Las Vegas Chapter Bulletin · PDF fileLas Vegas Chapter Bulletin December 2013-January 2014...

Las Vegas Chapter Bulletin December 2013-January 2014 Issue 142 Mailed bi-monthly Melissa Kosinski-Collins to speak at University On Wheels, Sunday, January 5, 2014 Although Dr. Kosinsiki-Collins received her PhD from MIT in 2004 for studying protein folding and aggregation, her true passion has always been in biology teach- ing and education. For her extraordinary teaching and her outstanding teaching methods, she was honored as the 24 th recipient of the Louis Dembitz Brandeis Prize for Excellence in Teaching. Joining the Brandeis faculty in 2006, Dr. Kosinski-Collins has significantly rede- signed the Biology curriculum and her student accolades are proof that she is most deserving of the Dembitz award. One student commented, “Proof of her deserving (the award) is apparent in the rate of attendance to one of her classes; even though the class meets three days a week at 8 a.m. and she does not take attendance for- mally, students still choose to consistently attend because of the value of her teach- ing.” “Melissa is without exception the best teacher I have ever had. She not only cares about her stu- dents, but cares about her teaching…” “She is not only an incredible educator, but an amazing person; she has undoubtedly touched the lives of hundreds of students she has taught here.” “And… Besides being a great person to talk to, she is also a great mentor…Dr. KC is always there for her present and past students…Anyone who has the opportunity to know her is truly blessed.” Dr. Kosinski-Collins is continuously engaged with countless activities reflecting her commitment and devotion to learning. She has been the academic coordinator for the Brandeis Science POSSE pro- gram and summer boot-camp. Each year, 10 talented graduating seniors from New York City intend- ing on pursuing science degrees are selected to attend Brandeis as a cohort. In advance of their ma- triculation to campus, they spend two weeks of the summer in an intense training program experienc- ing labs, lectures, and assignments that model Brandeis coursework. Dr. Kosinski-Collins facilitated this program and works with the Science Posse students throughout their academic careers at Brandeis. You can be assured that Dr. Kosinski-Collins’ presentation will be inspiring. Focusing on neurosci- ence, she will highlight the extraordinary research projects currently underway at Brandeis as well as future therapies for brain disease treatment. We are fortunate to host Dr. Kosinski-Collins at this year’s University On Wheels event occurring on Sunday, January 5, 2014 at the Siena Golf Club, 10575 Siena Monte Ave. beginning at 10:00. Please complete the reservation form on page 3. Join us for a lovely brunch buffet and a provocative pro- gram. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Sustaining the Mind fundraising campaign supporting neuro- science research.

Transcript of Las Vegas Chapter Bulletin · PDF fileLas Vegas Chapter Bulletin December 2013-January 2014...

Page 1: Las Vegas Chapter Bulletin · PDF fileLas Vegas Chapter Bulletin December 2013-January 2014 Issue 142 Mailed bi-monthly Melissa Kosinski-Collins to speak at

Las Vegas Chapter Bulletin December 2013-January 2014 Issue 142 Mailed bi-monthly

Melissa Kosinski-Collins to speak at University On Wheels, Sunday, January 5, 2014

Although Dr. Kosinsiki-Collins received her PhD from MIT in 2004 for studying

protein folding and aggregation, her true passion has always been in biology teach-

ing and education. For her extraordinary teaching and her outstanding teaching

methods, she was honored as the 24th recipient of the Louis Dembitz Brandeis

Prize for Excellence in Teaching.

Joining the Brandeis faculty in 2006, Dr. Kosinski-Collins has significantly rede-

signed the Biology curriculum and her student accolades are proof that she is most

deserving of the Dembitz award. One student commented, “Proof of her deserving

(the award) is apparent in the rate of attendance to one of her classes; even though

the class meets three days a week at 8 a.m. and she does not take attendance for-

mally, students still choose to consistently attend because of the value of her teach-

ing.” “Melissa is without exception the best teacher I have ever had. She not only cares about her stu-

dents, but cares about her teaching…” “She is not only an incredible educator, but an amazing person;

she has undoubtedly touched the lives of hundreds of students she has taught here.” “And… Besides

being a great person to talk to, she is also a great mentor…Dr. KC is always there for her present and

past students…Anyone who has the opportunity to know her is truly blessed.”

Dr. Kosinski-Collins is continuously engaged with countless activities reflecting her commitment and

devotion to learning. She has been the academic coordinator for the Brandeis Science POSSE pro-

gram and summer boot-camp. Each year, 10 talented graduating seniors from New York City intend-

ing on pursuing science degrees are selected to attend Brandeis as a cohort. In advance of their ma-

triculation to campus, they spend two weeks of the summer in an intense training program experienc-

ing labs, lectures, and assignments that model Brandeis coursework. Dr. Kosinski-Collins facilitated

this program and works with the Science Posse students throughout their academic careers at


You can be assured that Dr. Kosinski-Collins’ presentation will be inspiring. Focusing on neurosci-

ence, she will highlight the extraordinary research projects currently underway at Brandeis as well as

future therapies for brain disease treatment.

We are fortunate to host Dr. Kosinski-Collins at this year’s University On Wheels event occurring on

Sunday, January 5, 2014 at the Siena Golf Club, 10575 Siena Monte Ave. beginning at 10:00. Please

complete the reservation form on page 3. Join us for a lovely brunch buffet and a provocative pro-


Proceeds from this event will benefit the Sustaining the Mind fundraising campaign supporting neuro-

science research.

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President’s Message

“The Charlie Rose Show” is my favorite program. I usually watch his interviews

even though the topic may not be one that I feel is relevant to my interests. In

October he interviewed Thomas Keller, the famous chef of The French Laundry.

My lifestyle and budget do not permit many outings to five-star restaurants, yet I

sat on the couch anyway as the interview commenced. Suddenly I was transfixed

by Chef Keller’s interview. He quickly changed the topic from food and cooking

to the need for mentoring young chefs.

I had always assumed that mentoring was meant to encourage the success of a

new employee in an indifferent work environment. But Chef Keller gave it a dif-

ferent twist. With mentoring, we pass on the culture to the younger generation. We pass our values,

techniques, work ethic and world view on to those beginning to face a competitive and harsh world. It

is good if our young workers eventually leave our work environment and share what they have learned

by acting as mentors to others. The CEO, president or company genius who has not mentored others to

replace himself or herself will have an organization that will face an uncertain future. The concern of

Chef Keller was not as much for himself as for the survival of the culture of fine food.

In most large, for-profit organizations we work to increase our status and income level. The long-term

survival of the organization is someone else’s job. The culture of the organization may lead employees

to feel like pawns rather than contributors. In the working world we rarely hear “thank you,” but are

used to hearing a great deal of criticism. A person who might do your job better than you do is a threat,

and we are warned to “watch our backs.”

The significance of Chef Keller’s example for our chapter of Brandeis National Committee is obvious.

No sooner than we assume our roles at BNC, but we must begin thinking about our successors. This

may not be easy, because often finding a person to fill a position is difficult. We must realize that our

job in BNC is not about us but about the future of the organization. I would not want to spend my

valuable time and energy working for an organization whose future was not important to me. Finding a

talented successor is a blessing, not a curse.

How do we mentor? We find people who will help us with our tasks and work with them to teach them

what we know. My personal feeling is that many of our chairs have too many responsibilities. It is

best if we can divide up tasks with small committees so that no one person has an overwhelming bur-

den. Co-chairing is an excellent way to shift responsibilities from one person to another. Trouble

arises when there are differences in philosophy or just a difference in opinion. The only solution here

is willingness to compromise.

In a volunteer organization like BNC the only reward we receive for our efforts is the feeling that we

have accomplished our goals and moved the organization forward. So, let’s remember to say “thank

you” to those who have shared our goals and helped us to pass our values on to those we mentor.

Meera Kamegai

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University On Wheels

Sunday, January 5, 2014, 10:00 a.m. Brunch

Siena Golf Club, 10575 Siena Monte Avenue Featuring

Melissa Kosinski-Collins, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Biology, Brandeis University

When Good Proteins Go Bad

An introduction to neurological disease research at Brandeis University

Dr. Kosinski-Collins will introduce you to the molecules in our brain with no known function other

than to cause the destruction of memory. Her talk will continue with current ongoing studies at

Brandeis and possible future therapies for disease treatment. And for the child within us all, you may

even get to hear about one of Dr. Kosinski-Collins’ extracurricular activities, the development of a

“Science of Dr. Seuss” lab manual for elementary school children to promote curiosity in science and

the world around us.

Proceeds to benefit the Sustaining the Mind campaign.

Questions? Contact: Denise Needleman, (702) 396-8887,

[email protected]

Send your reservation and check payable to BNC to:

Marilyn Shocket, 8837 Cortile Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89134 by December 26, 2013


Reservation Form

University On Wheels

January 05, 2014 Siena Golf Club

Name(s) _________________________________________________________________________

Phone ____________________________ E-mail_________________________________________

I would like ______ tickets @ $40.00 per person. Please consider being an Angel

@ $50.00 or Benefactor @ $75.00 (Angels and Benefactors will be listed in the

written Program). Number attending ________ Amount enclosed: _______

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Gift Wrapping: December 15 throughGift Wrapping: December 15 through December 24December 24

Once again, we will be gift wrapping at the Barnes & Noble Book Store on Charles-

ton next to Whole Foods. This effort costs the Chapter nothing and helps us support the

much-needed research for a cause and cure for such neurodegenerative disorders as Alz-

heimer’s and Parkinson’s. Proceeds from this project are designated to the Sustaining

the Mind campaign. It needs your time and support to succeed.

We have 3 shifts: 3-5 pm 5-7 pm 7-9 pm. Please sign up for 1 or more shifts.

Call Jo-Ann Geller to schedule the days and shifts you would like to work:

702-656-1666 or [email protected]

Peggy’s Attic at Child Haven

Social Justice: Peggy’s Attic at Child Haven

One of our members, Janet Seidel, sent me the following to

share with BNC how she and others work directly with the

disadvantaged, in particular, with disadvantaged foster chil-

dren. Here is what she said:

“Peggy’s Attic at Child Haven, a donation center of Clark

County Department of Family Services, has been serving

the children and families of Clark County since October

2001. The facility is run and managed by Audrey Rosen-

stein. Peggy’s Attic services over 300 foster children

monthly with clothes, personal items, toys, shoes; items

that they keep whether they stay in foster care, are

adopted or return home and are reunified with their families. Many of these children are whisked

away in the night after Child Protective Services takes custody of them. The children often leave

their homes with only the clothes on their back, sometimes only in a t-shirt and diapers. Peggy’s

Attic is not like some other charities where there is a paid staff. The Attic is staffed only by volun-

teers, and is always in need of volunteers.”

Child Haven takes in 15 to 20 children per day, and almost all of them visit Peggy’s Attic. Audrey and

her husband Rabbi Craig Rosenstein, are also foster parents. They have 12 children, seven adopted.

The newest one to be placed in their foster care is 5 months old. Janet Seidel called Audrey “a truly

inspirational, amazing woman who has no equal in Las Vegas.”

Peggy’s Attic is an all-volunteer effort. Items at Peggy’s Attic are available to the children for about

the first week they’re placed. Adults picking up supplies for babies usually know exactly what they

need and spend little time there. Teenagers like to linger and try things on.

Items can be dropped off at Peggy’s Attic, 701 N. Pecos Road at the corner of Bonanza Road, Monday

through Friday from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. For more information, call Audrey at 702-455-5424 or visit

Meera Kamegai

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Brandeis National Committee, Las Vegas Chapter

General Meeting, Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Naomi Arin Presents

Looted Art: A Portrait of Wally

Valerie “Wally” Neusil is known as “the face that launched a thousand lawsuits.”

Wally was the model for Austrian painter Egon Schiele’s most striking painting.

The painting had been owned by Lea Bondi Jaray, who was fleeing German annexa-

tion of Austria. Under duress she had given the painting to art dealer Friedrich Welz

in 1939. After the war, the U. S. army seized Welz and turned over the paintings he

accumulated during the war to the Austrian government. The painting was recog-

nized by Lea Bondi Jaray’s heirs in a retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art in

New York and now the lawsuits begin.

This case has been of special interest to Naomi Arin, BNC facilitator for Contempo-

rary Art. Naomi received a Doctor of Jurisprudence after which she spent five years

at the Institute of Contemporary Art where she served as director of philanthropy

and membership. She opened the Dust Gallery, in Las Vegas, which closed in 2009.

She is one of the founders of Whirlygig in the Las Vegas arts district. Naomi offers art consulting and advisement services

as well as pursuing her profession as a contract attorney.

Proceeds go to Sustaining the Mind research project

Reservation Form, General Meeting Tuesday, February 4, 2014 -- Charlie’s Lakeside

Name:____________________________ Email:__________________________ Phone:_____________________ I would like ______ tickets @ $20.00 per person. Choice of entrees: Chicken Caesar__________ Vegetarian Caesar ____________ Club Sandwich*________ Classic Cheeseburger_______ Classic Hamburger _____ Tuna Melt ________________ Tuna Sandwich___________________ *The Club Sandwich contains turkey, ham, cheese and bacon.

Send your reservation and check payable to BNC to: Marilyn Shocket, 8837 Cortile Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89134 by January 30.

Questions? Contact: Meera Kamegai, (702) 702-845-3177, [email protected]

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Jewish Family Service

On October 10th approximately 25 lbs. of toiletries

were delivered to Jewish Family Services from col-

lections at board meetings and the Brandeis BBQ

held in September. This was a part of our community

service. JFS serves the needs of all who need help in

the greater Las Vegas community.

We hope to continue to collect samples and hotel size

shampoo, lotions, toothpaste, brushes, deodorant,

etc. You may bring your “stuff” to any event and Jo-

Ann Geller will collect and deliver.

BRANDEIS CALLING COMMITTEE Many thanks to the women of the Brandeis Calling

Committee who call members who do not have email

about upcoming functions.

Judy Arnold

Doris Berns

Marilyn Borns

Audrey Gold

Sandy Greene

Carol Sperber, Liaison

Thank you ladies.

Charlotte Kuklin,

Calling Committee Chairman

November 6, 2013 Dear Brandeis National Committee: Las Vegas Chapter,

Thank you so very much for your recent dona-tion of gifts for our Hanukkah Gift Program. The generosity you showed was truly amazing! With your help, we here at JFSA will be able to bring smiles to those families most in need.

Thank you again for your immense generosity and we look forward to working with you again in the future.


Brenda Jepson Volunteer Coordinator, JFSA

Food Program Coordinator, JFSA

Gay Lynne Kegan, Arlene Krane and Meera Kamegai with gifts for JFSA

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On The Town


On Wednesday February 5, the On the Town Group will be visiting the art

gallery of a Brandeis graduate Amanda Harris, the Amanda Harris Gallery of

Contemporary Art.

The gallery has been open for two and a half years in the prospering downtown

arts district. We will have the special opportunity to preview the gallery one

day before the Opening Reception for the new show featuring Kent Anderson

Butler. Butler is a multi-media artist based in Azusa, California. The artist will

be present and will talk about his work in the latest show, and Amada will be

on hand to talk about the gallery and arts district. We’ll also peek into the sur-

rounding galleries at the Arts Factory. We’ll meet at 10:45 a.m. for our 11:00 a.m.

tour. After the visit, we’ll go on to lunch “on our own” at Triple George, a fine down-town eating es-

tablishment just across from the Mob Museum and the new Grand hotel. To participate: send a $10

check made out to BNC to: Arlene Krane, 2552 Banora Point Dr. Las Vegas NV 89134.


From the West: Take Summerlin Pkwy to US-95 S. Merge with I-15 S toward Los Angeles. Take Exit

42 toward NV-159/ Charleston Blvd. Merge onto S. Martin L. King Blvd. Take the first left onto 159/

W Charleston Blvd. Turn left onto Hoover Ave. Look for 900 Las Vegas Blvd S.

From the East: Take I-15 N toward Salt Lake City. Merge onto NV-159 E / W Charleston Blvd via

Exit 41 A. Turn left onto Las Vegas Blvd. Take the first left onto Hoover Ave. Look for 900 Las Vegas



There is ample parking on the street and in the lot across from the gallery.


For this month’s outing our group will be

heading for our visit of the Atomic Testing

Museum on Wednesday, March 5. The

group will meet at 10:45 am for our 11:00

a.m. tour at 755 East Flamingo Road where

we will have a docent-guided tour of the

facility which is most impressive. After the

tour, we’ll go just across the street to have

lunch “on our own” at the lovely Bahama

Breeze restaurant. The tour price is for

just the museum. If you wish to go on to visit the Area 51: Myth or Reality display, you will have to

pay an additional $6 fee. To participate: send a $20 check made out to BNC to: Arlene Krane at the

above address.

Please send separate checks for each event. All proceeds from the Study Group outings will go to con-

tinuing our Scholarship fund.

Arlene Krane

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To Rita and Ed Ort on the mar-

riage of their son Jerome to

Stacy Olson on October 5,




Barbara Chozahinoff

Evelyn Laurie

Dorothy Pansek

Paul Seidman had hip replacement surgery.

Hillel Ofek had a heart operation

Joyce Nemwan’s husband had a heart operation


Hilda Lytton broke her leg.


To Anita Rosen on the death of her husband


Without the news I receive about our members

from our members there can be no Brandeis

Briefs. Please contact me and let’s share the

good and sad news with each other.

Arlene Zonder

702-228-0536, [email protected]

Brandeis Briefs

Arlene Zonder

Financial Secretary

Happy Holidays to you all.

Please be sure your dues are

paid before attending Study

Group classes.

We welcome the following

new members: Marilyn

Hendel, Audrey and Stanley

Abramow , Susan and Marvin

Frank, Barbara and Bernard

Judis, Jackie Robinson, Abra-

ham Schwartz (husband of

Sheila), Leslie Schoenberg and Diane Woodward.

We look forward to meeting you at some of our

Study Group classes.

Sue Solomon

Financial Secretary

Sue Solomon


1 Lenore Seidman

4 Sue Schweitzer

6 Helene Rosenberg

6 Stan Farber

7 Ellen Scully

10 Gladyce Ehrlich

11 Adrianne Rubin

18 Ruth Kaplow

21 Linda White

25 Denise Needleman

25 Lori Barnes

25 Phyllis Eisenberg Helfer

25 Lorraine Coleman


1 Lois Kline

2 Edith Einhorn

25 Janet Seidel

25 Nancy Lebish

Happy Birthday to you?

Don't see your birthday listed here? We

would like to acknowledge your birthday - but

we need to know when it is. My birthday is in

October. When is yours? E-mail me your

birth date (day and month only) and we will

do the rest.

Arlene Zonder

[email protected], 702 228-0536

Good Wishes for December and January Birthdays

Many heartfelt thanks to all who sent cards, e-

mails and good wishes for my recovery from

hand surgeries...It worked!

Jo-Ann Geller

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Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill. — Barbara Tuchman

BOOK FUND TRIBUTES For information on how to order, call Eunice at 702-395-2569

or send an email to [email protected]

You can also print and complete this form. Mail it with your check to Eunice Willard, 10416 Chimney Flat Court, Las Vegas. NV 89129

Payment due prior to sending tribute.

Note: for the month of December only send tributes to Gay Lynne Kegan 3305 Shoreline Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89117

[email protected]

$5 Blue & White Tribute Card

$10 Goldfarb Library at Night Card

$18 Louis Brandeis Portrait Card (Chai)

$40 LRJ with Newly Designed Inserts

$60 Medical Science Journal Folio

$105 Judaica Collection

$505 Major Book Collection

Other Major Donations

Send Tribute to: NAME (please print)



Send Tribute From: NAME PHONE NUMBER:







Birthday, Anniversary, Special Thank You, New Grandchild, Get Well, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Congratulations, etc.

Eunice Willard

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SPECIAL BOOK COLLECTION Myron Family Rhea & Sidney Sturza In memory of Elliott.

LOUIS BRANDEIS PORTRAIT CARD Jerry & Sheila Goldman Sheila & Burt Galper In memory of your son, Craig

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Linda White In memory of your son, Craig.

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Ruth Alexman Deep condolences in memory of son, Craig

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Gloria & Les Kopf In memory of your son, Craig.

GOLDFARB LIBRARY AT NIGHT CARD Jerry & Sheila Goldman Margie & Norman Karp In memory of your son, Craig.

Jerry Springberg Carol & Bob Seskin In memory of your beloved wife, Nancy.

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Bea Leiberman In memory of your son, Craig.

Paul Seidman Sue Solomon Get well wishes.

BLUE AND WHITE TRIBUTE CARD Bea Stahl Ruth Alexman Speedy recovery.

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Shirley & Phil Seidman In memory of your son, Craig.

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Bea Stahl In memory of your son, Craig.

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Bea Lieberman In memory of your son, Craig.

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Rosalie & Richard Baker In memory of your son, Craig.

Annette Cohen Lois & Joe Rosenberg In memory of your loving mother, Frances Sitron.

Jerry Springberg Lynne Michels & Ron Steiner Condolences on loss of wife, Nancy.

Laura Sussman Ellen Scully In memory of father.

Nancy Lebish Helene Laefer In memory of mother.

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Lois Bodin In memory of your son, Craig.

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Eunice Willard In memory of your son, Craig.

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Cheryl & Ed Goldenberg In memory of your son, Craig.

Bea Stahl Edith & Dave Einhorn Speedy recovery.

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Janet & Victor Seidel In memory of beloved son, Craig.

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Adrianne & Sol Rubin In memory of your son, Craig.

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Arlene & Len Krane Sorrow of the loss of your beloved son, Craig.

Bea Stahl Arlene & Len Krane Rapid recovery.

Bea Stahl Gladyce Ehrlich Get well.

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Gladyce Ehrlich In memory of your son, Craig.

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Carol & Bob Seskin In memory of your son, Craig.

Jerry Springberg Marjorie & Marshall Brown-stein In memory of your beloved wife, Nancy.

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Charlotte Kuklin In memory of your son, Craig.

Bea Stahl Lois Kline Get well.

Rita & Ed Ort Carol & Bob Seskin Mazel Tov on son Jerome's wedding.

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Bea Stahl In memory of your son, Craig.

Jerry & Sheila Goldman Rosalie & Richard Baker In memory of your son, Craig.

David Jacobson Cheryl & Ed Goldenberg Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Elaine Rosenstock Ruth Alexman Speedy recovery from your surgery.

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BLUE AND WHITE TRIBUTE CARD Jo-Ann Geller Ruth Alexman Speedy recovery from your surgery.

Elaine Rosenstock Eunice Willard Speedy recovery from your surgery.

Bobbie & Mike Fefferman Adrianne & Sol Rubin Mazel Tov on birth of granddaughter, Abigail Bria .

Arlene Zonder Paul Seidman Speedy recovery

Arlene Zonder Barbara Chozahinoff Speedy recovery

Arlene Zonder Evelyn Laurie Speedy recovery

Annette Cohen Lois & Joe Rosenberg In memory of your loving mother, Frances Sitron.

Anita Rosen Arlene & Len Krane How sad we are to hear of your husband's passing.

Barbara Chozahinoff Arlene & Len Krane You are always in our minds as you cope with your health issues.

Jo-Ann Geller Arlene & Len Krane Speedy recovery.

Jo-Ann Geller Lynne Michels & Ron Steiner Speedy recovery.

Jo-Ann Geller BNC-LV Board Speedy recovery.

Jo-Ann Geller Adrianne & Sol Rubin Speedy recovery.

Barbara Chozahinoff Adrianne Rubin Thinking of you and missing you. Hope to see you soon.

Anita Rosen Jane Kusel In memory of Norman.

Barbara Chozahinoff Jo-Ann Geller & Martin Fessler Speedy recovery.

Mike Cutler BNC-LV Chapter Thank you.

Arlene Zonder Ellen Scully Happy Birthday.

Barbara Chozahinoff Lois Kline Wishing you G-d speed to a complete recov-

Barbara Chozahinoff Ruth Alexman Wishing you good health.

Anita Rosen Ruth Alexman Condolences on Norman's passing.

Paul Seidman Ann Mandell Speedy recovery.

Judy Winnick Ann Mandell Speedy recovery.

Paul Seidman Eunice Willard Speedy and complete recovery.

Paul Seidman Arlene & Len Krane Rapid and easy recovery.

Barbara Chozahinoff Sue Solomon Speedy recovery.





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13th Annual Las Vegas Jewish Film Festival

January 11 – 26, 2014


As in previous years, BNCLV is a major sponsor of the Jewish Film Festival. Films will be

shown at the Adelson Educational Campus, Brendan Mann Theaters at the Palms Casino and

the Cinemark Theaters at the South Point Casino. The list of films is below and also online at

This year, it’s easier than ever to help your chapter earn money while enjoying some or all of

the films being presented. We are selling both passes and individual tickets good for any film

being shown.

Passes will cost $50 and will be good for admission to all twelve of the film festival screenings. Purchasing 5 individ-

ual tickets will cost $50 (the same as a pass for all 12 films). Individual tickets will cost $10, the box office price. But

if you buy them from Gale, the Chapter will receive a share of the profit. Proceeds to benefit the Sustaining the

Mind campaign.

Contact Gale Labovitz, (702) 254-9978 or [email protected]

Films are at the Adelson Educational Campus

unless specified elsewhere

The Zigzag Kid Belgium, Netherlands |2012 Dutch, English and French with English subtitles Saturday January 11, 2014 - 7:00 PM Co-presented by Las Vegas BBYO Recommended for ages 11 and up, The ZIGZAG KID is a delight for all ages. Nono wants to be like his father,

the best police inspector in the world, but he is con-stantly getting into trouble. Two days before his Bar

Mitzvah, he is sent away to his uncle Shmuel, who is

supposed to get him back on track. En route to visit his uncle, Nono meets master-burglar Felix Glick and is

introduced to a world of disguises, chases and a mys-terious woman whose deep dark secrets will change

Nono’s life forever.

Blumenthal USA |2013 English |86 minutes Sunday January 12, 2014 – 1:00 PM Celebrated playwright Harold Blumenthal, has passed

away after succumbing to cardiac arrest while laughing at one of his own jokes. Now, Harold’s estranged and

jealous brother Saul, must confront his personal hang-ups to deliver himself from an epic bout of constipa-

tion. Meanwhile, Saul’s wife Cheryl and son Ethan must grapple with their own personal obstacles through a

set of circumstances so improbably ironic they might as

well have been lifted from one of Harold’s plays.

Ida Poland |2013 Polish with English Subtitles |80 minutes Sunday January 12, 2014 – 3:30 PM IDA is the story of a young orphan on the cusp of tak-

ing her vows to become a nun in a Catholic order. She

unexpectedly learns that she has a Jewish aunt named Wanda, whom she visits before making her ultimate

commitment to the church. The two women, one an idealist completely naive to the real world and the

other a cynic who can scarcely cope with the hypocrisy and inhumanity she’s seen, embark on a voyage of

discovery where they learn that they can either be

trapped by their past or break free from it.

Brave Miss World USA, Israel, South Africa, Italy |2012 English and Hebrew with English subtitles Thursday January 16, 2014 – 7:00 PM Co-presented by Jewish Federation of Las Vegas

Women’s Division Special Guest Appearance by: Linor Abargil On an official visit to Italy prior to entering the Miss World Pageant, Linor Abargil was raped by a man who

was supposed to be protecting her. A few weeks later,

Linor was crowned Miss World but her dream of wear-ing the crown was tainted by the trauma of her devas-

tating ordeal. BRAVE MISS WORLD follows Linor’s deci-sion to speak out about her rape and follows her jour-

ney as she meets other survivors of the global epi-

demic of sexual violence against women.

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Hannah Arendt Germany |2012 English and German with English subtitles Saturday January 18, 2014 - 7:00 PM HANNAH ARENDT is a bio-pic about the influential Ger-

man-Jewish philosopher and political theorist who re-

ported on the 1961 trial of the notorious Nazi Adolf Eichmann for the New Yorker Magazine. The article

was controversial both for its portrayal of Eichmann and for her now-famous concept of the “Banality of

Evil.” Using footage from the actual Eichmann trial and weaving a narrative that spans three countries, this

provocative film turns the often invisible passion for

thought into immersive, dramatic cinema.

Cupcakes Israel |2013 Hebrew, French with English subtitles

Sunday January 19, 2014 – 1:00 PM CUPCAKES is a colorful and outrageously funny Israeli

satire on the iconic and kitsch institution: The Euro-vision Song Contest. The film follows a group of

neighborhood friends as they try to cheer up Anat, who

has recently been abandoned by her husband. The troop spontaneously composes a song and as a joke

sends it to Eurovision. As luck would have it, the song is chosen to represent Israel. CUPCAKES is set to an

infectious pop score and features a cast of some of Israel’s brightest stars.

Jews and Money Canada, France |2013 English, Hebrew and French with English subti-tles |96 minutes Sunday January 19, 2014 – 3:30 PM Ilan Halimi was abducted, held hostage under barbaric conditions and later died en route to the hospital. His

kidnappers had demanded $500,000 in ransom, con-vinced that since Halimi was Jewish, his family must be

rich. In fact, the 23-year-old cell phone salesman came

from a modest working-class background. Twenty-seven youth gang members were arrested, their subse-

quent trial sparking worldwide outrage and exposing the roots of anti-Semitic tension in the African-Muslim

immigrant neighborhoods of Paris.

Bethlehem Israel|2013 Hebrew and Arabic with English subtitles Thursday January 23, 2014 - 7:00 PM Cinemark Theaters South Point Hotel One of the most unnervingly lucid films ever made

about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, BETHLEHEM shifts between Israeli and Palestinian perspectives to tell a

story of secret strategies, precarious alliances, and ter-

rible betrayals. This gripping thriller plunges us into a

milieu of family, terror, and espionage to reveal a per-petual atmosphere of paranoia and mistrust that forces

everyone to question the loyalty of their own friends and family. BETHLEHEM won Best Picture at the Israeli

Academy Awards and has been named Israeli’s official

selection for this year’s Best Foreign Language Film Oscar.

The Heart of Auschwitz Canada |2010 English Saturday January 25, 2014 - 7:00 PM The HEART OF AUSCHWITZ, a handmade gift for Fania

Landau, bestowed upon her in a concentration camp on her 20th birthday, undoubtedly meant more to her

than any present because it restored Fania’s faith in mankind. Out of utmost love and gratitude, Fania saw

no other option than to risk her life by keeping it with

her throughout death marches and camp inspections. This enlightening film shares what the human spirit can

achieve when there is hope and empathy.

Paris Manhattan France |2012 French with English subtitles Sunday January

26, 2014 – 1:00 PM Alice, an idealistic pharmacist, is completely and utterly

obsessed with Woody Allen. She’s constantly quoting

lines from his films, engaging him in imaginary conver-sations, and even prescribing her customers his classic

works to help alleviate their ailments. Alice’s increas-ingly concerned Jewish parents hope to cure her fixa-

tion by setting her up with a handsome French gentle-man but he quickly realizes that he’s no match for the

man of her dreams. A romantic excursion through the

city of lights, this witty endearing comedy concludes with a special cameo by the original Alvy Singer.

The Jewish Cardinal France |2012 French with English subtitles Sunday January 26, 2014 – 3:30 PM The Jewish Cardinal tells the true story of Jean-Marie

Lustiger who maintained his cultural identity as a Jew

even after converting to Catholicism and joining the

priesthood. Quickly rising within the ranks of the

Church, Lustiger was appointed Archbishop of Paris by

Pope Jean Paul II. In this powerful position, he found a

new platform to celebrate his dual identity as a Catho-

lic Jew, earning him both friends and enemies from

either group. When Carmelite nuns settle down to build

a convent in Auschwitz, Lustiger finds himself a media-

tor forced to choose a side.

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Las Vegas Chapter-endowed Scholarship Award The first BNC Chapter-endowed Scholarship was awarded to former

Las Vegas student Jonathan Shakerchi, Brandeis University class of


Jonny, as he prefers, is originally from Las Vegas, where he attended

the Advanced Technologies Academy (a Clark County magnet school

known as A-Tech). As a member of the student council, he served as

senator for two years before being elected student body treasurer for

his senior year. Jonny was the vice president of membership for both

the local B'nai B'rith Youth Organization and for Future Business

Leaders of America. In addition to his leadership successes, he was

exceptional in his studies, serving as a member of the National Honor

Society and as an Advanced Placement Scholar. When Jonny em-

barked on his college search, he was drawn to Brandeis not only for its

location, environment, and national ranking, but also because it was

able to provide him with a generous financial aid package.

Now in his sophomore year, Jonny intends to declare a double major

in Business and Economics. During his first year on campus, he has

already immersed himself in the University's culture. Jonny is employed as a member of the Brandeis

escort safety service and he is captain of one of the intramural soccer teams. He is a DJ at WBRS, the

campus radio station, treasurer and a performer for the improv comedy troupe "Work in Progress," and

a participant in the ultimate Frisbee team, Tron. Already planning for the future, Jonny would like to

eventually attend law school to study intellectual properties. He shares that his ultimate career would

either be "in the music industry as a talent agent or manager, or fighting obscure and obstructive copy-

right laws that prevent the progression of culture."

Of course, none of Jonny's success at Brandeis would be possible without the support of financial aid,

in particular the BNC Las Vegas Chapter Endowed Scholarship. He says:

This scholarship is the most important aspect of Brandeis to me. Without this

scholarship, I would never be able to attend such a prestigious school and re-

ceive the amazing educational and social experience I have already had in my

first year and hope to continue experiencing for the next three years. I am so

grateful for the opportunity this scholarship has provided for me.

This article has been excerpted from the Brandeis University letter of notification.

Jonathan Shakerchi

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Proceeds to

benefit the Sustaining the Mind campaign



We need each and every one of our members to help us fill the wonderful baskets for which you will

be bidding!

If each of you goes out and gets one wonderful restaurant to gift us with a dinner for two and each of

you gets one of the people with whom you do business to donate a piece of jewelry, a service such as

pedicure, handyman or tech help, we will have a wonderful silent auction!


Contact Arlene Krane at: 255-6667 or [email protected] or Jo-Ann Geller at: 656-1666 or so-

[email protected] or Shelly Friedman at: 363-2112 or [email protected].

The Future of News Media

The creepy looking thing you see on the left is not a new species of

insect—it is a camera drone. Mike Cutler in his talk on the chang-

ing technology of news media showed us a video of how the cam-

era man is often being replaced by a camera drone and these

drones are now all over.

Mike had a 35 year career in television news and is the recipient of nine Emmys and

a Peabody Award. He has witnessed the change from the ritual of sitting before the

TV at 6 p.m. to see our famous network anchormen, to news on the fly on laptops,

pads, or phones. We want to watch our news media at any time of day when it is

convenient for us and we are in the mood, so to speak. What will be our media in

the future—here are some breathtaking new media in our future: screens that roll-

up, unfold or otherwise expand from something no bigger than a cell phone to a full

fledged visual display.

The occasion was the General Meeting at Charlie’s Lakeside on Wednesday, October 30. Fifty people

attended the talk by Mike Cutler. Our group was competing with a Halloween party in the bar and

service was slow. However the food was tasty and reasonably priced. We have a special thanks to

Ruth Kaplow for taking so many pictures. Toys were collected for the Chanukah toy drive and deliv-

ered to the JFSA by Gay Lynne Kegan.

Page 16: Las Vegas Chapter Bulletin · PDF fileLas Vegas Chapter Bulletin December 2013-January 2014 Issue 142 Mailed bi-monthly Melissa Kosinski-Collins to speak at

Brandeis University

Brandeis National Committee Las Vegas Chapter 3305 Shoreline Drive Las Vegas, NV 89117

Submission Deadlines The Bulletin is published on a bi-monthly basis. The deadline for copy is the first of the month preceding the month of publication. The deadline for the February//March 2014 Bulletin will be January 1, 2013. Publisher: Gay Lynne Kegan [email protected] 702-233-8218



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BNC Mission Statement

Brandeis National Committee is an organization committed to providing philanthropic support to Brandeis University, a distinguished liberal arts and research university founded by the American Jewish community. Its membership remains connected to the university through fundraising and through activities that reflect the values on which the university was founded: academic excellence, social justice, non-sectarianism and ser-vice to the community.