Lanham Act (1940)

i, I u.. L o^ \^.. * Ä.t ( ?.r--"lt-suI ) b.-i S'io.l-.{t¿S) 1125 Ü ctob¿r- \{, ìq'{0 õ4 Srur.l 76rn CONG., sESS.-ClIs. 861, 862-OCî' 14' 1940 ühs sals o or miscellaneous ye4tÞ ?!,{ (cts hor water zuPPIY fof õ Ioï suen perioïsiæf þurþoses q"{ +lv Duration of .ooû- t¡acts. fhl oruanizatioãs fi¡ rsuant"to the, Rural r as the -Secretary dee,ms in sales or leases-of such ún mwrícipalities and othor¡úblic also to coo¡ôeratives and.oiKr nol- in wholo of in part by,ldans made Êcation Act of 1936 urfr anY amend.- such r,eñowal And Pretóre[c€ ln sàlê8 or leaSos. {9 6t¡t. 1303. ? U. S. C., SUPP. V' $$ s0r-9t4.. Äuthorlùy ol Secro' tary to u0lliæ Fedorâl landg. U. 8. C., ch. 12; Supp. V, ch. 12. AuthoÌity to â(. qulro lônds' otc. .Àdrninistrotlvo prù vlslo¡s. .App¡oprlstlons au. tho¡lz¿d. Ortobor 141,1010 [H. R. r04r2l -lFu¡Eõñ;e¿0I- Natibnot dofonso houdn¿ Âüth-orlty ol F€d- orsl TvorÌs Adrninl¡- trator, /4t¿t¿, pp. €81' Ulõ. poweq frrents thereof. "Sno. 10. (a) force and efiect. .A.ct. and (2) for be necessary to A.pproved, t4, L940. ICHAPTER 862] ion with any p constructed pur- of this Act, the Sec I to the uúilizaüion to tho acquisition, iño out, their .i i ii ì rlri ¡, I {i ¡ I r Í 1 q å' 3. Ë .A.N ACT To expedte rtre provision "to"rlfiåi"nî?;å::::"" rftn narional defense, ¿nd ror Be i't ennnted bu th¿ ßenate a'nd House of -ltepreeenta't'iaes of tl* Anóted ßtates of Ám¿ri'aøim Congress assernbled, - S";tro" 1, Iír order to pröviáe housing for porsons engaged -in national-defense activitios. dnd their familiés, in those areas or locali- tios in which the Presideít shatl find that an acute shortage of hous- irrg eii"tr or impends whirh would impetlo national-defensã activitiss the provisions of this


This is the earliest version of Impact Aid.For further information on federal education policy, see

Transcript of Lanham Act (1940)

Page 1: Lanham Act (1940)

i,I u.. L o^ \^.. * Ä.t ( ?.r--"lt-suI ) b.-i S'io.l-.{t¿S)

1125Ü ctob¿r- \{, ìq'{0

õ4 Srur.l 76rn CONG., sESS.-ClIs. 861, 862-OCî' 14' 1940

ühs sals oor miscellaneousye4tÞ ?!,{ (cts hor water zuPPIY fof

õ Ioï suen perioïsiæfþurþosesq"{ +lv

Duration of .ooû-t¡acts.

fhl oruanizatioãs fi¡rsuant"to the, Rural

r as the -Secretary dee,ms

in sales or leases-of suchún mwrícipalities and othor¡úblicalso to coo¡ôeratives and.oiKr nol-

in wholo of in part by,ldans madeÊcation Act of 1936 urfr anY amend.-

such r,eñowalAnd

Pretóre[c€ ln sàlê8or leaSos.

{9 6t¡t. 1303.? U. S. C., SUPP. V'

$$ s0r-9t4..

Äuthorlùy ol Secro'tary to u0lliæ Fedorâllandg.

1ô U. 8. C., ch. 12;Supp. V, ch. 12.

AuthoÌity to â(.qulro lônds' otc.

.Àdrninistrotlvo prùvlslo¡s.

.App¡oprlstlons au.tho¡lz¿d.

Ortobor 141,1010[H. R. r04r2l


Natibnot dofonsohoudn¿

Âüth-orlty ol F€d-orsl TvorÌs Adrninl¡-trator,

/4t¿t¿, pp. €81' Ulõ.


frrents thereof."Sno. 10. (a)

force and efiect.

.A.ct. and (2) forbe necessary to

A.pproved, t4, L940.


ion with any p constructed pur-of this Act, the SecI to the uúilizaüion

to tho acquisition,

iño out, their



ii ì









To expedte rtre provision "to"rlfiåi"nî?;å::::"" rftn narional defense, ¿nd ror

Be i't ennnted bu th¿ ßenate a'nd House of -ltepreeenta't'iaes of tl*

Anóted ßtates of Ám¿ri'aøim Congress assernbled,- S";tro" 1, Iír order to pröviáe housing for porsons engaged -innational-defense activitios. dnd their familiés, in those areas or locali-tios in which the Presideít shatl find that an acute shortage of hous-irrg eii"tr or impends whirh would impetlo national-defensã activitiss

the provisions of this

Page 2: Lanham Act (1940)


r'Ì'ederol agency,t'

Þ,oolso.Rolmbursometrt to

deslgnstod omorgonclrfun(ls.

' puBt rc LÀlMS-cH. 862--{CT. 14, 1940 [54 Srlr.


r0 u. s. c. [ 1339;4ru.s.c.¡5.

{0 U. B. C. $ 40siBupp. V, 0 l()a.

40 u. s, c. É 84.

ao u. s. o. ll 267-2680, 361-.3fì6; Supp,v, 0 88õ.

Plaualng and con-structlon of buildlDgs,stc.

I},ooltos,Oost-plus contrBcts.

F¿mily dwelllngunits, cost limitatiols.

Communlty faclll-ties.

"Persons engagod lnnÀtlômldâfêtrs mtlv-Itios" doflnêd.

and that such housing lvould not be provided by private cepital whenneeded, the I'ederal'Works Administrator (hereinafter referrod to astho ((Ädministratortt) is authorized :

(a) To acquirc príor to the approval of titie by the Attorney Gen-eral '(without rosärd to sections-1136. as amendäd, and 3?09"of theRevisbd Statutes) improved or unimp;oved lands or interests in landsby purch¿se, donatioñ, exchange, lea-e (without regard to section 322oi [hê Act óf June 30, 7932 (47 Stat'.4L2), as amended, the -A.ct ofMarch 3,1877 (19 Stat. 3?0), or any time limit' on tho availability offunds fór the bavment of 'íent). ðr condemnation (includins Dro-ceedings under*thä Acts otAuguit 1, 1888 (25 Stat.'afZ¡, UÀicÏ f,1929 C45 Stat 141õ), and tr'ebruary 26,1931 (46 Staü 1a21)).

lb) Bv contract or otherwise (without res¿rd to sections 1186. asamiídedi and 3?09 of the Revisocl Staüutes, úction 322 of the Àcd ofJuno 80,'1932 (47 Siat. 412), or any I'ederal, State, or municipallaws, ord.inances, rules, or regulations relating to plans ancl specifüa-tiond or forms of contract, the approval thoreof or the submßsion ofestimates therefor) prior to the ãpproval of title bv the AttorneyGeneral to mako dur^neys and inveðtïgations, plan, design, construci,remodel, extend, repair, or demglish structures, buildings, improve-ments, and community facilities, on lands or interests in lands acquiredunden'the provisions'of subsecúion (a) hereof or on other lands ofthe Unitetl3tates which mav be available (transfers of wbich for thispurpose bv the Federal agericy having jurildiction theteof are herebyäutltorized notwithstanding äny othii provisions of law), provitläproper approaches thereto, utilities, and transportation facilitles, andþrocure nocessary materials, supplies, articles, equipment, machinery,ãnd do all thinss necessa,rrr in connection therewith to carrv out tñopurposes of thiE .þrct: Prõaåded, Thut the cost-plus-a-perceätage-of-õosdsvstem of contracting shall áot be used, but [his prôviso sha'fl notbe coñstrued to prevent"the use of the coét-plus-a-fxed-fee form ofcontract z Proaíd'ed, That the cost per family dwelling unit shaìl notexceed ân average of $3,000 for those units located within the con-tinental Unitecl States nor an average of $4,000 for those located else-where, and the cost of no family dwelling unit shall exceed $3,950within tho continent¿l United States or $4,750 elsewhere, exclusivoof exponses of administration, land acquisition, public utilities, andcommunitv facilities, and tho aggregate cost of communitv facilitiesshall not eiceed 3 peí centum of iñe 6tal cost of all projectsl

Sr¡. 2. As used in this Act (a) the term ('persons engaged in national-defenss activitiestt shall include (1) enlist¿d men in the naval or mili-tary servicos of the United Stated;.(2) employees of the United Statesin ihe Naw and 'War Departmentd assignetl toduty at naval or militaryreserv¿tioris, posts, or böses; (3) workãrs engageð or to be engaged iirindustries connected with and essential to the national defense; (b) theterm ((X'ederal agency" means any executive department or offico(including the Fresiäent), indepeirdent sstablishìnent, commission,board, bureau, division, or offico in the executive branch of the UnitedStated Government, or other agency of the United States, includingcorporations in which the Unitsd States owns all or a majority of thestoc'k. directlv or indirectlv.

Snó. g. Tñe sum of $1sb,000,000, to rrmain available until expended,is hereby authorized to be appropriated to carry out the purþoses ofthis in accordance witlifhe ãuthoritv therein contained ãnd foradministrativo exponses in connection,therewj th : Proaíl'ed, hotn ea ey,That the AdminiJtrator is authorized to reimburse, from fuids whichmav be annrooriated oursuant to the authoritv of this Äct. the sum ofSg.åoO.Ooö to tñe emerdencv funds made available to the Prcdident underüUä ¡.ót of .Tune 11, 1940, äntitled (rAn Act making appropriations for

Appmprl¡tlo¡ au"thotlzod.


Page 3: Lanham Act (1940)

54 Sr¡r.l 76ts CONG.' 3o SÐSS.--OÌ{. 862--0ÕT. 14' 1940 tr27

the Navv Department and the naval servico for the fiscal year endingJune 30] 194i. and for other purposes" (Public, Numbered 588)' and Ant¿'p'wt'

the sum of $6.? to the õmergencv'funds irade available to thePresident undér tlie Mititary Apprõpriâtion Act, 1941, approved Juno Anta'P'srt'

13. 1940 (Public. Numbered 611).sno. 4. wheú the presidenl shall have.declared. that tho emer-

^.Te,rmrnarion of au.

s"n"v declared by him on September 8, 1939, to exist, has ceased to úno'rv'

ãxist- la) tho authoritv contained in secttion t hereof éhall terminatee*"epd with respect tö contracts on projects previously entered intoor uñdertaken and court proceedings then pending, and (b) properüyacauired or constructed- under this Act shall be disposed of asprómptly as may be advantageous undor the circumstancõs and in theõublic interest.'^S_¡o. õ. 'lVhere'ederal agency.has funds for,the.provision ,{Iatstuorhor:stnsof housrng rn connectron wrth natronal-delense û,cfivrtres lt mayr lnits discretÏon. make transfers of those funds, in rrhole or in part,to the -A.dmiúistrator. and the funds so transferred shall be av¿il'able for, but onlv for, anv or all of the objects and purposes of andin accordance wiih ali the authoritv and limitations cbntained in this.A.ct. and. for administrative expen-ses in connection therewith.

Si,o. O. Moneys derived fro^m rental or operatign 9f plop-e{ty ""lir.:t

rentÈr moq'

accluired. or con-structed under the provisions of this Act shall bereiurned to tho appropriation autholized. by this Act and- shall boavailable for exponses of operalion - and' maintenance includingadministrative exþenses in connection therewith, a-n{ the-unobligatedbalance of the moñeys so deposited. shall be covered into tho Treasuryat the end of each fisôal yearìs miscellaneous receipts.

Sno. 7. Noüwithstanding any other provisions of law,. whethu" or$!ffifluot' ""'.

"tnti"cto ttre acquidtionihandling, or &sposal of real or oúher prop-

erty bi the Unitãd States or to other matters, the Administrator,rrifh räsnect to anv nropertv acquired or constrûcted under the pro-visions o't ttti. Acti iä aúthoiized-by means of Government personlnel,selected oualified privato asencies. õr public agencies (a) to deal with,maintaini operatei adminisîer, anêl in-sure; (b) to pursúe to final col-lection bí ri'av of compromise or otherwise, all cláims arising there-from; (ci to ient,leasõ, exchange, sell for óash or credit, anilconveythe whòlô or anv'part of such þroperty and to convey without costnortions thereofio local municipalities for streeü or other public use:Þroaid,ed,rTh_at-any such transaôtion shall þg opgtt su-ch.terins, ftg$"'o, ,o**-ins the period of ariy lease, as may be deemed by the ,A'dministrator to boin"the dublic intereðt: Próaided-further, That the Administrator shall Fair rent¡rs'

fix faif rentals, on proiects develbped pursuant to this Act, which shallbe within the finanìial reach of pèrsons engaged in national defense:

!;tr;!:(,rffi'liTä"î:åitliffå#f iïü:LXiïiii'ååtiÏ,ä;'(ÞFffs.",*0.Stat. +tz).

Sno. 8. In.carrying out the provisions-of-thlq {ct the_Administra' ".}ft$!ffi$.F


ør is authorized tio uiilize ¿nd ãct through the Federal'W'orks Agencyand other tr'ederal agencies and any local public a,gency' with the con-sent of such agency.-, and any fuñds appropúatei ptrsuant to thisAct shall be av'ailaÈ,ie for transfer to añv such agenõy in reimburse-ment therefor. Nothing in this Act shall be construedito prevent the,A.dministrator from emþloying or utilizing tho professioñ¿l servicesof private persons, firms, orcorporations.

Sno. 9. The Á.dministrator may enter into any agreements to p¿y psymotrts in ueu or

¿nnual sums in lieu of taxes to any State or political s¡þdivisien trxes'

thereof. with respect to any real pröberty acquired and held by him this -A,ct. in?ludins improvements tliereon. Tho amount só paidfor any year úpon anylucliproperty shall not exceed the taxesthat

Page 4: Lanham Act (1940)


StÀto lurlsdictlonover Àiqulred ProPertY.

Rtild$ hrd rsguls-ttons.

OoEputation of lânborors', oto., wsgës.

gåp0rability clsuso.

RtFortto flnngress.

ion, associaticn, or any



éãns an individual, partrer form of business ente

rv wa,v bv tho uñ fib"óos átatø. ,t

P{IBLIC LAWS-CHS. 862, 871-OCT. 14, 1940 [54 Srer.

'would be paid to the State or subdivision, as the crÌso mâ.y be, uponsuch nrondrtv if it wore not oxempt from taxation.

Snô. f'0. Ñotwithttaoding any ãther provision of law, tho acqLrisi-tion bv the Âdministratof of any rcal property pursuant to this.{¿ll lot.doprivo ap¿.Sfote.or politícal subdiiision thereof ofits civil and crimiiial jurisãiction in añd over such

Suð. tt,


Ba ã,t arwotadr,a' Aní,ted States of

he cited a,s

2. As used in thisa) The term r(person"

its civil and. criminal jurisdiction in ancl over such propgrby, or impairthe civil righis undel tho State or local law of the inhabitants on

"t*å"Tft{'fi â"tlmini¡trntor in n,nfhoti¿ert tn malio mreh ri¡lòn nnrlregul¿tions as lrra,y be necessarv to carnr out the provisions of this"4.,i, nnd chull estàblish rs¿sonnhle sfancla.rrls of safety, convsrriencrs,and health.

Snc. 12. Notwithstanding any _other provision of law, the wages ofevery laborer and mechanic emplo.yed on any construction, repair ordemõliüion rvork ¡ruthorizod bv this Act, shall be computed on n basicdav rate of eiEht hours per daï and work in excess of eisht hours oerdai shall be iermitted ïpon "compensation for all houis ¡vorked in

"*ö..s of eiehi hours ner ãay at nôt iess than one and one-half times

the basic rlto of pay. Not-less than tho prevailing wages shall benaid in tho construcÛion of defenso housinE authorized herein." Suo. 13. If any provision of this Äct, õr the application thereofto any persons ór iircumstances, is helá invalid, ihe remainder ofthis Act, or application of such pîovision to other'persons or circum-stances shall not bs afiected thoreby.

Sncr. 14. Àt thc þqrginning of cnch scssion sf Çr.rrrgr:r,rss, tlrg Ärlrnin-istrator shall make t"o Conþss a full and detaileìf re¡íort coveringall of the transactions authõrized hereunder.

Approved, October 14, 1940.

öfil"i;¿la,mb'or hair of b Angora or Cashmeroso-calledand vicuna

.ãlt, trOers rrom f,nhich has never been

lv fibers from the hair

wool"Roproc€ssodwool." (C torm r(reprocessed wgol]

of th,e

1ræ, corpora-3e, plural or

of the sheep or

the resul whena wool product ich, without


fibsr whenoror renrocessed wool

wool ^prod.uct whichultimate consumefr,,ß

tlt6 ñm,ate an.d Hou^se of R-n

erí,ca,ín C ongress ø^ssunb)d¿ool Products LabelinszÄct

:, That this Act mayof 1939".

"Beusotl wool." means tho

úsed in anv. wmade into f ûl