Latin America Unit Lecture 10

12/8/14 Lecture: Cold War and L. America #10 Study for your final!!!

Transcript of Latin America Unit Lecture 10


•Lecture: Cold War and L. America #10

•Study for your final!!!

Guatemala 1954

•President of Guatemala was Jacobo Arbenz - seized farmland in Guatemala and gave it to the peasants which was seen as very socialistic.

•Arbenz’s land reforms had a negative impact on the United Fruit Company as he wanted unionization and redistribution

•Allen Dulles was a major shareholder in United Fruit Company

•War goes from 1953-1954 “Operation PB FORTUNE”

Cuban Revolution

•Fulgencio Batista - came from a mulatto background

•“Revolt of the Sergeants” in 1933 Batista takes control of the Cuban government

•After losing control of Cuba in 1940, Batista retakes Cuba and sets up a military dictatorship that is acknowledged by the US

•Batista dramatically increased his country’s revenue and tourism by encouraging American gangsters to set up and run Casinos and Resorts in Havana.

Fidel Castro

•26th of July Movement -

•Fidel Castro leads a failed attack on Batista at the Moncada Barracks on July 26, 1953 starting the Cuban Revolution.

•After the battle, Castro is captured and imprisoned (released in 1955)

•Battle of Santa Clara December 1958 - decisive battle won by Che Guevara that led to the end of the Cuban Revolution on Jan. 1, 1959.

•After the Battle of Santa Clara, Castro’s forces soon take Havana and Batista is forced to flee to the Dominican Republic

•Feb. 16, 1959 Castro is sworn in as Prime Minister of Cuba

Che Guevara

•Ernesto “Che” Guevara - believed in Marxist or Socialist ideologies.

•As a medical student Che traveled Latin America and became acutely aware of the poverty that existed.

•His belief was that the poverty was caused by capitalism and imperialism (aka - America)

•Believed the solution was worldwide revolution

Che Guevara

•Early in his political career Che meets with and supports President Jacobo Arbenz to support his land redistribution

•Che’s feelings are solidified by US involvement/CIA assisting in the coup of Arbenz.

•Che will later join Fidel Castro in Mexico and he helps invade Cuba in 1956 to overthrow US backed Batista.

Che Guevara

•After the Cuban Revolution, Che is promoted from Comandante to a cabinet position under Castro.

•Che travels the globe speaking to other nations about Cuban socialism. In particular he travels to the USSR, China and in 1965 the Congo and Bolivia

•As an international diplomat and traveler, he played a key role in bringing ICBMs to Cuba which led to the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962

Che Guevara•Because of Che’s involvement in the Cuban

Missile Crisis and his influence internationally as a communist leader he becomes a major target for the CIA

•Backed by the CIA, Bolivian forces captured Oct. 7 1967

•Killed Oct. 9 1967

•While Che fought for anti-capitalistic/imperialistic ideas, his iconic image has become an unbelievable seller for students and counter-cultured

Operation Condor

•A movement started in 1975 by S. American nations to eliminate all forms of socialism(communism) in South America.

•Some of the countries included: Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil

•Methods used were assassination, propaganda and secret prison camps.

•Many propaganda campaigns funded or sponsored by US/CIA operatives

Chile and Pinochet

•Augusto Pinochet - military dictator of Chile from 1973 to 1990

•Supported by US President Richard Nixon

•With American support he established a strong, diverse economy in Chile that remains today.

•American companies invested in land

•The World Bank lent Chile money to build infrastructure

Augusto Pinochet

•While Pinochet did a lot for Chile’s economy he eliminated socialists/communist protesters

•National Stadium - concentration camp that held 40,000 socialists

• Reports of 20,000 people “missing” and several thousand confirmed dead

•Reign is labelled a “politicide”