l-, V::: · Secretarial Department Ref /Sec/205 & 266/l 23/2019-2020 The General Manager Department...

Secretarial Department Ref/Sec/205 & 266/l 23/2019-2020 The General Manager Department of Corporate Services National Stock Exchange of India Exchange Plaza, C-1-Block G Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra-E Mumbai - 400 051 Company symbol: LAKSHV/LAS Dear Sir/Madam, CIN L65l 10TN1926PLC001377 July 16, 2019 The General Manager Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited Listing Department Phiroze Jeejeeboy Tower Dalal Street, Fort Mumbai - 400 001 Security code no: 534690 Sub: Advertisement Issued - Notice to Shareholders - IEPF In line with the applicable regulations of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, this is to inform that, the Bank had issued notice to shareholders pursuant to Rule 6 of the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016, as amended through an advertisement in Business Standard (All Editions) and Dinamani (Trichy Edition - Vernacular) on 16.07.2019. The relevant advertisement details are enclosed for your records. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, /Y' N Ramanathan Company Secretary Encl: A/a. The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd., Corporate Office, "LVB HOUSE", No.4, Sardar Patel Road, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032 I Phone: 044-22205306 I Email: secretaria[email protected]

Transcript of l-, V::: · Secretarial Department Ref /Sec/205 & 266/l 23/2019-2020 The General Manager Department...

Page 1: l-, V::: · Secretarial Department Ref /Sec/205 & 266/l 23/2019-2020 The General Manager Department of Corporate Services National Stock Exchange of India

Secretarial Department

Ref /Sec/205 & 266/l 23/2019-2020

The General Manager

Department of Corporate Services

National Stock Exchange of India

Exchange Plaza, C-1-Block G

Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra-E

Mumbai - 400 051

Company symbol: LAKSHV/LAS

Dear Sir/Madam,

CIN L65l 10TN1926PLC001377

July 16, 2019

The General Manager

Department of Corporate Services

BSE Limited

Listing Department

Phiroze Jeejeeboy Tower

Dalal Street, Fort Mumbai - 400 001 Security code no: 534690

Sub: Advertisement Issued - Notice to Shareholders - IEPF

In line with the applicable regulations of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure

Requirements) Regulations, 2015, this is to inform that, the Bank had issued notice to

shareholders pursuant to Rule 6 of the Investor Education and Protection Fund

Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016, as amended through

an advertisement in Business Standard (All Editions) and Dinamani (Trichy Edition -

Vernacular) on 16.07.2019. The relevant advertisement details are enclosed for your


Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

/Y' /l-,_V:::: N Ramanathan

Company Secretary

Encl: A/a.

The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd., Corporate Office, "LVB HOUSE", No.4, Sardar Patel Road, Guindy,

Chennai - 600 032 I Phone: 044-22205306 I Email: [email protected]

Page 2: l-, V::: · Secretarial Department Ref /Sec/205 & 266/l 23/2019-2020 The General Manager Department of Corporate Services National Stock Exchange of India


e TITAG�'R'�'�,!�£l"'�;"�'l9MITED

"'A"-A"" '<::,;;-c O'ke 756.,\t,3,,;::ap-vr.E !.t Bypa;� )(�_,.,,.. .70,:;107 Cc,-,i,,<.1 •>!1 33�C.!80eDt• f,n •91 33�019:Yi�3

Webs:e w,-.w:0_,g.;rt,m Emo;< ,nves:<."S(1{:_;gs'hi�.

Al.�tol �vo, sila,t-1,olde� slc<>g "sin :he,r Fc,J,.:, i'.:•Jl'nt,.,;; or DP tO. Ckn! ID. who h<we nol erw:.asncd/ciJW<."d the« dt,ldetics I,:,, St.",-en wr,sec,.:,w, yea-rs and v.•.cse IT..:,,-es ,;,e !•./;t:,e tvtt; t,ansle,re<I t,:; In" !EPF ,'--"W-..,.,!. ,s d:({>'.a:1·ed ori 11,e ,W!Mie d. n.e O:,mp.S.'lywww.trta9artdn(http://tit.a9artdru'download�I other-lnformal!onlL1st¼20ot•1,20s�res'/, 20!1able¼ 20to'lo20transfcr¾20 lo'J.20lEPf.pdf). The Cc,mpan;-had �er.! ir.c<'-·d.;<11 notK.Cs to \he co,-,cemed &hate!'1o'<:!en;. -...1'\0se sNI/H afe f<at:k !o N' trar,$/erred to :r:e l[PF Au.i::,ml a��t11enks. lo< tal-."d'9ilppn;,p<i3tea...'"tlonfvc±amrn;;;1<>edc-·<de->d\lf>Oa,n:e<l o,, 1r.e,, shs<es b:, Septcmber ::-0.2019 1he Companyhas n<>1 rec,,,..c<!any 1eques\ IOI clamw;g !he dr.i:ler,c,�ares de1e to be \lanslw-ed :o iEPf A,;o:i,..'!".1 In case. no 1r.timaiion from !.ud, r.ha,e!>-O'de<(r.) •& rece,.-CO by Sepiembe, 30. 2019. :he subjed shares r.ha!.' be t1aw.fened to ![Pf Accc,.mt by the <hle date ar. st,wi:a!ed ,n the Ro..'.,_,s_ w\lhtl<,1 /1,�l'\er r-.c{= Tr.� eq.,s:y s.),a,es 1n ph�-S!c.Jl k,<T"t\ v.facti /lfe ll;;b!e !o be t«ins(effed to !EPF Ac=t. 1! any. $hah be �o tt;,nr.lerted hy <�u<>g new &na,e w11,f,�te$ and corc,e,1,,..,9 them ��to dema-1 brrn Upon is&-.,e of oe"' &t-.ai-e ce,1,f,cat�. the cM cenikates sha� stN>d =c,,Jied F 0< tt,e eq-,,ty i,ha,es hf,;,:J ,n demat fom-, a<ld liatle!obe!l'3r!Sfen-edto!EPf �-�,eCon-.,ao;>,\1llC-;Y1ta.(.l!lieCepc-s-1lf,es a,.:! !3ke r.e<:-essary ad.on ,n tb& rega�d

to IEPF Acco-..,nt b:,-m,1,.1<>9 ,e.qu.&ite app�Ciltx:,:, to !EPF Authonty ln c.Me youhaveany qs.Je1ies 0< n= anya&�&lar,cein tnis regatd, ptease c,:,r,t;;d KarvyFmte<::hp.,.i_ Ltd.Ur-.<! n.agart,Wag«>sln,,:ed.KarvySeiers·w<l 1o,,,e, B. P-,ct 31-37. Gx:h'o='•, Fmau,a! Oi,,tr".ct N;;,o31-r.,mq,Jd.a. Hyderahad· 500032, foij free No 180{;-4255-998. Pnor.e 0�0-57l6l222. Email: [email protected]

J..i!y 16,2019 rorTit3garh WagonsUm1!ed

0,nesh Arya Company Secretary


{Re:¢ or-a. Sa\e!"r, Roa�. !Wt'-a..a1a,. Kitw• 63:St;)Oe) \��� L� at w1,·,._,_!v.;ara_.o:,m I E-IT'-¥1 sweL�,t,.;,,lu,i NOTICE TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE BANK

[Pursuant toRule6ofthelnvnlorfirocation indProt,ctionfundAllthority (Accwnting,Ala!I!, 1"r2nsferandRefund)Rules,2Gl6,uamended] As pe<!he Investor Eduration ar.d Protection Fund/wl:honty (AcC<:,;_intmg. AucH, Tfansfer anC Refund) Ru:les, ffEPF Rules"), as arnc-11ded aU shares ;,, r�ct ofwhreh dwidcnd has no\ been claimed by the shareholders for la�t seven consewt,ve years shall be transterred by the Bank in the name of Investor Edvcatjor, and Prc{ec!ion Fund and Cfedrted lo the OEMAT aCW\.ll"ltoflhelEPFAvthonl:, !n this regard, the Ban� has sent indl\lidual not!CeS to the latest a11atlable aCd1esses to !hose shareh-Oldera whose d<vidends arc lying und.aimed since 2011-12 for the !ast 7 consecut!ve )'<!ars advising them to immed<alely daim the dMder:ds from the fmar.aal yea, 2011·12 orrwa1ds in ordef to avoid transfer of the concemtxi shares to IEPF Suspense acrot1nt In !he event rn failure lo daim !he dividends as aforesaid, the Bank 'Will transfer !he said coricemed shares in ,espect of wruch the dMdends are lymg Uflpaid to U,e !EPF Suspense accoon: (,n Dematetia!ued !orm)as pm,�ded m the!EPF Rules Frx any ass,stance/danfcat,ons, Sha•eho!d� who ha11e net claimed their i:k/4!ends from the year 2011 - 12 may wri!e lo Mis. Integrated Registry Management Services P1ivate limited. oorRegis11ar and Share Transfer Ayen1s. II F!o0<. •Kences ToNers�. No 1, Ramakrishna Stree1, North Usman Road. T. Nagar, Chennai • 600 017 or con1act them at Ph: 044•28140801f2JJ & Emr;d lvb@in\egl>!ed:M,a in Shareholders may also co<itact the S,;,cretariaf Department at 1he Corpora!e Office of the Bank forfurtherdeta'1s and for ma�!ng a val.d daim for the unclaimed 1:!<\�dends. lncas.eofnon-reccipt ofany 11ahd claimre,:;,uestsf1omthe concemed on 01 bef0<e the sti-pula!ed �rne, lhe Bank w.H transfer the underlymg shares to the IEPF aa:ouritas ptovided m tl7e IEPF Rules Further, in terms of the !EPF Rvtes, the statement COf\tatning thedetadsof name. folic nurr-Oef". derr.at ac<::01.mtnumber and number of shares due f0< transfer is available m O'Jrwebs�e WNN.lvbank com Shareholdera may note !hat pursuant to Section 124\6) of the Companies Act 2013. as amended.read 'Mth Rule 7 of IEPF Rules. shares which have been t,ar.sfened to the IEPF S\Jspense account may be claimed by the co/leef!"led by fil-ng of Fo<m fEPF 5 and lol!ow,ng a,e i::,ocei:Me as p<ovidedin the !EPF Rules

_,. DECCAN CEMENTS LIMITED ,,,,,,,,, C,N lU:$-QT(;!97Sf>cCC-01SC-O R,¢ IYM.t '().y.;:,;.-,,C,,it,·,i;�,;.S-S-�6.S-:,,U,¥� HyW;ib.':-S{,J{<".d f>t-J',� No &-:�-23Jl(,1&S. fa� No (>(0-2!31B�,6 £.,.�� r!:?@:fKQ',=-?M,ro-,,.-.w� .,,,._w<1t,..-,,,;;-,=-,,,,,-.� cm,

Notice of 39u. Annual General Meeting, Book Closure and Remote E-voting

Notice � heieby giWl !h.;t Thirty•N,nlh Annual GMt:r;;! Mee�ng (AGM) of trie Comp.;ny will be held en Wednesday. 7·' August 2019 at 11.00 a m. at Bh,.sk2ra Au(Mor,,Jm, B:rla t.Wseum. Acarsh Nagar. Hyderabad • 500 053 to transact tr,e business as se\ out 111 the Notice. da:e-0 28"" May 2019, sen: to the tl.e!r.bers along with the /vinua! Report 2018·19 The Corr.pariy has d,spatched the Annual Report 2018-19 on l3"' Ju1y 2019bypermmedmode Pu•suan<to Sec.t:Ofl 91 of the Compan·esAcl.,2013(meAcf) read Mth Rule 10 cf the Companies (Managc�nt and M:nITTis::raliOfl} Ru;cs, 2014 ari-d Reg;1latron 42 ot the SES! (listing Obl1gatl0f!S and Oisdosure Reqmremen1s) Regula!100s, 2015 {lis!mg Regu'«!l10.'ls). notice 1s fur.her given that the Register of Me1T.bers and Share Traf"isfer books of !he Companywlli be dose<l lrnm ThV1Sday. ,� Augusl 2019 io Wednesday. 7': �gust 2019 (both days rfldusr,e} for t'le AGM and payment of flf'1aldr.-\dendtobedeclaredlhe,eal A ropy of the A.'"!nua! Report is a1a1:ab!e on the Corr,-pany·s website ..,,..,,,....decc�mcemen�s com and aiso available _on !he wet<s,te of Karvt Fin!ech Pnva!e liml!ed (Karvy): e https:!Ievotmg 1:arwcom. Pursuant to Sect,oo 108dtheAcl readwi:h Rule 20 of the Corr.panies (l_Janagement and Administration) Rules, 201-4 and ReguiatiCfl « of the lts�g Regulations. the CMlpany 1s pleased to offer remote �-vcbng fao!rtytmough Ka-r.y, which w.ll enab!e the Members to casl theu votes eltcifooica!ly on al! resolutions set forth in the said Nol« The rem-:>le e-.-0:mg per,od r;omrr<£/"ICT!S en Sunday, 4°' August 2019 {9.00 a.m.) and ends on Tuesday, 6' August 2019 (500 p m ) The Cut--off date fer detHrnining the e!JgMty of Members for ,emo:e M'O'.<ng ar:d pd! 1s Wednesday. 31� Juty 2fl19. A person wtiose name 1s recorded m tne regisler of members or In !he register of benef.cia! owners maint½ine-0 by the deposi:ories as on the cu!-df date sha� be er.ti:led to 31-'a� tf-:e faoM.y ol remc!e e-vo!rng as wer, as voting_ throogh po!lmg paper at the AG1,l Remote e·vot,ng faol1y sha'! be d1sab'ed after 5 00 p m on 6'"1wgust 20Hl My person who becomes a me-mber of :he C-0mpany after d;spa!ch of the Notice of AGM and h-cia111g sh ates as en the caJt4f da!e may ottan the User ID and Password in !he manner mentioned i'l tne Notice of AGM However. Ka,vy shall er.deavou1 !a send User lD and PaSS1\-orrl tc those new Members v.tiose email ids are avarlab!e Memb-ers may participate in !he AGM even a�ef erercising their righl to vctc through r1;mote e--voting but s�.all not be af'.owed to vole agam m the AGM Voting Hvoogh po.qrng p.aper shan be made ava�ab!e to those Memters who ;;!:end the AGM arid have no1 already cast lhe,r vole thHYJg<\ reroo:e e-votmg ll"\ case o! i:l�y queries co remote e-voting. please cc-ntac.t Mr Ramesh Desai. M.anager, Kt:rvy f:n!e_dl Pvt. Ud, Kar.)• St!.c-!litlm fawer 8. Pie! No 31;{, 32. Fmaroa! Distnct GathlboW:, Hyderabad - 500 032, Tel. 0-40.6716 22n Ema>l. evctmo,u'karvycom

HyCerab<id 1507 2C19

hltAN�/\li rNqiNLl:ldNq polyr,.u:.ns l i M i 1 r.d ClN • L27100MH198-tPLC032637

Reg.d. Off: 401 .4:h Fi&:>1, PePJnsda Hc.ghi


. s, C D 8a!1 tda RcJd tr,i;roen {We.st)f,kirrb�·-40:'.I DSS

E,mail: :nve<,twsfabh:;:nsaLahs a)ffi ! Web51te: ,'l,NA• bru,ns?',.ats ('.Q'!l Tel: �91-22-2621 6/J6Dl fax:9Vi2-2621 €-077

Notice ishereby given tha11he fo!lowing shareho!derh.1s !odgedtrans.fer dml{s).1!on9with share certificate{s) for transftr of shares with old trinsfu dee<! (Form 78} as per det.li!s be1ow

Ptace · Murnb:i, Date J!.fy 16, al19

IJ�led tlm9th1byof]uly. 2019

Foc Bhansall Engineering Polymers Limited Sd/­

As.hwin M. Patel Company Sw-etary & GM (Legal)

PA.WAN IHi\81\.KII Coun.s,:! for!he Apph(.:,nt New No 1 1 S. h�t flooc l.u1 (hun:h l/.o.:,d, Mybpon-.Cherrnai- 600004


s.ftM_�WM.....en>l�L101.l:1!l:..R�·Tender Notfficalioo !) Ten�s ,nthe pn,scr,be,;l ro<msare invile-d by :he O:<lm><sS'O'"-e<. Rai:,.p.al3,am Munic,pal�yto Pu,chase cf Battery operaled Vehide ;,,m 13 Nol. cf Ught Comrne,ci;,! Vehicle Rajap.ala:,am Monicpal-ty 2) Purct,ase cl 13 Nos. Light Commewai Ve.'>ide Prc;(ld /0< lh� value o! Rs.72.80 lakh5. Ter,rx,f form� v,,,;u, !If.I detads r.an be ck!wnlo.3-:!cO from https:/flnlenders.govfa andwww.tenden,.ln.gov.in 3 T<n>eandothcrOcla�s U.07.201!,11.l!{IAM_ Municipal Office, Ra,i�alayam 06.0!.201! Uptol.OOPM 06.08.2019 uptol.OOPN 0608 201! •tl:MIPN

lflt,ete,,de! receMngd3\e h.3pp--_.r.sl<}beah'-'-\&it. lhetende1r.w-aber«=<><lur,'.<13.00P.N.c.ntll<! r.e>tw;,,>;sn,gNi The!e"<l,ets,.-<lll>ecpened1113.lOPN.o,,lhesameday CYPR.1�1ENDER ?.M Cornmiuloner. Ra/apalayam Munkipa!ity

P.-1,� Ekr,;,)Wn, 0¥� ;J\y \� :OU\�

q ,.,


Qucss l:0111 Umill'd Cl\", l.74140KA2007Pl.(:ou•>O'J


f<;< Q,,.,..sc��;,L,rn"'.e<l ':0/·


Sh�reh_r,'ders may pltJse nnlt !ho! the deUJs up!o�ded by the Cornpar1:,• on 1!s wtbsite s!i� M Ceemed adequate no:ic-e m respect o! 1ssu� ot the r.e"". shaie ee:rtit",cale{s) by the Comp211y. 2.s reqL�red t,y the said R:iies fOf me purpose c-ft1ansfei c1 sh2res tolErf krnc-frt)' ln case the Conpany dots not ruewe Jny crnnrnurucatmn from the tonc.emec �h3rehniders on 01 belcte 13th Oci.ober 2019. the Comp�ny s'l2l duty transfer !he s'lue.s to tht !Erf Alt.h¢!ity ln_c.ase �ha1eho"de1s have ar-y qu�H t'!ey rmy rn'ltact th. Sirendu Thal-:1!:, Dy Genera! Mwagu. Kaiv1 Fmtech Pnv�te_ l1m_�ed, lhe Corr.-pany·s Registiar arad Transfef Agents JI K2r-q Selernum Tol'.tr 8, P:ot 31 -32, Gachinowli, Finwcia!Oistnct, Nanakr2m�-1.1da, Hyduabad ·· 500032. Tei. +91 406716 2222.Fax. +9t 40 2342 031( To1fiee l'\o 1800-425-8993 /lrnm09 30 a.m to 06 00 p m ), e•mail. 91asim [email protected];wr,/eiflwm! [email protected] corn


Hutokshi Wadia Pttsidenl & CcmpanySecretary


flOT:CE 1> �•whe,eb)' ,jw.r. Ufl-je, Sectx:,, 91 cf !11! Cur.pYl!ts Ad,. 2013 1M Reg,zle1 d IJ�s u,:llhe Sha1e Tw1sle,r BocJ,:5 d !l".-e Cc,r,p.a,,yw12 ,en-.,;,� clree-� !!cm Fr,:!,,y. ?'Au,,""J� 2019\c �u!�y.ta� Au��:. 2019. bctf,. &ys i,,,0\/i->"<". forti-.t pL-rp)l;e cflt-.tAGM Tf'.t 6-spald•,c-f!hl:No->xe ct�;e A&J, !cgetr-e w!Jll':efmr,02! &i,!eme,lHS on 3F lkr&� 2'319ud P,ef.'�so!!t:-eO?ecWs an-:J'. �k..--.:Uc,stne,-e.:,nt.:i!heflembtlsw,fav.bi.J!,-attr,e.'t,eg,ste,e,:ja-:$:!ressbfe·m.!l",pos'.Jro..mer.M�tee<'- comp!�e-.:1 TMa!C<reWjdY,-.J!"#M;;,-sava.,satie1Y, ll'.eCO'.r,pany"s11>-ebste"w"'"·9'e;;vescot:oo.comae,<ler!he·ln�Reta!>t,m."sec!KY>,O!l :heKuqFrled>PrW2lelrrt:-!l'dfKBN'f)�ll.":pS:/e•.«r,gkar,yco-nanda,ealso�k,i,-,spect,cr, a1:heReg�er!<'.!<mice ctlhe �n'ft<el"'� 10 am a,..,:! 12,v.,,:.r, va� ... orx,n.g days c{!fle C:wnp.:myuptothe<:!a!c cl ��et..GIJ Ar:wr.l.l€,er:w....«:!tc,aj€MaMvY.eattl\ell',Ui.t1g<Sec,t,t-edtoa:ip.l0'"1av,o-,;ytoa!terou,ew:ehstueo11tms-e.1andap1cryr,e-£:O n�be a ml:i""<bf1 olti-.e�ny Prcx:ies, dlc,i:Se,Jt,beetlecti"o'e, stwx.idbe dep¼�t'-ja!fu Regcslaed O!f>:.e ("}.!ht Co,;,p.a"Y, d.tf Ct'.<n?rlea"and�,e-:1 rdle-5Sth�T- �61"-.0-J<'Sbelore\l'.ee,c,nr,-,er,=t<l'¥,tOllheAG!J. ?t.1w.;,r,ttc;Sec'oer, 10Sdlt.e�.nesAct.201SreadlW)lR!.k20cllhe��arid�J'ror,f?.u'�.2G14 as amended and P.egJ.atcrc. « o! !r"� SEB_i (l...'o\11� W,.ga!ms andlh,:;los1.11"e Reqo,i-ements) Reg,J�tic,is 2015, !r.e Compar1y ::s p-,:,.<d-,,,g1sfJfflt:.Ysa!ocl'.t)·!oexer=ttierrgtto,'Otel:ye!ectrOr'l.:-irr.,je lJen-t.ffl;.c/.tr.eCornpar,yrr,aye•e<=tt-e,,fl9'";!!ovcte b"y�cn.::rroder.�r/altm��•rtoJ.ril!-et.\::.acllheA.GMTne�MSpro-,'lledtc..e�::i�•!ae--1,01r,gtrt"41 Kar,y Orfy�shda",,-�V-.a,�.,-;�ordem:.;!.;-r,.a�\orrna�e<1V-w!4!date, e Th.'ITTs>.")'. 1'�""JS!.7J19 m2rczs1th!i<' \'01eh"cvgfi1em()te e-->".#l-;o<h-;f >�ng 8!ltae AG!.I The!Jerrt.;e-rs. wt-,ct-,weno:c.as!trieQ\'Ole!wOJgl l½nctee·'Mngcane1ertise !he«W.41-iiriif,1sct?heAGMt,ylra�P$ H/f�.l'kGw.,'Vfess.t>.aresorrne�rriartdbro::Ynesa�ate<&sp,..>1,::t,rJt� N-ct<ecl!h.eAGU�nj11,t.:)�/.Mss:-"'-'CSC,,thfC>!.-.:liruieLe Th..rsda)'. \< Aug-.l>i, 201911'13)·!'..«U, AUW l0a,-,;!passv,<J<dl:yse,i1,t1-; a ,e,_,.,.,.leSI to Kil\'/ al e-.-&AglH:.3n"t=-� i:le1a3edp1ocect.Pek:t � a User 10 w;:j p.i:ss11,'Cfd is also p-c-.-.dedi<: !tie Nots=e �,;:ret..GfJ1,f-.d11,av2WeCtll'>e"«:>.:;t.esrJ&,e�u,:;iKaf..-, l!aMembe<isa.tre�·1e,gi,ste,ed"'<'.h�fo,e--v:.in; iher, he,'st,e can use lh� e:r..--s!rng U= 10 ar.d pas.<"WOIU !Cl cas\rf',fl the W.e tt,.ro;_gl e·\'O!'!'!S 11.e!arfa'ii!Otvo:in;tlmxJ;ahonst'lpcJ;sti.?i!berr-i!dea-akbleallheAGl.landlJ!!f!"be,-s�?lffidir.a!!',eAGIJ.wt-.:ihi!",'emlc.as! :he-� W1.eCj'1emctee--,'OY,g 1T.att,eab'e!Oe�e<ose!r.,:,;-rig',!a!!heAGIJ.t/Y��.apcl,Tl--t!J�s�r.a.ve=t&,ci,._.::,te:ho..<gt-, e-W""{l �y attfMfhe �GI.I Msl'>d�nO: beent?.ledtc,-cte a;ain lr.ee-voti-"-.gper,o,:1cmmencesi!Sam Monday, S'"kigust 2019�endsatS·OOF• m ooWedoesi!.y, 7"/wgs!Sl?C• l9 Vot<r.g9la¥, ll<J<tle�l!dbep-,:!Spm c,,WeY'.e$6-a)'. 7' k./g'JR2-0!9.as!i".eM'C,�-"{lrl"IOO"�esl".at-t-edtsabledt01--oii,;::the1e.al!!-<" ()-�the vo'.ecnaresoli.W, is-cas1btlheMembe,.�c.aney.tewnged -lh. �,.a &,,.fi..la P.-actio<"".g�f 5wetMj(fZ727)t.asbffl<lag,cded as !he Sm.<i<--.:ieslor ,:r,�iconruct,�!Mre;n�e e->\."'lf"l\jar.dthevctn;ic. aicITan,jt,;.�,Sl'J.n-.a.<;'"$' Tt.e re:;,.$.,;/thee·\'-:'.lt,',s'\'Oll!",g.atAG\lih1�ir.$l.ap-:,IJ st.all�dedale<:!Ct<'!OI r#.ee 10" A\lg'J5l2019.11,eReMs<:!ecta,ed atoog w.:h S:n..-tnzer's Report V� be p1»Ced on the Ccs-r,pa:nfs web!i!.e V.WN g:'eavtsoottcn.ron and C'1 ti'.t Karv/s wetsite hll)).e�u-.gl...arvfCOl"'", ar4w-,.,,-,Jf"IO:aled!ctheSlOC>:Ei:;har.gesllk.e,-ethe�ny"s sl'..vesa:e[fs1ed ll",e procedi.:fe of e-vot,rq r,;is been e>µ.,w.!'d fl t>".e No',re rom-u"""� the-AGM. in tr--e e-m.a-rl &en! lo the !.!embers by Karvy, c,; the �.:my's -.."tbs/:e 1',WNg:ea-.rev.cttoo.00""!!, �swe�ason� �rv/sweb;�ehttl)s:/.'t\'0!>11g .a,vyrom. In 2,e o! anyqveries pe,-<.an,-,g!Oe·'.W4�a:se,a��;tllefr�ik!.ooO�<es»"6(fAOs]l•Y&.Nehd.:lcrswJE·1h:&,;Uwl.linu�ktSr.atetda"el"; avcilable ,11 !he Oovai!oats sect,cn cl hHps:lfel-'o!mg.hrq.com 01 con!act Mr. V. Ra1er.d1a Prasad. JJar,agcr Kar.y. K�"'Y Stl�M.,m ro .. w B, Plot 31·32. Gac�,ibcwl,, Fmar;cia! D,str,ct. Na110�1amg11da, H)':ie,abad . $00 on. f'hy:.e Q4i)67\oll22.e--rr.ai:ra.>=n.:l<avQ>.EJVJ· wr,

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Nd:.:-.€ is herro,"!}wnt?uttne!Mt&,c:;ojA.-.,ualGeoemil,'«l:09tih!lkmt-eistitneC<rnpany(AGM)issd"ed;ied lobe held or, \Yedm-�. 71hk,g,Jst 2u19at \\.&:la.tr- al the �_r,/s Rtg,sfored otf,re at 143. F-�,,, Wage. Val'«lb!-• Kfh� RMd. K�¥!1 - 813 103. Kzr�,Yam Oiwd, T.ami NW\! lo lcY<!.act !h-!: bus.-.e�> l;J. c,:,rta,r,ed ,n the N¢.«d.!!�Ma/?�.?�l9 riot,cef/N',11.Mfll..<31 Rtj:«tMy,g v.,:J-, Me,-,:lct"� �allCP'r.:).""ffo<mha·,eb,een se,l,o tledro,xrr,:;,;:ie to Memt,e,, M,::,s.e e--mal!Osarezh,.'4re,s-.-<wed11,¢", �C:,-,�,,yo,&,e�&,vyf�s) wmstr>etk,,"WSl\3">-e•�?"".erreq;e!'.! %>"aha'dc-:f,yoflhesa<ne. Phys.,,...alcq-.y;"1reumeMsbeensen!tllaltr.�Mert,er;. l\ti:)lw,>Jrd.!eg>>!e!"Wtner e-<1\JllJ,; W.!r>e �ia�,:riP�,>) lr.l! l<WC:eofAG'J.;;,i-:!A....,...;.,tRr:p-:t1k,t'>e'fe¥<'01f;..19areai<lavai.illeml1>e�)'S'M:b;.<e .,.;z�w,:w.WwtyrOO.a:m l�M',:;d�r.ctP.-:e'\'e,ie Nc.t-7!cdAG,Vi,,-,dA.�Rep::rtrr,:,,1«,"'--k,:,d �lrcmMe�i�weo;.!eurm1rnr-��fr:r ar,q:,yrf.ti.es.amebyv.'"',�>g lcllf"k �J'Sel;Ye!aq!C�al/,13,��(1.e;a[J&t,e..OC.-,-err,erw-E;ije-m;fDc,:◊....T,r,...;rr/s S!"-,s;e 1ra-'ls!ef Reg-;t,¥s 31 e-rr.al Dt.r;V..-.ak..or.arfi,g��-= & st,{;:�.-.:isi.w-r.. Tt:e doo..rntnt5 i,:,�"'-"'..,,g to al :he <Wrasol�s�oo,am«:ted,.,!'>!!ss4AGV.a.<eopcc1Wnsrec«1 a: r-.eRegs;wre�()(f,::erJ1t<£c�"3!)'&.w-��i� h-:v,.1Y>il'1)" WfiJ'"'9d3i'.PIO�rd.i-j,-,_;lheila\e,;iAG!J. P.✓W¥'� lo!ht pr<YAS-')""1$of &WO!"i 106 o! t,e C(:i"ff,;;,-,,�Act. 20\3. 1ea,:ii v.W, Rik Wo! tr,e �.Jf\l!:-S \M.or:agemer,:: c� �a¼n)A.�;e,,1'r.e'l R,ks. ?0\5 (kne�� R-.J,.-.; 20t5-) .,r,,j Re-gdJW! 44 r:I &,e S-EB! :U,tr:g ��• w.d [).�dc'><.feR�uia-eme'>:�; R�,;,k:,.cn 2015 the C=.µ.r.')· I!, p,c,•-OW,g the facl�f to rts 11.err«"Is hoiol!lg �.aiM � !!'I fr>y,.,a,1 tor,,.. o: <:le<l'a!er.aked !<:ml. a� m lne � d;tle, 1,:,: ca5s'ng tr.eo-,>jes dect1)">·caly1Y! eW> =!an ;i,. r.ei W, "' fne f.::lxe cl un:l N::,M �":f.tile � ,-:ug S)'S'..-tm if. N»� Smn..e:s Otp,$-Wyl,m:ed J-,'$()(.J t-.::,m � tb'..e@et thJn !tee, •�Je citl""i!�l.3U (wr.o:e e---'4tin:"J l-l\l"'.el�;seW,,!i:nt-eW)'rl=<,eru1 1 Theo-dn.¥f¥l�fy°"<a!W:,/"l(<Ssas�OJtn�Noo:!!ofAG.IJ�be!���"''t1;..-.toglrff�«: rrea'"<$ 2 �leclc�clC�td,r!No.'>'...eo!AGU.rokroiJRef«.• 10.07201!1. J. 1her�ts\lC-:<;g;,t,;,lcmrre�t<".Sau-�yC•3M.2(1\91.900a.m(ISH. Theremc,:ee,.vo:.-.g!.."1ler4.,-., t�:,-r.::.re2orn(5Wp.m (IS11 Tf'.ere,-rctee--<a.-.g!..'u!rctbe;#,'.M'eebefYid&t, k_q_.,: 2319, 5.00P."'-t1ST) The w.-::tr date kt We:mr<".g :r.e e1.gm1y 1.:1 -r.(e tr,r�h W..t<t>X 1r.e2n,; et it--:c..,;>, t4-:,1 r.ap,e! :;i the Af:JI 1<'1 be wn Ja,'f2019 7 M)

' t=. ,.t,.;:,ccq,feesll'-t' $l'..;,es ct !htcC•�r,1 ar,:Jt«� alhrr,Wo!t>>eU:.r>f-a'ly2t,ec;,;�wtlNotu rf AG!J and �d,j$lt,e s/".a,-e-; as cltr,� at.4 <J.a:e ,.e., 31M J-Jy2019, l!lilyOO'.a.."l �k>g"' ID anJ�ssw:n! lf w-.&r>; a re;;-..e.tto�@'c$dc:::,.eiatcll1 N. Krr;,'m:l.UIW.Ort'a,,,& C-::n�.e<YwclC<rrf'31'Ys&weTrY1£!-erA;,erl.sa: l"'lsl".-�;Jgnsa.!l""dac�r" Ho-�-ever rlthel/�1is/Jre;;-&yregs\eedW{flh.'$[IU�1emctee--¥Ct<ro 1re, s<Y.t, Men-be< can1.Mit--.ee:r&.n;u�, D&'0P&,s;-..o-dk/�r.,._ttil'cte.. • E 1)-,e oo\.fyb" v.lt.'"'3�baib! �1 � 00 n"-.,,X, ava� al &.e� cl.AGM a'rl!he lk"T'bersa!!t-n:\>19 the rr.etl-� *.(ll-.a-.-ercte:?��<¢""'0::�etrf<trrd.e�-r..-:v,;s1\31,isot-eel¢/elce•erosetr,etr,ji!toca-st!he-:-,'«!:3!t'>el!'lE-�r,;t1Ywj-. Md�per 9 Tt,el.� 1<.hJ�(a-S:l!>et"d�t.y1{ffit!ee,.YtY",gf.'l'llQ�AG•J1r,3yalwatler,:l;t�t..G!.IM$r.,;I r,jt,et<M:fw!r: ras!i!"e>"vo!-ea;-J\'lll� �n,; 10 Ape,ro,-,, w.'>GSe r.a.r.e ,, !fWUe1" >i'I !he R¢9-'>ler o! Members oi ri l!",e R�ta rf8eneW 01,r.{1(S rr.;wi!,;� t,)'l",e dep-OSl!cr,e�asmtr>eo.td&te,.e. SW>!IJ.fti119!rl;fSl1albeenttedto.r.ai�lodtf ;J.rer;.;;;:eM'>.'¼get\'/4t9trvo,..g, t-;�p.3pe-,a!heAGM 11 The �.yl',3s l!f,(,:>r-1� !Jt.MJS,-¢,.;,. Pm�<S:,.gV)"l"f,;vsyS&:,�."l<)'. :;$!he �tnM"sze:to =�...et«.h� e---.'./.>."",; pro,:ess a--d -r-A,'>; h'c,.q-. hato! ,w.,e, al �-.'t!AA? dAGl.l 113 far wd �-et im-v>e<. 12 h cao.ec(/.lf\yQ<..-t<'-%.ttae�<1'\l'f r�fert()l.'"<6f1�·MedOJCS!S:1>S{FAQ�)fc, 1J�.·�;,r,d <€<"'"<1£, t-,r.!(.n::; UW fl,ar,,,,;,! fc,i Me1rt,-:,;-s" a,·aiatie at &,e QO'/,¼).!js soo.,;r, ct ,,.,.,....,._f"l'-:.,t,l!>l;•@nsd.icm 1/emte� rr'3y .;b: Y..i"l\1 �-\lif,ei) \J'le'W>Ces rela\""J kl c-;,;,:,-,,g to Ill N Kr:Wa-31:'-'1!',a> 0.-r.xw & 0:n'(farr:e O'!-.:ct <f C()(l"{,�c,/� Sh3'e T«,-..sti:1 A\}"e'1t� i;l l'"lW>ii>:''-"'lN{'W"'"lavb.lroo'-1:-- Fl,_,,a-;e>�/7-J'IT>?>!l{•::'a!6Ctt"...-llDrt-r,1eN!aMlhe�.y,)-:M.�«,,"U>'yf>»-..{,-,"lbre::e<t't<n-')J'=Co�.-: ���€:!��t��z�e;�';'T�s;;�;.;;���:t.�;t;�:�:s7'��,���x;�� !;:1t7.;, WeY,e,.C.ay31!:I .Uy?DlStoV,'e&,e/;.,;;f �A,� 2019fo..'U'adays .i-,-d-Jl.'Ve) fc,&-.er;v.,,s.ec!A0)cl!lle 0:,rf;,Jr'f.

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Page 3: l-, V::: · Secretarial Department Ref /Sec/205 & 266/l 23/2019-2020 The General Manager Department of Corporate Services National Stock Exchange of India

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(E!li§lwii; H,6\J�rrluSlru f@w!i)t.Slwru tEulf 6lll6ll G§:irruta:.tb