Lauaxeta Express I



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Transcript of Lauaxeta Express I

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INDEX1. Lauaxeta’s history

a. Questionnaire about the schoolb. Interview with Iñaki Malax

2. Factsa. Interview with Aitor Pagaldai

3. Gossipa. Patxi doped ina popular bike raceb. Marta Morrás gives up smokingc. Miren goes to NASAd. Araceli goes to Benidorme. Enrique is stealing copper

4. Entertainmenta. Sussie and Charles’s sectionb. Tour around Lauaxetac. Unanswered questionsd. Crossword Nº1: Lauaxetae. Crossword Nº2: Scotlandf. Searchword

5. Publicity

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Authors:Arrate MancisidorXabier Bereinkua

Naiara ArtetaJon Badiola

Claudia Badas

LAUAXETA’S HISTORYOnce upon a time some passionists who bought a farm called Orue

in the countryside of “Bizkaia”, in Euba-Amorebieta. In 1948, the bishop Carmelo Ballester granted the permission to form a passionist community. In the initial start-up period, Orue’s first project was mainly educational, but little by little it started to instill Basque cultural values. Later, in 1956, Orue’s project was set off and the following year started to blossom.

We can separate Orue’s global history in two stages. The first one goes from 1956 to 1969, and its main task was to be a seminary, and thus was based on passionist living. However, its second stage was more focused on educative work. In this period was known as San Gabriel school, which held 600 children, some of them attending the boarding school.

Some years later, in 1974 due to the reforms made by the Vatican City, Orue-Euba’s passionist community turned into a parish, but it was in 1977 when Orue-Euba finally became Lauaxeta Ikastola.

Lauaxeta was founded with the purpose of promoting the Basque language, by a parents’ cooperative. In its first years, it was a little school but years later, it became bigger and bigger.

This school gave and gives importance to the educational approach before university. Due to this fact, in 1988 it began to offer English lessons for students between six and sixteen years. Meanwhile, they also started to organize different summer camps to promote Basque and English languages. However, Lauaxeta has a basic target on the whole; the one of developing lifelong values.

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An Interview with Iñaki

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We talked to Iñaki Malaxetxebarria, as we wanted to know more about the history of our marvellous school: Lauaxeta Ikastola. He attended us in his small office. He talked us about his experience here, in Lauaxeta, as a student and also as a teacher.

Interviewer: What do you remember about your fist day here in Lauaxeta?

Iñaki: When I first entered this school, I was about 10 years and I had to take an exam. I was from a little village, Nabarniz, so the school was such a big place that I got lost when the teacher told us to go out because we had finished. Well, and as a teacher the first time, I got very nervous, I was teaching children who were 9.

Interviewer: How many pupils were studying in those days?

Iñaki: As I remember, more than now, around 1500 children, because the law did not let us have more.

Interviewer: Who was the head teacher?

Iñaki: I think that Ramon Madariaga was the principal in Lauaxeta when I was working here.

Interviewer: Do you remember who the head teacher was when you were a student?

Iñaki: Father Fermin, I think.

Interviewer: Were there a lot of out-of-school activities?

Iñaki: Basically there were the same, but now, students are more focused on football than on other activities such as dance, guitar, and so on.

Interviewer: Any curiosity to tell us?

Iñaki: Yes, I think being a teacher is vocational, as being with students makes me

breathe, and come motivated to school. That is why the atmosphere here among teachers is so nice.

Interviewer: Do you remember how the food was?

Iñaki: That issue has been here since I came. Well, I particularly enjoy eating here, but it is true that a lot of students have complained about the quality of the food .

Interviewer: When did Lauaxeta start celebrating Aste Kulturala?

Iñaki: Lauaxeta has been doing it for more than 20 years, as far as I remember. Its target, nowadays, is to break the students’ routine.

Interviewer: Has it ever lasted the whole week?

Iñaki: Yes, I think that in its first years it took the whole week, but we went reducing the time, because, it was not good for the students’ academic performance; it is just a break time.

Interviewer: Thanks, Iñaki for the interview.

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Lauaxeta is becoming bigger every year, the students and the school are changing a lot and to get a close idea of this, we have interviewed Aitor Pagalday, who not only works as a teacher, but also as a pedagogist at the Ikastola. He has told us what is changing nowadays here and what

will change in the near future. We warn you that he has told us about the new project they are working on, the new web platform which is going to make possible a better relationship between the students and the school.


Q: Hello Aitor, we are making a magazine for the English class and we want to ask you some questions about the new technologies, new projects and that kind of things. So, to start, how many years have you been working in Lauaxeta? Has it changed a lot in the last years?Aitor Pagalday: This is my seventh year. It has changed a lot and it’s changing a lot too. The new technologies are one area that is introducing many changes but with the new educational law and the people that are coming to work here too I think that Lauaxeta Ikastola is changing a lot and that it is introducing many

innovations in the everyday work.


Number of students


Facilities Swimming pool, bus, football camp, pelota court, chapel

Location Barrio Euba, S/N

Telephone Number

946 300 020

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Q: What about the new technologies? We have heard that you were building a new internet platform for teachers and students,.What can you tell us about this?A.P: Well, that platform is called Moodle. It’s a free licence platform, so nobody has to pay anything for it and all the students and all the teachers will have the opportunity to work on it. It will not be compulsory: it’s optional for the students and for the teachers too. But I think that it will be a very good tool, mainly for you, for the students, to upload many works, to keep there many notes, information,… because you’ll have the option to print it wherever you are, and anytime you need. So you will be able to get to that platform at the school but also at home, so you won’t need to be here to continue learning, for example. You will be able to learn in any moment you want.

Q: You think new technologies are important, but computer science and other subjects (such as French) have been removed from the program in the first years of DBH, why? A.P: I don’t know why French is not in first or second DBH, but for example, computer science is nowadays a tool and it’s not a subject. It’s a tool that every subject has to use to teach, so why computer science is not a subject anymore? because all the teachers have to use computers. And why French is not? I don’t know, I think that there are many economic interests, and one of them is not to keep French in the first years of DBH.

Q: Two years ago you built two elevators, which are really helpful for many students. Are you planning to build more facilities for the disabled? A.P: I suppose so, but I don’t know. What we have to try to do is to make the building accessible to everyone , so if in any building there are any problems with getting there is or to move inside , we try to remove that difficulty. I don’t know now which difficulties there are in any of the buildings , but I think in terms of accessibility t , anyone in a wheel chair will be able to get to any class in the school, so that’s a good step.

Q: In the last years, students from other countries have come to Lauaxeta, so now we have a wider range of cultures. This will help developing respect for other cultures and nationalities, what do you think it will be the attitude of the kids towards this situation?A.P: Very good. I think that... do we live in society? Yes, we do. Lauaxeta school is not isolated from society, it is a part in the society, so if there are many cultures in our society, in Lauaxeta school in a few years there will be people with different cultures, and we will see it like normal.

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Q: With the current crisis, many families may not be able to face the school fees. How can Lauaxeta help families with financial problems? A.P: Trying to make them understand that the students are very important, and for us, for the teachers, we’ll also have to understand too that many families are investing a lot of money to keep their children here, so us, the teachers, have to make a special effort to deal with those difficulties, and we’ll have to teach very well, to make the parents understand that here in Lauaxeta, we offer high quality education, so what they are paying for their children is worth it.

Q: Are thereany scholarships for these students?A.P: There are but I don’t know now in which financial situation you have to be in to get economic assistance.

Q: Lauaxeta is considered a Green-School, what projects do you have to make it “greener”? A.P: the main project is 21st Agenda, and there are three areas inside it. One area is the curricular area, in which we are trying to introduce environmental culture issues in our subjects. The second a is the social responsibility area, where we are trying to reduce Lauaxeta Ikastola’s pollution, and the third are the participation area, in which we are trying to involve as many people as we can, including teachers, including students and including your parents to work all together, making Lauaxeta a greener school.

Q: In the last years, school activities such as “gabon kantak”, the school trip to Sukarrieta or the kids’ carnival were removed. We think that these activities help develop the cultural interests of the kids, and that they can be very beneficial to the children. So, why have they been removed?A.P:Times are changing so to introduce new activities, other activities have to be removed or modified. Because if we keep introducing new and new activities, it will explode someday. To make room for new things, you need to remove other things. Thanks for answering our questions, it has been very interesting to talk about theses subjects.

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Recently we have realised that Patxi Azcueta, the teacher of Physics and

Chemistry is a little bit more overweighed, he is telling worse jokes and his mood is

worse than ever. In conclusion, his behaviour is very strange.

Two months ago we read in the

“Mundo deportivo” newspaper that a man of

about fifty from Abadiño was caught doped in

a popular bicycle race. We don’t know

whether that man was Patxi or not, because

the newspaper didn’t want to keep this man


Due to the description given in the newspaper we

can conclude that he was Patxi. In fact, we are totally sure

about that because we have also seen Patxi’s inscription in

the official website of the race.

Patxi was an idol for us.Before the scandal we

believed that Patxi was one of the best amateur cyclist in

the world; we thought that it was an achievement to

practice a kind of sport like this after having passed the

heart attack that he went through two years ago.

Now Patxi is not important any more. We think that

this action is very disgusting and we also think that it was not a good decision because

it is not worth doping if you are not going to win anything important.

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MARTA GIVES UP SMOKINGDue to the new smoking ban, many smokers have quit smoking as the

government has forbidden it in many establishments such as bars,

night clubs… places where smoking was common.

For this reason, Marta Morras a veteran French teacher of

Lauaxeta Ikastola is acting weird. First of all, she is chewing nicotine

gums between classes, an action that before this ban was unusual for


Since she has given up smoking we can see her more

healthier, she goes up the stairs very quickly and she is keeping fit.

We can see her going to the gym and the swimming pool, and there

is also a rumour that she has taken up ballet classes.

We are very proud of her as she has finally given up smoking

and become health conscious. We expect her to continue this way!

MIREN IS GOING TO NASAMiren Iriondo, who is our Physics and Maths teacher, has

missed some classes during the last month. What we all thought

was that she was ill as she had bronchitis, but the cause of the

truancy was another one: she was being interviewed by NASA.

In the last lesson during a coughing fit, she left the class

in order to drink some water. During this interval we had the

chance to read a letter on her desk. It was from NASA and it

said that they were willing to offer her a job as the leader of a

group of Physicist in order to guide them in a new project about

a space shuttle.

We still don’t know if she has accepted the job, but

recently she seems to be happier than usual. In fact, the last

day, she came into the class singing and dancing. If she

eventually decides to leave Lauaxeta, we will miss the large

amount of failures.

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Araceli Mandaluniz is a Maths teacher in

Lauaxeta School. When she writes on the board,

Araceli has a hand problem that does nor permit her

to write on it. Therefore, the doctors advised her that

she should have herself operated as soon as

possible, as it can get worse. But she did not agree.

With the excuse of her hand operation, Araceli

will go on sick leave for three months. She is going to

Benidorm on holiday during this period to relax and “recover

from the operation”.

In Benidorm there is good weather. It is sunny, and

you can go to the beach. Araceli has been going for a walk

along the beach every morning. In the afternoons she has

been going into the water to try to reduce the problem’s

seriousness. Besides that, she has been going to the beach

every day, and she has also gone to the doctor to get better

as soon as possible. At nights, she went out to the street and to the bars.

In a few weeks, her hand will have improved and she will be back in less than

three months, as the hand problem does not exist anymore and without her, the Maths

classes are nothing.


Enrique’s shady dealings have been exposed. For a long time, numerous

computers have been disappearing and the others have been dismantelled while their

pieces have been vanishing into thin air.

The main problem has been discovered due to a

child’s curiosity. He was looking for his ball when he found

a lot of copper piled up in different boxes which seemed

not to have any value.

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When the child asked Enrique why he was piling

unvaluable cables there, his answer was very simple: “We

must recycle to help our world, for your future”. The child got

surprised due to Enrique’s answer, and he looked at him in a

way like he knew Enrique was kidding him.

In conclusion, Enrique is getting a huge profit from old

and useless computers. Therefore, he is not harming

anybody. However, we could request him to share the profits

with “zuzendaritza”, so the famous budget cut could be

removed, and by this way, we could go on more school-trips.

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Authors of the sections:

1. Lauaxeta’s history Naiara Arteta Claudia Badas Jon Badiola Xabier Bereinkua Arrate Mancisidor

4. Entertainment Aitor Agirrezabala Laura Alejos Iraia Arza Markel De Juan Nora Leiva

2. Facts Jon Bilbao Andrea Eguiluz Alicia Gascon Unai Unda

5. Publicity Robin Espinosa Asier Larreategi Nerea Mena Idoia Serrano

3. Gossip Ander Alzola Iker Artetxe Iñaki Encinillas Unai Peña Joseba Perosanz

Layout: Ander Agirre Jokin Beasain Aitzol Lejardi Aitor Puyuelo

Special Thanks to: Ane Aranceta Marta Altube Bibi Gonzalez Iñaki Malaxetxebarria Aitor Pagaldai