Lab Manual New

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  • 8/11/2019 Lab Manual New


    EI 1354-Industrial Instrumentation Lab



    To form a calibration chart for determining the water flow in the pipe using orifice plate.


    Orifice is a small opening of an cross section such as circular! triangular! rectangular!rectangular etc.! and orifice plate is a circular plate! which has a circular sharp edged orifice at

    its center through which a fluid is flowing. It is concentric with pipe. "enerall the orifice

    diameter is #ept $.5 times the pipe diameter.


    %hen a li&uid is flowing through an orifice plate! it increases the 'elocit of water and

    thus the #inetic energ. The difference of head before the orifice plate and after orifice plate can

    be calibrated to measure discharge.


    The water is pumped to pass through orifice plate( the difference in head between

    before and after the orifice is measured. The coefficient of discharge for the orifice plate can be

    calculated using actual flow measurement. The calibration chart to determine the discharge for

    different head difference can be formed.

    App#r#t$" re%$ire&:

    )top watch! measuring tape.


    Theoretical discharge through the pipe!


    aaQth *








    +th- Theoretical discharge through pipe! m3,s

    a1- rea of cross section of the pipe! m*

    a$- rea of cross section of the orifice! m*

    h - ead difference between the inlet and outlet of the orifice! m of *O

    ctual discharge through pipe!

    +act / area of the tan# 0 water le'el raise in the tan#

    / lb,t


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    EI 1354-Industrial Instrumentation Lab

    +act - actual discharge through pipe! m3,s

    l - Length of the tan#! m ( b - breadth of the tan#! m

    - %ater le'el rise in the tan#! m! t - time ta#en for 1$cm raise of water

    2o-efficient of discharge for orifice meter! cd / +act , +th

    Proe&$re:)witch on the pump allow the water to flow through the pipe for flow measurement

    using orifice meter test rig.

    Open the #nobs for - tube manometer to measure the head difference at orifice plate

    in the pipe.

    "raduall open the 'al'e and allow the maimum water flow in pipe.

    6a#e the obser'ation for 'arious flow rates b graduall closing the 'al'e.


    ctual ischarge! +act / m3,sec

    Theoretical ischarge. +th/ m3,sec

    2o-efficient of ischarge! 2d /


    iameter of the pipe! d1 / m

    Orifice diameter! d$ / m

    Length of the collecting tan#! l / m

    7readth of the collecting tan#! b / m


    Rot# meter M#nometer re#&in) *m+ Time t#,en for 10 ri"e of -#ter !e(e! in

    o!!etor t#n,

    . 1


    . /


    .12./ *m+


    +act 's. +th

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    EI 1354-Industrial Instrumentation Lab

    Mo&e! #!$!#tion:

    1. ead difference at the orifice plate! h / m of *O

    *. Theoretical discharge! +th / a1 ao

    )&uare root 8a1*-a$*9

    3. ctual discharge! +act / area of the tan# 0 water le'el raise in the tan#

    / lb,t

    / d*,4

    3. :rom graph!

    +th / m3,s +act / m3,s

    cd /+th , +act

    T#'$!#r o!$mn:

    For #!i'r#tion .#rt:

    ead difference at

    orifice plate

    h m34"T.eoreti#!


    5t. m3,sDi".#r)e 5 &6 5t. m3,s


    Thus a calibration chart for determining the water flow in the pipe using Orifice

    plate was formed.

    7i(# 5$e"tion"

    1) What are the diferent types o orice? Concentric orice Eccentric

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    Segmental Quadrant edge

    2) Dene concentric orice? t has a circular hole in the middle and is installed in the pipe line !ith thehole concentric to

    the pipe" ts thic#ness depends upon pipe line si$e"

    %) Dene eccentric? t is installed in !ith the &ore tangential to the upper surace o the pipe' itis used !here the li(uid contains a relatiely high * o dissoled gases"

    +) Dene segmental?ts hole diameter is ,-* o pipe diameter" t is installed !ith a cured

    section o the opening Coincident !ith the lo!er surace o the pipe"

    .) /ist the adantages o the orice plate 0sed in !ide range o pipe si$es 0sed !ith pressure diferential deice" aila&le in many materials

    ) /ist the disadantages o the orice plate 3igh permanent pressure loss 4educes the use in slurry serices ccuracy depends on the care during installation" t has the s(uare root characteristics"

    5) What is the diferent tapping o orice? 6lange tape 7ipe tape 8enacontracta tape

    Expt: 0/ C#!i'r#tion of Pre""$re G#$)e

    Aim: To calibrate the gi'en pressure gauge using dead weight pressure gauge tester and

    to draw the error cur'e and the periodic cur'e.

    App#r#t$" re%$ire&:

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    EI 1354-Industrial Instrumentation Lab

    Eperimental set up

    ead weights

    ;ressure gauge

    Form$!# Re%$ire&:





    ead weight piston gauge is used for the measurement of higher stead pressures and

    for chec#ing elastic diaphragms or bourdon tpe of gauge. In the practical form! it is often used

    as a standard of pressure measurement. In this tpe of instrument! the force produced on the

    piston of #nown area is measured directl b the weight it will support.

    Con"tr$tion #n& -or,in):

    It consists of a 'er accuratel machined base and finished piston! which is inserted intoa close fitting clinder. The cross sectional area of both the piston and the clinder are #nown.

    t the top of the piston is pro'ided a platform on which the standard weight of #nown

    accurac can be placed. n oil reser'oir with the chec# 'al'e at its bottom is also pro'ided.

    displacement pump on its upward stro#e can suc# the oil from the reser'oir.

    :or calibration purpose! first a #nown calculated weight is placed on the platform and

    the fluid pressure is applied on the other end of the piston until enough force is de'eloped to

    lift the piston weight combination and the piston floats freel within the clinder between the

    limit stops. The error in the dead weight tester is less than $ ?ange> 1 to @$ #g, cm* in steps of $.* #g,cm*.

    Proe&$re:Settin) $p:

    ;lace the tester on the rigid table in the instrument room. irect ras of the sun should

    be a'oided. The instrument should not be near the furnace or in a hot area. ust is

    'er harmful to the instrument.

    2lean the instrument with the soft cloth! especiall the top region of the free piston.

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    2hec# the free mo'ement of the piston b mo'ing it up and down b hand. The feel of

    dust in the piston should not be there. lso chec# free rotation of the screw pump

    handle and both the 'al'es.

    a. Install Le'eling screws with loc# nuts and base pads.

    i. Install weight carrier on the free pistonii. Install the screw pump handle rods with #nobs

    iii. Install wheel of the release 'al'e. 8If pac#ed separatel9

    i'. Install Oil reser'oir on the reser'oir bloc#

    ;lace the spirit le'el on the weight carrier and adAusts b means of the le'eling screws

    and loc# the le'eling screws b tightening loc# nuts on to the legs. If the tester is not

    mo'ed! le'eling needs to be chec#ed onl periodicall.


    ;our a clean mineral oil to approimatel two third of the capacit of the reser'oir.

    a. Open release 'al'e

    b. Turn screw pump handle cloc#wise full to epel some air from the sstem! which

    will bubble out in the oil cap. Turn the handle anti cloc#wise full to draw in oil to the


    c. ?epeat cloc#wise, anticloc#wise turning of the handle a number of times until no

    7ubbles appear in the oil cup! finall draw in oil.

    d. ?emo'e blan#ing plug from the union connector.

    e. Open the gauge 'al'e

    f. Turn the screw pump cloc#wise slowl. ntil oil slows at the union connector.

    g. raw in oil full and close the release 'al'e.


    ;lace the necessar weight on the weight carrier so that sum of the pressure 'al'es

    of the carrier and weights loaded is e&ual to the first reading to be ta#en.

    )lowl turn screw pump cloc#wise. This will build up pressure in the circuit! which

    after a few turns will show on the pressure gauge.

    ?otate the weights with carrier b hand to reduce the effect of friction in the free

    piston. 2ontinue it until the free piston rises up. The piston can rise a BCCmore

    before the internal loc# stops further mo'ement.

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    Tap the gauge b the finger to eliminate the friction.

    ;rogressi'el load weights in the desired step on the weight carrier and ta#e

    reading at each point.

    fter the maimum reading has been ta#en! ta#e readings for decreasing pressure at

    the same points as before.T#'$!#tion:

    ).=o ead weight 8#g,cm*9 ;ressure gauge 8#g,cm9 < Error

    Mo&e! C#!$!#tion:





    Mo&e! Gr#p.:


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    Thus the gi'en pressure gauge using dead weight pressure gauge tester was calibrated

    and graph for error and linearit cur'e were drawn.

    7i(# 5$e"tion"

    1) What is the unction o a dead !eight tester? Dead !eight tester is used to cali&rate &ourdon gauges "t is used as ameasuring deice and also as a cali&ration method"

    2) What are the uses o Dead !eight 9ester?

    t is used to measurement o higher steady pressures' and or chec#ingthe diaphragm

    or &ourdon type o gauge"

    Expt: 03 C#!i'r#tion of Temper#t$re *T.ermoo$p!e+

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    EI 1354-Industrial Instrumentation Lab


    To calibrate the thermocouple using thermometer and to stud the characteristics of


    App#r#t$" Re%$ire&:

    O= - O:: 2ontrol )et upT.eor8:

    The wor#ing principle of the thermocouple depends on the thermo electric effect. If

    two dissimilar metals are Aoined together so as to form a closed circuit! there will be two

    Aunctions where the meet each other. If one of these Aunctions is heated! then a current flows

    in the circuit! which can be detected b a gal'anometer. The amount of current produces

    depends on the difference in temperature between the two Aunctions and on the characteristics

    of two metals. This was first obser'ed b see bec# in 1*1 and is #nown as see bac# effect

    To protect the thermocouples from harmful temperature! corrosi'e fluid! mechanical

    damage to support the thermocouples or to permit entr into the pressuriFed sstem!

    protecting tubes or wells are supplied. These tend to reduce the speed of response of the

    thermocouple! so small mass thin wall or needle tpe installations are supplied where feasible.

    isposable tip thermocouples are supplied in furnace applications

    Thermocouples are not limited to single point measurement. The can be connected in parallel

    to pro'ide the a'erage temperature in a sstem. The can also be used to measure the

    difference between the two temperatures. Two separate measuring instruments with proper

    precautions can utiliFe a single thermocouple. 7ased on the possible combinations of metals!

    there are large numbers of thermocouples a'ailable.

    E/ 8T - T$9 G8 T*- T$*9


    E/ thermo electric E6: in Holts

    T - bsolute temperature in hot Aunction

    T$ - bsolute temperature of cold Aunction

    and are constants

    C#!i'r#tion of T.ermoo$p!e:

    Thermocouple is calibrated b comparing its response with a standard thermometer

    at the same temperature. The standard thermometer ma be another thermocouple a platinum

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    resistance thermometer. )e'eral suitable calibration methods ha'e been de'eloped. n optical

    prometer is used to calibrate thermocouple for temperatures abo'e $$2. In this case the

    thermocouple is first placed in a furnace. The furnace is heated to a different temperature. The

    response of the thermocouple is compared to the optical prometer reading.


    To fin& t.e .#r#teri"ti" of T.ermoo$p!e:

    2onnect the thermocouple sensor to the soc#ets in the #it mar#ed sensor

    2onnect the heat source to the 5 pin soc#et pro'ided on the bac#side of the control


    Insert the sensor and the thermometer through the top plate of the heat source bo

    )witch on 2 **$ H suppl to the control unit.

    Jeep the miniature toggle switch in down position

    dAust the #nob of the controller to full cloc#wise direction! i.e :ull )cale 2

    Holtage is applied to the heat source

    ?ecord the sensor output in milli 'olts along with the corresponding temperature

    Tabulate the reading and plot the graph.

    Temperature in 2 along 0 ais and sensor output in milli'olts along K ais is


    To me#"$re t.e temper#t$re:

    Jeep the miniature toggle switch in down position

    6onitor the temperature in the digital panel meter and the temperature recorded b

    the mercur thermometer.

    Tabulate the readings and plot the graph.

    T#'$!#r Co!$mn

    ).=o Indicated Halue 829 ctual Halue


    )ensor o,p


    < Error

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    < Error / 8ctual 'alue M Indicated Halue9 , ctual Halue


    M E T A L A

    M E T A L B

    H O T

    J U N C T I O N

    C O L D

    J U N C T I O N

    T R A N S M I T T E R D I S P L A Y

    M O T O R

    H E A T E RT H E R M O C O U P L E

    Mo&e! )r#p.:

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    Thus! the temperature of the hot Aunction was measured b using thermocouple and theperformance characteristics were drawn.

    7i(# 5$e"tion"

    19 %hat is Thermal 2oefficient of ?esistanceN The change in resistance of a semiconductor per unit change in temperature o'er a specific range of temperature.

    *9 %hat is Thermal 2onducti'itN The abilit of a material to conduct heat in the form of thermal energ.

    39 %hat is a ThermistorN temperature-sensing element composed of sintered semiconductor material which ehibits a large change in resistance proportional to a small change in temperature. thermistors usuall ha'e negati'e temperature coefficients.

    49 %hat is a ThermocoupleN The Aunction of two dissimilar metals which has a 'oltage output proportional to the

    difference in temperature between the hot Aunction and the lead wires 8cold:unction)

    .) Dene temperature?

    9he temperature o a su&stance is a measure o hotness or coldness othat su&stance"

    ) Write some methods o measurement o temperature?

    E;pansion 9hermometer"

    6illed system 9hermometer"

    Electrical 9hermometer"


    Expt: 09 Tor%$e Me#"$rement

    Aim: To determine the tor&ue de'eloped in the circular shaft

    App#r#t$" Re%$ire&:

    igital tor&ue indicator

    ?ectangular bo


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    mNdfT s = 3



    T- Tor&ue of the shaft =- m

    :s-shear stress =,m*

    d- iameter of the shaft 8m9




    %here g - cceleration due to gra'it 8.m,sec*9

    d - iameter of the shaft 85.3@1$-*m9

    l - Length of the shaft 8.5 1$-*m9


    The rotor shaft arrangement is connected to the digital tor&ue indicator

    ppl a #nown weight of #ilogram to cantile'er beam.

    The load is increased in steps and corresponding angle of twist and tor&ue are


    7 using the formula! tor&ue is calculated.

    Indicated tor&ue and calculated tor&ue are tabulated and the errors are found.

    the graphs are drawn between #+%eight and tor&ue '%eight and deflection

    Mo&e! C#!$!#tion: rvedTorqueObse








    == *1D


    T#'$!#r o!$mn:

    SNo App!ie&






    An)!e of


  • 8/11/2019 Lab Manual New


    EI 1354-Industrial Instrumentation Lab

    Re"$!t: Thus the tor&ue was de'eloped in the circular shaft.

    7i(# 5$e"tion"

    1) Dene tor(ue" 9or(ue is dened as the orce !hich tends to change the linear motionor rotation

    o a &ody"

    2) What is the other name or inline stationary tor(ue sensor? 4elatie regular t!ist tor(ue sensor

    %) What are the types o tor(ue transducer?i) nline rotating tor(ue sensor ii) nline stationary tor(ue sensoriii)

  • 8/11/2019 Lab Manual New


    EI 1354-Industrial Instrumentation Lab

    Jinematic 'iscosit is ratio between absolute 'iscosit and densit of the fluid.

    Hiscosit is the measure of flow abilit at the definite temperature. Two parallel plates

    separated b an oil film of thic#ness as illustrate understand the concept. The lowest plate is

    stationar where as the upper plate is mo'ing with 'elocit ' as it is being pushed b a force 8f9

    is shown. ue to 'iscosit of oil adheres to both surfaces. The 'elocit of laer of fluid is incontact with the lower plate is Fero at the 'elocit 'C. The conse&uence is linearl 'aring

    'elocit profile whose slope is ',g.

    The absolute 'iscosit of the oil can be represent mathematicall b




    oil!hearstres sin=

    and the pneumatic 'iscosit is gi'en b

    sec9,8 *cmv ==

    Form$!#: Jinematic 'iscosit


    1@*D.* =


    %here t / time ta#en for oil to fill 5$ 22


    The redwood 'iscometer consists of a clindrical co'er with the safe set the center of

    its base can be closed b a ball 'al'e resting in hemispherical cabins forms on it. manometer

    holder is pro'ided for #eeping thermometer. The cup is placed in the bath! which can be heated

    electricall. stirrer is pro'ided to maintain uniform temperature.


    Ensure the apparatus and the flas#s are maintained clean. 7efore starting! place the

    5$22 measuring flas# under the set to permit the flow of steam of oil. %hen necessar insert

    the two thermometers! one in the bath and the other in the oil. 2are should be ta#en to see that

    the bulb of the thermometer doesnCt ta#e the metal surface. :ill the oil cup and heat the water

    bath. )tirring is done to ensure uniform heat distribution when desired temperature is obtained.

    stopwatch is started simultaneousl so as to note down the time ta#en b the oil for 5$ 22

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    :las#. The eperiment is repeated for 'arious temperatures. The readings are tabulated and the

    #inematic 'iscosit is calculated. The re&uired graph is drawn and the characteristics are noted.

    T#'$!#r o!$mn:

    SNo Temper#t$re829 Time*Se+ 7i"o"it8*C"+

    Mo&e! C#!$!#tion:



    1@*D.* =

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    T1 T H E R M O C O U P L E

    W A T E R

    5 0 C C

    B E A K E R

    S T I R R E R

    Mo&e! )r#p.:


    Thus the gi'en #inematic 'iscosit of gi'en sample oil is determined and the graph

    between 'iscosit and temperature is plotted

    7i(# 5$e"tion"

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    1) Dene iscosity" t is the property o the @uid !hich gies the resistance to the @o!"

    2) What are the units o density? AgBm% or gmBlitre or gmBml 7ascal or 1S>2 or 1#gm>1 or poise

    %) What are the diferent types o iscometer?

    Say &olt iscometer

    4ota meter type

    Consistency meters"

    +) E;plain the principle o say &olt iscometer" s the iscosity o the @uid aries' the @o! rate and hence time ta#en todrain the @uid through the capillary tu&e aries" 9he time indicates the iscosity and isdenoted &y

    say &olt num&er"HI)2O)ITK

    :luid propert! which influences the fluid motion to a great etent

    7 #nowing the 'iscosit of a fluid! the fluid flow analsis can be carried out

    :inds applications especiall in lubrication and combustion phenomena

    2haracteristic of a fluid that has an important impact on siFing e&uipment and pipes

    measure of fluid resistance to flow when pressure is applied to it.

    measure of the fluidit of the li&uid or gas

    Temperature dependent

    Jnowledge of 'iscosit is necessar for the estimation of the re&uired temperatures forstorage! pumping and inAection.

    Expt: > ECG An#!8?er

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    To trace the E2" wa'eform and measure the 'arious time inter'al and amplitude of

    E2" wa'eform to ma#e a diagnosis.

    App#r#t$" Re%$ire&:

    1. E2" setup bo*. 2ard Aell! cotton3. 2?O4. "raph


    The maAor tas# facing an e'aluator is that of presenting the reference signals to thede'ice under test! and collecting annotation files from the de'ice. The details of this tas# will'ar for each de'ice. second tas# that of obtaining reference heart rate measurements shouldbe a much simpler Aob. Once all of this information has been gathered! the remaining wor#re&uired -- that of comparing the de'icePs analsis against the QQgold standardPP -- can beperformed automaticall.

    T#'$!#r o!$mn:

    N#me of t.e -#(e Amp!it$&e D$r#tion






    2onnect the leads appropriatel

    Trace the wa'eform

    :ind the time inter'al of ;+!+?) comple!)T inter'al T inter'al

    6easure the amplitude of ; wa'e!T %a'es inter'al ! wa'e


    Thus the E2" wa'e form and the 'arious time inter'als! amplitude of E2" wa'eform were


    Expt : 0@ U727i"i'!e "petrop.otometer


    To determine the percentage absorption and percentage transmission of solution based

    on 7eerCs LambertCs law.

    App#r#t$" Re%$ire&:

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    %ater of 1$mm ;ath length


    Prinip!e of oper#tion:

    This spectrometer wor#s on the principle based on beer LambertCs law. %hen light fallsupon homogenous medium and the remainder is transmitted if the intensit of the incident light

    is epressed b Io that of the absorbed light b Ia! that of the transmitted light b It ! and that

    of the reflected light b Ir .


    Io / Ia G It G Ir

    It is usuall eliminated b the uses of comparison cells! as it is mere 4 < onl.

    Io / Ia G Ir

    s per LambertCs law! when monochromatic light passes through a transparent medium of

    thic#ness I! It and # is constant for the wa'elength and the absorbing medium.

    It / Ioe-#

    %here Io is the intensit of the incident light falling upon an absorbing medium of thic#ness I!

    It is the intensit of the transmitted light and # is the constant for the wa'elength and the

    absorbing medium used.

    It / Io 1$-$.4343JR / Io1$-JR

    %here # / # , *.3$*D! and is usuall termed bsorption 2oefficient. "enerall described as

    the reciprocal of the thic#ness re&uired to reduce the light to 1,1$ of its intensit. The ratio of

    It , Io is the fraction of the incident light transmitted b the thic#ness I of the medium and

    termed as transmittance. bsorbance of the medium 8 called the optical densit 9 is gi'en b

    / Log 8Io , It 9


    The mainl comprises of light source of monochromator! ;hotodiode! processing electronics

    and read out. Light from the tungsten filament halogen lamp is focused on to the entrance slit

    b condensating optics. The light from the slit is collimated 'arious wa'elength are scanned b

    rotating the grating mountings. The monochromatic light isolated b eit slit! passes through

    blan# standard 8or9 sample 8held in a cu'ette9 and the transmitted light falls on the photo diode.

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    The output signal from the photo diode is amplified processed read to percentage transmit 8

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    ).=o 2oncentration 8=9 bsorbance 8

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    1$$ml bea#er

    6icro burette

    2l! =aO )olution

    Titration flas#



    ll p meters ha'e pro'isions for standardiFation the glass electrode in the buffer

    solution of #nown p. This is necessar because different electrodes ha'e different asmmetr

    potentials. Once the adAustments has been made! so that meter registers the #nown p of the

    buffer solution! the instrument gi'es the p of the other solution without an calculation

    6easurement of p is also emploed to monitor the course of acid base titrations. The

    p 'alues of the solution at different stages of acid base neutraliFation are determined and are

    plotted against the 'olumes of the acid al#ali added. On adding a base to the acid! the p rises

    slowl in the initial stages.




    then it changes rapidl at the end point. Then it flattens out. The end point of the titrations can

    be detected where the p ranges more rapidl. owe'er the shape of the infleion point 8i.e.

    where the p ranges abruptl9 an smmetr of the cur'e on its two sides! depends on the

    ionisabilit of the acid and the acidit of the base.


    St#nr&i?#tion of t.e in"tr$ment:

    )witch on the instrument! wait for 1$ -15 mts! so that it gets warmed up.

    ;repare the buffer solution ha'ing p / 4 and p / . These can also be

    prepared in the laborator. $.$5 6 solution potassium hdrogen thalate gates a

    buffer solution of p 4.$$ at *5S2! $.$16 solution of bora gi'es a buffer

    solution of p .1 at *5S2. %ash the calomel and glass electrode with distilled water.

    Ta#e the buffer solution 8p / 49 in a clean glass and a polthene bea#er. Lower

    the electrodes so that the are immersed in the solution to a depth of about one


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    6easure the temperature of the solution b a thermometer and set temperature

    compensate control to this 'alue.

    )et the selector switch to @ p eactl b a set Fero control.

    ;ut bac# the selector to Fero control. %ash the electrodes with distilled water

    and standardiFe the p meter b using the buffer solution of p /. )ame procedures described abo'e are followed ecept now the selector switch

    is put to a p range of @ - 14.

    Proe&$re for p metri titr#tion":

    )tandardiFe the p meter as described abo'e

    2lean the electrodes b distilled water and wipe them with tissue paper or filter


    Ta#e *5 ml of 2l solution in a 1$$ ml bea#er and immerse the electrodes

    )et up the burette containing standard =aO solution

    6easure the temperature of the solution and set the temperature

    compensate to this 'alue.

    ;ut the selector to the epected p range. This reading shown on the scale

    of the meter is the p 'alue of the un#nown solution.

    dd =aO generall from the burette $.5 ml at a time. =ote the corresponding

    'alue from the meter. =ear the end point and 'er small of =aO as

    possible because the change in p will be 'er much appreciable because

    when the acid is neutraliFed! further addition of such small amount as $.$1

    ml rises the p to about to 1$.

    ;ut the selector to the Fero position after p measurement and before remo'ing

    the electrodes from solution! lea'e the selector in the Fero position when not

    in use.

    ;lot the graph between p and 'olume of =aO re&uired for the complete

    neutraliFation of 2l

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    Thus the buffer is preferred and p 'alue of the solution is measured.

    Expt: 0B Le(e! Me#"$rement $"in) Differenti#! Pre""$re Tr#n"mitter


    To measure the le'el using differential pressure transmitter

    App#r#t$" Re%$ire&:

    Eperimental set up ;T

    mmeter 8$- *$ m9


    Le'el measurement trainer is an eclusi'e unit for measuring the le'el b using

    differential pressure transmitter 8;T9 i.e. the le'el of the tan# is measured b determining the

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    EI 1354-Industrial Instrumentation Lab

    pressure at the bottom of the tan#. ;ressure at the bottom of the tan# depends on three

    parameters namel! fluid! fluid densit! acceleration due to gra'it. %here ; - pressure at the


    - height of the fluid from the sensor

    - densit of the fluidCg - acceleration due to gra'it

    ;ressure at the bottom of the tan# is the function of height. ence from the pressure at the

    bottom the le'el can be calculated.

    To measure the different in pressure! ;T is used as the name indicates it gi'es the

    current output depending upon the difference in pressure. 7asicall ;T is compound of

    mechanical arrangements li#e diaphragm or bellow to determine the differential pressure. The

    mechanical position are then con'erted to electrical &uantit thereb output is proportional to

    the differential pressure. In smart ;Ts micro controller is used for accurate and reliable



    The water is pumped from the reser'oir to the process tan#. The le'el of the water in

    the process tan# has its own pressure at the bottom. The high end of ;T is connected to the

    bottom of the tan# and the lower end is #ept open to the atmosphere. ence the ;T output

    depends on the absolute pressure at the bottom of the tan#. The ;T is calibrated in such a

    wa that for the le'el of Fero mm the ;T output is 4m 2urrent and for le'el of 5$$mm! The

    ;T output is *$m 2urrent. The ;T output can be measured b connecting ammeter in

    series 3 U displa shows. The le'el of process tan# is directl in mm.


    Ensure the a'ailabilit of water is reser'oir tan#

    Initiall H* is full closed and H1 is full opened. 2onnect the multimeter across

    the ;T output

    )witch On the power and set the speed of pup! b adAusting the control #nob

    8Hariable )peed9

    %hen the water has reached sufficient height switch Off the pump

    =ote the 'alue of current and le'el in displa

    ?educe the le'el b adAusting the hand 'al'e 8H*9

    ?epeat step 5 and D and tabulate the result

    ;lot le'el Hs current output

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    2alculate instrument Error

    T#'$!#r Co!$mn:

    ).=o ctual le'el






    Le'el 8mm9

    < Error

    Mo&e! Gr#p.:

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    Thus the le'el of the tan# was measured using ifferential pressure transmitter.

    7i(# 5$e"tion"

    epartment of Instrumentation and 2ontrol Engineering *

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    EI 1354-Industrial Instrumentation Lab

    1) What is 4ota meter? t is an e;ample o aria&le area @o! meter" When @uid enters loppedmoes rom the &ottom to top" Distance is proportional to the @o! rate"

    2) /ist the direct leel measuring methods"

    6loat type leel indicator

    Displacer type detector

    Sight glass type"

    %)) /ist the indirect leel measuring methods"

    3ydrostatic measurement

    ir purge system

    oiler drum system"

    +) What are the adantages o sight glass leel instrument?

    Direct reading is possi&le"

    Special designs are aaila&le" Flass less deices is aaila&le in numerous material or corrosion


    .) What are the adantages o displacer leel instrument? 3igh accuracy

    4elia&le to clean li(uids

    ounted internally or e;ternally

    dapta&le to li(uid interace measurement"

    epartment of Instrumentation and 2ontrol Engineering *

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    Expt:10 Me#"$rement of p$!"e r#te4re"pir#tion r#te


    To measure the pulse rate of a human bod

    App#r#t$" Re%$ire&:

    utomatic wrist blood pressure monitor #it


    The rate at which our heart beats. Kour pulse is usuall called our heart rate! which isthe number of times our heart beats each minute 8bpm9. owe'er! the rhthm and strength ofthe heartbeat can also be noted! as well as whether the blood 'essel feels hard or soft. 2hangesin our heart rate or rhthm! a wea# pulse! or a hard blood 'essel ma be caused b heartdisease or another problem.s our heart pumps blood through our bod! ou can feel apulsing in some of the blood 'essels close to the s#inPs surface! such as our wrist! nec#! orupper arm. 2ounting our pulse rate is a simple wa to find out how fast our heart is beating.

    Reor&e& '!oo& pre""$re "8"to!i 4 Di#"to!iNorm#! '!oo& pre""$re 1/040 mm)

    Aepte& norm#! #&$!t r#n)e:

    C#te)or8 S8"to!i Di#"to!i Reommen&e& f!o- $p

    =ormal V1*$ V$ ?echec# in * rs

    igh normal 1*$-13 $- ?echec# in 1 r

    )tage 1 14$-15 $- 2onfirm with in * wee#s

    )tage * 1D$-1@ 1$$-1$ ?efer for additional care

    )tage 3 W1$ W11$ ?efer for additional care


    T#'$!#r o!$mn:

    A)e C#te)or8 S8"to!i




    P$!"e r#te Con&ition


    ;lace the wrist cuff on the left wrist with our thumb pointing up

    old the bottom part of the cuff and wrap it around the wrist pulling

    Ta#e the readinga9sstolic b9 diastolic pressure of different patient are tabulated

    Tabulate the pulse rate of the patient

    epartment of Instrumentation and 2ontrol Engineering 3$

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    Thus the pulse rate and respirator rate was measured

    Expt: 1/ Con&$ti(it8 Te"t


    To measure the conducti'it of the test solution.

    App#r#t$" Re%$ire&:

    2onducti'it bridge

    Test )olutions

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    ;ower )uppl


    In conductometric titration! the changes in e&ui'alent conductance of an electrolte b

    the addition of another electrolte 8titrant9 are measure. The addition of =aO to 2l acid

    causes the change in the e&ui'alent conductance of the acid.cid solution is pipetted out into a bea#er of =aO solution of #nown strength

    is added from the burette. The changes in the conductance of acid after each addition of 1ml of

    =aO is measured.

    The 'alues of conductance corresponding to the 'arious increment of the titrant are

    plotted against the 'olume of the titrant. The plot consists of two lines! which interest at a

    particular point! #nown as the e&ui'alent point.

    :rom the 'alue! the amount of acid present in the gi'en solution is calculated.


    The conducti'it meter is warmed up to 1$ mts. The gi'en 2l acid solution is made

    up to 1$$ml in the standard measuring flas#. *$ml of the made up acid solution is pipetted out

    into the clean bea#er and 1$$ml of distilled water is also added to enable. The conducti'it cell

    to immerse well in the cell. The solution in the bea#er b a magnetic stirrer or glass rod.

    The burette is filled with standard sodium hdroide solution b following usual

    precautions and incorporated into the bea#er containing the 2L acid.

    The conducti'it cell in the bea#er containing the acid. The initial conductance of the

    acid is noted. =aO solution from the burette is added at the rate of 1 ml at a time! stirred for

    3$ sec and conductance is measured. The 'alues of conductance are getting decreased after

    each addition of titrant. fter reaching the e&ui'alent point! the conductance 'alue gets

    increased. =ear the e&ui'alent point! =aO solution is added at the rate of $.1 ml at a time!

    stirred for 3$ sec and the 'olume of the solution added and the corresponding conductance

    'alues are noted. dditional =aO solution is continued until the e&ui'alent point is crossed b

    at least 1 ml. graph is drawn b ta#ing conductance in ordinate K ais and the 'olume of the

    burette solution is obcissa 80 ais. smooth cur'e is drawn b lin#ing the points. The point of

    intersection of that is noted and plotted to the 'olume scale which is the end point of the

    titration. :rom this 'alue the amount of the sodium hdroide present in the gi'en solution is



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    ).=o mount of =aO 8ml9 2onducti'it of )olution

    8Xmho 1$49

    Mo&e! )r#p.:


    Thus the conducti'it of the test solution was measured.