Laser beam technology

LASER BEAM TECHNOLOGY Done by: P.Dhanush, 1670228, A3. Welcome to the presentation on:


laser beam technology

Transcript of Laser beam technology

Page 1: Laser beam technology


Done by: P.Dhanush, 1670228, A3.

Welcome to the presentation on:

Page 2: Laser beam technology

Introduction Laser beam is defined as light beams propagating

dominantly in one direction. A laser is a device that generates light by a

process called STIMULATED EMISSION The name LASER is an acronym for Light

Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

In 1917, Albert einstein first theorized about the process which makes lasers possible called "Stimulated Emission."

Laser beams often have a small optical bandwidth.

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Some lasers emit continuously, but a laser beam can also consist of a fast sequence of pulses, with many millions or even billions of pulses per second.

A laser beam of visible light with sufficiently high power may be visible when propagating in air, a much brighter spot is seen on that screen, since most of the optical power is scattered at this point.

Laser beams exhibit good focusability and the potential.

It is a powerful light in a straight direction and could be reflected from certain items like glass.

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Uses When a single beam laser cuts with

acceptable speed it generates too much heat damage on the wafer.

To improve the quality of the cut, less laser power has to be applied.

This reduces the cutting speed too much. Multiple beam cutting limits the local heat

load sufficiently while achieving a high material removal rate.

Thus combining a high dicing quality with high speed ..

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Near Field and Far Field of Laser Beams

The near field of a laser beam is understood to be the region around the beam waist.

beam waist, i.e., in a distance from the focus which is large compared with the effective Rayleigh length

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Laser hazards

Acute exposure of the eye to lasers of certain wave lengths and power can cause corneal or retinal burns. Chronic exposure to excessive levels may cause corneal or leniticular opacities or retinal injuries.

Acute exposure to high levels of optical radiation may cause skin burns.

Some lasers require hazardous or toxic subsstances to operate

Most kasers utilize high voltages that can be lethal.

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Laser and eyes What are the effect of laser energy on

eye? 1) Laser light in visible to near

infrared spectrum which can cause damage to the retina resulting in Scotoma.

2) Laser light in the ultravoilent or fae infrared spectrum can cause damage to the camera and to

the lens. Visual disorientation due to retinal

damage may not be apparent to the operator until considerable thermal damage has occurred.

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Control measures

ENGINEERING CONTROLS interlocks Enclosed beam ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Standard operating procedures(SOPs) Training PERSONNEL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT(PPE) Eye protection

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Laser fundamentals

The light emitted from a laser is monochromatic, that is it is of one color/wave length.

Laser emit light that is highly directional, that is , laser light is emmited as a relatively narrow beam in a specific direction. Ordinary bulb

The light from a laser is said to be coherent. These properties of laser makes them

hazardous than ordinary light.

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Laser communication in space has long been a goal for NASA because it would enable data transmission rates that are 10 to 1000 times higher than traditional radio waves. While lasers and radio transmission both teavel at light speed, laser can pack more data. It’s similar to moving from a dial-up internet connection to broadband. Astronomers could use lasers like very accurate rulers to measure the movement of planets with unpreceeding precision.

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