LCP Application LC TEC 2013-2014

Thomas Bertsch Aguilar Local Committe President Application 20132014


Espero que les guste

Transcript of LCP Application LC TEC 2013-2014

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Thomas Bertsch Aguilar Local Committe President Application


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Which is your best asset and how would you contribute with this to the teamwork in the EB? Which is your worst asset and how would you work with it during your


General Questionnaire

My best asset is my perseverance. I always apply myself to the fullest to achieve my goals no matter how rough the path to make them happen looks like I always try to be positive and to spend all the solu-‐tions to make it real and especially, to make it the best way possible. With this I would contribute with

lots of solutions to the current problems our LC has in the present, I also would keep my teammates motivated and working hard to achieve our goals.

My worst asset is that when I donʻ’t feel any support or recognition when I do something I just lay down and I stop giving it the importance it actually has. I need to change this and try to feel good with the

things I do without expecting any recognition for it.

I do the stuff that I am really passionate about and one of those things is AIESEC. I just love working for this organization and I want to go a step forward.

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We have to keep up the good work we have done this year and keep promoting AIESEC by telling our friends,

our family and all the people we know about it. We have to engage every young person we know by showing

them our 4 programmes and the benefits that could contribute to her or his personal and

professional development.

The main three steps we should take to achieve this goal are:




Have a well educated membership where all the members in the committee

are able to talk about AIESEC clearly and accurately.

Promote AIESEC from the inside out. First explaining why are we doing this,

then what do we do in the organization and finally, how do we achieve our


Have real presence in our university and expand our scope to more entities

where we can offer our programmes and establish new agreements.

This may sound very simple and brief but that is what we need, simple actions that could give us great re-‐

sults and I think that we can accomplish that if we follow these steps. This will bring new opportunities to

our LC and we are going to contribute to 2015 AIESEC vision.

As the head of an AIESEC committee, the EB should have presence and authority. We have to be noted as

the leaders of our teams and as the people in charge of the areas, we have to develop our teams in a way

they participate actively in the LCʻ’s decisions and by doing it, contributing with the LCʻ’s development.

Personally as the leader of the Executive Board I am going to follow up all my membersʻ’ assignments by doing

a weekly gathering with the VPs. They are going to present a weekly progress report of their projects and

goals. By doing this we are going to have more control and we are going to know exactly where our weak-‐

nesses are and where can we improve.

With the AIESEC 2015 some changes must be done in our LC. Which ones do you

think are the main three? How would you in the EB and as leader of a functional

area would make this changes start happening?

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Which are the key elements to achieve goals?

Define the specific objectives and priorities.

Find the reasons why. This will be the backup of your success, re-‐membering you always why you are doing this and why you are spending your time working hours long to achieve that goal.

Define your tasks and set your timeline.

Believe it can be done. Even the craziest ideas are valid; if you have the desire and the conviction you are going to see results.

Set a deadline.

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How would you ensure to achieve your

Measurements of Success in your position?

The so called “Messurments of Success” are actually a set of goals we are given that

we should achieve as a team in order to maintain the level and keep the LC growth.

I will try my best to achieve the measurements with my EB. First I have to know

specifically what the goals are and after that design a plan. The team work is essen-‐

tial to achieve this goals, I would distribute task among the members of my team in

order to reach the objectives in a fast an effective way. We are going to implement

the color follow up (green if they do the task, orange if they for it incomplete and

redred if they did not do it at all). I also want to keep a good communication with the

last EB and also with the actual MC. I am also open for comments and to learn a lot

with my team partners.

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What is your motivation to apply? You can mention your AIESEC,

personal or other kind of motivation.

Specific Questionnaire

My motivation to apply to LCP is the need I have to see AIESEC in TEC and mainly AIESEC in Costa Rica grow

and become noted in the IGN platform. I know we have the skills and the motivation; we just need to struc-‐

ture a path with clear objectives and goals.

I want AIESEC in TEC to make a tangible impact in our university by giving the students the opportunity to

develop themselves with our different programmes.

We have a lot of potential in our current membership and I know there are more great and capable people

in the TEC.

I know 2013 is going to be the biggest year in AIESEC Costa Ricaʻ’s history and I want to be part of it.

The role of the EB will be clear: to have presence and authority. This will make us have credibility among

the members and achieve true development which will not fade away at end of the period.

We will have weekly progress reports and internal communications in the LC will be much more clear and

effective. Each VP is going to do a weekly meeting with their respective team and a weekly meeting with

all the EB to present their results and progress reports.

II want a united team, where everyone is comfortable and happy with what they do. The support among

members of the EB will be essential to get all the goals done. We will have weekly meetings plus recreation

time to strengthen the bonds of team.

I want the TEC to have the best EB it has had in all the history and I think we have the ability and desire

to do so.

Which should be the role of the EB and your role during 2013? How would you

ensure that your team would have the best experience and complete the goals?

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What, do you think should be the Local Focus Areas for

the LC TEC in 2013?



3 Our positioning is the key. If we want to attract more membership, more companies to sponsor us and more exchange participants to our programmes, we have to get the people to know

the great opportunities we offer by having an effective communication channel inside and out our

committee. COM and MKT are responsible of making this work but also all the membership should

participate actively. The communication person to person is essential.

Learn to sale. We need to start acquiring new partnerships, not only exchange products (IGIP

and IGCDP) but also non exchange products (ER). We have to segment our market and create dif-‐

ferent sales portfolios according to the needs and requirements of each company we visit.


Enjoy the participation. Our committee is known for being the quiet one and although we have tried to change that for the past 2 years we are still a little bit behind. I want our committee

to be active and promote the AIESEC culture to its fullest with an educated and motivated mem-‐

bership. I also want to see the committeeʻ’s interns participating in our activities and learning

more about our values and culture.


Exchanges, exchanges and more exchanges. AIESECʻ’s core product is the exchange programmes and we have to make them our main focus. If our numbers in incoming and outgoing

exchanges are low, our committee fails on being sustainable and productive.

Improving the TL and the TM programmes by integrating our members more actively in the LC decisions. We are going to share more time together (Effective working time and recrea-‐

tional time). We are going to have more leader positions by creating projects which are going to

be managed by a respective OC.



Exchanges, exchanges and more exchanges. AIESECʻ’s core product is the exchange programmes and we have to make them our main focus. If our numbers in incoming and outgoing

exchanges are low, our committee fails on being sustainable and productive.

Improving the TL and the TM programmes by integrating our members more actively in the LC decisions. We are going to share more time together (Effective working time and recrea-‐

tional time). We are going to have more leader positions by creating projects which are going to

be managed by a respective OC.

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What is the correct synergy between areas that

the LC TEC needs to accomplish the goals in sales

OGIP and OGCDP teams are going to apply all their strength to the exchange process and all the

promotion such as stands (inside and outside the TEC campus), posters, brochures, social networks

promotions and basically all the visuals we need to show our programmes to the people are going

to be in charge of MKT.

The outgoing areas are also going to work actively with TM with all the recruiting and selection

process of the new Exchange Participants.

IGIPIGIP and IGCDP are going to work together with MKT to form new sales methods that will bring

more TNs and according to that, more incoming exchanges and financial sustainability to our com-‐


Both incoming and outgoing FLA with all the things referring to the legal contracts and the rev-‐

enue management.


ER and MKT will work together to

do effective market segmentation

and to elaborate attractive sale

portfolios for the companies.

Sales CornerTalent Corner

TM and COM are going to manage to

inform and motivate the membership. With

an effective system of communication be-‐

tween the EB and the members so they are

aware of what is happening . Team Builings

will also be defined by TM to promote

astronger bond between members, EB,

EPs and interns for a morefulfilling



Exchange Corner

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Propose a quick goal for TMP, TLP, GCDP and GIP for 2013. Explain how will you accomplish this goal providing also high quality AIESEC experiences to each member in the LC

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Imagine this situation: Retention Rate: less than 50% Exchanges: 30% fulfillment

Membership unmotivated, Contract with your main partner is broken2 VPs leave their Role. What would you do?

This would only happen if the initial planning of the year and the people chosen to fulfill the leadership posi-‐tions are not the indicated.

First I would begin with a restructuring in the EB and I would ask each VP if they want to continue in their position or leave. After that I would locate the more active and capable members and incentivize them to help us get the LC onwards (depending on their area I would place them in positions where they have more

experience). Always cooperating with the MC.

The retention of the membership is expressly vested in the motivation and the capacity of each VP to keep their members working. If this is not working we have to change things and speak clearly with the VP in


The exchanges are key to our organization as the main product and we are always going to strive to make the number we set in our year planning. If at a certain date we only achieve 30% of the exchanges we set at the beginning, we would make a replanning based on my experiences as VP and seeking support in the cur-‐

rent MC.

As mentioned before, if the members have nothing to do they are going to be discourage so we have to teach them that they are fundamental to the development of the committee and they should participate actively to achieve the growth we all want. It is very important to make them understand this. TM activities are es-‐

sential to keep them happy and comfortable.

If we break the contract with our main sponsor firstly we have to seek ways of reaching an agreement and arranging the terms (MC support, VP and sales manager). In the case of an extreme situation and we cannot reach any agreement the LC would begin to look for another company that can give us the benefits that we did had with the other company and even more. Parallel to this we would locate the problems which broke the relationship with the previous company and we would fix them to avoid this situation to happen again.

IfIf a VP decides to quit his role, firs I would evaluate whether his or her work so far has been good, if so I would ask him/her the reason for his/her decision and I would encourage him/her to continue to the end of the period. If his/her work is not positive I would leave her/him to go away and seek for a replacement im-‐mediately. While no one is in charge I would take the reins of the area with the help of the TLs there until

someone decides to take responsibility for the area.

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General Proposals

1. To organize the committee so that all operations of each area are a

weekly scheduled event. This means that each week will have a specific

task. I will propose a timetable for each functional area and then I will

gather with each elected VP to polish the schedule of his area in the annual

planning process.

2.2. Having a more united committee, where everyone gets to know each

other and be close friends. People committed to the common good of the

committee and form strong bonds with their peers. We are not only going

to have working meetings but also recreational activities scheduled in the

annual program.

3.3. In each LCM we will make a slight summary of the achievements of each

area to keep the membership updated and recognize the area with more


4. Experimenting with the new committee structure which I know is going

to be a big success.

5.5. The primary focus of the committee will be exchanges, everything will be

based around making exchanges experienced and with this we will achieve

higher revenues and stronger positioning.

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Objectives focused on each functional area:

This area has to be the channel of communication across the LC, responsible for managing social net-‐

works, external information, newsletters (internal and external). It will keep us informed of all the pro-‐

jects each area are doing every week and it will help us to have a committee with a more entire and

higher organizational education.

It also work in conjunction with ER to segment the market first and then develop specific portfolios to

suit different business requirements.

MarketingThis area has to be the channel of communication across the LC, responsible for managing social net-‐

works, external information, newsletters (internal and external). It will keep us informed of all the

projects each area are doing every week and it will help us to have a committee with a more entire

and higher organizational education.

It also work in conjunction with ER to segment the market first and then develop specific portfolios

to suit different business requirements.


The sales team will be given more monitoring and control. We need to sell! And this will happen only

if we restart this area and put it to work as it should. Like I said each area will have its calendar of

activities for their specific weeks and in ER will be very beneficial as they will have weeks for the lo-‐

cation of possible participating companies, after that another week to contact and schedule appoint-‐

ments and another one to realize the appointments with the companies. Will work with COM to seg-‐

ment the market and develop sales portfolios which are the key to really fulfill the needs of each spe-‐

cific company.

This area is one of the most accommodated today. We will strengthen cooperation between the

areas of outgoing and incoming exchange for the transfer of documents such as contracts and pay-‐

ment bills. It will also going to establish new projects to finance the membership who wants to

attend to the various conferences in the course of year. It will cooperate with the outgoing exchange

areas to find financing options in the college and out of it for low-‐income people who want to take

an opportunity of exchange and cannot do it due to lack of monetary resources.


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Objectives focused on each functional area:

This functional area will grow very big next year. We have a lot of capacity on this committee and

we must strengthen the commitment of the members with more activities that make us come closer

as a team. Therefore the area of TM will develop an annual plan of activities which will have its own

OCs (4 LCʻ’s TBs) and will take care of keeping interns and EPs integrated with the membership. It

will promote social activities to bring the member even closer and finally we are going to promote the

education of the membership by working with all the areas and their respective VPs and TLs give

trainings of their functions.


This is an area that will have a huge growth next year. With the establishment of an agreement with

the School of Business Administration we are looking forward to access other schools in college and do

the same agreement based on the contract we already have. Besides we have the contact with the pri-‐

vate universities and this should be must be maximized to take the most advantage of it. It is impor-‐

tant that the area focuses on carrying out projects to increase the number of GIP exchanges and leave

the MKT area all the promotion and attracting new Eps work.


As the area of GIP this area has a great future. With projects like "Qué Xopa con los Pequeños Precios

de AIESEC" we are going to achieve significant amount of accomplishments. We should seek to estab-‐

lish, in conjunction with other committees in the country, a close cooperation with other countries like

Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico which are likely to access a similar proposal.

As the outgoing volunteering type of exchanges, I expect this area to grow a lot too. Projects with

neighboring countries will strengthen the income of interns for social work activities. We will seek for

agreements with neighboring countries and thus more NGOs here will have the opportunity to have

their foreign interns in our country.

Also we have to explode our national parks, is a market that could bring us great benefits and should

me in our to do list of projects to establish.



The bases in this area are ready, now we just need to expand more and seek new markets. We will

focus on finding new companies who like this type of proposal. We must look for established compa-‐

nies that can are looking to have a good social program and provide educational collaboration. We

must use our good image as an institution to sell TNs to the companies. The name of the TEC has much

weight nationally and more in a professional level.


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I want to have a committee that forms future leaders who always act according to what they say and who are willing to give it all out to achieve their goals and be

satisfied by the work they have done. I want members to know that tolerance and respect are the basis of

compromise and that in the end of the day they feel fulfilledfulfilled with their achievements and always aim higher and higher. I want people who inspire and help others

without expecting anything in return. I want AIESECers!!!