Lasers at 50 - Mature ? Other Radiation Sources

Professor Mike Poole Free Electron Lasers Liverpool Physics Teachers’ Conference July 2010 1 M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Free Electron Lasers M W Poole Ex-Director STFC Accelerator Science and Technology Centre (ASTeC) Daresbury Laboratory M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Elements of a Laser All lasers contain a medium in which optical gain can be induced and a source of energy which pumps this medium Pump Optics Gain medium Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Lasers at 50 - Mature ? Lasers are very bright sources of radiation Lasing media include solids, liquids and gases Extremely high powers and ultra-short pulses Mainly limited to IR-UV output (some exceptions) Tunability severely limited (in general) Power limited by thermal effects M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Other Radiation Sources The Sun Fire Laboratory Black Bodies (ie thermal) Gases Radioisotopes X-ray Sets (eg rotating anodes)

Transcript of Lasers at 50 - Mature ? Other Radiation Sources

Page 1: Lasers at 50 - Mature ? Other Radiation Sources

Professor Mike Poole Free Electron Lasers

Liverpool Physics Teachers’ Conference July 2010 1

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010

Free Electron Lasers

M W Poole Ex-Director

STFC Accelerator Science and Technology Centre (ASTeC)

Daresbury Laboratory

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010

Elements of a Laser

All lasers contain a medium in which optical gain can be induced and a source of energy which pumps this medium



Gain medium

Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010

Lasers at 50 - Mature ?

  Lasers are very bright sources of radiation

  Lasing media include solids, liquids and gases

  Extremely high powers and ultra-short pulses

  Mainly limited to IR-UV output (some exceptions)

  Tunability severely limited (in general)

  Power limited by thermal effects

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010

Other Radiation Sources

  The Sun


  Laboratory Black Bodies (ie thermal)



  X-ray Sets (eg rotating anodes)

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Professor Mike Poole Free Electron Lasers

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  Particle and nuclear physics

  Photon sources (alternative to laser ?)

  Neutron sources



  ADS – reactors, transmutation, …

Applications of Particle Accelerators

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Cockcroft Education Lectures 2009

EM Radiation from Accelerating Charge

Non-relativistic charge source

Can this compete with a laser ?

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Cockcroft Education Lectures 2009

Fundamentals of Radiation Emission

  Any charge that is accelerated emits radiation

  Properties calculated since 1897 (Larmor)

Lienard and Schott studied relativistic particles on circular trajectories:

P α E4/R2

  So this applies to accelerated beams of charged particles in a ring (synchrotron)


=> Severe losses and energy restrictions

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Cockcroft Education Lectures 2009

Relativistic Emission

Relativistic Emission Cone

Electron rest frame

β φ

Laboratory frame

β θ

Transforming between frames

tan θ = γ -1sin φ (1 + β cos φ ) -1

if φ = 900

then: θ = γ -1

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Professor Mike Poole Free Electron Lasers

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Emission from Bends

First observed 1947 GE Synchrotron


Cone angle = 1/γ Acceleration

γ = E/m0c2

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Eindhoven Symposium 28/03/08

Synchrotron Radiation

Pulse Length (electron transit arc - photon transit chord)

For 2 GeV, 1.2 T:

R ~ 5.5 m, γ ~ 4000

Wavelength ~ 0.1 nm Typical wavelength

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010

Dedicated Usage: Daresbury SRS

  Design studies completed 1975

  Based on an electron storage ring

  World’s first dedicated x-ray source

  First user programme 1981

  Major UK success story for 27 years

  Pioneering developments and upgrades

August 2008 - RIP


Booster Storage Ring

80 keV

12 MeV 600 MeV

2 GeV


This was the inaugural 2nd generation solution

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Eindhoven Symposium 28/03/08

Applications - Not Time Domain

FMV Virus Structure (1990) Light Harvesting Complex (photosynthesis)

Protein Crystallography


Materials science

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Professor Mike Poole Free Electron Lasers

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High Field Insertion Devices Normal Straight

With Insertion Device

SRS Superconducting Wavelength Shifter 6.0 Tesla

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Eindhoven Symposium 28/03/08

Wigglers and Undulators

Several successive chicanes

Combined wiggles

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Eindhoven Symposium 28/03/08

Trajectory in Multipole Wiggler Sinusoidal field with period λu and peak value B0:

Electron also has a sinusoidal trajectory.

Electron angle and displacement will be:

Maximum angle is equal to K/γ

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Eindhoven Symposium 28/03/08

K >> 1

The radiation opening angle is typically ±1/γ so there is

little overlap between radiation from different poles



But what if K ~ 1 ?

Interference effects can occur


Radiation Emission from Wiggler

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Professor Mike Poole Free Electron Lasers

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Interference Condition



λu θ

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Cockcroft PG Education 2009

Undulator Equation

Substituting in for the average longitudinal velocity of the electron, βs :

For a 3 GeV electron passing through a 50 mm period undulator with K = 3, the wavelength of the first harmonic (n = 1) on axis (θ = 0) is

~ 4 nm

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Eindhoven Symposium 28/03/08

Emission Line Shape (θ=0)

Width ~ 1/nNλ

Similar behaviour as diffraction grating with N slits

Angular spread of harmonic

For λ ~ 1nm and L ~ 5m, σr’ ~ 14 µrad

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Eindhoven Symposium 28/03/08

K < 1

Observer ‘sees’ the electron continuously as it oscillates by less than ~1/γ. The electric field due to this electron is then a pure sinusoidal and so there is only one harmonic.

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Professor Mike Poole Free Electron Lasers

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K > 1 (on axis)

Observer ‘sees’ the electron briefly as it oscillates by more than ~1/γ. The electric field due to this electron is then a series of spikes of alternating polarity.

If the observer is on axis the spikes are equally spaced. The Fourier Transform of these spikes only contains odd harmonics (n = 1, 3, 5, …)

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Eindhoven Symposium 28/03/08

Insertion Device Technologies

Typical periods ~ 20 - 200 mm

Typical fields ~ 0.1 – 1.0 T

Electromagnets Superconducting magnets

Permanent magnets

Most undulators and MPWs utilise permanent magnets

High fields in short periods - no power supplies or cooling

Modern powerful materials - SmCo or NdFeB (1T remanence)

Arrays constructed – new engineering challenges

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Eindhoven Symposium 28/03/08

PPM Undulators or MPWs

g = gap between the two arrays

With 4 blocks per period the field is quite sinusoidal

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Eindhoven Symposium 28/03/08

Periodic Magnet Engineering

Daresbury Solutions

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Professor Mike Poole Free Electron Lasers

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Third Generation Light Sources



6 GeV

Diamond Light Source: Harwell, Oxon

This generation introduced (almost) laser-like solutions from 1990’s onwards, based on extensive use of undulators

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010

Synchrotron Radiation in Space

Crab Nebula

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Eindhoven Symposium 28/03/08

Particle-Wave Interaction in Undulator

  Electron-wave energy exchange (Lorentz)

  Transverse modulation

  Magnet couples TEM field to particle (weakly)

  Resulting axial velocity modulation can cause bunching

  Relative phasing controls energy gain/loss

Electron Decelerator

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010

Incoherent emission:

Synchrotron Radiation

Intensity ~ Ne

Coherent emission:

Free-Electron Laser (FEL)

Intensity ~ Ne2

electrons light

Next Generation Solution: Coherence

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Professor Mike Poole Free Electron Lasers

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Spontaneous Emission and Gain Curve

Gain α derivative of line

John Madey 1972

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Cockcroft PG Education 2009

Free Electron Laser (FEL) Principle

•  relativistic electron beam passes through periodic magnetic field - radiates

•  mirror feeds spontaneous emission back onto the beam

•  spontaneous emission enhanced by stimulated emission

Oscillator illustrated

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 20 March 2002 Liverpool Physics Colloquium M W Poole

The World’s First FEL at Stanford

Pioneering 1970’s studies

Infra-red output

IRFEL User Facilities follow in 1980’s and 1990’s

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 20 March 2002 Liverpool Physics Colloquium M W Poole

FEL User Facilities

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Professor Mike Poole Free Electron Lasers

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FELIX – Dutch IRFEL Facility

UK undulator(s)

New high quality linac

Lased August 1991

UK Agreement 1993 ….

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Eindhoven Symposium 28/03/08

FELIX Characteristics

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 20 March 2002 Liverpool Physics Colloquium M W Poole

FEL Tunability Example

CLIO is French Project

No table top laser can achieve such a tuning range

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 20 March 2002 Liverpool Physics Colloquium M W Poole

FEL Output Power Record

Courtesy G Neil – Jefferson Laboratory, Virginia

Energy Recovery LInac

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Professor Mike Poole Free Electron Lasers

Liverpool Physics Teachers’ Conference July 2010 10

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 20 March 2002 Liverpool Physics Colloquium

UV/VUV Experiments

  Energy range suggests storage ring (SRFEL)

  Small number of active centres

  Synergy with 3rd generation light sources

  Mirror problems - normal incidence

  User doubts - but pump/probe attractive

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 20 March 2002 Liverpool Physics Colloquium M W Poole

ELETTRA – Italian National Light Source


M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 20 March 2002 Liverpool Physics Colloquium M W Poole

High Energy EU Funded FEL Project

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 20 March 2002 Liverpool Physics Colloquium M W Poole

World Record

  May 1st '98 Start of EC contract   Feb. 29th '00 First lasing (350 nm)   Feb. 6th '01 Lasing at 190 nm - WORLD RECORD !

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Professor Mike Poole Free Electron Lasers

Liverpool Physics Teachers’ Conference July 2010 11

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 20 March 2002 Liverpool Physics Colloquium M W Poole

Very Limited Tuning Range

Wavelength Multilayer mirror type Lasing 350 - 356 nm Ta2O5/SiO2 yes

235 - 265 nm HfO2/ SiO2 yes

218 - 224 nm Al2O3/ SiO2 yes 189.7 - 200.3 nm Al2O3/ SiO2 yes

186 nm LaF3/MgF2 no

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Cockcroft PG Education 2009

FEL Oscillators - Summary

  Infra-red FEL operated 1977 – few sources before 1990

  Tunable and high power

  User facilities highly successful (eg FELIX in Nieuwegein)

  Short wavelength limited by mirrors (EUFELE <200nm)

  Mainly electron linacs but storage ring versions tried

  4th Generation Sources need to employ alternative FELs

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 20 March 2002 Liverpool Physics Colloquium

FELs for XUV and X-rays ?

  Major electron accelerators (GeV +)

  Remove mirrors - new regime (demo 1985)

  Integrated USA R&D programme

  European and Japanese projects

  Enormous challenges - high brightness beams

  Particle Physics technologies - Linear Collider synergy

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Cockcroft PG Education 2009

High Gain FEL - Single Pass

No Mirrors !

Need for very high peak currents ~ kA

•  electrons start emitting incoherent radiation •  radiation from the tail of the bunch interacts with electrons nearer the front, causing

the electrons to bunch on the scale of the radiation wavelength •  due to the bunching, the electrons emit more coherently •  more radiation → more bunching → more radiation … an instability ! •  radiation power grows exponentially

Self Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE)

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Professor Mike Poole Free Electron Lasers

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FLASH: a High Gain FEL Light Source

J. Rossbach/DESY Nov. 2001

Converted from TESLA Test Facility (TTF) at DESY, Hamburg

bunch compressor

Early configuration before upgrades

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Eindhoven Symposium 28/03/08

First TTF-FEL (FLASH) Lasing (2000)

J. Rossbach/DESY Nov. 2001 June 2010 achieved 4.5 nm at 1.2 GeV

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010

courtesy of P. Emma, SLAC

1.5 Å

New World Record - LCLS 2009

Use of 1/3 SLAC Linac 14 GeV

Linac Coherent Light Source

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Eindhoven Symposium 28/03/08

Europe’s Answer: XFEL in 2015

1 G euro project

20 GeV 0.1 nm

UK unable to join !

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Professor Mike Poole Free Electron Lasers

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UK Developments

  UK has been a world leader in advanced radiation sources

  R&D concentrated at Daresbury Laboratory

  FEL upgrades - harmonics and seeding

  ALICE and Design Studies

  Proposed National Source (4th Generation)

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 20 March 2002 Liverpool Physics Colloquium M W Poole

Demonstration High Gain Harmonic Generation Experiments

Modulator Period = 8cm Field = 0.16T

L = 76cm

Radiator Period = 3.3cm

Field = 0.4T L = 2m

Dispersive L = 0.3m

Seed 10.6µm

P ~ 0.7MW

HGHG 5.3µm

P ~ 35MW

Exponential growth in gain reaches saturation

Courtesy: L H Yu, BNL, USA

Harmonic Generation

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010

SASE Issues – Seeding Alternative



FLASH, LCLS, XFEL are all SASE machines

Seeding improves beam quality enormously

SASE spectra are very noisy (in time and frequency)

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010

UK Developments – ALICE at Daresbury

Chirped beam compression ~100 fs

FEL included

‘Green’ machine: energy recovery

ALICE = Accelerators and Lasers in Combined Experiments

New vacuum challenges: photocathodes and superconducting RF systems

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Professor Mike Poole Free Electron Lasers

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View of ALICE

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010 Cockcroft PG Education 2009

photoinjector 3rd harmonic cavity

BC1 BC2 BC3 laser heater

accelerating modules





IR/THz undulators

gas filters experimental stations

Electron gun

Superconducting linac 2.2 GeV

3 FELs 50 eV–1 keV

IR undulators synchronised to FELs

Proposed New Light Source (NLS) for the UK

Active STFC/DLS design team produced CDR for May 2010

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010

Compared to 3rd generation storage ring based light sources, FELs can have:

•  104 higher average brightness

•  103-104 shorter pulse length

•  108 higher peak brightness

•  narrower bandwidth

•  full transverse coherence

•  full longitudinal coherence (only if seeded )


The Best Show on Earth ?

M W Poole IOP Teachers’ Conference 1 July 2010


  The Free Electron Laser is a revolutionary source

  It is the 4th Generation development of electron beam driven synchrotron radiation sources

  It is challenging (and expensive) !

  The electron is not really ‘free’

  Is it a laser ? (YES !!)