l968 - United States Navy

[' Cor,1r.1t. mdin; t Officer USS POJJ.rn (DD 839) FPO Now York 09501 DDG39:ELH:aba 5750 pon Rornovnl of Enclosur o (1) Box+: l, I?.. -/; ;/ -~ IBlAY I' I' I Fron1: Conmu.md in g Officer, USS PC\vER (DD DJ9 ) ".J J.IJ)'l' To; D1roctor of Nuvul History ( OP .. 09B9 ) • Washington N nv:v Ya rd Wnshingto11, D.c. 20390 Subj: Commn.nd History • O PNAV r oport 5750 .. J.; for• .m. rdj11r. of R of : (n) OP N/\ VINST 5750,12 /\ Encl: (1) U SS P01/EH. (DD 839) B hip's histr.,:ry 196 0 1. Enolo:mro (1) is forua:rded in uc corda nce rd th r eforenc n (n). Copy to : €~ CO HCRUDE:'.SL/U"IJ T GROUP-4 Do Hn r,;rndoc-:. at 3 y ear il · rtm~ ·vals: Doolas r,:i.fiocl. uftor 12 yoars .

Transcript of l968 - United States Navy

[' Cor,1r.1t.mdin;t Officer USS POJJ.rn (DD 839) FPO Now York 09501

DDG39:ELH:aba 5750

pon Rornovnl of Enclosuro (1)

Box+: l, I?.. -/; ;/ ~ -~ IBlAY ~ I' I'


Fron1: Conmu.mding Officer, USS PC\vER (DD DJ9) ".JJ.IJ)'l'

To; D1roctor of Nuvul History ( OP .. 09B9) • Washington Nnv:v Ya rd Wnshingto11, D.c. 20390

Subj: Commn.nd History • OPNAV r oport 5750 .. J.; for•.m.rdj11r. of

Rof: (n) OPN/\VINST 5750,12 /\

Encl: (1) USS P01/EH. (DD 839) Bhip's histr.,:ry 1960

1. Enolo:mro (1) i s forua:rded in uccordance rd th r eforencn (n).

Copy to : €~


GROUP-4 DoHnr,;rndoc-:. a t 3 year il·rtm~·vals: Doolas r,:i.fiocl. uftor 12 yoars .

US3 POWER ( DDS3·9 )



USS P0-'117:P.R (D0839)








1 . 'fr,TF;l' PO~·TS

2 • m:rGI))igET:lT.NG


4, , NE.DIC.AL

5. C!Il-'_'?L.A.IN 'S ?\CTIVITIES

6 • P..E~NL!ST~?-ENTS



.'h. P.HOTOGI'.AJ?n r USS FOW'!!:P. ( DD839 )

!3 • PHOTOGRAPH q cm~!'W..NDT.I,TG OF~! CF.R

C . BIOG~~PB.Y p coi~.'1')."\~JDING OF'E'IC~:n




uss · POll!BR (DDn].?)

CH'RONOT.l)G:r 0 :B' EJ.t:!HLIGHTS J.960

The following is a list: of major highl5.ql-its for USS POT\JER (DD8J9) during 1968. For e l aborat i on of events see Operations ( II-:3 ) ..

19 J~N - 10 FED Operation SP~TNG~OARD including a nti-sub-marine warfare and gunne ry exercises.

23 ,TAN -20 J AN

31 ,TAN -03 J•"?P . .. , J -15 Ji'F-11 -



oc 1 (





Inp0r.t ~1an Cl\'tan , P11erto nico.

Oporation~l ~eadiness Inspaction .

Inport St. Croix, Virgin Islands .

Oper a tion FIP.!i.:X r:;n, ViGque s Island.

U.nc~erway on six h,:iu rs notice to p l ane guc1.rd ior U3S INDEI?ENDENCP. ( CVZ\.62} •

07 MAR - 29 MAP. Exe rcise HUGDY MJ\TCH.

2() l\'IJ\.-r-. •• 22 MAR Inrort St. Croix, Virgin Islands.

22 APR - 26

f) 1 M.7\.Y - 03

07 .11'AY - J !i

21 MP,1 - 29

0 4 JUN

06 JUN - 10

21 J'UN - 2 ·1

26 ,JUN - 27

03 JUL - ()0

09 ,JUL

17 JUL - , n -· u

19 A.UG










h<lminis"i::1:ati.ve ancl .NatEirio.l Inspection.

Commander Destroye r Squadron FOURTEEN m:n.barked.

Tyoe Training, Charle s ·i:on OPAREl'~S.

negunnGd ~1ounts 51 and 52.

Embarkecl SECN.?\'i7 Gue sts, Mayport.

J:::1ro 1: ~: l'Jn~fc-lk. il} ·::~rinia. Debarked SEC~lAV Guests. ~:r.nburJ..uJ. r.i:.tdshipmC=n. Ccmnenced Mid-s h ipmi::n ·rr a in.in<J cruise, LANTMIDTnA.RON 68, ~,r!1:i.c;1 incl ud ed Exe:.i:.·::d.se rACER RUN . Uf>8 r'OWER (DDrl39 ) attacher. to Orange Surface Raider F0rces o

Inport St. Crobc , Virgin Isla nds.

Inrort St. Thomas, Virc;?in Islanc1s .

Inport Tam:9a, Florida .

Rec;cued two Cnban PefugGOS.

l\nnnal Su.Dply Inspection.

Pre-Wf:i:S"r'Pl\C Deplnym'9nt Sea Trials ..


21 AUG

2 4 AUG

') C: l'••...J l\.lJG

28 l\UG

05 SEP - Ofl S:i::P.

11 SEP - 18 S~P

21 SEP

26 REP

20 SEP

02 OCT - 07 OCT

0 8 OCT

09 OCT - 13 0C'1'

13 OCT ~ 20 OCT

13 OCT

20 OCT - "' '1 /.. .: OCT

29 OCT - 04 NOV

04 MOV - 10 NOV

13 NOV

Annual Dcpendents 0 Day Cruise.

US8 POWEP. (DD8 39) det;>ar tec1 Mayport to commence WBSTP~C Deploy ment .

Rendezvous with DeRt·::.-c-ver Division 361 for WESTP.l\C Deployment . ..

CHO:?? to FIRS T Fleet and t.ransi t thr()ugh Panama canal.

I t d n' C l' f 1 npor ,.- cm. 1;1ego, ~a 1. orn:,.a..

Inport Pearl Ha.r bor r Hawaii .

Brie f Fuel Star>, !1.id:(11 ,.y Island .

CHOl? to SEVIi!NTH J.i'lon'i: •

Bri .. t.,f fue l stop g Guamu I'.-1ar shall I.slancls.

J:n!.)ort Q Subi c Bay; R. P.

P.n ter ed YANI<EE statir.m ~urveillance n.r ea anc-1 r oX'CIJ:iat Zon e.

Gun Suprort Ship for USS T.iOl\lG BEl-'.1.CH ( CGN 9 ).

Gun Support Ship for USS H.i\JIAN (PLG 11),

'Search and P.escue Mi ~sion for downed .i1.-6.n. air-craft.

Gun Support Shi.p for. USS NAINWRIGHT (DLG 28 ).

I?.escne !"estroyer for USS COP.AL REA. (CVP.t. 113).

Inport Subir.: Bn.v, :11., P.

Tyr;,e Trainincr Dari.anq u 1:.epu.b lic 0f Vi(.)tnarn..

14 NOV - 18 NOV Gtm 8upp0rt Ahip f or USS MAHAN (DLG 11) .

1 8 NOV -28 NOV

0 3 DEC -

1 4 DEC -22 DEC

22 OF.C -


10 rn::c

1 9 D?,C

31 DF.C

r>es cue De~tr.oye r f0r USS CONSTELLATION (CVA 64}

Inpcrt Subic B~yp n.P.

Inport Sasebo, J~pan. On 5 Decct,ber attached as nescue Destroyer to USS HANCOCR ( CVA 19).

Inport Hong I<ong , British Cro~·m C"lo11y .

Detc.ched by USS H.1.\NC0CK ( C\77\. 1 9 ) •

Gun Support Ship for URS r·:r.n.rN'\IR.IGB.-;' (DLG 20).

. ! ·· 2

USS p ry,,rr,;R {DDfl39 )

C0MM..7\.l lD O J;G.l\.N I 'Z:l'i.TI l")N

Comma nder Edwin L. HERJ"1ING, cs-;-1, 56~].71/1100, served as

Commandinq Officer, USS P0WER (DD039 ) for the period 1 Janua ry

through 31 DecG~be~ 19~n.

U8S por'ITEf'. {DDf139 ) , h"'lm0~"'1rterJ. in M~ypo:r.t, FlGrida, is

attached to Dcstroy0.:r Divirc:ion l ,~.1 v Destroyer Squad:r.on 14,

Cruise r-Destroyer Flotilla 12 of the e ,, 8. J.'..tl.emtic F l eet

Cn'.iser-Destroyer !i'n'l:ce. Cc rrir:1oricin.g 25 August 196 0 v USS POWER

(DD839) was attache~1 to Dei:;;tr0yer J:ivi.sion 361 - the 1'E 11

Divi.:;ion, so n&mec as a reRu.'!.:t of each ship in the Divisicm

holding her r espective Squadr0n's 196r ~attlG Bfficiency

14.ward. During the 1~~8 seqment of her NESTPhC t ou.r , and under

the command of Com1:1anc1c:r. u. s. sgvr::NTH Pleet fr0m 2h Sept embe r

t o 31 December 1968 , PmmR fell under the various 1?9era.tional

contr0 l s of Commander Task Grouns 77.5 ; 77 .6l and 77.7 (Pescue

De~t,:ciye.t: Duties ) p Commancler. Ti:l6lc: Unit 77 .() . J. (Nnrth Sl\.~) ,

Commander Task Unit 77 . () .2 (I'I:"-.;1 7.) , 011.0 Command~r TasJ< Element

77 . 0.. l . 2 (South SAP) • In a r111.e:::-e;,ce ~.n Comrnander Cruiser Des­

troyer Force : ·~1. s. A:t. lant5.c F 1.~2.":: eno C0r11.rne1.naer Cruiser­

Destroyer Force 1 U. s. Pacific Fleet, USS P0f~E.R. {DDll 39) in

19 60 maintained a state of trainingr mat eri al r eaGiness,

discip line and moral e that en.s11red h e r the hic:rhest degree of

combat readirioss.

II- .7) ·-l


USS POWER (DDfl39 ) began the cale ndar ye~r 1960 moored in her

h0me~~rt 1 Ma.yport , Florida . On 19 Janu.::i.ry, she got undGrway for

a three week period of trc1.ining exercises r "Operation SPP.!NG.···

DOA.RD", which included anti - submarine warfare operations and

gunnery exercises . Frcm 3 Feoruar? to 6 February Prn1JER was

anch0red off Viequ e s for GFS FIREX 68 onn fire d more than 40 0

rounds fr.om her tw0 dual purpose t•<1in 5 u.;30 gun mounts for shore

b ombardment in support of e.n c1ni.9hihim.1.-:1 land ing exercise, FI REX

6 f.l . SPRINGBO.;\RD .:1 J 1:,0 includec~ sone interesting port calls; for

in tl~.cse three ',v~eks , J?OWBR visited San ,iue.n , Pue rto Rico ( 23

January - 26 January) and St. Croix , Virgin Islands (31 J e nuary-

2 February). 0n. 29 Ja.ntiary POT,'-TER recei":ec. a grade of GOO!: (77 .9)

on her annual np'3rational Read in<2r.;s Inspecti on.

Be.clc in Mayport by 9 February, POTnJER was underway again on

15 February - this time on a short six h0urs notice t o act as

plane q'..!ar d fnr the USS INDEPENDENCE (CVA 62 ) • This t1.ras .

c onsidered an outstana ing feat of reaction ann readiness; a t th8

tine , POWER was rr:ocred alon gside a tenr.1.er for u plrnep with t wo

boilers dieassem..bJ.er1 • f o r M~intG!'.i'l.ni:. ... 1.

!?O°t'TE:R. oqain l eft her homepo :r.t on 7 .t~arch for Fleet Exercise P

1'RUGBY Jl.".tA.TCH" p wh:i.ch include d va!'io1ls ~nti-submarine warfare

~xercises, gunnery shoots at Vieques c-1.nd Culebra, electronic

counter-meas1;.r.as •.:1rills, and anti-air warfa re exercises. 'A high

tempo period 0f fleet training ,~arncx1 . f:r,;,:- ~OWER ·:a 'well de8 '3r veq

three day inport period. from 20 March to 22 March in

Frer:l.erickstcav Bt. Croix, Virgin Islc1.n.ds . RUGBY MATCH enner

29 March. II-13-1

During the in!;')nrt pcrirv:l frnrn. ~9 M2.rch t0 A !':~ay , POWEP.. received

h8r annual ~dministrative/Mat erinl Inspccti~n (22 April-2~ ~pril)

achi eving a SCl"'\rO ()f 9 4 (Ji:XCP.LL'E'JllT) • During this per ion., P(YITBR' s

5"/3~ ~ A - rnount..s t-mr c r e gunne ... ! .

uni ts ("If Destrny0r ~qua(1ron FOf.!PTP:P.N for a six dc1.y perinc1 of ty!;)c

tralning in the Charll~ston n:i:,e:r::1tinq areas . por,mR returner!. tC' Hc1.yport

16 May. .~.ftcr ."'J.nothe r brief inport p,,.,,rioc1 , ~or·1Er 0ot unr:l.erway nn 4.

June fr:n: her annual Miclshir,i;"l,m Cruise, L?\l'JTr,1rnTo_Z\n()N (,8. •rThc Fleet' ~

Finest r· hcstGr.l. two RECNP,V Gu,;;8tS ~ i-1.r. :Pdwc1.rd Ji. .• STmr~:w:::oJ'J, u. ~.

Departr'\ent of Agri cuJ.ture, and Mr. T.,rillio.1)1 H. ! .. UNCHNE:SS, Clcnsnn

Univarsi ty Iix-c.~nsi cm _qcn:vicc, durinr_r hnr trr1.nsi t to l\:()rfol1'-; ~rirginii'l

.~~ids!iipmGn and t•..,cmty-·SG!V:,)n Thi.::c Clnss F··~idshiprnen, fr0rr\ the T.T .s.

Mr.v a l r..cadomy and V-"' r ir;us nnorrc uni ts, wer.e cmharked. nn 11') ,June

P0' '7ER departc,.1 ~!or.folk t o becomr:1 pP!.rt 0f the nrcmqe Surface :r.aiders,

together with u.c;s POBBPT r!.. HTY..1TING't10N ( DD 781) anc. us.s PFJ"IRY (DD 844 )

in Flr~ct I~xercisc, ·· ?_ri.CBR T'.UN"" P0r ,1, fas t-pn.ced six weeks, P()'·JPR

engaged in rci'llistic naval cxcrc::ise~ ( s uch as the .~·1issile D~fon1:1e

Testing by the FlcGt: P.11:ctrnnic ···1Ftrf,:i.r0 Study Gr0up) , g ave M.ic,shipmcm

extensive training , and yet hfld ti~E [or interesting p~rt call~ t o

St. Croix, Vir0in Islc1.ncl.s ( ~ 1 ,June···23 June ) , T"'noscv el t n,,c1.<ls ( 24 June:i·

.?.6 June ) , and for I11de p0nr1cnce P,"'-Y i '!.';:unpn. v Flori d ,':t ( 3 July-7 (July) •

J\t 0735 011 9 ,Jttly durinq transit frnm '::'r:.mpa to M~.y:9ort 1 J?()T.·TP-R's officer .

minutGs 1qorth a nd LON<; 80 11.eqrees 25 :minute s Hest i::danallina .fn r h e l1:, _

Quickly moving t0 thG craft I s ain ~ POT'7ER succeeded


in rescuin•J two Cuban r0fu1Jees, Mr. l\.lberto T. GARCIA and

Mr. Carlos Lorcz NnA. Assistance in the form of food and water

was provided. The refugees were embarken aboard a U.S. Coast

Guard Cutter which a rriv<'!d on the scene at POWER's request .

Arriving in Mayport on 10 July, POWER merited a brief leave and

upkeep period prior to deploymP-nt to the seven.th Fleet anc.

Vietnam q During this time POPJER passed her annual Supply

l.ns pection with a gr,,de of G00D ( 1 7 July - 1 D July) and on 2

Au9ust receiver.1 notificat:l.on of winning D.'8SnON ltl's Battle

gffir.d ency ?.ward f0r the second consecutive year. To win this

second t'E", POWE~. had met all com.mi ttmsnts and had talliecl the

highest overall score for competitive exercises in Destroyer

Squadron FOURTEBN. The formal prei:;entation of the 11 E11 Award

was made on 22 August 196 fl by Rear Admiral KIDD, Comman<:-ler

Cruiser-Destroyer Flotill~ TWELVE.

This pre- c.~eployment period inclm~ed two one-clay i.:nc'lerway '

;.:ierior1s -, 19 A.ugust for pre-deployment sea trials and 21 Au gust

f o r POWER'~· annu~J. Depen~ents g nay Cruise. The latter gav:3

P0WER wives nn"1 f~.milies ·thA ..:.:11.~.:1t;:1; t o see a !'10dern, all-purpose

L1est:i:·o,yer in mrmy o "f the aspects t !:rnt c0nsti tutes · its versatilities

a,s w0ll a<a to ahs~rva its :·· n~ily routine.

On Saturday , 24 August 1968P USS POWER (DD819) deployed for

Vietnam in a cc(1rnance with CINCk"\NTFLT Quarterly Employment

Schedule 1-Gn. .?4.t J.042 the followin0 d ay, she r e ndezvoused

with nestroyer r' ivision 361, comprised of URS HUGH PURVIS

(DD709 ) , USS DUP0NT (DD941), and USS DlWIS (DD937) enroute to

the !'<.'.m<'l.mr.1. Canal. J?'1WER. became part. of the 11E11 r.ivisi0n, sn

namocl as a result of each shi:;> being a current hol =t.:;t° of her II-:!3-3

res pee ti v e squr1.c1r on vs Battle Efficiency l' .. ward. Having won

DESR0N FCTJUTEI:N °s Battle Efficie ncy "F." for Fisca l Year 19613,

POWEP. assumed a r,roud p l a c e as: the "Er' :"'.:.vision's r"'r1.y-- r:-rt r~pre.­


Th~ 11 E 11 Divis:i.nn transited the Panama Can a l and CHO!?PE!:' to

Com."".1,3..n dP-r FIRST Fleet on 20 l-',.us_n.1st. r>o-::4JER refue l e<."1 during the

r.i,~h t in Rodme.n , C:1nal Zone e.,:d was u.ndan,ay the next morning

~r.~·-·TJte to San riego . POWER arri vec1 in Snn Diego , California

r ,!' 5 Septe~.)cr anc1 was inror.t f")r '.!pkee p until 8 Septembe r .

:'.)~-::~.~.r·:,~n G:;i;; t ic-:- :_.;o ,me Subj c Pay, Philippin es, POWER visited for

l o,;.-ri.r.tic ~3 tO?~ "-z?L::.-1 Harbor, Hawa i l. l 11 S<?ptemb e r .. 17 .SC;pt-

ember), Hid,11,\x Is lend (21 S-ptember) , and GUAM, M.I . (2 8 serit-

e1t'hex) • POWEP CHO~!?ED t a C'cr.1.m.;mc1er 8Ei7BN~,ii Fleet nn 26 Sept-

POWER was inport Subic Bay v t>hilippincs from 2 Oct ober t o

6 October c1urinq which t.im.e t h e "E!' Division was tempora:cily

b r oken up. 11n 7 nctobe.r. POW.F.:f'. '::il=i.S und!!.r way indepen n.entl y

for the Gulf of Tonkin aric; on G October~ e 11te red t h e Yl>Nl{EE

Station Surve illan.C'e ll:rec antJ. e :.;, Hi~tnam Cnmbat Zone. On

9 flctob'=r Pfl~·.fEQ r ~o-ir t-~r: t ,": CTU 77. n. 5 USS ! .0!JG 13.EACH ( CGN · 9) , - I

Strike Support P.hi p, and fulfi 11Gc1. ,1.ntie s as Gun Supr0rt Ship

( r SHOTGUN ,: ) •

Detached 13 0ctober, POWER r eported t o the USS MAHAN

( f'LG 11) for Search an d Rescue (SJ.\.R) Gun Support Ship du.ti.es.

COMDESRO~: THP..EE, emb~rked MA.HAN was the SAR Cornrnander. P0i~JEn

commenc ed a SA.I'.. mission that saI11e cay. The two shiT,?s c0nductcti

a fruitle s s all-ni ght see.rch f o r survivors from a Jown.e:ic Af.-l':,

I I-B-11

aircraft launched e c1.rlic r that day fr()M USS C0"?AL REJ\ (CV.7),_ 43) • on

16 octobor, POT\lER c0nducta'"1 a Al- n. Miss inn independently; "'7hich t nr­

minater1 when nC' c onfirma tfrm wns r oc0.i.v~d thf'l.t r.n nircrnft h-~rl. , in

fact, been drn-11necl.. L~ter thRt rln.y, P()1,TfT' crmductcd her first Helo­

in- flight r e fue ling (~IFP) with R s~n h e licnote r also participat ing

in a so~rch c ffnrt .

D::.::.,·:i .Y."t.ing Sout hern Sll'R. 8tot ion 2') Octoher, t?()t,rBr assur.i.1~cl. rl.uties

th:;i SA.: ,\,~ ,~.1y as ·:sHO'T'GU?-F1 f or the?. Pnsi ti.vn Identification :n,3.dar 7\.f!.vi~ory

zon~ (?.:1:Y'i-' i ) :;'.hip. rms Wf-lIN,.1m:r~wr: ( DL~ 2FJ) 0 'i'his stntirn was nntec

for i ts 1) .~d.t·tc:': 'i:°r·(.1 ·:c::t:!::1orn·Mr>1ost n('lsitj.cm of Pnvc1l units ns~d<mnc'l in

the 'J'(')nki n r::u].f , r-r/'1f •.: 'l_:'C;')Ort-~d nn 29 C\:~t0hGr tn CTG 7 7. 6 , USS CODI'L

SF,l\ ( C'i.T.A 43 ) r as P.cs c1.,.G Dostroycr . Thn Tctsk Gr 0up d.cpn.rterl. the c ornhai

zc-mo for Subio Bay 2 ~1ovGMber .

On 4 Novorri.bcr , por•rn:P. arri vcd in 8ubic Bny . a n d r em?.ined there

f0r upkeep 1.mtil 11 r,~:;v er:1ber. Underway independ,~ntly J?(Y•JEr prn­

ceodcd t o D.'l.n ang, republic of Vietn!':'.m, arriving 13 Nr:wel"J.,,~r f 0 r t ypo

traininq m1d brie f :i.ngs. ner-,"'.rtin0 ~ c\nF1.nq that n io'1:1t Pnt'·r,..r rett.lrncc1

to P!l:.A?i station ('In t ho f(dl,..,Ning fl.?.y r1.s "SH0'.1.:'~Ul'l" for USS NJ\HJ:ltr

(Dlo~· 11) . p()r,n!]p wRc; d0.t r1.ch0d J. <"l nnvef"'-::i'.: and proceec.:i.cc. t l""I r e ndezv o u.'3

t hat day with CTr- 77.7 cr.-bnr~r:113. ns~ CQ'!iq'T':':LJ,?1. 'J:'I f"lN (r.v1,. r.4 ) n n Y..?\NKF.B

StAtion, whore she act sd as P~acuc Pe~tr0ycr.

on 26 Movc""'hc r. . 1?o·m1: ,r.1as dctache,J. to pr0c ecd indn-pGnr.ontly tn

Sasebn, .-:- ... -:".!·1 but ~ .. ,as forced to tc>ikG shGJ. t0.r 28 November in Subic Bay

a.ue tn rough weathe r i.m d tho thront 0f 'ryph,.,(')n or.!\., Tho ship' R com­

:-)any a t e a late, but '-.Jelcn~.Gd 'rhc'tnks']ivj,ng Dinner tlV\t evening. By

th0 next day weathe r 1-iad improved


sufficiently, and POWER was uriderway f or Sas ebo, J apan.

POWER a r riverl in Sasebo on 3 December for an eight day

u rikGa!.J period. During this tirne, men 0f the POWER were 0 ffere c1

the aavantages c f sightseeing and excell e nt libe rty. P0WER

departe c J apan 11 Decenlr'er i n company with CTG 77 .5, which

consistGd o f USS HANCOCK (CVA 19 ) and USS SAMUEL N • .MOORE

(DD 74 7) . While enroutc Hong r<ong f or a port visit, POT'\1'E:R

plu.':1e guarded f o:r. Hfil-lCOCK in Exercise ''Dlue Sky '0 • l?OWEn r emain·

ed i :.1 British. Cr0wn Co lony o:E Hon g K<"'lng froM 1 !.l Dec emhGr t o

1 9 D~c0.rr!be_:- . ? ()t,TER c1.epart ed Hone; I{c-ing on 20 Decem.'ber a s TG 77 . ·

whioh ~onsister1, 0 £ USS HA.'JIJCOCK ( CVA 19) , USS S P..MUEL N. M00PE

(DD 7~7),, an cl. TJSS DP.CA.Tua (!iDG 31). P OWER ?.rrived on YANI{F'.R

Station 21 De cembe r . She W>?.S cletachec1 t he nc:rn:t day to proceed

t o J."? I FA.Z and relieve USS CORRY (DD Pl 7) as PI R~Z "SH0TGUN11

u.ss POWBP. (DD 839) finished 1968 as P!P.A.Z 11 SHnTGUN" f 0 r

USS WAINWRIGHT (DLG 28 } , gpencUng Christma s Day 1 960 an•1 New

Year's Eve at sea o


burning more than 2 7 900 r0no e;allrms of bL~ck o i l.

4. HEDICJ\L ., HMl Jamee; ·"·· HEI!3'l' r elii;vec9 HMC t•Ti llin.m n.

Dap l oyment .

Y.I -C·- 1

5. r.i!J1,PI1~.n1 1 s llC'.i:1IVI':l:'I:t3: ;. P:!:." 1r:,r to dcplnyment , L':1:' GLP.!lN',

D0str0y1..~r Aqu ~d:itori FOUPT!.;!"N 1 1~ Ch:1p1 ":Lin, assisted thP. shiT.'> hy

rrovidin11 i.nf r:11:::m f•.t:if1?1 c·:·,.n~e:Ynd.nr-.; ~H'ur::i ir.<J ; pr~ :r ~ cr,.1.nf1l c1.nd

rc~lic:rious ac·i:ivi tiAs to c:c0,·fr1erl'l.1':)ors ( far1ilie~. 1•Jl1:.i.:1G unr1enrav,

L'!' r:·,:'ltcr lV'J.\NT?:::, Sqund:t:l'.')11 '.rHIP'.r~ .. ;-::i:x I s Cha,""lr.'l.in rode the Bhir

~o WES?PAC ~rnvi<linn ralioi0u~ servi ces for the shi". rn t~e

,::nlf of Tonki?l~ ::,nn-...;p r:injnvcr<. thE~ f:\()rvices 0f vc\ri0ur:; P.taff


reGnlisi:Ml~Iltr::\ rurin.cr 11.'.l r.: P r\::l~n.tl tln·::-r in. ,(,·m . .?lv1:1:i:r'lcir-i re<~nli~tment 0f

21.6 rcrccnt. \Tari:thlr. :i;eP.nlis -t:r \~llt Bonuses r.aid durinq t!-lis

yccu: aro.0unt.G~. tn ~l,.,,.rn,; t tNenty-threc th,""1UB"'1nc1 rlr )llars.

·1. H,7\T':i1.t.P !?~F~::CT..l.;,Mr,y .MJr,r.,n. fi'nr tl:1,2 St-;cond cnni=;Gcut:i.vi: yi:!nr,

NY•1EY" w0n DG At.r,1yP.r c-.ktuar3.rr-n )!"'OUH'.i:."':P1 'c:; bd.'c.tle ·~,;f.ficic~ncy i•p 11

i'.Wfil: -5.~ '.C'he ''F-: 1• is P,.Warde;;r-1 G·~.ch f i sct, l yf!~ar. f 0r the ~quadrnn

sl"d.D att~ini nc,;· th0 hicrllt"~c:;t C',v0r~l1 E.WOXE: i.n cortpcti ti ve

exercises. ~0ncarninq hAr sccnna 'E" , Pon~~ received tho

f ollnwinq f:r.om Ff:'.!t.i.r J.rlT"'.\irc1.l !·'ADLT:'.IGH, C0.~1C:~!Jf)f).'·1FL0T 1~:

''Th,~ winninq 0f th?? F'"' r, ~ fl;~t.tJ r.' "'fficicmc~t J\t·mrc1 by

J?rn:mn. in T)ii!S )":'(ll\T F·0ur,•r::-T~-:;,•:1 i. R ,, . "'T., .. , ., w,), th ·:eal nr.ic10..

~~.h<:. n.ttainrnGnt ,:,.f Sl.\ch. ,"'.!l ,1.1·,,:•-:-d :i. .. ::· :t :i.:es uJ.t ("l:F '3XC'"\l:l:C;:nt

learl.G? r.ship 1 net'FV:!rv0:r.:,~nc~ hlVl h;;irr:!. w0rk c1.ll wh i.ch WPt..s

ably carrie<l nut by 1?('MJ=i'T" . "{0l.1r. aemons'i:.rate~'. nr0:f.ir.i0.ncy

in fle~t onerations 0iv0s <"'J'l.'1le te.stir,ony f0r ~,0ur cl;:,.im

to tt1.c a~•Jard. Plec.si::i rtCCl!:.lot !D.Y c 0nqr.atulati0ns aw'l ,"\

harny ~,1c 11 D'"lnGc,"
