Lama Alive ·  · 2018-02-24Lama Alive 2014/2015 . Ma’a salaamah Sebastian, Mona & Safi Our...

Lama Alive 2014/2015

Transcript of Lama Alive ·  · 2018-02-24Lama Alive 2014/2015 . Ma’a salaamah Sebastian, Mona & Safi Our...


Alive 2014/2015

Ma’a salaamah Sebastian, Mona & Safi Our beloved Coordinator Sebastian Robins, his inspiring wife Mona Haydar, and their sparkling little boy Safi left Lama at the end of the summer. Sebastian lived at Lama four years, serving as Coordinator the last two. He and Mona met at Lama, where they were married and served together from the heart. All three were a delight to the Lama community and they will be sorely missed. May God be with you in your journey!


Adios Aaron Aaron Schreiber left Lama after three years, the last of which he served as Treasurer. He came as a young man, choosing the school of Lama instead of a college. We will miss you, Aaron, and so will the cats.

From the Coordinator

Monday and Tuesday we sat in consensus. On Wednesday we became a circle, and we danced in the Dome. Starlight sparkled through the roof and candlelight encircled us. We blessed our spring on Thursday, amidst the fallen golden treasure of the aspens. Friday, our circle of eight sat around the kitchen table, each taking her place at a side of the Lama

octagon. We sang the Barhu, our voices reverberating out over the darkening blue ocean of the mesa, “When I call on the light of my soul, I come home.” And what a magical place to call home. I remember the first Shabbat service I attended at Lama - then a strange, out-of-the-way castle in the sky - when Emma gave me a solar flashlight to guide my way home. A year later I had lost the flashlight, but had returned to a place that reveals to me the possibilities of my inner light, and allows me to see the light shining in others. Home. The light burning in our newly formed and ever-forming resident circle is bright. We are sweet and strong. Our community shows loving compassion, heart-centered attentiveness, and inner courageousness. This year there are three continuing residents: Caitlin, Rachel and I. We have great joy in welcoming Bird and Clif back to the resident circle, as well as our three new residents: Angela, Daein, and Jessie. All of us have gathered to live, serve, and practice together in this vast, rambling mansion, each with our cozy, one-room “bedroom unit” in which to turn inward; each fire glowing with warmth in the depths of winter. There is a palpable peace in being surrounded and supported by this group of intentional people. Even so, light can't exist without the dark. Along-side excitement, fear is present for me as I step out over this cliff into the great adventure of Coordinator; an unknown territory for which I have the map, but have yet to explore. In many ways, the comfort of “home” feels far away, and I'm learning to get comfortable in the groundlessness. As I flow (or clumsily tumble) into my third year at Lama and this new curriculum, I anticipate the challenges, heartbreaks, and ego breakdowns that will

inevitably arise. Yet, it is for these breakdowns that I have chosen to step into this curriculum. It’s from these groundless places that I can find footing on the ground of compassion, and build from there a sounder foundation and the ability to more fully serve our collective purpose. I believe that we, as an extended community, have been stepping into difficult places in ourselves and in our relationships for this very reason. The dargah project has touched many of our hearts: opened them, broken them, and my wish is that it will also be of service to the ongoing process of healing them. I pray that we may find a way into deepened compassion for ourselves and one another; that this project may be a boon to our common intention toward awakening. I pray that it not separate us, but bring us together, and closer to One. Toward that end, a major focus of this year will be our relationships: cultivating, rebuilding, and nourishing them. I hold immense gratitude for the relationships I have formed and witnessed at Lama Foundation. It leaves me in awe: the family that supports this place in every moment, demonstrating to me that we are stronger together. This past summer was a glowing example of these relationships creating such a powerful container. Thanks to the deep commitment of the summer stewards, residents, and everyone up on the mountain, we had an incredibly sweet and productive season. I am ever grateful to all of the Lama Beans who have served this place over all these years, many of whom have guided me as I traverse the obstacle course of Lama. The foundation is in incredible shape thanks to the dedication and perseverance of so many resident circles before ours. We are blessed, too, by everyone who supports us from a distance with loving prayers, donations, and even likes on Facebook! So, thank you, to all of those who have brought their light up this mountain and helped it to shine as brilliantly as it does. What a beautiful thing that so many of us can find a piece of home here. I'm so looking forward to serving and praying with you all this coming year and I’ll do my best to support the tremendous gifts this place brings to us all. I am grateful for this opportunity to help hold Lama. But, really, Lama is holding me. She's holding all of us, as we find our way home. - Love, Rebecca Rodger

Coordinator Letter … 2

Goodbyes … 2

Winter Circle … 3

Reflections on Murshid … 4

Reb Zalman at Lama … 5

Changes on the Board … 6

Steward Interview … 7

Student’s Life at Lama … 8

WSIC 10th Anniversary … 9

Dargah Report … 10

New 2015 Calendar … 10

Prayer Flags … 11

Guest Housing Update … 12

Ways You Can Help … 12

Lama Finances … 13

The Wish List … 13

Thank You … 14, 15

2014 Raffle Winners … 14

2015 Schedule … Back

How to Reach Us

On the Mountain PO Box 240 San Cristobal, NM 87564 Phone: 575-586-1269 [email protected] Taos Office PO Box 782 Taos, NM 87571 [email protected]

Lama Alive In This Issue: The New Resident Circle

This issue of Lama Alive

Editor: Joe Brodnik Contributing Writers: Rebecca Rodger, Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz, Miryam Levy, Joe Brodnik, Gracybelle Broussard & Richard Lindley, Tyler Raab, Ronnie Storey & Molly Moyer, Ahad Cobb Photographers: Bobby Burke, Rachel Halder, Mansur Johnson, David Pascale, Rahaman David Brown, Jade Polizzi, Stephen Cardinale, Beth Garrigus, Lalo Porto, Joe Brodnik

Front Cover Photo: Bobby Burke Back Cover Photo: Joe Brodnik

Thank you!



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Caitlin: Back for another year! Hurray…and yikes! My first year as a resident was beautiful and challenging. This year I expect a deeper dive into the mystery. I hope to offer my skills in heartful service, and to seek help from the spirit of Lama to move into a place of empowered openness. Ya Fattah! Rachel: Moving into my second year of residency, I'm amazed at how much my Lama curriculum has already shifted. Deepening my relationship to this glorious mountain, community, kitchen, and that always guiding Spirit, I'm unsure of what this year will bring, but know closeness to the One through this amazing creation surrounding me is on the horizon. Bird: I am very grateful to once again be on the mountain. Having been a resident from 1995-2000, and having come up only to support the kitchen over the last few summers, I am happy to be back more continuously. Praise to the ONE for Lama.

Clif: Returning to Lama after two years, I come back home with a renewed purpose and inspiration. My love for the mountain has only deepened. As they say, "absence makes the heart grow fonder." I'm excited to resume caring for and improving Lama's cottage industries. Jessie: I grew-up in upstate New York. I ventured to the mountain via a journey in exploration of spiritual values. I am a lifelong learner who places emphasis on expanding my conscious state of being. Service has a strong place in my heart. I look forward to the year. Angela: Arriving at Lama felt like revisiting a dream. I came from Asheville where I practiced massage therapy, worked with preschoolers, danced in community and adored the Blue Ridge. Many blessings paved the way to this opportunity to water my roots and spread my wings. Daein: I Look forward to gelling with my new family to build a fun and exciting year together. I feel blessed to be alive and to have this opportunity to contribute and to serve in an open way to everyone NOW and for future generations.

Lama Foundation Mission Statement The purpose of the Lama Foundation is to be a sustainable spiritual community and educational

center dedicated to the awakening of consciousness, spiritual practice with respect for all

traditions, service, and stewardship of the land.

Top L-R - Clif, Daein Mid L-R: Caitlin, Angela, Jessie, Rachel

Bot L-R: Bird, Rebecca

Love and thanks to departing residents Aaron Schreiber,

Mona Haydar, Sebastian & Safi Robins, and Devin, Brock & Francis Anderson.

We will miss you!


Photo © 2014 Mansur Johnson, all rights reserved.

Reflections on Sitting with Murshid Sam by Neil Douglas-Klotz Editor’s note: In August, pilgrims from Europe, the USA and Canada made a trip to the dargah of Murshid Samuel Lewis at Lama. They were led by Murshid Saadi Shakur Chishti (Neil Douglas-Klotz) from Scotland, Murshida Sophia Onnen from Germany, and Murshid Tansen Philip O’Donohoe from England.

Sitting at the dargah of Murshid Samuel Lewis with our group, looking over the expanse of the Rio Grande Valley, I am immensely thankful for the moment, our pilgrims, Lama and Murshid Sam. I reflect on travels to various shrines, dargahs and power spots across the earth in the past forty years. The portal to devotion and blessing at the dargah of Murshid Samuel Lewis remains unique. And, it seems to me, the dargah is uniquely situated at Lama Foundation. Samuel Lewis was a pioneer of the movement to recognize the current ecological crisis as a profoundly spiritual one. Before Seyyed Hussein Nasr (one of Murshid’s regular correspondents) wrote one of the first books on the subject (Man and Nature: The Spiritual Crisis of Modern Man, 1968), Samuel Lewis was already traveling around the planet in the mid-1950s with packets of organic seeds and literature about non-petroleum-based agriculture in his suitcase, knocking on the door of every agriculture minister in Asia and the Mideast who would listen to him. He did this after having had his own hands deeply in the soil for many years, among other things replanting the roadside of the California highways to help reduce pollution. He loved Lama’s garden and spent much time there, by all accounts. Murshid Sam was also, as one academic called him, the first exponent of “experiential comparative religion.” Before Br. Wayne Teasdale coined the term “interspiritual,” Sam was already sharing practice across traditions through the Dances of Universal Peace. They are the first truly interspiritual practice, acknowledging diversity - with all the tensions it raises - rather than homogenizing it with spiritual newspeak. Perhaps there is a deeper reason why Murshid Sam wanted to be buried at Lama, not for his own sake, but for what Lama is, or could be. I reflect on how many new age communities founded around the same time have either self-destructed or turned into parodies of themselves, large corporations catering to wealthy new age tourists. A living, ecospiritual, interspiritual community is extremely rare today. The dargah of Murshid Samuel Lewis serves as a symbolic, but very real and living, guarantee on Lama’s potential as a school of life dedicated to, as he said, “practice, practice, practice what others preach, preach, preach.” Murshid Sam was a bundle of contradictions. He famously said, “I ain’t a saint.” The practical (rather than idealized) life of a mystic is full of contradictions, and his dargah epitomizes these. Most of us live in comfortable, protected circumstances that would have been unimaginable to our ancient, hunter-gatherer ancestors. Yet within this voluntarily chosen limitation, we dream of freedom. Most of us live in some form of civilization - connected globally, hooked up, socially networked - yet dream of wild nature. All along the way there are choices, gains and losses. There is a cost to everything, and the expectation that we will leave human life without making marks, for better and for worse, is an angelic, yet inexperienced expectation, not a human one. The question is, what kind of mark and for what purpose? The level of joy that we bring to life corresponds with our ability to reconcile these contradictions. Toward the end of his life, Murshid Sam gave a personal koan, “In my life, God and the devil are on the same side.” He also wrote, “So long as one sees from a limited point of view, one is held in bondage by one’s breath, thoughts and emotions. Wazifas (spiritual practice) destroy the hard-making power of nafs (thought of self), which in enlightened souls becomes identified with the world nafs, in other words, with the Divine Mother, the Goddess Kali. Looking at life from this point of view, one constructs the Universal Sense in one’s spiritual development.” Many thanks to Murshid Sam for his vision and practice, and to Lama Foundation for remaining an alchemical vessel for many to continue to construct this Universal Sense in our very human beings. This greater Sense of the sensuous could prove to be the saving grace for humanity and for the planet.

Reb Zalman at Lama Foundation by Miryam Levy Editor’s note: Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi died on July 3, 2014. He had a close relationship with Lama and many of its residents. It was Reb Zalman who established Lama’s now long-standing tradition of Shabbat. In 1984 he made a forty-day hermitage at Lama that had a significant impact on him and his future teaching. “I have to help people get on the other track, the heart track rather than the mind track.”

- Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi It was a weeklong retreat with Reb Zalman that first drew me to Lama Foundation. I had only recently begun to renew my relationship to Judaism and that week with Reb Zalman blew me wide open. Being with him was like stepping into a huge open and loving heart-space. He introduced me to a Judaism that I had never before encountered, inviting me into a participatory encounter with the Divine. We chanted in groups of three, repeating the words of prayer over and over with movements that transported us into new realms of consciousness. After, we paraphrased psalms to one another in dyads, encountering a profound and intimate experience of talking with God. On Friday we went to the Rio Grande for ritual bathing, mikveh, in preparation for Shabbat. We were introduced to a joyous Judaism; the gift was a deep personal connection to my heritage. Reb Zalman first came to Lama in 1972. That Friday he introduced the community to the Jewish ritual of Shabbat, making it a joyous celebration full of food, song and story. The morning after he gathered with the residents quietly in the prayer room. “He explained that the morning observance of Shabbat called for a different energy,” said Hans, the Coordinator at the time. “In Hebrew it would be called ‘hineni,’ or ‘here I am,’ present to you Holy One.”

In 1984, when Reb Zalman reached the age of 60, he entered a period of deep self-reflection. He had been visiting Lama since 1970, but this time he came for a forty-day hermitage. It was a little humorous to the resident Beans to find him in Lama Central on most days, but that hermitage proved to be a pivotal time for him. He formulated the ideas that became the foundation of his book, From Age-ing to Sage-ing, and the work he called spiritual eldering. Several years later, Reb Zalman was at Lama when the entrance to the Dome was being rebuilt. He hand-lettered the Hebrew prayers that are traditionally placed on the doorposts of Jewish homes, a scroll known as a mezuzah. That mezuzah is plastered into the wall above the entrance. So much of Lama is about inter-religious encounters, and Reb Zalman loved that. He reported once that he was sitting in a teepee at Lama, wearing his yarmulke, and someone said, “Why is he wearing his little hat?” Reb Zalman turned to Little Joe Gomez, a spiritual elder of Lama from Taos Pueblo, and said, “I am sitting here in the presence of God. To take off the hat would be to deny that. What do you

say Grandpa Joe?” Little Joe just looked at him and said, “It’s your head.” Reb Zalman was deeply aligned with Lama’s “meeting of the ways.” He came to describe himself as a “Jewish practitioner of generic religion.” He studied with Trappist monks, Hindu and Sufi teachers, and his universalism led to significant friendships with many great spiritual teachers, including Father Thomas Merton, Father Thomas Keating, Reverend Howard Thurman, Pir Vilayat Inayat-Khan, Ken Wilber, and the Dalai Lama. I believe part of the reason that Reb Zalman loved Lama so much is that in the 1970’s, when he was experiencing his own shifting paradigms, Reb Zalman had visions of an intentional Jewish community. He planted seeds for this vision in a community in Philadelphia, but it never bloomed as he had hoped. More than any other place, Lama seemed to fill that vision for him. Reb Zalman was an extraordinary man, humorous, brilliant, compassionate, and loving. He was a true master, devoting his life to bringing people into relationship with the Holy One, and he executed that mission with joy and courage. His legacy is firmly woven into the lives he touched, like my own, and into the heart of Lama.


Reb Zalman at Lama circa 1988. Photo courtesy of David Pascale.


Comings and Goings on the Board

Lama Foundation’s Board of Trustees has changed. Two beloveds have left and we have three to welcome.

Thank you Diana and Latifa for your decades of service!

Diana Adkins was a board member for twelve years, the last four of which she served as chair. She will be sorely missed. We wish her abundant blessings into the future. Diana came to Lama in July of 1996, two months after the Hondo Fire, and stayed as a resident for four years, during which time she felled many burnt trees, helped build the Community Center, drove the Baca Bus up to Lama, and became Treasurer. She was initiated into the Dervish Healing Order and grew deep roots within the Native American Church, having been adopted by the Gomez family. After

Lama she discovered the Toltec path, and is now a teacher in that tradition. Thank you Diana for your decades of service to Lama. We look forward to welcoming you as a guest, with no responsibilities, soon!

Latifa Weinman was a board member for six years. As a local, she especially enjoyed supporting the residents. She first came to Lama in 1977 and returned as a resident in 1979, just in time for Ramadan. By the end of the month she had embraced Islam. She designed the first Lama newsletter and served as Lama’s Secretary until her departure in 1984. In 2008 she was asked to join the board of trustees. This year, at annual meeting, she was not renewed as a trustee. She says that she understands her removal from the board as an instance of the divisiveness that has come between hearts with the dargah project, and she asks that God give us guidance. She expects to continue to support Lama and the residents with all her heart. Thank you Latifa for your service to Lama.

Welcome Katie, Julie and Rita! Katie Maedke-Hall is a continuing member of Lama. She first came to Lama in 1998 and became a resident in 2001, when she served as Secretary, kitchen manager, and Coordinator. Her daughters Clarity and Adena were born at Lama. She now lives in Milwaukee, WI where she practices massage therapy and parenting. She says, “Lama is my spiritual home and will always have a deep seat in my heart. I am honored to be able to serve the community on the board of trustees.” Julie Tato became a resident of Lama in 1988 and stayed for four years. During that time she filled many roles, including Treasurer and “loved” being hermit master. After leaving Lama she worked at the Insight Meditation Society in Massachusetts. She currently teaches meditation practice at Taos Mountain Sangha, at Lama, and to those recovering from loss at Golden Willow Retreat. She has received training in consensus facilitation and mediation, and has served on several Lama Councils

and committees. She is a continuing member of Lama Foundation, and “feels privileged to serve as a trustee, continue the Lama curriculum, and support others in the deep practice of community.”

Rita Daniels grew up in New Mexico, “raised off the grid by a pack of hippies and Pueblo Indians.” That time helped shape her love of the oral tradition. Upon graduating from college, Rita produced radio stories while roaming the planet. She became a Lama resident in 2005, following in her father’s footsteps who was a resident in the late 70’s. During that time she was flag guardian, worked in the garden, and helped design the new CI Building. Rita is currently a reporter for KUNM. She is delighted to be serving as a trustee of the foundation.

Thanks to our entire board of trustees - Thomas Renault (chair), Fatima Rigsby, Paul Wapner, Mirabai Starr, Katie Maedke-Hall, Julie Tato, and Rita Daniels.

We are grateful to have your love and dedication.


Summer Steward Interview with Gracybelle & Richard

Editor’s Note: Gracybelle Broussard and Richard Lindley first visited Lama in 1998. Since 2010, they have returned each summer as stewards, becoming, in their own words, “eccentric fixtures of the Lama summer.” Lama: How did you first connect with Lama? G: We were looking for a community that featured an ecologically sustainable lifestyle. We were attracted to the Build Here Now programs, and helped with some of the earth-friendly

buildings that are now at Lama. We Like the philosophy of being open to all spirit paths. Our experience with communities in general is that this is a rare phenomenon. We like that there has been for many years a substantial garden at Lama, and that the gardening and conservative use of resources are a part of the daily life. R: An old friend was a member of the board long ago, so we heard about Lama and the Dances of Universal Peace. And of course, who didn’t know something about Ram Dass in those days? Lama: What keeps you coming? G: We like the rustic, off the grid lifestyle. We even enjoy living in a tent for the summer. The annual reunion with friends is wonderful, and hearing all the inside stories of teachers and residents, past and present. We feel like our own personal histories have paralleled those of Lama. We’re old hippies, alternative culture folks, homesteaders, so we fit in. And we can honestly say that the weather is perfect every day. We never tire of the gorgeous sunsets, the entry into the aspen woods along the Lama hiking loop, and the view across the Rio Grande Gorge. Although it hasn’t worked for us to be year-round residents at Lama, we have established an annual migration, thus fulfilling one of our life goals to live as our predecessors in central Texas. Lama: What's it like being a summer steward? G: Being a summer steward at Lama is like being at summer camp for grownups. Our counselors are the residents, especially the “steward guardian” who watches over us, orients us, helps us have a good time and fulfill our work commitments. It is also like being on the summer staff at a combination national park and remote conference center. We even get to attend some of the sessions of most retreats, some of them year after year, so those folks become old friends too. Each year is different, a different group of residents, stewards and visitors. It’s like being in a living Tarot with the deck reshuffled and laid out in different patterns with each coming and going. As campers, we have a lot of fun hiking, dancing, and singing. We giggle and cry, get angry and elated, fall in and out of love just like adolescents. Steward meetings range from telling stories about our ancestry to playing cards. Stewards join residents and other volunteers caring for the retreatants who come to Lama. We help with the routine maintenance of an off the grid, relatively low-tech system. We get to learn and teach. We especially get to learn how to communicate with and even love other people who we don’t agree with and maybe don’t even like very much. We learn to protect our own boundaries and respect those of others. As Tarot players, we depict a multitude of the interactive scenarios, the microcosms of life, that a summer at Lama manifests. Some of these we relish and enjoy, some we groan and spit at. R: Yeah, like that. Lama: Is there anything you don't like about being a summer steward at Lama? G: Yes, there's a list! But if you want to know the details you have to come and hear me grumble in person. I'm happy to share my opinions, and I’d like to see some things change. But another thing I really like about Lama is that criticisms are heard, and grumblings allowed. That feels really good. R: What is she, the recruiting guardian?

Lama Life as a CU Student by Tyler Raab The Lama Foundation is a place I had not known of before. It is an experience I will always remember. Eating in a vegetarian kitchen, sharing a washhouse, using the outhouse, and listening for time bells was a very different and unique way of life for me. At first, I wasn't quite sure

where I fit in, if I was expected to contribute to the community of residents and stewards, or if I was there strictly to construct the Heiwa Hut. It became clear within a few days - I was there for all of it. I learned that everyone on the mountain was a caring and genuine person, willing to open up about themselves. They shared their stories, and wanted to hear mine. I became steeped in the love after two days. Building the Heiwa Hut was a bonding experience. The whole group, students, teachers and children, made the trip very memorable. I had not laughed that much in a long time. We met the same struggles, eating no meat and sleeping on the earth. After a day of construction, we stuck together. One group would go on a hike at dusk, another would chat over tea in the kitchen or on the portal. Every night we had a pow-wow in the washhouse waiting for the shower. As time went on, we discovered more about each other and our friendships grew. We poured our sweat, blood and tears into that building and in the end, as Sean said, “We left as a posse, connected for life.” As the foreman of this project, I saw all the pieces come together. Sophia's cabinets started as a pile of plywood and became a finished piece. Taylor and Elizabeth labored over the floor tiles, which fit just right. Sean had a love-hate relationship crafting the bed, but it became a piece of art. Connor and Alex meticulously installed the corten steel on the exterior. CJ spent numerous hot days shaping the log bench that runs in back. Liz and Scott carefully laid out the wave art installation piece by piece, a perfect fit. All the while, Jade and Stephen used their trained eyes to make sure the cabin came alive. Each brought something different, and together we built the Heiwa (Harmony) Hut, a name that fits.


Thank you CU team for an outstanding project!

Teacher Jade Polizzi & Stephen Eckert (and daughters Zora & Josie). Students

CJ Badenhausen, Taylor Brown, Sophia DiBiase, Rich Drummond, Scott Ehrlich, Conor Evans, Sean Keough, Tyler Raab, Liz Seaver,

Elizabeth Tandler, and Alex Willing.

We are excited to have developed this relationship with Lama. The experience is tremendous for our students, and having such a kind and appreciative community

partner has been a blessing for CU, Stephen and me. There is so much enthusiasm for this project and it is a great part of our design education. - Jade Polizzi, Instructor

Women’s Singing in Circle 10th Anniversary by Molly Moyer and Ronnie Storey

It is 2005. Imagine. The Dome fills with the voices of thirty women, singing, singing, singing. At the end of one song, a gentle chorus of sighs. Another concludes with a wild cheer of exultation, followed by stamping feet and extended applause. Some tunes are simple, but require precise timing. Others involve complicated rhythms that elude a handful, but leave us laughing. Repeat this scene for several years, with many of those women returning and new voices joining, summer after summer. Four teachers inspired us, lifted us, helped us become better than we thought possible. One of the songs opened our own untapped abilities, I can do that / I just don’t know how yet / Show me now. Lullabies sung in the dark to the Lama Beans. Songwriting. Dancing dreamily as we sang, This body, this breathing / This / This. Walking the labyrinth, hiking to the spring, traipsing up to the maqbara to sing at Murshid Sam’s grave. Saturday night salon, emceed by teacher Mel and Lama Bean/accomplished comic Megan. It was different each year, depending on who returned, who came for the first time, and who we missed. Always new, but knowing there would be a transformative experience. Then, 2014. The tenth year. Our teachers thought it was time to record. Oh what a new experience this was for us. Practicing, honing, rehearsing a song until our timing was just right, rather than singing only for the sake of making song. After each concluding note, forty-seven women held a collective breath, waited for the “click” of the button that signaled we could shift, breathe, move. To be part of something bigger than ourselves is one of the keys to being healthy and happy in life. Whether this comes from spiritual practice, our families, or our calling in life, this work we do provides meaning, much like being part of Lama itself. This year. This singing. This. This. The recording is now being finessed, and in a few months, we’ll be able to listen in a different way to singing we’ve done in circle.


10th Anniversary Women’s Singing in Circle CD

This summer the women’s choir recorded some of the favorites from the past ten years. The CD is currently being mastered and will be available for sale

around the beginning of the new year. Stay “tuned” for more details.


A Brief History and Report on Murshid Sam’s Dargah

Murshid Samuel Lewis died in 1971. At his request he was buried at Lama Foundation, where his grave was located a short hike from Lama central. This gravesite, maqbara in Arabic, has been a pilgrimage site and a font of blessing to Lama ever since. Originally an isolated spot nestled amongst the trees, the fire of 1996 exposed the location to the wind and sun, and to the casual view from Lama central. It was, and remains, a modest grave marked by quartzite rocks. In the forty-three years since, several parties have proposed building a larger structure at the maqbara, but nothing more than a shade cloth with cedar posts, a low stone wall, and two wooden benches has been built at the site. In 2009 Pir Shabda Kahn of the Sufi Ruhaniat (SRI), a disciple of Murshid Sam’s and the head of his Sufi lineage, formally proposed a redesign of the maqbara to include, amongst other decoration, a roof. He also suggested the use of the term dargah, shrine in Arabic. The formal proposal came after years of consideration and practice in an open-air site, partly to honor Murshid Sam and partly to add an enclosure for a modicum of comfort during extended practice. This proposal was taken up by Lama’s board of trustees because the then fledgling resident circle had no members whose tenure lasted longer than one year and who could be expected to understand the impact of such a proposal. Having shepherded the proposal into something that could be taken to Lama Council, it was then released to the residents and the Lama family, at which point a lively conversation arose and the residents took control of the process. After much conversation amongst the Lama family, including open discussion at Lama Council and a web-forum, a Lama Council meeting was held in January 2012. The following proposal passed by a vote of six in favor and one stand-aside: We give Shabda and SRI a provisional yes to build a structure over the maqbara/dargah, contingent on a list of considerations and stipulations to be given at a later date by a subcommittee, with further ratification by the council. If those provisions are not met, we retain the right to revoke this provisional yes. The creation of these stipulations has proved complex, having spanned several Lama committees, been revised and clarified at Lama Council, and transitioned now

into the drafting of a formal contract, something that is nearing completion but has yet to receive final consent. During this process, the design (pictured) was approved. This process has helped clarify the desires of both Lama and SRI, and has also made clear the lack of broad agreement in the Lama family, which has suffered periodically from the spread of false information, and has in some cases created conflict. In the meantime, having conferred with the caretakers of Lama, Shabda and SRI moved forward with their

plans and had expected to begin work this fall. They have now been asked to wait to begin work until the contract has been approved by Lama Council. Having observed the conflict within the Lama family, this year’s annual meeting was devoted entirely to addressing the current state of the dargah proposal, as well as the hearts and minds of the Lama family. An extensive history of the project was presented, and everyone present had a chance to share from their heart. Nothing was decided. The meeting was not without conflict, but most of those who attended believe that it helped foster greater understanding, and especially care, for those with differing opinions. At the same meeting new representatives from the trustees, continuing members and residents were selected for Lama Council. A council meeting was held on November 1st for the newly elected to get together, get oriented, and begin afresh. Please refer to the meeting minutes for details of how the council expects to proceed. Lama has also created a wiki to post information about the dargah. The link can be found at

This interspiritual calendar is intended to be a resource

and guide, uniting the holidays from a diverse range of the earth’s religious and spiritual traditions into one

easily readable format. Integrated with astronomic events and US holidays, it

provides a unique view into the ebb and flow of the earth

and her peoples.

Calendars cost $19 plus $2 shipping

To Order Calendars: Send a check with your name and address to:

Lama Foundation PO Box 782

Taos, NM 87571

This calendar will make a fabulous gift!

Questions? Email

[email protected]

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2015 Lama Calendar

Blue Buddha Blue

Dew Drop Blue

Kali Yantra Purple

Lotus Om Green

Hanuman Eyes Red

Flying Hanuman


Hindi Om Purple

Lama Seal Green

Wave Navy Blue

Rain Cloud Navy Blue

Elkheart Green

Tibetan Om Brown

Vast Luck Green

Banner of Peace


Allah’s Glory Green

Dove Blue

Green Tara Green

Yin Yang Black

Cranes Purple

Ram Sun Orange

Brushed Heart Red Sufi Heart &

Wings Green

Mantra of Amitabha


Assembly of All Lama’s

Hearts Orange

Blessed Virgin Mary


Meeting of the Ways


Om Mani Padme Hum


Standing Hanuman Red 19x26


Dhikr Boat Green 26x19


Yod Hay Vav Hay Purple 26x19


Prayer Flags $5.00 each unless otherwise noted.

Mindfully hand-printed one at a time on 19x19 unbleached muslin, unless noted.

Flag Mountain Cottage Industries


“The Buddha sits on Yon San Mountain,

picking flowers, transmitting Dharma.”

By Dr. Seo, an esteemed Korean


Black 19x48 $11.00

To Order Flags:

The easiest and fastest way to order is through our website,, where you can find more detailed information, order through PayPal, or print an order form. Order by mail by sending your check or money order to: Lama Foundation▪PO Box 240▪San Cristobal, NM▪87564 Use Visa or MasterCard and call us 575-586-1269, fax to 206-984-0916, or Email: [email protected].

Please Include a shipping and handling charge of $5.50 per order. Order more to save on shipping!

Thank you for supporting our cottage industries!

Allah Blue

Bismallah Bird

Purple 19x26 $6.00

Red Buddha Red 19x26


Namasté - Red & Yellow 26x19 $9.00

Flags from the brown pages of Be Here Now

The Butterfly 19x26 $8.00


The Guru 19x26 $8.00 Turquoise

Heart Cave 19x26 $8.00


In Tibetan tradition, flags containing sacred images and phrases are flown by the thousands, offering prayers for the peace and happiness of all beings with each gust of wind. We've expanded on this tradition, embracing and celebrating the universality of spiritual traditions around the world. Hung outdoors, the prayers are offered to and released on the winds. Indoors, they create a sacred space of remembrance.


Lung Ta Purple 19x26


Celtic Cross Navy blue

Hamsa Purple

Labyrinth Navy blue

Remember Purple & Blue (26x19 $9.00)

Metamorphosis 19x26 $8.00


1) Make a Donation Donations help provide the basics, such as food, warmth, scholarships and maintenance. Plus, they are 100% tax deductible. 2) Attend a Retreat, or Visit Summer retreats and visitors are Lama’s primary source of income. Join the community. Help spread the word by telling a friend about Lama. 3) Volunteer Lama thrives on volunteers, especially in the summer. Cooking, gardening, building, cleaning and professional services are deeply appreciated. 4) Buy Prayer Flags Support our cottage industries. See pg. 11 for info about flags, calendars, greeting cards and more. 5) Pray for Peace and Increased Awareness

6) Hermitage at Lama Make a private retreat at the Bear or the Maqbara. 7) Donate Goods or Services See the wish list on the next page. 8) Donate Stocks or Securities Tax write-offs can be sizable on appreciated stock. 9) Tell Your Friends about Lama Word of mouth is the best advertising. Help us reach out to those who share Lama’s vision. 10) Include Lama in Your Long-Term Plans Make a gift to the Lama Foundation Endowment Fund or remember Lama in your estate plans. 11) Be Creative There are as many ways to help as there are people in the world. Let us know if you have something unique to share.


Guest Housing Update by Joe Brodnik

It has been a dream for many years to provide modest housing for all our guests. This year has seen a decisive step in that direction, and a spectacular year of fundraising for Lama’s Guest Housing Initiative. To date, Lama has raised over $63,500 and the effort has grown some healthy legs. Thank you. Several smaller projects have already been tackled and we expect to make advances this winter on major plans. Thanks to each one of you who contributed to this effort. We are grateful to have your support, and we look forward to hosting you more comfortably. As this initiative gains momentum, we would like to provide some clarity for this vision. The following vision statement was approved by Lama Council on November 1, 2014: Lama Foundation’s current fundraising goal is guest housing. The money raised for this purpose can be used in any project that supports the addition and maintenance of guest housing, as well as other guest comforts. We intend to build guest rooms, not solely for visitors, but also returning Lama Beans, and especially elders. We also plan to increase access to toilets and showers. Plans are currently in the design stage, but this may include projects such as a second cistern for increased water storage, redesign and/or maintenance of current buildings for guest housing, a centralized guest building, dorm space, rehabilitating the Old Kitchen for seasonal guest housing, and possibly more. Final designs must be approved by Lama Council. We have a pragmatic and multifaceted approach to this vision, which allows us to dream big and to work on smaller projects with an immediate impact. This summer, in the second year of partnership with the University of Colorado, a guest residence dubbed the Heiwa Hut was completed in June. In mid-August, Shay Salomon completed her compost toilet seminar, and has submitted suggestions that are currently under review. After hearing these plans, a generous donor gave $5,000 to install a convenient, centralized compost toilet. Alongside these projects, we have been meeting to discuss plans for a major guest housing building. An informal meeting was held with two architects mid-summer and we are slowly building the team of Lama Beans necessary to carry this project through design and completion. At the same time we are investigating the possibility of rehabilitating the Old Kitchen to provide seasonal guest housing. Major projects like these will need to be taken one at a time to conserve Lama resources. As each project ripens, our fundraising and building efforts will shift and focus. We expect this vision to last several years and result in a vastly improved ability for Lama to welcome its beloveds. We hope that you will share in this vision, and that you will benefit from it.

10 Ways You Can Help Lama Foundation

Guest Rooms at the ISC


How Lama Uses Money

In 2013 Lama earned: $247,834.21

and spent*: $183,829.21

78% of expenses was spent on programs

and services, 20% was spent on administration, and 2% on fundraising.

*$183,829.21 includes all the food for the year, the cost of summer programs, scholarships, maintenance, utilities,

vehicles, resident support, ceremony and materials, garden supplies, gifts, donations,

and more. This is a tiny amount in relation to the great abundance we

receive from Lama.

In 2013, an additional $82,929.66 was spent renovating the Dome roof, partly

from funds that were saved from previous years. This expense is not part of Lama’s

annual budget.

For the Future of Lama by Ahad Cobb

Lama Foundation’s original financial strategy was to be a self-sufficient rural community, supporting itself through agriculture and cottage industry. As it has turned out, Lama’s primary source of income has come through summer retreats, and major construction has been financed by donations. After the fire thousands of people sent in over a million dollars to help rebuild. That is how important Lama is in the hearts of the people it has touched. It became evident that Lama has an ashram economy, a sacred center supported by the generosity of all those who benefit from it, and maintained by the love labor and seva of the residents and summer stewards. But nearly fifty years after its founding, Lama has no more money now than it did then. Each generation of residents has experienced living on the edge of poverty and the necessity that brings. As a result, Lama’s future thinking has rarely reached beyond a few years. Had a significant endowment been available at the time of the fire, there could have been an integrated reconstruction instead of the piecemeal process that continues. What Lama does have is a great circle of Lama Beans living off the mountain that continues to grow larger and more prosperous. If we the extended community can plan now, we can endow future generations of Lama Beans with the same opportunities we had, and perhaps more.

In 2006, Lama partnered with the Taos Community Foundation to establish an endowment fund. The endowment

remains small, but the seed has been planted. The TCF is a great resource to generous beans who may be contemplating large

financial gifts or including Lama in their wills or estate plans. For more information about Lama’s endowment fund or for resources

on planned giving, please contact [email protected].

$143,072.29 Programs/Services

$36,801.50 Administration

$3,955.42 Fundraising

Most Needed Items Large Plastic Storage Bins (30 gal or larger) Resident Care Wool clothing (all sizes) Warm socks, gloves, mittens, hats & leggings Women's winter footwear - size 7.5 Women's outerwear - size M

Land Stihl (or Heavy Duty) Weed Wacker Work Gloves Tarps Kitchen Pyrex Glassware for Storage Adjustable Metal Shelves for Pantry Metal Tea Balls & Strainers

Lama Community Needs Tents in Good Repair Fuel Efficient Passenger Car Sacred Spaces/Office Bed sheets - Twin Size Only Please! Small Desks, Chairs, & Dressers Unscented Candles

Expenses in 2013

Lama Foundation Wish List

Paul F Abrams ∞ Diana Adkins ∞ Eric Bear & Kathy Albrecht ∞ Lynn Aldrich ∞ David and Eva Alison ∞ Barbara Allen ∞ Anna Allen ∞ Jeff Allison & Kate Mann ∞ Margaret Allsebrook ∞ Lisa Altenau ∞ Jonathan Altman ∞ Devin, Brock & Francis Anderson ∞ Nidia Arguedas ∞ Philip Armour ∞ Robert & Linda Attiyeh ∞ Catherine Auman ∞ Emma Avalos & Seth Blowers ∞ Austin Ravi Babcock & Kathy Lyons ∞ Candice Babcock-Blocker ∞ Cid and Betty Backer ∞ Mariam Baker & Bill Nizamuddin Robinson ∞ Terrell Balof ∞ Robert Barnaby ∞ Saul Yale Barodofsky & Ananda Cronin ∞ Sharon Barr ∞ Brenda Barstow ∞ Arjun Bertrand Bassett ∞ Gary Beavers ∞ Jacky Bellman ∞ Cora Benson ∞ Asha & Andre Bernard ∞ Cynthia Best ∞ Nina Beucler ∞ Jim Bier ∞ Jenny Bird ∞ David Habib Bishop ∞ Bob & Sally Blair ∞ Tawwaba Jennifer Bloch ∞ Michelle Bloodworth ∞ Melissa Ariel Bobotek ∞ Michele Boccia & Lewis Sawatzky ∞ Fadhilla

Nancy Bradley ∞ Katherine Bragg ∞ Varda Brahms ∞ Ram Giri Braun & Julia Sanchez ∞ Malik Lee Braun ∞ Susan Breckenridge ∞ Steve Brewer ∞ Christopher Briggs ∞ Hal Brill & Allison Elliott ∞ Eleanor Nurallah Briseno ∞ Joseph & Pema Brodnik & Megan White ∞ Katy & Nur Brown ∞ Kate Brown ∞ Rahaman David Brown ∞ Shelley Brown ∞ Roy T Bruno ∞ Carolynn Bryan ∞ Holmes Bryant ∞ Elizabeth Bullock ∞ Amrita Huwiya Burdick ∞ Bobby Burke ∞ Ellen Bush ∞ Donna Calame ∞ Lissa Callirhoe & Harlan Van Camp ∞ Anne Cameron ∞ Piet Canin ∞ Stephen Cardinale ∞ William & Marie Carman ∞ T. Bruce Carpenter ∞ Katherine Cary ∞ Paolo Caserta & Lori Cohen ∞ Samuel & Cynthea Caughron ∞ Mikal Ceronowski ∞ Donna Chamisa ∞ Helen Chantler ∞ Katherine Chudoba & David Powelson ∞ Alicia Clyde ∞ Ahad Cobb & Mary Rose Bennett ∞ Elizabeth Cogburn ∞ Douglas Conwell ∞ Nancy Costea ∞ Laura Cowan ∞ Charles Cox ∞ Safiya Crane ∞ Patrick Crawford ∞ Creative Framing & Crating ∞ Jai & Jan Cross ∞ Tarrell Cummings ∞ Sulis Sarah Cutler ∞ Cindy Rea Daniell ∞ Mirabai Deborah & Eddy Daniels ∞ Rita Daniels ∞ Terry Davis & Bruce Holthouse ∞ Mino & Fusako de Angelis ∞ Annie Degen ∞ Kristina Deimel ∞ Melanie DeMore ∞ William DeNoyelles ∞ Marcia Dias ∞ Harry Dickson ∞ Carol DiMarcello ∞ Douglas & Lucinda Dirks ∞ Mark Dixon & Sandy Fazio ∞ Robert Dohr ∞ Eric Doud ∞ Phil Dougan ∞ Dr Neil Douglas-Klotz ∞ Susan Drobeck & Dr. Samuel Berne ∞ Elizabeth Dunham ∞ David B Eames ∞ Leonard Edmondson & Catherine Sutton ∞ Sylvia Edwards ∞ Julia Eisenstein ∞ Pedro Engel ∞ Merrybelle England ∞ Nancy Enright ∞ Julie Jilani Esterly ∞ Alexandra, Zoe & Treya Evans ∞ Marty Evans ∞ Shafiya Eve ∞ Jim & Dorothy Fadiman ∞ Chris Fairchild ∞ Richard Falk & Francine Qahira Falk-Allen ∞ Lynn A Farquhar ∞ Jenny Fehlau ∞ Calvin Fentress ∞ Marigold Fine & Jim Stanford ∞ Charles Fisher ∞ Nora Fisher ∞ Jana Fleming ∞ Kimberly Foree ∞ Terry Karima Forman ∞ Frank Fox ∞ David Franz ∞ Dan Fratus ∞ Danielle Freeman ∞ Justin & Linda Friedman ∞ Halim & Vakila Friedman ∞ Benjamin Frohlichstein ∞ Lorraine Sharada Fuller ∞ Donna Gaddie & Mark Chonko ∞ Teresa Gardner ∞ Herbert & Frances Garn ∞ Annie Garretson ∞ Beth Garrigus ∞ Terry Garthwaite ∞ Rosemary Gerber ∞ Mira Lyra Geroy & Tom Kondo ∞ Kol Giessel ∞ Lex Gillan ∞ Rhoda Gilman ∞ Karima Gayle Gilmore & Ozzie Curlee ∞ Felicia Flower Gironda ∞ Jasper Gomez & Rose Gatewood ∞ Marci Graham ∞ Karen Gray & Hugh Littlebury ∞ Phoebe Greenberg ∞ Edward Greenberg ∞ Rand Greenfield ∞ Arthur & Virginia Greeno ∞ Asha Greer ∞ Teresa Gregory & William Yerxa ∞ Irena Grygorowikz ∞ Terence Gurley ∞ Rachel Halder ∞ John & Nancy Halder ∞ Don & Deborah Hale ∞ Haqiqa Jeri Anne Hampton ∞ Bob Harris ∞ Kevin Hart ∞ Sherie Hartle ∞ Susan Mae Haugen ∞ Noor Haydar ∞ Michael Helling ∞ Tana Hemingway ∞ Shel & Sonja Hershorn ∞ Mark & Christine Hickman ∞ Roger Hill ∞ Carol Hinton ∞ Marshall Hirsch ∞ Linda Hodapp ∞ William Hogan ∞ Neil & Brody Hogan ∞ Philip Holliday ∞ Amina Rae Horton ∞ Satyadev Tom Hui ∞ Jim Hunt ∞ Tiffany Jama ∞ Sita Jamieson ∞ Mariel Margery Johnson ∞ Robert & Patricia Johnson ∞ Mansur Johnson ∞ Samira Heather Johnson ∞ Amira Judy Jones ∞ Pir Shabda Kahn ∞ Kenneth Kalata ∞ Mumtaz Kammerer ∞ Joel Kapp ∞ Max Kaufman ∞ Siri Neel Kaur Khalsa ∞ Suzanne Keating ∞ Jean and Steve Kenin ∞ Jamil Kilbride & Karin Arielle ∞ Jeffrey S King ∞ Basira Sandy King ∞ Digby Kirby ∞ Ammi Kohn ∞ Mika David Kraemer ∞ Amanda Kraft ∞ Steve & Julie Krajacic ∞ Elizabeth Ann Kuhn ∞ Daniel Ladinsky ∞ James & Mary Lampkin ∞ Diane Lange ∞ Carol Langford ∞ Peter Laudert ∞ C Shaffia Laue MD & Ralph Bauer ∞ Patrick Habib Lee ∞ Judith Lenzner ∞ Holly Levinson ∞ Miryam Levy ∞ Susan Lime ∞ Jeffrey Lindemood ∞ Karla Linden ∞ Jon Lipman ∞ Austin Loberg ∞ Gayan Long ∞ Johnny Long ∞ Frank Loweree ∞ Tara Lupo ∞ Darvesha Victoria MacDonald ∞ Samudra Katie Grace MacElveen ∞ Anne Maedke ∞ Katie Maedke-Hall ∞ Richard Mahler ∞ Richard & Anita Mann ∞ James E Marienthal ∞ Rick Markov ∞ Silke Markowski ∞ Luzie Mason ∞ Margaret Mason ∞ Kathryn Hafiza Mathieu ∞ Joseph McIntyre ∞ Glenn & Billie McNeal ∞ Michelena, Joseph & Naia McPherson ∞ Ataallah William Meacham & Alia Patricia Michael ∞ Janice Prairie Melland ∞ Claire Mellow ∞ Ian Melnick ∞ Chris Meuli ∞ Guthrie Miller Deborah Milosevich ∞ Kasey Mitchell & Anna Hrybyk

You gave your love, your time, your money, and that

special little thing that makes Lama come alive - you.

We are grateful beyond words.


Congratulations to our 2014 Raffle Winners!

• Grand Prize - Eric Bear & Kathy Albrecht Lama New Moon Soaring by Margaret Nes

• Second Prize - Jon Lipman A personalized painting by Asha Greer • Third Prize - Janet Tiegerman

Afternoon on the Rio Grande by Terry Davis • Fourth Prize - Leonard Edmondson

Panorama of Lama Mountain by Gak Stonn • Fifth Prize - Jim Hunt

Lama New Moon Soaring, Print by Margaret Nes

Thanks to everyone who participated!

Special Thanks To: Diana Adkins ∞ Jeff Allison ∞ Jonathan & Kathleen Altman Foundation ∞ Austin Ravi Babcock ∞ Jenny Bird ∞ David Habib Bishop ∞ Malik Lee Braun ∞ Gracybelle Broussard & Richard Lindley ∞ David Rahaman Brown ∞ Amrita Huwiya Burdick ∞ Bobby Burke ∞ Ellen Bush ∞ Piet Canin ∞ Judy Cardoza ∞ Mikal Ceronowski ∞ Katherine Chudoba & David Powelson ∞ Church of Conscious Harmony ∞ Ahad Cobb & Mary Rose Bennett ∞ Charles Cox ∞ Jai & Jan Cross ∞ Melanie DeMore ∞ Mark Dixon & Sandy Fazio ∞ Eric Doud ∞ Neil Douglas -Klotz ∞ Terry Karima Forman ∞ Danielle Freeman ∞ Terry Garthwaite ∞ Global Youth Leadership Institute ∞ Asha Greer ∞ Haqiqa Jeri Anne Hampton ∞ Neil & Brody Hogan ∞ Amina Rae Horton In loving memory of Baby Girl Diggs and with thanks to Murshid Sam and Rabbi Zalman Schachter ∞ Pat Johnson ∞ Mariel Margery Johnson ∞ Pir Shabda Kahn ∞ La Lama Neighborhood Association ∞ Daniel Ladinsky ∞ Carol Langford ∞ Patrick Habib Lee ∞ Austin Loberg ∞ Gayan Long ∞ Darvesha Victoria MacDonald ∞ Mary Ann Matheson ∞ Guthrie Miller ∞ Sharon Monday & Jack Paxton ∞ Sara Morgan ∞ Kate Munger ∞ Tansen O'Donohoe ∞ Ned O'Malia ∞ Sophia Gita Onnen ∞ Scott & Arina Pittman ∞ Jade Polizzi & Stephen Eckert ∞ Ram Dass ∞ Krishnadas Rayfield ∞ Becky Reardon ∞ Thomas Renault ∞ Gilbert Renault ∞ Fatima Rigsby ∞ Roots & Wings Community School ∞ Carl Rosenberg ∞ St. Benedict's Monastery ∞ Shay Salomon ∞ Jonathan Scharfman ∞ Dona Seay ∞ Roberta Sharples (Bird) ∞ Lila Sideras ∞ Mirabai Starr ∞ Tajali Shellie Steckel -Sheppard ∞ Sufi Ruhaniat International ∞ Taos Community Foundation ∞ Julie Tato ∞ Kellie Tikkun ∞ University of Colorado Program in Environmental Design ∞ David Vargo ∞ Siddiq Von Briesen ∞ Paul Wapner & Diane Singerman ∞ Latifa & Abd al-Hayy Weinman ∞ Linda Tarana Wesley ∞ Suzanne Wierbinski

Sharon Monday & Jack Paxton ∞ Sara Morgan ∞ Deborah Morin ∞ Chien Motto ∞ Molly Moyer & Ronnie Storey ∞ Kate Munger ∞ Bette Myerson ∞ Gunther & Kandace Nachtrab ∞ Mary Neikirk ∞ Ayla Nereo ∞ Peggy Nes ∞ Alan & Deniese Newman ∞ Shems-ed-din & Basira Nickle ∞ Lorraine Norby ∞ Melissa O’Connell ∞ Ned O’Malia ∞ Katherine O’Neill ∞ John F O’Regan ∞ Tansen O'Donohoe ∞ Marcia Lee Oliver ∞ Peter Oliver ∞ Sophia Gita Onnen ∞ Allaudin Ottinger & Yasmin Scott ∞ Shanti Susan Overley ∞ David Pascale ∞ Nur Karima Alicia Patrice & Daniel Kennedy ∞ Elota Patton ∞ Jennifer Paulden ∞ Caitlin Peerson ∞ Gyana Rosalind Pendleton ∞ Deborah Perry ∞ Franklin & Linda Peters ∞ Nina Peterson ∞ Scott & Arina Pittman ∞ Jade Polizzi & Stephen, Zora, and Josie Eckert ∞ Lalo Porto ∞ Joy Powell ∞ Rex & Lynn Powell ∞ Roger Pritchard ∞ Annat Provo ∞ Janie Pulsifer ∞ Zahira Rabinowitz ∞ Ela Ramos ∞ Polly Margaret Raye & Bill Christmas ∞ Krishna Das Rayfield ∞ Becky Reardon ∞ Elizabeth Reed ∞ Thomas Renault ∞ Gilbert Renault ∞ Peter Renault ∞ Robert Rich ∞ Joe Richey & Anne Becher ∞ Fatima Rigsby ∞ Jacquelin Riley ∞ Sebastian & Safi Robins & Mona Haydar ∞ Beth Rodger ∞ Rebecca Rodger ∞ Emily Rose ∞ Lia Lynn Rosen & Melanie Baise ∞ Carl Rosenberg ∞ Kathryn Sky & Dennis Roshay ∞ Liam Wadud Rutan ∞ Sophia Sacks ∞ Kiri Chand Saftler ∞ Myles Saigh ∞ Joseph Salack ∞ Shay, Jonah & Rafael Salomon & Nigel Valdez ∞ Theresa & Jon Sapunar ∞ Aslan Scott & Kathy Sattler ∞ Jonathan Scharfman ∞ Lorraine Schechter ∞ Jill & Michael Scher ∞ Aaron Schreiber ∞ Ward Schultz ∞ Lila Schulz ∞ Bernell Scott ∞ Francis Scully

∞ Laura Seagraves ∞ Dona Seay ∞ Lucas Sego ∞ Roger Sencer ∞ Bobbi Shapiro ∞ Roberta Sharples ∞ John Sherburne & Sara Crovitz ∞ Vakil Forest Shomer ∞ Val Shourt ∞ Scott Thomas Shuker ∞ Lila Sideras & Evaristo Barajas ∞ Susan Ida Smith ∞ Kerry L Smith ∞ Brandon Snoy ∞ Victoria Sojourn-Prince ∞ Sue-Anne Solem ∞ Sun Son ∞ Larry Ali Kadr Sousley ∞ Norbert & Elizabeth Sperlich ∞ Martha Stampfer ∞ Ellie Starishevsky ∞ Mirabai Starr & Ganga Das Little ∞ Tajali Shellie Steckel-Sheppard ∞ William Stehl ∞ Becky Sterpka ∞ Alvin & Ann Stevens ∞ Patricia Stigliani ∞ Suzanne Stone ∞ Markus Stringer ∞ Cathy & Doug Strubel ∞ Sully Sullivan ∞ Elaine Surya ∞ Julie Sutherland ∞ Charles Maboud Swierkosz & Tara Andrea Brunjes-Swierkosz ∞ Julie Tato ∞ Janet Tiegerman ∞ Kellie Tikkun ∞ Kathy Tornquist ∞ Helen Tracy ∞ Wendy Trafford & Chuck McKenna ∞ Linda Shakura Trageser ∞ Father William Treacy ∞ Kim Treiber & Chipper Thompson ∞ Steven & Nina Ulrich ∞ Irit Umani ∞ Michael Valdez ∞ Gale Vance ∞ Mary Vandenberg Green ∞ David Vargo ∞ Peter Vennewitz ∞ Siddiq Hans & Sakina von Briesen ∞ Ruth Von Goertz ∞ Tom Wallace ∞ Patricia and Ron Walsh ∞ Paul Wapner & Diane Singerman ∞ Nathan Wehrly ∞ Latifa & Abd al-Hayy Weinman ∞ Waduda Wendy Welsh ∞ April Werner ∞ Linda Tarana Wesley ∞ Steve Wesson ∞ Mary Jo Whiteman ∞ Jill Wichlens & Rich Gabriel ∞ Suzanne Wierbinski ∞ Larry & Beverly Wiesner ∞ Stewart E Wiggers ∞ Rafia Marian Wilcox ∞ Dianne Gary Williams ∞ Dona May Willoughby ∞ Genevieve Windsor ∞ Alane Hadiya Witt-Lajeunesse ∞ Lewis and Joan Wood ∞ Kathy & Ray Wooten ∞ Rosie Wright ∞ Todd Wynward ∞ Eileen Alia & Joel Yager ∞ Steve & Jessie Zeller ∞ Karen Ziegler ∞ Marin Ziegler ∞ Aimee Zivin ∞ Melvin & Susan Zwillenberg


We Love You! Thank You!

Lama Foundation Summer 2015 - Tentative Schedule

- Contemplative Environmental Studies

- Women's Singing in Circle

- Weaving the Mysteries

The Wisdom of the Mystics

- Sufi Sesshin

- Vast Silence

- Closing Visitor’s Day

July 26 - August 1

August 4-9

August 13-16

August 19-23

September 1-8

September 20

May 18-24

May 24

June 4-7

June 12-27

June 23-28

July 7-13

July 18-19

- Community Camp

- Opening Visitors Day

- Inviting In, an LGBTQIA Retreat

- Permaculture Design Certification

- Church of Conscious Harmony

- Global Youth Leadership Institute

- Annual Meeting

Lama Foundation PO Box 240 San Cristobal, NM 87564-0240

Phone: 575-586-1269 Email: [email protected]