[lagan's Cash Market JURY FAILS TO JERSEY CITY HAS j...

NEWSPAPER [{JNTED FOR ' COMMUNITY XXXVH1 No. 19 ALL THE NEWS FROM NEARBY TOWNS ROCKAWAY, N. .[/THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1926 $1.00 PER YEAR [lagan's Cash Market AINST. ' TEL. 62 ' ROCKAWAY, N. J. full line of Fresh-killed Turkeys, Ducks. Geese, Chickens ork Loin, Ib. - - - ork Chops, lb. - - resh Shoulder, Ib. - - moked Shoulder, lb. - irloin Steak, lb. - - rloin Roast, lb. - - I wift's Regular Hams, Ib. ottom Round Roast, Ib. orse Shoe Roast, lb. '- anberries - - - - 30c 25c 38c - 35c 35c - - • - 2 lb. for 25c 6 qt. basket Sweet Apples • - - 50c 6qt. bas. Greening or Baldwin Apples 65c toncy Large Oranges, doz. - - - 50c <ancy Large Grape Fruit - - 2 for 25c B01TLES SMASHED IN CELLAR OF JAIL I As l.iiige (jiiiintllj ol' Mquor Seized t In Itnlds WIIN Being Destroyed II) '" Aiilhcirllli'M : JURY FAILS TO JERSEY CITY HAS j MANY SALOONS AND AGREE 2ND TIME MILLIONS IN COUNTY) HOTELS PADLOCKED Charged With Illegal Sale —Jury Deliberated Sine Hours H of l « . Z Mat The Hinash of bottle: resounded i I' 01 ' Hie «ei!ond time a Jury has fall- 'rom the cellar of the Court House Monday morning, in n large quantity of lliiuor, seized In various raids, wan Hon. Howard K. Barrett, Assembly- man of Morris County:- I do not ed to tome to an agreement in the come here and I am ^ ,, 00 Archie VanNesa case of a charge of comes here advocating anything that sure no one cine Illegal Hale of liquor, I, , ; ™ . . » , ™ — » - ™ . .I-..., WOUKI injure the health of the people I destroyed under orders signed by j After more than nine hours dellb- of Jersey City or uny other uart of County Judge C. Franklin Wilson. , eratlon, the Jury before which the; the state, but we do come here an County Detective I5dwar,| Ocbhardt,, second trial took place, could not a gentleman from Jersey City stated charged. Under Sheriff Henry R. Sperling and ! reach an agreement nnd was dln- Motoroycle Officer Joseph V. Vor- holz were busy In the tank of destruc- tion, smashing bottles and emptying the contents down the drain pipe. The liquor being done away with WIIH seized In the following raids; Peter Trlbelll, Roxbury; Carnie Gnn- geinl. Dover; Altx I). Martin, Ran- dolpli; NHo Santoro, Morrlstown; Is- Idor Savor. Boonton; Delia Tllman, Dover; William Murray, Morrlstown; Charles Turner, Peterson; Patsy 8at- urnlno, Morrlstown; Antony Spng- you to do that which In right and proper and should be done for VanNeus conducts a roadstand on the benerit of the greater majority ot the Whlppnny Road, Whlppany, nnd It: the people of the State. The first Is alleged by the Prosecutor's Office '• speaker from Jersey City spoke about that liquor was sold there but he the millions Jersey City has In their made n complete denial of the charge, water property. We In Morris County It was contended that several com- are quite famlllur with the million!) plaints were received and that a ue- Jersey City has In Morris County, tectlvc agency was assigned to Inves- The gentleman said they came here tlgate tho case. Liquor was pur- without any selfish attitude, repre- cliased by these detectives. It WBH, nontlng all the people of the State of claimed. VnnNoss made a complete New Jersey. I want to call your denial of posBessIng or selling liquor.! tentlon to two or three clauses your ut- nolla, Mudlson; Peter tialdl. Morris-j The cafle wns tried during the Mny tills proposed amendment. First It town; CcllBtla Antonacclo, Morris- Term and the Jury was out for nbout i Btates thnt tho State Board of Health BoDnton, and J olgbt hours when It reported that It ahull determine whether or not bath- could not reach nny conclusion and : Ing tends to pollute. It does not give ic cases fines ' was dismissed. The retrial took : the party on the other side much of town; John McManus, Edwnrd Miller. In it number of thes> had Wen Imposed, und In one, Satur- • place on Monday, the case being fin-' an opportunity nlno, the man wns committed to Jail [ lshcd Tuesday morning when the dence. us a second offender. A large num- Jury waH charged by Judge C, Frank- her of cases, however, had been dls-' Mn Wilson, to present any cvl- .liT-ey (it) (Jin Mills Cloned Forty-five places in wh(oh liquor was sold In sixteen cities and towns In the northern part of the state were ordered padlocked Friday by Federal Judge Clark for violnlons of tlle Vol- stead act. Fifteen Newark saloons were among the pllices, In the case of the Wayside Inn of Bcnvtlle, Morris CoUnty, the owner, Adolpli FoerBter, was told by Judge Clark he could not run the place as a hotel, In ordering the inn padlock- ed In two weeks the court held that If In that time Focruter could snow bin family were prevented from liv- ing In the rooms above the place a modification of the order might he granted. The inn has sixteen rooms. Because of the type of the place a pndloelt decree "forthwith" was or- dered on the Rlcliflcld Hotel, Rlch- flcld, operated by Bertha Shadow. Prohibition agents testified to scenes of revelry and drunkenness in the place. In the courso of the dny'B proceed- ings Judge Clark hurried thru one The state Board can of the moat formidable padlocking I calendars ever called during the No- next ; voraber term ot Federal Court. In posed of by the Crand Jury, which) It retired about 11 o'clock und nt I.IX"', * 0 " 1 °" t101 -™' 1 nni1 ™ y thnt j many cases the jurist entered decrees 1926 Christmas Club Are you up-to-date in your payments? Iflstpayment due on 1926 Club next week Club doses November 26th THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Rockaway, N. J. dlil not find nny Indictments, but the [ 8:2<> Tuesday was discharged, having nllegcil liquor taken Is destroyed. ' fnll «<' '» reach n verdict. Meven of „ ' the Jury stood for acquittal nnd one nir Miiiiirlnnllllfn Affected for conviction. In Decision Arbitrating the differences of Mt. Lakes find Dcnvllle. the State Board of Conservation and Development has approved the former's petition to drill wells for nn additional 300,000 K(i lions of waler dally within the municipal limits of Denvllle and grunted Denville'H application io RECEIVE BIDS ON IMPROVEMENTS bathing tends to pollute, and the other side hiis nothing to sny. Then there IB the clause that when the State Hoard does determine such a situation to exist, that the Stnte Board shall direct the local health by default giving the defense attor- neys the opportunity of reopening the cases later If they deemed It advis- able. Where consent decrees, were not taken, and they wore numerous, the court ordered padlocks. authorities of uny municipality along Once the judge remarked: "The any river, lake, or stream, no matter only voice I find raised In favor of how poor thnt municipality may be, i ttio saloon Is in these padlock caBes. nor how much the expense, to police All who appear with specious de- New Sheriff Protests Against Nii|>- """ 8trunm ' ani1 lr tlu> municipality | f onBCB n a ( | better tako heed." porting Koine Jnll IiiinnteH Be- doesn't do It. your Board shall cause j , UCBtB (or adjournment met with a tin' policing (o be done and surcharge • setback In many instances, the court Bids were received by the Morris H to that municipality. Thnt Is what j stating that not more than one nd- drlll for an additional 600,000 gallons bounty Board of Freeholders last Jersey City asks you to adopt with i Journment would be granted by him dully within Its own limits. ; week for three pieces of work: Iny- noselfish thoughts whatever. I In padlock cases. The rivalry between Mountnln' Ins 1.750 feet of twenty-four inch Jersey City does not auy to thin; o l,alte» and Denvlllc was aired nt pub-i "torni sewer pipe on Kiel nvenue,' State Hoard, nor to the people nlonng i MAI) I) 10 RITCCflQ lie hearings before the State Board. Butler; construction of 2,126 feet of these lakes and streams In Morris I ' " " I I I " " DLlJIJlllJ rienvllle protested against Mountain concrete culvert along the Boonton- County, that we. having millions of. Lakes Invading the former's territory for a wnter supply. Residents of Mountain View road, at Lincoln dollars In wuter properties, will go | GIVEN PERMITS Porlt; construction of a reinforced 1 n little'further nnd buy mifflcient i-- - , Mountain Lukes Insisted sufficient concrete bridge nt Indian Lake, ap- property along those Inkes and Vfr "" (l '"' |l<Mcllom lllm ()lTen water could not He obtained munici- pally. The State Board In sanction- proxlmntely 18(1 cubic yards of con- crete. streams to protect our people, we' will post It so no people can come on, ,„, „ , The operation of two auto buses Ing Mountain Lakes' petition endors- The State Board of Health in a let-j They don't say we will pay for 20 to, bl . twe€I1 Dover ttml Mount Hope ' In ed Ibe prerequisite affirmative action [ tor stated they had referred to the GO policemen during the summer. j Morrla County by tho Robinson Mo- Capital $125,000 Surplus $375,000 National Union Bank Dover, N. J. 3 % Interest Paid on Checking Accounts of $ 100 or over Member Federal Reserve Bank Safe Deposit Boxes $5.00 per annum and up Capital $125,000 Surplus $375,000 Fire gives no warning! % prepared! Every owner needs the pro- tection afforded by adequate fire insurance Written in a dependable company. This agency represents the Hartford Fire insurance Go. , Insure With Edwin J. Matthews of thf North Jerney District Wator Supplj Commission. The board speci- fied tliat when Denville drills wells fur the ndditlona! half million gallon township authorities for their consld-1 they say the piunlclpalltloo Hhnll do It crntlon the complaint that garbage at their own exenae. They want to was thrown on the dumps at Pine Brook. In Montvlllo Township. A re- J go fnrtber and at the same time these municipalities are paying these ex- tor Company WUB approved Tuesday by the State Board of Public Utility Commissioners. A thorough fare ot 25 cents between Dover and Mount Hope, with Intermediate fares ot 5 cents, 15 cents and 20 cents will bo put Into effect by the new company. dally HUpply the wells shall be at; ply from Roacoe W. Do Baun said the ; ponses, they want to say you must least one-quarter mile distant from people In the neighborhood of the i not have any pavilions on these the Mountain Lakes wells In Don- \ dumps were glad to have them filled , streams to produce Income to payfor vlll«. | Mil added thnt hedid not believe the; these policemen, hut still youmust' D L . Shol(lon who , bUB *,„„ ^TZSVuZ* Secure \ > ^ ^ " " " " ^ ^ ^ »~ ""»— *» "» >~ i • * -or the same route as the pet,-j letuon. ' Honor, withdrew objection to the .ap- plication when tho Robinson Bus Despite a defense that be purchased Sheriff Beach reported that three , Alu , tner thought on tlle unselfish- liquor seized In n raid on his home In ! men, committed on charges of being Cednr Knolls before prohibition,' drunk and disorderly, have been In Thomas H. Sutcllffe was found guilty i the county Jail since Ootober 13. He of possession before Judge C. Prank-' objected to their support by the coun- ness of the people of Hudson County. A bill was Introduced at the last ses- sion of the Legislature, by myself, providing that not only the land but Iln Wilson In special ses.alon« court. ty. He was told the matter would be , , he | nlprovement9 a , weU wh)ch they Friday, later. Sentence will be Imposed | Investigated. own in our County, should be taxed. On motion of Freeholder Fletcher The , nw „, Ulc pre8( , nt tlm(? BayB According to Sutclirfe. be brought | L, Frltts the Rockaway Township th|lt where property ,, owne(1 b y o n e the liquor with him when he moved , Committee was Invited to meet the , nun | c | pnmy B | tuatm , , n anothori nnd from NwYork several years ago. j Freeholders here Wednesday to con-, um] f(jr WQtcr ' purp08e9i on | y t)le HlB wife had been 111, he said, and a sidcr the Rocknway-Hlbernla road land can be taxed and not the Im- physician ha<l prescribed liquor for | which they wish built nnd towards i provenient8 , aay „ lB only fn | r that her at regular Intervals. Altogether I which the State Highway Commission {M property „,,„„,„ ,, e ta]le(1 n t a to)r he had nbout eleven gallons In store • has made an appropriation. County vn|Ur , lntrodU( . O(1 t h o b m nnU whnt when the dry law was paBsod. When j roads were reported Ingood condition , w n s t h o | r nn8wer? T i lelr anBWer waB tho rnlders from tlie prosecutor's of-1 for the winter, flee vlBlted bis home they found a little more than a quart. this, that the law Is In our favor and Avrlck's Great Sale Kudu Saturday we ' Ion ' t linve to " ay tl " tcil o nn n y Improvements Including two housos John Antonnacclo, of Morrlstown, j One of the greatest Pales ever held on ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ gM a witness for the prosecution, told j in Rockaway. conducted by Mr. Harry ^ ]mg ^ ^ ^ ^ |n ^ ^ ^ ^ that he and three others had pur chased a drink from Mr. Sutrlttfe for fifty cents a drink. The hitter denied that be hnd ever seen the witness be- fore. | Officers of Children's Home Or, D, H v McAlpIn, of Littleton, has ! been re-electeil presiflent of the Mor- i rls County Children's Home, with Mrs. C. B. Senbury. of Boonton, as first vice-president; MrB. W. W. Cut- ler, of Morrlstown, 2nd vlce-prosl- hlcnt; William C. Hurtzig, of Morrla- i town, secretary, and Andrew L. Cobb, ' of Piirilniiuny, treasurer. The dlrec- ! tors elected for one year arc: Mlsa | lsnlirlle A. llallantln,e, Mrs. Wynnnt D. Viinderpool, Mies Anna Shaw, Philander B. Plerson nnd Dr. McAl- pln; for two yearB, Mrs. \V. W, Cut- ler, Mrs. Frederick Dfivls, Charles W. Ennis, William G. Hurtzig nnd Geo. E. Reeve; for three years, Mrs. Sen- bury, Mrs. A. L, Cob; Rev. Wynant D. Vundd'pool, MrB. Prank D. Abel], Dr. IV. S. Applegnte nnd Andrew U Cobb. • • Avrick, comes to an end this Sntur- dny. are going to keep It thnt way. Thnt . . , . , , Is a enmple of their unselfishness In Mr, Avrick stated to our repro-1 ,, ' ' , , ,, , ' asking you to pass this amendment, sentative that this wns the first time thnt he over held such n snle nnd it J was a grent succeBB. Many bargnlnB aro still to be had nnd If you haven't yet visited Avrlek's Store, do so be-' Tho golden wedding anniversary of Observe (inlden Wedding fore Saturday night. Card of Thnnks We take this means of thanking our friends and neighbors for their kind- I Mr. nnd Mrs. Theodore H. Cox. of ; Chester Township, will be observed Thanksgiving day. when a family re- union will be held nt Succnnunna with their son, Kills Cox, and family. ness to us In the Illness nnd death of i Mr. Cox, 9r., will be seventy-five our mother, Mrs. Mary Ella Elmer, j years old November 20 nnd the celo- Wc also thank the singer, the pall-! bvatlon will be a triple ons. Mr. nnil bearers, the undertaker, the Ilov. M. L. Rhodes, nnd those who donated the uso of their cars. Mrs. Cox have boen members of the Presbyterlnn, now the Chester Fcdor- I ated Church, fifty years nnd Mr. Cox THIS ELMER FAMIIY I has been an elder many yonrs. They o— j wore married by tho pnstor of that Harding Clmptor, 0. E, S., will hold cliurch, tho Jnto Rev. James Brows- a 1 rummage unle, Thurtilny, Frldny ter. H«received hatli of them Into and Saturday, Nov, 18-111-20. In the | the church find baptized alx of their Parllninn Barber Shop, Anyone hav- seven children, nil of whom except Ing things for sale,please, notify Mrs. i one aro living. They Have fifteen Herbert Rowe or Mrs. Lewis Hunger- huliler. ' • ' . grandchildren nnd five grent-grnnd- j children. Company agreed to maintain a sched- ule which will not conflict with the Sheldon Bus Line. t The Utility Commissioners also ap- proved the application of Mahlon P. Fredericks and Charles M. Brant, for the operation o£ one auto bus between Ml. Freedom and Morrlstown. Tho' Board held that as the bus route will afford service between the two points! which heretofore had no convenient means of travel, The Morris County Traction Com- pany withdrew their objection to tho application when the petitioners' a- greed not to conduct any local busi- ness between Mills street and Sus- sex avenue and the D. L. & TV. Rail- road station In MorrlBtown. Divorce (or Mrs. Ullninu After waiting for more thnn soven years for a decrco, a divorce on the. ground ot extreme cruelty was final- ly Issued to Ernestine Mlndn Ullman, of Dover, from her husband, Paul Morltz Ullninn, About Bevon years ago Mrs. Ullman first tried lo got a divorce because of cruelty, but, duo. to various technicalities, the relief WUB denied the petitioner ench time. She started hor third dlvorco action with Samuel C. Meycrson as her so- licitor nnd finally succeeded In ob- taining the decree. An onk gavel made from wood'con- siderably over one hundred years old taken from the sill beam of ono of the locks of the Morris Canal was presented to Howard F. McConnell, president of the Board of Directors of tlle Morris Canal and Bunking Company by members of the engi- neering staff, The presentation was made by C. C. Vermoulc, chief of the engineers.

Transcript of [lagan's Cash Market JURY FAILS TO JERSEY CITY HAS j...

Page 1: [lagan's Cash Market JURY FAILS TO JERSEY CITY HAS j ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1926/...Despite a defense that be purchased Sheriff Beach reported that three


XXXVH1 No. 19




[lagan's Cash MarketAINST. ' TEL. 62 ' ROCKAWAY, N. J .

full line of Fresh-killed Turkeys, Ducks.Geese, Chickens

ork Loin, Ib. - - -ork Chops, lb. - -resh Shoulder, Ib. - -moked Shoulder, lb. -irloin Steak, lb. - -rloin Roast, lb. - -

Iwift's Regular Hams, Ib.ottom Round Roast, Ib.orse Shoe Roast, lb. '-anberries - - - -


- 35c

35c- - • - 2 lb. for 25c

6 qt. basket Sweet Apples • - - 50c6qt. bas. Greening or Baldwin Apples 65ctoncy Large Oranges, doz. - - - 50c<ancy Large Grape Fruit - - 2 for 25c


I As l.iiige (jiiiintllj ol' Mquor Seized t

In Itnlds WIIN Being Destroyed II) ' "Aiilhcirllli'M :



H of l « .

Z MatThe Hinash of bottle: resounded i I'01' Hie «ei!ond time a Jury has fall-

'rom the cellar of the Court HouseMonday morning, in n large quantityof lliiuor, seized In various raids, wan

Hon. Howard K. Barrett, Assembly-man of Morris County:- I do not

ed to tome to an agreement in the come here and I am ^ , , 0 0

Archie VanNesa case of a charge of comes here advocating anything thatsure no one cine

Illegal Hale of liquor,I , , ; ™ . . » , ™ — » - ™ . .I-..., WOUKI injure the health of the peopleI destroyed under orders signed by j After more than nine hours dellb- of Jersey City or uny other uart ofCounty Judge C. Franklin Wilson. , eratlon, the Jury before which the; the state, but we do come here an

County Detective I5dwar,| Ocbhardt,, second trial took place, could not a gentleman from Jersey City stated

charged.Under Sheriff Henry R. Sperling and ! reach an agreement nnd was dln-Motoroycle Officer Joseph V. Vor-holz were busy In the tank of destruc-tion, smashing bottles and emptyingthe contents down the drain pipe.

The liquor being done away withWIIH seized In the following raids;Peter Trlbelll, Roxbury; Carnie Gnn-geinl. Dover; Altx I). Martin, Ran-dolpli; NHo Santoro, Morrlstown; Is-Idor Savor. Boonton; Delia Tllman,Dover; William Murray, Morrlstown;Charles Turner, Peterson; Patsy 8at-urnlno, Morrlstown; Antony Spng-

you to do that which In rightand proper and should be done for

VanNeus conducts a roadstand on the benerit of the greater majority otthe Whlppnny Road, Whlppany, nnd It: the people of the State. The firstIs alleged by the Prosecutor's Office '• speaker from Jersey City spoke aboutthat liquor was sold there but he the millions Jersey City has In theirmade n complete denial of the charge, water property. We In Morris County

It was contended that several com- are quite famlllur with the million!)plaints were received and that a ue- Jersey City has In Morris County,tectlvc agency was assigned to Inves- The gentleman said they came heretlgate tho case. Liquor was pur- without any selfish attitude, repre-cliased by these detectives. It WBH , nontlng all the people of the State ofclaimed. VnnNoss made a complete New Jersey. I want to call yourdenial of posBessIng or selling liquor.! tentlon to two or three clauses

your ut-

nolla, Mudlson; Peter tialdl. Morris-j The cafle wns tried during the Mny tills proposed amendment. First Ittown; CcllBtla Antonacclo, Morris- Term and the Jury was out for nbout i Btates thnt tho State Board of Health

BoDnton, and J olgbt hours when It reported that It ahull determine whether or not bath-could not reach nny conclusion and : Ing tends to pollute. It does not give

ic cases fines ' was dismissed. The retrial took : the party on the other side much of

town; John McManus,Edwnrd Miller.

In it number of thes>had Wen Imposed, und In one, Satur- • place on Monday, the case being fin-' an opportunitynlno, the man wns committed to Jail [ lshcd Tuesday morning when the dence.us a second offender. A large num- Jury waH charged by Judge C, Frank-her of cases, however, had been dls-' Mn Wilson,

to present any cvl-

.liT-ey (it) (Jin Mills Cloned

Forty-five places in wh(oh liquorwas sold In sixteen cities and townsIn the northern part of the state wereordered padlocked Friday by FederalJudge Clark for violnlons of tlle Vol-stead act. Fifteen Newark saloonswere among the pllices,

In the case of the Wayside Inn ofBcnvtlle, Morris CoUnty, the owner,Adolpli FoerBter, was told by JudgeClark he could not run the place asa hotel, In ordering the inn padlock-ed In two weeks the court held thatIf In that time Focruter could snowbin family were prevented from liv-ing In the rooms above the place amodification of the order might hegranted. The inn has sixteen rooms.

Because of the type of the place apndloelt decree "forthwith" was or-dered on the Rlcliflcld Hotel, Rlch-flcld, operated by Bertha Shadow.Prohibition agents testified to scenesof revelry and drunkenness in theplace.

In the courso of the dny'B proceed-ings Judge Clark hurried thru one

The state Board can

of the moat formidable padlockingI calendars ever called during the No-

n e x t ; voraber term ot Federal Court. Inposed of by the Crand Jury, which) It retired about 11 o'clock und nt I . I X " ' , * 0 " 1 °" t 1 0 1 -™'1 nni1 ™y t h n t j many cases the jurist entered decrees

1926Christmas Club

Are you up-to-date in your payments?

Iflstpayment due on 1926 Club next week

Club doses November 26th


dlil not find nny Indictments, but the[8:2<> Tuesday was discharged, havingnllegcil liquor taken Is destroyed. ' fnll«<' '» reach n verdict. Meven of

„ ' the Jury stood for acquittal nnd onenir Miiiiirlnnllllfn Affected for conviction.

In Decision

Arbitrating the differences of Mt.Lakes find Dcnvllle. the State Boardof Conservation and Development hasapproved the former's petition todrill wells for nn additional 300,000K(i lions of waler dally within themunicipal limits of Denvllle andgrunted Denville'H application io


bathing tends to pollute, and theother side hiis nothing to sny. Thenthere IB the clause that when theState Hoard does determine such asituation to exist, that the StnteBoard shall direct the local health

by default giving the defense attor-neys the opportunity of reopening thecases later If they deemed It advis-able. Where consent decrees, werenot taken, and they wore numerous,the court ordered padlocks.

authorities of uny municipality along Once the judge remarked: "Theany river, lake, or stream, no matter only voice I find raised In favor ofhow poor thnt municipality may be, i ttio saloon Is in these padlock caBes.nor how much the expense, to police All who appear with specious de-

New Sheriff Protests Against Nii|>- """ 8 t r u n m ' a n i 1 lr tlu> municipality | fonBCB n a ( | better tako heed."porting Koine Jnll IiiinnteH

Be-doesn't do It. your Board shall cause j ,U C B t B ( o r adjournment met with atin' policing (o be done and surcharge • setback In many instances, the court

Bids were received by the Morris H to that municipality. Thnt Is what j stating that not more than one nd-drlll for an additional 600,000 gallons bounty Board of Freeholders last Jersey City asks you to adopt with i Journment would be granted by himdully within Its own limits. ; week for three pieces of work: Iny- no selfish thoughts whatever. I In padlock cases.

The rivalry between Mountnln' Ins 1.750 feet of twenty-four inch Jersey City does not auy to thin; ol,alte» and Denvlllc was aired nt pub-i "torni sewer pipe on Kiel nvenue,' State Hoard, nor to the people nlonng i M A I ) I) 10 RITCCflQlie hearings before the State Board. Butler; construction of 2,126 feet of these lakes and streams In Morris I ' " " I I I " " DLlJIJlllJrienvllle protested against Mountain concrete culvert along the Boonton- County, that we. having millions of.Lakes Invading the former's territory

for a wnter supply. Residents ofMountain View road, at Lincoln dollars In wuter properties, will go | GIVEN PERMITSPorlt; construction of a reinforced1 n little'further nnd buy mifflcient i-- - ,

Mountain Lukes Insisted sufficient concrete bridge nt Indian Lake, ap- property along those Inkes and V f r ""( l ' " ' | l < M c l l o m l l l m ( ) l T e n

water could not He obtained munici-pally. The State Board In sanction-

proxlmntely 18(1 cubic yards of con-crete.

streams to protect our people, we'will post It so no people can come on,,„, „ , The operation of two auto buses

Ing Mountain Lakes' petition endors- The State Board of Health in a let-j They don't say we will pay for 20 to, b l . t w e € I 1 D o v e r ttml M o u n t Hope ' Ined Ibe prerequisite affirmative action [ tor stated they had referred to the GO policemen during the summer. j M o r r l a County by tho Robinson Mo-

Capital $125,000 Surplus $375,000

National Union BankDover, N. J.

3 % InterestPaid on Checking Accounts of $ 100 or over

Member Federal Reserve Bank

Safe Deposit Boxes$5.00 per annum and up

Capital $125,000 Surplus $375,000

Fire gives no warning!% prepared! Every owner needs the pro-

tection afforded by adequate fire insuranceWritten in a dependable company.

This agency represents the Hartford Fireinsurance Go. ,

Insure With

Edwin J. Matthews

of thf North Jerney District WatorSupplj Commission. The board speci-fied tliat when Denville drills wellsfur the ndditlona! half million gallon

township authorities for their consld-1 they say the piunlclpalltloo Hhnll do Itcrntlon the complaint that garbage at their own exenae. They want towas thrown on the dumps at PineBrook. In Montvlllo Township. A re- J

go fnrtber and at the same time thesemunicipalities are paying these ex-

tor Company WUB approved Tuesdayby the State Board of Public UtilityCommissioners. A thorough fare ot25 cents between Dover and MountHope, with Intermediate fares ot 5cents, 15 cents and 20 cents will boput Into effect by the new company.

dally HUpply the wells shall be at; ply from Roacoe W. Do Baun said the ; ponses, they want to say you mustleast one-quarter mile distant from people In the neighborhood of the i not have any pavilions on thesethe Mountain Lakes wells In Don- \ dumps were glad to have them filled , streams to produce Income to pay forvlll«. | Mil added thnt he did not believe the; these policemen, hut still you must' D L . S h o l ( l o n w h o , b U B

*,„„ ^TZSVuZ* Secure \ > ^ ^ " " " " ^ ^ »~ " " » — *» "» >~ i •* -or the same route as the pet,-jletuon. ' Honor, withdrew objection to the .ap-

plication when tho Robinson BusDespite a defense that be purchased Sheriff Beach reported that three , A l u , t n e r thought on tlle unselfish-liquor seized In n raid on his home In ! men, committed on charges of beingCednr Knolls before prohibition,' drunk and disorderly, have been InThomas H. Sutcllffe was found guilty i the county Jail since Ootober 13. Heof possession before Judge C. Prank-' objected to their support by the coun-

ness of the people of Hudson County.A bill was Introduced at the last ses-sion of the Legislature, by myself,providing that not only the land but

Iln Wilson In special ses.alon« court. ty. He was told the matter would be , , h e | n l p r o v e m e n t 9 a , w e U w h ) c h t h e y


Sentence will be Imposed | Investigated. own in our County, should be taxed.On motion of Freeholder Fletcher T h e , n w „, U l c p r e 8 ( , n t t l m ( ? B a y B

According to Sutclirfe. be brought | L, Frltts the Rockaway Township t h | l t w h e r e p r o p e r t y , , o w n e ( 1 b y o n e

the liquor with him when he moved , Committee was Invited to meet the , n u n | c | p n m y B | t u a t m , , n a n o t h o r i n n d

from Nw York several years ago. j Freeholders here Wednesday to con-, um] f ( j r W Q t c r ' p u r p 0 8 e 9 i o n | y t ) l e

HlB wife had been 111, he said, and a sidcr the Rocknway-Hlbernla road land can be taxed and not the Im-physician ha<l prescribed liquor for | which they wish built nnd towards i p r o v e n i e n t 8 , a a y „ lB o n l y f n | r t h a t

her at regular Intervals. Altogether I which the State Highway Commission { M p r o p e r t y „,,„„,„ ,,e ta ] l e (1 n t a t o ) r

he had nbout eleven gallons In store • has made an appropriation. County v n | U r , l n t r o d U ( .O ( 1 t h o b m n n U w h n t

when the dry law was paBsod. When j roads were reported In good condition , w n s t h o | r n n 8 w e r ? T i l e l r a n B W e r w a B

tho rnlders from tlie prosecutor's of-1 for the winter,flee vlBlted bis home they found alittle more than a quart.

this, that the law Is In our favor and

Avrlck's Great Sale Kudu Saturday w e ' I o n ' t l i n v e t o " a y t l" t c i l o n n n y

Improvements Including two housosJohn Antonnacclo, of Morrlstown, j One of the greatest Pales ever held o n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ gM

a witness for the prosecution, told j in Rockaway. conducted by Mr. Harry ^ ]mg ^ ^ ^ ^ | n ^ ^ ^

that he and three others had purchased a drink from Mr. Sutrlttfe forfifty cents a drink. The hitter deniedthat be hnd ever seen the witness be-fore.

| Officers of Children's Home

Or, D, Hv McAlpIn, of Littleton, has! been re-electeil presiflent of the Mor-i rls County Children's Home, with

Mrs. C. B. Senbury. of Boonton, asfirst vice-president; MrB. W. W. Cut-ler, of Morrlstown, 2nd vlce-prosl-

hlcnt; William C. Hurtzig, of Morrla-i town, secretary, and Andrew L. Cobb,' of Piirilniiuny, treasurer. The dlrec-! tors elected for one year arc: Mlsa| lsnlirlle A. llallantln,e, Mrs. Wynnnt

D. Viinderpool, Mies Anna Shaw,Philander B. Plerson nnd Dr. McAl-pln; for two yearB, Mrs. \V. W, Cut-ler, Mrs. Frederick Dfivls, Charles W.Ennis, William G. Hurtzig nnd Geo.E. Reeve; for three years, Mrs. Sen-bury, Mrs. A. L, Cob; Rev. WynantD. Vundd'pool, MrB. Prank D. Abel],Dr. IV. S. Applegnte nnd Andrew UCobb. • •

Avrick, comes to an end this Sntur-dny.

are going to keep It thnt way. Thnt. . , . , , Is a enmple of their unselfishness InMr, Avrick stated to our repro-1 , , '

' , , ,, , ' asking you to pass this amendment,sentative that this wns the first timethnt he over held such n snle nnd it Jwas a grent succeBB. Many bargnlnBaro still to be had nnd If you haven'tyet visited Avrlek's Store, do so be-' Tho golden wedding anniversary of

Observe (inlden Wedding

fore Saturday night.

Card of Thnnks

We take this means of thanking ourfriends and neighbors for their kind-

I Mr. nnd Mrs. Theodore H. Cox. of; Chester Township, will be observedThanksgiving day. when a family re-union will be held nt Succnnunnawith their son, Kills Cox, and family.

ness to us In the Illness nnd death of i Mr. Cox, 9r., will be seventy-fiveour mother, Mrs. Mary Ella Elmer, j years old November 20 nnd the celo-Wc also thank the singer, the pall-! bvatlon will be a triple ons. Mr. nnilbearers, the undertaker, the Ilov. M.L. Rhodes, nnd those who donated theuso of their cars.

Mrs. Cox have boen members of thePresbyterlnn, now the Chester Fcdor-

I ated Church, fifty years nnd Mr. CoxTHIS ELMER FAMIIY I has been an elder many yonrs. They

o— j wore married by tho pnstor of thatHarding Clmptor, 0. E, S., will hold cliurch, tho Jnto Rev. James Brows-

a1 rummage unle, Thurtilny, Frldny ter. H« received hatli of them Intoand Saturday, Nov, 18-111-20. In the | the church find baptized alx of theirParllninn Barber Shop, Anyone hav- seven children, nil of whom exceptIng things for sale,please, notify Mrs. i one aro living. They Have fifteenHerbert Rowe or Mrs. Lewis Hunger-huliler. ' • ' .

grandchildren nnd five grent-grnnd-j children.

Company agreed to maintain a sched-ule which will not conflict with theSheldon Bus Line. t

The Utility Commissioners also ap-proved the application of Mahlon P.Fredericks and Charles M. Brant, forthe operation o£ one auto bus betweenMl. Freedom and Morrlstown. Tho'Board held that as the bus route willafford service between the two points!which heretofore had no convenientmeans of travel,

The Morris County Traction Com-pany withdrew their objection to thoapplication when the petitioners' a-greed not to conduct any local busi-ness between Mills street and Sus-sex avenue and the D. L. & TV. Rail-road station In MorrlBtown.

Divorce (or Mrs. Ullninu

After waiting for more thnn sovenyears for a decrco, a divorce on the.ground ot extreme cruelty was final-ly Issued to Ernestine Mlndn Ullman,of Dover, from her husband, PaulMorltz Ullninn, About Bevon yearsago Mrs. Ullman first tried lo got adivorce because of cruelty, but, duo.to various technicalities, the reliefWUB denied the petitioner ench time.She started hor third dlvorco actionwith Samuel C. Meycrson as her so-licitor nnd finally succeeded In ob-taining the decree.

An onk gavel made from wood'con-siderably over one hundred years oldtaken from the sill beam of ono ofthe locks of the Morris Canal waspresented to Howard F. McConnell,president of the Board of Directorsof tlle Morris Canal and BunkingCompany by members of the engi-neering staff, The presentation wasmade by C. C. Vermoulc, chief of theengineers.

Page 2: [lagan's Cash Market JURY FAILS TO JERSEY CITY HAS j ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1926/...Despite a defense that be purchased Sheriff Beach reported that three


Few vaudeville bills have uvtr liccnMm at the llaker that CUMK up tu thetitundurd of the one which openH to-night anil rtiiialtm for (lie Imlunce ofthin week. The inruonncl of the

§uhow fti eompwetl of the highest>:rii(k' nriB oliliili]i,|p|ii In the presentmarket. Tliey are: TOKMI onil Gen-eva, who will bu seen In their mld-ftlroffering "On 'J'lie Wire". Tiilu netrecently datum un engagement HI thePalaee, New York und la now playingthe xnmllcr lownu In and aroundNew York; (iruue Doro, known coun-try-wide an "The Queen of the Keys".An expert nlnnlta and a very attract-live woman, HIIC IS an excellent en-tertainer In every Benau of the word;C'olvln and Wood will nreBent theirrlb-tlukllng comedy lilt, "The Auc-tioneer." This little fur™ ha» madethouaniuls luugli during the past Iwoyears when it wan neon In all the lar-ger dtleit In the country; The Car-m>n and Kane llevuo clone the showIn a "Scenic Novelty or Melody andUbyine". Beautiful Bcenery, tunefulBongn that will keep you whistling,and marvelous dunclnR are the In-,gredlontn that go towards makingtills one of tho best known, revues on

the vaudeville titftgc today. ThU IKthe bill Ihut nwalta the week-endvisitor to the linker Theatre. The)iholo|)luy to In1 pi'enenled at thintime IK the reulftttlr, drumatic storyof the tea, "Shipwrecked". It In ahighly thrilling tale, the btunn mraituof which were filmed during a fiercehurricane that Inflicted iimnenfsedunifige to the shipping along theCalifornia const, at the rink uf theUvfcB of Home fifty members of thoproduction utaff aboard the old clip-per whip, "Indiana", The plot is onethat will hold your Interest from thebeginning.

Next Monday, Tuesday and Wed-nesday, matinees unit evenings, Nor-nm Shearer will he presented In herbrand new screen velilele, "The Wan-Ing Bex." This ix a tale of a womanof today giving up all the naturalpureulte for wlilcli BIIC is fitted, anilentering hUHlnesa—man's utuuiplngground. The results are amazing.MIHS Shearer's climb In the motionpicture Industry Is one that cannotbe passed by lightly. A little over ftyear ugo »he WUB }unt an "extra",looking for a Job, Today she If afeatured player, Her most repentsuceeHH was "HIB Secretory", of which"The Waning 8cjc" Is more or less ofa Hcqucl. There are laughs galorethruout Hie picture, furnished byscreamingly funny complications thatarc cure cure for "the blues".

The short subjects to be shown Inconnection with "The Waning Sex"ore: Song Car-Tune. "Olil Black Joe",


ii .Mermaid Comedy, "Plnli Elephants"and u scenic, "Short Shots".

K. II. Sparnun and Ills Baker Or-chestra will be "on deck" to furnishthe proper inuste setting tor the twoshown mentioned above as well anto further delight music lovcru with Jtheir rendition ol the standard wurkuof the masters.

The program for the last half ofnext week IB vaudeville and JilvuarilDlx's latest pictorial effort, "TheQuarterback".

World'. Fa,tt$t Whfl'Die fantent revolving wheel 10 tit*

world, aecordiog to estimate* of « • ,perts, It the lurblue whe«l on thespecial supereliurgor of the airplanelined by I.lout. John Macready In hitrecent attempt* to better the world'! |altitude rftiird, It revolves at tbe al- ipioit inconceivable speed of 40,000 rer- jolutlone a minute— almiwt 700 a «w- joud, najs I'opiilar Science Monthly,Tills In about twenty Hum the ulglirttkpeeil of un automobile crankibift

Lewis A. StraitScranton Coal, all sizes


Office and Yards at


Rockaway N. J.

of the HourMEN! WOMEN! Don't Miss These!

Ugh! To he without a good wurm ennt these daysIs Just ashing for trouble and expensive doctor'sbills! It'B foolish, too, when our "E-Z" terms makeIt possible for anyone to get a stylish coat or over-coat—with only II small payment down, Note thosebig values too!

Men's Heavy Winter Overcoats$22.50 up

Men! Here's real protection—and Hmartness too!There's a big range of scaBontblo materials to choosefrom, »ntl yim'll find the Tit everything you are look-Ing for. Drop In and sic them!

Men's Wool Suits$22.50 up

Doesn't mailer bow bard you are to (it—doesn'tmatter what Htyle you prefer—doesn't matter whatyou've pcen In the linblt of ptylng—you'll find Ju«what you lllto In this big group. And save, too!

Boys' Coats$9.98 up

Strongly made, of real serviceable materials, In awide range of nlzoa anil styles. Don't rules these!

PAY THE "E-Z" WAYWomen's Fur Trimmed Coats

upAll smart, aeaaonnblo fabrics; faultlessly- tailored.

They ave delightfully trlmmod with selected fura Inn wide variety of modish stylos. Be Buro to see them.

Fur Coats, Priced from $125 up

Mngnlfllcnt fur coats In nil the desired styles tntlsizes. Made up In specialty selected matched peltsof first-class quality. ' v . / •

Ladies'Silk Dresses114.98 up

There's. « host of now, smart stylos—fonturlnedrcBsos for every occnslon~t!) choose from, Mtinyarc Individual models tind every one Is n sensational•value nt tlflB speetal price. Ctmo,while selection isnt UB best. .

Girls'Coats$10.98 up

Smart lttlo coats, nmdo, for practical service/ yetlust as stylish as Mother's, Seo theso.

Furstman & Feiiiberg, Iric;23-25 West Blackwell St. Dover New Jersey

"National Quality" Beef is DifferedA Better Flavor at a Lower Cost!

See These Week End Special

All Uest lirandB

Regular SmokedHAMS33c lb.

"Black Hawk"Sliced Bacon49c lb.

Regular Fresh

HAMS29c lb.

Fresh Killed


Chickens4 II). average

39c lb.

Legs of Milk-Fed I

VEAL29c lb.

R u m p s of Milk-Fedl

VEAL33c lb.

Prime Rib

Roastsbest cutB

29c lb.

"Turkey Time" is HereOrder Your Thanksgiving

Turkey NOW!!!

Prime Sirloin Steak, lb. 38cPrime Rib Roast, lb. 23c

National Beef Co,"Largest Retailers of Meats in America"

Mnln Street

Stores in New York, New Jersey/Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Connecticut

".. . they said the floorlooked beautiful . . . butthey could hardly believe 1had finished it with DUCOwhile the cake was baking."

DUCO removes all difficulties fromhome decorating. For it dries so "

quickly, spreads BO easily, and does notshow brush marks.

Easier to apply . . , every job a satisfac-tory job . . . and the jewel-like surfacewill not crack, chip, blister or peeL

Use Duco for all woodwork, furniture,autos, floors, walls and metalworlt. Fur-nished in sixteen permanent colors-andblack and white.



Here are some of the thingsYQircan do with DUCO:

—refinish any wood or Iron bed withDuco in the afternoon and sleep in Itthat night s\

—refinish your ponih furniture and Boorwith Duco in the morning and use theporch that afternoon

-refinish your bookshelves with Ducoafter lunch and put the books backbefore supper time

-refinieh your, automobile with DucoSaturday afternoon and driva It thatevening.

Economy GarageTel: 133 Rockaway, N.J.


Page 3: [lagan's Cash Market JURY FAILS TO JERSEY CITY HAS j ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1926/...Despite a defense that be purchased Sheriff Beach reported that three

| | ( mo country und rqmi-

'.url/ „•] th» MurvHrlnK

f r c l l „, H,.. cunt »f Hie

',. ,,..w FlrHt Nutlunitl

H0»l ulinwltiKH "t t h e , Now

iiciitr'". Thurmluy unit

fltiiti* Marine Pl«tur«,

H»wn" »nrt • Ui« I'.tont

will '•<i"»nl«t<» '»« '•"'•

ur 0(:tl«n. plonty of comedy.plot iiml a cunt filled with

m inakoH "Chip of tlio

t|IB iinlvcnm) product!™,„,(« to «"-' Plnyhoune Hllver

no « f t l 1 0 m 0 l t t

L pldiirBH of the month.,„ (illiMin in tlio HtarrlnK rolo

laiwimnchor of - tho

. tl"' l | l o t u r o m<)V<)", dull iiKimunt Irom the first

A Hrand N«w Com-

mlU B " n ( l t l 1 0 I l l t f "",„ W | | | round out n flno

ntcrtalnm«nt, wlillo tliojnaimea will Imvo tlio addedut Hcrlul which Hturtcirt luntwlien tlio second elwpter of

„[ tin Sfa>utn" will lio pro-Tim flr«t of tho 8w>ut prisoniwtrdoil t« tho ono lioldlnR

niimlier. THOBU prizes arcHi having «» t h o y nre nilnoy 8<!»ut Banlpniont ituch, fla«hll(tl»t(t, wrlBt watches ,

mcmliSr to tiring your speciallor motlnnn only.ml Monday and TuoHdny n4 In In Htoro for tho many

of Jainox KlrHwood when'lie teen In "Tho WIBO Ouy"

•M of favorites you al l knowMary Artor, Dotty Comp-

nrn.Marlon, Mnry Carr jn«lCooper malic up thlB flno HUPcant', Thin IH a picture you

mrilicr an long an you live,mi) for tliono two rtayn willl»t of a Horlon of Animal Com-tlltleil "Jorry tho Groat" andit Fox Nowu will tnleo Itn rog-iteon the program. i•round nml bring nil your

«nt WcdnoDflny, Thursday or

KUCKAWAi ItE€OBDI'YIilay <uul uu-ct "Koiviier Kltly K d l y " 'm i l urn; how Imnl, Icn.l i m , | l,,i,K y ( m !1:1111 luuiili, vvlii-n you >uu< thin MM. 1HIIII'H lil|;|,'MHt InuKh i inuli iccr. V'cni( l i irdon, VI0I11 Ilium ,,,,,| N a t (.„,.,,Itnvii the limilliiK n.l,..,. Now yonkimw wlmt tn cxiifct .

PajnmB Suit* Inspiredby Robei of Chinese

Fur the leu hour wllli DIII-'H lull-nmtn frli'iHln or t>v»n fur illrmiT uthomo, I'firlH liken t!.*• luijiiiim Hull, InHJilrcrt Ity I he richly orniiini'iilcil rulicxof Hi 11 U l i l n i w . MnlyiiiMiiix IIIIM•eurnt'd witln uui! IIKIMI n Hllver IIIIIU-With u pink hiicliliiK in nuke iln<troil»crn mill hliul«li! I1I111111' ut (iin-of l iU t>li,1)iinn MIIIH. 'I'hi'Hi' IniimiTHIIBVO an IIIIIIIHIIIU HH'H|> \imlcr tlin In-

Bldli In hold IIIK liviixur li'K unitI'll* t l ircci i i iari iTlpi iui l i floilm; cumworn with thin 1 OKIIIIIK- I* of pule[link georgelttt (•mbrulili'itil In MVDower* of ovnr.v uliudn.

A more prucllrul pujainn milt da-al iutd by Drecoll lm« 11 almlicht coatof Milk brocado In which Chinese redIs the predominating color. Tim blackl l t l n iron (cm uic gnlliored Into an«xtromely f«inhiln« rudle about tlio•nklei . A bolt und cufTn an tliu bro-elide coat, inudo of tho hlack autln,dellnltfly relate (lie two ploceit of the



Moving andGeneral Trucking

BY DAY OR NIGHTIcli'iiliiiuc Jtockuwiij t'Jfl-lt


'I'd. ilL'll-It

Hockaway, N. J.Day and Night Service


fltNKItAL t'ONTItACTOIICariienter ind Builder

Estimates Okon

Jobltlng a SpecialtyTel. « P. 0. Unxlll*


N O T K K TO ( l t i : i l l l t ) I I S

n( llircii-i'il

GEO. B. WHITHAMKmlialner nnd Funeral Director

Careful nervlce and prompt attentiongiven to all calls, day or night,

Telephone ltockanny 75

Main Nt locknnnr, N. 1.

l'ui'HUiint to lh<! OIIIIT of ilii' Sin-rogitto i>( tin' County ot MOITIH, iiinduon tlio Klftiwntli (l»y <i( Nov«Miil>»r, A,I), 0110 tluiiiHitiu] nlnn huiKlrod undtwonty-Hlx nutli'e In lunvliy KIVWI toall porxonH IIIIVIIIK CIIIIIIIH IIKIIIMHI tlui

imtiito of Ownn MIKHIIIH, late of tlinCounty of M<irrlH, dt'CtiUHwl, to pro-wml tlio mime unilur oath nr tilflrinn-tlon. to thf HUliHcrttuM' on ov liofnvetho Klftnonth ilny of Mny, 11 ox I bdlnKHlx nmntliH from tho ilittc of milil or- !d(ir ami any Cii'illtur ncKlt'CtliiK tobring In and oxhllilt lil». hor or theiruliilni nndor nalh or iifflriiiiitlon wltli-In th<i time llmtUnl will lie furcvi-rImrrcd of IIIH, Imr or tholr actionthoriifnrc agulnHt tho ICxocutorx.

Dated tlio Plfti'cntl, day of Novi'm-hor, A. I), 1112(1.



Praneln 8. Stlnkln, I'roctor.Itiicliiiwny, N, .1.

111! Ill


It'i Qrandmother'i ReolpsBring Baok Color and

Luetre to Hair

You can turn gray, faded hair beau-tifully dark and Imtroui almoit overnight if you'll net a bottle of "Wycth'aSage and Sulphur Compound" at anydrug Mare. Million 1 of bottlei of thisold famoui Sage Tea Recipe, improvedby the addition of other Ingredients,are told annually, i i y well-known drug-gist! here, because it darken! the hairno naturally and evenly that no one cantell It has been applied.

Those whole hair is turning gray orbecoming fided' have a turpriie alviit-ing them, became after one or two ap-plications the gray hair vanishea andyour locks become luxuriantly dirk andbeautiful.

This Is the age of youth, Cray-haired, unattractive folks aren't wantedaround. • J get busy with Wyeth'i Sageand Sulphur Compound to-night andyou'll be delighted with your dark,handsome hair and your youthful »p-pcarance within a tew dayi,

/additional Lines MeanJ-l ^Additional"Profit-/ \ "BUSY" telephone is a locked door. If yourtelephone is frequently in use some of your cus-tomers must be trying in vain to reach you. Youprobably know from experience how they feel andyou know that they do not trouble to tell youabout this difficulty, ordinarily. They nrc morelikely to telephone some competitor of yours —and he wins.Ask your customers if your line is "busy" at times.

Above all be sure that you have enough telephonelines to keep your door always open—the cost is

negligible.Your customers will appreciate your willingnessto serve them by always having a telephone lineready for their use.

Telephone, call ov write ottr nearestBusiness Ojficc. If your problem isdifficult our Commercial Service-Bureau will be glad to advise you.

' " " " " " » COMPANY

I Anniversary Sale EndsThis Saturday Night


Before this Sale ends—Gome in and look over the won-derful values which we are offering. There are manygood bargains left for you, so don't delay, as the Saleends this Saturday night.

Here Are A Few Of The ManySPECIALS

ClothingYoung Men's Suits

only 10 loft


for men and youngmon, in the latestFall patterns, Bale


Swoet-Orr, Tug-O-War PantB, pr.


Men's New1926

OvercoatsWliy, Mon, its coldenough now forthat coat.

Here IB a wonder-ful buy also—then 0 w e H t doublebreasted or boxcoat in grey or tan







MEN'S PAJAMAS © 1 QQAt «J1.«>7













Bpoclol O








13OY8' KNEE PANTS, pi*.At


Children's Oxfords and Shoes, all sizes, pairLadies'High cut Shoes, pair •Ladies' Pumps or Oxfords, pairMen's $5 Shoes or Oxfords, pairBoys' Shoes or Oxfords, pair •

98c• 69c$1.69$3.95$2.98

Avrick's RockaWay

Page 4: [lagan's Cash Market JURY FAILS TO JERSEY CITY HAS j ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1926/...Despite a defense that be purchased Sheriff Beach reported that three


Rockaway RecordEntered at Post Office Uockaway, N. J

as Second Class Matter...


OSCAH PEER, President-ManagerSIDNEY COLLINS, Kdltor

Telephone ConnectionsOffice 220—Uaclcaway—House 255

434-M DoverOffice: Main Street, Rockaway, N. J

The Record welcomes communlcatlona on subjects of timely Interesi»nd will be glad to publish them, IIspace permits, provided they tear theauthor's! signature, and ore receivedon or before Wednesdays,




I'litmtm, Mnuii nnd Bob Ilnrllett onProfrriuu for ttntherliiK nt Newark,December 1.—Jlovlen of Trl|w To lie


Leaders of tvro expeditions utter»lg game, one Into the Arctic regionsafyd tlie other Into Africa, will heamong the sneakers at the eighth an-nual dinner of tho New Jersey Flaliand Gtinio Conservation. League whichwill talse place at Newark on Wed-nesday evening, December 1. Theyare George Palmer Putnam, of NewYork, head of tho Putnam Arctic Ex-pedition, ami Dr. William M. Mann,of Washington, who Ieil the Chrysler-Smithsonian Expedition Into Africa.A third outdoorumnn of Internationalnote on the program la Captain "Bob"Bartlott, the famous commander ofthe "Roosevelt", which carried Ad-miral Peary on Ills trip to the NorthPole. •

Tlio Chrysler-Smithsonian Expedi-tion returned to this country Intplast month with nearly 3,000 speci-mens of live wild animals rapturedin Tanganyika. Mr. Putnam's cx-opdltlbh arrived In New Vork o weekor BO earlier from North Greenlandwith »:• cargo of valuahle specimens,also, and a log of exciting adventuredIn the tnking of thorn. Captain finrt-lett commanded the Putnam skip, theschooner "Morrlasey".

Through the co-operation of PatheNews, which had a cameraman witheach expedition, the ConservationLeague will BIIOW many, motion pic-ture reds of the hunting nnil the cap-turing' alive of ganie animals In thetwo far-distant regionB, while theperils of Arctic navigation will lieshown on the screen with CaptainBartlett'R talk. A great amount offilm footage was taken on the tripsand It \>ylll he cullod by Pntlie fnrflections that will appeal particularlyto sportsmen. ° None of the pictureshaB yet been released to the pulille.

Therdlnnor will begin at 7 o'clockimmediately fallowing the league'sannual'business meeting, which Isscheduled to open at fi o'clock. Questlonu' of considerable Importance tothe sportsmen of the state will liebrought up at the meeting, chiefamong them, perhaps, a proposedlaw to provide that hunters and ang-lers be required to wear a button ora tag bearing their license number.Pennsylvania and New York havehad such a lniv for many years andConnecticut adopted one like It thisTear. Tlio meeting will close withthe election of officers.

1 Attendance at the meeting Is re•Btrlcted to members of the leaguennd representatives of the forty ormore titillated clubs throughout thestate, but the dinner Is open to allwho are Interested In outdoor life.

'The committee In charge consists.ofProsldcnt Arthur J. Neu, 983 BroadStreet, Newark, Secretary* John 8.Schwlnu, 56 Clinton Street, Newark.

, and Kenneth F. Lockwood. of BastOrange, a former president of theleague, They linvo announced thatreservations for plncea at tho dinnermust lie made on or before Snturdny,November 27,

]>ICH In Taxi

Finding a (are dead In a tnxlcabwas the unusual experience of Joseph'McPenk, chauffeur for , Sylvesters'Taxi firm, of Dover, late Thursdaynight on reaching their destination atJersey City. Wnrd Ming Chin, aChinese, fifty years old, had been 111and was visiting friends In Dover.Ho formerly conducted n laundry ntNewton. Thursday he decided to re-turn to New York. On arriving ntJersey City, McPealt remarked to aconipnnlon, whom ho had taken onthe trip, that the pasBehger appearedto be <lead. They stopped the car andsummoned a policeman,' who tookcharge of the corpso. The man wasa resident of Chinatown, New York.He leaves a, widow, and son In Can-ton, China. ' . . ' . ' ' •

Charged with being disorderly and•tinowing stoaea at Bertha Douglas,Henry Moore, of Boonton, was sen-tenced to servo sixty UHJB In theCounty Jail by Recorded R. PercyRnlston, of Boontou.

At SI. .hilm's C'liiirih,

The i'jveiy Member CunvaHH of theI'urluli will begin Sunday afternoonand will be continued on successiveSundays till all families und Imllvld-uai« are reached by the teiima. ThecanvusHcrs will bold a meeting forfinal Instructions at tlie Pariah HouseFriday evening. Herman A. Kittter-mun IB chairman of the committee.

"What shall we say of our Money?l» the suboct of Sunday morning'ssermon. The concluding address ofthe fall series on "Cities of the Pastand Present" will be given Sundayevening, on "Constantinople."

Thanksgiving 'Day services will beat 7:30 und 10:30 a. m. Holy Com-munion will be celebrated at theearlier hour; at tile later aorvlce,there will be IIIUBIC and a sermon.The offering will lie taken for hos-pital work. On account of the holi-day, tho meeting of the Itector'n AidSociety will be omitted.

Tonight's choir rehearsal will beheld at the home of Mrs. Mlcklc. onSanford Street.


GuaranteedUSED CARS

For Sale1»2C ClmiKller KeinoiiHtrntor


1»2« Slur Six I/ttiuIuii Sedan$7.10

11)21 Cleveland Hlx Seilun$575

li)2tf Cleveland Mix Hedaii*,")(»)

l«2!l Cleveland Six N«<!«"«$550

11)23 Ford Coupe, Imllooii fires

1021 Ford Coupein

11)21 Kord Coupe

1(121 Cleveland Touring(new tires)

lf)2!( Chevrolet Coupe#150

1020 Cleveland RondHter$150

11)23 Overland Tourlnp .

NOTICE—In our cent-a-word col-umn, no advertisement will be takenor less than 40 cents, which must beaid In advance.

WANT.EB—Maid for general house-work In family of two adults; bestof homo to willing girl: middle-agedwoman considered. Phone BoontonBO.'I, Mrs. North. 1713

f'Oll KENT—2 Single Houses onBoston Heights, fine location. Fleli-;r. Wall Street. mt2

KOlt BKKT—Two car garage. In-ulre Dlckerson, Van Duyne Ave.

h'Oll KEXT—HOUBO in Denville.nqulre of Stephen Dlckerson, Den-'Illc, N. J,

1023 Ford Touring

Economy GarageI/ii/ure(t« Trip

Thirty seven lively fellows repre-senting ten groups Journeyed to Laf-ayette on Saturday, November 13, asguentB of the Lafayette College Y. M.C. A. A very Interesting programWHB arranged by the college "Y"

Various members of the College"V" mingled with the Morris Countyboys and discussions started cover-ing various phases of College life.To climax the day seats were provid-ed on the 45 yard line for the fellowsto witness a football game, '


PLAYHOUSETHEATRE - DOVERMatinee daily 2:20 Admission 10c & 25cEvenings 7 & 9 Admission 15c & 35c

Evening Prices Holiday and Sat. Matinee

THURSDAY and FRIDAYLast showings Richard Barthelmess In

RANSOM'S FOLLY"United States Marine Story "Tlie Shake Down"

Pathe News

SATURDAY .Hoot Gibson In

"Chip of the Flying U"Comedy "Morning Judge"Specla! (Mutaee only)

. P a t h e N p w R

. . S c o t t y o f the Scouts"

Valuable prize given every Saturday Matinee

MONDAY and TUESDAYJames Klrkwood

"THE WISE GUY"with Mary Aster, Betty Compaon, and Mary Carr

Animal comedy "Jerry the Great" p o x N e w s

Vera Gordon, Natt Carr and Viola Dana in

It's rocking the nation with laughter! It's brlnclne thelump to the throat of the hardiest! It's the greatestblending of pathos and comody ever put on the screen!You owe it to yourself to see this picture! See it—bv allmeans see it! *

Comedy "Newly Wed'B Build" Pathe Newsfguuiimua

THANKSGIVING FOODSThanksgiving without a dinner of the finest is unthinkable.

Richards' Food Department offer's a range of food pro.ducts that is unsurpassed in variety and quality and the sue.cess of your Thanksgiving Dinner is assured if you useRichards' Dependable Foods.


Almonds, 1b 8«c to 40«"

Brazil Nuts, extra large, Ib. 2Hc

Filberts, Ib 25c nnd !t5c

Pecans, fancy, Ib COc

Shelled NutH, from 45c f<> «1.20 Hi.

FIIIHJ Ciirninfn iii>d KBINIUNFrom 14c to 20c Ib.

Oruiifjfe, Lemon or (Jrapefrult Peeli/i pound , . . . . 15c

CIIIKIICII Clicrrl(>M or I'lnenppleAt 7r»c III.

Ill nee Aleut, |tk»r !>()c nnd 21)c

Itlcliardft Mliic« Meat, (fiinrt... .(18c

Plum l'uddliiir 2»c to 8Sc

Fruit ('iiko—('(indies


Ends November 20th fc

Stock up your pantry this weekfor the winter months ahead.

The last chance to get an assort-ment made up pf two or more cansof a kind at dozen prices.

All Fresh Pack, New Goods, Pre-served under the most desirableconditions.

Canned Foods from Richards' areFresh Foods.


What Daddy did—Took Some Sharesa B &L Association

Your Opportunity - New SeriesNOW OPEN




Page 5: [lagan's Cash Market JURY FAILS TO JERSEY CITY HAS j ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1926/...Despite a defense that be purchased Sheriff Beach reported that three


Record18, 1926


hua s o l i l l l s nouae, a , , B u e to Wlllsrd Conk-

1'oHt Office will be

vlng Day from 8 to

Lnl father nnd.son banquet

Lhjter lun Sunday School

Lcl tonight in the church

L m a t B , l there are 7,000.000United StuteB. Of tlila

r e in Itocltaway and 400

been <levl'aod that will

the highest buildings

[U will b y 1 1 r e &i>'[j |n rescue work.

| t e fewer red-haired girla In

i, than any other type. On-

\ w r e found out of 2,400,

(this number we liave one


Instructor Fowler of the

(schools, lins been receiving

a this week. He de-

A little boy has nrriv-jeni[ home.


I hand out

continues to

cigars. Mrs.

L j presented him a new Ut-

|(er. This mokes 8 little

One more, Ray, and you

our record.

nual Thanksgiving Day ser-

whlch the Presbyterian

md Methodist Church will

II to held ut 10 o'clock a. m.

lethodlst Church. I The Rev.

ota will preach.

II ot Minnie K. Pox, o t Den-

was recorded recent-

its terms the entire

given to her two sons , Karl

rthur W. Fox, and they are

itcutorB ot the estate.

who suffered damugo by the

at Plcatinny Arsennl • on

i, etioulil bear.In mind their

bill for repairs should be in

i ot tho Secretary of the U.

Department on or before De-


ockaway Independents, \ fe-rganlzed, nnd cons is t ing ofBt players in the Borougll.i their first game of the i sca-the Jersey City AH-Schblas-, on Thanksgiving Ntght.arts at 8:30 in Lusardl'B

lain gas lino between Rock-d Denvllle Is now being put

the Jersey Central PowerCo. The line fol lows theid from the thorough l ine to

soil the pipes are now laido Savage Clrner or the roadHill.

ai strange that the p fose tu -ettlves make raids and findr, yet Prosecutor Holland8 evidence of one New Yorkraham Wetnherg, manager ofIhwestern Detective Agencyoil* .a supposed offender ofor law. ."' '

feting ot the Mt. Tabor Fireent on Thursday1'the presi-d e Wckursori''appointed an"neat committee'' consist ing«)' Dlokerap'n, Wiry; Thompson,*lghton, Harry-'iiclmKcr and

k. They will arrange theChristmas " p r e e a n d the

'• Christmas dinner.

KOCKAW.AV ni: t o it nl i f t . J«hu 0 . Jim,),,.,. iTfuciifs ,\l

l»nii l l le .11. K. ( h u t c h


Franklin-Unionof TabMiss I'earl Matte

"Seek Vt> The Lord" at the , Sundaymornlug worship in the M. 10, ChurchRev. John o. Muhuce. u »tud«nt atDrew Theological Somlnury, preueh.ed on "Some of the (JuuIltltH ,,f ril-vlne Nature of which vv> may lj« p a r -takers". A few of Ills niont vltul ri--umrliB were "We arc to conic Intouuch vital relationHhii> with Cod thatHla Divine nature will become « v«rypart of our nature. A son Is partakerof his father's nature through heri'rl-ltary and through uHHoclntlon andthe BOH comes to tuke on tln> natureof M B father, i l e hears and wen hl»father say un<l do thlngn and he ap-propriatea them to himself, llu IH-HI'SIlia father Bay u word, whatever thatword Is, and whutevr IIIH t- M- «ayais right, so he myo the word, HO Ithehooves the father to he very care-ful. An nngry man comes Into a

gathering and one of two thlnpm aregoing to happen, either that man Isgoing to Impart his nature to hepeople thero or else he Is going topartake of their nature. As we goout Into every day lite we me goingto show o Christian spirit, we aregoing to show people thp nuture ofChrist, and they arc going to lie par-takers of the spirit of Chrlnt, or elsewe are going to partake of tlielr na-ture and become* tnucli less like ourChriBt. What IB the Divine nature?Immediately cornea to our minds thevery nature of CSod, and we are to bepartakers of this very nature It Isto he a part of our livoa. We are tocome into such vital relationshipwith God that the Divine nature willbecome n very part of our nutnre.What are some ot the qualities of thisDivine Nature of which we may bepartakers—partakers of his IIOIIIH'HH.What do we mean by the holiness ofGod? We mean that sacred quality,purity, that absolute spotleHs purity,blamelessness, tenilerneHH, alnleHfl-ncss , that In the very nature of Godthat makes us feel like foiling downbefore Him. Oh, that we may getsome of that sacrodness. purity nndslnlessness of Goil. We need IIAnother one Df the qufllltles of thevery nature ot Cod la Jutiticc. (lortwill not do Hint which Is unright-eous, God will not compel you to doanything, for He has given you yourwllj- We nre going to he Just, forwe have,.partaken of Cod's nature.If , .we have been partaken* we aregoing to do right In our deallnga withothers. God Is rlghteo.ua. He Is great-er than any one quality we cam tlilnkof. When we do right we are show-ing forth the nature of Cod. Weshould be partake™ of His Divinenature. Another one of the qualitiesGod la love. There Is no other re-ligion in the world that has as itsfoundation, love, like Christianity.Oh, that we mny partake of God'sgrace. Grace Is the Divine naturewhich Is flowing out of the heart ofGod. coming down to humanity. »humanity which is not worthy".

mid Mrs. B. Vanderbllt and" " j j » n g f u m l l y h.lV(> v[mcti t l R , j r 1 ) o m B i i e r ( j

and gone to Kant Orange for thewinter months.

While aHslHtliiB bin father In theKiiiBtruotlon of a BIIO, Foster I,aw-fence wan Htruek \<y a falling plank.The plunk Htruek liln back, crackedone lionv and dlulocutei! severulothers. He l» ntlll under the doc-tor's «aru, hut In rcportol to he Im-proving rapidly,

Mrs. M. M. Smith und daughterlOBtelln, npent Monday with relativesIn Itockawuy.

MIBH May Cafltcrllne «|>tnt Wed-nesday with Mr«. K, M, Ueoru. ofItockawuy.

We were Rlod to welcome the Rev.Mr. (Jraham, ot ICaaton, Pa., at thoChapel on Sunday afternoon, Hegave us ii very Interesting talk.

A Thanksgiving Supper under thoisplccH of the Voung People's 8o-

ciety, win be held at the Union Chap-el, on Friday, November 20th, ut 0:30P. M. Come one and all. •

Buy YourChristmas

Presents NowBECAU8U our HBHortmentH

arc complete, they have Just

been unpacked.

BECAUSE they arc uhout

the prettiest line In Jewelry

you'll find anywhere.

BECAUSE, you ure not rush-

ed now, nnd making selec-

tions will be a real pleasure.

BECAUSE, you will get the.

choice, and If you \vlah, we

will hold them for Chrlnt-


Edward DolandJeweler

(New llldn, Muln HI.)

Kockuwuy, N. J.

A man In MassachuHetts recently

died at the age of 104 years. He had

been rejected In lHfil us not strong

enough for the Union Army.

ChristmasPresents ForEverybody

Buy Now andGet the Choice

We have a splendid lineand want you to seethem.

We will hold them foryou until they are want-ed.

A. A. Meyersonntniionor

.Muln St., Knckinmy

We Clothe Them

Easy Paymentsor Cash

JAY BROS.Family Outfitters

» H. 'lorrh NtTontDover, W. J.

Open Evenings

Warden^; .Victor F.the Morris County Jail

:<l his twelfth', year a s keeperinstitution. During that t imecompleted ,u splendid record,â„¢>ny lmproveriientB In the>ot one prisoner h a s everfrequent ' attempts were

" n i l plots frustrated- Mr.» a war veterhn, having serv-' Spanlali-Anierlcan War and»»Insurrection;':

: , . .

Ella Iiilmer, aged 76™l at her home on Foundry" * » , Nov. 12th. ' She hndfor Eevoral montha but i)ot•'»' 'he lied, Helng able to he

I'nouso part of tho-' t ime.J" two daughters, one of" !• Elmer, lived "with her.

Mrvlces Were hold Sun-('»oou a l t h 6 E ] l i ] e r h o m e i

peaWRev. M.L. Rhodes; Bur l""Werlnn Cemetery. . : T

Car Storagefpaces for Rent

per month

^ l Narajral1 Rockavay 133

& $ Garage

' l Vv Hfli-ir §i ft1 U"UdVj F 1 !••)

Matinee Itullj

( D o o r s ° i> e n a t 2 )

Evenlnifo ut 7 nnd Niill)

f i \ . l i / l i / :»(> Kiddles HntnrdnyMatinees 25c-.15c Evenings 3Bc—5Uc ^Special Prices for Children)An Epical Sea Story Unrivalled

For Realism. Drama nnd Thrills


JOSEPH .NCHIMHilMI'Tnnd Nct'iui Owen

•fi lmed on the Pacific In n hur-ricane that nearly broughtdentil to the daring company ofplayers.

4 Acts of Superior



"Queen of the Keys"Lorettn COLVIN—WOOD AlbertIn a gem of wit "The Auctioneer"CARSON and KANE REVUE

A Spectacular Melangeof Melody nnd Rhythm

Mntlnee Dull?(Doors Open at 2)

KvcnliiR-s nt " nnd 0Mon.,Tues.,Wed.Matinees, nil seats 20c livening* 2r,c-».'c (Special Prices for Children)

Norma Shearer ««! Conrad Nagelta "The Waning Sex"

1'lctiirlwMl fri.iii tli« Brouihviij- Stjiyro SIIPCCNSliy HoNerf L InM.n.ir.l-A Metn>-«i>Mwyn Pletnni

tS, Fill.. SAT.,InIM(

"The Quarterback"

3, 3d, 27SUPRKMK

VAUDEVILLEK. H. Siurnon anil

ut All Pi

!•! Ai Sliver Ton will lie Hervjid at the'ItJIllf.Muy Tea Room, across from thenew' Dunville SchonlhouHe, on Tue»-))uy,; November U, from t to G o'clockfor the benefit of the Dcnvllle PublicSchool.

Lens GrindingOur Specialty

Our modern crjuliinient Includes n

plant on our ]>reml»e».

Our fncHlllcH In Ihlo reniiecl aremost excellent, moNl complete.

Come to us with HIP nNHiironee ofncciirilte work quickly executed,

Anson Ball Opt. D.Eyesight Specialist

17 E. Block well Street, Dover

Don't Leave Itto Chance

Whon you HOB a pour brokendown old ihnn begging for aid——or a Hick child that lacksmoney for medical liolp——or nny other »tlnglnR cvl-donco of money lack—decide positively Hint yoli willIIvoid BIU'II iIlntroHH by opcnlnKn thrift nccoum today.

Robkaway Building& Loan AssociationOEO. K. FISHl'.n, Secrctnrr.


Hunting SeasonIs Just Aheadjof UvS

L.C.SmithGunsField Grade, $37.50Baker Guns, $35

Hunting ClothingRemington Game Loads

S. H. Berry Hardware Co.15 E. Blackwell St. Tel. 947 Dover

OM: OK Mil': ITHLIX THi:\'iiii:s

Morristovvn, N. J.

Thurs., Friday and SaturdayNovmntwr IS, !«, 2(1

Florence Vidor"The Eagle of the Seas"Mow., Tuesday, Wednesday

Novmiihor 22, L'!t, 21

"MANTRAF"Three Shows Dailv

Mutlmic SBo — afic. lOvonlnu 2Iic — 50nHvunlns Tricon nil dny Sntlirduy

ClilUlrvn lOc nt nil tlnu'H





To Be Continued In This Same SpaceThursday, November 25

The Rockaway Dry Goods & Notion StoreCor. 3Iuln and Foundry

II. II. SMITH, IV«i>rtot<tr

DRY GOODS and NOTIONSLadies' DrcsBCB for Household or Afternoon Wonr, Lad-lea' Silk FIosc, Children's Hoao, Infant'B Wonrlng Appqroi,also Men's Hoao, Work fllovoa, CIIJIH, TICB, SuHpondura,Sport Hats for Young Ladloa, otc. Rlchollou Uiulorwourfor tho Entire Fnml.ly. ISvorythliiK Hint a Dry Goods StoreHhould linve, you can got here.

V, .11. ('. A.toivn

Moot nt"Y"

Tli« Bccnnil monthly tumtoninio .ofthe Y, M. O, A, icniloi'H of tho CountyWIIH hold Siitnrilny iifltii'imon nmlo w n i n g nt tlio MorrlHtowii "V". ltov,A. II. (Jnyn, or Succiinunni; opunccltlio contro l l ed with n vorv 'InmilrliiRilivotlonnl thought. Mr, Gonrgu Our-HIBH, tho Stulo 8«ovctmy {or VhyBlonl

i V'orlt of tlio Y. M, C. A. lod two rtlH-nml tnlil (if tin1 lunv iilnu for

health (Mluciitliin In tho Stnto. It. U.Thornton, of Hnntonlon County nndDirector or Camp Taylor OIHO pnrtl-CI)>IVUMI In tlio conforenoo,

'I'he Hot'iitul Snttmlny of w e l lmonth IH roHorvvd fur Hlmttiu1 con-foi'onoo*, Any nmle Hunilny Solmoltciu'hor. or worliem with boyn In In-vltvil to iittond thcHo roiilei'enuoa.lly coniiniinlciithiK with the CountyV, M. C. A. henOqnnrtcrn tluwo Inter-cBti'il in l)o>»' woil i w\n l»> vlnrcd

thi< n IIIIIHK Iht.

Page 6: [lagan's Cash Market JURY FAILS TO JERSEY CITY HAS j ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1926/...Despite a defense that be purchased Sheriff Beach reported that three


Rock away RecorEntorcd at I'out Office Iloe.kuwuy, N.

an Second CluttB Matter.. .

AN INDKI'KNDKNT WISI2KI-YImfiied lCvary Tliurutlay


Tolnptone <>>itiw:tl(iiinOffice 220—Iloohnwuy—Ifmiae 255

434-M DoverOffice,' Mil In Street, Hockaway, N.

The itecord welcomes communiontlona nil sulijoctn of timely Inleretnd will lie glud to imhlliili them,ipace permits, provided they hear t'.ilu thor« Blgnuture, and are revolveon at' l>nforo W l d




I'ulnuni, WniiH mill lloii llnrllettProirruni for Iliitlwrlnir ut . W i i r kllfcfmlicr I. -IIiivlfH d( 'I'rlpn 'I'd lit


I^ndcm of two expeditions nft.eibig gamo, (iiio Into tliu Arctic roglomAnd tlm other Into Afrk'ii. wilt Inmiioiig tlio HpimkorH nt tint OIBMII mmm! dinner of tlio Now Jorsoy Kin

, untl Clumo Coniwrviitlon, Limguo whinwill tiiko plncn nt Nowarlt on Woilnosday evonlnn, Dacomtuir 1. Tin1

are GeorRo i'ulmor Putnam, of NoYork, hond of tlm I'utniiin Arctic Kxpodltlon, nnd Dr. Wlllliun M, Mnnnof WanlilnRtnn, who lod tlm (!liryHlor<Hmltlimnlun Hxpudltlon Into AfrlonA third outdoormimn of Intornatloniilnote on tlio program IH Ciiptalit "DoirHnitlott, tho fnmouH cniinnitnilnr oltlio "ttoOHiivolt", whlnh (inrrloil Ailmlral I'onry on IIIK trip to tlm NnrtliPole, •

Tlio Ohryxlor-SmltliHonliintlon returned to thin country Intulast montli ivllli nearly .1,(100 n\we.linonn of Uvo wild anlmulH ttniituroi!In Tanpnylltn. Mr. Piitniiin'K vx-epdltlah arrived In Noiv York uor no onrllor (rom Nnrtli -Orti nlnndwith nWinrBo of vnliinhld apoclmonN,nlno, and n IOR of oxrttlng advonturonIn tlio taking of thorn. Captain Unrt-lott cdminiindod tho I'litniim xulp, thesolionnbr "Morrln»(iy".

Through tlio I'o-ojiorntlon of PothoNmvfl, wliIcli had u ciiiucrmimii withcnvli Dxpoilltlon, tho ConHorvntlonIJOBKUO. will BIIOW ninny, motionturo roots of tho lmnttnn and tho rap-turing' hlivo of Rimio nnlnmlH In -tIitwo far-dlstniit roglonii, while tliopcvllB of Arntlo nnvlgatlon will heshown on tho noroon with CmitiilnPnrtlott'H tnlk. A great amount offilm •foiitiigo wnn tnlicn on tho trlimnnd It Will ho oullod liy I'nUio forBcotlime tlmt will npponl pnrtloulnrlyto BportHiiioti "None of tho pluturonIWH yet boon volci'.ticrt to tho piihllc,

Th» dlnnor will liogln ut 7 o'olocl;limiiodlntoly followlnn tlie leiisim'fannual hUHlnoax moottnR, whloli In

I to opon nt Ii o'clock. Quon-: of oiinnMcniMo Importnnon to

tho ijportumon of tlio ntnto willlirouRht up ut. tlio mooting, (hintamong them, porhnpn, n proponedlaw to'jirovlilo tlmt lumtotn nnd linn-lor« ha roqutrod to wonr n Imtton orn tug, Iwurlng tliolr llceime niinilioiPcnnnylvnnln nnd New York havohart nu'oh ii lnw for ninny yonr« nndConnootloiit ndnptod ono II ko It thtKyoar, , Tho mooting will tlono withtho election nf offlcom,

1 'AttondniK o nt tho mccttun Inutrlotod to lnomliorn nf tlionnd rojiroHontatlvoH of tho forty ormore affiliated oluhn throughout thontnto, but tlio dlnnor In open to allwho nro Intoroptod In outdoor llfo.Tlio committee In 'shnrgo onnNlntnorPresident Arthur J. Nou, lis.'l llroiulBtroot.'Nowurl!, Bocrclnvy John 8.Schwinn, CO Clinton Btrout, Ndwark,nnd Kenneth F. Loolcwood, ofOrango, n formor pronlilont ot tholenguo. They havo nnnouncod thatrccor^itlutw tor plnccs nt th« illnnorinuet hf innilc on or lioforo Bnturdny,Noveinlior 27.

IHPH In 'I'nxl

ft faro ilernl In n tnxlonbtvnn tho untlsuiil oxpcrlcneo of JonopliMcPonlt, chmi If our for , Sylveutern'Taxi firm, o( Dovor, late, Thuradnynight on ronohlng tliolr dontlnntlon ntJornoy City, Wurd Minn Chin, nCHInoao, fifty yonra old, bad boon 111nnd wan vlaltlnR frlomla In Davor,Ha fonucvly conducted a lunnOry atNowton, Thursday ho dooldcd to ro-tinn to Now York, On arriving ntJertivy City, MoPouk romnrltoil to nVoiiipnnlon, whom ho luul talion anthe trip, tlmt the imiinonsor nppenrciltn ho dpnd. Tlioy stopped tilt) enr nndtuimnnncd a polloomnn.' who tookclitrKu of the ewpno, Tho nmn WHB

. n ronldont of Ohlnntown, Now Yorlc,Ho louvoii II widow iind son In Cnn-ton, Clilnn, , '

d u r g o d with holng dlsontorly and'throwing fetation-.tit ftorthn Doilfflnfl,Heitry Mooro, of Doonton, waH ncn-

• teiicad to fiorvo alxty ilnyn In theCounty Jwll by lltioordot It, I'oro)

ot Boontoii.

Al M , . l i ihl l 's ( h i i i c l i ,

' l l i r l^vtM'y Aleinl)i*i' (!uiivaim of tin

t'lnh w i l l III-K!II Hutulity itrturni>i>ii

IIDll Will hl< CDIltllllllM] 011 KIK'IU>IU<|V<

Hundfiyn ti l l n i l riiinlllMit uml ItuUvtd'

imlii Hi'u rtnit'hi'il by t i le li'itiUH. Tht

DIIHVllliliel'H Will Illllll 11 UIIIKtlnK fl>lfinal luutniiil.iiiB nt tliu I'urlnh Ht>u»iI'Mduy i Veiling. Hi'imull A, Kuttnr-iiiiiri l« i.'lmli'iiinn of llio coiuiiilttot'.

"Wliat nhiill wn nay of our Money?"IH tliu BUIHIM <if Huniliiy innriilnK'H

nncii. Tlio c.oiii'.ludlnK uitdreKX »(tint fall HurliiH on "( IIIIH or tlm I'aiituml /'nmimt" will Im Rlvmi Hundiiyvvonlntt, on "('onntiiiitlnoiiln,"

liniikB/tlvInK 'Day Hiirvlund will hout 7:ao uml l«:»(i a. in. Holy Cora-inimliin will Im iiuliiliratml nt theeiirilcr liour at tliu lator Morvlco,there will ho imiHle and n HiTinoti.Tho offnilng will be Inkiui for lion-liltul work, (In iiwount of tlio hull-ilny tlm mooting of tlm Hectiir'n AidSociety will bo oinlttod.

Timlullt'» choir riill'lirnii] will l<ehold nl thu homo of Mm, Mlililc, onHnnford Btroot.


GuaranteedUSED CARS

For SaleJ 1(2(1 (')in nillcr lii<iiioiiNtritti>r

KMITr,11)211 Slur Mix l.itiHlmi

l\)i\ ('lcvi>lniiil SixIS75


IDL'il Cli.K'Imul Nix Nmlmi

1112!) I'onl ('oti|><>, liiillciim t\um

UV>\ I'oril Coii|it'W>

11121 I'dril »'mipi>$ ;

11(21 Clt'v<'luii(l T(now tlroH)

'E—In our <i(iiit-a-word col-umn, no itdvortluttinont will lio tnUrnor IOHH Ihnn 40 cetHfl. whloli iniiHt koaid In mlvunco.

"TWAK'('B1»—Mivld for Konornl IIOURII-wprli In fuinlly ot two HIIIIIIH; lii'Ktof liiiino to WIIIIIIR Klrl; iiil(lillc-iiK«ilwoman coDtililnnnl, IMiono DoonUin'0;i, Mi'H. North. 17t!l


;n«tim llol|ihtn, flno locution. Fluh-r. Wnll Btroot. l(»ta

KOIt itKNT--Two rair Kiiriigl). ( i fulrn Dlflltumon, V«n Ouynu Avi>.

FOK IIKM'-lloiiHo In nouvlllo.n<mlv« of HtDjiImn Dlokcriion, Don-'••In. N. .).

UlL'.'l C l i o v r o l o t Ciiii]H»

mi noIII2O Clorolmtil It<imlft(«r

915011)211 Ovcrliiiul To

UHlt.r.OI»'J!I Ford To

Economy GarageTrl|>

Thirty m<von llvuly tollowH roprti.iitliiR Inn KioiijiH journoyod to I.uf

nyettc on Hutiirttiiy, Noveiubur 111, IIBof tho [.iifnyotto OOIIOKO Y, M

C. A, A very InloroBtlng progrnmwin uiTKiiRcd hy tho <IO11OKO "Y"

ViirlmiH ineiiilierH of tho College"Y" mlnKlod with the Morvln Countyhoyit mid illHiniBiiliiiiH Htnrtod covor-ln« vnrloiiH PIIIIHOH of Ooll«gu llfo.'I'D ollnmx the <lny HMIIB worn provlileil on tho 4I> yard lino for tho follnwato wltnoHH n foothnll gamo. '


PLAYHOUSETHEATRE - DOVERMatinee daily 2:20 Admission 10c & 25cEVeninjjs 7 & 9 Admission 15c & 35c

Evening Prices Holiday and Sat. Matinee

THURSDAY and FRIDAYUwt MhowtngH Richard Hartlmlmess In

RANSOM'S FOLLY"Unltod attium Marino atory "Tha Shako Down"

Pntlic NCWB

SATURDAY...Hoot GlbgQtt In

"Chip of the Flying U"Comedy "Morning .JudK0" , p t h N

B Bpoctal (Matlnoo only) . . a e o t t y o f tho Scouts"V f t l l l n b l ° Prt™ Blvon ovory Saturday Mtttirioo

MONDAY and TUESDAYJamos Ktrkwood

"THE WISE GUY"with Mary Antor, Betty Compson, and Mary Oavr

Animal comedy "Jorry the Groat" F ( ) X N o w H

WEDNESDAY Thanksgiving Day&^NightVorn Gordon, Ntvtt Carr atul Viola Dunn In


It's rocking tho nutloirwlth Uuighter! U'B bringing tholump to tho throat «f thu lmrtlloHtl It's tlio groatoBthloiullng or pnthoa nnd oomody ovor put on tlio Borton!You own It to youraolf to HCO thla plcturol See It—by allmoans aoo tt! ' "

Comedy "Nowly Weil's IJiilW" Pfttho Nowa

THANKSGIVING FOODSrI'hanksi!ivin(( without a dinner of the finest is unthinkable,

Richards' Food Department offei's a range of food pro.ducts that is unsurpassed in variety and quality and the suocess of your Thanksgiving Dinner is assured if you useRichards' Dependable Foods.

KANf'V (iltAIMi (» ' 1VTT8-

AlinomlH, II) «<»c to 4««ltrazll NtitB, oxtra largo, Ib, 8H«I'MlbortH, Ib aScnnil 86»POWUIB, funcy, II). <10cSliullwl NutN, from 15c tu IJI.UO III.

1'iinc) ('iirrantN a«il KUIKIIINfrom 14c to !!«« Ib.

Orange* li«in()ii or tirii])«(rult P«nli/i pound IBs

CIIIHIIWI ('IIITI'ICN or IMnunpiiloAt 78« II).

,1IIIIC(« Meat, \)hu 'Jllo nnd illc

Itlclmnls Mltivc Mvnt, qtinrt IIKc

Plum riMlilliiif L'llcloH.V

I'rull Culiit—Ca


Ends November 20th %\

Stock up your puntry thin weekfor tlie winter montlm alieud.

The last chance to get an amiort-meat made.up pf two or more caiiBof u kind at dozen prices.

All FroBli Pack, New OoodH, 1're-uervod under tho most CICBIrablocondltloiiB.

Canned Foods from nioliardH' uro


What Daddy didTook Some Shares

in a B &L AssociationYour Opportunity -. ,New Series






Page 7: [lagan's Cash Market JURY FAILS TO JERSEY CITY HAS j ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1926/...Despite a defense that be purchased Sheriff Beach reported that three


RecordIS, 1920

eal Briefs

to Wlllurd Oonk-

'<"" O f f l c u w l " l>e

liig Day from 8 to

yai (utli.ii- nnil.ni)" liunquotl.ytertaii Sunday School

Id tonight in the church

lnmtwl tH«r» l i r o 7,000.000,i Unftal SUi'teo. Of tills

on I" Hockaway and 100

m IIMM (levJ'wHl tlmt will

ipe to the hlgli»Ht building*

it will tin u » e t l h? l l r e l I ( )'k|n roBKUO work.

Ire tower rod-liRlreil B«rl» In

L than nny other typo. On-

wt!re found out of 2,400,

I f tills number we lmve one

l i l ly

I Instructor Fowler of the

I , has I'con receiving

L i o n s t'il« WBC|C- H o l l 0"

A little I x v l l n H a " l v "

lioin >.,1 Drartloy cont inues to

t Imml out c lgam, Mv».

u presented him a now lit-

tcr Thin iiinlcuo R llttlo

one more, Kny- «nd you

our record.

Inual ThBiikfiglvine Day sor-

wlilch tho Prenbytorlan

1ml MotbmllHt Church will

| | In held nt 10 o'clock n. m.

lotliodlBt Church.> The ltov.

i i l e j will nrottdi.

| | ol Minnie K, Fox , ot Don-

|D>hip wan recorded rocent-

irdlug to Ha termfi tho ontlro

• given to licr two HOBS, Korl

irtliur W. Vox, and they are

ccutorii ot tho eetoto.

•who Buffered ilnmngo )>y the

I it Plontlnny A r i i o W 'on

I , ulioultl hour tn mlnil Ihotr

ilillt for venalâ„¢ should lie tn

i tho Socrotary of tho U.

i'nt on or fooforo Do-

otkuway IniloiionilontH,\rginlneil, anil eoimlstlng of'»t players In tho Borough,Iliolr flriit gamo of tlieiaoathe Jersey Clty;All-ScW>la«-, on Thanksgiving Night.srli ot S: .'JO In Ivusnnll's

iln gas lino between Rockil Denvlllo In how being put

Ilio Jornoy Contrnl PoworCo, Tho lino fo l lows theill Irom tho thorough lino to

and tlie plppn nrtt now laidi finvngo Clrnor or tjlio road

is strange that Ihotctlvon miilio raids and findf, TO Prosecutor Hollandi evlilenco of nno Now Yorknlinm Wolnborg, Manager ofIliWBtorn Doteotlvo Agoncycute u uuppoBoil oflondor ofsr law. ,' •

letting of the'Mt. Tabor Vlrotut on Tliufailay1' thoWo Dlckqrsoii' lijiiiointed an"ncnt commltiob ' consist ing'1 DIckcrBon, (iuy' Thompson*Wrton, Hhn1y''&)chiiHbr nndWill, They wlty nrrongo tho'"y ClirltttmnV t r e e anil this1

h 'dinner.

I t P C K A W A V I £ i : ( ' O I t I > Fly*I te i . .loliii o , MHltn«-e I'reuches At

Franklin-UnionMIHH T. of T«l,or. H.,ng. ,„, ; "

! V"Beck YB The I,,,,,." ,,t ,,„., Humlav I Z g o T l

Vundurhllttheir home here

Orange fur tho

Drew Theological Henilimry, preucli-i . 'don "Home of t|l(. (Juulltloii of D|.vine Nature of whldi wo may i,,, p,,,..tukem". A few of tilx mimt vital r,..

rKK wi,re "\\V me- to conn- IntoBUCh vital retutlimiihlp wltli (loil thatHIH Divine natiin, will IICCOIH,. tt vi>rypurt of our nuliire, A win IK flurtuki-rof hlH fiitlKir'a nuture through li,,r(.,|.Itiiry und througli iimmcltitlmi andtill) Him i:oiiien lo take on the natureof Ma tutluir, | | o h(!iir» and men hl»futhor Buy and do tlilni?» mid hi' up-proprlaten tluun to lilmnelf. IU, liemnll IH father nay a word, whatever thatword IH, und wliatovr IIIH father nays

l» right, no he the word, HO it1)oho»v«H tho father to he very curc-ful. An nngry man oilmen Into agathering and one of two IIIIDRH are

going to happen, either that man Isgoing to Impart bin nature to thonooplo there or CIHIJ be IH going topartake of their nature. AH WI> KOout Into every ilay life we HIT goingto Dhow a ChrlHtlan nplrll, wi, aregoing to allow people tin- nature otChrlut, anil they are going to he pnr-talcoru of the Hplrlt of CIIHHI. or elaowo aro going to partake ol their na-ture und become* much ICHH like ourChrlut. What IH the Divine nature?Immediately cometi to our mtniln thevery nature of (loil, nnd we arc to bepiirtnkerH of IIIIK very nature. It Into he a part of our MVUH. WP are to

come Into nuch vital relntloniililpwith Ooil tlmt Die Ulrlnc nature willbecome a very part of our nature.Wlint are some of the quallUcH of IhlBDivine Nature of which we mny bepartake™—partakerH of IIIH hollncHH.Wlint do we mean by the hollnoHH ofOod? We moan that Hiierod (piallty.purity, that absolute HpotlenH purity.

noun, that in the very nature of (loiltlmt makes im feel like falling ilownhofore Him, Oh, thnt we may sotsonic of that nncroilneHn. purity anilHltiiOHpncHf* of Ood. We neeil It.Another one of the qnnlltloH of thevory nature of (lod In .Iuntiei»- (lodwill not do that which IH unrlglit-eoiiH, Ood will not compel you lo iloanything, for Me has glvwi you yourwi)J. :We arc going tn In- Just, (orwe have.imrtaUon of Ood'n nature,l( .we hove lie.cn partaker* wi> nri>going to do right in our <leullng» withothers, (loil In righteous, Me IH great-er than any one quality «t> eamthlnkof. When we ilo right we arc show-Ing forth the nature of (loil. Wehhoulil he pnrtakerH of 1MB Divinenature. Another one of thi> qunllti™Ood Is love. There IB no other re-ligion In thi) world that !ian IIM KHfouniliitlon, love, like Christianity.Oh, that wo may partake of Ooil'sgrnco. draco IH tho Divine naturewhich IH flowing out of the heart ofGod, coming down Ui Immunity, nhumanity which I* not worthy".

While asHlHtlng IIIH father In thecointructliui of a HIIII, Foster Uiw-ri'ni;o wim Hiruck hy a falling planli.The iiliink «tnn:lt )ilB back, crackeil"lie hone un<| dlnloc.uted aeverulothers. He In mill under the doc-tor's cum, Inn IH reported to ho Im-proving ril|)idly.

Mrs, M. M. Smith unil daughter[elln. n])i>ni Monday with relatives

In Udcldiwuy.

Mian May Ciiiilcrlln" suitnt Wed-nesduy with Mrs. IS, M. BCIII-B, ofKockuwuy.

We were Kind to welcome the Hov.Mr. (Irahani, of Kiistou, Pa., at thoCliaiml on Sunday afternoon. Hegave as a very Interesting tulk.

A ThankHglving Supper under thoausplccH of tlie Young People's So-ciety, will In. hold at tho Union Chap-el, on Friday, November 20th. at 0:80I'. M. Come ono and all. •

Buy YourChristmas

Presents NowIIKCAU8K our aBfortme

are complete, they have lual

boen unpacked,

HKCAUSE they uru aliout

the prottleat line In Jewelry

you'll find anywhere.

HI0CAU8IO, you are not rush-

ed now, und muklng selec-

tions will lie a real pleamiro.

Hl'X'AVJ81i:, you will got the-

chofc.o. and If you wish, we

will hold them for Chrlnt-


Edward Doland.Tewolcr

(Ken lllilu, .11 a In HI.)

A man In MiiHWicluiw'ttH recently

dloil ut tho nge of UH yenrB. He hudbeen rojoctml In 1H« 1 IIH not Htrongenough for tho Union Army.

ChristmasPresents ForEverybody

Buy Now andGet the Choice

W« have a splendid lineand want you to seethem.

Wo will hold them foryou until they are want-ed.

A. A. Meyersonntnlionor


loudly Warden.,; Victor P.

"I tlio Morris County Jaillt hl» twelfth', ^oftr an koopor.

iou, During tlmt t imewmplrtod ,a Bplondld record,* y Improvements, In thonot ono prisoner liaH ovorf'eiiuont 'attempt! wore

l "II plotH tru»tr,atod. Mr.'.» w«r vetorlin, having Berv-•J Bpiainii-AmSrlcan Wnr anil*» Innurroctlon.i •• , .

| IJllu. rilmbr, • ngo'd 78wl lit lior homo on Foundry^May.Nov. tttli,.' Blio hud

if Bovornl liiontliB but notl o llm bed, hotng RWO to ho« homo jmrt1 of tho '

t" two (iniightorB, o n o 'tlmo.

, o n o ' ofKlnior, lived with h»r,

* « Borvlcon v>oro hold Suii-•'"MH At tho nimor homo,;"»yltov. M, ^.UhodoB. Bur-"%torlan Cmiwtdry.. • T

Car StoragePaces for Rent

' per month



Mntlneii Dnllj( D a o r s O l ) e n ' " 2 )

ul 1 nnil Ni!)0r\jy 17 T? School Nupplio* lo th« First

Mntlncca Jfit—IIBc lOvenlngH 3Gt—BBc .(Special Prices for Children)

An ICplcnl 8ea Story Unrivalled

For Itenllnm. Ilruma nnd Thrills


JOSKl'H S('HIM>KHAI"rmill Swim Owen

•Kllincil on the I'aclflc In a hur-rlcnne that nearly liioiight(lontli to the daring ramiumy ofplnyeifl.

4 Acts of Superior


"On The Wire"

GRACE DORO"Queon of tho Keys"

l,arott« COLVIN—WOOD AlbertIn n gem of wit "The Auctioneer"

CAKSON and KANE REVUEA Spectacular Molnngeof Molody and Rhytliln

Mntlnoe Dnlly(Doors Open at 2)

I nt 7 mid 0Mon.,Tues.,Wed.Matinee*, nil sent. » ' «vontaB» 2B»-»»c I S P W W P r i « « « " ChlWre.)

Norma Shearer ^ Conrad Nagel"The Waning Sex"

i n

I'lctiirlxiMl fniiii the Hi'iuuhviij Staff©d l.y Koherf Z. l.t.imnnl—A Jletro-WoWwyn Metow

S., I'll I., SAT., NttYemlwu1 25, 2«, 3J


"The Quarterback



We Clothe ThemAll

Easy Paymentsor Cash

JAY BROS.Family Outfitters

l!l S. MorrlN StreetJ>ovor, Jf. ,!» •

Opp. Playhouse

Open Evenings

, Ai Silver Tea will bo served at theTea Room, across from the

n6w' Donvllle Schoolhouse, on T»es -jlay,; November 16, from 2 to 5 o'clockfor the benefit of the Tienvllle PublicSchool,

T h e

Hunting SeasonIs Just Ahead{of Us

L.C.Smith GunsField Grade, $37.50BakerGuns,$35

Hunting ClothingRemington Game Loads

S. H. Berry Hardware Co.15 E. Blackwell St. Tel. 947 Dover


Morristown, N. J.

Thurs., Friday and SaturdayNovember 18, 1», 2(1

Florence Vidor"The Eagle of the Seas"Mon., Tuesday, Wednesday

November 22, 23, 24


Three Shows DailvMatinee 25c — 35c. Evening 2Bc — 50c

Evening PriceB all ilny SaturdayChildren 10c at all times

Lens GrindingOur Specialty

Our modern equipment Includes aplant n» our premises.

Our facilities In this respect aremost excellent, most complete.

Come lo us with tlie nssimince ofnrctinite work quickly executed.

AnsonBall Opt. D.Eyesight Specialist

17 E. nioekwell Street, Dover

Don't Leave Itto Chance

Wlion you ace a pour brokendown old limn liogglng for aid——or a filok child that lacksmoney for meillcnl liolp——<>v nny other stinging evi-dence of money lack—decide positively tlint you willavoid such distress hy oponlnga thrift account today.

Rockaway Building& Loan AssociationOKO. E. VIS1IEK. Spcretnry.





To Be Continued In This Same SpaceThursday, November 25

The Rockaway Dry Goods & Notion StoreCor. Main nnd Foundry Streets

M. H. SMITH, Proprietor

DRY GOODS and NOTIONSLadies' Dresses for Household or Afternoon Wear, Lad-ies' Silk Hose, Children's Hose, Infant's Weaving Apparel,also Men's Hose, Work Gloves, Caps, Ties, Suspenders,Sport Hats for Young Ladles, etc. Richelieu Underwearfor the Entire Family. Everything that a Dry Goods Storeshould have, you can get here.

T. SI. f. A. lenders Meet nt Jlorrls-town "V"

Tlic aecornl monthly conference .oftho Y. M. C. A. lenders of the Countywas held Saturday uftornoon andevening nt tho Morristown "Y". Rev.A. II. (Jiiyn, of Succnsunnu openedtlic conff renco with n very "Inspiringdevotional thought. Mr. George Onr-nl»s the State Sccietary for Phjs l ta lWork of the Y. M C A. loil t » o (lls-c I«*!OIH and told of the n s » plan for

health education In tho State. R. L.Thdrnton, of Huntenlon County andDirector ot Cnmp Taylor also parti-cipated in the conference.

The aecond Saturday of eaclimonth Is reserved for similar con-ferences. Any male Sunday Schoolteachor. or workers with boys is in-vited to attend these conferences.By communicating with the CountyY, M. C. A, headquarters UIOBO Inter-ested in hoys' work can ho placoiliipoc t l u mulling list

Page 8: [lagan's Cash Market JURY FAILS TO JERSEY CITY HAS j ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1926/...Despite a defense that be purchased Sheriff Beach reported that three


want more

this winter

You can get them—at alower cost than ever be-fore—if you will put yourhens onFul-O-Pep Egg Masb

Now—This Week!For this is the unusualfeed that contains CodLiver Meal, and the henswill get off to a flyingstart thatwill carry themright through the darkand chill months. Letusshow you what a pureend clean feed this is.andhow it insures you betteregg profits all winter andbetterchicksnext spring.



Ease your tight, achine chest Stopthe pain. Break up the congestion.Feel a bad cold loosen up in just a«hort time.

Red Pepper Rub is the cold rem-edy that brings quickest relief. It can-not hurt you and it certainly seems toend (lie tightness and drive Ilie conges-tion and soreness right out.

Nothing has such concentrated, pene-trating heat u red peppers, and whenheat penetrates right dawn into colds,congestion, aching muscles and sore,stiff jojnts relief comes at once.

The moment you apply Red PepperHub you feel the tingling heat In threeminutes the congested spot is warmedthrough and through, when you aresuffering from a cold, rheumatism,backache, stiff neck or sore muscles,just get a jar of Rowles Red PepperRub, nude from red peppers, at any

• drug store. You will have the quickestrelief known.

>fn Kriibe lu Ijf Oj.eiiM

Out o'clock i\ M.. Saturday. ?»o-'mber -7th. has now beta ik-Iiaittly

auiiouQced by tin; Management of liie ., Ontral Kaiiroad Cuwpauy of Xe»"I .Ifrhi-y an the time *et for the officiallopt-iiing of the IH-VV fourteen HiilJioa! dollar bridge tlii* < omijauy lias <xiu- ijntructed across .N'ewark Bay. betwetD. Hie cities of Elizabeth anil Bayunae.\ New Jertft-)'.

The importance of the opening oftbls enormous structure Is indiialeil'uy the elalwrate ceremonies that are 'to be held ID connection with its for-:mal opening. Prominent railroad of-)

jffelals from the various sections ofithe United States, the Governor ofSew Jersey, and Staff. Public Utility!CoumiisBioaer», United Slates Stna-:

i Uirs and Congressmen. Stale Legls- [i lalora. Chairmen of the various Com-1! missions. Mayors of all ()*ar£>N4Jies. j| the Editors of all newspapers In UUtTj vicinity, and prominent cltlzenn and |' business men will be the guests ofj the Railroad Company on this oc-casion.

The Bptdal train which will leavethe Jersey City station ol the Central

j Railroad of New Jersey at 12:30 P.M.. Saturday, carrying this party, winhe tlie first train carrying passengersto cross this bridge, sod Includedamong Its prominent passengers will

[ he twenty-two gentlemen «ho havebeen commuters on this division oftin Central Railroad of New Jerseyfor over fifty years. Mr. C. S. Klg-Sins of Elizabeth, .V J., who is theJersey Central's oldest commuter,was present when the first railroadbridge was opened' across NewarkBay ID 1S64.

Mr. It. B. Wbite. President of theCompany, announced that ine pro-gram for tlit formal opening had beenfully completed. As the train bearingthe special party approaches from theKast the four heavy draw spans witbe In the elevated, or in the positionfor ships to pasB through. As thetrain stops for the "draw" the "StarSpangled Banner" will be played bythe Band, while an American Flag is

{unfurled. At this time, Mr. W. G.Hosier, Chairman of the Board of Di-rectors of the Central Railroad of

i New Jersey will press a button whichnilL set the machinery in motioncausing the draw spans to drop slow-

| ly Into position. The train will thenpass over to Newark, where the partywill attend a luncheon at the RobertTreat Hotel, followed by addresseBappropriate for celebrating jthe open-ing of the bridge having the largestInstallation of draw spans in theworld.

I While the ceremony Is In progressworkmen under the direction of theEngineers who hare hail charge ofthis work since the beginning, veil)be buBily engaged in throwing andconnecting up the tracks at eitherend so that thereafter all traffic overthis busy railroad will move over thenew structure.


S u a Cream Applied in NostrilsReueres Dead-Colds at Once.

If your nostrils are clogged and yourbetd ii stuffed and you can't brwUiefreely because of ft coll or catarrh, justgot a small bottle of Ely's Creiun Balmat sny drug store. Apply a littlt of thisfragrant, antiseptic cream into your nos-tril* and let it pcnitttte through ever;air passage of your bt&d, soothing anddealing tat inflamed, swollen mucoustnanbram and you get instant relief.

Ah I How good it feels. Your nos-trils are open, your head is clear, nomore feaffkw, smuHin;, blowing; nomore- headache, dryness or strugglingfor brcatli. Ely's Cream Balm it justwiat sufferers from head, colds andatari* nocJ, It's a delight.

Ah! Backache GoneRub Lumbago Away

Rub Pain from bick with tmalltrial bottle of old"St. Jacobi Oil."

Ah I Pain is gone IQuickly?—Yes. Almost instant re-

lief from soreness, stiffness, lamenessand pain follows a gentle rubbingwith "St. Jacobs Oil."

Rub (hit soothing, penetrating oilright on your piinlut back, and likemagic, relief comes. "St. Jacobs Oil"is a harmless backache, lumbago andsciatica remedy which never disap-points and doesn't burn the skin.'Straighten tipl Quit complaining I

Stop those torturous "stitches." In amoment you wilt forget that you everhad a weak back, because it won't hurtor be stiff or lame. Don't suffer I Geta small trial botte of old, honest'"St. Jacobs Oil" from your druggistnow and get this lasting relief.



Also Auto Fainting and VarnishingSigns and Lettering of Every

Descriptionitl HHt 121 E. Blnckwll St.


GEORGE W. GARDNERTeL Jlorrhtonn 0S24



License \n . SSI

1 Wetmore Are. Jlnrrlslonn. S. J.

Colds$1,000,000To end

The 24-hour wayThere's a way to end colds so effi.

' cient,to complete that we paid $1,000,-000 for it. "That way is. HILL'S. Itstops colds in 24 hours, checks lever,oVetu the bowels, tones the entire sys-tem. The millions who know it always?ety on it. Go start It now.


Manufacturers of

B0CKAWAF HAND-MADE AXESwith or without bandies

All kinds of Edge Tools and LawnMovrera Sharpened

Union ,st. Phone- Itockmtnj Jj


Costs Little - and OvercomeTrouble Almoit Over

i ' • Nloht

Any breaking out of the skin, evenfiery, itching eczema, can be quicklyovercame by applying Mentho-Sulphur,declares-a noted skin specialist Be-cause of its germ destroying properties,thu sulphur preparation.instantly bringsease from skin irritation, soothes andv»«i- i i u m arhi|i MLiutilUII, 917UIIIC3 «Ml<J

heals the eczema right up and leavesthe ekin cleir and smooth. '

It seldom fails to relieve the tormentwithout delay. Sufferers from skintrouble should obtain a small jar ofRowles Mentlio-Sulphur from anygood druggist and use it like coldcream.


Stewart-WarnerRadioModel 300

Fully Equipped

totalled in Your Home for

$94.50Write or Phone

Economy GarageE. Arthur Lynch, Prop.

Phone 133 for Free demonstration inyour home

' Satisfaction Guaranteed


i l lDistributor


Special SaleRadiant Fire

Cheaper than furnace heat—better for Fall

To tu>t u furimce frolng In the Fall IN like firingit cannon to Nhoot n bird. It's nure than theNltmitliMi callN for—and nothing jirovtN ilmt liet.ter tlian I ho coal lillN.

Radiant fire, the modern scientific method otgas heating, gives you all the heat you want;and bur»B for hours at the cost of a shovelful ofcoal. When It's chilly you turn it on! In anInstant you're warmed by this glorious, radiant,sunllke heat' that Is silent and odorleBg, andglows with Indescribable beauty. When theroom is heated you turn it off—and you turn oflthe heating cost with it. • There is a size a»dstyle of Hadlantfire for every,requirement. In-vestigato to-day.

Jersey Central Power & Light Co.Northern Gas Division

Dover Boonton RockawayTel. 201 Tel. 100 Tel 449




ATIOfor homes already built/

Just lining the attic withthis amazing lumber willmake your home wannerin winter and cooler insummer. Celotex will'also give you an attrac-tive extr# room and savemore in fuel than it costs.

^yOTJcannowmalteevenyourA upstairsrooimsnugandwami

during thecoldestwinterweather. . . pleasantly cool on swelteringsummer dayi and nights.


This amarine lumber resists thepassage of heat and cold many timejmore effectively than wood lumber,wall-boards, masonry and other walland roof materials. It shuts outwind and dampness... quiets noiseCelotex is not cut from trees. Thebroad, strong boards are made fromthe tough fibres of cane. They arestronger in walls than wood.

While lining your attic with Celo-tex cannot effect the same results ascomplete house insulation, it givesprotection against the attack of heatand cold where it is most neededFor up at the top of the homeis where the greatest heat wasteoccurs in winter and where the eunBeats down most fiercely in summer.

" « n «ni.H off "„T,"owith Clot., , „ . ,,Z h'un

You t,mplr 1 h i

For iarages Celotex will helpkeep your car from freezing oncold winter nights. It costs butlittle to build a garage of Celotex. . . and anyone can line a garage

• already built, quickly and easily.

The reare also manyotherplaceswhere Celftex i» the idealmaterial for re-decorating,repairinti or remodeling.

rto a comfortfbtm, stttmctty* room.

OAVES MORE than it coats. ^ " ^O Lining your attic with Celotexis not a big job or an expensive job.

I You simply nail the broad, lightboards right to the studding and'rafters. Enough Celotex to line yourattic will cost you very little. And^Celotex will more than pay for its*'cost in the fuel money it saves.

In the basement, a lining ofCelotex keeps out dampness andmarks the end of chilly first-storyfloors. It will shut out draughtsand furnace dirt. :

N NEW homes Celo-tex will bring you great

comfort andsaVeyoumuchmoney. ;The proper use ofCelotex in walls, ceilingsand roof, means that a

smaller, less expensive heatingplant and smaller radiators will keepyou comfortable. And year afteryear, Celotex can a&votrom 25& to35% of your fuel money.

Let us tell you more about Celotexbefore you build or buy,


Mi'ri>;NewOrU>aiu,U.»'«nofc S.;,, OffloM /„ many principal cititt

ISfttltpham Aooki tat .rfdr.im). Canatf/<h RtptmnUttmtAltwnder Murray ft Company, L'mlted

Montreal, Toronto, Halifax, Winnipeg Vancouvaalso NEW v YORK CITV

H. Jackson Lumber Co.Wharton

Page 9: [lagan's Cash Market JURY FAILS TO JERSEY CITY HAS j ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1926/...Despite a defense that be purchased Sheriff Beach reported that three

KOVEMBEK 18, 1926


DRUGSTOREanksgiving Treat

Artstyleilk Chocolates

II mid TVut Assortment

elldous t)i))i of crisp nuts

frulta covered with that ex-

lonnlly smootli Artstyle


$1.50I'oinid Box


away New Jersey

THE HUMAN BODYDr. T. I,. Nortliup

Outfopathlc Physician


Kidneys[By Drinking

Lots of Water| Sjlti to Flush Kldiwye l(

Bladder Bothers orBack Hurts

! loo much rich food may pro-lncy trouble in some form, says

(•known authority, because theiltd excite the, kidneys. Then)W overworked, get sluggish,and cause nil sorts of distress,

arly backache and misery in theregion, rheumatic twingusftcvereits, acid stomach, constipation,liver,' sleeplessness, bladder andirritation.

mdment your back hurts or kid-rcnt acting right, or if bladderyou, begin drinking lota of goodind also Ret about four ounces ofills from any good pharmacy,lawespoonful in a glass of waterwsktast for a few days and

idneya may then net fine, Thissails is made from the acid ofTO lemon juice, combined withind has been used for years to"OffBd kid d i l t

1/obnr I'ni'iimiiiilii and ||H I'revmllonmid Cure

At thin Hi'uuon of the ycur jimu-monlu Is tliii draul of people iinil phy-sIclunH ullkt, mill n |H u Bnli)wt wellworthy of uur Horlmm cunHlderiitlun.Flrnt, an how lic-Ht u> kecii from um-tritctlng tin; cIlHiiiiHe, uml nera>nd. tohave In mind More the iMwrKuiicyarisen Just what in the lieut methodof handling the dlneiiHe tf it COIIICRto ua. Many n dtaiHter could havebeen avoided if the perron nfflictwlcould lmve given a few inliiule'Kthought an to the method of handlingthe umcrgency hefoie II arrived.

The surest and hew wny to combat

any dlueime l« to uvold It und In pneu-

monia the mutter of prevention cun

well be coimldered under two licad-

ng». Firm, building up the physical

defeiiHeB, second, protecting from

outuldc exposure.

Dulldlng up onc'K personal ilefenRen

should he our dally conn-in, not

ugnlriHt one <llscune or CIIIBK of dl-

K hut agulnut all. ami we must

not t It Of thfH UK BtHIle HOI't Of (1

new fence we are liulldlnh'. for In themajority of cases it In Jusl keeping Inorder the agencies that arc ever oper-ating for our protection.

One of the most Important tilingsto do is to practice ilwn breathing Inthe open air or before un open win-dow, filling the lungs to tliu bottomwith cool fresh air, expanding everyair Bpace In the lungs and keepingthem fit for duty. Another thing Inour defense program JH well orderedand regular physical exercises!. Thediet should lie Dimple nn<l well bal-anced, particular intention slioulil liepaid to not over eating of stnrcliyfoodH. particularly so if the Individ-ual Is subject to frequent colds Fre-quent bathing In not too hot wnterand u dash of cold to neck und chestfollowed by u brteU rub with u coarsetowel will tend to strengthen the rc-alstlnnoe ugHlnst exposure.

Next we should consider protectionagainst exposure from sudden weath-er elumguu. No doubt 'f we could benhvay.H In perfect physical conditionwe could stand considerable expos-ure without harm, but ns thin In notthe cll»e, wi' should bi> cnrefnl to pro-tect ourselves IIH niucli nn possibleand this \vu must do by using clotli-Ing according to the weather nndabove all avoid getting the feet dampand cold.

KxnoHure, drafts, nnd cold winds orconstant exposure to cold and damp-ness will often brine on pneumonia.The onset Is rapid and calk for qulcliwork, and whatever line of treatmentIs to be used, the nooner It Is startedthe better. Chills, rapid rise of tem-perature, pain In the side or chest,short dry cough und rapid breathing,are very Indicative signs of develop-ing pneumonln. nnd when present,the pnllent should be put to bed andthe physician called at once. Quicliaction often, saves the patient from

fully develop >d case nnd the physl-clun much hard work In getting thecase under control.

The most efficient help to NntnreIn combating the disease Is keepingtho avenues of elimination open nndkeeping the fluids In. the lungs clr-culntlng. preventing consolidation

used for yearsffB kidneys and stimulateactivity; also to neutralise the

n the system so "that they no•mute, thus often relieving blad-onlcrs. • • : iSalts can not injure anyone;t delightful effervescent lithia-annk which millions of men andlake now and then to help keep"cys and urinary organs clean,*« avoiding serious kidney dis-

•jy all means have your physi-Joiae your kidneys at least twice

or a TAXI call> Tel. 177 Boctrfwajr

9 and Night Service

tLOYDHILER»abine ond T i n n i n g

"'Hot JVat«i, and Hut AirJlcatlng (• . .

ork Solicited and Promptly

Mtoniloil toIS* KOCKAWAV, N.

from taking placfconsolidation have

and If nreus ofalready formed,

tho augmented circulation of bloodthrough the lunga will aid In the reso-lution of the exudnte. Freshly aer-ated blood Is Nature's most potentremedy, nnd with no less certainty Itmay he said thnt stagnant blood Isthe very hast soil possible for thegrowth of disease germs. The veinsthat return the blood from the lung"to the henrt on either side of thespine, deeply placed In the bach, anilIf the patient Is allowed to He toolong In one position, particularly "on the hack, thore Is grave danger ofaerious congestion, so In treatingthese oases, the position of the patientIs frequently changed so a» to bestfacilitate the return flow of bloodfrom the areas of the lung most ser-iously Involved.

We would not wish to Infer thntthis Is all of the treatment, for In nodisease la good and efficient nursingof moro vnluo. and the various symp-toms thnt nrtse such ns cough, diffi-culties of breathing, nnd excessivelyhigh temperature are token core ofas they arise by specific treatment.

SAM CIARDIMnlu Street, near First Notional Ilimk

Cleaning and Pressing' * k d t l o k n

g*wk is done thorough nnd clothes made to look new*e also dye any kind of garment and do mending

We cover Buttons witli cloth to match garmentsTelephone Rockawoy -*21

The Morris CountySavings Bank

South Street corner DeHart StreetM0RR1ST0WN, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY




" 41/4 %

Interest Paid Since 1921AKSKTS OVER #11,01)0,000

Nmlorjal and State Uanke and Trust Companloa are NOT Saving!Hanks, end Savings or Thrift Depositors ID BUCU Institutions b&veNOT the special protection of the Savings Jtauli Laws of (lit Stutiof New Jersey,


«% LVTKKKSTmi (iKililiiK Amiiinta (if KMI0 nnd over

i% INTIiKKSTla id on NuiliigH ACCOIIUIK of $!>M mid ii]>nnril

<ri!dll<d Jjiiimir), Ajiril, July nnd <lc(<ilicr

SIXTY-ONE YEARS SUC' KKSKUI, PUDLJC SERVJCKActs an Administrator, Executor, Trustee or Guardian

Traveleru' Checks nnd Letters of Credit to all parts of tbe world,Firo-Proof Nforu^t ICOIHIIH Sl iver Vault

Siifc I)(>]I«KII Itiix. H tf'i.id IJ|>

OFPH'KltHi II. Wiird Kord, l>nnilil«nt| Frank J>. Abell, Vlce>l'r«Kl-dcnl) Wind ('iiiii|iliill, Mce-1'rei.ldniei i l enr j Cory, t'uililcr, Vice-I'reKhlent; JtohiTl <'. ( i iskey, AHNI. (Ht.lili'r and Trunl Otflcori Krunk(|. Milieu, A^lstmit t'uitlilrri llnvld Y. HllllaiiiHOi), ASHIHIUIII CliHlilcr.Illlti:( T(tltN: .Thiiiulorv V. King, Merchant; ctmrloH W. Ennla, Lura-lier; David II. McAlpIn, Jr., Trutttee; 11. Ward Ford, l'renldcnt; Ham-iii-l II, (fllli!H|ilc. !.. ('. (illleKjilc (c Honu; Arthur A. MiirBtcrn, Aincrlcun'I'elciihone & Telegraph Co,; Frederick W. Ford, Heal l'Male & In-HUiance; Wuril Cainpliell, Vlc(i-l're«l(le.ut, Treaiiuror, Morrlit Co. Bav-lng« Hank; Heth E. TlioniiiH, Jr., Heth Thomuit Clock Co.; Frank U.AIIBII. VI«!.I're«ldenl; lOugene V. WCIHII, Iteal Untutc; John C. WCIHII,Dairy Products: Ilohort 10. Hurke, Lawyer; Thomas W. Btrector,HIIIIH I'e.trolemn Cn.

The Record Job Department Turns Out Your Work When YouWant It — TRY US ' . ;



23-25 West Blackwell Street


Open Evenings Until 9 O'clock

Values that "Talk Turkey"FOR THANKSGIVING

Tlit'iv's mi time like.the present to i»ro]inr<i jour lioine for die IIOIIIIHJN, not NO fur alicail of, IIH. Everyone likesIIIN home t» look bright ami choorlul nlwujs, lint more jmrllculnrl} NO nl Ilils SOIINOII of (lie your. AN Inducements 'ti> you to j,'et new furniture NOW we Imvc iiHNumbleil 11 IIIIIIIIMT of mUm and odd plotwK (or a THANKHOIVINO Sale.

Velour Upholstered Three-PieceParlor Suite

Set comprises n nettee, arm chair and llreslile nrm chair.Throe Inrge roomy, comfortable pieces,

Frnmen aro flnlnhed In mahogany. Now In doelgn and well

Beautiful Dining Suite - Ten Piecesin French Renaissance



A dining room miHe thnt covers o\ cry deftlre. Tho buffetl» fid ITKIKB long, with roomy eablnetH, nnd they nre also In thoHcrvlnjr tuble.

Tho china closet IKIK nioro glnnu than UHIIIII, und It alsoluiH a long drawer for aRbcmtoH rnntH, etc. Tlio clinirB have tap-estry

Four-Piece Bedroom Suite inCombination Walnut

$187Selected Huguenot walnut combination with lull high light-

ing Tho vanity dresser, wardrobe, chiffonier with trays anddrensor nre nil proportionately lnrgo and nicely finished.

Tho ornamental jianeln lend a touch of distinction, Hnd ItIs much more hnndsome than any Illustration enn picture.

Davenport Table $12.65 upDumbly constructed ilnvcnnort tablcfl, carefully finished In

rich mahogany.

Floor Lamps $11.95 upLargo assortment of shndifi nnd polychrome otundH

Bridge Lamps $5.75 upShiKlcF ure lined nnd HIKO have an Interlining of sllh. I'oly-

chrnme or mi'tnl base.

Japanese Vase Lamps $8.95 upGenuine sill: Hhiuten. Va«c In nBBprteil colors.

Make your XMAS selections NOW ami PAY LATKIC!Knrly clioohlii),' ot «lfts will insure you of a gront*rvjtrluty to sdlnct from'. Let us put IIH1(U> your trlf(NOW for Inter delivery! ^

The OnlySl«rc That

Sells miIicffrredI'll Jlllf lit Snt Cnsh

Slur* 1'rlcos

F*ree!To every person purchasing one of the aliovo dining room or parlorsuites during our Thanksgiving Sale, we will present freo of chargea beautiful—


The OnlyStore '1'tyit

Sells on


lit ('null

Nturo I'rlcoi


Page 10: [lagan's Cash Market JURY FAILS TO JERSEY CITY HAS j ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1926/...Despite a defense that be purchased Sheriff Beach reported that three


Muu.l.i i mid


SV,!*™. Where Quality Meets Price «*«*«>

and New Clothes Needed ?

Men's and Young Men'sfcoats

vu'-ir.ity. Th«-y « » i." 4*1c>.* v.*«-

3u;is!t p«iTiLltr <£C&crs QS sis?

«u> $ * *

^ Boys' Suits

S spiir- of -^ r^w*" or 2 cf


Boys* O'CoatsM6BT!Tmedos

!$28 - $45

-ni taa- auuss smjtpjs' jt^aas ami' i

Salny Bros.

nitre will be moving pictures ^ inUse Donvilie Community Church. Fri- ;d»v evenius. Xov. IStli. These %vtek-jly towrtainsuents aro under the dl-<action of the Ep*orth League. |

The Epworth U>agut? will conduct,a «ociJl in the Drnrille Community jChurch neit Tuesday evening. Each<jn* i* requested to bring something

Mvfa tstt l>« used f o r f l l l i n e Thanks-!;viug fcaskt-ts. Everyone is invited.

tVrty-eigbt fathers ar.il sons eii-]v>y«J the Father and Son Banquetin" the U. E. Churv-h. Thursday even-ic j of ^ s t •wetk. which consisted of \fruit oocfcUi!. thiclisn pie, mashed jroute**. r«« *ai «" o t s - ««ler>'-j, - :nc* Jam. apple !'«• *<>«««• choc°- jUte psiiusts acd silteJ peanuts. The!

« ! r»rtt6 yello* favors, yellow and white

vsantlienBa bcuquets for eachtitle. JwaqaeU £i«n by Mrs. C. J.Fwrsur. icJ »t eath plate wasf . « i i a sraitl yelios- chrysanlhe-n;m ft>r a bcatoacitre for each fain-

icJ Sk>c AH the speakers were

Mr. ic<2 Mrs. Gesrge Vanderhoof;»r>£ St*lt». of RkSntooJ Teraere. and jXI- i i t i llx-i. Lairyvr \ o o s s *n<l fam- juj c4 Tt«rexo3t, EotoreJ into Sew:Vcr4 Suti! Ust Satisniar wbere they!<;<»: us,* »i!«i-<t'i with Mr. Youngr's jjaraa"^ i t S;t<.'tjirw. T te r stopp«d J•±t AEvtUX? *&ertf tt e-y newe«I some!

Mr. ami Mrs. tJ«rg« D. V*nOrieB|itt 'Vk'iiiia^sii y for Cin ' ' tn . where j

O:a.x<zwS<:iL c£ cis X<» Jersey Council;:£ Ealifuas Bfacatioa TEer will!

3>:«i::ri:ir a Fflii1.-itfi5tS.ia1 wb.il* away. ;Ur JUsL^ot Stmr wbj l a s been so;

•;r.i;i».'ally L.1 fee- 1 t.'£^r Et"e t5 cow;

r.Lvt? wit Ti'isiiijr i£t4n&.wa i t lS* :

33Ji 3tij T«i Ex-nx Jfnk i c a Cor-1)? us a* 5Ci:!j™ciiiSi c£ t t i t Iw

inniM cii*



Lean Loin Pork, lb. - -Fresh Hams, lb. - - -Legs of Veal, lb. - -Prime Rib Roast, lb. -Boneless Cross Rib Roast,Heavy Skinback Hams, lb.

Sirloin Steak, lb. -Round Steak, lb. -

Legs of Spring Lamb, lb.

Smoked Cali Hams. lb. -

Fresh Cali Hams, lb. -

Home Made Sausage, lb.

We will have our usual Fresh stock of jTurkeys for Thanksgiving at Lowest!

Don't forget to see SilviePoultry

Cranberries, - 2 I I ) . f i r ;

T-isc«s jc" Qii C«!i^-i3;- 3L EL Ctirrei

i x; i i s tb.-m* Tttirais?"

a- I IK 3. C; « ,if .%. -win, iteJii ic o,f-

i i a s s lilrnir iw/sarg- liiin

a u taa; lie- rnrjn.â„¢.(jaii -fstst'ufir. Es -

«• 31m!m .11: "•*!•• Ksarrllit 31 E. '.niarv:u, WeE-

jllis- y s a u s s Enitaor.. a * 25]m!

-rjrrsi; -ins- :iBTOi:as .if am- SSssnt IQis1

laniw armniirftss,. .til .'Siir~i« inuaESTinii TTD: srrs x tjnrn-rra =nT -UEBES. '

«nE" ra& Tirasantsr 3iraims J E ^ I H a

iiieiBf 'tnr rite

Tonkin & Hoffman StoiHifaerniaAve. Tel. 101 Rockaway.Nf

^ ^ cannot give a list of the variety of the I!cellent Canned Goods which you will ifind on our shelves. The new pack is moin and quality and prices very satisfato your palate and pocketbook.

We cut our price as low as possible and carra stock of good and Extra Fancy. Unfactory goods we will not handle no ihow cheap the price at which we could o!them.

Our reputation has been built and .maintained on Quality at Reasonable Pnotand Service.

Gas and Oil Ranges and Oil Heaters]SiiU Selling at the Special Reduction of'

3ir- aaE 3hs gHna air. imC 3Srt HErrx 31iB2fe,

anrem ifla •ssjaafcs. Osaer ?tssr- ia

•T£T S

: 3fc- Etui 35s. j•af 3Ite' 3S3!

3Sr. amll 3hs.stm. 11! 3!toanKE3i. ^ish

- Sraiflsiik

as ana,,. :cnB g^,,,^nan inn Siesfir?

S 4teSb3- *

. am* asjenain- 3tea- -aiing: S e zzna

IE TSiE atEoui assmaae

off 3aaatrfe"'ctalne

Jin>ffl3ts.3PB4» H^rnmsom arwnap-


We Have The New J

Grebe RadioSets

on display. Have us install one for&ee trial equipped with either Bat':teries or Eliminator.

AH cur Radio sets and Supplies atesold xvfth the understanding that thecmtomermast be satisfied.

= = ~ . " - =====


Formcrls cosdscted bj> Chester E. <

k j 5 - ^ , , , i '