LAWS OF SEYCHELLES - SeyLII 150 Nurses …  · Web viewPharmacology. Nutrition and dietetics....

CONSOLIDATED TO 30 JUNE 2012 LAWS OF SEYCHELLES CHAPTER 150 NURSES AND MIDWIVES ACT [10th December, 1985] ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS 1. Short title 2. Interpretation 3. Establishment of Seychelles Nurses and Midwives Council 4. Register of nurses 5. Register of midwives 6. Custody, inspection and publication of registers 7. Correction of register 8. Qualification for registration 9. Registration 10. Certificate of registration 11. Disciplinary powers of council 12. Provisions relating to orders of the council 13. Appeals 14. Offence Act 18 of 1985. SI. 79 of 1987 1

Transcript of LAWS OF SEYCHELLES - SeyLII 150 Nurses …  · Web viewPharmacology. Nutrition and dietetics....





[10th December, 1985]


1. Short title

2. Interpretation

3. Establishment of Seychelles Nurses and Midwives Council

4. Register of nurses

5. Register of midwives

6. Custody, inspection and publication of registers

7. Correction of register

8. Qualification for registration

9. Registration

10. Certificate of registration

11. Disciplinary powers of council

12. Provisions relating to orders of the council

13. Appeals

14. Offence

15. Regulations

Schedule Council


1. This Act may be cited as the Nurses and Midwives Act.

Act 18 of 1985.SI. 79 of 1987SI 75 of 1997SI. 7 of 2004


2. In this Act-

“chairman” means the chairman of the council;

“councils” means the Seychelles Nurses and Midwives Council established by section 3;

“member” means a member of the council;

“register” means the register of nurses or any part thereof or the register of midwives, whichever is appropriate;

“registered” means entered in the appropriate register;

“register” means the person appointed as such under paragraph 2 of the Schedule.

3. (1) There is established a council to be known as the Seychelles Nurses and Midwives Council.

(2) The Schedule has effect with respect to the council, its composition, quorum, meetings, committees and proceedings, and to its registrar and otherwise.

4. (1) The council shall cause to be kept a register of nurses which shall, in relation to each nurse registered contain the following particulars-

(a) the date and number of registration;(b) the full name including, in the case of a married woman, her maiden name;(c) the permanent address;(d) the particulars of training and qualifications;(e) remarks and endorsements.

(2) The register of nurses is divided into the following parts-(a) Part I containing the names and other particulars of all nurses authorised by

this Act to practice general nursing;(b) Part II containing the names and other particulars of nurses qualified in the

nursing and care of persons suffering from mental disease;(c) Part III containing the names and other particulars of nurses qualified in a

specific field of nursing;(d) Part IV containing the names and other particulars of nurses registered in

Part I who hold specialist qualifications;(e) such other parts as may be prescribed.

(3) Where a person qualifies for registration in more than one part of the register, his name may be included in each such part.

5. The Council shall cause to be kept a register of midwives which shall, in relation to each midwife registered, contain the particulars specified in paragraphs (a) to (e) of section 4(1).

6. (1) The register of nurses and the register of midwives shall be kept in the custody of the registrar at the headquarters of the Ministry of Health and shall, on application to the registrar, be open to inspection free of charge during normal working hours, by any nurse, midwife, officer of the Ministry of Health or, with the permission of the registrar, by any other person.


(2) The council shall cause a list of nurses and midwives whose names remain on the register on the 31st December in each year to be published annually in the Gazette as soon as possible after that date.

Provided that a nurse or midwife who has been suspended from practicing as a nurse or midwife pursuant to an order under section 11 (ii) shall not, so long as the order remains in force, be included in the list.

(3) In any proceedings under this Act, a copy of the Gazette containing the most recent list of nurses or midwives published under subsection (2) shall be evidence-

(a) that the persons included in the list are registered under the Act;

(b) that the persons not included in the list are not registered under the Act;

(4) In any proceedings under this Act, a certificate purporting to be signed by the register certifying that a person is or is not registered under this Act shall, without proof of the signature of the registrar, be conclusive evidence of the facts stated in the certificate.

7. (1) The registrar may amend a register-

(a) as to the address or other relevant particulars relating to any person whose name appears in the register upon being satisfied that the amendment is necessary for the purpose of preserving the accuracy of the register;

(b) by inserting or removing therefrom, upon the direction of the council, the name of any nurse or midwife;

(c) for the purpose of complying with any provision of this Act relating to the form and contents of the register.

(2) Without prejudice to its powers of removal under section 11, the council may direct that the name of any person be removed from a register who-

(a) requests in writing addressed to the council that the name be so removed;

(b) dies;

(c) leaves Seychelles without giving to the council notice of intention to return,

but, in that last case, the person is entitled to re-registration without payment of any fee upon application after his return to Seychelles.

8. (1) Subject to this Act, no person is qualified to be registered under this Act unless he satisfies the council that he-

(a) has attained the age of 19 years;

(b) is of good character; and

in addition thereto-


(c) has completed such training as may be prescribed and has passed such examination as may be required by the council for registration under the Act; or

(d) is registered under the law of any foreign country as a nurse or midwife and the council as satisfied that the standard of training and examination required in that country is not inferior to the standard adopted by the council for registration under the Act.

(2) In subsection (1) “foreign country” means a country other than Seychelles.

9. (1) A person who is qualified to be registered may apply in such manner as may be prescribed to the council for registration.

(2) Where the council is satisfied that an applicant under subsection (1) is qualified in accordance with section 8 to be registered, the council shall, upon payment of the prescribed fee (if any), cause his name to be registered under the Act and, where the council is not satisfied, shall refuse registration under the Act.

10. (1) Upon the registration of any person under section 4(4) or section 5(2) or section 9, the registrar shall issue to him a certificate of registration stating that the person has been registered in the appropriate register or part thereof, where applicable, on the date specified in the certificate.

(2) Where a certificate issued under subsection (1) is lost or destroyed, the registrar, upon being satisfied of the loss or destruction shall, upon payment of the prescribed fee (if any), issue a certificate of registration with the word “duplicate” marked at the top left hand corner of the certificate.

(3) Where the name of a nurse or midwife is removed from a register by order of the council made under section 11, that nurse of midwife shall forthwith return to the registrar the certificate of registration or, where that certificate has been lost or destroyed, he shall deliver to the registrar a statement in writing to that effect.

(4) A person who fails to comply with subsection (3) is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of 1000 rupees.

11. Where, after due inquiry in accordance with regulations made under section 15, the council is satisfied that a person registered under this Act-

(a) has been convicted of an offence punishable with imprisonment;

(b) has been guilty of malpractice, negligence or miscondusct or has contravened any rule of conduct prescribed under this Act;

(c) has obtained registration by fraud or misrepresentation;

(d) was not, at the time of registration, qualified to be registered,

the council may-

(i) order that the name and other particulars of the person be removed from the register;


(ii) order that the person be suspended from practicing as a nurse or midwife, as the case may be, for such period as it may think fit and an endorsement to that effect be made in the register;

(iii) caution or reprimand the person;(iv) take such other disciplinary measures as may be prescribed.

12. (1) The register shall cause a copy of any order refusing registration upon an application made under section 9(1) or of any order made under section 11 or of any order rejecting an application made under subsection (3) of this section to be served, as soon as may be after the making of the order, upon the person affected by the order either personally or by post addressed to him at the last address known to the registrar.

(2) The registrar shall not remove the name of a person from a register or make an endorsement in the register pursuant to an order made under section 11(ii) before the expiration of 21 days after the service upon that person of the copy of such order under subsection (1) or, in the case of an appeal against the order, until after determination of the appeal.

(3) A person whose name is removed from a register in accordance with this Act or whose name, prior to the commencement of this Act, was removed from a register kept under the Midwives Act or the Nurses’ Registration Act in accordance with those Acts may apply to the council for restoration or insertion of his name to or in the register and the council, may either allow the application subject to such condition as it thinks fit or reject it.

13. A person aggrieved by the refusal of the council to register him upon an application under section (9)(1) or by an order made under section 11 or by an order rejecting an application made under section 12(3) may, within 14 days after the date on which notice of the refusal or order is served upon him, appeal to the Minister against the refusal or order, and the decision of the Minister upon such appeal is final.

14. Any person who-

(a) not being registered under this Act takes or uses the name or title of nurse or midwife either alone or in combination with any other words or letters, or any name, title, addition, description, uniform or badge, representing that he is registered;

(b) being a person whose name is entered in a register takes or uses any name, title, addition, description, uniform or badge, or otherwise does any act of any kind, representing that his name is entered in another register or in some other part of a register;

(c) at any time, with interest to deceive, makes use of any certificate of registration issued to him or to any other person; or

(d) willfully makes, or causes to be made, a falsification in a matter relating to a register or to the registration of any name therein,

is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of 5,000 rupees and to imprisonment for 6 months.

15. The Minister may, after consultation with the council, make regulations for all or any of the following purposes-


(a) prescribing anything which is required to be prescribed under this Act;

(b) prescribing forms for the registers or other documents;

(c) providing for courses of training, examinations and the conduct of examinations in nursing and midwifery;

(d) defining the conditions for registration under the Act;

(e) determining the procedure to be followed in relation to inquiries under section 11;

(f) prescribing rules of conduct for the practice of nursing or midwifery;

(g) listing the duties or nurses and midwives and the specific duties of nurses with specialist qualifications;

(h) prescribing fees and charges in respect of any matter done in pursuance of this Act;

(i) providing for uniforms or badges;

(j) constituting committees of the council and defining their functions;

(k) regulating the proceedings of the council and of any committee thereof;

(l) amending the Schedule;

(m) generally, for the better carrying into effect of this Act.


SCHEDULE (Section 3(2)


1. (1) The council shall consist of the following members-

(a) the Director of Nursing or the person for the time being discharging functions as such;

(b) The Head of the institution responsible for the nursing education programme;

(c) five nurses, three midwives, of whom one nurse and one midwife shall be drawn from the community based services; one nurse and one midwife from Hospital Services and one nurse or midwife shall be a person not employed by the Ministry of Health- elected or appointed in the maner specified in subparagraph (6);


(c) one representative from each registered nurses’ or midwives’ professional association, the membership of which consists of at least 20 per cent of the registered nurses or midwives;

(d) one health professional who is neither a nurse nor a midwife and is appointed by the Minister; and

(e) a person, not being a person connected with health services, to be appointed by the Minister to represent those who receive such services.

(2) The members of the Council shall elect from amongst themselves a chairman.

(3) The members referred to in sub-paragraphs (1)(c), (d), (e) and (f) shall, unless they vacate office earlier, hold office for 2 years and are eligible for reappointment.

(4) Any member referred to in sub-paragraphs (1)(c), (d), (e) and (f) may resign from membership of the Council by letter addressed to the Minister.

(5) Where a member referred to in subparagraphs (1)(c), (d), (e) and (f) vacates office, a person may be appointed or elected in place of that member having regard to the provision of subparagraph (1).

(6) Three nurses and two midwives referred to in subparagraphs (1)(c) shall be elected respectively by the nurses from amongst themselves and by midwives from amongst themselves, at an election where a nurse or midwife shall be eligible to vote in person or by proxy; and the other two nurses and one midwife shall be appointed by the Minister having regard to the provisions of subparagraph (1)(c).

2. There shall be a registrar to the council appointed by the Minister from among the officers of the Ministry of Health who, in his opinion, are senior officers of that Ministry, and the registrar shall act as secretary to the council, implementing its decisions, keeping and maintaining records of all its activities and of the minutes of meetings and doing all such things as the chairman directs him to do.

3. (1) The council meets at such times and in such place-

(a) as the chairman may direct; or

(b) as may be requested in writing to the chairman by not less than 5 members.

(2) At a meeting of the council 5 members form a quorum.

(3) The chairman or, in his absence, any member referred to in paragraph 1(1)(a) elected by the members present presides at a meeting of the council.

(4) All questions for determination at meetings of the council are decided by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting and voting thereon.

(5) Each member has one vote and in the event of an equality of votes the member presiding has an additional vote.


(6) Where a member has a direct interest in a matter which falls to be decided at a meeting of the council he shall not be present nor vote at the meeting where the matter is considered or decided by the council.

4. (1) Whenever a matter requires a decision of the council and it is not convenient or possible for the council to meet to determine the matter, the registrar shall, on the instructions of the chairman, circulate papers regarding the matter to all members for consideration and decision or approval and if the members reach a unanimous decision on the basis of the papers, that decision is deemed to be a decision of the council and has effect immediately:

Provided that a member who has a direct interest in the matter that requires a decision or approval shall not take part in the decision or approval.

(2) Decisions taken in accordance with sub-paragraph (1) shall be recorded by the registrar in the minute-book of the council and shall be confirmed at the next subsequent meeting of the council.

5. (1) The council may appoint committees from among its members.

(2) The registrar acts as secretary to any committee appointed under sub-paragraph (1).

(3) A committee appointed under sub-paragraph (1) has the same powers as the council in respect of all matters within the committees’ purview but a decision of a committee shall not be acted upon unless approved at a meeting of the council.

6. Subject to any regulations under section 15, the council and committees thereof regulate their own proceedings.








[6th February, 1989]



1. Citation

2. Interpretation


3. Agenda and Minutes of Meetings

4. Motions


5. Additional Particulars

6. Part III of the Register of Nurses

7. Part IV of the Register of Nurses

8. Application for Registration

9. Registration Number

10. Change of Address

11. Certificate of Registration

12. Applicants Registered in a Foreign Country


13. Rules of Conduct

SI. 6 of 1989.


14. Malpractice

15. Negligence

16. Misconduct

17. Complaints against Nurses or Midwives

18. Investigating Committee

19. Disciplinary Measures

20. Restoration to the Register




1. Application for registration as a Nurse/Midwife

2. Confidential Report

3. Certificate of training of applicant for registration as a Nurse/Midwife

4. Transportation of training

5. Certificates


Code of Practice



1. These Regulations may be cites as the Nurses and Midwives Regulations.

2. In these Regulations:

“the register” means the register of nurses or any part thereof or the register of midwives, as the case may be kept by the Council under sections 4 and 5 of the Act.

“registered nurse” or “registered midwife” means a male or female nurse or midwife who is for the time being registered in the register.



3. (1) The agenda at meetings of the Council shall be as follows:-

(a) reading and confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting;

(b) any business arising out of the minutes;

(c) applications for registration as nurses or midwives;

(d) motions of which notice has been given;

(e) any other business.

(2) A minute book shall be kept by the registrar and proper entries made therein of all business transacted at every meeting of the Council. A draft of the minutes shall be circulated to the members of the Council, together with the notice of the meeting at which they are to be submitted for confirmation.

4. (1) Every motion or amendment to a motion shall be moved and seconded by the mover and seconded of the motion or amendment and shall, if the Chairman of the meeting so require, be reduced to writing and handed to him and read before it is further discussed or put to the meeting.

(2) Every notice of motion shall be given orally or in writing signed by the member of the Council giving the notice, and shall be given or sent to the registrar.

(3) The registrar shall insert in the agenda paper of the next ordinary meeting of the Council all notices of motions which have been received not less than one clear day on which the agenda paper is sent out to members of the Council, in the order in which they have been received.


5. The register shall in addition to the particulars set forth in section 4(1) of the Act contain the date of birth of each registered nurse and midwife.

6. A nurse who has successfully followed a formal training programme in any of the following specific fields of nursing shall be qualified to have the name of the nurse entered in Part III of the register of nurses-

(a) sick children nursing;

(b) community health nursing;

(c) special care nursing;

(d) any other specific field of nursing the Council may, in any case, decide.

7. A nurse who has successfully followed a formal training programme of not less than nine month duration enabling the nurse to undertake an extended role in the functions of a nurse in any of the following categories shall be qualified to have the name of the nurse entered in Part IV of the register of nurses-


(a) nurse anaesthetist;

(b) nurse practitioner;

(c) any other category the Council may decide.

8. (1) An application for registration as a nurse or midwife shall be made in the Form 1 in the First Schedule and shall be accompanied by the following documents-

(a) certificate of birth of the applicant or such other proof to the satisfaction of the Council that the applicant has attained the age of 19 years;

(b) certificate of training;

(c) certificate of registration (if trained outside Seychelles);

(d) certificate of good character and professional efficiency.

(2) The Council may, in respect of an applicant for registration call for a confidential report in the Form 2 in the First Schedule from any professional officer, doctor or responsible person under whom the applicant has worked during the period of three years preceding the date of the application, a certificate of training in the Form 3 in the First Schedule and a transcription of training in the Form 4 in the First Schedule from any institution in which the applicant has received training.

(3) The Council may dispense with any certificate or other dodument required by the preceding provisions of this regulation if it is satisfied by other evidence that the information furnished by the applicant is correct and that, as character and professional efficiency, the applicant is situated for admission to the register.

9. Each person whose name is included in the register shall be assigned a number in the consecutive order in which the name appears in the register and, where the register is divided into parts, in the consecutive order in which the name appears in each part of the register.

10. A nurse or midwife whose name is included in the register shall notify to the registrar any permanent change of address, and for the purposes of the Act and these Regulations, the address last notified shall be deemed to be the registered address of the nurse of midwife.

11. The certificate issued under section 10(1) of the Act shall be in the Form 5 in the First Schedule and shall be under the seal of the Council.

12. In order to satisfy itself that the standard of training and examination in a foreign country is not inferior to the standard adopted by the Council for registration under the Act, the Council may require an applicant registered in that country as a nurse or a midwife to undergo such oral, written or practical examination or fulfil such other requirement as the Council may direct.


13. (1) It shall be the duty of every registered nurse or midwife to act in such a manner as to-

(a) earn public trust and confidence;


(b) uphold and enhance the good standard and reputation of the profession;

(c) safeguard the interest of patients and clients under the care of the nurse or midwife;

(d) serve the interest of society;

(e) be of example to students performing nursing or midwifery duties.

(2) In the exercise and discharge of the professional duties, practices and procedures, every registered nurse or midwife shall-

(a) accept only such compensation for the exercise and discharge of professional duties, practices and procedures as may be provided for in the terms of employment of the nurse or midwife;

(b) act in such a manner as to promote and safeguard the well being and interest of patients and clients under the care of the nurse or midwife;

(c) take every reasonable opportunity to maintain and improve professional knowledge and competence;

(d) make known to the registrar any conscientious objection which may be relevant to the exercise and discharge of the professional duties, practices and procedures;

(e) work in a collaborative and co-operative manner with other health care professionals and recognize and respect their particular contributions within the health care system;

(f) acknowledge any limitation in competence and refuse in such cases to accept delegated functions without first having received appropriate instructions in regard to those functions;

(g) comply with the Code of Ethics as prescribed from time to time by the International Council of Nurses.

(3) Every registered nurse or midwife carrying out the practice of nursing or midwifery shall assess, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care plans according to the needs of individual patients.

(4) Every registered nurse or midwife carrying out the practice of nursing or midwifery shall carry out diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative or any other procedures provided that the nurse or midwife has been trained to perform such procedures.

(5) Every registered general nurse shall comply with the Code of Practice for general nurses set out in the Second Schedule.

(6) Every registered midwife shall comply with the Code of Practice for midwives set out in the Second Schedule.

(7) Any registered nurse or midwife who has not practicsed as a nurse or midwife for a continuous period of four years although registered throughout such period, shall, if


required by the Council, attend a course or programme of practical and theoretical instrument approved by the Council, and shall not practice as a nurse or midwife before the satisfactory completion of such a course or programme.

14. A nurse shall be guilty of malpractice if the nurse-

(a) withholds from patients and clients any medication, without proper justification and without informing the person prescribing such medication;

(b) administers to a patient or client any substance, carries out any procedures or gives any advice with the intention of causing an abortion other than in circumstances approved by the Medical Board;

(c) administers to a patient or client any substance, carries out any procedures or gives any advice with the intention of causing harm;

(d) recommends or gives medical treatment for which the nurse is not authorised except in emergencies and fails to report such action to the supervisor of the nurse as soon as possible;

(e) fails to carry out necessary nursing observations and fails to act upon them or report them.

15. A nurse or midwife shall be guilty of negligence if the nurse or midwife-

(a) fails to maintain health notes and other medical documents in proper form at all times;

(b) does not have regard to the environment of care and its physical, psychological and social effects on patients or clients, and also to the adequacy of resources, and to make known to the immediate superior officer of the nurse or midwife any circumstances which could place patients or clients in jeopardy, or which mitigate against safe standards or practice.

16. A nurse or midwife shall be guilty of misconduct if the nurse or midwife-

(a) abuses the privileged relationship which exists with patients and clients and of the privileged access allowed to their property, residence or workplace;

(b) refuses to carry out a reasonable standard order given by the supervisor of the nurse or midwife;

(c) does not co-operate with and does not maintain harmonious relationship with members of the medical profession and nursing and midwifery colleagues;

(d) knowingly disregards the accepted pattern of behavior in the community in which the nurse or midwife lives and works.

17. (1) Where a complaint is made to the registrar in writing against any registered nurse or midwife on any of the grounds set out in paragraphs (a) to (d) of section 11 of the Act, the registrar, if satisfied that the complaint is made in good faith, shall call upon the nurse or midwife (hereinafter called the respondent) against whom the complaint is made to give in


writing such explanation as the respondent may wish to make and shall thereafter forward to the Council all documents relating to the complaint including such written explanation.

(2) The Council, if satisfied that a prima facie case for inquiry into the complaint has been established, shall notify the respondent accordingly and appoint an investigating committee which shall proceed to inquire into the complaint.

18. (1) The investigating committee shall consist of not less than 3 members of the Council.

(2) Any other person whom the Council may decide may be co-opted as a member of the investigating committee but he shall not have a vote on any matter for decision by the Committee.

(3) If the Chairman of the Council Is not a member of he investigating committee, the members of the committee shall elect one of its members, being a member of the Council, as its Chairman.

(4) The Chairman of the Council, if he is a member of the investigating committee, or the member elected as its Chairman under subregulation (3), shall preside at any inquiry before the committee.

(5) At any inquiry before the investigating committee-

(a) the investigating committee may be assisted if necessary in an advisory capacity by a legal officer appointed by the Attorney General;

(b) the respondent shall be entitled to appear and to be represented by a friend or by a legal practitioner or a representative of the National Workers Union.

(6) The respondent shall have not less than 7 days notice of the date of inquiry.

(7) If after being notified of the time, date and place of inquiry the respondent or his representative fails to appear, the inquiry may proceed in the absence of both or either.

(8) For the purpose of the inquiry the investigating committee may summon any person to attend the inquiry at a time and place specified in the summons and to give evidence and to produce any relevant documents in respect of the complaint inquired into and the respondent or the representative shall be entitled to apply to the investigating committee for summons on any witness to give evidence and produce documents in support of his case.

(9) Upon the completion of the inquiry the investigating committee shall forward a copy of the proceedings together with its findings to the Council.

19. (1) The Council may, where it is satisfied on a consideration of the proceedings and findings of the investigating committee that the matter inquired into has been established, take any disciplinary measures under section 11 of the Act against the respondent.

(2) The Council may in addition to or in lieu of any of the disciplinary measures specified in section 11(i), (ii) and (iii) of the Act recommend to the Ministry of Health disciplinary action against the respondent.


20. (1) When the name of a nurse or midwife has been removed form the register, any application for restoration to the register shall be made by the nurse or midwife in writing to the registrar, stating the grounds o which the application is made.

(2) The application shall contain the names and addresses of two responsible persons able and willing to identify the applicant and give evidence as to the applicant’s character and the nature of the applicant’s employment, both before and since the date of the applicant’s removal or such other evidence as the Council may require.

(3) The Council may require the applicant to attend in person any meeting of the Council at which the matter is to be discussed.

(4) If upon a consideration of the application and of the evidence furnished in support of it, the Council is satisfied that the name of the applicant should be restored to the register, the applicant’s name shall be re-included in the register or the appropriate part or parts of the register, and a new certificate shall be issued to the applicant.






To the Registrar,

Seychelles Nurses and Midwives Council

1. I ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

(Full Christian names and surname)

2. Born on …………………………………. at ……………………………………………

(Date) (Place)

3. Residing at ……………………………………………………………………………….

(Full permanent address)

4. Marital status ……………………………………………………………………………

(Status whether married/single/widowed or divorced.

If married give maiden name.)


Hereby request the Seychelles Nurses and Midwives Council to enter my name in the register or part of the register of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………


maintained by the Council

I forward herewith:

(i) My certificate of birth or other proof of date of birth

(ii) My certificate of training

(iii) My certificate of registration (if trained outside Seychelles)

(iv) Evidence of good character/professional efficiency

(v) Name and address of two referees.

I promise in the event of my being registered, and in consideration thereof, to be bound by and to conform to the rules and regulations laid down by the Council.

Date ………………………………. Signature ……………………………………..



(To be filled in by professional officer, doctor or responsible person under whom the applicant has worked during the past three years, and returned to the Registrar)

1. Name of person for whom reference is required …………………………………………..


1. Name and address of referee ……………………………………………………………...


2. In what capacity was the applicant employed during the period you knew the applicant?



3. What is your opinion of the applicant’s character and professional ability?




4. Do you recommend the applicant for registration with this Council?



5. If your answer to the previous question is “no” please state reasons.




Position held: ……………………………………….

Date: ………………………………………………..

NOTE: Reply will be treated as confidential.





I HEREBY CERTIFIY from my personal knowledge and/or from the records of this institution


that ……………………………………………………………………………………………

received training in ………………………………………………………………………

between the following dates …………………………………………………….………

and was successful at the final examination .

To the best of my knowledge and belief I recommend him/her accordingly for registration.






Date: ………………………………




Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Surname: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Maiden name if married: ………………………………………………………………..

Date of birth: ……………………………………………………………………………

Official length of programme: ………………………………………………………….

Qualification gained: ……………………………………………………………………

Number of beds: ………………………………………………………..………………

Number of tutors: …………………………………………………………..…………..

Number of students: ………………………………………………………..…………..



Professional adjustments

Anatomy and physiology



Nutrition and dietetics



Nursing – principles and practice


Medicine and medical nursing

Surgery and surgical nursing

Emergency nursing

Paediatric nursing

Gynaecological nursing

Orthopaedic nursing

Psychiatric nursing




Ear, nose and throat

Community health nursing

Health Education





Medical nursing

Surgical nursing

Paediatric nursing

Gynaecological nursing

Orthopaedic nursing

Psychiatric nursing


Operating theatre

Emergency nursing

Community health nursing


Selective experience


Date ………………………Signature……………………..

Position held …………………

Address ………………………







No ……………………..

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that ………………………………………………………………..

Was admitted on ………………………………………………..…………………………

To the part of the register of ……………………………………………….……………..


Maintain by the Seychelles Nurses and Midwives Council and is entitled in pursuance o fthe Nurses and Midwives Act to take and use the title of ……………..……………….











No …………………………………………………………………………………………

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that ……………………………………………………………….

Was admitted on …………………………………………………………………………..

To the Register of Midwives maintained by the Seychelles Nurses and Midwives Council and is entitled in pursuance o fthe Nurses and Midwives Act to take and use the title of “Registered Midwife”.









(1) It shall be the duty of a nurse to provide holistic care by simultaneously attending to the biological, psychological, social and spiritual needs of people.

(2) Every registered nurse carrying out the practice of nursing shall be responsible for-

(a) Assessing human needs and health problems;

(b) Planning and giving care designed to assist people to meet these needs, to overcome problems, and to perform the activities of daily living;

(c) Evaluating the degree to which health needs and goals of people are being achieved.

(3) To give effect to the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2) the nurse applies specialised knowledge, clinical skills and techniques, for which training has been given, to assist the person who is experiencing varying degrees of difficulty with-


-eating and drinking;



-maintenance of desirable posture in walking, sitting and lying;

-moving from one position to another;

-rest and sleep;

-selection of clothing, dressing and undressing;

-maintaining body temperature within normal range;

-keeping clean and well groomed and protecting the integument;

-avoiding dangers in the environment;

-communicating with others, and expressing needs and feelings;

-practising own religion or conforming with own concept of right or wrong;

-work or productive occupation;

-recreational activities;


(4) Provisions of paragraphs (1) to (3) include the fundamental components of nursing care.

(5) In addition to the provision of direct nursing care as described above, the role of nursing also encompasses-

-co-ordianting the care prescribed and/or provided by other health workers;

-collaborating with other health workers to meet the total health needs of people;

-participating in the preventive or promotive health programmes.

-acting as an advocate for the patient;

-guarding against the infrigment of people’s rights to make decisions about and set goals for their health care;

-providing and managing human and material resources;

-maximising opportunities for learning.

MIDWIFE Reg. 13(6)

Every registered midwife carrying out the practice of midwifery shall be responsible:

(1) To provide sound family information and advice;

(2) To diagnose pregnancies and monitor normal pregnancies; to carry out examinations necessary for the monitoring of the development of normal pregnancies.


(3) To prescribe or advise on the examinations necessary for the earliest possible diagnosis of pregnancies at risk;

(4) To provide a programme of parenthood preparation and a complete preparation for childbirth including advice on hygiene and nutrition;

(5) To care for and assist the mother during labour and to monitor the condition of the foetus in utero by the appropriate clinical and technical means;

(6) To conduct spontaneous deliveries including where required an episiotomy an din urgent cases a breech delivery, and repair episiotomies and other lacerations except for third degree tears.

(7) To recognize the warning signs of abnormality in the mother or infant which necessitate referral to a doctor and to assist the latter where appropriate; to take the necessary emergency measures in the doctor’s absence, in particular the manual removal of the placenta, possibly followed by manual examination of the uterus.

(8) To examine and care for the new-born infant; to take all initiatives which are necessary in case of need and to carry out where necessary immediate resuscitation;

(9) To care for and monitor the progress of the mother in the post-natal period and to give all necessary advice to the mother on infant care to enable her to ensure the optimum progress of the new-born infant;

(10) To assist the medical practitioner in the treatment of patients and

(11) To maintain all necessary records.
