LAI 2000 Plant Analyzer

INSTRUMENTACIÓN MEDIO AMBIENTAL JOAN COSTA SPRING 2010 INTRODUCTION Objective The intent of using the LAI-2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer in this experiment will be to measure and evaluate the canopy coverage of Crocus sativus. The objective of this study is to calculate the Leaf Area Index of the crocus, which we will later relate to both the stamen yield, and the irrigation system. High biomass in plants is proved to lead to a larger flowering structure. Crocus plant and flower size is directly related to proper watering techniques; and it is proven that bigger flowers lead to bigger stigmas. The crocus stigma is the harvestable, edible and economically desirable flower part. Irrigation tubes have been set up to feed water via emitters that are set on the ground at the end of each row. This experiment will allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of water velocity and flow throughout the entire system in relation to biomass accumulation. The LAI-2000 is an ideal instrument for the project because it can measure canopy coverage from a distance or at a very close range in an accurate, rapid and non-destructive manner. The instrument works by sending a beam of radiation through a distance of vegetative canopy, and then calculating the average number of contacts per unit length of travel that a probe would make passing through the canopy at zenith angle θ. Crocus sativus Crocus sativus is commonly known as saffron. It is a flower which is native to the Mediterranean environment, characterized by cool to cold winters with an autumn-winter wet season, and warm dry summers with little rainfall. It can withstand substantial frosts (-10 ̊C) and can tolerate some moderate snow. 1


Background information and a simple experimental design

Transcript of LAI 2000 Plant Analyzer






The intent of using the LAI-2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer in this experiment will be to measure and evaluate the canopy coverage of Crocus sativus. The objective of this study is to calculate the Leaf Area Index of the crocus, which we will later relate to both the stamen yield, and the irrigation system. High biomass in plants is proved to lead to a larger flowering structure. Crocus plant and flower size is directly related to proper watering techniques; and it is proven that bigger flowers lead to bigger stigmas. The crocus stigma is the harvestable, edible and economically desirable flower part. Irrigation tubes have been set up to feed water via emitters that are set on the ground at the end of each row. This experiment will allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of water velocity and flow throughout the entire system in relation to biomass accumulation.

The LAI-2000 is an ideal instrument for the project because it can measure canopy coverage from a distance or at a very close range in an accurate, rapid and non-destructive manner. The instrument works by sending a beam of radiation through a distance of vegetative canopy, and then calculating the average number of contacts per unit length of travel that a probe would make passing through the canopy at zenith angle .Crocus sativusCrocus sativus is commonly known as saffron. It is a flower which is native to the Mediterranean environment, characterized by cool to cold winters with an autumn-winter wet season, and warm dry summers with little rainfall. It can withstand substantial frosts (-10 C) and can tolerate some moderate snow. Saffron has extra long stigmas, which are harvested in autumn, shortly after planting. The traditional flower reproductive parts are sterile, so the plant reproduces by means of corm multiplication. It is a curious plant because vegetative plant parts will appear sometimes before, sometimes with, and in some cases after flowering. Corm biology consists of an underground vegetative food source that gains the majority of biomass in the beginning of the summer, whence they are replaced by 1 to 10 cormlets. These cormlets can be removed from the mother part, and replanted in the beginning of autumn, early September, for autumn flowering shortly thereafter. Ideal soils for saffron cultivation are light and friable with a high nutrient content. These soils facilitate easy root penetration. Study LocationThe crocus fields are located in the Ebro Valley, in the Northern region of Rioja, Spain. In this particular cultivation, rows are oriented directly East-West and spaced 6 cm. apart; a common orientation in Spanish saffron farms. Corms within furrows are 3 cm. apart and were planted at a depth of 10 cm. The soil is light and friable with a high organic matter content, and good drainage. 300 - 400 mm water is applied per year via irrigation tubes which run North- South on the East side of the field. Emitters are spaced 8 cm. apart so that they fill each between row space simultaneously.Measurements and ConditionsSince overly bright light conditions have a high probability of altering results, we will take measurements at 8:30 am on October 20, 2010. The date is 50 days after the corms have been planted. On average, a properly handled crocus corm takes 40 days to reach full flowering maturity, upon which it will then flower for approximately 20 - 30 days. At this time in the morning, the sun is closer to the horizon and is not at its brightest; moreover, there is often morning cloud coverage in the sky to disperse the existing light. The two error causing effects to be considered when taking measurements are: scattered radiation within the canopy and azimuthally non-uniform sky brightness. The flower crops are in a completely exposed field, thus the other option to minimize direct sun or sunlit leaf area would be to utilize the lenses. If you use a lens, place it at a 45 angle to the row direction. Orienting a view restrictor down the row generally underestimates the LAI, while orienting it across the row overestimates LAI. A common technique for measuring row crops is taking 3 or 4 evenly spaced readings along a diagonal transect that runs between two rows, and do several transects. Taking the measurements in this configuration reduces error attributed to overly weighted measurements in in-row and between-row conditions. Since these rows are very closely spaced, measurement technique needs to be precise. Each row is spaced 6cm. apart, and so to take 4 readings per transect, the LAI 2000 must be moved 2 cm., over and diagonally after taking an initial reading between two plants in the furrow. A total of 3 transects will be measured. 1.) In the center, but far north side of the field (close to the irrigation water source, 2.) Directly in the middle of the field, and 3.) In the center, but on the far south side of the field (the irrigation here is furthest away from the source). Conducting measurements according to irrigation flow will allow us to analyze if irrigation is properly reaching and watering all crops in the field. A common problem with this type of irrigation is that the water pressure is very high in the beginning of the tubing; and then due to residuals, or incorrect water pressure calculations, will be very low at emitters further away from the water source.

As Crocus sativus is a low growing plant, you will need to lay on your stomach to get an accurate below canopy reading.As a rule, the plot size should be 3 times the canopy height. It is said that if the plot is too small, then the sensor will see out the sides of the plot, and underestimate the size of the plot, especially in the case of a less dense canopy. Canopy height will be estimated to be 15 cm. from the bottom of a furrow to the tallest leaf tips. The plot will be 45 cm2.


Pre-field preparation

Before leaving to gather data in the field,

Check to make sure that you carry with you all the opaque masks/ lenses. These masks can restrict the field of view to 270 , 180 , 90 , and 45 to limit the sensor view (which is normally 360 ). You may need to limit the sensor view for special purposes; such as blocking undesired objects, like yourself, or the sun, from view to reduce errors, or to study canopies with leaves asymmetrically distributed about the azimuth. Bring 6 marker flags, if you have them. These will serve to help you mark out the boundaries of your 3 transects. You can leave these marker flags in the field too, so that we may take another set of identical readings on another day, if needed.Check that the batteries within the receiver box have enough charge to stay in the field for 2 hours. You will not be taking measurements for 2 hours, but this is to just be well prepared. The LAI-2000 requires 6 D Cell batteries, which last a total of 270 hours. You can turn the instrument on and make sure that there is not a low battery symbol on the display. A low battery symbol implies that the battery life is 15% or lower.Since the field may be muddy, wear a pair of sturdy boots. Do not forget to bring water, sunglasses, and a light jacket.In the field

When you arrive at the site, set up the LAI-2000 by plugging the sensor into the 'X' portal of the receiver and turning the machine on. You will have to input some basic data to start. The following is a checklist table for properly managing the sensors before starting to take data. FCT is the input command button. The numbers below FCT are command codes which will activate the Action.


1Attach sensor to X port

201, 02Verify calibration data*

304Set resolution

405Check Clock

511Set operating mode and avg. number

612Define prompts

715Begin taking data

*Calibration notes: If you need to use a lens, calibrate the sensor with the lens in place. A Reading - Above canopy, B Reading - Below canopy.1 SENSOR X : Set the reading to This setting will ensure that you take one Above canopy reading for every four Below canopy readings, a total of three times. This data collection method has been defined in the experiment parameters. Post- measurement

When you have taken all of the data that you think is sufficient, you can carefully wipe down (to remove any residual dirt), and pack up the LAI 2000. In the lab, all of your data must be transferred to the computer for analysis. You must first configure the port. Data is transmitted to the computer via RS-232, so your computer must have an RS-232 port. This port is configured as Data Communications Equipment (DCE); so it transmits data on pin 3, and receives data on pin 2. You will need a null modem cable for connection. If your computer's port is configured as Data Terminal Equipment (DTE), then you will need a straight through cable. Command FCT 31 sets the baud rate, data bits, parity, and handshaking for the RS-232 port.

You are now ready to connect to your computer. The computer must execute a program that takes incoming data from the RS -232 port and stores it. Install the COMM program, included in the LAI 2000 box on a diskette. To transfer data files from the LAI 2000 to the computer, the file transfer process is the following:1. Connect the computer to the LAI 2000 with the appropriate cable.2. Run the computer program3. Make sure the LAI 2000 and the computer's RS-232 port are configured compatibly.4. Specify the destination for incoming data on the computer (file, printer, etc.)5. Define the output format (FCT 33) to be used; spreadsheet or standard, then transfer the desired files (FCT 32).

Once you have imported the data, you can analyze it. The table can be divided into three main sections; the header, statistics, and observations. The header makes basic LAI calculations and defines all prompts and remarks that were recorded during the time of data collection. Abbreviations are as follows:


SELStandard error of the LAI determinations

DIFNFraction of the sky visible beneath the canopy

MTAMean Tip Angle

SEMStandard Error of the MTA

SMPThe number of pairs of below and above observations used to calculate these results

ANGLESThe mid-angles of each of the five rings' field of view

CNTCT#The mean contact frequencies of all the computed transmittances

STDDEVThe standard errors of the contact frequencies

DISTSPath lengths

GAPSThe fraction of the sky visible for each detector ring

The observations (the third block of information) each have a label (A or B), a sequential number, a time stamp and 5 values. The five values are the signals from the five rings of the detector, and A and B indicates whether it was Above or Below the canopy.







