Lab Activity 11: Group I

Lab Activity 11: Group I Muscles Martini Chapter 11 Portland Community College BI 231


Lab Activity 11: Group I. Muscles Martini Chapter 11. Portland Community College BI 231. Origin and Insertion. Origin: The place where the fixed end attaches to a bone, cartilage, or connective tissue. Insertion: The site where the movable end attaches to another structure. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Lab Activity 11: Group I

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Lab Activity 11: Group I

MusclesMartini Chapter 11

Portland Community CollegeBI 231

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Origin and Insertion

• Origin: The place where the fixed end attaches to a bone, cartilage, or connective tissue.

• Insertion: The site where the movable end attaches to another structure.

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Muscles of facial Expression

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frontalis • Frontal belly• Action: Elevates

eyebrows and wrinkles skin of forehead

• Origin: Epicranial aponeurosis

• Insertion: skin of eyebrow and bridge of nose

Epicranial Aponeurosis

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• Occipital belly• Action: Pulls scalp

posteriorly; wrinkles skin on posterior surface of neck

• Origin: Superior nuchal line on occipital bone

• Insertion: Epicranial aponeurosis (Galea aponeurotica)

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• Action: Compresses nostrils, dilates nostrils

• Origin: Maxillary bone and cartilage of nose

• Insertion: Bridge of nose


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Orbicularis Oculi • Action: Closes eyelids;

acts during squinting and blinking

• Origin: Medial aspect of bony orbit

• Insertion: skin around eyelids

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Orbicularis Oris • Action: Closes and

purses lips as in speaking, kissing and whistling

• Origin: Maxillary bone; mandible

• Insertion: lips

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• Action: Elevates corner of mouth

• Origin: Zygomatic bone• Insertion: Angle of


Zygomaticus Major

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Zygomaticus minor• Action: Raises upper

lip.• Origin: Zygomatic

bone• Insertion: Upper lip


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• Action: Protrudes lower lip; wrinkles skin on chin

• Origin: Anterior surface of mandible

• Insertion: skin of chin


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Risorius• Action: Draws corner

of mouth laterally• Origin: fascia of

masseter• Insertion: corner of



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Muscles of Mastication


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Masseter • Action: Elevates

mandible to close jaw; protrudes mandible

• Origin: Zygomatic arch

• Insertion: lateral surface of the mandibular ramus

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Temporalis • Action: Elevates

and retracts mandible to close jaw

• Origin: Temporal bone

• Insertion: coronoid process of mandible

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• Action: Flexion and lateral flexion of neck; rotates head so that face is turned superiorly and to the opposite side.

• Origin: Manubrium; medial third of clavicle

• Insertion: Mastoid process


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• Action: Depresses and retracts hyoid bone

• Superior belly• Origin: Clavicle and first rib• Insertion: hyoid bone • Inferior belly• Origin: superior margin of

scapula• Insertion: clavicle and first



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Thyrohyoid• Action: Depresses

hyoid bone; elevates larynx

• Origin: thyroid cartilage of larynx

• Insertion: hyoid bone


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• Action: Depresses larynx and hyoid bone during swallowing.

• Origin: Manubrium• Insertion: Hyoid bone


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Stylohyoid• Action: Elevates and

retracts hyoid bone during swallowing and speaking

• Origin: Styloid process of temporal bone

• Insertion: hyoid bone


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• Action: Elevates hyoid bone and floor of mouth during swallowing and speaking

• Origin: Inferior margin of mandible

• Insertion: Hyoid bone


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• Action: Elevates hyoid bone and base of tongue, depresses mandible

• Origin: inferior margin of mandible

• Insertion: Hyoid bone

DigastricAnterior Belly

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• Action: Moves hyoid bone back

• Origin: mastoid process• Insertion: Hyoid bone

DigastricPosterior Belly

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• Action: Laterally flexes of neck

• Elevates rib 1 during forced inspiration

• Origin: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae.

• Insertion: 1st rib


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• Action: Lateral flexion of neck

• Elevates rib 1 during forced inspiration

• Origin: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae.

• Insertion: 1st rib


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• Action: Elevates 2nd rib,

• Elevates rib 2 during forced inspiration

• Origin: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae.

• Insertion: 2nd rib


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• Action: Elevates scapula and inferior rotation of scapula

• Origin: Transverse processes of superior four cervical vertebrae

• Insertion: medial border of scapula near superior angle

Levator Scapula

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• Action: Adducts scapula and performs downward rotation

• Origin: Ligamentum nuchae; spinous processes of vertebrae C7 and T1

• Insertion: Medial border of scapula

Rhomboid Minor

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• Action: Adducts scapula and performs downward rotation

• Origin: Spinous processes of vertebrae T2-T5.

• Insertion: Medial border of scapula

Rhomboid Major

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Trapezius • Action: Elevate, retracts

and depresses scapula.• Origin: Posterior surface of

occipital bone; ligamentu nuchae; spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae.

• Insertion: Lateral third of clavicle; acromion; spine of scapula

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Latissimus Dorsi • Action: Extension,

adduction and medial rotation of arm

• Origin: Spinous processes of vertebrae T6-T12; thoracolubar fascia; iliac crest; inferior three ribs

• Insertion: Intertubercular groove of humerus

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• Action: Extension of vertebral column

• Iliocostalis• Spinalis• Longissimus• Origin: Thoracolumbar

fascia; posterior surface of lacrum; iliac crest; spinous processes of T11-T12 and L1-L5.

Erector Spinae

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Erector spinae• Insertion: • Iliocostalis: angles of ribs

and transvers processes of C4-C6

• Longissimus: transverse processes of thoracic and cervical vertebrae, etc.

• Spinalis: spinous processes of thoracic and cervical vertebrae


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Inferior Serratus Posterior• Aka: serratus posterior

inferior• Action: Pulls ribs down,

resisting pull of the diaphragm

• Origin: spinous processes of the lower two thoracic and upper two or three lumbar vertebrae

• Insertion: lower borders of the bottom four ribs


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Splenius• Action: Extension of head

and neck; lateral flexion and rotation of the head and neck

• Origin: Spinous processes of inferior cervical and superior thoracic vertebrae

• Insertion: mastoid process, occipital bone, and transverse processes of superior cervical vertebrae


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• Action: Depresses rib cage during forced expiration

• Origin: Superior border of inferior rib

• Insertion: Inferior border of superior rib

Internal Intercostal

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• Action: Elevates rib cage during inspiration

• Origin: Inferior border of superior rib

• Insertion: Superior border of inferior rib

External Intercostal

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• Action: Holds scapula to chest wall,

• Protraction and superior rotation of scapula

• Origin: External surfaces of ribs 1-8

• Insertion: Medial border of scapula

Serratus Anterior

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• Action: Draws scapula down and forward and elevates ribs

• Origin: External surfaces of ribs 3-5

• Insertion: Coracoid process of scapula

Pectoralis Minor

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Pectoralis Major • Action: Flexes, adducts, and

medially rotates humerus, draws body upward in climbing

• Origin: Medial half of clavicle; sternum; costal cartilages of ribs 1-6

• Insertion: lateral lip of intertubercular groove on humerus

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Subscapularis• Action: Adduction and

medial rotation of arm.• Origin: Subscapular

fossa of scapula• Insertion: lesser

tubercle of humerus


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Supraspinatus• Action: Abduction of

arm• Origin: supraspinous

fossa of scapula• Insertion: Greater

tubercle of humerus


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Infraspinatus• Action: Lateral

rotation of arm• Origin: Infraspinous

fossa of scapula• Insertion: Greater

tubercle of humerus


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Teres minor• Action: Lateral

rotation of the arm• Origin: Lateral border

of scapula• Insertion: Greater

tubercle of humerus


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Teres major• Action: Extension,

adduction and medial rotation of arm

• Origin: Scapula, near inferior angle

• Insertion: medial lip of intertubercular groove of the humerus


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Deltoid• Action: • Anterior fibers: medial

rotation and flexion of arm

• Middle fibers: abduction of arm

• Posterior fibers: lateral rotation and extension of arm


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Deltoid• Origin: Lateral third of

clavicle; acromion process; spine of scapula

• Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity of humerus


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• Action: Increases volume of thoracic cavity by pulling central tendon inferiorly

• Origin: Xiphoid process and inferior six ribs

• Insertion: central tendon of diaphragm


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• Action: Tenses abdominal wall and flexes vertebral column

• Origin: Pubic crest; pubic symphysis

• Insertion: Xiphoid process, costal cartilages of ribs 5-7

Rectus Abdominis

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• Action: Compresses abdomen, contralaterally rotates and flexes vertebral column

• Origin: External surfaces of inferior 8 ribs.

• Insertion: Linea alba; pubic crest; pubic tubercle; iliac crest

External Abdominal Oblique

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• Action: Compresses abdomen, ipsilaterally rotates and flexes vertebral column

• Origin: Thoracolumbar fascia; iliac crest; inguinal ligament

• Insertion: Linea alba; pubic crest; inferior three or four ribs

Internal Abdominal Oblique

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• Action: Compresses abdomen

• Origin: Thoracolumbar fascia; inguinal ligament; costal cartilages of inferior six ribs; iliac crest

• Insertion: linea alba; pubic crest

Transverse Abdominis

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Biceps brachii• Action: Flexion and

supination of forearm; flexion of arm

• Origin: Long head: superior margin of glenoid fossa of scapula

• Short head: coracoid process of scapula

• Insertion: radial tuberosity of radius


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Brachialis• Action: Flexion of

forearm• Origin: Anterior

surface of humerus• Insertion: Coronoid

process of ulna


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Coracobrachialis• Action: Flexion and

adduction of arm• Origin: Coracoid

process of scapula• Insertion: Medial

surface of humerus


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Triceps brachii• Action: Extension of forearm;

long head extends and adducts arm

• Origin: Long head: inferior margin of glenoid fossa

• Lateral head: posterior surface of humerus

• Medial head: posterior surface inferior to lateral head

• Insertion: Olecranon process of ulna


Long Head

Lateral Head

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