Labor Day Final

By: Athina, Rachel and Pooja November 2007

Transcript of Labor Day Final

Page 1: Labor Day Final

By: Athina, Rachel and Pooja

November 2007

Page 2: Labor Day Final

In the 1733 machines were invented. Big businesses made workers work 7 days a week. The workers were not happy about this and complained. These workers got fired. The factory owners didn’t care much knowing that they can hire more workers. The fired workers blocked the factory doors not letting them in. In 1882 a man named Peter Maguire said their should be a holiday that honor America’s workers and to take a day off. Then in 1892 congress decided that Labor Day is an official holiday.

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People celebrate a holiday on the first Monday of September called Labor Day. On Labor Day people have parades and speeches by political figures. They also have celebrations in many cities. The day is marked by parades with hard working people representing and marking the labor day unions. Long ago people worked on farms and grew crops. They did their work very slow. Now a days people use machines and work gets done more faster, but is still a lot of work.

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American Holidays Labor Day. About The USA . 18 Oct. 2007 <>.

Ansary, Mir T. Labor Day. Chicago: Heninemann Library , 1999.