Latino Health Riverside - UCLA Center for Health...

Latino Health Riverside Greer Sullivan & Mary Figueroa March 30, 2017 Los Angeles

Transcript of Latino Health Riverside - UCLA Center for Health...

Latino Health


Greer Sullivan & Mary Figueroa

March 30, 2017

Los Angeles

CHC Mission Statement

The UCR School of Medicine’s Center for Healthy

Communities will lead and facilitate innovative

research to improve the health of the culturally,

linguistically and economically diverse communities in

the region, especially those that are medically under-

resourced. Our goal is to build collaborations between

researchers and communities through education and

research that addresses our communities’ needs and

promotes health equity.

Latino Health Riverside


• Engage 3 predominantly Latino neighborhoods in


• Identify communities' health priorities

• Build capacity for community engaged research • Community members

• CBO’s

• Academics


• No minority owned CBO focusing on health

• Very little prior community discussion about health

Map of Riverside

Latino Health Riverside

Steering Committee

Four Priority Areas

• Access to care

• Management of chronic health condition

• Neighborhood safety


Modified Deliberative DemocracyKettering Model

Which is more important?

• Preventing mental illness or improving treatment for

those who already have a mental health problem?

• Addressing mental health among children (young

adults) or adults (and seniors)?

• Encouraging service use by providing community

education about mental health and stigma or linking

to services?

• Improving existing services or offer more services

in community?

Thank you!• Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)

• Mike Pazzani, Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic

Development, UC Riverside

• In- Home Meetings host families

• UC Riverside Participants: Christina Reaves, Ann Cheney,

Juliet McMullin, Rita Rodriguez, Michelle Jaramillo

• MPH Student (University of Washington): Alejandra Cabral

• Parkview Community Hospital and neighborhood community


• Community Based Organization Partners:

• Casa Blanca Home of Neighborly Services

• Arlington Temporary Assistance

• Community Settlement Association

Steering Committee

• Patricia Cano

• Carmen Martinez

• Darlene DeBayona

• Morris Mendoza

• Suzanna Medina

• Andrea Nieto

• William Leon

• Hurnan Vongsachang

• Katherine Tsai

• Araceli Damian

• Jocelyn Guerrero-


• Joey Abadilla

• Gloria Perez

• Mary Alvarez

• Michelle Anguiano

• Eldaa Rivera

• LuAnna Jauergui

• Diana Alvarez

• Marci Aguirre

• Lily Gallegos

• Sylvia Aguirre-Aguilar

• Carlos Fernandez

• Greer Sullivan

• Ann Cheney

• Christina Reaves

• Mary Figueroa

• Alejandra Cabral

Latino Health Riverside Project was funded through a

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)

Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award (1289)