LaRouche: Hillary is Obama’s Stooge for Wars and Wall St. · LaRouche: Hillary is Obama’s...

The Hamiltonian August 9, 2016 Volume 1, Number 1 e Voice of the LaRouche Political Movement LaRouche: Hillary is Obama’s Stooge for Wars and Wall St. Jeffrey Steinberg Within 24 hours of Hillary Clinton’s formal nom- ination as the Democratic Party’s 2016 presiden- tial candidate, some of Clinton’s top foreign policy and national security campaign advisers came out with blood-curdling attacks against Russia and against Syrian President Bashar Assad. Even as the Democratic Convention was un- derway, former CIA Director and Defense Secre- tary under Barack Obama, Leon Panetta, told the convention on July 27 that the key to ending the Syrian war is to overthrow President Assad. Two days later, Jeremy Bash, Panetta’s former chief of staff at CIA and the Pentagon and now a top ad- viser to Clinton, told the Daily Telegraph that one of Clinton’s first actions as President would be to order a top down review of the Syria policy, with a goal of putting the ouster of Assad at the top of the priorities. He argued that there is no prospect of defeating the Islamic State and Jabhat al Nusra without removing Assad. Michelle Flournoy, who is viewed as Hillary Clinton’s top choice to be Secretary of Defense, told Defense One that a new administration must create a “no bomb zone” in the north of Syria, to safe-house rebel fighters and train and arm them to overthrow Assad, as well as combat ISIS and Nusra. She advocated the use of stand-off weapons against the Syrian Army as another escalation in the re- gime-change war launched by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton in early 2011. Flournoy is the CEO of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), a think tank domi- nated by Clinton advisers and other neoconserva- tives. Flournoy’s interview with Defense One was a condensed version of a report CNAS just pro- duced from an ISIS Study Group, which included a collection of war-hawks and neocons who are all part of the Clinton stable: Ryan Crocker, Kimber- ly Kagan, Joseph Lieberman, Gen. David Petrae- us, Kenneth Pollack, Andrew Tabler and Frances Townsend. In May, CNAS published a blueprint for global confrontation, called “Extending American Power: Strategies to Expand American Engagement in a Competitive World Order,” which was co-authored by Robert Kagan, a leading neocon who prepared a similar study for the incoming Bush-Cheney Administration in 2000, called “Project for a New American Century.” Both documents advanced a unipolar world based on projection of ever-ex- panding U.S. military power. e PNAC study was widely seen as the game-plan that Bush and Cheney used to launch the decade of permanent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, a game-plan extend- ed by Obama and Clinton into Syria and Libya. Following the diatribes by Panetta, Bash and Flournoy, many astute observers concluded that the attacks on Syria, Russia and China, included in the combined remarks, could not have been issued without prior approval by Hillary Clinton herself. In short, Clinton has declared herself as the “continuity” candidate from the nearly two-de- cades of permanent war, launched by Bush and Obama. ose wars have now put the world on the verge of thermonuclear war with Russia and China, a war that will wipe out humankind. If anything, while serving as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was one of the most strident ad- vocates of war and more war in the Obama Ad- ministration. Clinton was and remains a strong promoter of the need to overthrow the Assad gov- ernment in Damascus, through direct U.S. mili- tary involvement if necessary. e demand to cre- ate a no-fly zone inside Syrian territory is a blatant violation of all principles of national sovereignty, and her role in the launching of the disastrous Libyan war—widely described as the decisive vote in the rush to regime-change—has created a per- manent crisis throughout the African continent, leading to mass deaths and social chaos. It was Hillary Clinton, along with Susan Rice and Samantha Power, who pushed for the ouster of Libyan leader Qaddafi, even though it meant aligning with hardcore Al Qaeda and related ji- hadist terror groups. e overthrow and assassi- nation of Qaddafi turned Libya into an ungov- ernable no-mans-land, run by warring cliques of heavily armed militias, many dominated by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Magreb (AQIM) and subse- quently by the Islamic State. e arms that were “liberated” from Libyan government stockpiles have fueled wars across the African continent, and large quantities of those “loose weapons” were smuggled into Syria, through U.S., British, Saudi Arabian, Qatari and Turkish channels, into the hands of the jihadists who have turned Syria and Iraq into a Hell on Earth. Millions of refugees from the North Af- rican, Syrian, Iraq and Afghan conflicts, all boosted by Obama and Clinton, have flooded into Western Europe in desperate flight for their lives, creating the biggest refugee crisis in the en- tire postwar period. ese actions taken during Clinton’s four years as Secretary of State to Barack Obama, led directly to the events of Sept. 11, 2012, when jihadists from Ansar al-Sharia staged a heavily armed assault on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, result- ing in the murder of U.S. Ambassador Christo- pher Stevens and three other American officials. As State Department documents detailed, for months prior to the Benghazi 9/11 attack, Am- bassador Stevens and other U.S. diplomats in Lib- ya had begged for increased security personnel. e State Department compiled a grid of scores of attacks on foreign diplomats and even the In- ternational Red Cross, but security was actually stripped, rather than boosted. While State De- partment official Patrick Kennedy was ostensibly in charge of security arrangments for the U.S. dip- lomatic mission in Libya, the buck really stopped with the Secretary—Hillary Clinton. As the Benghazi attack on 9/11/12 was unfold- ing, live reports from Benghazi and from the em- bassy in Tripoli made clear that the attack on the mission was premeditated, well-planned, heavily armed and deadly. A Defense Intelligence Agency assessment, released within the government days aſter the attack, spelled out precisely how the at- tack was conducted. Yet, President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton, more concerned with the upcoming No- vember 2012 presidential elections, chose to lie to the American people and claimed that the attack in Benghazi was a “spontaneous” protest against a little-known video slandering the Prophet Mo- hammed—a boldfaced lie. at lie, worked out in a late-night phone call between President Obama and Secretary Clinton, and first issued to the public in a press release is- sued under Clinton’s name, was maintained for days. On the Sunday aſter the attack, National Security Adviser Susan Rice went on a string of interview shows to peddle the “spontaneous pro- test-gone wild” lie, first issued by Clinton. Hillary Clinton put the re-election of Barack Obama ahead of the truth and the vital national security interests of the United States. She calcu- lated that if she had told the truth and resigned from the Administration, Obama would have been defeated for re-election, she would have been blamed, and her own future prospects of be- ing Presidential nominee of the Democratic Party would have been ended. Lyndon LaRouche presented the case against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in an histor- ic press conference in Washington, D.C. at the National Press Club in the weeks following the Benghazi tragedy. LaRouche identified Clinton as a stooge for Obama and as a leading member of the war party, that has given the United States and the world the longest running perpetual war, has created the conditions for the rise of the Islamic State, and has bankrupted the U.S. economy. Hillary Clinton not only presided over the rise of ISIS and the total destabilization of the entire Middle East/North Africa region. She, along with her trusted State Department ally, Victoria Nu- land, created a total confrontation with Russia, which, at critical moments, put her in bed with outright Nazis. Clinton promoted Nuland, the wife of neocon ideologue Robert Kagan, to top State Department posts, from spokeswoman for Secretary Clinton and the Department, to Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, a post from which Nuland presided over the “color revo- lution” overthrow of the Yanukovych government in Ukraine, using assets from the Banderist Nazi apparatus, that fought side-by-side with Hitler’s armies during World War II, and spawned sev- eral generations of avowed neo-Nazis like the Ukrainian Right Sector and Azov Brigades. At one crucial moment in the overthrow of Ya- nukovych, Nuland boasted to an audience at the National Press Club in Washington that the U.S. had spent $5 billion on the Ukraine “democracy” campaign since the breakup of the Soviet Union. at 2013-2014 coup d’etat in Kiev marked the dramatic escalation of the Obama Administra- tion’s already-ongoing provocations against Rus- sian President Vladimir Putin, actions that now include the deployment of NATO forces on the borders of Russia for the first time since the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in World War II. It was Obama and Clinton, joined at the hips, who destroyed the U.S.-Russian relationship, and have now put the world on a dangerous course to- wards general war, and even potentially a thermo- nuclear war of extinction. is is the real Obama-Clinton legacy. Hillary Clinton detests the fact that this is her true record and that Lyndon LaRouche has fear- lessly made this truth available to the American people and the world. Hillary Clinton: lousy stooge for wars and Wall Street Petition: Expose 9/11 Terror Network & End Perpetual War Diane Sare e following petition was issued July 13, 2016, by the LaRouche PAC. Point one has already been achieved with the release of the final 28-page chap- ter of the Congressional Joint Inquiry Report on the 9/11 attack. As we approach the 15th anniversary of Sep- tember 11, 2001, our nation, far from having recovered from that day of infamy, is now more violent, more terrorized, more impoverished and more despairing than ever before. at the truth about what happened on that day, when close to three thousand Americans perished, has not been told to the American people, and that justice has not been done, is a primary cause of the devasta- tion our nation and much of the world are cur- rently experiencing. Fiſteen years ago, four planes were hijacked, from Boston, Newark, and Dulles Airport in Vir- ginia. In each case, all the passengers crashed to their fiery deaths. 265 people died on the planes, 125 people were killed at the Pentagon, and 2606 died in the World Trade Center. is death count does not include the several thousand Americans killed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and other locations in the so-called “war on terror,” nor does it include the hundreds of first responders who have died since 9-11 due to illness caused by the debris which they inhaled as they tried to rescue people and clean up the damage. It also does not include soldier suicides which are now at close to 25 per day in the United States. is death count does not include the hun- dreds of thousands of Iraqis, Afghanis, Somalis, Libyans, Pakistanis, Yemenis, Syrians and others who have died in these wars or as “collateral dam- age” from drone strikes. Not only have hundreds of thousands of lives been lost in these wars, but the number of deadly terror attacks has been increasing, not decreas- ing. From Paris, to Brussels, to Baghdad, to San Bernardino, to Orlando, and now to Dallas, mass killings are shattering the order of human affairs. In Britain, the Chilcot Inquiry of former Prime Minister Tony Blair has concluded that the 2003 invasion of Iraq was NOT a war of last resort, but, by implication, a war of aggression. As the London Guardian put it, “Tony Blair is damned.” Parents and family members of the 179 British soldiers killed in Iraq are now filing suit against him for the deaths of their loved ones in an un- necessary war. What about Presidents Bush and Obama, as well as former Vice President Cheney, who pur- sued this war and other wars at the cost of thou- sands of American lives and the safety of us all? Remember, although 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, the Bush Administra- tion and the Saudi Government waged a massive public relations campaign to place the blame else- where, first by placing the blame almost entirely on the bin Laden network, and then focusing on an alleged threat from Iraq, implementing a pol- icy that has plunged the United States into a state of perpetual war for over a decade. We the undersigned believe that the world has paid too a high price for the cover-up of the events of 9-11. We demand justice for all those who died on September 11th, 2001 and its aſtermath. We demand the following: 1. e immediate public disclosure of the 28 pages (the final chapter of the Congressional re- port by the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Com- munity Activities before and aſter the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001), which can help to reveal the Anglo-Saudi apparatus which support- ed the 9-11 hijackers as they trained and prepared for their attack on the United States. 2. Public disclosure of the “Al Yamamah” weap- ons for petroleum deal negotiated by then Brit- ish Prime Minister Margaret atcher and Saudi Prince Bandar which created the sufficient off- the-books finances needed for the 9-11 attacks. 3. A thorough investigation (including the FBI’s release of thousands of pages they have been withholding) of areas which hosted these hijack- ers, including, but not limited to, Falls Church, VA; Sarasota, FL; San Diego, CA; and Paterson, NJ. 4. A “Chilcot Inquiry” investigation of both the Bush and Obama administrations to determine their complicity in the cover-up and protection of the 9-11 terror apparatus, as well as whether they, like Tony Blair engaged in “aggressive war,” in vio- lation of International law. 5. United States collaboration with Russia to eradicate terrorist networks in the Middle East and Northern Africa, as well as a reconstruction of the region so that the millions of displaced peo- ple may return safely to their homes. Let us honor those who have died as a result of the September 11, 2001 attacks, by dedicating ourselves to creating a world where this never happens again. Sign & Circulate the Petition! e “Tear Drop” 9/11 Memorial “To the Struggle Against World Terrorism” in Bayonne, NJ, donated to the U.S. by Russia.

Transcript of LaRouche: Hillary is Obama’s Stooge for Wars and Wall St. · LaRouche: Hillary is Obama’s...

The HamiltonianAugust 9, 2016 Volume 1, Number 1The Voice of the LaRouche Political Movement

LaRouche: Hillary is Obama’s Stooge for Wars and Wall St.

Jeffrey Steinberg

Within 24 hours of Hillary Clinton’s formal nom-ination as the Democratic Party’s 2016 presiden-tial candidate, some of Clinton’s top foreign policy and national security campaign advisers came out with blood-curdling attacks against Russia and against Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Even as the Democratic Convention was un-derway, former CIA Director and Defense Secre-tary under Barack Obama, Leon Panetta, told the convention on July 27 that the key to ending the Syrian war is to overthrow President Assad. Two days later, Jeremy Bash, Panetta’s former chief of staff at CIA and the Pentagon and now a top ad-viser to Clinton, told the Daily Telegraph that one of Clinton’s first actions as President would be to order a top down review of the Syria policy, with a goal of putting the ouster of Assad at the top of the priorities. He argued that there is no prospect of defeating the Islamic State and Jabhat al Nusra without removing Assad.

Michelle Flournoy, who is viewed as Hillary Clinton’s top choice to be Secretary of Defense, told Defense One that a new administration must create a “no bomb zone” in the north of Syria, to safe-house rebel fighters and train and arm them to overthrow Assad, as well as combat ISIS and Nusra. She advocated the use of stand-off weapons against the Syrian Army as another escalation in the re-gime-change war launched by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton in early 2011.

Flournoy is the CEO of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), a think tank domi-nated by Clinton advisers and other neoconserva-tives. Flournoy’s interview with Defense One was a condensed version of a report CNAS just pro-duced from an ISIS Study Group, which included a collection of war-hawks and neocons who are all part of the Clinton stable: Ryan Crocker, Kimber-ly Kagan, Joseph Lieberman, Gen. David Petrae-us, Kenneth Pollack, Andrew Tabler and Frances Townsend.

In May, CNAS published a blueprint for global confrontation, called “Extending American Power: Strategies to Expand American Engagement in a Competitive World Order,” which was co-authored by Robert Kagan, a leading neocon who prepared a similar study for the incoming Bush-Cheney Administration in 2000, called “Project for a New American Century.” Both documents advanced a unipolar world based on projection of ever-ex-panding U.S. military power. The PNAC study was widely seen as the game-plan that Bush and Cheney used to launch the decade of permanent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, a game-plan extend-ed by Obama and Clinton into Syria and Libya.

Following the diatribes by Panetta, Bash and Flournoy, many astute observers concluded that the attacks on Syria, Russia and China, included in the combined remarks, could not have been issued without prior approval by Hillary Clinton herself.

In short, Clinton has declared herself as the “continuity” candidate from the nearly two-de-cades of permanent war, launched by Bush and Obama. Those wars have now put the world on the verge of thermonuclear war with Russia and China, a war that will wipe out humankind.

If anything, while serving as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was one of the most strident ad-vocates of war and more war in the Obama Ad-ministration. Clinton was and remains a strong promoter of the need to overthrow the Assad gov-ernment in Damascus, through direct U.S. mili-tary involvement if necessary. The demand to cre-ate a no-fly zone inside Syrian territory is a blatant violation of all principles of national sovereignty, and her role in the launching of the disastrous Libyan war—widely described as the decisive vote in the rush to regime-change—has created a per-

manent crisis throughout the African continent, leading to mass deaths and social chaos.

It was Hillary Clinton, along with Susan Rice and Samantha Power, who pushed for the ouster of Libyan leader Qaddafi, even though it meant aligning with hardcore Al Qaeda and related ji-hadist terror groups. The overthrow and assassi-nation of Qaddafi turned Libya into an ungov-ernable no-mans-land, run by warring cliques of heavily armed militias, many dominated by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Magreb (AQIM) and subse-quently by the Islamic State.

The arms that were “liberated” from Libyan government stockpiles have fueled wars across the African continent, and large quantities of those “loose weapons” were smuggled into Syria, through U.S., British, Saudi Arabian, Qatari and Turkish channels, into the hands of the jihadists who have turned Syria and Iraq into a Hell on Earth. Millions of refugees from the North Af-

rican, Syrian, Iraq and Afghan conflicts, all boosted by Obama and Clinton, have flooded into Western Europe in desperate flight for their lives, creating the biggest refugee crisis in the en-tire postwar period.

These actions taken during Clinton’s four years as Secretary of State to Barack Obama, led directly to the events of Sept. 11, 2012, when jihadists from Ansar al-Sharia staged a heavily armed assault on the U.S.

diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, result-ing in the murder of U.S. Ambassador Christo-pher Stevens and three other American officials.

As State Department documents detailed, for months prior to the Benghazi 9/11 attack, Am-bassador Stevens and other U.S. diplomats in Lib-ya had begged for increased security personnel. The State Department compiled a grid of scores of attacks on foreign diplomats and even the In-ternational Red Cross, but security was actually stripped, rather than boosted. While State De-partment official Patrick Kennedy was ostensibly in charge of security arrangments for the U.S. dip-lomatic mission in Libya, the buck really stopped with the Secretary—Hillary Clinton.

As the Benghazi attack on 9/11/12 was unfold-ing, live reports from Benghazi and from the em-bassy in Tripoli made clear that the attack on the mission was premeditated, well-planned, heavily armed and deadly. A Defense Intelligence Agency assessment, released within the government days after the attack, spelled out precisely how the at-tack was conducted.

Yet, President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton, more concerned with the upcoming No-vember 2012 presidential elections, chose to lie to the American people and claimed that the attack in Benghazi was a “spontaneous” protest against a little-known video slandering the Prophet Mo-hammed—a boldfaced lie.

That lie, worked out in a late-night phone call between President Obama and Secretary Clinton, and first issued to the public in a press release is-sued under Clinton’s name, was maintained for days. On the Sunday after the attack, National Security Adviser Susan Rice went on a string of interview shows to peddle the “spontaneous pro-test-gone wild” lie, first issued by Clinton.

Hillary Clinton put the re-election of Barack Obama ahead of the truth and the vital national security interests of the United States. She calcu-lated that if she had told the truth and resigned from the Administration, Obama would have been defeated for re-election, she would have been blamed, and her own future prospects of be-ing Presidential nominee of the Democratic Party would have been ended.

Lyndon LaRouche presented the case against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in an histor-ic press conference in Washington, D.C. at the National Press Club in the weeks following the Benghazi tragedy. LaRouche identified Clinton as a stooge for Obama and as a leading member of the war party, that has given the United States and the world the longest running perpetual war, has created the conditions for the rise of the Islamic State, and has bankrupted the U.S. economy.

Hillary Clinton not only presided over the rise

of ISIS and the total destabilization of the entire Middle East/North Africa region. She, along with her trusted State Department ally, Victoria Nu-land, created a total confrontation with Russia, which, at critical moments, put her in bed with outright Nazis.

Clinton promoted Nuland, the wife of neocon ideologue Robert Kagan, to top State Department posts, from spokeswoman for Secretary Clinton and the Department, to Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, a post from which Nuland presided over the “color revo-lution” overthrow of the Yanukovych government in Ukraine, using assets from the Banderist Nazi apparatus, that fought side-by-side with Hitler’s armies during World War II, and spawned sev-eral generations of avowed neo-Nazis like the Ukrainian Right Sector and Azov Brigades.

At one crucial moment in the overthrow of Ya-nukovych, Nuland boasted to an audience at the

National Press Club in Washington that the U.S. had spent $5 billion on the Ukraine “democracy” campaign since the breakup of the Soviet Union.

That 2013-2014 coup d’etat in Kiev marked the dramatic escalation of the Obama Administra-tion’s already-ongoing provocations against Rus-sian President Vladimir Putin, actions that now include the deployment of NATO forces on the borders of Russia for the first time since the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in World War II.

It was Obama and Clinton, joined at the hips, who destroyed the U.S.-Russian relationship, and have now put the world on a dangerous course to-wards general war, and even potentially a thermo-nuclear war of extinction.

This is the real Obama-Clinton legacy.Hillary Clinton detests the fact that this is her

true record and that Lyndon LaRouche has fear-lessly made this truth available to the American people and the world.

Hillary Clinton: lousy stooge for wars and Wall Street

Petition: Expose 9/11 Terror Network & End Perpetual War

Diane Sare

The following petition was issued July 13, 2016, by the LaRouche PAC. Point one has already been achieved with the release of the final 28-page chap-ter of the Congressional Joint Inquiry Report on the 9/11 attack.

As we approach the 15th anniversary of Sep-tember 11, 2001, our nation, far from having recovered from that day of infamy, is now more violent, more terrorized, more impoverished and more despairing than ever before. That the truth about what happened on that day, when close to three thousand Americans perished, has not been told to the American people, and that justice has not been done, is a primary cause of the devasta-tion our nation and much of the world are cur-rently experiencing.

Fifteen years ago, four planes were hijacked, from Boston, Newark, and Dulles Airport in Vir-ginia. In each case, all the passengers crashed to their fiery deaths. 265 people died on the planes, 125 people were killed at the Pentagon, and 2606 died in the World Trade Center.

This death count does not include the several thousand Americans killed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and other locations in the so-called “war on terror,” nor does it include the hundreds of first responders who have died since 9-11 due to illness caused by the debris which they inhaled as they tried to rescue people and clean up the damage. It also does not include soldier suicides which are now at close to 25 per day in the United States.

This death count does not include the hun-dreds of thousands of Iraqis, Afghanis, Somalis, Libyans, Pakistanis, Yemenis, Syrians and others who have died in these wars or as “collateral dam-age” from drone strikes.

Not only have hundreds of thousands of lives been lost in these wars, but the number of deadly terror attacks has been increasing, not decreas-ing. From Paris, to Brussels, to Baghdad, to San Bernardino, to Orlando, and now to Dallas, mass killings are shattering the order of human affairs.

In Britain, the Chilcot Inquiry of former Prime Minister Tony Blair has concluded that the 2003 invasion of Iraq was NOT a war of last resort, but, by implication, a war of aggression. As the London Guardian put it, “Tony Blair is damned.” Parents and family members of the 179 British soldiers killed in Iraq are now filing suit against him for the deaths of their loved ones in an un-necessary war.

What about Presidents Bush and Obama, as well as former Vice President Cheney, who pur-sued this war and other wars at the cost of thou-sands of American lives and the safety of us all?

Remember, although 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, the Bush Administra-tion and the Saudi Government waged a massive public relations campaign to place the blame else-where, first by placing the blame almost entirely on the bin Laden network, and then focusing on an alleged threat from Iraq, implementing a pol-icy that has plunged the United States into a state of perpetual war for over a decade.

We the undersigned believe that the world has paid too a high price for the cover-up of the events

of 9-11. We demand justice for all those who died on September 11th, 2001 and its aftermath. We demand the following:

1. The immediate public disclosure of the 28 pages (the final chapter of the Congressional re-port by the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Com-munity Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001), which can help to reveal the Anglo-Saudi apparatus which support-ed the 9-11 hijackers as they trained and prepared for their attack on the United States.

2. Public disclosure of the “Al Yamamah” weap-ons for petroleum deal negotiated by then Brit-ish Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Saudi Prince Bandar which created the sufficient off-the-books finances needed for the 9-11 attacks.

3. A thorough investigation (including the FBI’s release of thousands of pages they have been withholding) of areas which hosted these hijack-ers, including, but not limited to, Falls Church, VA; Sarasota, FL; San Diego, CA; and Paterson, NJ.

4. A “Chilcot Inquiry” investigation of both the Bush and Obama administrations to determine their complicity in the cover-up and protection of the 9-11 terror apparatus, as well as whether they, like Tony Blair engaged in “aggressive war,” in vio-lation of International law.

5. United States collaboration with Russia to eradicate terrorist networks in the Middle East and Northern Africa, as well as a reconstruction of the region so that the millions of displaced peo-ple may return safely to their homes.

Let us honor those who have died as a result of the September 11, 2001 attacks, by dedicating ourselves to creating a world where this never happens again.

Sign & Circulate the Petition!

The “Tear Drop” 9/11 Memorial “To the Struggle Against World Terrorism” in Bayonne, NJ, donated to the U.S. by Russia.

The New Presidency: It Begins with LaRouche’s ‘Four Laws’

Michael Steger

This article is the first in a series of writings to be presented by the LaRouche PAC National Policy Committee, in direct collaboration with Lyndon LaRouche, as part of his campaign to create a New Presidency over the coming 100 days.

August 2 — Over the last five weeks the world has changed. Events combined with willful inter-ventions, especially those of Vladimir Putin, have created a new global dynamic and transformed the potential for real and total victory in the im-mediate period ahead. Success now depends first on the adoption of LaRouche’s “Four New Laws,” a policy set forth in June 2014 in his “The Four New Laws to Save the U.S.A. Now!,” but long-term success requires more than simple adoption of necessary policies, even ones as necessary as GlassSteagall and Federal Credit for scientific ad-vancement.

As LaRouche states in “The Four New Laws” (available at

“In principle, without a Presidency suited to remove and dump the worst effects felt present-ly, those created presently by the Bush-Cheney and Obama Presidencies, the United States were soon finished, beginning with the mass-death of the U.S. population under the Obama Adminis-tration’s recent and now accelerated policies of practice.”

And then later:“A chain-reaction collapse, to this effect, is

already accelerating with an effect on the mon-ey-systems of the nations of that region. The present acceleration of a ‘Bail-in’ policy through-out the trans-Atlantic region, as underway now, means mass-death suddenly hitting the popula-tions of all nations within that trans-Atlantic re-gion: whether directly, or by ‘overflow.’ ”

This systemic crisis requires not just a set of policies, but a New Presidency, one based on a cit-izenry with a higher devotion, one beyond mere electoral politics, one similar to that of Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Alexander Hamilton. It requires a commitment to the cre-ation of a new nation, of a new United States, and of a world that has never existed before—a world now more possible than ever, and a world that now lies in our hands. Will it come to be, or will we fall short?

The Five WeeksNow consider the rapid developments of the

last five weeks: The British-exit (Brexit) vote from the European Union on June 24, exposed as if suddenly, for all the world to see, the rotting core of the trans-Atlantic system. This rebellion among British voters was the direct prelude to the Helga Zepp-LaRouche–hosted Schiller Institute con-ference in Berlin that same weekend, an event uniquely focused on the fulfillment of the new world system now coming into being through-out Eurasia and inspired by the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche.

Within days successive upheavals poured forth. The NATO summit in Warsaw, hoping to target Russia for greater war, instead only exposed growing discord among the European nations. Japan rejected any further commitment to Brit-ish financial insanity, and in fact moved closer to Russia and China, as did the Philippines, ignoring Obama’s command for conflict in the South Chi-na Sea. Terrorist attacks, spawned by the ongoing illegal U.S./British wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, have targeted cities in France and Germa-ny weekly, if not daily, with no end in sight under the current policies. Underlying all of this polit-ical upheaval, there is the ongoing public panic over the banking collapse in Italy, Germany, and London, threatening that very sudden wipe-out of the nations of the trans-Atlantic that Lyndon LaRouche had warned of in 2014.

In the context of this political and cultural breakdown in the trans-Atlantic region, there has been a surge of the policies and initiatives of the LaRouche organization. The Chilcot Inquiry was finally released in London after seven long years of review, declaring the Queen’s war in Iraq—a war forced through by Tony Blair and George W. Bush—to be illegal and a direct attack on the United Nations and international law, crimes tantamount to those of the Nazis. In the United States, the “28 pages” of the Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 were released after 14 years, exposing the fraud of both the Bush and Obama administrations for their explicit cover-up of the British-Saudi direction of the 9/11 attacks, as well as their subsequent drive for world war through geopolitical criminal intent.

The Glass-Steagall Act, the very death-knell of Wall Street’s and London’s criminal fraud, then found its way into both the Republican and Democratic Party’s platforms, not because of the clown-shows of the joke-candidates, but because of the deeply held recognition by the broad ma-jority of the American people, that the last fifteen years of mass-death policy in the United States is undeniably tied to the policies of Wall Street.

And now, just five weeks later, resolving as if upwards with much more to come, the near-coup in Turkey and subsequent policy changes threat-en to end the last two centuries of geopolitical at-tempts to control Asia, as Turkey now turns closer to both Putin’s Russia and China’s New Silk Road policy, and away from the trans-Atlantic commit-ment to world war.

Then comes the news of the encirclement of Aleppo, again by Putin’s Russian along with Syri-an forces, indicating a possible near-term end, not just to the Syrian conflict which was intended as a pre-emption toward nuclear war against Russia and China by the British-backed Obama regime, but which now, with the crisis nearly resolved, portends the end of the era of British geopolitics itself.

Vladimir Putin and China’s New Silk Road are winning; Obama and the British are losing.

Yet there is more, and perhaps more to come, beginning with the participation by Helga Zepp-LaRouche in the international T20 summit in Bei-jing at the end of July, a preliminary discussion of leading figures for the upcoming G20 leader’s summit in September. The United Nations Gen-eral Assembly will also meet in September, mere-ly a year since Vladimir Putin’s call for a new al-lied force against terrorism, and both events will be key international forums to build upon the LaRouche-inspired new paradigm.

As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said recently, “The Erinyes’ dreadful dance has been unleashed!” and one can almost hear the panicked howling and screaming inside the corridors of power on Wall Street and in London, even from the batty Queen herself.

The Four Laws On June 8, 2014, Lyndon LaRouche issued a

statement, titled “The Four New Laws to Save the U.S.A. Now! Not an Option: an Immediate Necessity.”

In this statement, Mr. LaRouche defines a solu-tion to the current global and general breakdown crisis, but he also defines more. He presents an economic and scientific policy which is coherent with the actual creative nature of the human spe-cies, and one which, if adopted, will unleash a Re-naissance in human advancement for the coming century, and beyond.

There is no substitute for reading, and reread-ing, the entirety of Mr. LaRouche’s statement, but we will present here a brief truncated synopsis of the immediate steps to be taken to address the ongoing general breakdown crisis of the trans-At-

lantic system. This is the starting point for a suc-cessful New Presidency:

1. The immediate re-enactment of the Glass-Steagall law instituted by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, without modification, as to principle of action.

2. A return to a system of top-down, and thor-oughly so defined, as National Banking. The prec-edents for this shall be taken from the banking and credit system established by Alexander Ham-ilton, as well as Abraham Lincoln’s action of cre-ating a national currency (“Greenbacks”), under Presidential authority.

3. The deploy-ment of a new Fed-eral Credit system to generate high-pro-ductivity trends in improvements of employment, with the accompanying intention to increase the physical-eco-nomic productivity, and the standard of living of the persons and households of the United States. An increase in pro-ductive employ-ment, as accomplished under Franklin Roosevelt, must reflect an increase in real productivity, co-herent with an increase in energy-flux density in the nation’s economic practice.

4. The adoption of a “Fusion-Driver ‘Crash Program.’” Real economics is grounded in the es-sential distinction of man from all lower forms of life. A Fusion Crash Program, today subsuming a return to Krafft Ehricke’s vision for the U.S. space program, is a commitment to mankind’s future.

The Deeper Issue However, only a quality of thinking similar to

that of a creative scientist, such as Einstein, or the conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler, will have the powers necessary to grasp the underlying causal force of the recent international developments, as well as the sufficient quality of response found in the very essence of LaRouche’s Four New Laws. This scientific quality is best expressed as one’s own commitment to the unbounded future of the human species.

Not the future of the reductionist’s space and time, or even space-time, but rather a future gov-erned by musical genius, which looks to engender in the mind of an audience the necessary and suffi-cient powers of thought which approximate man-kind’s unlimited future, thus unfolding a clarity of resolute action as if backwards into the present crisis from the living future. Shakespeare’s case of Hamlet provides a relevant negative proof of such powers of the human mind. Any honest person must ask themselves, not “For whom will I vote?,” but rather, “Will I exist as an efficient actor on the stage of history?” As Lyndon LaRouche stated on July 31, 2016, “I am not running for President, but I am certainly intending to affect the shaping of the government of the United States in the com-ing period.”

Now consider this aspect of his thinking in the concluding section of that June 2014 report:

“For example: ‘time’ and ‘space’ do not ac-tually exist as a set of metrical principles of the

Solar system; their only admissible employment for purposes of communication is essentially nominal presumption. Since competent science for today can be expressed only in terms of the unique characteristic of the human species’ role within the known aspects of the universe, the hu-man principle is the only true principle known to us for practice: the notions of space and time are merely useful imageries.”

And then later:“Man is mankind’s only true measure of the

history of our Solar system, and what repos-es within it. That is the same thing, as the most

honored meaning and endless achievement of the human species, now within nearby Solar space, heading upward to mastery over the Sun and its Solar system, the one discovered (uniquely, as a matter of fact), by Johannes Kepler.”

The danger lies, thus, not in the seeming chaos of world events, as the typical “man on the street” perceives the unfolding crisis, but in the insuffi-cient commitment towards the upward nature of mankind, as presented in LaRouche’s Four New Laws. For at such a moment when LaRouche’s ideas are now more influential within the broader culture of the human species, and while the con-trary deceits of Zeusian imperial dictates of pop-ulation reduction, war, and economic fraud face their perilous collapse, the very nature of the hu-man mind itself is the higher compositional mo-dality by which we act upon the universe at large to revolutionary effect.

What is urgent is the requisite creative pre-emptive action to create an entire dynamic, rather than the repeated failures derived from Newton’s systemic fraud of action-reaction—a fraud that predominates in the neurotic impulses of the political and financial class of the trans-At-lantic today, and a fraud that Einstein so brilliant-ly exposed. Such preemptive action, as required by LaRouche’s Four New Laws, is the very founda-tion for the preliminary steps by which we elim-inate the unnecessary burdens and debts of this failed system.

But, can one hear the new theme, perhaps as if by the anticipated entrance of a soaring section of woodwinds high above the orchestra in highest register? For such anticipation is as if a gift brought unexpectedly by a long-past dear friend from what is the yet undetermined future, which is then giv-en on behalf of our present’s passing, only to be-come our future’s most profound present.

Dante’s Divine Comedy, and Brunelleschi’s cre-ation of the Italian Renaissance, were no less.

So must the New Presidency, and its citizenry, become.

President Franklin Roosevelt speaks to the nation in one of his “fireside chats”

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August 9, 2016 The Hamiltonian

“Hillary ought to be ashamed of herself for being herself.”–Lyndon LaRouche

In recent discussions with associates in the wake of the Democratic Convention in Phila-delphia, Lyndon LaRouche said of Hillary Clinton, “She is not a winning figure. Nor is he [Trump]. The only thing they can do is to cause doom. They cannot win, except by causing doom.” He went on to describe Hillary Clinton as “a professional stooge for Obama” who is running a “swindle against the people of the United States.” He said she is on the edge of “going down as a political figure.” LaRouche identified the starting point of that doom as the moment when LaRouche PAC organizer Daniel Burke asked Hillary Clinton at a Manhattan event whether she would act to reinstate Glass-Steagall. “He insisted that he get an answer, and she refused… She’s just making more and more enemies,” LaRouche said.

LaRouche further emphasized that someone has to identify what caused Obama to become President of the United States, and pointed to the role of British Empire operator George Soros. He said, “Obama is an instrument of this body.” Hillary has made herself a tool of the same British Empire that runs Obama by her decision to support him. Hillary Clinton has been identified as the instigator of the Obama Administration’s 2011 bombing of Libya, and the subsequent murder of its Prime Minister Gaddafi. She later wittingly lied about the cause of the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, which resulted in the deaths of four American citizens, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. — Diane Sare

Paid for by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee P. O. Box 6157, Leesburg, VA 20178 •

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