LC Zurich Informant Nr. 20 08.04.12 LC Zurich Informant AIESEC in Zurich Newsletter Content News of the week KO, Easter, EB Elections Updates EB elections Discovery OGX updates Events Holidays, GA Team of the Week OC Team - Edition Dear LC Zurich member Kick Off 2012 is over! We hope that each and every one of you had an amazing experience during these four days in Leysin. We also hope that you will have time to relax and recharge your batteries during the Easter break, because there are some very exciting things going to happen in the next couple of weeks. Whether you’re looking forward to the EB elections, the Discovery conference or the various events with the interns – There’s something special for everyone. But if you first want to delve in your memories from the conference, then make sure to check out all the pictures uploaded in the Facebook- group or take a look at our News & Media section on our website: Facebook: Website: Upcoming Events Last LCM what happened? - Conference wrap up: What happened at the conference, how can we use the knowledge acquired and what steps can we take next? The LCM was held by Philipp Heller, former LCP ZH and MCP of AIESEC in Switzerland. Check out and for some fun conference memories! - Rewards & Recognition: Announcement of the winners! Easter Holidays No LCM on 11.04. & 18.04. This week’s LCM was the last before the Easter break. So, enjoy this upcoming week and a half and get the needed sleep and rest to start the second half of the semester full of energy. Please also note that there won’t be an LCM the week after the break (18.04.) because of the GA on Friday. Last LCM Conference Wrap Up R&R AIESEC XP Margaux’ KO experience General Assembly Incl. EB election, Friday 20.04. The GA is mandatory for all members. In this GA, the EB for the term 2012/13 will be elected, so make sure to be there. Read more about the elections in the updates-section on the next page.


LCZH Informant 20

Transcript of LCZH 20

LC Zurich Informant Nr. 20 08.04.12

LC Zurich Informant AIESEC in Zurich Newsletter

Content News of

the week KO, Easter, EB Elections

Updates EB elections


OGX updates

We Want You!

Events Holidays, GA

Team of the Week

OC Team

- Edition Dear LC Zurich member

Kick Off 2012 is over! We hope that each and every one of you had an

amazing experience during these four days in Leysin. We also hope that

you will have time to relax and recharge your batteries during the Easter

break, because there are some very exciting things going to happen in

the next couple of weeks.

Whether you’re looking forward to the EB elections, the Discovery

conference or the various events with the interns – There’s something

special for everyone.

But if you first want to delve in your memories from the conference,

then make sure to check out all the pictures uploaded in the Facebook-

group or take a look at our News & Media section on our website:



Upcoming Events

Last LCM – what happened?

- Conference wrap up: What happened at the conference, how can we use the knowledge acquired and what steps can we take next? The LCM was held by Philipp Heller, former LCP ZH and MCP of AIESEC in Switzerland. Check out and for some fun conference memories! - Rewards & Recognition: Announcement of the winners!

Easter Holidays No LCM on 11.04. & 18.04.

This week’s LCM was the last before the

Easter break. So, enjoy this upcoming week and a half and get the needed sleep and rest to

start the second half of the semester full of energy. Please also note that there won’t be an LCM the week after the break (18.04.) because

of the GA on Friday.

Last LCM Conference Wrap Up


AIESEC XP Margaux’ KO experience

General Assembly Incl. EB election, Friday 20.04.

The GA is mandatory for all members.

In this GA, the EB for the term 2012/13 will be elected, so make sure to be there. Read more about the elections in the updates-section on

the next page.


LC Zurich Informant


Upcoming events with the interns

Movie night or pub quiz? Why not both?

EB elections - As already mentioned, the new EB for the upcoming term 2012/2013

and the OCP for Career Days 2013 will be elected on Friday, 20.04. at the GA. If you are

interested in applying for the EB, then you will have to fill out the application form for

your position and send it to the LCP until 13.04.12. For further information, please follow

the link below. Should you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in

touch with the people currently filling these positions.

More information on

Kick-Off is over and the events team is back in action! Join the interns on Sunday, 15.04. for an evening with popcorn, coke and a great movie at the movie theater. Or test your knowledge on Monday, 23.04 at the Oliver Twist Pub with a good old fashioned pub quiz. As always, the exact times & locations will be announced on the Facebook group. Hope to see you there!

Discovery –


OGX Promotion – First of all: The OGX team has matched 2 EPs since the last XPS.

Great job! Also, the OGX and Comm teams are preparing a very cool promotional stand

that’s hopefully going to attract some attention to our OGX programmes for this summer.

Feel free to contact us if you want to contribute.


27.-29.04.12 in Todtmoos: Everyone applying for the EB has

to keep this date free, as you will be prepared for your upcoming term as EB

during this conference. There’s also a Train the Trainer track open to all

members, where you’ll get the chance to work on your presentation skills

and to become a Trainer & Facilitator in AIESEC. Application deadline is 16.04.12! For more information, please follow the links below:

Wiki: Facebook event: Registration:

ICX award – The ER team is very proud of the ICX award we won at Kick-Off. The sales

and account managing team start to work really hard and their agendas are slowly being

filled with meetings. Good Job Guys!


LC Zurich Informant

About us


Rämistrasse 66 8001 Zurich, Switzerland

Office: +41 44 252 36 82 Fax: +41 44 262 55 40

E-mail: [email protected]

We’re on the Web:

Or visit us on Facebook

Editor: Domagoj Belancic

Co-Editors: Caroline Spiegel, Simone Siegenthaler, Lilia Ostertag

Leadership Quote of the Week

“Management is doing things right; leadership

is doing the right things.”

- Peter Drucker

Impressions of Margaux’s Kick-off experience in Leysin

Margaux joined AIESEC and its Comm-team some weeks

ago. She really enjoyed the first weeks as an AIESEC member

and appreciates the huge team spirit of her team. But one of

the first steps each AIESEC member has to take is attending

a national conference! The same thing happened to me last

autumn, when I attended Do-It. As I couldn‘t attend Kick-Off,

I asked myself: Is Kick-off able to keep up with Do-it?

According to Margaux, Kick-Off was just awesome: „I've

never experienced something like that before. I really loved it

due to the variety in the program and the participation of all

other LCs. The Facis and the OC have really overdone

themselves. Respect!“. In Margaux’s opinion, the Global

Village was the craziest thing about Kick-Off: „It was simply

amazing to see everyone bond together despite of the

cultural background. The atmosphere was indescribable and

everyone was having a really good time!“ The most

important lesson Margaux learned from her crazy Kick-Off-

weekend was the fact, that it is really important to stand

behind your actions, that you have to define your goals and

have a plan on how to achieve them and then you have to

work to get there. I’m happy that I also asked her what the

funniest thing was that happened to her at Kick-Off:

„Well one time, when I was in a hurry, I had to go

Team of the Week:

OC KO 2012

Who are we?

From top to bottom (OC): Samantha, Joelle, Ardiana, Karin, Lucca,

(Extended OC): Douglas, Patrick, Julian, Luke, Susanne, Quentin,


What is the OC-Team (currently) doing?

Right now they are probably getting some much needed rest. The

question should be: What did they do? Well, they’ve organized the awesome conference you have attended last week. And if you

haven’t been there: Rest assured that they did an outstanding job. So on

behalf of all of us: THANK YOU, OC! We love you!

up to my room to grab my blue EF-bag, I just ran up the stairs

and stormed into a room - obviously the wrong one. Then I

grabbed a bag and began to talk to my roomie about the last

session I was just coming from. As there was no answer

coming, I looked up... into a face I've never seen before“.

Furthermore, I could not help but to ask Margaux, how tired

she has been (or looked;)) on Sunday. „Oh lord. I had a lunch

date on Monday with my mother. She just looked at me and

said laughing: 'Oh. I can see you definitely had a good time at

the conference..!' haha. True story!“.

Finally, I asked her, if there is anything left to say about the

conference, something which is too general to write in a

sugar cube ;). „I'm sure we all spent some instructive and

entertaining days in beautiful Leysin which we will never

forget. LC ZH totally rocks and I'm sure that we can achieve

great things if we stick together as a team the way we did at

the conference!“.

It seems, that AIESEC conferences are just amazing, it doesn’t

matter in which season they take part. The only thing that

matters are the people which attend them and which define

AIESEC as something, that can have an impact…

- Interview by Simone Siegenthaler