic, Angel, and The Yoga

Sciences; to name a few. There are so many

fields and Careers included in the Alternative

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Medicine area. Our Company specializes in

Virtual Realities and Communications. This

includes 11 years of One on One, Private

 Therapy Counseling, Experimentation,

Internship, Conversations, Research, and

Experiences for Our Online Customers, clients,

and students. Internet Celebrity Dr Moore; has

earned 100 percent reputation all over the web.

 This president & CEO is now promoting her new

website of Non Profit missions and fundraisers.Stop by our websites for details. Now accredited

and in full motion. Thank You for Visiting

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A Metaphysical Gnostic Practitioner, I am educated

in Secular and Non Secular Degrees, Research, and


I have an accredited Education background, as a

Bachelors, Doctor, and Certified Practitioner.

I am Licensed In:

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Divinity, Independent Church Charter

King James Biblical Studies,

Complementary and Alternative Medicine,

Herbal Medicine,

Physical Therapy,

Hatha Yoga Instruction

I am a Dedicated, Modern and Contemporary

Hindu Yogi, in My Mind, Body, and Soul Ministry.I am discovering the Careers in my field group,

 Yoga, Writing Therapies, Medicine, and becoming

well rounded in Alternative Therapy and Holistic


Similar to the Medical Field Doctors, I like to keep

myself updated on the latest research and

Alternative, Holistic news.

 The Job Purpose: With A Metaphysical Counselor,

you will go to the root cause of your beliefs and

develop a strategy to change the negative thinking

and programming, this is apart of Alternative


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L.D.M Headquarters Email:[email protected] and Divinity In Motion, President Reply: DrLeslie Moore

Online counselingOnline counseling is method of providing advice,

lessons, coaching, and guidance on a one-to-one

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basis from a professional Expert, Coach, Licensed

Practitioner, Guru, and Master Teacher to an

individual privately via electronic mail instead of the

traditional format of face-to-face consultation. In

many situations, this includes online self-help

techniques, methods, and skill building as well.

About Online Counseling:About Online Counseling:

In the traditional method of counseling, a person will

go seek the help and comfort of a practitioner,

Coach, or expert in person at the office of the expert.

We know that this traditional method of suggestions

and one on one service; is still in practice today.

However; the access of the Internet has personalized

a method of Virtual Professionals to offer Online

services to individuals who may not be able or prefer

not to join, afford, or access, the traditional method

of therapy.



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Office Voicemail *with programmed extensions:

Voicemail System Number: (641) 715-3800

o Greeting Code: 1067457


Online Virtual Hours for Agendaso 7 Days a Week.o Monday thru Fridayo (5am) 7am to 1pm Break 1pm to 4-5pm

Return 5pm to 10/11pm.o Weekends are Similar but Vary.