Labour Welfare in U.P.S.R.T.C.

:: Chapter – 6 :: Labour Welfare in U.P.S.R.T.C.

Transcript of Labour Welfare in U.P.S.R.T.C.

:: Chapter – 6 ::

Labour Welfare in



Welfare services from the main edifice on which the success or failure of personnel relations in a business organization depends, are of paramount importance. The corporation has taken up various steps to promote employees welfare. It was found that the employees of the sample are of opinion that they do not get adequate safety measures while working in the workshop. Although partial safety measures are there in the workshop but no safety measure has been taken from the point of view of protection of environment by the corporation. In fact there should be a section on safety and environment in the corporation which actually does not exist in U.P.S.R.T.C. No attempt to be done for evaluating the hazards associated with operational action in the workshop of the corporation. There is no mechanism for safety audit and risk analysis in the corporation because of which it appears improbable to take corrective actions in time. In case of medical facilities, employees are partially satisfied with the management. A medical section at headquarter with only two specialist doctors (one physician and other eye specialist) on contract basis belonging to U.P. provincial medical and health services. Besides this, the homeopathic doctor is also working in this section. The medical section provides the medical facilities to authorities and employees. The eye test and E.C.G. facilities along with medical consultation are also given to the employees. Besides this all the employees are given medical allowance of Rs. 50 per month as per the Government order. The facility of reimbursement against medical expenditure is also provided by the corporation to the employees suffering from serious diseases like heart disease and tuberculosis when they are admitted in the hospital. During the study it was found that managers mostly receive complaints from employees about inadequate medical facilities, not getting of

accomodation, education facilities for their children, co-operative for employees, recreational facilities etc. Further, in our study, it was notified that management have instituted suggestion scheme in U.P.S.R.T.C. for employees as well as passengers. The employees may either verbally give their suggestions to their immediate supervisor or they may put their suggestions into the suggestion boxes. It is very sad that there is no scheme for educational subsidy like merit scholarship. special award scheme, hostel subsidy and so on are not given to the children of U.P.S.R.T.C. employees. Regarding loan facilities, the employees of U.P.S.R.T.C. do not get car/scooter/motor cycle/moped advance, house building advance, house furnishing advance are any lump sum advance however they may get lump sum advance for purpose like marriage, illness etc. for self and dependants. The details of these facilities are given in the later part of this chapter. The U.P.S.R.T.C. employees are provided with employee provident fund, group insurance scheme, gratuity, death in service scheme and post retirement pension benefit scheme. For the purpose of enhancing the skill of officers, supervisors and other employees, U.P.S.R.T.C. felt the need of human resource development and get training to develop scientifically oriented and technically competent human resource through motivation and training. The training programmes made the employees efficient to face the challenges arising in day to day work. The officers and employees made efficient for prompt and quality disposal of the day to day activity of corporation by training them in the computer applications. Newly selected drivers and conductors are given training in training institute Kanpur which is equipped with ultra modern resources. lectures hall and audiovisual aids and Leyland truck and Tata bus. Newly selected drivers are given training for two months while newly selected conductors are given training for one month in training institute. The details of such progrmmes are given in later part of this chapter.

In case of any accident the employees covered under Workers' Compensation Act are given compensation for an accident occured while on duty. It has been mentioned in the later part of this chapter. Such accidents may be of various nature and may occur of any time and place. Medical Facility A medical section has been established since June 1990 at headquarter of the corporation. In this two specialist doctors (Physician and eye specialist) are working on contract belonging to the U.P. Provincial Medical and Health Services. Besides this the "homeopathic doctor" is also working in this section at the headquarter. The medical section provides as for as possible medical facilities to the authorities and employees of the corporation. The eye test and E.C.G. facilities along with medical consultation is also given to employees. Medical Allowance As per the Government order, all the authorities and employees of the corporation are given medical allowance Rs. 50 per month. The facilities of reimbursement against medical expenditure is also being provided by the corporation to the employees suffering from serious diseases like heart disease, tuberculosis and nephritis etc., when they are admitted in the hospital. No facility has been given to the dependents of the employees even during the service period. Further there is no provision for any medical facility to the employees after retirement from the service. No programme is conducted to create health awareness among the employees by organizing seminar or Diabetes, Hypertension, Jaundice, aging process, work tension and remedies there on in U.P.S.R.T.C. Group linked Insurance Scheme The corporation is also giving the facility of group linked insurance scheme operated by Life Insurance Corporation of India to its employees like state government employees. Under this act following amount of deduction is done every month from the salary of employees/authorities.

Group Amount deducted Insured amount

(in Rs.) (in Rs.) Group 'A' 100 one lakh

Group 'B' 75 Seventy five thousand

Group 'C' 50 Fifty thousand

Group 'D' 24 Thirty thousand The insured amount is paid by the life Insurance Corporation of India to the family of the employee/officer in case of his death during service. In case of retirement of the employee, the amount deposited under this scheme by the employee along-with interest is paid to him as per rule. Payment of compensation Under Workmens compensation Act 1923 All those employees who are covered under Workmen’s Compensation Act and meet with accident while on duty are eligible for compensation as per rule under schedule – 4 of this Act. Employees who are otherwise not covered under the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 and meet with accident, while on duty, are not consider for any compensation. Employees welfare fund Employees welfare fund has been established for giving economic help under special circumstances to the employee/authority or their dependents. Under this scheme becoming member of the employees welfare fund is voluntary. Each authority/employees becoming member is to contribute Rs. 10 per month against membership subscription. Corporation also deposits the above amount per month per authority/per employee against matching contribution. There is a provision for 13 members in the management committee of the fund out of which six are authority and seven are employee member. In case of death of any member are becoming permanently disabled, the following financial help is given to the nominated person/persons or members as per prevailing situation -

(a) Help of Rs. 5000 is given immediately on death and Rs. 15000 within 30 days of death.

(b) The amount of assistance at the time of illness and natural calamity is done on the basis of seriousness of calamity and situation and the payment is ensured accordingly as early as possible.

Disposal of cases of Living allowance/Gratuity All possible efforts are done for making payment of retirements benefits on priority basis to the employees and authorities employed in the Corporation. Sports U.P.S.R.T.C. is actively contributing towards the development of sports awareness amongst its employees. U.P.S.R.T.C. encourages a great deal to sports activities. It has been the tradition to give special encouragement to game from the purpose of developing the personality and keeping mentally and physically healthy and strong and developing the spirit of discipline among the employees working in the corporation. All the activities of corporation related with game are conducted at the central level by headquarter. Special arrangement has been made for talented employee players. The timing for practice has been fixed from 11.00 A.M. to 3.00 P.M. daily for the employees players who represent the U.P.S.R.T.C. in the competition of the A.S.R.T.U./Public Corporations or the national level/state level competition. This facility is given to players for one year only. If a player maintains the level of his game for next year also, the above facility is again extended to him. For the purpose of giving training to the employee players, the arrangement is done to train them by N.Y.S. Till now five players of the Corporation have, so far, been trained by this institute. The annual grant is allotted by headquarters to each region for game each year as per the manpower of the region. The team of the Corporation

participate in competitions organised by the public enterprises of the state, A.S.R.T.U. and in other competitions at state level. The above facility is available, for the employees of the U.P.S.R.T.C. but the employees of the sample in Azamgarh region were found unaware of such facilities. Recognition of Meritorious Work The corporation has scheme for granting recognition to drivers for sustained good driving or outstanding performance in driving. For zero accident driving, the following rewards are given to drivers every year. 1. For two years Rs. 1000 2. For three years Rs. 1500 3. For four years Rs. 2000 4. For five years Rs. 2500 5. For six to nine years Rs. 3000 6. For ten years Rs. 4000 7. For eleven years or more Rs. 5000 8. Till retirement Rs. 25000 Besides, the rewards are given to the depots also for accident free driving of vehicles. The depot of the region in which there is no accident, is rewarded with a "chal vaijayanti". The assistant regional manager and In-charge of a depo with more than 50 buses are rewarded Rs. 10000 and Rs. 5000 respectively for accident free driving. The assistant regional manager and in-charge of a depo with less than 50 buses are given Rs. 5000 and Rs. 2000 against reward. Incentive (Protsahan Amount) - The drivers and conductors who take the buses on village route, are given an incentive amount on the excess of the route fixed amount besides their salary. There is arrangement for giving bonus to employees as ex-gratia. Incentive to promote small family norms With a view to promoting planning on a voluntary basis as "people's movement" employees of the corporation are granted an additional increment besides regular increment irrespective of the hospital where the family planning

operation has been carried out provided the certificate is duly counter signed by civil surgeon/ Dy. CMO/CMO of the district hospital . But the sampled employees said that it is not easy to get this amount. Conditions for granting family planning incentives

(a) The employee must be within the reproductive age group viz male should not be over 50 years and female should be between 20 and 45 years of age.

(b) The employee should have maximum one and not more than two loving children.

(c) Sterilization operation must be conducted in a central/state government hospital or in an institute recognized by the corporation. Family planning operation under taken in any private nursing home will also be accepted provided is recognized for the purpose of granting family planning incentives, if the certificate has duly been counter - signed by civil surgeon/head of the medical services of the work centres.

Payment of Bonus/Ex-gratia The eligible employee of the corporation is entitled to annual bonus/ex-gratia at a fixed rate. Human Resource Development On March 31st 2010, the total number of officers/employees working in the corporation was 34246. The detail is given below - Workers Officers Total Administrative 1755 17 1772

Account 283 51 337

Technical 8166 84 8250

Operation 23778 112 23890

Total 33982 264 34246

Bus Staff Ratio At the time of constitution of the Corporation, there was no standard fixed for the number of employees per bus. First of all in 1977 standard of 9.26 employees per operated bus was decided. This standard did not include the employees in central workshop, Kanpur, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia workshop, Kanpur, and headquarter, Lucknow. In order to enhance the productivity of employees and to reduce the cost of operation, the standard were determined again in 1988. While redetermining the standards, the employees were classified into two categories – firstly the employees which are directly related with the productivity of buses and secondly the employees comparatively less productive and inefficient. The standard was raised for the former and reduced for the later and standard was fixed 8.5 employees per operated bus. It does not include the personnels working in Central Workshop Kanpur; Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia workshop Kanpur; and the headqarters at Lucknow. The standard for the officers fixed was 0.07 officers per operated bus. This standard of bus employees ratio was reviewed by the government in 1994 and was ultimately determined 7.41 employees per bus on road. Employees Productivity The Corporation is continuously making efforts for increasing the management labour productivity. From the purpose of enhancing the working capacity of employees, they are encouraged to get training in the established institutions in the country. Further employees working in different categories are encouraged for qualitative increase in their work. There has been increasement in labour productivity every year. Year 2003-042004-052005-062006-072007-08 2008-092009-10

Bus Staff 5.82 5.51 5.43 5.12 4.95 4.66 4.21



Productivity 54.16 54.64 58.43 65.45 69.93 75.58 86.57


Employment of Schedule caste and schedule Tribe The Reservation Act, 1994 has been implemented by the government of Uttar Pradesh in public services for schedule caste, Schedule tribe and other backward castes. Under this Act, quota of 21% for schedule caste and 2% for schedule tribe caste has been decided against vacant posts in both the direct recruitment and promotion. The quota of 27% has been decided for backward caste in direct recruitment only. In view of the above act, the Government of Uttar Pradesh has also directed that all possible efforts be done for representation of the candidates belonging to schedule caste and schedule tribe in public enterprises in accordance with the reservation quota. Following this policy the special recruitment campaign in the corporation is conducted. Training Arrangement Human resource development has been receiving high priority in U.P.S.R.T.C. The corporation recognizes the need for systematic approach to training and development for increasing efficiency through more knowledge. From the purpose of enhancing the skill of officers, supervisors and employees employed in corporation, and making them efficient to face the challenges arising in day to day work, arrangement for external training is done by the corporation. With a view to impart the necessary training to develop the workforce by providing the employees the latest technology to improve their skill and to motivate the employees for better productivity, "Model Driver Training And Research Centre" has been established in training institute Kanpur by the corporation with the co-operation of Ground Transport Ministry Government of India. This is equipped with ultramodern resources. Arrangement for free residence and meal is available in the Institute for departmental trainees. Out of Leyland/Tata assemblies and model room equipped with charts, driving testing track for training Leyland and Tata bus, lecture hall and audio-visual aids have been made available to this institute. Special arrangement has been made for training newly selected

drivers and conductors in training institute Kanpur. Newly selected drivers are given training for two months while newly selected conductors are given training for one month in the institute. In this institute, sufficient number of officers and employees have been appointed. The training institute of the corporation has done MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with 14 I.T.I. of the state through department of education (Technical). After training, the drivers are tested by the different I.T.I. and then certified on the basis of their quality. Effort is done to improve the returns by arranging workshops from time to time on problems related with different subjects of the corporation by the experts of Messers Leyland, Messers Telco and original equipment builders. Under the arrangement for external training, the officers, deputy-officers and supervisors are trained by sending them in the training programmes sponsored by famous training institutes of the state and country in addition to that of C.E.R.T. Pune. The officers and employees are made efficient for prompt and quality disposal of the day to day activity of the corporation, by given them computer training. Under the above arrangement, the detail of the trained deputy officers, supervisors and employees during the periods 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 is given below.

Internal Training S.No. Category 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 1. Driver - regular 482 359 116

Contract 120 122 28

A.C. -- 17 07

2. Vocational training 34 39 41 External Training

S.No. Category 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 1. G.E.R.T. Pune 15 24 24

2. U.P. Administration and Management 2 -- --

Academy, Lucknow

3. Judicial Training Institute, Gomtinagar, 2 2 --


4. A.S.C.I. Hyderabad 3 -- --

5. Delhi Productivity Council Goa/Hudco/Other Training Institute 4 -- --

6. Lal Bahadur Shastry Institute of Management

Studies, Lucknow -- 2 1

7. Engineering Staff College of India, -- -- 3


8. I.T.I. Chennai -- -- 3

9. I.T.I. Delhi -- -- 1

Trade Unions and Employees Participation in Management At present there are six recognized unions in the Corporation which work to protect the interest of employees. 1. Roadways Karmchari Samyukta Parishad. 2. Roadways Mazdoor Sabha, U.P. 3. U.P. Roadways Employees Union 4. Roadways Karmchari Sangh, U.P. 5. Central and Regional workshop Karmchari Sangh. 6. Sharmik Samaj Kalyan Sangh. There is participative management in the U.P.S.R.T.C. which means the involvement of employees and the trade unions in planning, policy formulation, its implementation and decision making process. This is a system where employees and trade unions are directly involved as a partner of the organization and this creates more responsibilities and sense of belonginness. In U.P.S.R.T.C. the level of participation is at two stages, regional level and board level. The management of U.P.S.R.T.C. encourages the participation of unions on routine functioning. The representatives of management

and unions discuss various problems across the table and suggest remedies to remove the hurdles and improve efficiency. The bi-lateral process is adopted by the corporation for talks between management and employees for strengthening industrial relations. This provides expected help to management and employees to understand the view points of each other and to solve the problems. If the problems are not solved by bi-lateral talks then meaningful effort is done for solving the problems by means of tri-partite talks at level of the Government in which employees, management and Government, all participate. For the Purpose of improving the industrial relations, arrangement has been done for solving the problems at the local depot, and regional level by authorities by talking with the recognized employees' organizations. The meetings held at the level of headquarter, region or depot are reviewed. In every field, nodal authorities inform the problems of employees to headquarter. The chairman and secretaries of recognized trade unions are allowed by the corporation to travel free for 3000 Kms. third monthly so that they can discharge their responsibilities of establishing good relations between management and employees. The facility of special leave is given to the employee representatives coming from different regions/depots to participate in annual conferences and training camp organized by recognized organization. Free Travel Facility The employees of the corporation and their family members are permitted to travel two times in a calendar year up to certain limit in a buses of corporation. For this purpose two travel pass and three P.T.O. passes are issued to the employees and their family members. The retired employees of the corporation are also allowed to travel in buses of the corporation alongwith their family members once in a calendar year up to certain limit on a free pass. Uniform and Kit There is an arrangement to give uniform to drivers and conductors by the corporation but now a days the uniform is not being provided. The conducters

is given kit for carrying money against passengers fare. E.T.M. is given to conductor for issuing tickets to passengers. Other types of employees of the corporation are not given any kind of uniforms or kits. The picture of labour welfare facility in U.P.S.R.T.C. will be further clear from the following data which we gathered during the course of discussion with managers and employees of U.P.S.R.T.C. The data indicates following facts -

Table 6.1 Availability of Residential Facilities

S.No. Residential facility Number of Percent

Respondents (%) 1. In Campus 10 2

2. Rented house 280 56

3. Home 210 42

Total 500 100 The table shows that very few i.e. 10 number (2%) of the employees get residential facility in the campus, Majority of the employees stay either in the rented house 280, (56%) or their own home 210, (42%).

Table 6.2 Facility for Children Education

S.No. Facility for children education Number of Percent

Respondents (%) 1. Available -- --

2. Unavailable 500 100

Total 500 100 The table shows that no facility is provided to the children of the employees regarding education.

Table 6.3 Facility for canteen

S.No. Canteen facility Number of Percent

Respondents (%) 1. Available -- --

2. Unavilable 500 100

Total 500 100 The table shows that there is no canteen facility to the employees of corporation in any of the depot in the region.

Table 6.4 Arrangement for Nutritious Meal

S.No. Nutritious Meal facility Number of Percent

Respondents (%) 1. Available -- --

2. Unavailable 500 100

Total 500 100 From the table, it is evident that facility for nutritious meal is not available to the employees of the Corporation.

Table 6.5 Facility for Rest Room

S.No. Rest-room facility Number of Percent

Respondents (%) 1. Available 500 100

2. Not available -- --

Total 500 100

It is evident from the table that rest room facility is provided to the employees in every depot for taking rest but the rest room is not in proper condition.

Table 6.6 Facility For Recreation

S.No. Recreation facility Number of Percent

Respondents (%) 1. Provided -- --

2. Not Provided 500 100

Total 500 100 The above table shows that none out of 500 (100%) employees gets recreation facility in the corporation. All of them use their own resources for recreation of their families.

Table 6.7 Facility of Co-operatives

S.No. Co-operatives Number of Percent

Respondents (%) 1. Established -- --

2. Not-established 500 100

Total 500 100 The table shows that total number of sample used i.e. 500 (100%) have responded that there is not a single co-operative established in the interest of employees in any depot.

Table 6.8 Facility Of Creche

S.No. Creche facility Number of Percent

Respondents (%) 1. Available -- --

2. Not available 5 100

Total 5 100 The table shows that the women employees complained for unavailability of the Creche Facility in the corporation while delivery leave is granted. (maximum 90 days)

Table 6.9 Provision For Leave Encashment

S.No. Leave encashment Number of Percent Respondents (%) 1. Provided 500 100

2. Not Provided -- --

Total 500 100 The above table shows that there is provision for leave encashment in the Corporation up to the maximum limit of 300 days at the time of retirement.

Table 6.10 Working Condition in U.P.S.R.T.C.

S.No. Working Condition Number of Percent

Respondents (%) 1. Excellent -- --

2. Good 150 30

3. Fair 300 60

4. Poor 50 10

Total 500 100 From the table 6.10 it is clear that 150 (30%) number of the employees in the sample are having the view that working condition of U.P.S.R.T.C. is satisfactory while 300 (60%) employees have the opinion that it is fair and only 50 (10%) number of the employees believe that the working condition inside the industry of U.P.S.R.T.C. is poor.

Table 6.11 Arrangement for Safety Measures

S.No. Safety measures Number of Percent

Responents (%) 1. Sufficient 250 50

2. Insufficient 250 50

Total 500 100 It is evident from the above table that 250 (50%) employees of the sample agree that they get sufficient safety measures while the remaining 250 (50%) are of the opinion that they get insufficient safety measures during the course of work. It is interesting to see that on this issue, the employees are exactly equally divided into two categories.

Table 6.12 Facility For Drinking Water

S.No. Drinking water facility Number of Percent

Respondents (%) 1. Available 500 100

2. Not available -- --

Total 500 100 It is clear from the table that all of the employees are of the opinion that facility for drinking water in every depot is available. Not even a single employee showed any kind of inconvenience in this regard.

Table 6.13 Means of Conveyance of the Employees

S.No. Means of conveyance Number of Percent

Respondents (%) 1. On foot 40 8

2. Bicycle, Bike, Scooter 200 40

3. Tempo 100 20

4. Bus 100 20

5. Jeep 50 10

6. Not definite 5 1

7. Silent 5 1

Total 500 100 From the table 6.13 it is clear that majority of the employees i.e. 200 number (40% of the sample) use bicycle, scooter and bike as the means of conveyance to reach their respective work place. Only 40 employees (i.e. 8% of the employees) go to their work place on foot. The number of employees who use tempo and bus services are 100 each (i.e. 20% of the sample) while 5 employees i.e. (1%) of the sample are not sure about their means of conveyance to their work place. Moreover, 5 employees (i.e. 1%) are silent about their means of conveyance. 50 employees (10% of the sample) use Jeep as the means of Conveyance for going to their work place.

Table 6.14 Incentive in Addition to Salary to Punctual Workers

S.No. Incentive Number of Percent

Respondents (%) 1. Provided -- --

2. Not provided 500 100

Total 500 100 It is evident that none of employees get any incentive in the corporation for Punctuality.

Table 6.15 Appointment of Welfare Officer

S.No. Welfare Officer Number of Percent

Responents (%)

1. Appointed -- --

2. Not Appointed 500 100

Total 500 100 It is clear from the table that welfare officer is not appointed in any region by the corporation.

Table 6.16 Arrangement For Washing, Keeping and Drying Of Clothes

S.No. Washing, Keeping, And Drying Number of Percent

of Clothes facility Respondents (%) 1. Available -- --

2. Not available 500 100

Total 500 100 The above table shows none of the 500 employees taken as sample get facility for washing, keeping and drying of the clothes in the corporation. All of them use their own resources for washing, keeping and drying of clothes.

Table 6.17 Facility For Latrine and Urine

S.No. Latrine and Urine Facility Number of Percent

Respondents (%) 1. Yes 500 100

2. No -- --

Total 500 100 It is clear from the table that every employees in the region gets facility for sanitation.

Table 6.18

Facility For Ambulance S.No. Ambulance facility Number of Percent Respondents (%) 1. Available 500 100

2. Not available -- --

Total 500 100 The table reveals that ambulance facility is available for employees.

Table 6.19 Scheme For Providing Artificial Parts

S.No. Artificial Parts Scheme Number of Percent Respondents (%) 1. Yes -- --

2. No 500 100

Total 500 100 In is clear from the above table that no provision is made in the Corporation to provide artificial parts to injured employees during the course of work.

Table 6.20 Arrangement For Hostel and Scholarship For Higher Education

S.No. Hostel and Scholarship Number of Percent

Facility Respondents (%) 1. Available -- --

2. Not available 500 100

Total 500 100

The above table shows that all the respondents of the sample stated that their children do not receive any scholarship for making payment of hostel fees and tuition fees.

Table 6.21 Arrangement For Training in Side Occupational/Professional

For Employees Going On Retirement S.No. Occupational/Professional Number of Percent

Training Respondents (%) 1. Yes -- --

2. No 500 100

Total 500 100 The above table shows that none, out of 500 employees used as sample i.e. 500 (100%) get Occupational/Professional Training going on retirement by the corporation.

Table 6.22 Arrangement for News Paper Reading Room

S.No. News Paper Reading Room Number of Percent

Facility Respondents (%) 1. Available -- --

2. Not available 500 100

Total 500 100 The table reveals that facility regarding news paper reading room is not available to the employees in the corporation.

Table 6.23 Arrangement For Adult Education

S.No. Adult Education facility Number of Percent

Respondents (%)

1. Yes -- --

2. No 500 100

Total 500 100 It is evident from table that no programme is conducted to educate adult illiterate employees of the corporation.

Table 6.24 Any Welfare work done by various employee unions

S.No. Welfare work by worker unions Number of Percent

Respondents (%) 1. little 500 100

2. Much -- --

Total 500 100 Above table reflects that every respondent of sample have responded that little. welfare work is done for their members by the employee’s unions for their members.

Table 6.25 Welfare work conducted by voluntary social service organizations

S.No. Welfare work by other social Number of Percent

service organizations Respondents (%) 1. Yes -- --

2. No 500 100

Total 500 100 The above table clearly shows that none of employees has responded that welfare work is done by any social service organizations. Suggestion of the Employees The different categories of employees of the corporation have suggested a number of measures for welfare measures in their establishment. In the light of the present welfare measures obtaining in the corporation. The following suggestions are remarkable for more welfare facilities.

1. 55.5% of employees suggest that good and strong leadership of the union can go a long way towards the healthy welfare facilities in the establishment.

2. Suggestion has also been made by 38%, employees for improving working conditions and that a complaint book should be maintained in each department or the section of the industry which should be open to any employee.

3. Majority of employees suggest for extending the sphere of welfare activities by corporation.

4. 55% of employees suggest that the work place should be made more attractive.

5. Majority of the employees in the sample advised that the efficient welfare officers should be appointed in every depot or region so that the welfare programmes may be implemented properly.

6. Majority of sampled employees want efficient welfare officers should be appointed in every depot or region that the welfare programmes may be implemented properly.

7. Majority of sampled employees gave suggestion regarding better provision for housing.

8. 75% of the employees were found of the opinion that there must be representation of different classes of employees in the management of the U.P.S.R.C.

9. 80% of employees think that the industrial relation and welfare department should play a more crucial role.

10. 90% of employees suggest for necessary uniforms and other appliances for safety should be made available to the employees for their proper functioning.

11. 56% of employees desire for better provision of recreational facilities.

12. 48% of employees suggest the need for better behaviours on the part of superior officers which would improve co-ordination and co-operation among the various sections.

13. About 20% of employees have emphasized the need for better

solidarity of employees. 14. Majority of the employees perceived that the reward system in

U.P.S.R.T.C. is affected by personal equation and it should be made more objective and transparent.

15. A vast Majority of employees have the opinion that adequate training

should be imparted to all employees to keep them update with the

latest developments in the area of their work. Step should be taken to

ensure sometime in every week is fixed for the employees not them

update to keep with the recent development but also to provide them

the platform to express their grievances and suggestions.

16. 26% of the employees ask for introducing of 'Yoga Theraphy' for

positive thinking and effective working in U.P.S.R.T.C.