Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.

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Transcript of Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.

Page 1: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.
Page 2: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.
Page 3: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.


Gives north-south location relative to the Equator

Page 4: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.


Gives east-west location relative to specified meridian

Page 5: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.

Dab = sin(lat a).sin(lat b) + cos (lat a).cos(lat b).cos |lng a - lng b|

Page 6: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.
Page 7: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.
Page 8: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.
Page 9: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.
Page 10: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.
Page 11: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.

The Mercator ProjectionThe Mercator Projectiona cylindrical projection with

one standard parallel at the Equatora cylindrical projection with

one standard parallel at the Equator

Page 12: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.
Page 13: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.
Page 14: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.

The TransverseMercator Projection

The TransverseMercator Projection

a transverse cylindrical projectionwith one standard parallel along

a specified meridian

a transverse cylindrical projectionwith one standard parallel along

a specified meridian

Used as the base forzones with an north-south

orientation in the StatePlane Coordinate System

(SPC) and all zones inthe Universal TransverseMercator System (UTM)

Used as the base forzones with an north-south

orientation in the StatePlane Coordinate System

(SPC) and all zones inthe Universal TransverseMercator System (UTM)

Page 15: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.
Page 16: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.
Page 17: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.

Lambert’s Conformal ConicLambert’s Conformal Conica conic projection

with two standard parallelsa conic projection

with two standard parallels

Used as the base forzones with an east-west

orientation in the State Plane Coordinate

System (SPC)

Used as the base forzones with an east-west

orientation in the State Plane Coordinate

System (SPC)

Page 18: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.
Page 19: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.
Page 20: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.

Meridian(72.5 degrees west longitude)

Meridian(72.5 degrees west longitude)

False EastingFalse Easting 500,000 meters500,000 meters0000 Easting (X)Easting (X)








g (


State Plane Coordinate Zone for VermontState Plane Coordinate Zone for Vermont

Base Line(42.5 degrees north latitude)

Base Line(42.5 degrees north latitude)

Page 21: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.





(500, 000 meterswest of the

central me ridan)

84 Northo

80 Southo

E q u a t o r

8 4 N o r t ho

Easting (X)



g (Y


The UTM Coordinate SystemThe UTM Coordinate System

Page 22: Latitude Gives north-south location relative to the Equator.