Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification...

FINAL Verification Report for Las Vegas Sands Corp. Monitoring Period: 01-01-2011 - 31-12-2011 Job No: 12030 Verification Team Leader: Danny Kil Verifier(s): Danny Kil Expert(s): n.a. Verification Date(s): 16-04-2012 until 19-04-2012 Standard(s): ISO 14064-3:2006 Scope: Calendar year 2011 scope I and II emissions of LVSC in Las Vegas, which is defined as The Venetian, The Palazzo Hotel and Casinos, and The Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas Nevada. Verification - in accordance with ISO14064-3:2006 - to confirm to senior management and external stakeholders (e.g. the Carbon Disclosure Project) that the GHG assertion is correct and adequately supported by documentation and records. This report was presented to and accepted by: Name Katarina Tesarova Title Executive Director Global Sustainability (LVSC) Date 10-05-2012

Transcript of Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification...

Page 1: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which

FINAL Verification Report


Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Monitoring Period: 01-01-2011 - 31-12-2011

Job No: 12030 Verif ication Team Leader: Danny Ki l Verif ier(s): Danny Ki l Expert(s): n.a. Verif ication Date(s): 16-04-2012 unt i l 19-04-2012 Standard(s): ISO 14064-3:2006 Scope: Calendar year 2011 scope I and I I emissions

of LVSC in Las Vegas, which is def ined as The Venet ian, The Palazzo Hotel and Casinos, and The Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas Nevada. Veri f icat ion - in accordance with ISO14064-3:2006 - to conf i rm to senior management and external stakeholders (e.g. the Carbon Disclosure Project) that the GHG assert ion is correct and adequately supported by documentat ion and records.

This report was presented to and accepted by: Name Katar ina Tesarova Tit le Execut ive Director Global Sustainabi l i ty (LVSC) Date 10-05-2012

Page 2: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

Date of f i rs t i ssue: 09-05-2012 Approved by: Tanya Kuchukova Cl ient : Las Vegas Sands Corp . Summary: Las Vegas Sands Corp . (LVSC)Group) to car r y ou t t he Carbon Footpr in t Cer t i f i ca t ion accord ing to the in te rnStandard ISO 14064-3 fo r the per iod The ta rge t o f the ve r i f i ca t ion is t o p roo f the ca lcu la ted annua l carbon foo tpr in t o f LVSC by an independent bod y. B y es tab l ish ing the carbon foo tp r in t o f the gu ide l i nes o f the Greenhouse Gas Pro toco l , po ten t ia l sav ings o f em iss ions can be ident i f ied and reduc t ion e f fo r ts de term ined. 2011 scope I and scope I I em iss ions o f i t s opera t ionsas The Venet ian , The Pa lazzo Hote l and Cas inos , and Vegas Nevada. Accord ing to ISO 14064 the " leve l o f assurance"e lec ted . The m ater ia l i t y was se t to ta rge t pos i t ion . By m eans o f docum ent rev iew and ver i f i ca t ion aud i ts car r ied ou t by prem ises of the c l ien t i t i s ver i f ied tha t requ i rem ents o f the in te rna t iona l S tandard ISO 14064. Ac t ing as an independent t h i rd par t y com pany’s carbon foo tpr in t o f the year

to be

28,372 t CO 2 eq (scope 1) cons ider ing a l l re levant and s ign i f ican t GHG sources .

Report no . : 12030 v1

Subject Group:Corpora te Carbon Footpr in t ver i f i ca t ion

Report T i t le : Ver i f i ca t ion o f LVSC 2011 scope I and opera t ions in Las Vegas , wh ich is de f ined as The Venet ian , Pa lazzo Hote l and Cas inos , and Vegas Nevada. Work carr ied out by: TÜV UK L td Work ver i f ied by: Danny K i l

Rev is ion date: 09-05-2012

Rev. no . : 1


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


Page 2 of 28 Uncontrolled when printed

Project Number: 12030 Organisat iona l Uni t : TÜV UK L td Cl ient ref : VCR Cont rac t No. 12-103

Las Vegas Sands Corp . (LVSC) has comm iss ioned TÜV UK L td (m em ber o f TUV Nord to car r y ou t t he Carbon Footpr in t Cer t i f i ca t ion accord ing to the in te rn

3 fo r the per iod 01-01 -2011 - 31-12-2011.

The ta rge t o f the ve r i f i ca t ion is t o p roo f the ca lcu la ted annua l carbon foo tpr in t o f by an independent bod y. B y es tab l ish ing the carbon foo tp r in t o f

the gu ide l i nes o f the Greenhouse Gas Pro toco l , po ten t ia l sav ings o f em iss ions can be reduc t ion e f fo r ts de term ined. The Cer t i f i ca t ion encom passe

scope I I em iss ions o f i t s opera t ions in Las Vegas , wh ich is de f ined Pa lazzo Hote l and Cas inos , and The Sands Expo Center in Las

Accord ing to ISO 14064 the " leve l o f assurance"-e lec ted . The m ater ia l i t y was se t to 5% by the ver i f ie r in accordance wi th

By m eans o f docum ent rev iew and ver i f i ca t ion aud i ts car r ied ou t by the c l ien t i t i s ver i f ied tha t LVSC wi th in the chosen boundar y m eets the

te rna t iona l S tandard ISO 14064.

t h i rd par t y Cer t i f i ca t ion Bod y, TÜV UK L tdcarbon foo tpr in t o f the year


eq (scope 1) and 137,094 t CO 2 eq (scope 2)

cons ider ing a l l re levant and s ign i f ican t GHG sources .

Subject Group: Corpora te Carbon Footpr in t ver i f i ca t ion

2011 scope I and scope I I em iss ions o f i t s in Las Vegas , wh ich is de f ined as The Venet ian , The

Pa lazzo Hote l and Cas inos , and The Sands Expo Center in Las


Danny K i l

Rev. no . : Number of pages: 28


Revision: 1

Uncontrolled when printed


(m em ber o f TUV Nord to car r y ou t t he Carbon Footpr in t Cer t i f i ca t ion accord ing to the in te rna t iona l

The ta rge t o f the ve r i f i ca t ion is t o p roo f the ca lcu la ted annua l carbon foo tpr in t o f by an independent bod y. B y es tab l ish ing the carbon foo tp r in t o f LVSC based on

the gu ide l i nes o f the Greenhouse Gas Pro toco l , po ten t ia l sav ings o f em iss ions can be encom passes LVSC’s

in Las Vegas , wh ich is de f ined Sands Expo Center in Las

- Reasonab le - was by the ver i f ie r in accordance wi th t he g i ven

By m eans o f docum ent rev iew and ver i f i ca t ion aud i ts car r ied ou t by TÜV UK in the w i th in the chosen boundar y m eets the

TÜV UK L td has ver i f ied the

eq (scope 2)

No d is t r ibu t ion

w i thout perm iss ion f rom the C l ien t

L im i ted d is t r ibu t ion

Unres t r ic ted d is t r ibu t ion

Page 3: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

Table of Content








4.1 F I N D I N G S I D E N T I F I E D D

4.2 F I N D I N G S I D E N T I F I E D D


5.1 O R G A N I Z A T I O N A L AP P R O A C H A N D

5.2 GR E E N H O U S E GA S E S

5 .3 SY S T E M B O U N D A R Y

5 .4 CA L C U L A T I O N O F T H E G

5.5 RE P O R T I N G

5 .6 RE S U L T S

5 .7 UN C E R T A I N T Y A S S E S S M E N T






Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


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I N D I N G S I D E N T I F I E D D U R I N G T H E A U D I T O N 16-04-2012 A T LVSC

I N D I N G S I D E N T I F I E D D U R I N G T H E A U D I T O N 18-04-2012 A T LVSC









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Page 4: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

ABBREVIATIONS CAR Correct ive Act ion Request CR Clar i f icat ion Request FAR Forward Act ion Request CO2 Carbon dioxide CO2eq Carbon dioxide equivalent CP Cert i f icat ion Program GHG Greenhouse G


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


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Correct ive Act ion Request

Clar i f icat ion Request

Forward Act ion Request

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide equivalent

Cert i f icat ion Program



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Uncontrolled when printed

Page 5: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

1. INTRODUCTION Ver i f icat ion is a systemat ic, independent and documented process for the

evaluat ion of a greenhouse gas assert ion against agreed ver i f icat ion

cr i ter ia. Veri f icat ion typical ly occurs af ter the emissions have take

and histor ical data and calculat ions can be ver i f ied. Veri f icat ions typical ly

focus on assessment of data, calculat ions processes, and contro ls and

are meant to determine GHG assert ions are accurate, complete,

consistent , re levant and t ransparent . T

data and the contro ls surrounding the data in order to provide assurance

that there are no mater ia l

what actual ly occurred.

As per the requirements of ISO 14064

(proponent) and the ver i f ier must agree on the ver i f icat ion object ives,

scope, cr i ter ia and level of assurance.

This ver i f icat ion report :

- Is conform to ISO 14064

- Includes a s igned Veri f icat ion Statement,

- Is prepared by an independent

- Provides detai ls on how conf l ic t of in terest issues are managed or

mit igated,

- Demonstrates that the ver i f icat ion body is competent to perform the

ver i f icat ion of the organisat ional GHG informat ion that includes the

GHG data, assert ion and calc

- Veri f ies the GHG informat ion to a

including al l GHG Assert ion(s) and calculat ions.


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


Page 5 of 28 Uncontrolled when printed

Veri f icat ion is a systemat ic, independent and documented process for the

evaluat ion of a greenhouse gas assert ion against agreed ver i f icat ion

cr i ter ia. Veri f icat ion typical ly occurs af ter the emissions have take

and histor ical data and calculat ions can be ver i f ied. Veri f icat ions typical ly

focus on assessment of data, calculat ions processes, and contro ls and

are meant to determine GHG assert ions are accurate, complete,

consistent , re levant and t ransparent . The ver i f icat ion process tests the

data and the contro ls surrounding the data in order to provide assurance

that there are no mater ia l d iscrepancies between what is

As per the requirements of ISO 14064-3:2006, a project

(proponent) and the ver i f ier must agree on the ver i f icat ion object ives,

scope, cr i ter ia and level of assurance.

conform to ISO 14064-3:2006,

ncludes a s igned Veri f icat ion Statement,

s prepared by an independent th ird-party,

rovides detai ls on how conf l ic t of in terest issues are managed or

emonstrates that the ver i f icat ion body is competent to perform the

ver i f icat ion of the organisat ional GHG informat ion that includes the

GHG data, assert ion and calculat ions,

er i f ies the GHG informat ion to a Reasonable Level of assurance,

including al l GHG Assert ion(s) and calculat ions.


Revision: 1

Uncontrolled when printed

Veri f icat ion is a systemat ic, independent and documented process for the

evaluat ion of a greenhouse gas assert ion against agreed ver i f icat ion

cr i ter ia. Veri f icat ion typical ly occurs af ter the emissions have taken place

and histor ical data and calculat ions can be ver i f ied. Veri f icat ions typical ly

focus on assessment of data, calculat ions processes, and contro ls and

are meant to determine GHG assert ions are accurate, complete,

he ver i f icat ion process tests the

data and the contro ls surrounding the data in order to provide assurance

is c la imed and

, a project developer

(proponent) and the ver i f ier must agree on the ver i f icat ion object ives,

rovides detai ls on how conf l ic t of in terest issues are managed or

emonstrates that the ver i f icat ion body is competent to perform the

ver i f icat ion of the organisat ional GHG informat ion that includes the

Level of assurance,

Page 6: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

In addi t ion the ver i f ier has establ ished the mater ia l i ty threshold required

by the intended users whi le consider ing the parameters

upon with the c l ient . ISO 14064

and an extensive informat ive annex to help guide the c l ient and the

ver i f ier through the ver i f icat ion process.

ISO 14064-3:2006 requires that the pr incip les of independence, eth ical

conduct , due professional care, and fa ir presentat ion be fo l lowed.

Therefore conf l ic t of in terest has been addressed pr ior to

ver i f icat ion process.

Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC

to carry out the ver i f icat ion of the GHG emission inventory of

2011 scope I and I I emissions in Las Vegas, which is def ined as The

Venet ian, The Palazzo Hotel and Casinos, and

The ver i f icat ion of the GHG emissions inventory is based on the Report

“LVS GHG Report” / G H G R

veri f ier has reviewed the GHG data col lected for the per iod between

01-2011 and 31-12-2011

1.1 VERIFICATION OBJECTIVE The object ives of the ver i f icat ion are as fo l lowing:

1. To conf i rm data, contro ls and processes support ing the GHG assert ion

as presented by Carbon Solut ions Americ

2. To conf i rm that the GHG assert ion is in conformance with the

requirements and pr incip les of WRI 's Corporate GHG Protocol and

Cl imate Registry’s General Report ing Protocol and are

mater ia l d iscrepancies.

3. To obtain the maximum marks for the v

Disclosure Project ’s 2011 Onl ine Response System.


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


Page 6 of 28 Uncontrolled when printed

In addi t ion the ver i f ier has establ ished the mater ia l i ty threshold required

by the intended users whi le consider ing the parameters

upon with the c l ient . ISO 14064-3:2006 provides a set of requirements

and an extensive informat ive annex to help guide the c l ient and the

ver i f ier through the ver i f icat ion process.

requires that the pr incip les of independence, eth ical

conduct , due professional care, and fa ir presentat ion be fo l lowed.

Therefore conf l ic t of in terest has been addressed pr ior to

Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC) has commissioned TÜV UK Ltd

to carry out the ver i f icat ion of the GHG emission inventory of

2011 scope I and I I emissions in Las Vegas, which is def ined as The

Palazzo Hotel and Casinos, and The Sands Expo Center

The ver i f icat ion of the GHG emissions inventory is based on the Report G H G R / prepared by Carbon Solut ions America

reviewed the GHG data col lected for the per iod between



The object ives of the ver i f icat ion are as fo l lowing:

To conf i rm data, contro ls and processes support ing the GHG assert ion

as presented by Carbon Solut ions America on behalf of

To conf i rm that the GHG assert ion is in conformance with the

requirements and pr incip les of WRI 's Corporate GHG Protocol and

Cl imate Registry’s General Report ing Protocol and are

mater ia l d iscrepancies.

To obtain the maximum marks for the ver i f icat ion sect ion in the Carbon

Disclosure Project ’s 2011 Onl ine Response System.


Revision: 1

Uncontrolled when printed

In addi t ion the ver i f ier has establ ished the mater ia l i ty threshold required

by the intended users whi le consider ing the parameters a lready agreed

provides a set of requirements

and an extensive informat ive annex to help guide the c l ient and the

requires that the pr incip les of independence, eth ical

conduct , due professional care, and fa ir presentat ion be fo l lowed.

Therefore conf l ic t of in terest has been addressed pr ior to commencing the


to carry out the ver i f icat ion of the GHG emission inventory of LVSC's

2011 scope I and I I emissions in Las Vegas, which is def ined as The

Sands Expo Center.

The ver i f icat ion of the GHG emissions inventory is based on the Report

Carbon Solut ions America. The

reviewed the GHG data col lected for the per iod between 01-

To conf i rm data, contro ls and processes support ing the GHG assert ion

a on behalf of LVSC.

To conf i rm that the GHG assert ion is in conformance with the

requirements and pr incip les of WRI 's Corporate GHG Protocol and

Cl imate Registry’s General Report ing Protocol and are without

er i f icat ion sect ion in the Carbon

Page 7: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

1.2 SCOPE The ver i f icat ion is based on: (1) the report “

prepared by Carbon Solut ions America

the ver if icat ion audits carr ied out in

Casinos, and The Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas Nevad

support ing documents handed over to the ver i f iers as wel l as

informat ion received by means of in terviews and background

invest igat ion.

As shown in the enclosed diagram

in 3 countr ies. For th is ver i f icat ion only the scope 1 and scope 2

Emissions of the Las Vegas operat ions The Venet ian,

Casinos, and the Sands

audited which are h ighl ighted below


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


Page 7 of 28 Uncontrolled when printed

The ver i f icat ion is based on: (1) the report “LVS GHG

Carbon Solut ions America, (2) monitor ing per iod 2011, (3

the ver if icat ion audits carr ied out in The Venet ian, The Palazzo Hotel and

he Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas Nevad

support ing documents handed over to the ver i f iers as wel l as

informat ion received by means of in terviews and background

As shown in the enclosed diagram LVSC’s tota l operat ions

is ver i f icat ion only the scope 1 and scope 2

Emissions of the Las Vegas operat ions The Venet ian, Palazzo Hotel and

Casinos, and the Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas Nevada have been

which are h ighl ighted below.


Revision: 1

Uncontrolled when printed

LVS GHG Report” / G H G R/

(2) monitor ing per iod 2011, (3)

Palazzo Hotel and

he Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas Nevada, (4)

support ing documents handed over to the ver i f iers as wel l as (5)

in format ion received by means of in terviews and background

tota l operat ions include 6 s i tes

is ver i f icat ion only the scope 1 and scope 2 GHG

Palazzo Hotel and

Expo Center in Las Vegas Nevada have been

Page 8: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

S o u r c e : Ow n e r s h i p S t r u c t u r e - L V S G H G I nv e n t o r y P r o p e r t i e s

The documents and informat ion are reviewed against the requirements

and cr i ter ia mentioned below.

approach in the ver i f icat ion, focusing on the ident if icat ion of s ignif icant

r isks and re l iabi l i ty of the monitor ing and report ing.

The ver i f icat ion is carr ied out on th

3:2006 specif icat ion with guidance for the ver i f icat ion of greenhouse gas

assert ions, under specia l considerat ion of :

• TÜV UK Verif icat ion Process (QA019)

• WRI/ WBCSD Corporate

Al l in format ion gathered throughout the ver i f icat ion process wi l l be

t reated conf ident ial ly by a l l team members of TUV.

1 .3 MATERIALITY Materia l i ty thresholds are of ten used to guide the

mater ia l i ty in order to promote consistency with in programs

omissions or misinterpretat ions that af fect the GHG assert ion could

inf luence the intended user

For d iscrepancies where a numerical impact

quant i tat ive mater ia l i ty threshold of

upon with the c l ient .

Where d iscrepancies that ef fect the GHG assert ion could not

quant if ied, mater ia l i ty thresholds are not re levant and i t is the ver i f ier’s

judgement cal l whether a decis ion taken by the c l ient was r ight or wrong.


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


Page 8 of 28 Uncontrolled when printed

L V S G H G I nv e n t o r y P r o p e r t i e s - V 2 as r ec e i v e d d i

The documents and informat ion are reviewed against the requirements

and cr i ter ia mentioned below. TÜV UK has employed a r isk

approach in the ver i f icat ion, focusing on the ident if icat ion of s ignif icant

r isks and re l iabi l i ty of the monitor ing and report ing.

The ver i f icat ion is carr ied out on the basis of the standard ISO 14064

pecif icat ion with guidance for the ver i f icat ion of greenhouse gas

assert ions, under specia l considerat ion of :

TÜV UK Verif icat ion Process (QA019)

Corporate Greenhouse Gas Protocol

gathered throughout the ver i f icat ion process wi l l be

t reated conf ident ial ly by a l l team members of TUV.

Mater ia l i ty thresholds are of ten used to guide the ver i f ier ’s

mater ia l i ty in order to promote consistency with in programs

omissions or misinterpretat ions that af fect the GHG assert ion could

inf luence the intended user’s decis ions.

iscrepancies where a numerical impact was able to be ident if ied

quant i tat ive mater ia l i ty threshold of 5% has been appl ied and agreed

that ef fect the GHG assert ion could not

, mater ia l i ty thresholds are not re levant and i t is the ver i f ier’s

cal l whether a decis ion taken by the c l ient was r ight or wrong.


Revision: 1

Uncontrolled when printed

d i r e c t l y f r o m L V S C .

The documents and informat ion are reviewed against the requirements

has employed a r isk-based

approach in the ver i f icat ion, focusing on the ident if icat ion of s ignif icant

is of the standard ISO 14064-

pecif icat ion with guidance for the ver i f icat ion of greenhouse gas

gathered throughout the ver i f icat ion process wi l l be

ver i f ier ’s judgement on

mater ia l i ty in order to promote consistency with in programs. Errors,

omissions or misinterpretat ions that af fect the GHG assert ion could

able to be ident if ied a

has been appl ied and agreed

that ef fect the GHG assert ion could not easi ly be

, mater ia l i ty thresholds are not re levant and i t is the ver i f ier’s

cal l whether a decis ion taken by the c l ient was r ight or wrong.

Page 9: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

1.4 VERIFICATION PLAN A prel iminary review before embarking on the ver i f icat ion ensured that :

- there is a c lear understanding of the nature, scale and complexi ty of

the ver i f icat ion act ivi ty to

- the ver i f ier is competent in the

as the GHG data, types of GHG and i ts sources and informat ion

management systems,

Af ter establ ishing the ver i f icat ion fundamentals p

ver i f icat ion p lan, the ver i f ier

conference cal ls and receiv

database. The ver i f ier has used a r isk

ver i f icat ion. Relevant sources an

omissions and misinterpretat ions for further ver i f icat ion

been assessed. The fo l lowing categories of potent ial errors, omissions

and misinterpretat ions were assessed:

- Inherent r isk; r isk of mater ia l d is

the complexi ty of the ver i f icat ion and tasks being performed

- Contro l r isk; r isk that the contro ls of the organisat ion wi l l not

prevent or detect a mater ia l d iscrepancy;

- Detect ion r isk; r isk that the ver i f ier wi l l not dete

discrepancy that has not been corrected by the contro ls of the

organisat ion.

From the r isk assessment a val idat ion p lan and sampl ing p lan has been

developed to ensure r isks are appropriate ly contro l led.


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


Page 9 of 28 Uncontrolled when printed


A prel iminary review before embarking on the ver i f icat ion ensured that :

there is a c lear understanding of the nature, scale and complexi ty of

the ver i f icat ion act ivi ty to be undertaken by the ver i f ier,

the ver i f ier is competent in the c l ient ’s industry re lated areas such

as the GHG data, types of GHG and i ts sources and informat ion

management systems,

Af ter establ ishing the ver i f icat ion fundamentals pr ior to deve

, the ver i f ier engaged with the c l ient through several

received their f inal draf t GHG report , assert ion and

has used a r isk-based approach for conduct ing the

sources and the magnitude of potent ia l errors,

omissions and misinterpretat ions for further ver i f icat ion

. The fo l lowing categories of potent ial errors, omissions

and misinterpretat ions were assessed:

nherent r isk; r isk of mater ia l d iscrepancy occurr ing associated with

the complexi ty of the ver i f icat ion and tasks being performed

ontro l r isk; r isk that the contro ls of the organisat ion wi l l not

prevent or detect a mater ia l d iscrepancy;

etect ion r isk; r isk that the ver i f ier wi l l not dete

discrepancy that has not been corrected by the contro ls of the

From the r isk assessment a val idat ion p lan and sampl ing p lan has been

developed to ensure r isks are appropriate ly contro l led.


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A prel iminary review before embarking on the ver i f icat ion ensured that :

there is a c lear understanding of the nature, scale and complexi ty of

be undertaken by the ver i f ier,

c l ient ’s industry re lated areas such

as the GHG data, types of GHG and i ts sources and informat ion

r ior to developing the

engaged with the c l ient through several

ed their f inal draf t GHG report , assert ion and

based approach for conduct ing the

d the magnitude of potent ia l errors,

omissions and misinterpretat ions for further ver i f icat ion act ivi t ies have

. The fo l lowing categories of potent ial errors, omissions

crepancy occurr ing associated with

the complexi ty of the ver i f icat ion and tasks being performed

ontro l r isk; r isk that the contro ls of the organisat ion wi l l not

etect ion r isk; r isk that the ver i f ier wi l l not detect any mater ial

d iscrepancy that has not been corrected by the contro ls of the

From the r isk assessment a val idat ion p lan and sampl ing p lan has been

Page 10: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

2. VERIFICATION TEAM The ver i f icat ion was conducted by:

- Danny Ki l

The f inal report was ver i f ied by:

- Andrew Marlow (Peer Review) and T

Table 2.1: Involved Personnel

Name Company

Mr. Ms.

Danny Kil TÜV UK

Mr. Ms.

Tanja Kuchukova


Mr. Ms.

Andrew Marlow


1) TL: Team Leader; TM: Team Member, 2) GHG Auditor Status: LV: Lead Verifier3) As per S01-MU03 or S01-VA070 A2

3. METHODOLOGY The ver i f icat ion was carr ied out f rom

the fo l lowing steps:

- Review of documentat ion

- Veri f icat ion audits

- Background invest igat ion

- Correct ive Act ion assessment

- Veri f icat ion report ing.


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


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was conducted by:

The f inal report was ver i f ied by:

Andrew Marlow (Peer Review) and Tanja Kuchukova (Final Approval)

Involved Personnel




n 1









s 2







r c













e 3

) V LV N.A.



TL: Team Leader; TM: Team Member, PR: Peer review; OT: Observer-Team; OR: Observer

Verifier; V: Verifier; SV: Senior Verifier; T: Trainee; TE: Technical Expert

The ver i f icat ion was carr ied out f rom Apri l to May 2012

eview of documentat ion

Background invest igat ion

Correct ive Act ion assessment

Veri f icat ion report ing.


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(Final Approval)





















Team; OR: Observer-PR; FA: Final approval

Technical Expert

2012. I t consisted of

Page 11: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

Review of documentat ion: The desk review included the documentat ion

provided by the c l ient pr ior, dur ing and af ter the ver i f icat ion

fo l lowing documents have been reviewed:

- Report “LVS GHG Report

- Vegas Analyses (spreadsheet with a l l

Solut ions America / V A /

- Ownership Structure -

- Schemat ic overview of s i te

Addit ional ly, several support ing documents and evidences provided by the

c l ient to support the chosen approach and f igures have been reviewed. A

detai led l is t of a l l reviewed documents ca


Veri f icat ion audits: The ver i f icat ion audits were carr ied out

wi th the ver i f icat ion p lan (ann

- 16-04-2012 unt i l 19-04

The fo l lowing table (3-1) l is ts the people who part ic ipated in the d if ferent audi ts.


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


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Review of documentat ion: The desk review included the documentat ion

by the c l ient pr ior, dur ing and af ter the ver i f icat ion

have been reviewed:

HG Report” / G H G R/ ,

Vegas Analyses (spreadsheet with a l l ca lculat ion prepared/

- LVS GHG Inventory Propert ies -V2

Schemat ic overview of s i te - Execut ive Summary Plans

Addit ional ly, several support ing documents and evidences provided by the

c l ient to support the chosen approach and f igures have been reviewed. A

detai led l is t of a l l reviewed documents can be found in chapter

Veri f icat ion audits: The ver i f icat ion audits were carr ied out

wi th the ver i f icat ion p lan (annex I I ) on:

04-2012 in the premises of LVSC in

1) l is ts the people who part ic ipated in the d if ferent


Revision: 1

Uncontrolled when printed

Review of documentat ion: The desk review included the documentat ion

by the c l ient pr ior, dur ing and af ter the ver i f icat ion audit . The

prepared by Carbon

V2 / I P /

Execut ive Summary Plans / E S P /

Addit ional ly, several support ing documents and evidences provided by the

c l ient to support the chosen approach and f igures have been reviewed. A

n be found in chapter

Veri f icat ion audits: The ver i f icat ion audits were carr ied out in accordance

in Las Vegas

1) l is ts the people who part ic ipated in the d if ferent

Page 12: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

Table 3-1 : Interviewed persons and interview topics

In te rv iewed Persons /Ent i t i es


- R ish i T i rupar i - Pro jec t Manager Sus ta inab i l i t y (LVSC) - Jenny "Q in" Yu - D i r ec tor G loba l Sus ta inab i l i t y (LVSC) - John Hess - Execu t i ve D i rec tor o f Eng ineer ing (LVSC) - Katar ina Tesarova - Execut i ve G loba l Sus ta inab i l i t y (LVSC)- Mand y Mar t in - Manager G loba l Sus ta inab i l i t y (LVSC) - Chat Chat te r jee - V ice Pres ident G loba l Per fo rm ance (LVSC) - Sh i r le y Au l t - Sr . F inanc ia l Ana l ys t Fac i l i t ies (LVSC) - Ron Dress le r - (Cent ra l ) P lan t Manager (LVSC) - J im A lbers - Ass is tan t Ch ie f Eng ineer (LVSC) - Mat t Z i rke lbach - V ice Pres ident (Carbon So lu t ions Am er ica) - Jonathan Brewer - Techn ica l D i rec tor LEED AP (Carbon So lu t ions Am er ica) Background invest igat ion:

background invest igat ions regarding appl icable calculat ion approaches,

emission factors, re levant boundary condit ions etc. were carr ied out in

order to p lausib ly assess and / or ver i fy the reported data.

Correct ive Act ion assessment: On the basis of the desk review, evidences

presented dur ing the audits as wel l as f rom the background invest igat ion

necessary correct ive act ion requests (CAR) as wel l as forward act ion

requests (FAR) were ra ised dur ing the ve

a revised carbon footpr int determinat ion calculat ion as wel l as a revised

documentat ion report . Al l revised documentat ion was re

raised correct ive act ion requests could be c losed out.


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


Page 12 of 28 Uncontrolled when printed

: Interviewed persons and interview topics

In te rv iewed Persons / In te rv iew top ics

2012 – 19-04-2012 a t LVSC in Las Vegas

Pro jec t Manager

D i r ec tor G loba l

Execu t i ve D i rec tor o f

Execut i ve D i rec tor G loba l Sus ta inab i l i t y (LVSC)

Manager G loba l

V ice Pres ident G loba l

Sr . F inanc ia l Ana l ys t -

(Cent ra l ) P lan t Manager

Ass is tan t Ch ie f Eng ineer

V ice Pres ident (Carbon

Techn ica l D i rec tor - LEED AP (Carbon So lu t ions Am er ica)

- Ver i f i ca t ion o f the Carbon Footpr in t ca lcu la t ion inc l . f undam enta ls , p rocess .

- Carbon D isc losure Pro jec t (CDP)- GHG Data (co l lec t ion )- Ca lcu la t ion o f em iss ions approach

inc lud ing G loba l W arm ing Potent ia l and em iss ion Fac tors

- Data background/ F ram ework- Data aggregat ion and i l lus t ra t ion- Energ y consum pt ion- E lec t r ic i t y i nvo ices / e lec t r ic i t y

p rov ider - Natura l Gas invo ices / gas prov ider- Meter read ings and ca l i b ra t ion

cer t i f i ca tes - Fue l consum pt ion (mob i le and

s ta t ionary) - Ref r igerants usage- Accurac ies , da ta uncer ta in t ies

Background invest igat ion: Pr ior, in between and af ter the ver i f icat ion audits

background invest igat ions regarding appl icable calculat ion approaches,

emission factors, re levant boundary condit ions etc. were carr ied out in

order to p lausib ly assess and / or ver i fy the reported data.

Correct ive Act ion assessment: On the basis of the desk review, evidences

presented dur ing the audits as wel l as f rom the background invest igat ion

necessary correct ive act ion requests (CAR) as wel l as forward act ion

requests (FAR) were ra ised dur ing the ver i f icat ion. The cl ient has provided

a revised carbon footpr int determinat ion calculat ion as wel l as a revised

documentat ion report . Al l revised documentat ion was re-

ra ised correct ive act ion requests could be c losed out.


Revision: 1

Uncontrolled when printed

In te rv iew top ics

LVSC in Las Vegas

Ver i f i ca t ion o f the Carbon Footpr in t i nc l . f undam enta ls ,

Carbon D isc losure Pro jec t (CDP) (co l lec t ion )

Ca lcu la t ion o f em iss ions approach inc lud ing G loba l W arm ing Potent ia l and em iss ion Fac tors Data background/ F ram ework Data aggregat ion and i l lus t ra t ion Energ y consum pt ion

ec t r ic i t y i nvo ices / e lec t r ic i t y

Natura l Gas invo ices / gas prov ider s and ca l i b ra t ion

(mob i le and

Ref r igerants usage ( logbooks ) Accurac ies , da ta uncer ta in t ies

Prior, in between and af ter the ver i f icat ion audits

background invest igat ions regarding appl icable calculat ion approaches,

emission factors, re levant boundary condit ions etc. were carr ied out in

order to p lausib ly assess and / or ver i fy the reported data.

Correct ive Act ion assessment: On the basis of the desk review, evidences

presented dur ing the audits as wel l as f rom the background invest igat ion

necessary correct ive act ion requests (CAR) as wel l as forward act ion

r i f icat ion. The cl ient has provided

a revised carbon footpr int determinat ion calculat ion as wel l as a revised

-assessed and al l

Page 13: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

4. VERIFICATION FINDI 4.1 Findings identif ied during the audit on Table 4-1 : Overview f indingsTop ic #







g 1

C lass i f i ca t ionF ind ings

Cor rec t ive Ac t ion

Conc lus ion

Top ic #







g 2

C lass i f i ca t ionF ind ings

Cor rec t ive Ac t ion

Conc lus ion


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


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identif ied during the audit on 16-04-2012

Overview f indings

C lass i f i ca t ion CAR FAR F ind ings Cur ren t l y e lec t r ic i t y i nvo ices are ra ised

between 20 t h and 31 s t every m onth . S ince m eter read ings are au tom at ica l l y t aken on a da i l y ( every 15 m inutes ) bas is i t ito ge t i nvo ices ra ised on the las t o f every m onth to avo id hav ing to da ta (wh ich is requ i red b y the C l im ate reg is t r y) .

Cor rec t ive Ac t ion John Hess to d iscuss w i th u t i l i t y p rov ider to s t ream l ine invo ic ing .

Conc lus ion To be checked dur ing nex t ver i f i ca t ion Appropr ia te ac t ion was taken Appropr ia te ac t ion was not t aken

C lass i f i ca t ion CAR FAR F ind ings W hen ver i f y ing m eter . . .388 and . . . 657 a

d isc repanc y o f respec t ive l y 3 .0 the repor ted da ta versus ac tua l da ta

Cor rec t ive Ac t ion Cor rec t the da ta in the cor respond ing spreadsheets and update the f ina l asser t ion (scope 2) .

Conc lus ion To be checked dur ing nex t ver i f i ca t ion Appropr ia te ac t ion was taken Appropr ia te ac t ion was not t aken


Revision: 1

Uncontrolled when printed

2012 at LVSC

CR None Cur ren t l y e lec t r ic i t y i nvo ices are ra ised

every m onth . S ince m eter read ings are au tom at ica l l y t aken on a

bas is i t i s p re fer red sed on the las t o r f i r s t day

every m onth to avo id hav ing to p rora te the da ta (wh ich is requ i red b y the C l im ate

John Hess to d iscuss w i th u t i l i t y p rov ider to

To be checked dur ing nex t ver i f i ca t ion Appropr ia te ac t ion was taken Appropr ia te ac t ion was not t aken

CR None W hen ver i f y ing m eter . . .388 and . . . 657 a d isc repanc y o f respec t ive l y 3 .0 and 6 .5% w i th

ver sus ac tua l da ta .

Cor rec t the da ta in the cor respond ing spreadsheets and update the f ina l asser t ion

To be checked dur ing nex t ver i f i ca t ion Appropr ia te ac t ion was taken Appropr ia te ac t ion was not t aken

Page 14: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

4.2 Findings identif ied during the audit on Table 4-2: Overview f indingsTop ic #







g 1

C lass i f i ca t ionF ind ings

Cor rec t ive Ac t ion

Conc lus ion


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


Page 14 of 28 Uncontrolled when printed

Findings identif ied during the audit on 18-04-2012

Overview f indings

C lass i f i ca t ion CAR FAR F ind ings Ref . re f r igerant R134A; the to ta l ac tua l usage

o f re f r igerant (2 ,125 Lbs ) repor ted usage (1 ,250 Lbs ) .

Cor rec t ive Ac t ion Cor rec t the da ta in the cor respond ing spreadsheets and update the f ina l asser t ion (scope 1)

Conc lus ion To be checked dur ing nex t ver i f i ca t ion Appropr ia te ac t ion was taken Appropr ia te ac t ion was not t aken


Revision: 1

Uncontrolled when printed

2012 at LVSC

CR None Ref . re f r igerant R134A; the to ta l ac tua l usage

is no t in l ine wi th (1 ,250 Lbs ) .

Cor rec t the da ta in the cor respond ing spreadsheets and update the f ina l asser t ion

To be checked dur ing nex t ver i f i ca t ion Appropr ia te ac t ion was taken Appropr ia te ac t ion was not t aken

Page 15: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

5 . VERIFICATION RESULTS 5.1 Organizational Approach and Boundary Definit ion LVSC has decided and documented which organizat ional boundary

approach i t appl ies. For th is

encompasses LVSC’s The Venet ian,

The Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas Nevad

the GHG inventory of these operat ions

the Voluntary Report ing Program

Solut ions America.

5.2 Greenhouse Gases Al l Kyoto GHG emissions (CO

considered and converted into CO

potent ia ls of the UNFCCC) as per the requirements of

Greenhouse Gas Protocol .

5.3 System boundary According to the TÜV UK Veri f icat ion Procedure (QA019)

ident if ied a l l sources of GHG emi

categorized as Scope 1

covered al l of the business act ivi t ies at the

as descr ibed in the scope

The business act ivi t ies

e lectr ic i ty, heat and air condit ioning and

sources were identi f ied and ver i f ied.


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


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Organizational Approach and Boundary Definit ion

has decided and documented which organizat ional boundary

approach i t appl ies. For th is ver i f icat ion the organizat ional

The Venet ian, The Palazzo Hotel and Casinos, and

he Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas Nevada (see scope).

these operat ions the General Report ing Protocol

the Voluntary Report ing Program of The Cl imate Registry

Greenhouse Gases

All Kyoto GHG emissions (CO2 , CH4 , N2O, SF6 , HFCs and PFCs

considered and converted into CO2eq (by using the latest global warming

potent ia ls of the UNFCCC) as per the requirements of

Greenhouse Gas Protocol .

UK Veri f icat ion Procedure (QA019)

ident if ied a l l sources of GHG emissions re lated to the company act ivi t ies

cope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. GHG emission sources

the business act ivi t ies at the Las Vegas operat ions of LVSC

as descr ibed in the scope.

The business act ivi t ies with in the scope of th is ver i f icat ion

and air condit ioning and use of company owned car. Al l

s were identi f ied and ver i f ied.


Revision: 1

Uncontrolled when printed

Organizational Approach and Boundary Definit ion

has decided and documented which organizat ional boundary

organizat ional boundary

Palazzo Hotel and Casinos, and

(see scope). To determine

General Report ing Protocol for

of The Cl imate Registry by Carbon

and PFCs) have been

eq (by using the latest global warming

potent ia ls of the UNFCCC) as per the requirements of ISO 14064-3 and

UK Veri f icat ion Procedure (QA019) the company has

ssions re lated to the company act ivi t ies

GHG emission sources

Las Vegas operat ions of LVSC

with in the scope of th is ver i f icat ion encompass

use of company owned car. Al l

Page 16: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

I t was determined that a l l ident if ied emission sources are contr ibu

>95% to the tota l Scope

emissions sources with in the def ined company boundary are considered.

5.4 Calculation of the Greenhouse Gas Emission The company has selected calculat ion approaches which lead to accurate,

consistent and reproducib le results and minimize uncerta inty. These

quant if icat ion approaches are calculat ions, measurements or combinat ions

of calculat ions and measurements.

were der ived f rom rel iable sources. Al l cross sector and se

defaul t values were ver i f ied by the ver i f ier.

emissions was not ident if ied.

Al l calculat ions presented in the

covering a l l sources as presented by Carbon Solut ions America

checked. In the course of the ver i f icat ion necessary correct ions have been

ident if ied and corresponding revis ions have been carr ied out

required. On the basis of the f inal calculat ion spreadsheets the presented

Carbon Footpr int calculat ion can be

In accordance with ver i f icat ion procedure QA019 the tota l amount of GHG

emissions at t r ibutable to the company act iv i t ies E should be calculated

based on the monitor ing system as per



E: tota l amount of GHG emi

E i : emissions of s ignif icant sources as per the monitor ing system


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


Page 16 of 28 Uncontrolled when printed

I t was determined that a l l ident if ied emission sources are contr ibu

Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions and thus a l l s igni f icant

emissions sources with in the def ined company boundary are considered.

Calculation of the Greenhouse Gas Emission

The company has selected calculat ion approaches which lead to accurate,

reproducib le results and minimize uncerta inty. These

quant if icat ion approaches are calculat ions, measurements or combinat ions

of calculat ions and measurements. Al l parameters l ike emission factors

were der ived f rom rel iable sources. Al l cross sector and se

defaul t values were ver i f ied by the ver i f ier. Double count ing of GHG

emissions was not ident if ied.

Al l calculat ions presented in the greenhouse gas emissions database

as presented by Carbon Solut ions America

checked. In the course of the ver i f icat ion necessary correct ions have been

ident if ied and corresponding revis ions have been carr ied out

. On the basis of the f inal calculat ion spreadsheets the presented

Carbon Footpr int calculat ion can be assessed as re l iable and correct .

In accordance with ver i f icat ion procedure QA019 the tota l amount of GHG

emissions at t r ibutable to the company act iv i t ies E should be calculated

based on the monitor ing system as per


tota l amount of GHG emissions

emissions of s ignif icant sources as per the monitor ing system


Revision: 1

Uncontrolled when printed

I t was determined that a l l ident if ied emission sources are contr ibut ing

emissions and thus a l l s igni f icant

emissions sources with in the def ined company boundary are considered.

The company has selected calculat ion approaches which lead to accurate,

reproducib le results and minimize uncerta inty. These

quant if icat ion approaches are calculat ions, measurements or combinat ions

Al l parameters l ike emission factors

were der ived f rom rel iable sources. Al l cross sector and sector-speci f ic

Double count ing of GHG

greenhouse gas emissions database / V A /

as presented by Carbon Solut ions America have been

checked. In the course of the ver i f icat ion necessary correct ions have been

ident if ied and corresponding revis ions have been carr ied out where

. On the basis of the f inal calculat ion spreadsheets the presented

assessed as re l iable and correct .

In accordance with ver i f icat ion procedure QA019 the tota l amount of GHG

emissions at t r ibutable to the company act iv i t ies E should be calculated

emissions of s ignif icant sources as per the monitor ing system

Page 17: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

Nevertheless, s ince over

act ivi t ies have been accounted for, th is calculat ion approach guarantees

that no underest imat ion of the

sources can take place and thus th is approach is to be assessed as very

conservat ive.

Over 99% of the emissions att r ibutable to the company act ivi t ies have been

ver i f ied ent i re ly (sample s ize 100%) on the basis of q

electr ic i ty invoices (83% of tota l emissions)

of tota l emissions), wi th a very h igh degree of accuracy

sources (e.g. vehic les emission factors) represent ing less than 1% of the

tota l assert ion, could only be determined on the basis of est imat ions or are

based on defaul t values. In th is case however

approaches were appl ied.

For the above-ment ioned reasons

underest imat ion can be

accuracy has been achieved

carbon footpr int is low. Therefore f

to be covered by the appl ied calculat ion

5.5 Reporting For the monitor ing per iod

America on behalf of LVSC

report” / G H G R / . The reported informat ion regarding the GHG emissions are

assessed to be re levant, complete, consistent , t ransparent and accurate.

The GHG emission report

- System boundary for the Carbon Footpr int calculat ion

- Calculat ion approaches


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


Page 17 of 28 Uncontrolled when printed

Nevertheless, s ince over 99% of the emissions at t r ibutable to the company

act ivi t ies have been accounted for, th is calculat ion approach guarantees

that no underest imat ion of the tota l Carbon Footpr int due to neglected

sources can take place and thus th is approach is to be assessed as very

Over 99% of the emissions att r ibutable to the company act ivi t ies have been

ver i f ied ent i re ly (sample s ize 100%) on the basis of quant i tat ive values l ike

(83% of tota l emissions) and natural gas invoices (16%

with a very h igh degree of accuracy.

(e.g. vehic les emission factors) represent ing less than 1% of the

could only be determined on the basis of est imat ions or are

. In th is case however very conservat ive ca

approaches were appl ied.

ment ioned reasons the danger of an emission

underest imat ion can be assessed as very low and a very h igh degree of

has been achieved. Thus the tota l uncerta inty of the determined

Therefore further ef fects of uncerta inty

covered by the appl ied calculat ion approach as descr

For the monitor ing per iod 01-01-2011 – 31-12-2011

America on behalf of LVSC has prepared the report “

The reported informat ion regarding the GHG emissions are

assessed to be re levant, complete, consistent , t ransparent and accurate.

eport(s) includes the fo l lowing re levant inf

System boundary for the Carbon Footpr int calculat ion

Calculat ion approaches


Revision: 1

Uncontrolled when printed

% of the emissions at t r ibutable to the company

act ivi t ies have been accounted for, th is calculat ion approach guarantees

tota l Carbon Footpr int due to neglected

sources can take place and thus th is approach is to be assessed as very

Over 99% of the emissions att r ibutable to the company act ivi t ies have been

uant i tat ive values l ike

natural gas invoices (16%

Several emission

(e.g. vehic les emission factors) represent ing less than 1% of the

could only be determined on the basis of est imat ions or are

very conservat ive calculat ion

he danger of an emission

very h igh degree of

Thus the tota l uncerta inty of the determined

f fects of uncerta inty do not need

approach as descr ibed in QA019.

Carbon Solut ions

has prepared the report “LVS GHG

The reported informat ion regarding the GHG emissions are

assessed to be re levant, complete, consistent , t ransparent and accurate.

includes the fo l lowing re levant informat ion:

Page 18: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

- Descr ipt ion of the def ined monitor ing system

- Descr ipt ion of the data gather ing process

- Methodologies used to calculate or to measure emissions

- Descr ipt ion of emission sou

- Report ing per iod

5.6 Results TÜV UK has ver if ied the source speci f ic emissions as fo l lows:

Table 5-1: GHG Emissions per act ivi ty / emission source

Act ivi t ies / Emission SourceIndirect emissions (Electr ic i ty)Stat ionary combust ion (Natural Gas)Refr igerants Mobi le Combust ion (Vehic les)Stat ionary combust ion (Diesel Emergency Gen.) Sum TÜV UK has ver i f ied LVSC’s

2) in the year 2011 to be

5.7 Uncertainty assessment The uncerta int ies with in the GHG emission inventory can be categorized

into scient i f ic uncerta int ies and est imat ion uncerta int ies.

During the ver i f icat ion i t was

calculat ion l ike global warming

in l ine with latest scient i f ic resul ts. An assessment of uncerta int ies due the

select ion of such parameters was not carr ied out. This is in

current pract ice in a l l comparable GHG ver i f icat ions. Nevertheless in cases

where several approaches

conservat ive one was chosen for


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


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Descript ion of the def ined monitor ing system

Descr ipt ion of the data gather ing process

Methodologies used to calculate or to measure emissions

Descript ion of emission sources and al locat ion of emissions to scopes

has ver if ied the source speci f ic emissions as fo l lows:

GHG Emissions per act ivi ty / emission source Act ivi t ies / Emission Source

Indirect emissions (Electr ic i ty) 137,094.16Stat ionary combust ion (Natural Gas) 26,626.73

1,638.49(Vehic les) 78.92

Stat ionary combust ion (Diesel Emergency Gen.) 27.96 165,466.26

LVSC’s tota l amount of GHG emissions

to be 165,466.26 t CO2 eq.

Uncertainty assessment

The uncerta int ies with in the GHG emission inventory can be categorized

scient i f ic uncerta int ies and est imat ion uncerta int ies.

During the ver i f icat ion i t was assessed that a l l parameters used for the

l ike global warming potent ia ls (GWP) and Emissions factors

in l ine with latest scient i f ic resul ts. An assessment of uncerta int ies due the

such parameters was not carr ied out. This is in

comparable GHG ver i f icat ions. Nevertheless in cases

where several approaches could have been selected, a lways the most

conservat ive one was chosen for calculat ion.


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Methodologies used to calculate or to measure emissions

rces and al locat ion of emissions to scopes

has ver if ied the source speci f ic emissions as fo l lows:


137,094.16 t CO2 eq 26,626.73 t CO2 eq 1,638.49 t CO2 eq 78.92 t CO2 eq 27.96 t CO2 eq

165,466.26 t CO2 eq

tota l amount of GHG emissions (scope 1 and

The uncerta int ies with in the GHG emission inventory can be categorized

assessed that a l l parameters used for the

potent ia ls (GWP) and Emissions factors are

in l ine with latest scient i f ic resul ts. An assessment of uncerta int ies due the

such parameters was not carr ied out. This is in l ine with the

comparable GHG ver i f icat ions. Nevertheless in cases

could have been selected, a lways the most

Page 19: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

6 . VERIFICATION STATEMENT This statement conf i rms that

TÜV UK to carry out the

specif icat ion with guidance for the ver i f ic

assert ions.

I t has been assured that the ver i f ier is t ru ly independent f rom

Sands Corp. the quant if ier and/or agents re lated to the calculat ion of the

GHG informat ion. A conf l ic ts of in terest checkl ist is presented in the

of the ver i f icat ion report .

The object ives of the ver i f icat ion are as fo l lowing:

1. To conf i rm data, contro ls and processes support ing the GHG assert ion

as presented by Carbon Solut ions Americ

2. To conf i rm that the GHG assert ion is in conformance with the

requirements and pr incip les of WRI 's Corporate GHG Protocol and

Cl imate Registry’s General Report ing Protocol and are

mater ia l d iscrepancies.

3. To obtain the maximum marks for the ver i f ica

Disclosure Project ’s 2011 Onl ine Response System.

The ver i f icat ion covers

Venet ian, The Palazzo Hotel

Las Vegas Nevada. Of the

been ident if ied.

By means of document review and ver i f icat ion audits carr ied out by

UK in LVSC premises in Las Vegas

chosen boundary meets the requirements of


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


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This statement conf i rms that Las Vegas Sands Corp. has commissioned

to carry out the ver i f icat ion according to the ISO 14064

pecif icat ion with guidance for the ver i f icat ion of greenhouse gas

I t has been assured that the ver i f ier is t ru ly independent f rom

the quant if ier and/or agents re lated to the calculat ion of the

GHG informat ion. A conf l ic ts of in terest checkl ist is presented in the

of the ver i f icat ion report .

The object ives of the ver i f icat ion are as fo l lowing:

To conf i rm data, contro ls and processes support ing the GHG assert ion

as presented by Carbon Solut ions America on behalf of LVSC.

To conf i rm that the GHG assert ion is in conformance with the

requirements and pr incip les of WRI 's Corporate GHG Protocol and

Cl imate Registry’s General Report ing Protocol and are

mater ia l d iscrepancies.

To obtain the maximum marks for the ver i f icat ion sect ion in the Carbon

Disclosure Project ’s 2011 Onl ine Response System.

LVSC in Las Vegas, which is def ined as The

Palazzo Hotel and Casinos, and The Sands Expo Center in

Of the s ix greenhouse gasses CO2 ,

y means of document review and ver i f icat ion audits carr ied out by

in Las Vegas i t is ver i f ied that

chosen boundary meets the requirements of ISO 14064-3:2006.


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has commissioned

ISO 14064-3:2006

at ion of greenhouse gas

I t has been assured that the ver i f ier is t ru ly independent f rom Las Vegas

the quant if ier and/or agents re lated to the calculat ion of the

GHG informat ion. A conf l ic ts of in terest checkl ist is presented in the annex

To conf i rm data, contro ls and processes support ing the GHG assert ion

a on behalf of LVSC.

To conf i rm that the GHG assert ion is in conformance with the

requirements and pr incip les of WRI 's Corporate GHG Protocol and

Cl imate Registry’s General Report ing Protocol and are without

t ion sect ion in the Carbon

LVSC in Las Vegas, which is def ined as The

he Sands Expo Center in

, CH4 and N2O has

y means of document review and ver i f icat ion audits carr ied out by TÜV

i t is ver i f ied that LVSC with in the


Page 20: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

Act ing as an independent Cert i f icat ion Body,

carbon footpr int of the company in the year

to be

28,372 t CO2eq for Scope

consider ing a l l re levant and signi f icant GHG sources.

TÜV UK conf i rms al l ver i f icat ion act ivi t ies and

documented in the ver i f icat ion report are complete

any qual i f icat ion or l imit ing condit ions th

Vegas Sands Corp. is wi thout mater ia l d iscrepancy and that the ver i f icat ion

act ivi t ies provide a reasonable level of assurance as def ined by


London, 09-05-2012 Danny Ki l (Veri f ier) * Suc cess fu l c l i en t s who have rec e i ved t he f i na l ve r i f i c a t i on repo r t may us e o r c opy t he ve r i f i c a t i on repo r t , t he ve r i f i c a t i on s ta tem en t and i f app l i cab le t he c e r t i f i ca te i n i t s en t i re t y f o r pub l i c i t y r easons . I t s ha l l be no ted tha t ne i ther o f t hes e doc umenway wha ts oeve r bu t c an be pub l i s hed s epa ra te l y .


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


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Act ing as an independent Cert i f icat ion Body, TÜV UK

carbon footpr int of the company in the year.


for Scope 1 and 137,094 t CO2eq for Scope 2

consider ing a l l re levant and signi f icant GHG sources.

s a l l ver i f icat ion act ivi t ies and procedures conducted

i f icat ion report are complete and concludes without

any qual i f icat ion or l imit ing condit ions that the GHG as

is without mater ia l d iscrepancy and that the ver i f icat ion

act ivi t ies provide a reasonable level of assurance as def ined by

Suc cess fu l c l i en t s who have rec e i ved t he f i na l ve r i f i c a t i on repo r t may us e o r c opy t he repo r t , t he ve r i f i c a t i on s ta tem en t and i f app l i cab le t he c e r t i f i ca te i n i t s en t i re t y f o r

pub l i c i t y r easons . I t s ha l l be no ted tha t ne i ther o f t hes e doc umen ts mus t no t be a l t e red i n any way wha ts oeve r bu t c an be pub l i s hed s epa ra te l y .


Revision: 1

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has ver i f ied the

for Scope 2

procedures conducted are

and concludes without

at the GHG assert ion by Las

is without mater ia l d iscrepancy and that the ver i f icat ion

act ivi t ies provide a reasonable level of assurance as def ined by ISO 14064-

Suc cess fu l c l i en t s who have rec e i ved t he f i na l ve r i f i c a t i on repo r t may us e o r c opy t he repo r t , t he ve r i f i c a t i on s ta tem en t and i f app l i cab le t he c e r t i f i ca te i n i t s en t i re t y f o r

t s mus t no t be a l t e red i n any

Page 21: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

7. REFERENCES Table 7-1: Documents provided by the project proponent Reference Document/GHGR/ LVS GHG /VA/ Vegas Analysi/ IP/ Ownership Structure /ESP/ Execut ive summary p lans


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


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Documents provided by the project proponent

Document LVS GHG Report Vegas Analysis Ownership Structure - LVS GHG Inventory Propert ies Execut ive summary p lans


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Propert ies -V2

Page 22: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.


The ver i f ier and the ver i f icat ion team must ensure they

f rom the c l ient , quant if ier

calculat ions, and/or agents re lated to the

any actual or potent ia l conf l ic ts of interest wi th the

users of the GHG informat ion. Guid ing pr incip les and ver i f icat ion a

f rom ISO 14064-3 are reproduced below, in a tabular format

Independence Remain independent of the activity being verified, and free from bias and conflict of interest. Maintain objectivity throughout the verification to the findings and conclusions will be based on objective evidence generated during the verification. Ethical Conduct Demonstrate ethical conduct through trust, integrity, confidentiality and discretion throughout the verification process. Fair Presentation Reflects truthfully and accurately verification activities, findings, conclusions and reports. Report significant obstacles encountered during the verification process, as well as unresolved, diverging opinions amongst verifiers and the client. Due Professional Care Exercise due professional care and judgement in accordance with the importance of the task performed and the confidence placed by the client and/or intended user(s).Have the necessary skills and competences to undertake the verification.


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


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The ver i f ier and the ver i f icat ion team must ensure they

f rom the c l ient , quant if ier and/or consultant involved in the GHG

calculat ions, and/or agents re lated to the c l ient . The ver i f ier shal l avoid

any actual or potent ia l conf l ic ts of interest wi th the c l ient

users of the GHG informat ion. Guid ing pr incip les and ver i f icat ion a

3 are reproduced below, in a tabular format

Yes No Deta i ls

Remain independent of the activity being verified, and free

Maintain objectivity throughout the verification to ensure that will be based on objective

evidence generated during the verification.

Demonstrate ethical conduct through trust, integrity, confidentiality and discretion throughout the verification

Reflects truthfully and accurately verification activities,

Report significant obstacles encountered during the unresolved, diverging opinions

Exercise due professional care and judgement in accordance performed and the confidence

placed by the client and/or intended user(s). Have the necessary skills and competences to undertake the


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The ver i f ier and the ver i f icat ion team must ensure they are independent

or consultant involved in the GHG

cl ient . The ver i f ier shal l avoid

c l ient and the intended

users of the GHG informat ion. Guid ing pr incip les and ver i f icat ion act ivi t ies

3 are reproduced below, in a tabular format.

Detai ls

Page 23: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.


Verification Plan

Las Vegas Sands Corp


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Document ID: QA019F003


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Verification Plan


Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Monitoring Period:

01/01/11 - 31/13/11


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Page 24: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

Verification / Assurance Standard


1 . General

Client: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Assessment team composition:

Team Leader:

Further team members:

Audit location(s) The Venetian (

Palazzo Hotel and Casinos

The Sands Expo Center

Total No. of Sites 1

Audit Representative:

Danny Kil – Environmental Services Manager, Verifier

Date of Audit: 16/04/12 - 19/04/12

Monitoring Period:

01/01/11 - 31/13/11

Audit language: English

Comments: LVS has chosen to utilize the Control Approach, using Operation Control to determine ownership of emissions. This approach was chosen due to the complex nature of LVS’s holdings Las Vegas site, there are some portions of the property that are neither owned nor operated by LVS, and others that partially owned, and operated. In order to capture the emissions from the partial ownership operations, the Operational Control approach was utilized to clearly demonstrate ownership of emissions.


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


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-3 GHG Emission to be verified

Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3

Level of Assurance

Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Team Leader: Danny Kil

Further team members: Tanja Kuchukova, Peter Blackwell

The Venetian (Las Vegas, Nevada)

Palazzo Hotel and Casinos (Las Vegas, Nevada)

he Sands Expo Center (Las Vegas, Nevada)

Client’s Head

Environmental Services Manager, Verifier

19/04/12 Scope: This assertion is only for the Las Vegas site, which is defined as the Venetian and Palazzo Hotel and Casinos, and the Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas Nevada. The assertion is that LVS has emitted 27,865 MT CO2e of Scope 1 emissions, and 137,167 MT CO2e of Scope 2 emissions, with a combined total of 165,023 MT CO2e. The Scope 1 emissions come from a combination of Fugitive, Stationary Combustion, and Mobile Combustion, while the Scope 2 emissions come from Indirect Emissions from the Purchase of Electricity.


LVS has chosen to utilize the Control Approach, using Operation Control to determine ownership of emissions. This approach was chosen due to the complex nature of LVS’s holdings and operations. At the Las Vegas site, there are some portions of the property that are neither owned nor operated by LVS, and others that partially owned, and operated. In order to capture the emissions from the partial ownership

al Control approach was utilized to clearly demonstrate ownership of emissions.


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Level of Assurance

Reasonable Limited

Client’s Head Office

This assertion is only for the Las Vegas site, which is defined as the Venetian and Palazzo

he Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas Nevada. The assertion is that LVS has emitted 27,865 MT CO2e of Scope 1 emissions, and 137,167 MT CO2e of Scope 2 emissions, with a combined total of 165,023 MT CO2e. The Scope 1 emissions come from a

ve, Stationary Combustion, and Mobile Combustion, while the Scope 2 emissions come from Indirect Emissions from the

LVS has chosen to utilize the Control Approach, using Operation Control to determine ownership of and operations. At the

Las Vegas site, there are some portions of the property that are neither owned nor operated by LVS, and others that partially owned, and operated. In order to capture the emissions from the partial ownership

al Control approach was utilized to clearly demonstrate ownership of emissions.

Page 25: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

2. Emissions

Scope 1

(Direct GHG Emissions)

Scope 2

(Indirect GHG Emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam)

On-site energy production External power generation

Transportation of materials, products, waste and employees by company owned vehicles

Production of heat, electricity or steam

Other direct GHG emissions (e.g. physical / chemical processes)

Fugitive emissions

Comments: - Several months of electricity and natural gas invoices sample rate is increased.


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


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Scope 2

(Indirect GHG Emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam)

Scope 3

(Other indirect

External power generation Business travel

Employee Commuting

Leased Assets

Waste generated in facilities

Transportation & Distribution

Fuel and Energy related activities

Capital goods Purchased goods and

services Processing of sold goods Use of sold goods End-of-life treatment of sold


months of electricity and natural gas invoices will be sampled. Depending on the deviation the


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(Other indirect emissions)

Business travel

Employee Commuting

Leased Assets

Waste generated in facilities

Transportation & Distribution

Fuel and Energy related

Capital goods Purchased goods and

Processing of sold goods Use of sold goods

life treatment of sold

will be sampled. Depending on the deviation the

Page 26: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

3. Audit Plan

Date Time

16/04/2012 10:00 Opening meeting, Introduction, Review Fundamentals and Verification

Step 3*

11:00 Site tour + Flow diagrams to understand the boundaries13:00

14:00 Review GHG assertion / report, GHG database and assessment of the



17/04/2012 9:00

Step 3*

13:00 14:00 15:00


18/04/2012 9:00

Step 3&4*

13:00 14:00 Evaluation Assessment GHG Emissions and possible Findings (step 3)15:00


19/04/2012 9:00


16:00 1 Steps refer to the verification process as provided in annex I

2 See Annex II for agenda Opening and Closing Meetings

• Deviations from the audit plan are possible depending on availability of data and information. Therefore it is possible that the audit

• Discovery of evidence during the assessment may lead to incremental changes in the sampling plan• If there any problems in the gathering of data prior to the on

in advance. • If there is the need for special equipment e.g. to enter special operational areas that can not be

provided by the company we kindly ask for information prior to the audit.• For the documentation of results and the internal communication we would appreciate to use

separate room with internet access for auditor personal computers and a telephone


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


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Opening meeting, Introduction, Review Fundamentals and Verification Process, Agree on Verification plan

Site tour + Flow diagrams to understand the boundariesLunch

Introduction CSA Review GHG assertion / report, GHG database and assessment of the

controls. Interview with key personnel

Assess Indirect Emissions (Electricity) Close

Assess Indirect Emissions (Electricity) – contd.


Assess Stationary Combustion (Natural Gas)

Assess Fugitive Emissions (Refrigerants) Close

Assess Stationary Combustion (Diesel)


Evaluation Assessment GHG Emissions and possible Findings (step 3)Asses against the Criteria (Step 4)


Evaluating the GHG Assertion (Step 5) Start writing Draft Verification Report (DVR)

Closing meeting Close

Steps refer to the verification process as provided in annex I See Annex II for agenda Opening and Closing Meetings

Deviations from the audit plan are possible depending on availability of data and information. Therefore it is possible that the audit is extended beyond the plan. Discovery of evidence during the assessment may lead to incremental changes in the sampling planIf there any problems in the gathering of data prior to the on-site visit, the verifier needs to be informed

is the need for special equipment e.g. to enter special operational areas that can not be provided by the company we kindly ask for information prior to the audit. For the documentation of results and the internal communication we would appreciate to use

with internet access for auditor personal computers and a telephone


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Auditor(s) Opening meeting, Introduction, Review Fundamentals and Verification

Danny Kil

Site tour + Flow diagrams to understand the boundaries

Review GHG assertion / report, GHG database and assessment of the


Danny Kil Stationary Combustion (Natural Gas)

Danny Kil Evaluation Assessment GHG Emissions and possible Findings (step 3)

Danny Kil

Deviations from the audit plan are possible depending on availability of data and information.

Discovery of evidence during the assessment may lead to incremental changes in the sampling plan. site visit, the verifier needs to be informed

is the need for special equipment e.g. to enter special operational areas that can not be

For the documentation of results and the internal communication we would appreciate to use a with internet access for auditor personal computers and a telephone.

Page 27: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.

4 . Required Evidence

Item Physical evidence

A.1 Utility meters (Please show calibration certificate for each meter audited)A.2 Fuel meters (Please show calibration certificate for each meter audited)A.3 Petrol, Diesel, Gas data of Company owned vehiclesA.4 Business travel data (flight, vehicle details or train journey incl.

destination, etc) A.5 Calibration equipment A.6 Emission monitors (Please show calibration certifi

Item Documentary evidence

B.1 Electricity invoices ( no copies B.2 Natural Gas invoices ( no copies B.3 Oil invoices ( no copies – please show originals)B.4 Log books B.5 Operating / control procedures B.6 Inspection sheets B.7 Internal documents showing adherence to AA principlesB.8 Calibration certificates for all measuring equipmentB.9 Complaints Register B.10 Training records for calibration Technicians

Item Testimonial evidence

C.1 Interviews with technical, operating, administrative or managerial personnelC.2 The GHG assertion or report should include the composition of the

organization’s GHG team. Each member should be identified withinformation and their roles and responsibilities should be described. Can you show this?

C.3 What is the Base Year and have C.4 If the B/Y changed, is an explanation of change or recalculation of C.5 Do you Document the Organizational Boundaries?C.6 Do you Document the Operational Boundaries?C.7 Are Direct GHG Emissions, quantified separately?C.8 Are there any exclusions of GHG sinks or sources from quantification?C.9 What Quantification methodologies did you use and which reasons caused you

to select these? C.10 Are all the assumptions and data used by you listed in the project description,

including their references and sources?C.11 Which EF was used for on-site Carbon emissions due to fossil fuel use in your

calculations? C.12 Which EF was used for electricity Carbon emissions in your calculations?C.13 Do you have a monitoring plan and monitoring methodology, paying particular

attention to the frequency of measurements, the quality of metering equipment, including calibration requirements, and control procedures are in place?

C.14 The method for consolidating emissions must be identified (consolidation based on the control share or equity share approach) in your GHG assertion. Have you documented the approach taken?

C.15 Can you describe your GHG IMS?C.16 Have you included fuel/energy use by contractors on your site?C.17 Refrigerant use on site is a major contributor to GHG emissions

included these emissions in your Scope 1 calculations?Which gas is used on site for refrigeration?If yes please provide documentary evidence. If no please supply system refrigerant gas capacity and calculate GHG arising there from.


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


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Utility meters (Please show calibration certificate for each meter audited) Fuel meters (Please show calibration certificate for each meter audited) Petrol, Diesel, Gas data of Company owned vehicles Business travel data (flight, vehicle details or train journey incl. mileage,

Emission monitors (Please show calibration certificate for each meter audited)

Electricity invoices ( no copies – please show originals) Gas invoices ( no copies – please show originals)

please show originals)

Operating / control procedures

Internal documents showing adherence to AA principles Calibration certificates for all measuring equipment

Training records for calibration Technicians

operating, administrative or managerial personnel The GHG assertion or report should include the composition of the organization’s GHG team. Each member should be identified with contact information and their roles and responsibilities should be described. Can you

and have you documented this and its GHG inventory? If the B/Y changed, is an explanation of change or recalculation of B/Y given? Do you Document the Organizational Boundaries? Do you Document the Operational Boundaries? Are Direct GHG Emissions, quantified separately? Are there any exclusions of GHG sinks or sources from quantification? What Quantification methodologies did you use and which reasons caused you

Are all the assumptions and data used by you listed in the project description, including their references and sources?

site Carbon emissions due to fossil fuel use in your

Which EF was used for electricity Carbon emissions in your calculations? Do you have a monitoring plan and monitoring methodology, paying particular attention to the frequency of measurements, the quality of metering equipment, including calibration requirements, and what quality assurance and quality control procedures are in place? The method for consolidating emissions must be identified (consolidation based on the control share or equity share approach) in your GHG assertion. Have you documented the approach taken? Can you describe your GHG IMS? Have you included fuel/energy use by contractors on your site? Refrigerant use on site is a major contributor to GHG emissions – have you included these emissions in your Scope 1 calculations? Which gas is used on site for refrigeration?

provide documentary evidence. If no please supply system refrigerant gas capacity and calculate GHG arising there from.


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First year = 2011

Page 28: Las Vegas Sands Corp. · 2017-09-14 · Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVSC to carry out the verification of the GHG emission inventory of 2011 scope I and II emissions in Las Vegas, which


Client Name: Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Client Ref. / Project No: 12030

Prepared by: D Kil

Reviewed by: P Ward

© 2010 TÜV UK Ltd.



Opening Meeting

a. Introduction of the participants, including an outline of their roles;

b. Confirmation of the scope and review of Verification Fundamentals;

c. Confirmation of the audit plan; d. Confirmation of formal communication

between verifier(s) and the client; e. Confirmation of the approach (i.e. Control Apprf. Confirmation that the resources and facilities needed by

the verifier(s) are available; g. Confirmation of matters relating to confidentiality;h. Confirmation of relevant work safety, emergency and

security procedures for the verifier(s);i. Confirmation of the availability, roles and identities of

any guides and observers; j. The method of reporting, including any grading of audit

findings; k. Information about the conditions under which the audit

may be prematurely terminated; l. Confirmation that the verifier

verification body is responsible for the audit and shall be in control of executing the audit plan including audit activities and audit trails;

m. Confirmation of the status of findings of the previous review or audit, if applicable;

n. Methods and procedures to be used to conduct the verification based on sampling;

o. Confirmation that, during the audit, the client will be kept informed of audit progress and any concerns;

p. Opportunity for the client to ask questions.


Authorised by: R Thomsen

Document ID: QA019F003


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Introduction of the participants, including an outline of

Confirmation of the scope and review of Verification

communication channels

Control Approach) onfirmation that the resources and facilities needed by

onfirmation of matters relating to confidentiality; onfirmation of relevant work safety, emergency and curity procedures for the verifier(s);

onfirmation of the availability, roles and identities of

he method of reporting, including any grading of audit

out the conditions under which the audit

verifier representing the for the audit and shall

be in control of executing the audit plan including audit

onfirmation of the status of findings of the previous

ethods and procedures to be used to conduct the

onfirmation that, during the audit, the client will be rogress and any concerns;

pportunity for the client to ask questions.

a. Advising the client that the audit evidence collected was based on a sample of the information; therebyelement of uncertainty;

b. The method and timeframe of reporting, incgrading of audit findings;

c. The verification body's process for handling nonconformities including any consequences relating to theverification;

d. The timeframe for the client to present a plan for correction and corrective action for any nonconformitiesduring the audit;

e. The verification body's post verificationf. Information about the complaint handling and appeal



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Closing Meeting

dvising the client that the audit evidence collected was based on a sample of the information; thereby introducing an

he method and timeframe of reporting, including any

body's process for handling nonconformities including any consequences relating to the status of the

he timeframe for the client to present a plan for correction r any nonconformities identified

verification body's post verification activities; nformation about the complaint handling and appeal