Lamont the jesuit vatican new world order.docx

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  • 8/10/2019 Lamont the jesuit vatican new world order.docx


    the jesuit vatican new world order


    Thursda&' () Ma& *$)*

    +U++ET! O, THE +A+ACY- Buildin. The One/0orld eli.ion

    !u1title- Catholicis23s 45ihad4' Hol& 0ar' A.ainst +rotestants

    4There is a cons6irac& o7 her 6ro6hets in the 2idst thereo7' li8e a roarin. lion

    ravenin. the 6re&9 the& have devoured souls:;< =E>e;**-*?@

    0e o7ten hear o7 the secret

    societies and silent 1rotherhoods o7 o2an Catholicis2 such as the 5esuits' ni.hts

    o7 Malta and O6us ei' who covertl& serve the interests o7 the rulin. elite under the

    su6re2e authorit& o7 the Hol& !eeations are 1ein. used as a jihad' that is a hol& war a.ainst the .rowin.

    eFodus o7 Catholics =in Bra>il alone' as 2an& as "$$'$$$ a &ear leave the Catholic

    church and join 7unda2entalist +rotestant sects

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    that oGer what he calls 7alse 2ira.esil;;;Bisho6 !inesio Bohn called evan.elicals a

    serious threat to the VaticanDs inuence in his countr&; 0e will declare a hol& war9donDt dou1t it'D he announced' the Catholic Church has a 6onderous structure' 1ut

    when we 2ove' weDll s2ash an&one 1eneath us;D Accordin. to Bohn' an all/out hol&

    war canDt 1e avoided unless the )( lar.est +rotestant churches and deno2inations

    si.n a treat&;;;that would reJuire +rotestants to sto6 all evan.elis2 eGorts in Bra>il;

    In eFchan.e' he said Catholics would a.ree to sto6 all 6ersecution directed toward

    +rotestants< =Charis2a' Ma& )KK@;

    Notice that the onl& wa& to avoid this hol& war< is to sto6 evan.eli>in. their

    2e21ers; Yet do the& a1ide 1& the sa2e rule as the& as8 o7 +rotestantis2 O7

    course not The& have alread& launched their 4hol& war4 and 6lan on crushin. all

    those who o66ose it; 0hen over )$$ cardinals and 1isho6s 2et to discuss these

    Ecclesial Move2ents< the& ad2itted that these 2ove2ents were intended to hel6

    the 6arishes 2ove 7ro2 a sacra2ental 6astoral 6lan to one o7 evan.eli>ation in this

    de/Christiani>ed societ&e societ&' the& intend

    to rule it The 6a6ac&Ds desire to institute their theolo.ical 4New 0orld Order4 has

    driven her to use the la& 6eo6le as her 6u66ets; And althou.h the& clai2 that all

    three 2ove2ents were started 1& the lait&' itDs interestin. to note that the& are

    clericall& do2inated; The reason 0hen a 2ove2ent is>ed 1& the Church' it

    1eco2es a 6rivile.ed instru2ent 7or a 6ersonal and ever new adherence to the

    2&ster& o7 Christ;< In other words' it will 1eco2e an instru2ent 7or the 6a6ac&;

    The wea8 are stationed around the altars' to attract 1& their sancti2onious 7ervor

    the learned Pll the chairs o7 sacred and 6ro7ane literaturethe cra7t& attachthe2selves to those in eFalted stations' that 1& their 2eans the& 2a& o1tain and

    direct 6ower 7or their own advanta.eand the stron. .o 7orth to 6rosel&te< =The

    A2erican TeFt/Boo8 o7 +o6er&- Bein. an Authentic Co26end o7 the Bulls' Canons

    and ecretals o7 the o2an Hierarch&' New Yor8- +u1lished 1& !; 0; Benedict Co;

    )#' (?)@

    Monsi.nor +aul/5ose7 Cordes o7 the +ontiPcal Council o7 the Lait& has 6u1licl& stated

    that these 2ove2ents will 1e invalua1le 6artici6ants in what will 1e 4not just a

    6urel& hu2an 1attle a1out words or ideas' 1ut a QEAT THEO/AMATIC BATTLE

    that will soon ensue across the .lo1e

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    or.ani>ation' which has 7ollowers in over )#$ countries' to Qod Hi2sel7; 4The

    structure o7 the 2ove2ent' 2ore than 1ein. su..ested to us 1& hu2an ideas' was

    ins6ired 1& a charis2a that is a .i7t o7 Qod'4 she writes; Accordin. to the oRcial

    we1site 7or ,ocolare-

    ,ro2 its hu21le 1e.innin.s in the Italian cit& o7 Trent' the ,ocolare has 1eco2e a

    worldwide 2ove2ent' and now nu21ers over #%'$$$ 2e21ers and a1out two2illion 7riends and adherents in over )#$ nations; There are 2an& wa&s to 1elon. to

    the Move2ent' 7ro2 a 2ore co22itted li7est&le in s2all co22unities to

    colla1oration in its various activities; The Move2ent is 2ade u6 o7 6ersons o7 all' races and wal8s o7 li7e; IT I! ECUMENICAL; Me21ers o7 the world3s reli.ions as

    well as 6ersons o7 no reli.ious aRliation also 6artici6ate in the li7e o7 the Move2ent

    in var&in. de.rees;ations have 2o1ili>ed to 6la& down such

    criticis2; o1ert Mo&nihan' Inside the Vatican editor' in a Ti2e 2a.a>ine article

    =)KK%@' discussin. controversial reli.ious 2ove2ents' sa&s-

    4!ilence' 7astin.' cuttin. onesel7 oG 7ro2 one3s 7or2er 7riends and associates to

    devote onesel7 to Qod' la1orin. to 1rin. the Qos6el to the ends o7 the earth' all o7

    these 1ehaviors are seen as 7anatical' irrational' cult/li8e; But these are 1ehaviors

    that Catholics honor and 6raise in !t; Benedict' !t; ,rancis o7 Assisi and !t; Tho2as


    UrJuhart also clai2s that ,ocolare uses 1rainwashin. techniJues on new recruitsthrou.h what he calls total i22ersion eF6eriences

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    +rotestant 2aterial; M& 1rother did a re6ort on the a6ostle +aul usin. a Christian

    Bi1le; He didnDt reali>e there was a diGerence 1etween notes in a Catholic 1i1le and

    notes in the true Bi1le; 0hen it ca2e his turn to read his re6ort 1e7ore the class' he

    heard the nun sto26in. to the 7ront o7 the class in a ra.e; !he too8 the 6a6er out o7

    2& 1rotherDs hand and wadded it u6 and stuGed it into his 2outh de2andin. he eat

    the 6a6er; M& 1rother s6it it out on the oor' 1ut she 6ic8ed it u6 a.ain and shovedit 1ac8 into his 2outh; He s6it it out a.ain' and she started 1eatin. on hi2; It wasnDt

    until he was an adult that he understood wh& she was so enra.ed; The in7or2ation

    in the Christian Bi1le contradicted o2an Catholic teachin.;

    ee6in. in 2ind r; Li6tonDs criteria 7or cult 1ehavior' I had to wonder i7 these total

    i22ersion eF6eriences< were 1ein. conducted at ,ocolare cities< called

    Maria6oliseserland' !lovenia' Ca2eroon' en&a' the +hili66ines' Australia' Ar.entina' Bra>il

    and MeFico; In the United !tates the 42ini cit&4 is located in H&de +ar8' New Yor8;

    urin. its Prst &ears o7 eFistence it has develo6ed into a center 7or s6iritualit&' a

    trainin. .round 7or unit&' oGerin. an eF6erience o7 it that can then 1e 1ac8

    into one3s environ2ent as a contri1ution towards A UNITE 0OL;ed the2selves 7ro2 the; The result' Mason said' was a divided church; eter2ined to learn all

    he could a1out Tres dias' Mason uncovered so2e unsettlin. in7or2ation a1out a

    s6iritual 2ove2ent that is raisin. concern in the !outhern Ba6tist Convention;

    avis said a nu21er o7 !outhern Ba6tist churches have contacted his oRce withstories o7 6ro1le2s resultin. 7ro2 the retreats; It3s ver& stran.e; !o2e church

    2e21ers have done eFtre2e thin.s' sellin. 6ossessions' 1eco2in. secretive; It3s

    al2ost li8e the wee8end retreat has 1eco2e the 7ocus o7 their s6iritual lives;D

    Qeor.e Os2ent' a la& leader at ,irst Ba6tist Church' !cotts1oro' Tenn;' said the

    s6iritual intensit& is so .reat that leaders o7 one Tres dias retreat re7used to allow a

    ca26er to leave; This 6erson wanted to .o ho2e 1ut the& wouldn3t let hi2; He saw

    what was .oin. on and wanted to leave'D Os2ent said; The& 7or2ed a circle around

    hi2 and 6ra&ed over hi2;D Os2ent said the secrec& surroundin. the retreat has

    caused division in their; It3s ver& sad'D he said; !aid avis- An&thin.

    that involves a 2easure o7 secrec& sends u6 a red a.; There3s no need 7or an&1od&

    in a Christian church to 8ee6 an&thin. secret;Ded 1& the ecu2enical doctrine o7 Chiara Lu1ich; But their .oal to reach the

    +rotestants was a 2ost i26ortant 7actor in a1out worldwide solidarit& and6eace

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    4That all 2a& 1e one4; +o6e 5ohn +aul II' addressin. )#'$$$ &oun. 6eo6le' s6o8e o7

    a united world as the .reat eF6ectation o7 toda&Ds hu2anit&' the .reat challen.e o7

    our 7uture

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    another cult/li8e trait accordin. to eF6ert o1ert 5a& Li7ton-

    The cult3s ideolo.& 1eco2es the ulti2ate 2oral vision 7or the orderin. o7 hu2an

    eFistence; The ideolo.& is too sacredD to call into Juestion' and a reverence is

    de2anded 7or the leadershi6; The cult3s ideolo.& 2a8es an eFa..erated clai2 7or

    6ossessin. lo.ic' 2a8in. it a66ear as a1solute truth with no contradictions;

    !uch an attractive s&ste2 oGers securit&;ed 2odern

    2en and wo2en' 1ut to 7ull& live out their own 6ro7ound Christian vision

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    2onarchs 6ut to.ether9 carr&in. da& and a rosar& as a 1racelet' an i2a.e o7

    Mar&' etc;< =The !ecret Histor& o7 the 5esuits' +aris' ")@;

    These and si2ilar 6ractices are to all Catholics' 1ut the 2ore eFtre2e

    actions as descri1ed 1& ,ather< +e21le in the 7ollowin. Juote were le7t to the

    hol&< 2en and wo2en who su66osedl& had reached a 6er7ection we could scarcel&

    ho6e to attain;To 1eat or a.ellate ourselves' and oGer each 1low as a sacriPce to Qod throu.h

    Mar&' to carve with a 8ni7e the hol& na2e o7 Mar& on our chest- to cover ourselves

    decentl& at so as not to oGend the chaste .a>e o7 Mar&9 to tell the &ou

    would 1e willin. to oGer her &our 6lace in heaven i7 she didnDt have her own9 to wish

    &ou had never 1een 1orn or .o to hell i7 Mar& had not 1een 1orn9 to never eat an

    a66le' as Mar& had 1een 8e6t 7ro2 the 2ista8e o7 tastin. o7 it< =The !ecret Histor&

    o7 the 5esuits' +aris' ")@;

    These de.enerate eFercises< and 7or2s o7 worshi6 were cultivated into licentious

    and sensual eF6ressions in 2an& 5esuits; One would have to wonder i7 the !6iritual

    EFercises< the 6riests o7 CL were 6artici6atin. in were si2ilar or even the sa2e;

    ,ro2 the 6o6eDs concludin. s6eech to the2' it is evident that Mar& had her 6art in


    Ma& Our Lad&' Mother o7 Qod and o7 the Church' .uide &ou constantl& on the

    6athwa& o7 li7e; nowin. &our devotion to the Hol&' I ho6e that she will 1e 7or

    all o7 &ou the 4Mornin. !tar4' who will enli.hten and stren.then &our .enerous

    co22it2ent o7 Christian witness in the conte26orar& world; And now I cordiall&

    .ive &ou 2& A6ostolic Blessin.;