L. Lehman TOWN ^:J. POTTS · 27.: „- CRANFORD, UMlON COUNTYrNr^ \VEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1694. $2 PER...

."': ^EiaAi*BpIa5;•••uM6N : •CGy^nfYi•^>l^v'WED^^IKY^^syJ•Ci"894." $•2 PER YEAR. John JR. Laggren, Steam ' : Ca*pefe-Gleariiiig Carpets thoroughly cleaned by the latest improved methods. Specialty made of altering and laying carpets. r If you arc cleaning house or contcrhplatijig change of residence, send fortis. : .No extra charge out of city. Uphoistcring^JWindow Shades, Poles, Floor Crash and tanopicsfor^geidjngs^and-rcceptions;^^^^g^i-ay^ Morris Avenuernear-R^R^tation^EblZABETHf^—-^~---~--—-- •-—=="^^ -"f- -^----=--—^-- L. Lehman 133 Broad St. Con E. Grand Street, ELIZABETH, N. J. Tbr oriciri&Iuftrof low inlvcn in thlff city, nfr ft 111 the loweM In prlcr* nml altvAyn nil) 1M?. LOOK! LOOK! B-s-t Lard." ......... .......... .only (lc Hi Fine Dairy Bqttrri. <-. . 1 .22«;,'3 llw for 00c. "liV-if EJsinBntt4>r^ ui . .liTe.:[ llw for 7.V "-•7 LOOK! LOOK! harp.. i Ctvam Cliomw. ; Snris> Chew, iinpurted .... CANNED GOODS. TninaJotti..: .'..; ........... Sn^ar Ooni; ..... ;'. lYa*. Marrowfats. .- StringBeans .... .. Lima Beans... ^... Frach*-^, -! Jb «tn.. IVar* Bartlett ,8c- lb ,-lc each ...Stfclb BeHt Sugar Cured Hams ,. 1 lc Hi Dent .Siiwir Ciiml. Shotildern: We Hi IltSltyfc —.- .7<lc llr l b l Strawlnrrie".. Wp mlm* kf-rp In M .. :'. .80 can , Ocean Oc'cnn. 1 Ocfan .."., ,9c can ... A-1' enn .... ISct-an •..-.U<rcrin ,... .14ocau .•;-.. .I.V-caii Itnltyrfc. 7 XXXX Muinenotu Flour f 1.25 bill Best Family Fl.mr. ft.30 Mil 23 II) ImK XXXX FJour 5-Ti- K S3 Hi lm(? Fnmily.Flonr ;...; ..-I."* DRIED FRUITS, Etc. California Pcaclicg..,.,'. ;i...,311*. Me California Ajiricots!;. California R i c e ....... Cal Fine ColtiT. . .5 lbs for '25c" : .a:io. llr ...;... J!c can .. U can ..... 'irillc ..... '..., Aliiaka "Salmon. ^ ....... Nti'w pruiieH.. .4 lbs. for 25c Now ap]ili-».j^..; .... ,,,;;.-'I lbs: for2.V Eugl Mr Uii-iik fust -TvaT ::'• iHJcT. 3 Kip." Hiki Foruioan Oolong, Huti. 3 Ilia. 80c Fiuo Japan.: . 30e, 3 lbs. Wile Local Hems. ^ Cranford nt-wlsa lockup/ John Penman has named his .home Elmhaveii. ' Mins Frances D.mninn has .gcn'ip tif Boston for n mouth. Mrjinil Mm. .1. F. Pt-niston lmve re- turned totown frtmt Brooklyn. DiToralJnn-.Day will 1M* a Kay ocnisioii' in Cranfonl. r iV~tin«-~bnll name nml a tennis tpuminent will lw tile )irim'i]ial attmctioiiB. A Hiilistantial adilitiim to tin'- fmnily of Ht'iir^: Preston in the shn)H> of n chnbliy lioy, has cjHiKe(l/ inneli Tej(»icinfc Siiiihll iirii 1 ' " on Spriiijjfheld iivenriiy .. - 1 * ' - : The dat«. of Peter FiiiK'T l s l^rand con- cert was incorrectly giri-n in. last wi-ck's Tln-7-rait comes off to day, . Prof. Dewitt, of New Hrunswick Is in town. . ... • • :. . U.-o. .W. Nix was made a meinlicr' of the noy.irArcuntnn last nixht. ;'"" Bernard Doyle Is busy laying tltn Haw 7 (,'inu for tho" Presbyterian church si.!.-- TOWN walk The House Kmlire clubilnnee ill the. Ojiern on Friday will be a brilliant Sirs.' II. .T. (Jarner bib> fetiirned from a three weeks visit at AlarltK>niuKb on the Hudson.'. | . - Tim ItoatiiiK A^H-liitlna. will meet in Uie town rooms tii morrow nlclit Tbo pnlilic is invited. -. HcV. . O«i.:- F. cH-ka full aw-ortnicnt of Fine Wlnw nlnl Ldiuorw, nlilch wo will w!l hy Kjr, IkiUrlxjn, (Jin, Ajiphs Jnnialcn Hum. IVrt and Hlipny Wine tmmU*c. " tLr <jtt*rt«rKallo«. •jcarl np.- • • . ' - •"*. . U. LEHIV1AIM & C;O.. N. It—-* minutes walk frtmi C H. It. ntiittim. (i«Knl»* nljip i -d fret'of flmr^c to all nfi^tt the town, would speedily vanish if/the town .c-ouiiuittce^would provide j The l-'anv tile lock-up which tin- [H-ople'have u.ted | Arcanum Tor,, and instructed the town coinunttc.-; Council an. to purchase.' OFFfOR Prompt Payers Can Save Money by Trading Withus. GROCERIES, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, Cmucd (iooila of all kinds,-binoFcTj Meat;*, I'l.iiita mid (iarden SewU, nil .anbject to,tlii' above liberal rcihictidii., / TbsAlcii-nsKociety met in the Oix-m.., House, on Mondav night mid discussed ! ~.~ " (s < ."irablu that a In !-veral pro]s»«.d "amendim-nts" M- the ', "°" " m T t ''•'•.'•••'""'•Ml. constitution and bylaws. Them- will | Jliss Klieiians, of Klizals-lh y | Miss Kliiians, f Kliziilslh lias lii IK- voted on at_u liiN-ting to be held ' oii)-a({«l as organist of Trinity clmrcb. .Tnne'lHtliV . _: I The choir bus lsvn ntirKiiniziiL-iimlur i « l l l i ^ AW Pll 1 Nt ^ It Saves Timr. T'OidbU ami Hipenu TO VISIT OUR DPHOLSTERV DEP'T For Curtain*, Torlierea, Window Draperies, Oil- Cloths, diallings, etc Williams &Basset1 II2-W BROAD SIREET,- 'EHzabeth. JAPANESE WASH SILKS. FOR WAISTS. 69c. FORMERLY *l.00...-' COVERT CLOTH, NKW FABRIC for LADrKS' WEAK. -Fred "Wool wns" elecl.-d linaiiclal sechttiiry-of—the .hose—conijtnuy on Thursday night. ~"~~ : , The Ladies Aid HiH-letv will I hohl a slruwberrv festival in tiie Presbytitfinn ichn-s-lon the-.'ilr.l inst. -'••'• 4 . will In. h/ld Iwtwoen the- 10th iind the j WUB '" '""" y<-«"'"»>. v - ' 1 1th of^iiext month. ...-." ,^A. The hewer committee will make i Th/hostoftrainIMandbeK«.irswl.iuh i r' rt . 'l'." 1 !' property .owner,, afa i .t..A .i... 4.._ :.'..i.i ".! ... ....... ing in the town nsiiiis to night. 1 TheFunwood Council of the ltoyal has invited the C'ranford il its friends to be present at smoker to In- held in the FIIUWSHI nncirH rtsiins on the evening of May It is desirablu that a large delcg; lias r n K l l''«'l'-rsliip^ AW Powell 1 . Next ' M Tlt Sd Ht Trmlty Sunday, Hector y It si-ems to IHI tile proper capt,-r toliayej ilogs registered by prosy. On Saturday j night'E. I). Ifnrtou had-Mini Fi.nm.-i. •- - „, .. .,- Di-ninnns mastilf, Zeno. rcj?ister.-d-, and [ ""'" lu " { ""' Dl ' lt "'" on Monday, Collector Crane |K-rfonne<l Hi Cranford is threatened . witli an mil like tiervii-e for F.rceli.ilder'Littell. ilemic of caninici.l.i now that the utnet '.-Tlie- advent j.f giw to Cranford will i r.-<inireinents of the d.« law are Ui-oiu ;.rovt> a )mm to scores - of fnmj- »>« K*»i<:niHy known Iheriyir.- a fi-.w lies. II fuel gas In cheap and cii'nviai-1.1""""'"?, in tmv " *f'"' '"'Y 1 ' Ul "" '"'"'"K ient IJI rjumiiier i-siKfially It j>i-riiiitHf 1 "*'" r ''' v "V'.-ry time a tlug toru across of tiwking. witlumt the- iitt.-u.mnti th.-rr-fnmt-liwmr-TftrwrTinw-riMUIzi- nuisances of exc.-s.sive heat nnd diist. ' ''"' "'!' day of-lenganc.- has COTII.-, and ••-.•• '• theontl.s.k for tli.M.ebian curswhouino Sro oiiuiuittii! held n consultatifin. one thinks it -worth wt!U- t<>.r..-j{ist»-r:ar.i y, i*ih "Kiinriiiiy i.ight. Th.: _, ,, , ,,„,,. ,„ , . . .. t ijiicof >li»ciuwlfui was the ii.t-.ls of the :." T1 »' Cra«for.l Whlrtt Cliib met at the two-ioiiipani.-s and the division.of the i h|>n«> uf Mr. and .Mrs. IJriinilijgi) money for the tnirchiuie of ne>v «mip- ;'"K<'t- K. J. OarniT. nnd J A. 1 inents. • - . - . . . , son earned olf the prizes. After re- '-_ ' " I fresiimeuts hadlieen served, each gen j TliKb.nIy.nf Mrs. Al.mzo W. Miller tl.-inan wns provided.Jvlth a hat or Ism wns laid at rest in Falrvicw yesterday, ! net which lie W-IIH ei|scted to trim with after an inipri-sslve service iu the Pn-s- ! llowers, fealhers niid tiblums, these }*"< byteiian church, of whicli sh.-.Jiad long ing packed indiscriuiluately in it big Wii it nienilH-r, Mrs. Miller died on Imx. -Much ainusenieut was COMMITTEE MEETING.! ftany flatters of Public Importance Poweil Upon. - ~*'", A la'rge'nniounjrof public business re . tiring th'- attention of the Town Coin-., mittec confronted tliat august Is-dv In-n it met on .Monday ilfglit. All the i-mls'i-s were pr.-s.-nt.-. A. Il^lllg.-low n-presenting"Styli>s ^r~On^h~Tiske.l-hnw >n the pro-sised street,under.the rail- ,d was toIs-..penis], and uotilled the 1,'iniiiilittif that .Styles & Cash 1 desired to have all the wiiLtn wbicli they were j "" }."; entitled. Chiiirmair >•••-••- '-...n.-i' "" r -n that the worlf of opei ... L- .. ,; ,.iui M-iiiu Java CoHec- 111 Hortotl - rep led [Oj ,,,.,, - „,, , , :•",!'«.."i".'; 1 ! 1 :".^ O,,rJ.i«.y.Br«,f.' IN-CH IM^IIII tlmt iluv. fmtluT than tlmt )i"thiiiff-t1i'JliiltiM*''iiM ]M' wiid •..••• '•-- (.'iimcrtii'iw theKr» ( li^K "f Soulli avi»- iiiK', nciMiiiniHiicntinn fri'lii TowiiMliip \ that AUtmunrt-ii tlio Jml^e .('riwH luiil told liim tliiit tlnMiK'lt tlif (Jurwo-Ml Liiud Itnpr.iv't'iit ('-.Mipimy luul ilrilicjitt-d t»«- thf'trhvii that luirt of Koutii avcinn 1 run- tliroiiK'i its limils, tliirt iiuiHHcd no jnitlmiily oil tin* town" ofllnw* lo do •ylliiiiK till thi'Htnrt WJIH itrrt-itti-d. Anotln'r \vtUr from tin- Tmvn Ci-tut- 1 Ktiiti'il tlmt HH- A--]iTnion jiinf rcfrrr-'d to \vuH"l»iHi*d riolcly mi tin- recurds of tin* Hojid Ildiii-iT. - It illicit 1M> Htttiji'tt to inoditinitiuii liy (iHur fmiH... V. \\'.\ Mdi'.sc, of tlic OiinvVxjil (.'nni|)any, wlm ' WIIH prt'WIlt HJlifi jf til* 1 ('(lllllllilt'T' Wlttlt ! id th'vdi'cliiratiiiii nf dcdii-iition i>xi'<-nt i c«l he could )ui\*i* it ilmii- by Tn*-Hd»y-j nftcn(nii. To iniruvc! the nimrl a, mill j (-oiuliiitt'^', cnnipomil of Mfrturn. IJnul-! ley and •Si'V'.'rjitir* 1 _\v)iH_ap|M»iiit»'d with • dtrcctioivH to rciKirl at an udj-inriH-d: tu'.ftitiK to 1H> licfd Friday ni^lit of thin wwk. , - ' j Aiu'tit tin 1 ii»niiti**fmrtorv Strict. 1i^clit-1 inK'^'Tvio', Mr. Ilradlfy'mii'l that the" dimiH'H* of tlit* lai|i|"iH WHM dui 1 to'thcin II i fr.r|l,S(t Kiii la'ix '"»•. :(ran* for £V. : "»imirr >nittli-'Vvv. v,.. ...... Sic ..':•. IIV; ^:J. POTTS & SONS, 19 Broad Street, Cli7«ihoih 164 & 1 66 First Street, tllZdOQIII, We have just rm-ivi-il a t-iirgo uf very line Teas, Oolouj;,'.fa|. llreitkfast, (InnJKnvilei-, Vonu-,' jlvsnu, that were sold f.. r :,tty&i\,\ i;o conta per Hi., we have nla.Ie the price at "Jit-, Ite, or irib-i. fo'rJjw^ojiiyJo<Ltliia_ . A FEW OF OUR SPFCIALS WE ARE OFpchlNC VERY LOW. (hir Climax Baking I*<iw<Ii'r , ',.. I ( V t u d - ' i i u ' i l Milk t»ur. Vwxv X )liv*M>iK i ....... v...,. ..^ :t I h p ' i i l ('iiitul(-'n«-;..; .... Mllipuil I.nrd.T .... : Jt llw (Jin^tT Simps Orilcrs may Im^lcfUit any time witli'onr n-|ireBcntati K IVO. -II.IX1.V1, CranfoKl.. .a Frank T, Lent v Architect , " im •"""•"""•'••••—-'- .. CRANFORD, :: :: :: NEW JERSEV. Entire Attention (liven to Suburban Work in thl.< Vicinity. ONI- HUNDRED HUll.DINdS IN IOUH VIZARSJ V ,1 .-'.' ln.'hl.ll..u Ihl- W...t!!..|,l I'hil, || ' .H.,«,K..\.'l'iWK,lM..I. M. ..f J.ilm W. llii.ikrr, .lain.- II..ri.linn.rr K.I.I .I..I..I l>. r . llliKH.I.il'rnnf..r.l. "5ound Stnte In^uburbAn Afdillfcture, 1 wttli .ni'''.tniii..a.n.ii'i'«-44, hrv. r.t.-lv,-rl IIU|I< 1.1 Vlllll.tl.il, 11-. A II Y.I KM* I, OC.t.K for Ally.Hill . tlii!Htiii..lnr.| llli«k.ll.»h).l~-...n-. r. Xili-r.T.S. CnJ. .Miirjlimi.li»Ki;,r-..f,i.ll,Hr.lii W.-I/1.I.) «,„! llu- r.-l.l,.K-/-l KV Illl ll ll H A 111 I I I I II n^ Ol I II.' llll|l|in H U M Illl. 1 l<> I III" III I •' frequency with which they were renew ; « ed.. The Nationiil.I.igbt and {.'oustruc.-1.' liiin:Conipauy~si-iit r a notice tlmt it timst;— lie protected in nil the rightispccllied iu i lt.>lu.-rH. It. }'. <Vl.riti'i. ll.i.rlrl, | m | I.IIIII; t Mi-<'outcry t'ltili, tlt.-Jntni h|, li>dl'l i'.rM. ll.mt.'ou Hall. k IUI.I TIIK(|(-I:II* llo ll,.K/l Hall. A. llm» ..lly. the franchise the. company last j UUUU OBOUO i . UUUU rUIIM[(tild UUUU " ' ' ' ' H i e i r i i n c m s n u n i u i e . i m e c o m i i n u y ut.ii i ,., . . . . d, . / . > # , N , >-.' , year. This franchise wive the company | 7 '"' ifOrrt. O] XUCCCXN]ul luinull){; fillip fidtyle/KH^. -. .ihei'jtcUM.vci-iulit.lo'-niipiilv •< t mnt'>rdt».i ; :r^,vi:.*:.t.--••'•—-(• •••;:'•-•--•' ~^::^^-'•'"-•;'":•'"'i : --~'^-' : "'~ : -' :y 'rK''-'•:' <•-:••••-»••— " with Sis forfiVev.'.iirs from.Inly-1 ? JHIII Our Mock nicluiics only floods of rucoj;ni/f(l n\cnt, -such as. with gnu for live vears from July [•> 1M!M provided the works were iu ...-M-ration by "•.•".••• Hitnnlny.- the'iiwkiinlnuw of the men uiilliui'rs. with one of the lulndsoiiK'st carjiets in the iiiarkct, and the reputation ..f the hniisi-lM a Kunrant.ie that thin will ln< done. " " - * LACE C(IKTAI>fS. ^ccti ia Paint De Esprit, with rufllcd eJsc. 1-^1 Iccfilh Mii width ul /••-•• $3.95 LACE CUSTAINS. ?C'. 'i-gSaTTi. w^fii Point'tic Eij>rit cflcct*. Uc- iL.n*c»da*irc with us. '• _*nt 7 • •• $2.65 CIir.XlLLE PORTIERES. .A rrvi ltT*£er in caoA quality ChrnHIf, full «1M> Ki Irac!.. l-irf[C line of fi.li.n,. TCTT j-frtty-ljT^ea ilajat, well worth f «.<">• / $2.95 pair / V.'lXDOW DRAPERY. . RuCisJ cj-*c -T-KJ^J iiiirwttjr anj novel effccti. '' j. 48o. yard T*—V»-jTna5Tt.iJrrrd Muslin Sash curtaininff 19c. yard '.VIXDOW SHADES.' A ~-.VTI-I So<c?iHnnhc-;I llollanj, Hartlhorn' T ~ . K-i^::.. J lioca Irin^c. - ©• * • ' ... 48c w :iATTI.XGS. 12 to 50c. yard PORCH SCREENS.' 'a B-=sSoi, Ifciztf,fiby J I c e t A K^ccialralue at' $1.45 COTTAGE DRAPERY. R**u -^njctlorbjfigured £oad%M'trom v 9o. and.up JAPANESE RUGS. A_ vxes and cCccti Irooi •; , :, m ;^,,,^,^f}9Cj flfld TIP " HAMMOCKS. U Ji or without pillowt, frinjrr, etc., from 69c. and up ITOOR OILCLOTH. rtT4tf puicnit in beu quality of oil cloths at •<" 25c; sq. yard FLOOR OILCLOTHS. HCRT c ^ ' . T . t^i'etiible <>ciigai (can be iiscn l>-«k Mjrfl'al 48c. sq. yard vousoi-'iTq NETS, \YIRI; WIN- DOW AND DOOR SCREENS, BABV CARRIAGES,' SEWING MACHINES. FRET—WOOD WORK, ETC. ISTNO BRANCH STORES OR IGENTS- ,.S.Plant&Co, to 721 Broad Street. KKWAllK, Tf. J. UOin. wide, direct front nianiifacttirer. !S!1IKT WAIST SALE: few morv of tinwt*.Fancy mid Black ' SHtrt Wnints. 29C.,36CMI49C. WORTH DOl'BLE. A XEW NOVELTY. Put nir*imkbiT*Uiv-in y(m jMK-k(.'t ur your Kiip wick, nml* hiivr~it'"rt'a<ly tirf'nw win'iicViT!.t*i_nl<*l.. ;Ank to miMmr.foM- in^ tTiiilirt'llikS •-•-•-,- * JoHfjih Wftmnrc, jiniprii'tor of tin-, Ciiiiin Connty Hport..»f whii-'li thcfirVt - MUIIIIHT will npiM.'ir on Kiuultiy, wiw ia IL 1 is aiiil to h u v orftTwl grtmi iiiilui't!- ncntM to IMWIH HnlHey. lmttllM»tt*T- <nu\ he wa* too iimch lici'ijcil )ty t||«* l'ar- or l.'jir i'lihlfttliingi CoiJiitany.tuJf-tvtit-j •rvifi'juHt'uww. ' ';' '. HASEJiALL MISCt LLAW- .' , , . \ ' : Oreat Interest Manifested In the Com- DKESS I'ATTERNS. nt a!Mint one* half their regular vain* 1 ,isp this «>]i]Hirtiiiiity whilr it lastn. A SEASONABLE SUGGESTION, J^squito Net* (iKNESTA-CLOTH.'Stripi-a•anil 1'l.iiii Coloro. DOtl'KI) HWISS, the fincat line to lit- found any- wlicro. . ; ZST' Ask for the ladies' shirt waist tic, 25c. Carpets, Oil-cloths, , Rugs, Mats, ~ Mattings, The i-uarterly rejiort of the t Loan Assisjiation. rend at —•lag -Scason-'s-Sport. -~ - - - Utiirt fore'-t Bnlp-rs vs. <_'.(.'.(': on Pecoralioii'l'ay a. in. -. Xliln is-KoinjiJo Is- a (,'reat 1»'«'- '"ill vi-itr in Crniifiird.- 'nif.-e teams alri-Mdr "in t h eIk-Id -..-•- - The newll.J.: ('. suj;s will ,!«• of V;i|.. ^rey with iliirK blue. ^|..<-kiiiKs.. caps nnd belt's. They i.r.- ordered and will IK- iiiude by Si'hoverli.in. Uidy * ..r.J.tli-i .of •Jli.'. lir.ttdway, K. V. Tile base ball teal.i of the were out ill full fore- .... the . ^>ld din iiion.l ini.Siitnriluy,-|'aud they will [inn; Ointnu-tiir Urowiijiji- it rendy, andh bits [irouiiM-d it. The bidies of tin- ('"tintry Club-will Kivi'tlii- UutKers-('..||<'e team a lunch e..ij on Deeohiliou D,iy, after the K"U It will Is- a line nlfaii,- t«»""' Country ("lull uirls know [dun and ei.rry .ml jii-^t sn..-b Rutgers ls-at r'oliiuil'ia l.-i^t tribnte soinelhiiiK for that•|,m-1s.se ,l'..« : tl $ in I' 1 "- 1 ','! 1 <Viitf"rd v.-itii til. disa|,|M,intliim. ; . Country Club at 11; -The Cradfor.l Athletic -Cyi.-l.-n. will' hold the following runs during; the com- iujr inontli: To 'start from the club li.in.-o>-••Niiln'nliiy; May ii, :i.:iD p.m., Snrin^lield and Union: Wednesday, Mav I'», at wji. in., KliziilH'th. Iti.hway unit Westfield; Hiitnril.iv, "tiny 1!), at :i:iO|i. iii:,'SjiriiiKlield iin.l Madl.-ini. in- cluding twomil.; coast; Tuesdav, May •ii. at H |i. in., Scotch Plains and* Felt- IJuildinK Monday .f >vlii|t i <mall mini put by r.«ulnrly nnd invest !-d wisely can nccouijdisli. The value of dinres iu the several seri.-H is us follows: st. .•fir.'.i:j;2.1, if«.-..il;:]il, fiiii.i:i'f 41b. •1(1.7:1; Mb. ifil.Ttl-!; (lib. fil). "ill; 7th, Ilv tin- united elloils of llcv. Klxii.-ju-r Bird, of the Heiond Il.i|itist church of Uoselli-, Hev. Br... Hnrris, of Newark, nil Key. .loseph Porter, of Klizalstli. more th;nr--J?-'.H of ..the" niiiount neces- s.try to |.ay off tho ilajitiat' clmn-Ii mort- 4;;.^.' .was r;ds(?d on Kundnv. There still, reinnins to ls-i-oll.-eted illsiut fii, nnd if Pastor Wnlliice asks vou to ton til to f, how ull'nirs. Saturday Cr.K.fi.r.l .f 'II, LuM.lr.-lh's and 'rhorbflrns Fn-sh (iarili-n'Snils; Map-s' anl f - r.» l>r < IVrtilutrn; Planet .Ir, (liudeFi T.s'ls;IJanibur«. IJissi-ll iuid Oliver Plmvs: (inle S'.eel l^v.-r Harrow. Spring Ti«.t|i and -I)im- llarn.ws; Aspiiiw.ill ' . ,r P..lain Phhil.rs and (.'nil. rs;.small Ti.«.N of nil kin.U; " Hnrtiiian Sl.-ilPick.-l Ken..-. . GORDON & HIGGIWS. 'entjidil .Irettur, . : : J!o>icllr,.\'. ! r. that time, ii'u.l that tiie coiu[iauyx fill- u Isrn.l of . f.->.0(-<j..io .iie<Mir.. the 'town itKiiinst .IIIIIIII);.- by tho ti-nriiifc. up of itreets. Jlut no move Inward en ilfiictiiiK this plnut or the Hll.ii; of the IHIU.1 hnd yet Is-en mnde, nnd Clerk (.'rilllie Was direcled to hill the coin [miiy's attention to the fnet. A letter from JnilKii Cro*s infonueil llw committee that the town wns a ^_ i ^•—«™.—ma••-•»-•.^____-^^_^___-^__ action. OwiiiK lo the eipirntion of the] " - * "":•.- time limit, John Schiudlcr's l">ud couldi not. Is- uecc[>l.-d so ; be wits n)l|Kijnte.l I oiistiible for I year. The |H-liliou of; j-Town^l'rensurer Crane for tin- snr'i render of his Ix.nd. ~wns detii.-fl bv nd vi .f .ludKe .Cro-s H.LFINK, CARRIAGES, ELM St! . WESTIIELD.. REPAIRING IN ^ r ITS:BRANCHES. 'Jobbing-Promptly Attended to. c ,,l,,n but cieVk I'lnn.. certify to the A.i-..--»ir fiuou'will !»'needed r i wnt.-r f'.r th" ensniiif; yenr: lill Fridny niKlil! " nrnrchurch. cll* PIniulield and return by old Jerusalem road; Wednesilav, May 10, Milbtini rae*- trnck;Katiirdiiv,'.Iun<-2, Plninlicld ra.e tr-.ick.' ThereWas a [ironounc.;.!.hobble iu the piit.of Frank Jones for several days Inst week owin^ to all experience which lK-fel him on ".Springfield ave"nue. The yonii|f ninn one evening nl H o'el.vk wns s.i'ii walking alouK that street in the din-clion of Central avenue., Just before be nftch.il Isennmn's bridge, he nuticed JI battered derby bat resting' in Ijie niiddle of the sidewalk, Jones's foot- ball insllncls at oncw nssi.-rtvd then, wlvi-s and In- msh.-il at the obj.rt and gave it a kirk millich-nt to have sent it to the Inflict point in Summit. He didn't know it was anchored, but reallz- 11I the fm-t when lii.1 [rntent lenther slij.pered f.sit cam*-in contact with the Illird side of n brick. There i wi.s some laiiKhinii done in the vicinity almut that time, but'noli. 1 of the merriment origin- ated with Jones. F.sit ball hud lost Us i-hiirnis for him, and pain drowned for the moment his HCIIM- of humor. ! new grounds on Occor.itin:!—Uayiwirn- The nrn«d stand for the new bull (jromids will lift n-wb"' '"f '''I* .'..iA-iiuW4-vi.l«'.tli.'-t«wi»'- i -w.ith-- ignine. llnd the inalillKers IIII|K> tlmt they 1 •'--•• '-— ; will Is- enabled to build it to |m|d-Mil )M-<i[iIe. Tllis.le|slldsU|K.ll thv wile <>f the rw-nwiii ti.-kels wlii'-li--nr'-— ii"w offered at i Units Pharmacy. Tin-:stand will be .V. : feet loll)? nnd haven l'.-.f to k.-epoir the i t-iin,iimtIriiiuI,,JJ.hLjii,«ilL.lia-j!»x- tk-rs of 'seilts. the lowest one belli)? about l-i)?ht f. et from th..- Kroiinil. Th«, w.-at« will Is- ; very comforlable niid ivjll Inhe backs • Ivich will It.- lininlH-i'td to correspond with the diiiuram nnd IM tin; stand will 1»-built almo-t dh.-ctly Is-lnnd the Inline bn's.', the llsllitl'-iH-t will Is- put Up to prevent iiiiy.iiii- Ix-iin? hurt by strnv fouls. The seasoir li.kets which-will, covernirKnines pluy.-l on the -.'rounds (probably tw.ntv Kiiiii.rsi UP- olfer--d.it tile loW pri'e >>( f 1 ''neb. (The snllle kind of tickets are soldlhy the Elizi<1»-tli Atli Club for *". nud" Hi'.!-irruiul stand there is v.-rv imromfortable. r The buildiitf? of tli-* Krand stand nnd theef. foft tonet the national' Knine establlshe'l b. re is the work of but A'fi-w men nnd the public should I'litronize this boine in-.titution very heartily. John II. Cromwell of .Wailful ii iiskr-ii'furn'hyrlrTiiit to" pior.-.f Iii-. pioji"" !-rty. -It wnsKhint'-.I'on condition the -.'.litniet with the. wnter company could 1 |j<-complied with. A letter calling nt } leiit.iou to the enn- of Mrs. Mahoiii-y. ! tvlio- nt tiui'-H r,iinbl.-M • about town l.lllf clotll.-d Wli's r.'f.lled to (IviTM-er of- .-1'IM.I-I)i(/.-l ^'I'lie str.-et known ns (.''•nteniiinl nvenue wns oni.-iully dt-^in.. ;iF.l.-d by tbnt linme mid the ro.'ld , iiieclii.'i; (Irchnrd str.-.t nnd SpriuK-1 li.-ld nveliil", w a s inuued I)iiiili:.m Mn-t I, 'The report <<f the conimit'."- 011 n.nd ; n.o.iey lccolliuielub--d IJn- I'olloMiii);: ilivision: Intdistriel, >JV.'r. •"..'; -.'nil dis- Irict, il:i7.lii; :ird di-trict, |1I-..'7I: -Itli district. >J-.'><;.Mi. Adofifuil. The lire committee ji«k.-d f..v Vib.l received nppro].riiiti"irt« [iitrelia-u- '.'•"." f.-et of : lioif:. Other lire, mntt.rs were laid, over, Committee on !.•.•){ ii|. r--|M.rted! . . ' pio)jr.->is. Couc-rnitii! street si-?iM. Mr ] Agent for the Home Insurance Co.. New York, and The U. S. .Mutual llni'lley sni.l Hint 1110-t owners of plop ; ' .,..•:>.-, .•rt.v'oll coiners eolild doubtli-ss put llpj fi;,'lis nt their own expense, Suitnbl.' si^lls woiil 1 cosl nl-olit :1O cents encb j Coniniittet-nmii I'Vcler IV;H nutli.iliz.-d I "(ri buy a 11.-v.' rope forthe 11;.^ p..b- No I VUontrnrts for lh:ht ..r wilt.- ' " DAVID B. LENT, Op.-ra House I)l.7ck, Cranlord, N. J. REAL * ESTATE ^ INSURANCELOANS, Accident As.socii^tion. was- dire.-t that f-'Tm P". •lively t -l to y pro . lwr.lx-nii-1 •Adj..urne.l llmict I'jr Sii: «il T.> l.tl «nJ Ibt Chnkeit HullJinz ton In Tuwn at lloll F . IIOIIEXSTEIX, , FEED; B I ¥ and R Tricychs iaay Ui had f(>r hire, like calx, in MilniL An ntten.huit ROCS with tho inncliiun t'> propel It. Tho fort; de- pend* on Ihcs diRtAiie.-- tmvelec1—not the tlmo coiuramoil '• , . SimdaV I Vi'o ill'.' in.; 'yoiin;? p.-opliti' 111.-.-tin)?7 : I'liworth I^'aKU-- 11 tin)?- t.» uiulit at H O'I-l.K-k. Hi-y. F. (.'. M.».ii.-y is away from town this w.-.-k. ilituiidiii;? i-ommeiiceineni,,.t j iJrew Tli.ol.«icnl Seiuiiiiirv. from which | be will 1«- urndu.ited t.ii.iorn.w with 1 honor'. ' o i - ' . Pfalt's Horse Food. ,..' All Poultry Supplies. STORE, PROSPECT STREET; OPPOSITE STANDARD BDHDIIG IHSTflflD. V The I'ccrlt-ss Prudential. \ re|H.rt of an exaniiuation of tie Th . Prudential Iiisiir.iiie'.- Comp.iuy of Americn by the Hon.- (•••<. H. lliiryi'.i. Coiiiiuissii.'uer of ILmkiiii? nud Insurance for New J.-rsey, I* nn inter.-stim? .I.M-II- 111. nt It 1.roves th it'tin- Con.piny Is Iliinnciallv solid as ..dammit, that its policies up- liberal nnd tlmt It In every wnv ibs.rv.-s the coiilld.-nec which bun dn-ils'df-tli.ms.-iiids.if p-r*.^ r.-|»«-in it., , _ ' __».i_ llnw >'A-lam*« Apple" (fl.talnrd Its Namr. It oriffintttcil from nfl.i[>t-ri.titloii«trn- dilion ttiat a |>lcco of'tbo forbidden fruit which Adotn nto etuck in hl« throat nnd produced tho swelling. '' LEADING SHOE STORE OF WESTFIELD! Ladies andlCents FINE FOOT-WEAR. RUBBERS Traveling Bags & Trunks. 0 JBroad Street ^ Westfield. \.

Transcript of L. Lehman TOWN ^:J. POTTS · 27.: „- CRANFORD, UMlON COUNTYrNr^ \VEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1694. $2 PER...

Page 1: L. Lehman TOWN ^:J. POTTS · 27.: „- CRANFORD, UMlON COUNTYrNr^ \VEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1694. $2 PER VESS? »FS, 10. "'I--' tV IKtK. '

. 27. : „- CRANFORD, UMlON COUNTYrNr^ \VEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1694. $2 PER


"'I--' tV


'<."':^EiaAi*BpIa5;•••uM6N:•CGy^nfYi•^>l^v'WED^^IKY^^syJ•Ci"894." $•2 PER YEAR.

• John JR. Laggren, Steam ': Ca*pefe-GleariiiigCarpets thoroughly cleaned by the latest improved methods. Specialty made of altering and laying carpets. r If you arc cleaning house or contcrhplatijig change of residence, send fortis. :.No extra charge out of city.Uphoistcring^JWindow Shades, Poles, Floor Crash and tanopicsfor^geidjngs^and-rcceptions;^^^^g^i-ay^ Morris Avenuernear-R^R^tation^EblZABETHf^—-^~---~--—--•-—=="^^ -"f- -^----=--—^--

L. Lehman133 Broad St. Con E. Grand Street, ELIZABETH, N. J.

Tbr oriciri&Iuftrof low inlvcn in thlff city, nfr ft 111 the loweM In prlcr* nml altvAyn nil) 1M?.

LOOK! LOOK!B-s-t L a r d . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .only (lc HiFine Dairy Bqttrri . <-. .1.22«;,'3 llw for 00c.

"liV-if EJsinBntt4>r^ u i . . liTe.:[ llw for 7.V

"-•7 LOOK! LOOK!

h a r p . . iCtvam Cliomw. ;Snris> C h e w , iinpurted . . . .

CANNED GOODS.TninaJotti..: . ' . . ; . . . . . . . . . . .Sn^ar Ooni;.....;'.lYa*. Marrowfats. .-StringBeans.... . .Lima Beans... . . .Frach*- , -! Jb «tn..IVar* Bartlett

,8c- lb,-lc each...Stfclb

BeHt Sugar Cured Hams , . 1 lc HiDent .Siiwir Ciiml. Shotildern: We HiIltSltyfc —.- .7<lc llr

l b l






Strawlnrrie"..Wp mlm* kf-rp In M

..:'. .80 can, Ocean


.."., ,9c can. . . A-1' enn....ISct-an•..-.U<rcrin, . . . .14ocau.•;-.. .I.V-caii

Itnltyrfc. 7XXXX Muinenotu Flour f 1.25 billBest Family Fl.mr. ft.30 Mil23 II) ImK XXXX FJour 5-Ti- I«KS3 Hi lm(? Fnmily.Flonr ; . . . ; ..-I."*

DRIED FRUITS, Etc.California Pcaclicg.. , . , ' . ; i . . . , 3 1 1 * . MeCalifornia Ajiricots!;.California R i c e . . . . . . .CalFine ColtiT.

. .5 lbs for '25c": .a:io. llr

. . . ; . . . J ! c can.. U can

. . . . . ' i r i l l c . . . . . ' . . . ,Aliiaka "Salmon. ^ . . . . . . .Nti'w pruiieH.. .4 lbs. for 25cNow ap] i l i -» . j^ . . ; . . . . , , , ; ; . - ' I lbs: for2.VEugl M r Uii-iik fust -TvaT ::'• iHJcT. 3 Kip." HikiForuioan Oolong, Huti. 3 Ilia. 80cFiuo J a p a n . : . 30e, 3 lbs. Wile

Local Hems. ^

Cranford nt-wlsa lockup/John Penman has named his .home

Elmhaveii. • '

Mins Frances D.mninn has .gcn'ip tifBoston for n mouth.

Mrjinil Mm. .1. F. Pt-niston lmve re-turned to town frtmt Brooklyn. •

DiToralJnn-.Day will 1M* a Kay ocnisioii'in Cranfonl. riV~tin«-~bnll name nml atennis tpuminent will lw tile )irim'i]ialattmctioiiB.

A Hiilistantial adilitiim to tin'- fmnilyof Ht'iir^: Preston in the shn)H> of nchnbliy lioy, has cjHiKe(l/ inneli Tej(»icinfc

S i i i i h l l i i r i i 1 ' "on Spriiijjfheld iivenriiy . . -1* ' - • :The dat«. of Peter FiiiK'Tls l rand con-

cert was incorrectly giri-n in. last wi-ck'sTln-7-rait comes off to day,

. Prof. Dewitt, of New Hrunswick Is intown. . ... • • • :.. U.-o. .W. Nix was made a meinlicr' ofthe noy.irArcuntnn last nixht. ;'""

Bernard Doyle Is busy laying tltn Haw7

(,'inu for tho" Presbyterian church si.!.--




Kmlire clubilnnee ill the. Ojiernon Friday will be a brilliant

Sirs.' II. .T. (Jarner bib> fetiirned from athree weeks visit at AlarltK>niuKb on theHudson.'. | . -

Tim ItoatiiiK A^H-liitlna. will meet inUie town rooms tii morrow nlclit Tbopnlilic is invited. •

-. HcV. . O«i.:- F.

cH-ka full aw-ortnicnt of Fine Wlnw nlnl Ldiuorw, nlilch wo will w!l hyKjr, IkiUrlxjn, (Jin, Ajiphs Jnnialcn Hum. IVrt and Hlipny Wine tmmU*c.



tLr <jtt*rt«rKallo«.•jcarl np.- • • . ' • - •

•"*. . U. LEHIV1AIM & C;O..

N. It—-* minutes walk frtmi C H. It. ntiittim. (i«Knl»* nljipi

-d fret'of flmr^c to all

nfi tt the town, would speedily vanishif/the town .c-ouiiuittce^would provide j The l-'anvtile lock-up which tin- [H-ople'have u.ted | ArcanumTor,, and instructed the town coinunttc.-; Council an.to purchase.'

OFFfORPrompt Payers Can Save Money by Trading Withus.

GROCERIES, FRUIT, VEGETABLES,Cmucd (iooila of all kinds,-binoFcTj Meat;*,I'l.iiita mid (iarden SewU, nil .anbject to,tlii'above liberal rcihictidii., • /

TbsAlcii-nsKociety met in the Oix-m..,House, on Mondav night mid discussed ! ~.~ " (s < ."irablu that a In

!-veral pro]s»«.d "amendim-nts" M- the ', "°" " m T t ''•'•.'•••'""'•Ml.constitution and bylaws. Them- will | Jliss Klieiians, of Klizals-lhy | Miss Kliiians, f Kliziilslh lias l i iIK- voted on at_u liiN-ting to be held ' oii)-a({«l as organist of Trinity clmrcb..Tnne'lHtliV . _: I The choir bus lsvn ntirKiiniziiL-iimlur

i « l l l i ^ A W P l l 1 N t


It Saves Timr. T'OidbU ami HipenuTO VISIT OUR

DPHOLSTERV DEP'TFor Curtain*, Torlierea,

Window Draperies, Oil-Cloths, diallings, etc

Williams &Basset1II2-W BROAD SIREET,- ' E H z a b e t h .



69c.FORMERLY *l.00...-'


-Fred "Wool wns" elecl.-d linaiiclalsechttiiry-of—the .hose—conijtnuy onThursday night. ~"~~: ,

The Ladies Aid HiH-letv will I hohl aslruwberrv festival in tiie Presbytitfinn

ichn-s-lon the-.'ilr.l inst. -'••'• 4 .

will In. h/ld Iwtwoen the- 10th iind the j WUB '" '""" y<-«"'"»>.v- '11th of iiext month. ...-." ,^A. The hewer committee will make i

Th/hostoftrainIMandbeK«.irswl.iuhir'rt. 'l'."1!' property .owner,, afa i.t..A .i... 4.._ :.'..i.i ".! . . . . . . . . . . ing in the town nsiiiis to night.


TheFunwood Council of the ltoyalhas invited the C'ranford

il its friends to be present atsmoker to In- held in the FIIUWSHInncirH rtsiins on the evening of May

It is desirablu that a large delcg;


r n K ll''«'l'-rsliip^ A W Powell1. Next' M T l t S d H tTrmlty Sunday, Hectory

It si-ems to IHI tile proper capt,-r toliayejilogs registered by prosy. On Saturday jnight'E. I). Ifnrtou had-Mini Fi.nm.-i. •- - „, .. .,-Di-ninnns mastilf, Zeno. rcj?ister.-d-, and [ ""'" lu "{ ""' Dl'lt"'"on Monday, Collector Crane |K-rfonne<l Hi Cranford is threatened . witli an millike tiervii-e for F.rceli.ilder'Littell. ilemic of caninici.l.i now that the utnet'.-Tlie- advent j.f giw to Cranford will i r.-<inireinents of the d.« law are Ui-oiu;.rovt> a )mm to scores - of fnmj- • »>« K*»i<:niHy known Iheriyir.- a fi-.wlies. A» II fuel gas In cheap and cii'nviai-1.1""""'"?,in t m v " *f'"' '"'Y1' Ul"" '"'"'"K

ient IJI rjumiiier i-siKfially It j>i-riiiitHf1"*'"r'''v "V'.-ry time a tlug toru acrossof tiwking. witlumt t h e - iitt.-u.mnti th.-rr-fnmt-liwmr-TftrwrTinw-riMUIzi-nuisances of exc.-s.sive heat nnd diist. ' ' '"' "'!' day of-lenganc.- has COTII.-, and

• • - . • • • '• theontl.s.k for tli.M.ebian curswhouinoSro oiiuiuittii! held n consultatifin. one thinks it -worth wt!U- t<>.r..-j{ist»-r:ar.i


i*ih "Kiinriiiiy i.ight. Th.: _ , ,, , , , „ , , . ,„ , . . ..t ijiicof >li»ciuwlfui was the ii.t-.ls of the :." T 1»' Cra«for.l Whlrtt Cliib met at thetwo-ioiiipani.-s and the division.of the i h|>n«> uf Mr. and .Mrs. • IJriinilijgi)money for the tnirchiuie of ne>v «mip- ;'"K<'t- K. J. OarniT. nnd J A. 1inents. • - . - . . . , son earned olf the prizes. After re-

'-_ ' " I fresiimeuts hadlieen served, each gen jTliKb.nIy.nf Mrs. Al.mzo W. Miller tl.-inan wns provided.Jvlth a hat or Ism

wns laid at rest in Falrvicw yesterday, ! net which lie W-IIH e i | scted to trim withafter an inipri-sslve service iu the Pn-s- ! llowers, fealhers niid tiblums, these }*"<byteiian church, of whicli sh.-.Jiad long ing packed indiscriuiluately in it bigW i i it nienilH-r, Mrs. Miller died on Imx. -Much ainusenieut was


ftany flatters of Public ImportancePoweil Upon. - ~*'",

A la'rge'nniounjrof public business re. tiring th'- attention of the Town Coin-.,

mittec confronted tliat august Is-dvIn-n it met on .Monday ilfglit. All thei-mls'i-s were pr.-s.-nt.-. A. Il^lllg.-low

n-presenting"Styli>s ^r~On^h~Tiske.l-hnw>n the pro-sised street,under.the rail-,d was to Is-..penis], and uotilled the

1,'iniiiilittif that .Styles & Cash1 desiredto have all the wiiLtn wbicli they were j "" }.";entitled. Chiiirmair >•••-••- '-. . .n.-i' " " r -nthat the worlf of opei

. . . L- .. , ; , . i u i M-iiiu Java CoHec-111 Hortotl - rep led [Oj,,,.,,• - „,, , ,

:•",!'«.."i".';1!1:".^ O,,rJ.i«.y.Br«,f.'IN-CH IM^IIII tlmt iluv. fmtluT than tlmt)i"thiiiff-t1i'JliiltiM*''iiM ]M' wiid •..••• — '•--

(.'iimcrtii'iw the Kr»(li^K "f Soulli avi»-iiiK', n ciMiiiniHiicntinn fri'lii TowiiMliip

\ that

AUtmunrt-ii tlio Jml^e .('riwH luiil toldliim tliiit tlnMiK'lt tlif (Jurwo-Ml LiiudItnpr.iv't'iit ('-.Mipimy luul ilrilicjitt-d t»«-thf'trhvii that luirt of Koutii avcinn1 run-

tliroiiK'i its limils, tliirt iiuiHHcd nojnitlmiily oil tin* town" ofllnw* l o do

•ylliiiiK till thi 'Htnrt WJIH itrrt-itti-d.Anotln'r \vtUr from tin- Tmvn Ci-tut-1 Ktiiti'il tlmt HH-A--]iTnion jiinf rcfrrr-'d

to \vuH"l»iHi*d riolcly mi tin- recurds of tin*Hojid Ildiii-iT. - It illicit 1M> Htttiji'tt toinoditinitiuii liy (iHur fmiH... V. \\'.\Mdi'.sc, of tlic OiinvVxjil (.'nni|)any, wlm '

WIIH prt'WIlt HJlifi jf til*1 ('(lllllllilt'T' Wlttlt !id th'vdi'cliiratiiiii nf dcdii-iition i>xi'<-nt ic«l he could )ui\*i* it ilmii- by Tn*-Hd»y-jnftcn(nii. To iniruvc! the nimrl a, mill j(-oiuliiitt'^', cnnipomil of Mfrturn. IJnul-!ley and •Si'V'.'rjitir*1 _\v)iH_ap|M»iiit»'d with •dtrcctioivH to rciKirl at an udj-inriH-d:tu'.ftitiK to 1H> licfd Friday ni^lit of thinwwk. , - ' j

Aiu'tit tin1 ii»niiti**fmrtorv Strict. 1 i clit-1inK'^'Tvio', Mr. Ilradlfy'mii'l that the"dimiH'H* of tlit* lai|i|"iH WHM dui1 to'thcin

II ifr.r|l,S(tKiii la'ix

'"»•. : ( r a n * for £ V .: "»imirr >nittli-'Vvv.

v,. . . . . . . . S i c..':•. IIV;

^:J. POTTS & SONS,19 Broad Street, Cli7«ihoih164 & 1 66 First Street, tllZdOQIII,

We have just rm-ivi-il a t-iirgo uf very line Teas, Oolouj;,'.fa|.llreitkfast, (InnJKnvilei-, Vonu-,' jlvsnu, that were sold f..r :,tty&i\,\ i;o contaper Hi., we have nla.Ie the price at "Jit-, Ite, or irib-i. fo'rJjw^ojiiyJo<Ltliia_ .

A FEW OF OUR SPFCIALS WE ARE OFpchlNC VERY LOW.(hir Climax Baking I*<iw<Ii'r , ',..

I ( V t u d - ' i i u ' i l M i l kt » u r . Vwxv X ) l i v * M > i K i . . . . . . . v . . . , . . . ^:t I h p ' i i l ( ' i i i t u l ( - ' n « - ; . . ; . . . .M l l i p u i l I . n r d . T . . . . :Jt l l w ( J i n ^ t T S i m p s

Orilcrs may Im^lcfUit any time witli'onr n-|ireBcntati

KIVO. -II.IX1.V1, CranfoKl..• .a

Frank T, Lent v Architect, " im • " " " • " " " • ' • • • • — - ' - . .

CRANFORD, :: :: :: NEW JERSEV.Entire Attention (liven to Suburban Work in thl.< Vicinity.


V , 1 1

. - ' . ' IS

ln.'hl.ll..u Ihl- W...t!!..|,l I'hil, | |' .H.,«,K..\.'l'iWK,lM..I. M.

..f J.ilm W. llii.ikrr, .lain.-II..ri.linn.rr K.I.I .I..I..I l>. r

. llliKH.I.il'rnnf..r.l."5ound Stnte In^uburbAn Afdillfcture,1

wttli .ni'''.tniii..a.n.ii'i'«-44, hrv. r.t.-lv,-rl IIU|I<1.1 Vlllll.tl.il, 11-. A IIY.I KM* I, OC.t.K for Ally.Hill

. tlii!Htiii..lnr.| llli«k.ll.»h).l~-...n-. r. Xi l i - r .T.S. CnJ..Miirjlimi.li»Ki;,r-..f,i.ll,Hr.lii W.-I/1.I.) «,„! llu- r.-l.l,.K-/-l

K V I l l l l l ll H A

1 1 1 I I I I I I n ^ O l I I I . ' l l l l | l | i n H U M I l l l . 1 l < > I I I I " I I I • I •'frequency with which they were renew ; «ed.. The Nationiil.I.igbt and {.'oustruc.-1.'liiin:Conipauy~si-iitra notice tlmt it timst;—lie protected in nil the rightispccllied iu i

lt.>lu.-rH. It. }'. < Vl.riti'i. ll.i.rlrl, | m |I.IIIII; t Mi-<'outcry t'ltili, tlt.-Jntni h|,

l i>dl' l

i'.rM. ll.mt.'ou Hall.k IUI.I TIIK(|(-I:II* llo

l l , . K / lHall. A.l l m »

• ..lly.

the franchise the. company last jUUUU OBOUO i . UUUU rUIIM[(tild • UUUU

" ' ' ' 'H i e i r i i n c m s n u n i u i e . i m e c o m i i n u y u t . i i i , . , . . . . d, • . / . • > # , • N , > - . ' ,

year. This franchise wive the company | 7 '"' ifOrrt. O] XUCCCXN]ul luinull){; fillip fidtyle/KH^. -.. ihe i ' j tcUM.vci- iu l i t . lo ' -n i ip i i lv •< tmnt'>rdt».i ;:r^,vi:.*:.t.--••'•—-(• •••;: '•-•--• '~^::^^-'• '"-•;'":•'"'i :--~'^-' :"'~ :-' : y 'rK''- '•: ' <•-:••••-»••— "with Sis for fiVe v.'.iirs from.Inly-1? JHIII Our Mock nicluiics only floods of rucoj;ni/f(l n\cnt, -such as.with gnu for live vears from July [•> 1M!Mprovided the works were iu ...-M-ration by

"•.•".•••• ; * i

Hitnnlny.- the'iiwkiinlnuw of the men uiilliui'rs.

with one of the lulndsoiiK'st carjiets inthe iiiarkct, and the reputation ..f thehniisi-lM a Kunrant.ie that thin will ln<done. " • " - *


LACE C(IKTAI>fS.^cct i ia Paint De Esprit, with rufllcd

eJ sc . 1- 1 Iccfilh Mii width ul/ • • - • • $ 3 . 9 5

LACE CUSTAINS.?C'. 'i-gSaTTi. w fii Point'tic Eij>rit cflcct*. Uc-

iL.n*c»da*irc with us. ' • _*nt

7 • •• $ 2 . 6 5CIir.XlLLE PORTIERES.

.A rrvi ltT*£er in caoA quality ChrnHIf, full« 1 M > Ki I r ac ! . . l-irf[C line of fi.li.n,.TCTT j-frtty-ljT^ea ilajat, well worth f «.<">•

/ $2.95 pair/ V.'lXDOW DRAPERY. .

RuCisJ cj-*c -T-KJ^J iiiirwttjr a n j novel effccti.'' j . 48o. yard

T*—V»-jTna5Tt.iJrrrd Muslin Sash curtaininff

19c. yard'.VIXDOW SHADES.'

A ~-.VTI-I So<c?iHnnhc-;I llollanj, Hartlhorn'T ~ . K-i^::.. J lioca Irin^c. -

© • * • ' . . . 4 8 cw :iATTI.XGS.

12 to 50c. yardPORCH SCREENS.'

' a B-=sSoi, Ifciztf, fi b y J I c e t A K^ccialralue at'$1.45

COTTAGE DRAPERY.R**u -^njct lorbjf igured £oad%M'trom v

9o. and.upJAPANESE RUGS.

A_ vxes and cCccti Irooi

•; , :,m;^,,,^,^f}9Cj flfld TIP "HAMMOCKS.

U Ji or without pillowt, frinjrr, etc., from69c. and up

ITOOR OILCLOTH.rtT4tf puicnit in beu quality of oil cloths at

•<" 25c; sq. yardFLOOR OILCLOTHS.

HCRT c^ ' .T . t^i'etiible <>ciigai (can be iiscnl>-«k Mjrfl'al

48c. sq. yardvousoi-'iTq NETS, \YIRI; WIN-



,.S.Plant&Co,to 721 Broad Street.KKWAllK, Tf. J.

UOin. wide, direct front nianiifacttirer.

!S!1IKT WAIST SALE:few morv of tinwt*.Fancy mid Black

' SHtrt Wnints.


A XEW NOVELTY.Put nir*imkbiT*Uiv-in y(m jMK-k(.'t ur your

Kiip wick, nml* hiivr~it'"rt'a<ly tirf'nwwin'iicViT!.t*i_nl<*l.. ;Ank to miMmr.foM-in^ tTiiilirt'llikS •-•-•-,- • *

JoHfjih Wftmnrc, jiniprii'tor of tin-,Ciiiiin Connty Hport..»f whii-'li thcfirVt -MUIIIIHT will npiM.'ir on Kiuultiy, wiw ia

IL1 is aiiil to h u v orftTwl grtmi iiiilui't!-ncntM to IMWIH HnlHey. lmttllM»tt*T-<nu\ he wa* too iimch lici'ijcil )ty t||«* l'ar-or l.'jir i'lihlfttliingi CoiJiitany.tuJf-tvtit-j•rvifi'juHt'uww. ' ';' '.


. ' • , , . \ ' : •

Oreat Interest Manifested In the Com-


nt a!Mint one* half their regular vain*1

,isp this «>]i]Hirtiiiiity whilr it lastn.


J^squito Net*(iKNESTA-CLOTH.'Stripi-a•anil

1'l.iiii Coloro. DOtl'KI) HWISS,the fincat line to lit- found any-wlicro. . ;

ZST' Ask for the ladies' shirtwaist tic, 25c.


, Rugs, Mats,~ Mattings,

The i-uarterly rejiort of thet Loan Assisjiation. rend at

—•lag -Scason-'s-Sport. -~ - - -

Utiirt fore'-t — Bnlp-rs vs. <_'.(.'.(': onPecoralioii'l'ay a. in. — - .

Xliln is-KoinjiJo Is- a (,'reat 1»'«'- '"illvi-itr in Crniifiird.- 'nif.-e teams alri-Mdr" i n t h e I k - I d - . . - • -- The new ll.J.: ('. suj;s will ,!«• of V;i|..^rey with iliirK blue. |..<-kiiiKs.. caps nndbelt's. They i.r.- ordered and will IK-iiiude by Si'hoverli.in. Uidy * ..r.J.tli-i .of•Jli.'. lir.ttdway, K. V.

Tile base ball teal.i of thewere out ill full fore- .... the . >ld diniiion.l ini.Siitnriluy,-|'aud they will [inn;

Ointnu-tiir Urowiijiji- it rendy, and hbits [irouiiM-d it.

The bidies of tin- ('"tintry Club-willKivi'tlii- UutKers-('..||<'e team a lunche..ij on Deeohiliou D,iy, after the K"UIt will Is- a line nlfaii,- t«»""'Country ("lull uirls know[dun and ei.rry .ml jii- t sn..-b

Rutgers ls-at r'oliiuil'ia l.-i t

tribnte soinelhiiiK for that•|,m-1s.se ,l'..«:tl $in I'1"-1','!1 <Viitf"rd v.-itii til.disa|,|M,intliim.;. Country Club at 11;

- T h e Cradfor.l Athletic -Cyi.-l.-n. will'hold the following runs during; the com-iujr inontli: To 'start from the clubli.in.-o>-••Niiln'nliiy; May ii, :i.:iD p .m. ,Snrin^lield and Union: Wednesday,Mav I'», at w ji. in., KliziilH'th. Iti.hwayunit Westfield; Hiitnril.iv, "tiny 1!), at:i:iO|i. iii:,'SjiriiiKlield iin.l Madl.-ini. in-cluding two mil.; coast; Tuesdav, May•ii. at H |i. in., Scotch Plains and* Felt-


.f >vlii|t i<mall mini put by r.«ulnrly nnd invest!-d wisely can nccouijdisli. The value ofdinres iu the several seri.-H is us follows:st. .•fir.'.i:j;2.1, if«.-..il;:]il, fiiii.i:i'f 41b.•1(1.7:1; Mb. ifil.Ttl-!; (lib. fil). "ill; 7th,

Ilv tin- united elloils of llcv. Klxii.-ju-rBird, of the Heiond Il.i|itist church ofUoselli-, Hev. Br... Hnrris, of Newark,

nil Key. .loseph Porter, of Klizalstli.more th;nr--J?-'.H of ..the" niiiount neces-s.try to |.ay off tho ilajitiat' clmn-Ii mort-4;;.^.' .was r;ds(?d on Kundnv. Therestill, reinnins to ls-i-oll.-eted illsiut f i i ,nnd if Pastor Wnlliice asks vou to ton



Cr.K.fi.r.l.f 'II,

LuM.lr.-lh's and 'rhorbflrns Fn-sh (iarili-n'Snils; Map-s' anl f-r.» l>r < IVrtilutrn;Planet .Ir, (liudeFi T.s'ls;IJanibur«. IJissi-ll iuid Oliver Plmvs: (inle

S'.eel l^v.-r Harrow. Spring Ti«.t|i and -I)im- llarn.ws; Aspiiiw.ill' . ,r P..lain Phhil.rs and (.'nil. rs;.small Ti.«.N of nil kin.U;

" Hnrtiiian Sl.-ilPick.-l Ken..-. .

GORDON & HIGGIWS.'entjidil .Irettur, . : : J!o>icllr,.\'.!r.

that time, ii'u.l that tiie coiu[iauyx fill- uIsrn.l of . f.->.0(-<j..io .iie<Mir.. the 'townitKiiinst .IIIIIIII);.- by tho ti-nriiifc. up ofitreets. Jlut no move Inward e nilfiictiiiK this plnut or the Hll.ii; of theIHIU.1 hnd yet Is-en mnde, nnd Clerk(.'rilllie Was direcled to hill the coin[miiy's attention to the fnet.

A letter from JnilKii Cro*s infonueilllw committee that the town wns a ^ _ i ^ • — « ™ . — m a • • - • » - • . ^ _ _ _ _ - ^ ^ _ ^ _ _ _ - ^ _ _

action. OwiiiK lo the eipirntion of the] " - * "":•.-time limit, John Schiudlcr's l">ud couldinot. Is- uecc[>l.-d so ; be wits n)l|Kijnte.l Ioiistiible for I year. The |H-liliou of;j-Town^l'rensurer Crane for tin- snr'i

render of his Ix.nd. ~wns detii.-fl bv ndvi .f .ludKe .Cro-s


REPAIRING IN r ITS:BRANCHES.'Jobbing-Promptly Attended to.

c, , l , ,n but cieVk I'lnn..certify to the A.i-..--»irfiuou'will !»'needed riwnt.-r f'.r th" ensniiif; yenr:lill Fridny niKlil! "

nrnrchurch .

cll*PIniulield and return by old Jerusalemroad; Wednesilav, May 10, Milbtini rae*-trnck;Katiirdiiv,'.Iun<-2, Plninlicld ra.etr-.ick.'

ThereWas a [ironounc.;.!.hobble iu thepi i t .of Frank Jones for several daysInst week owin^ to all experiencewhich lK-fel him on ".Springfield ave"nue.The yonii|f ninn one evening nl H o'el.vkwns s.i'ii walking alouK that street inthe din-clion of Central avenue., Justbefore be nftch.il Isennmn's bridge, henuticed JI battered derby bat resting' inIjie niiddle of the sidewalk, Jones's foot-ball insllncls at oncw nssi.-rtvd then,wlvi-s and In- msh.-il at the obj.rt andgave it a kirk millich-nt to have sent itto the Inflict point in Summit. Hedidn't know it was anchored, but reallz-11I the fm-t when lii.1 [rntent lentherslij.pered f.sit cam*-in contact with theIllird side of n brick. There i wi.s somelaiiKhinii done in the vicinity almut thattime, but'noli.1 of the merriment origin-ated with Jones. F.sit ball hud lost Usi-hiirnis for him, and pain drowned forthe moment his HCIIM- of humor.

! new grounds on Occor.itin:!—Uayiwirn-

The nrn«d stand for the new bull(jromids will lift n-wb"' '"f '''I* .'..iA-iiuW4-vi.l«'.tli.'-t«wi»'-i-w.ith--

ignine. llnd the inalillKers IIII|K> tlmt they1 • •'--•• '-—; will Is- enabled to build it to |m|d-Mil)M-<i[iIe. Tllis.le|slldsU|K.ll thv wile <>f the

rw-nwiii ti.-kels wlii'-li--nr'-— ii"w offered ati Uni ts Pharmacy. Tin-:stand will be .V.: feet loll)? nnd haven l'.-.f to k.-epoir thei t-iin,iimtIriiiuI,,JJ.hLjii,«ilL.lia-j!»x- tk-rs of'seilts. the lowest one belli)? about l-i)?htf. et from th..- Kroiinil. Th«, w.-at« will Is-

; very comforlable niid ivjll Inhe backs• Ivich will It.- lininlH-i'td to correspond

with the diiiuram nnd IM tin; stand will1»-built almo-t dh.-ctly Is-lnnd theInline bn's.', the llsllitl'-iH-t will Is- put Upto prevent iiiiy.iiii- Ix-iin? hurt by strnvfouls. The seasoir li.kets which-will,covernirKnines pluy.-l on the -.'rounds(probably tw.ntv Kiiiii.rsi UP- olfer--d.ittile loW pri'e >>( f1 ''neb. (The snlllekind of tickets are soldlhy the Elizi<1»-tliAtli Club for *". nud" Hi'.!-irruiul standthere is v.-rv imromfortable. r • Thebuildiitf? of tli-* Krand stand nnd theef .foft to net the national' Knine establlshe'lb. re is the work of but A'fi-w men nndthe public should I'litronize this boinein-.titution very heartily.

John II. Cromwell of .Wailful iiiiskr-ii'furn'hyrlrTiiit to" pior.-.f Iii-. pioji""!-rty. -It wnsKhint'-.I'on condition the-.'.litniet with the. wnter company could1

|j<-complied with. A letter calling nt }leiit.iou to the enn- of Mrs. Mahoiii-y. !tvlio- nt tiui'-H r,iinbl.-M • about townl.lllf clotll.-d Wli's r.'f.lled to (IviTM-er of-

.-1'IM.I-I)i(/.-l ^'I'lie str.-et known ns(.''•nteniiinl nvenue wns oni.-iully dt-^in..;iF.l.-d by tbnt linme mid the ro.'ld ,

iiieclii.'i; (Irchnrd str.-.t nnd SpriuK-1li.-ld nveliil", w a s inuued I)iiiili:.m Mn-t I,

'The report <<f the conimit'."- 011 n.nd ;n.o.iey lccolliuielub--d IJn- I'olloMiii);:ilivision: Intdistriel, >JV.'r. •"..'; -.'nil dis- •Irict, il:i7.lii; :ird di-trict, |1I-..'7I: -Itlidistrict. >J-.'><;.Mi. Adofifuil. The lirecommittee ji«k.-d f..v Vib.l receivednppro].riiiti"irt« [iitrelia-u- '.'•"." f.-et of:

lioif:. Other lire, mntt.rs were laid,over, Committee on !.•.•){ ii|. r--|M.rted! . . 'pio)jr.->is. Couc-rnitii! street si-?iM. Mr ] Agent for the Home Insurance Co.. New York, and The U. S. .Mutualllni'lley sni.l Hint 1110-t owners of plop ; ' . , . . • : > . - ,.•rt.v'oll co iners eolild doubtli-ss put llpjfi;,'lis nt their own expense, Suitnbl.'si^lls woiil 1 cosl nl-olit :1O cents encb jConiniittet-nmii I'Vcler IV;H nutli.iliz.-d I"(ri buy a 11.-v.' rope for the 11;.^ p..b- N o I

VUontrnrts for lh:ht ..r wilt.- ' "

DAVID B. LENT,Op.-ra House I)l.7ck, Cranlord, N. J.

REAL * ESTATE ^ INSURANCE,± LOANS,Accident As.socii^tion.

was- dire.-tthat f-'Tm

P". •lively t

-l to

y pro .lwr.lx-nii-1 ••Adj..urne.l

llmict I'jr Sii: « i l T.> l.tl «nJ Ibt Chnkeit HullJinz ton In Tuwn at lloll


Tricychs iaay Ui had f(>r hire, likecalx, in MilniL An ntten.huit ROCS withtho inncliiun t'> propel It. Tho fort; de-pend* on Ihcs diRtAiie.-- tmvelec 1—not thetlmo coiuramoil '• , .

SimdaV IVi'o

i l l ' . ' i n . ; 'yoiin;? p.-opliti' 111.-.-tin)? 7: I'liworth I 'aKU-- 11 tin)?- t.»

uiulit at H O'I-l.K-k.Hi-y. F. (.'. M.».ii.-y is away from town

this w.-.-k. ilituiidiii;? i-ommeiiceineni,,.t jiJrew Tli.ol.«icnl Seiuiiiiirv. from which |be will 1«- urndu.ited t.ii.iorn.w with 1

honor'. ' o i - ' .

Pfalt's Horse Food.,..' All Poultry Supplies.


The I'ccrlt-ss Prudential. \• re|H.rt of an exaniiuation of tieTh .

Prudential Iiisiir.iiie'.- Comp.iuy ofAmericn by the Hon.- (•••<. H. lliiryi'.i.Coiiiiuissii.'uer of ILmkiiii? nud Insurancefor New J.-rsey, I* nn inter.-stim? .I.M-II-111. nt It 1.roves th it'tin- Con.piny IsIliinnciallv solid as ..dammit, that itspolicies up- liberal nnd tlmt It In everywnv ibs.rv.-s the coiilld.-nec which bundn-ils'df-tli.ms.-iiids.if p - r * . ^ r.-|»«-init., , _ ' __».i_

l lnw >'A-lam*« Apple" (fl.talnrd Its Namr.It oriffintttcil from n fl.i[>t-ri.titloii« trn-

dilion ttiat a |>lcco of'tbo forbidden fruitwhich Adotn nto etuck in hl« throat nndproduced tho swelling. ''



Traveling Bags & Trunks.

0 JBroad Street^ Westfield.


Page 2: L. Lehman TOWN ^:J. POTTS · 27.: „- CRANFORD, UMlON COUNTYrNr^ \VEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1694. $2 PER VESS? »FS, 10. "'I--' tV IKtK. '

he ni'se.-'scil valuation ofty. Many of our bestil tin'' Jnx liurdeiisoinc.ithing but urgent neces-

eom]K'l them- to pay

><>itit to be rememberedux ra t ) of a town is <niOIlium's iiii|iiiri'iK into bykin-;.of• invt-jitiii'r iiiuii'ftaxis are lii^li,i|n' placevjiiilii'tj in the liiiml of, anil hi'iu lilii'lv to locale'Hence . we -tliiiit~timt110 silrcr way of arrest--111 of llranfoitl than by

Hut iii^pile of these reports Messrs.Foster and Severance, who had beendirected by the town committee tofind n suitable place for a Iwk-uf,smilingly reported progress. Thisnonchalance was EO obvious that Mr.llovtoti said sharply Hint- tlie.7 lock-up business was no joke. The sub-committee was thereupon continuedwith instructions to do soiuctliiiif;.

pin general, iiijil Messrs. I'oslcr andSeverance in^arlii'iilar.shoiild knowUnit when the iwoi'lcvote for aliick-np they expect to fjet. it. 'I'hcsegi'Mllciiien'. arc paiil foiv doiii!? the

['wcarc luuilifi' To pavit'll possible residents are-pay. for. ~T^.-' .'

il'fli lias said 111:11 "eciili-rity, and profusenc.ss jscrafty donioit." It isw that extravagance amiiv closely allied. AnyHMIU more money tliau

iloin^'li'oth himself amihom he, ilt'.-ils a grievousif ( ' i iHiisi i i . i : is awarejitiitii'iij to cxtriiva^iiiiri-;r this is stroll}?. --'J:lii'rr !t hy fnine of our.«nifty ]i others think liiiW- lie]IIIIUT I'i'iialty of social >

TJiiTf aii' nuiijbfrli'ss |its .toJii>.utUMiiti\l, i l in-!

il\svu anil ro.-itly cntol1-',I sorts, to IK. siiiijiortitl.: all thfsf thiiiL's must |•Vfti if thtir ini'onii' is!in amount suUicit'iit to

is t|ii) result? In the• they lose their pelf-re-X- goui\ they continue)f gnyctii's anil hijih liv-(H'lise of sotlier ptiiplo.retrench their exneiiili-gin buying on credit,ft the luiiiifliiiieiit forjjiincs on the.shoulders,fly. It was only a fewnit I'. M. DiMniin.Bt nf

| j }tlivvartiui; the people's wishes or *ue -Iceliii}.' tii"j.'iirry tliein out is sliliplyindefensible. ' • ' . \


Information of Interest to the Owners11 of Fliln and Jack.

Every I'KTM m wllosluill invn.ki epor liarl»or one or niiireiiiale orfrmuleilo^Hslfiillhave the same rt%'istrre<l :itttl immbereill<y the towushi]) eli-i'k. anilsliall. pliueon the neck of crn'h i l i^a collar withOU'IHT'SHIIIH'1 and uumluiren^ravetloh it.Il is lawful for niiv |ii>rMni tii'liilliiu'r 0"kstrayitiLC olT the owner's premise* with-out such culli.r. . ;•-'•Trie law in.-Miiliis that the town shall|iri>viilf-:i- UHIW for-i-eKist»T»iig»!»>^s an<lthe owner's hilllies. tlwners are . re-iniireil to nay a fir iif one dollar for'caditio^ so tv^'isteriHl.. '*"•'

(.If the money thus raised 12 ci nts pn-sto the clerk, the balance is to lie appliisl

.to i«iyin^ any ilamaKe done by iloj;s toilomestic animals or poultry.. In case noilamnf;e is ilone Hitch balance ltccomcs al«rt of general township fnmls. Thetomiconiinittii'.ts'einiHiwereil iinilvdiriTttil toapiNiint one or more iierscnk to kill uu-riKistenil ilojjs. Hut mine of-the'iirovl-Kions of thin act are to lie constnitMV- torejM'al the jirovisioas of uiiv law now inexistence jiroviiliiiK for tlie tuxiiij; ofdoes. • ' . , .

Praise For Judge Bruce.

The Milijoiiuil ainircciative iiarap^ipheoiieeniini/ our i-stei'llieil towiiKlimti ami


Til.had ja imHii-pi'FIH HIW., 'Iteiftiiinnelithe a


Iv, "•\"T


the 11you a





rieil t" A"T

l l l H 111homenow!uro st

Page 3: L. Lehman TOWN ^:J. POTTS · 27.: „- CRANFORD, UMlON COUNTYrNr^ \VEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1694. $2 PER VESS? »FS, 10. "'I--' tV IKtK. '

Philip Blndenbergiir, Acent, Cranford, N. J.


.-i 894. S^PERYEAR. -

AILS.Mgelows" Real Estate and Insnrance Office,



ckleDRAWalcfieldt H J




: iK).viti> o f iiini'X'ro.loii.v KKAN, J|(.,



" JAMKS MSlfrillB."

' •" t

The Union Water Company supplies the inhabitants of.the.villngiii.f.f FiuiVrooilWestfielil, Cranfonl anil K<istl|e with pure and wholeiiniiNj water for domestic ns'oniiil forcxtins"i'<hin(,'fin'«. ' . ..'

The company lK"t;a1rtn?*constnictlon of its worki'n year and a liulf ngo, aii<l liasalready laid twenty miles of mniiiH, erected fifty hydrants, und supplies over threehundred nud fifty dwellings. ' . i

Tli« intent-t of the company is identified with the villages'in .whii'h its plant islocated, and it'in the pollry of the inniinKemeiit- to do it« full share to promote their.growth and proHjierity. • ...... • " •

THECOMPANVREFERSTO ACL ITS PATRONSA representative of the company will lx> i.tenwl to c ill on iMrtlp* who do not at

presuit use water from its main?, and explain rate*, terms, method of service, etc.

A i i i > K E S s ; - " T i i E C O M I ' A X V , A T . . . . . , - . . "

Bed Spring and Mixed Mattreaa Given Away

-;—- 777- WlthrEvcry Bedroom Suit 8 d d ™ ^ \ p ~ -.":' . NEWARK, IM. «Ji

Our Trade in M P l V ' S


/ • T H E wi n ; " s

Ilio L . , i , ' j . (ir.l ft | I | 11 M tilthV/»» f'arfii I r I > M I In Hr l l n n il".;r Tlilrl j-K> » •" \ M I r« Awful

It] 11In! Veal" ,1 ) i t-\v Hi in

'.-I' t i.-v i

»p* growing st.udily. Llko-fverythlnirelsi, itt'Onr'sturi' this stiK'k is ninde uii' , ; t 1 . . . . . . . 1 . A . - . . _ - . I 1 ! ._ . I . . - . 1 ' ' t 1 . . % . . _ - - ? - T i l . • • » uf lh r ulni.i i

- , r " . • , v - , ' • , • ; • •'• t L I M l T E D . ) - V - . ' - • '• '-

73 MARKET STREET, near Plane Street,

K ! ( , i i i ; luidily. L lk i ive ry th l i i i : ylsi i u o n r s t o r e , this stork 1* imi.U . .... nfr . liiil.le, iinidivto wear weUKi««Kj!!idVild as low IH its pt-w-IMi) lo « l l . pi'id.: r! '",','. ' " " ' ' " " f - ' " ' ' "- mi-M^iuM'H^* l('»',--'N*vinatU'r-hovv-h>\v«iht! jirice ina'y In'ritf- tlii-* ymi c i t i t l i ' ^ iu - ' ^ 'T^ t 1 5 1 ' ' ? <-f >"il I 1 f in I i u w; I he iLr'nKh-Wi" nevei: tra-liy, i'mtr uumey }\fumhii for miiilliinii rii.mi//>/iii'ifpi-^;i-^*:twrtiir;.;, "anil t i inr 1 h n t u r ii ' . - x - """ .' !> ' - ' - ' . , •• I:IH>. .f.,rittf:'.-* t Tc ' S 1 u l wi I" COLLARS.iCMlHi linen :i ply i,'f Muniliiitf, tui-i.i..over pninti llml

. . . . li.'»tny Miienynrn. shirt* a;.d drawers tnmuli-h,

tfyeiyfflit'r-' ut 1 ;*V el" our si/,'1 ;H In-lti^riyiilar, vnl.w --.n,. nin-

NUCKWT.AR. -Silk -teeks und I iir..." lilllllls

iilntshnpr"'. dink, iiii'ilium und

Uliule- of a. quality 'of

price 39c.LAUM>I:RI-I> WHITE SIIIKTS Jjor( i IIKI i i i inl . - w | t 1 > ' i l l h I I i:t p l y . ' l i i i e n . li

trade,Tiymn.kiii}; and laying C a r p e t s w i t h paper withoutcharge, wliiih is a saving of 15c. per yard, and giving.

•iway. a Bed 'Spring and Mixed Mat t ress with .siikVuerafiy VHI'I'III ili' . i'v."J-iii.".'!'.."* <".iu* i'lu.inniii.iit. pnt.-nt'ii.s.'iu-.i bii-vvV;. 'n'n.i' ' - ' - • • • » t L- : • : i ,^" . • " 1 " ~'~ " ' • - . ' " * l.rii'r - i t - '•'* O H o -MMirf<.-rt: Utlini;. " Others sell un • hett.-r

e v e r y B e d r o o m S u i t s o l d , \ v m c h ' - i s a s a v m p ; 0 1 ; p m . . . . . . - . , . . . . - . . . ^ . . ^ o c , ; , ,„ . , r « r # i . i.tir iitit-f ". 7 6 0 .

i. _ $7 on every Bedroom; Suit to purchaseis. ...

l.uelf nmtilliniums fueiii^s


FANCY( f o o d F a n c y M a t t i i i . ' . I » T v u n l . . ' * . , . • ' '..'..' . . . . . • .'.otily. i-o i « " « »

: 0UTIM1 SIIIKTS.-Made of Iie.lf.iril.' ("old. lilillt K^'HIllls, willl llent. stiipes.1 with pi'inted yoki\ Hliii]<eilurin holes, ex-: leiiMnii n-ekV.nii.l- interlined . collar undj |NH-i.et*.,:Ui Inches lntlK si'rxs II tn ITC;

p r i c e . . . .40c.

UNUAllNUI-KI-UWHITI-SIIIKTS.()iirN"n. Inn is Hindi, i^s t roi i i ; iniisllii, withil ply lhieii .IHIKHIII, doillil" l'ni-1; 'anilfri'1,1. fnee.l sli/eves, eiilitiniliMis facingsund full (jnss,'(i-d;^i/..ii 12 I., i s . woith

CHILDREN'S CARLUA(ilXi ' Tlir iilmiv nrr lUluiiilmnf lite r-IVflleilt iillin1* thi'iltl'ilrtninil nlfnt.

«.lt Ord.r. C.r.fuU,r n.l.d. _ ^Aj.. Pood. D.Hv.r.d rr...

jL. Bamberger &;Co., 147-149 Market-St,, Newark.

a1" prirc uf Hanhvuml Upright

SU ITS.l!c(liieti<urCnt*.'i,'1!!in?¥T*> V

'•'- - A- SAD 5TAT£-OF- SOCIETY:-—

Count Yel'tol Thlnk»'Tliiit TIIIIIRB Arr ll«-t., Irr in Ami'rlia Tlimi Uuwlirrr.'. In tht London Standard : isRilmir.iMe uecnutit of an inti

KusRinn ~jotttsHn^ in-.

nowl.tr.Viii thu eity will wm ivi-ene as liitiL'li value for us iilt>monvy.,;:'or ;tm£*rith V<,nnt UoTnli-tni,hcttor Hut'otiiiin.ilatiim tliairnt imr store". ' . ' •

PORT LAND. RANGES.Tlit* Kiimous 1'oNliiniT.l

way we are sollin r thenis

Tlir. journalist had U-foreluuid up-prise<l llw e.iiint nf his iutriill.'.n and.land that the tlirine of - niiirrrsatii.ilhewisin-il tobti.rt wtnUii.lH' "tlui virioas

•ynf w«'ii ly," nr liriefly, "inhnil_ y y,l»o tht* only UniiL'f i!i <K*ina!i«J4*ir- •In,** mid tJu* enunt

STORAGE." T I I B only 'mililtii

at SS ll.mk Street.l'liiititiire lin.veil »it l i \aii:

I;I the .-il.v jr.it up .•xjpn-jsly.for Montis J-armtii.-cl-'or clciinlincss and low rate?, we nmte ui^jHctlo


Goods delivered free of charge to all parts of the State.

mesJ. B. KLINE, Superintendent, at Cranford. j



J.5.IRVINQ; • • • • • • • . • • D E A L E R I S ' ' • "

LUMBEH&GOAL' Building Materials, Etc.

Central .Ireniie, near Jlailroad, ]Vesf/ieiil,.V.Jt.

Orclersvby mail will receive prompt attention.


i c e *OMPTLT.



DrliviT",1 at halt



,c furnl-bi-J


The Clover Leaf Wine RoomsOYSTER AND CHOP HOUSE.

249 and 251 i Morris:Avcnue,_4j _-: - Ell3mbeth,.N.'.J.Opposite New Jersey Central R* R. Station. -


Domestic and Imported Wines and L i p r s , for Family Us&.Joseph Ploeser & Co. -->•

T. J.CAREY'S'".Auction and Commission House,

Seventy Separate Storage Rooms., ' Sales every Friday upstairs, i p. m. sharp.

76, 78, 80 W. Front St., Plainfield, N. J.• ' . . • . • " '- A L S O • ' • •'

X. J. CAREY, Licensed Auctioneer. ;Eslimatt^ given an H-msehuM Furiiiturt1. Outniilo r»:ilcs i»rouii»tly att^udt'il to.

West &, Fletcher1,Ailviw Cranfonl Uoiw"»kwiK1rn to £nrni«li their lumiffl IUJW.

Furniture, Carpets, Oilcloths, Mattings,Window Shades and Baby Carriages, • —

. •/ ' dt 10per•'cent, lessTHAN THE PRICES LATER IN THE SEASON.



AWNINGS FOR PRIVATE HOUSES.(iiummttf.t.to Fit. At Ifcittum Pric PH.

Tents, eanotaies acBoat Awnings


E L I Z A B E T H ; IM. J .


"Suppiti' for a iiicutit-nt," said hi*,, "tliat fix tigers hr.d 1K-I n hron^ht in atolid iron raw t» tome mennKerie in

. the (;ovinituint i f Tula. (Jn.ou tn sup-^.r/wethat -the IK-.-IKIH h::d hrokeli loose• :aud spnad .over (he plains and fon-stiJ,

! att.irkini; tin, iiilinliitiiiilH. Nnlnrally,if ih'.f-e hix tl^trs wen:.hilled or eau^litand shut up iipiill ill their e:lp>s, tho

. uiisehief v.-oiild IH> at an end. Some peo-ple M-eui to think'that the (-rise of yi-riniif* men is similar, in which Ihey un*allo^ri-'lhi.-f 'i:iistal;en. Vitiated humanlieinpi are iu,t tigers iiiTiil.vlnit w'ulve.s

^^wnlves whieli regularly Itreed thereand 'have.iloni.- fu for (,'. iieratiiuu, ami

"You ]irii]-.('!i., then, ri.unl".—— "~-"I ilirtare'that if I fiild that in niv

ins . r t s mi., l.yi.ne. A inucli Kin'ip.lerway is 1,: i'le:;ii out all l!,.- du.-t ti'iid•dirt fioia th,'li,,;,.~,-, and th,\'11,-UH will-d i - ap j , ::r , f th, ins-. ! v . - . " '

'.'And v.'h;:! havn yr a to .say, eo-.iuf,' n f ilm rapid III-M I,-),!,,! nl .,i—ilie vii'-ioiis'tCldilKV* whiell i s - t . / l . - ,,h.,-iv, ,1 l:nv.

••.—;•••.-•»•;---MENTAL-.IMAGES.' _

Ifalrrlal f lr l i ir .^ < ,,nlnn|.,,r.i... ,.u« Will.Tlimliilit liupri-Mt^l t'linti DM* llrullu .

"A' . imm cuiivir, i'ni: iir i -nnu^t ," t:ny"i*ElniTM,!r in bin :.i:iy if


lie wnti'h hi.» hitrlliTtiinl prurttml tiirit :i miiii riiil iin:i:;:. iiLi.iri'i.iHi~HluiuiuiiuH, a r ins 1 in his iiiiiiil'i'i.ntriu[M>-nuHimi wi th I'VITV ihiiiiK'ht, wlii ih hir-IlislioH tlic vretmrnt iif tho tlum^lit. "

Thi?* IHSWITI'F fiiri:iili^'iMiutul i imip snp|xm> tnA-:irj""iii.KirttJ»lt!i -tuL'iijj imli-

i l l i l l l

p|viilunlN tii jrally 1 x|u i- t - tn t>in\h ••j

U h ly | \ j

'fn-I In |.i«l» iimi nrtUtK chi.rli.splrk-rn* lini liiui:rlf t »lil us that In* aitually" m \ v " h i s iT. ' i iHiniKi iH. l i i iwr i i t . , , U I I I I M . '

j ; p y1 1' lit ill! olljll-t'wllill' 111- f.lii t« h; rl itu(mtliiir.i'.ll.l »an uli'r I,,Ilil In Ilir r,.lut-fniui t in- i !n: .p- nf it in hifi iniiirl. (Hithii if thir 1.;.!H!, thiTr nrr iwuiili'iifiijunlinti'lliKi'iii-" win), l^iiiK uiuiMi' lo ,<rhui'h miuti i l tniiiKis llici:iM'lv(H, . IHIVCilniiMi'tl tli'.fr c:.ihti'iu'i', mill Mr.. i'p.iu.\cis (i.llt',ll lia-i flinwii t'iiat"ImliitH c'f all-

^ J

nml IIIHIIIMIJ.III r-i" hiiliilxi'\VI-al:rll t | l r l i lparity <d f'.l

in., a r r .-• 1*11 toUlill,{ Ilirlltnf

m o n w i f l t H i , , l i i ' l j i i . f h i s i ' l n Tli""

ptill; JIIIJK

nir 11 11 \\ i\ \ (\ ir l ttllliuf I 1 Im,, | h I I U ir 11 u uf

Drtruit, I t till tllll \ 1 1 J i t t )U-lwl.l.."... It., s!r t \ 1 i>ir i i , 1 « l t htin- roviiV'i \va 1 f t 'i 1 1 riiitn.HimtiTx .'1r.1l In Inn lu l f I r i I un IMililicrswriy nn U I in i li • n in i v"WAMIOMK U)'-|.n m l r, ii, f I u

ITS ill ,t |i ft IV. ir it u ih I i l n cfM n j v i s j l i . u c r f J i n i 1 JI irrl ln»\ ifoIUIIIlyiar nlil 1 i\\ \ mi f l l i r r l li ulput all of. Ills 1 urlil i \*- 1 1 lulu a

l whKiill, liiul hiililin^ | ;<»Hi;/tol l i 'frii;tnN l-r'-lali

^ | ;ha-l ji.t'iu^l-that

4-mllr; •! wt-rr^nn^tf^lmil". I'rUl-l^ thnt"pu-hini: . Hn'lr "w.Ty into thi' wililiTiii-ia 'of Mii'liiKau, lii.pinK l ,y- t lmir ciiurRyami |«rni'"Vrr:ui, ; tn li |iili | .u|Kiliulimfor.tlK'jiiM'lviat ami an inhrr i ' . ani r fuj tlii'lri h i l i l nn . . ." . . • • ' •

Tin. n u i l wiMtwanl fnuu Drtniit fol-'-lnwi il ujl i i j i j j l ld iau trail, ali'l J.iv.ritii- .,• taut travi.i t h r nin,l iiail liwillin M>i l rcp ' t l i a t i t - w a s iiliuift ini]iaii.«al>lr-_.M.-yiy i>f' tin., pi i i i inn. lrft thr.nM wai lmill flTiirknff inlo'tlii'" wililrriir*.s wnlc--iliK mails fi.r thriiiM'hr.s, ' .

.ris, IU

Aftirr In f,'W ilayk

!/' wlti't ruil-

raiii u l in. Thri was tin: li^lith dayafter leaviui;I)elrolt. Tlii'ininpnuy thatllu y had. t»j,"..n lln'ir journey with h.i.l

j£Vadually',Iropped off, and for twi» dr:yiIll.-y-lljul traveled aloim ali'.nc III lim'KTIMI r.-ilili-rui-Ks, uii|ir,,trrt,d.lavuwhatprotei tin11 th,- eaiivas eov.-ri-d wii'^oniHave them. WILS it any v.oudir that :1»Ihey li ten, d ti. the howl of the. wolfand HIM hoot of th,. owl tli. y lsrani,, alitthr liiiimsieli?. Harris, had inuili- a

.in*eat liru c.f dry li;-ush, and whilt! it waahurnii'if lirij/htly tho family had «onotif slis-p. From thin sleep • th" yonnjrmother was urnu'iil hy a shnrp, hnurwjenllKh fri'im her haiiy. Whe iuilu'-dintelyiiwnkii In r husliand, fresh fuel wa*thrown 'mi tli" fire,-and un i t l.lazi-d npthe youni; tMot'ii-r p,',-n-d anxiously intoIlm f.u-e of h.ll-j- Ituth." dm' i'laiirn atthe litlle dra\.-n fii,-,' n stiii^'nu !ii.-i-ar:n,and lh_i, ri,,Ui,r kn -w that tin; luil.y had_'»ii^^oViiid?inViw.,3h"'<i^ii::''iUtTr^"tTiint,' wiS" iln|i"~fTTr" th,. l1t'tl.."niif.:ri.r;

l"!i:.l th,- i'i-tra-.f,,l parents i-onld (laM-holnr* wen-iiskVd to v.-ite dov-tr.in-f ,'1')"-v:. \'''.ri: ?•'•«»«• ;1j1'.l


talir familiar wntils, M:', I, as " l , i l l ; " I lifc" ' f "" i r . ' ' " l ''' »". ,'.'•' al l ' i l l VUIIL .•;tree," 'N-hun-h." \v.-re i-ul|...l ..n't, :ui(l 1 J"^' ''H W\ l i l M (.'li'nV''r "f. l i « U . n|>-t h e a n - ; w e r H w e n - . • a r . - f i i l l y . i n v . - i i f a l e . l . J I "


1" "

1 » ' ' • , • ' ' . ' •


t i l j : : - - l . t r l t n f l i i V j -

H i . f o u n d " t h a t l l i " i i n i l o r ' i i y ' o f I I I . - > t u - ' l : ' " ! f ! l " • " ' • ' | 1 - l : ' » 1 ' ' - T l i e y o i i m ; n m t h i r ,

d e n t . , f . i r m l d i l i s t i t , " t i n . .--I , f t h e o h - \ K t U l W M | ' ' - T 1 ' ' " I " 1 " " ' ' ! ' • f ' r m o f 1:. r


iit luvi,,f I

l.ithc:i|..1 fcii^idiArchitect.

150 5th A r a n n K. V.or W n l f f l d , N. J. "iKfP/rtiVj- then., i.iul s

Special Attention (iiicn fiii>pirii,,us liy it,

/n-chi- „'!!;:....'!„',',

(hi- fullurc-it MI-ymi rai l it, i ( .•fJ:uo-


' t cClu iT .

"It il •iii V].

r- hive, it i--It i-iveri-

iir_'/.l.iya y..!i:ii 1, ad , lo

i it is li!.el!Mi. iua.'.:fi"stct'iin.s pie.!-stii:e,l for it..-ill the ,-l.ri-i t la-ili.s out

jrets-Ihi, re.-i ii.rini,! uiiii'iniet- liini;."', willl j ","'" , , " " , . , 'a f.'.v e \ i , i.tiins win. s u m tn h IV,-in- i ' ' • " " ! ' ' " ' ' f "dillf.',, I "1n > . I , , ! . - , . , . ! , , , , ,1 , l...., i. ,;.• I tali,- tinTh'.' wonl '

'I i.-i

any i


IAS FOR CRANFORD & ROSELLE." A ,'tlyiij^* iT ' r . i

Js;t!J thi- T*iut; I i:an:nal, ju- -t in ilm,-in, itlmanual ni::it

/ 1

i<r;fliti(iii a(if.v

y" A m i •\vjji«-}i tmtifiit do you cniisirlcr

ii1 liiVrsr abnormal a t , tlif jircHjir t ime^AnH'ricai!*, French, Kiifrlish/ ( i i r -

r a t ( . , IK, t A l I 1 , . r i r ans. T. .Pipes for BupjiljinR Cranford and Rosctle vittf-Gas-are now ^ w y

being extended from Elizahetb. and within a few weeks this, th.ir rr«nt„ . , , ' . , t . .1 V -' . £ •• t natinnal M-lfCompany will be ready to supply all who want..gas for;li(-ht. mi -,,n,,rma | K , , i „„„ .i.-,vwmt..»nlicit. Or COIlkinC purposes. . anirli. MI Am.ritM anil thn AVni'ricaup,

. . - • • • • . - i n w h i i h I iliiln itpanii i i larlv ovirloailHouse connections artd seitinn of meters will he done by llns thr l.itt.r with flatt.rTr-N..v.rtiiiirfn i

M l k•),--:

.,,,cninpanj at a'nominal charge.GAS RANGES Placed Ready for use AX COST! pr]y as my other jinV

M-ut the SISH. nvi r th". itwould K'-neciptid l,y any paper as ea-

Not a

Price for Cas: $ 1.75 per 1000 Feet. , l.itnf it. Tin- trjiiislator lo.,kjt,todiffinnt tilitors without it J;'I"

Elizabethtown Gaslight Co., - ""'m " H

^. . , " 124 Broad Street, Elizabeth, N.J.

"If not Anii'rira, rimht, thrii':" •"Why. rraiKi-! ('an anyl««ly mnsiii:'

*>Fr:iiirri;si!oriiKil ^vhiTi-Mirh thinpi

CUT IN PRICES i" I : . "

injj hi«li is^i t ions in s,s-iety an* ready-".. tiiri-iriuiil any [-rinie for p , id? I s lh . i t

^f,[,!lieal I.I.-ti-.li-l

tip vis!,,IH ,.f a Dilile. a dii-tinmiry, anovel, in nil ' l . u t i a f. K sell,.!. r«, wintlli',ilKht of ' i'iK,,i for tin- i:,ii;d" ,-r " t h ,th..ii(!hts of s,.1:,,. i'1-rw n ." . Th • v.-.ir.l" t r i e " was represented IVM.IU; . I.in,I of '•In e, <nur,:i- -pri-i.iMv tjn- i!lu-iri,,u ,,!i,:r:

• r y l n n \vl,i,-h • li,-.,1.-^.- Wa-hiiiKton e,;tdn-.'.ii. • Th •' word " ,h - :n h " •_• ual.'yev,,!;, t| a-j,i-'itifr-,-,f .n in , ' , hi.iili in :urvii-in.ify, l,,it,,,:-,,-^nf t!j,- le .in V-, t!.,,:;^-l:t .iirii-^.'reliiii.'.iis-i.r'f.iiliVn'iinii." It i- , v- i • At!-r (•.-!ii:j; ih i_-i;ident from his n . -u l l . Ihiii iii,,,t |> , ,pl, . : " ' " ' '"" !c '".. ' . ' ' " ' I ' ^ l - irinVvi-iialiar.." in . thlnliiii;.-. whi!-_ii l " ' l ' l i r \>']" • ' ' '

j th, v n in;1 the 'wife

'" ! lii-ar the

U.x ".l.il.v

II..I rnil., h,

' ! '"P ' ' '

fruiu li. 1

inji: T<-wan

"liahy M'T IIII-IMIMISn-ivniM

v . ; . , : : i w i l . ' i l i t -

I u l i ' n i t w ; i » l i : i

", with I- 1 ",,-.\l;.

ill her

1,1,1 hii,!l .lla-

fcw'ann,- In

invf; ;iali>, r.-.*'- Til. (• n,l, n-fnriu" di-tinct ininm.s was vi iv

,i in i]i, w.o.,.,11, s.-t-vl . t / - t i i - cr.iv".-, anfl

^ t!i.- v,,ir,Is "H.-ihv l i n t h " nn.a,f l ' ; , . r , | . | - p l . i r . i l ' h ill Ih.: l:.-a.lr;,ii..-|.ie:!..tis unions the female sti ldMir; '• l ' i " V " f1 '"' ; i r ' M " ' I'1"1'1"' " at Ih.: head

mid in l-.l!i N-M-S it | .eafh.£aii i.l.u, r"T" f ""•"li ' t l .- IMMIII.1. and ih. n M,y r»mal ili'vi-liipiiii'iit aliniitami 1."., I T .rutini; thr .jrfiTi.0 of .ailnlis-w-lli'i1, whir l i , it has I* rti n thenvi - r nl»-W-niil, in ; ;.1MI on,, of cM-i'-pfiollal (;i-^lhealth ;iu.l rajii'l |n"owth'. Th r trtiilriii-yIn further i h i r k . i l or fosli n i l l>y th.-1«-

in lifii.—C

j I | : sunn ,1 ll.< ir jmirn, y. V, | a ro.id un , r.ii'l n, ar th

r-r,..,-,,l, andI'll-- l>op-

lars (;r, \v ami " l«-,:il;i.. a living monu-ment. TI." pie,-,- i.f N.iir.1 that had toldthe little ou"'.s nanii-Wa4 annually n>-pl;u.«l hy M.IIII. kind hand.-;

-ii i. .iiu-aziiii' T ' " " ' I"1'1""1 'I'li'-kly, and May 10.. ' n' ' j liad.i-onn: ami .K',ne :1,", tiuii-^ siii ' i^hahy

Th4><'l,»rk Winding *nik<-. } Until Wil* .laid to r* s| ill I'll' wilder-Ill P i r s i a 'tin re is a kind of rnnlii 11""'"": •!"' l"'l>i:"' had jrrnwn to bo

Which i» known to . the liativ.* ,,n Ih- I t r ' " " ' ""I1 * 1 " " 1 i" a rlear.-il field nearclork wimliii^Minkr. It ilirivm itnamo from a pfruliar )ni7./iiii; IIOIM-.whii'h it maki-M that ri'Hi'iulili-s lhr win.I-in^ nf a elix-k. Thi.+c makiB aro J^T-fectly liarmU-wi anil fnqu.ntly (fliih' in

: II:

anil outtif.. tlu> . alli'litiou lx-to tin-m liy the natives. Dnr-

roni'si.-i ; the surmmnliiif; for, t had "lon^' sine.- i|i,-apl>«-nr> d. A l«-ardwa*nailed to the tr, .-M with th" w,,rds,','lia-hr Huth" paint^l ou ir A,r.miaKe waapiissintf hy when tin- "driv,-r, nn elderly . .man, plumed toward th*^ tr,-.V and KI\Tthe. iiiM-ripti.,11. He I.«-fc,-d ut the tre<-»

...„ a visit there wvi-ral yeam ii(ju I '1""1 »'''""• "'«"• hit.h. d hi.s horse, ma.lawas ntlraeted -one m.iriiinif' l,y an nmi-i ""l"ir>" "' . a farm, r near l,y as t.. tho"»uhl'twitleriii|}i.f l.ir.l". and i'n-lo«'.kiiiu •••"•aniiiK i.f tin- sikMi umlw.w told thatIIJI-KW ul«.nt 20 sparrow.i ,,u the to,, i "h.-ii he eanie.to tluj-^ninfr.v he found

tlt*l*iaal'll»-r. 1""'tm'" * ' ••"'•*'•" jt-inrd. and th.tt h.-lw.l--V;r.,lth.. tn .3AI t!r.t tAt iir-i 1 -it -

- t .

pt-ati:?- A tiiol:.-nt:d-tinit-s u,,i-"-j-tliii-'.'au«i;-uf- Ml_!:li

What HI,I Hi- I :« I . of tln ; 1'1.4'k. wind

l,w 10 1111.,; ..•tan 1 1a cinnmutl.-ii. <L.nt :

pup an. \v l-onr<t I/ts infurm-. . 1 '

' ' : ^ '•'' " " " > • " " " • " o f . I l i alrimi;..Ti w i l l | f t a j l l • „ i t I f , , ; „ , , ) V - , . r , , i , . ! , V "

Mi.ike an in .1 I|lmt linv-nnil.rir.w.lwhni hr v.a.-it,>l.l-•.,1 il... T..,,,it.. ,-r.,,,-n,,., ' the storv of l.al.v Kuth a* I hav*» wiitf. h

Carlo. froi,i"that holv ".Vf hiTll.*,'tji.i w I alon« Ih" wall; maki ,^ dir. rtly for th- ij '- ' ''!' *}» •'»'1 ni..th.-r 1....1 .li. d M,u,el, .n^h.reit . ar<'ll,e"trel,t--,t.|Uaranti'!''ir.K whiel, npp, an ,1 to U- f,,.einated i '»"'< ?'•'« I- or-, nth. r childr. n l.a.1

*--•-> t.. *:«. tal.Uk Just as th,, ear,!* were l- imj | and made no ut'empt tn Hy away. The ! •"»'"•'" u--« ''"'• 1"'"'1" •-•• u r f - -fc.V. ;.; *^.1 fhuffli-d f,.r Ih.. romm, ncrmi nt of piny J wial"1 Rllih'I in nun UK the hirds, and ,

•-• a f;i'ut]r'Ui:ill delilttrati lyrnunred cut ]R e n t a l ^ . lt','')O franc ii<>t«-H ainl

h M l i t J t<1 thi in <<nj

the Marl; witJinnt"fT/<ii taking the prJt.

i r first!*,rtl uid 111,- littl*- ^ravo in thfltmine to his likiiiK d . l l l , era t . ly l t t i W ' r I "- ' - A U-.i.utiful ni.-nuni.-nt li,-w

it in his mouth and swallowed ! m : i r k * "•* >"I-t «"•"•"• "'"-I** K l l' .v Kaih-I |'.iek.il up a Mirk, nml aft. r kill- j - V i l » lli>ren.("nunty H. pulill.-an. .

Frank L. C. IVIartiri;Wheelmen's Headquarters.

Corner Park Averno Rid Fourth S t re t t , PLAI5FIELD. S J.

ciutimi of itisuriiiK th' in. It was "play- I i»K "»' mak.: -nt him «.|-.-n and eitrn.-t- A »•„,• . \v,.ri< >,f thcJ-oimr in.iiioir1 -ii.RtliL-limit," a4ilu.liyi.tai|dtrVi'4iiarU- i*'1 ',h(' i-l'->rrow. Aff-r nl, .ut lO.min- , T l l l . M 1 I m : ; „( t'h- Pasteur inrtituta.

"."Rath.raU-.ldt.lny.-'Kir," f | up, and in a f, w min.it- ni'T- Hew ; [|7|,!!L'.Tli.'r'sh'i'v'tiut L^'y^' l !™^"Well."'said Hi-iiluyir, "I drenmed im.iy apparently unhurt. — St. Louis |

last nitht that I MIW. Iliin tnhlf i.T.ntly OI..!»-I>-lil<'T.l'.as it U now, alid-bli tin, first enlip l.lai'k

Wholesale arid Retail Dcolor In

Vegetables and FruitsElm Street, near Post Office, Westfield.We so'l only fresh A Ni>. 1 Friills ami VegrtaldiM at livinK |-ri«-*. \V.ip.n m a i n

ri'oulnr cull" in I'mnfonl. , • '

Th" ranl.4 w, re .1, alt f,.r th/- first 4-,,up,aim Mark «"on..-,A),u|ii.rtfs.-.l " O h ! "from fin' l.v.-t,inili« in.i ' teil the an-uoune, iii, tit, "II,<1: l.-M-s, " and l i nnfrom aelo-s 111,.' tahle enlfi,' a womail 'svoii-<-:

. "What (


- you hay,' for supper last, tell me!"i— X,"w York Her-

T!e*"iuer' n-<> in thenumU-ref suicidesin Austria, whiel. isstat.,1 tn have Is* I)T.:"v v..ir':' d in !!:••; i.\ti,s and s, •*, nti . s,fell etf in th^,, IH years I'.SO-IM,. Sir,-,.the l.ilCr (Lite, hnWiV.-r. it has ::•„-;>; |bcM-,,me liotltvable. In lH'.il tlii* uuniU rof nuieid'* was s;^^ in the

MS|s rsnus were tr, at, d f.,r hydrophobia.ind tint only six ,.f them died vt tliatlisea>,\ Of tin, nuniN r in. nti.,nrd,therewei>'-I.i;o Krrneli' p, njile and 174 ft,r-. i^m rs. Ainoii^ the f..rel^n, pi were 43

l!el-;ians, Ih Ejtypii.iiis, 14 Ilnti-h fnb-J,-et-i frmn Indi:i. I* Swiss, !i I>i:t,h and'-11 VurtiiKtu'sa'- Simv M. I"!i»teiir coin-nnv:r. d to practice his iumrtilatiota

year it was 1.03, and liuf yearil n-atliul ! u""" »>''»'«> I'yhi* inetho.1. and .3 hava1,001—Loudon Tim(* | i '»' '' l h o <««i'««>.—Unidon Stimdarl

- v

Page 4: L. Lehman TOWN ^:J. POTTS · 27.: „- CRANFORD, UMlON COUNTYrNr^ \VEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1694. $2 PER VESS? »FS, 10. "'I--' tV IKtK. '


* t o rcttxiAitxU, brsu to toll.JUd kfollU«g«n to nut

J J b t

to rcttxiJUd pkaafoAxkttljtMJurJbotuietoii.

. TIu UttlatotKr unilng baa,All In her m i , »M;o curtained room, I*.

ton ber liar lwklsc glut.

Ssulnlr. round Iwr latly clinkv 'ebo amoollttd lirr bandi of cluur hairAnd fanomiOr ni>xiJ*n-*l If .

thai (tew wai Ums far ma to tnkomrtrout witlijiao. _

At that moment :ifr, appeared la thearm* of two porten, who woro carryingi t With tho groatbit aao. Coufomidthem, liow olow they wcro! What foolever decuied tho railway companies ofhandllus basBaRO ronRhly? I hastenedtoward (be iaru, l i i

" l l l l



Th« Expcrlracft of t!u> fcma Was Xot 8a Badan That of lh« AIa.Ua, and Sho "Oot OS

M«d at thtek wronght Iron and aosn oftho tow frames m i p broken lik<**agttepino jiU.-ts tho commander racoeoded in»afely mating tiur-port of 8t. Johnssjmo 31 bourn after tho accident Thoexcitement among tho jaaaeugen justafter tho shock of collision U describedby thim pa boon! as baring bees ta-t r t t t < > « i

When inJSewarkCall on OR. STARKWEATHER-

To thoso who ilo cot already knowthat there Is estaUinlied fn Newark.'at105 Hal*y etmrf. n phnldin whoBiauiaSamt«t*maatnjikPt Us nro-

Carpets, Oil-cloths, MattingsChenille Portiere and Table Covers ' '

LACE C U R T A I N S a n d f



A&ulUt one© C*T« to the r»aya» ft t*c*Tli»t the miac riunc^milca tu aw.

A hivellght clasce l:i r ) c» all m-duie*. - TIJtolMul.CAUjfht in HH »ub lelf. . V

B * h«il s l r rn * crown t* tho rre«l 000AnH kulc.it. «t her n.rnmafiJ,

But ttie glrlllkf.ji»lfn « A* Dot of a qqr«a.Though courtier* Id?**-*, her It and.

1 And flip critlr»»ald,Ti« ilir> Btt*rdrnr*|l,• That ther^nkuf tijuix-n t*aa liuttlipre.Though thrrv nt-%rr was »uclr tcrat-v «oi

»uili to-:cliOr ft faro tnoivtlelliMr, f»lr. _ '

And thty Me*! in the nnlM am. found that• •' h e - ' • . " _ • - .

W«» |n <iuarlrr» i«»««r »nJ l>an\ . -..,But Ii*1 hrld to lit* Ii cart tii 01 burittrpurt

Ufa rustic imiiilei. t litre.- Itctrali Vnv Vtvi*


"ymml""ElccllencT.'.'"H.-ro." • , ',-With IKJW^I ' buAfl mill .d

foot after tin;, othr-r xlowly UIHIIK theground a.1* if t<» fhowpreat liuniilitj-, thefavnrito byntsnian i-f JVinro Horostien-ko nitrrt-ii U.ir .rrlior wh. n^'bis illuslri-oui* iniLster Was wiuit-ltiri'iHfc-i' after eut-

« " « • • • ' . - . " - , r : ' . ' •

"Ai'priKicb, win «;f-itilo^.-uml HMtort,'*.Yttiin II:ir:-t»uch c.tmo nruriT nml Iwiit

funvjinl miiil l i is / . i tc titntlml hi-, IIIOH-

j ' h".Ar" yuu' .'always' MJIIS of jour hum.

and y»ur M^lil?" .' '"(.<*. help liif, ye-, rxiv.ltnpy."**\yrll, yHu iirt1 to waii'lcr a way from

tho <\*i?<. le, iLH.iHytmr lialiif.' You must-^n-k-m. ft. liavi* l<*st your way. At ni^lit-

fall *-!it<'rll«i^:tnU'»HTiTtly1.wiil jump-

thr clu,:i;> of luiVl'tV; Vvliir!. is ilirrrtly111 front of the window of tint Him KI-

Count 'AK sir*. Kar;ij*]iit'.' Watch woll.WlnJi Vfii ****'.mi' I'liti-r tin* nxmi,'-riii.^tyour rinii aud uim at tho ttiunt. "

Dntxyii up iii.lii.-t.riiMtU'rhiiir, hi^f:«.vmore wrinKh'-il" and «Htp{jTtrt| tliaii't-vtTiH'forr; -.tli«r'*>1*\ prilK-c n>oUr itiitltorita-tivcly. HisKii/'f was iiitt-ntly t\xv*\ uponhishunt-iniui, inwliO'i'ftatiinsnoothii'.Bt'Jitiiih lit \V;H 'irjrt(vriiilili* Kuyc llrtit of6t:rvilu ulKtlif ii(i\ Ht> coiitnitiHl: .

"Aim at tli«> cnnii't. but do not nhixitnt once., liiforc you Muw out Jiin LraitiriI with to mnkr htm lindti>tand that In1

iti to dii ' .""Vis nxrt'lli'iwy-'1 **'Tln-r«forr, y«>u will flan (I, yntir liu*

RIT nn tlii* triijpr, uiitil 1 l it full a hand-kcnlii*f U'hit-I) I sh:ill carry in my liaijd.Tluit, Vann, -.boot and hit your mark.You until r>Iand'/'* • -.-

"V**»t, i-xn-lliiu-y." - . '* ' ( i u " ' . • " - » ' . —

Ynnu was moro th:ni a mini—-liownsiiItrutt-. AVIH'IHV lip tamoKirnnckiHw,

yf»ptuk~wlH;ii"ilH'jT" found "

/ba.H>, undrr a l»u-]i»)ii llioy

o.id that4

Tiny Uft him to row up in Hit* court-yanl aino);^ tin- H n'aiit.i .ami jtruoniH..For Jii.s daily iiourirluiunt ho di-jH'iulc lu\xm tlio charity tif tho iVasantttitiid thoBcntli'ii.i.

At Id ho had Ciiulu a lxm% willi whichhe could l>riiif? down nil th-* apph'H IUJIIpears ho W:I*IUML NCV«T OIHIJ did hi'mii* liis aim.

O»4*-..;ry tljt* primi' K»W Yann'ri arrowpirrtv tin- M^som of ii 1H r^anmt tnv,nnd \w coimnaiiiK'd him to IM hroti^htbirfuro him. The MTV.uit wli^,liil Yannto"lii*<AO» I'tiiiy IHMIMMI. (tut his ex—ct'lliiuy w.i> in i;o«>il hunion Ih> Inn-,t4'ii(*il hiuiM'lf with i;ivifiK t!:*i culprit15 la-hts alter v.'hirH- limva-^Miit totin--\VKH\ litint'-niaii.'^vithordt rs tliat liewiiM t.i hu\v :i iiniffrm'und u ^UIL

y»v,- |h;it' hi* Wii-i j,Tati'fnJ.n;j \v;i: hi.- rul ing i';v-.iii.uV

tmf And what proml§c»aho read in tbooyc* of Alflial

Tho prluctps dkl Dot stop o analyzeeither her prefcrencos cr her ttvenioiu,Sh> lovod Altxi*; that wn» cnungh.LOTO lit SO hai a »park of divinity in i tIt doc* not cveu caro to midcrutanil it-•olt

OHO day Aleitth'woro to tlio princessthat ho would only put his lips to thebem of her gown, Imt carrlod on by thotorrunt of bis youthful loru.ho k l lh i l Sl fll j

yhur passionately.ito b h lany onu to enttT.: Thurutho coont tj joiu her.

f f

Slio floil tojier favor-allowed

ho coont tj joiu her. .After' tfiut tboy nat tbcro whenover

h y W l i t t h l ' 't h e y g ,Ho it wiuitliai, BHIIIMI on n divajiop-

posito tbu long wiuilow, 'tho , priiicfHSsaw kuirlinif UTon) her him who wasnot* yet her lover; but'to whom hlio feltalready tlmt kbu entirely l>eloiiRcd.

"All, my life, bow I lovo youl" ho

arinrt wrru about her.l l tr e h w r to liim, ho fidtfyhfc IiirShe win nni'iiHy an<l liuulo as if shoWuuM n*!rnstr In rm tf, >vhViircfeiiqmrt1*! by fhij convulsion which rentIHT lit'art, nho closed her cy*% niul herli]w intt Jiis.

Vuiui liarrioiiek %rutchwt. llefuro thrwo• w o yiitiiiK crt'iiturra rajit in a4>f loVCl 111? (i l l l i lwi.

lovo, wiiut wiw it? A pit into

it bfimlly,TUIVIMM of hi r fate."Yanil uijiltTritood this love. N o one

could ituita'to'nrf Jut could tho im..ii.inj?luvu 1nii.ci.tut.nii* <>f (ho otter to 'hisinittiv" Utivr imiity hurt ho nhor," to HUVO'Ilium' fnun their "(looni," iis ho ex-prusso*. (t. •

'..Meaitwhihv: hi;. :-t>yw flxotKon .thecuunt, YIHIII hilently Irvelfd hi* carbine.

IOII by Ihi) loiiKt ynli.jiUu'mrt ein-braeu ^nriiiiuv(,*d liy tlia Httvn^th iif hi*passion, Alixirt aroi.n, Llttlo by j i t t l olin pn^scilvlos* r npniiHt h i m t h o H 1 i^lit

With hi* impulktin? Milk.foKlH of IHT K«»W». ; ; .

Hut t!in\prinees.-T"h.(H)(l ..^nct. Thuuilorablo. nioilisty nf hvjr' /,'O.stnre, Ihe

uf a n ;t ze in cut in lier-cyes, acedia-ill 'Vy so much love, so much fcur.

rctuiinlett Ali-xiM nf UU prouiir't*. Fall-ouco more upon hi« knees re.spect-

When in NewarkCall on OR, STARKWEATHER." To those who" <lo tot already knowthat there In mtaliiiohnl iu Newark, at1OT Hnlwy Ktreet. a phyxlrlan whoHtanilii in the forriuont rank of hi« pro-frtwion, wlm 1« iiiilonw<l by tho lewllngitiHtgeii <.'/ the. roiintry uml who canprove fiy witneimoH ri«lit hprc.ln Newark(not l>y oiit>, but l>y hiindrwui) that hohim MK-mHtat in ciiiiuK rtw tlmt linvelit*!! uffi'rly (rfvnn up- by other ulijwi-c-iiin>, anil KCK»' oniti, too. To thorn* who<lo not iM'lievi* them* faf-tn we Htnte thatany iH'mm. rii-hor jmor, old or

l lany iHmm. r i i h o r jmor, ld y m K ,i» weli-(>iiie lure anil recelveexiiirilnation'nml mlvlce free of olnirije. v ' .

Tlunuanilii (irai«> thii_«l«jlwTIfiI) • rameto IIH for tn-atinunt. TJicje Ii4 IJO KHIIWW4*rk. no expiTiiiieuting?. no iiainfulopeniti(fii. • NO-iuntlreuotf iliflli-iiU~ the-iijte. mi matter how iniii-h of the lihyiciiin'K tiiiie it i i iny roiiHiitne. the ilin^r

IWWIH will not only lM'.tliwinuih.. jt_-wiljtHMit«olnteIy ffeE "JlitTe IH iKitiiint of«iuai-l»'ry or dtH-eiition; no >lniin ofHtateineiit i.s iimde tliat in not' ld/me, out

fai-tH ami liviiiK witnm-n*. A

,STAltK\VK.\THKIE.There i« not a penny til* pay for the

fullitit ineillnil ailvire. , Dr. Htiirk-weather I'H II ratluati' of the BerkshireColli'Ke. Mawtiii-liusettH, and of theMiiliiii CliiriirKleiil i-olleue of Philadel

fillIV. n-ven-iillv; lie hilil hi. lii»rtrVthc 'Ma;endoi»ed nTs..' by the-(•,,!!,«.. of•' - - • ' j I'liysieiaiiH and. Surgeon* and Uellevne

J l d i l C l l f N Y k W iIll'llV of.lllT p>\Vll."l larwniik fa"' all, even the look of

iiiiul. |ia»iioii w i t h which tlui 'prineesnl k l A l i i l i

y gJlediculCollef-eof New York. We in-vile all mifTei-erH from whatever i-ansi* to<all at oiirofllcv. No. ll).-i llulsey street.

tlia'itkHl- Ah sin, uneuiif-cionsly prumiri* _j Newjirk. xvXivrt* I)r, .Starkweather in inin;; to repay him-u-~liuiiilrcrifoM fur thol attfiidmice daily to KJv<* examiniition

"anil hdvu'e entin^ly fre*1 of elmrKe. Itituittemnot, .what the dtwjtm1, or howniiiiiy yearH you havo miffered, in npiteof mriiiiiv udojtteil in your U'half, a visitto thiMofllee and the privileWH of theJinn> will cost you nothing, aud may 1H>the ineaiiH of Having your life. . \V« pre-pare aHiinr medieint's aiid.prescribe thereiiutlieH iui^icateti. T)UH plan enable*the patient fn receive directly fnun IIHmich remedies as will province, the re-

m o t p-'jiowin"! i'!:iil;*:!i« li of ! :• Tinu-.At lUjiiui-H J i r ' ronld MIMI a h u ! : l ; r i -rectly throimh tli'r cyiM.f an cttt-r wi th- .oat lhi*!>lij;h.<'~t injuiy to the fur. Thruno would .-ih!ill>;.di-p'Mt tin- rtv.nl ln'a^tnt, hi~ni:i*ti r's'ft <f. ' 1'S'in ' tt'jMJd with

. n-piiftpir5" Wi l l dciu*. " Yatiii wt i ih l n--turn, to his tl:: tt«li.^ hut. surly and taci-

' turrt.wjtliout.i Vim a i:hi!ic-*at thnp-oupof,m:\i'Uiis wliu, wi th iKtiiotuis^laii i-t i ly tr.rkrd up, wa j !nd t ln ithe riv.r . ; ' .

Hi! ii'V.iT spo!a'^-> itny otic.IUItit In Id hini tii AWJL: Kvil scurrent ahmit him.' They inrty IIJIVCtrue. Kor Yann tin HMWIC I'nt uiu—the word of JJI-J niii^tt *•; Imt out* love—Iliaf for his pin., _

'When tl!i-«Vfi!ijiLrti a h.id 1« . n drunk,t»ie priruv. niakitij; a pr. t.-xt itf .havingponu; wd- r s in ' i;iv.\ t .H.k' leave nf HM


s were1 law

rount, lii-* itily ^iu>t that 1l.1v, ;:nd h:iv-, j , , . r

iii/» kiFM'd l:i> wifi '* 'U:nu\ withdrew 'hi- \ , ] , . , ,hi-s own .tjuirf iii«Mif.

• A half hnur l:vt.r li.-wei.t . W i t into

.she now imjxiM'd on him,A veil wu.H Huildenly torn away froni1

tin- foul or the brute. Hi.-* N.Vtt^e na-'tun* wan e.i'ctrilletjl by the my of .un-

IM'netratwl bin veryheart!- It was a new idea—^exquisite, t*l-cvatinj;—that of wonian'H mo»lesiy.

Ni»w ho understood ptiro .love. -)AH Alexi:* ro*;e from hin knees the

priucuVntticd. (** rtain uf MitiuliiiK his

"-*.us -nilexpecti'd" *ntr.imr(i liiulthtowit tin m, the princo ndvuuordde-lilH-hitely toward tho loyern, who NtiHxI

IX'Dirtv. hini, -Ht^wt-Ht'^trait-tiytitily, likt> a eaterpilhir- cn4pinK un-der tho jhlulri (<f a "flower.

Alexin threw himself* iit front of thuprinci-sfi. Hut Quickly disciipigin^ IHT-ti*At the woUu'n lH)ldly cunfeKsvd a l l /Thi'ii, witli a superb nndaeity,' nhoMtooditiiring in hir.husbandV face.""Old Horo; tienko was bcxiriiT hiniKolf

with ra^e. (irasping tho hatidkt rebiefwhul i wiM In |crvo aa Ritual to Uur-minrLv.iio threw it w.ith tho forceof 11

iu his wifoV fan?.pri;"^l to :ee. tlie count Mill-erect,urtii-*! ttijvard. the wind»iw—:md

fell, » hot' tlmniKli thi'eye. . * .

Like the oU( rs!—Translaleil Kor Sail'raiu'iyeii Arpii;:iut From ihe Russian.

An .Ui-ltnii Klnti'w l'unillj, '

The following i* an e:.traet fruin a•her written ly a Fivmh h.ily in .Sem-

pal and pnK. ' • -j, I*aris ni'wspapcr,refill ii:L; t'.i ; ii KiiiK Helian^lu of

LiIV, Ii-.]u\\.,l by live wives aud foiirchil«'i*n, »f v,l!om one U a hnin'lsoineNiy, tin u_e;'.!:ii' fuiward i:i a ^ilk iitim-Ile Mrijii'd' with .black t;iicl blue andijlrKiUitly »l;"iil« d. His luad Was bare,aittt l:o h;i«l on his fet-t sandals held, onby t rtisvd baud-* vmbniidtred in woolsvt many, colur.s. " H e smoked a' lar^uelviiy pipi.thi' IMIV.'IUII'II shank of which-weiv eiivled with hilver. His Fiviich in.Jintiti'd tu IH-II jonr mid ami, and I am(hi* .trvt white woin:i!i be ever vn\\\- andtlie M^l't of i::i< astonished him. He attirst KJ'-'ed kt nil-, thin nulled withlaughter, anil when lit* had toand till hewas tirrd Ii hiked around and askedWin re iis.y hu^baild was.- Tho interpreterhaving l'Oininl him out. he took hiiu.bythe hhiiuMtr-iind (rave him a,friendly^hakf, which was a** much as.fo say,*\Vhat a lucky fellow you lireV One"lifthe live wives eooks. -{She bus hi*t all

to I*.p. lii. SundaVH -I to II p. m. -..Thi'iM* HviiiK at a distanceCan consult

the.ili>(:tor by. letter , . '•-_• ' : :..-.-.-; '.-.- ;.-.-•

Send or"rh|l- for our Book of Testi;niouial-i. ; • ; ' ' . /

Dr. Starkweather's. : J '

HOME REMEDIES. , /NO.IOJ Malscy Street., Newark',, N, J.



No. 150 North Avenue,

• Ptainflclil, N. y.

UIIIOII COUflH HOTEL<i.\it\>'<iiii>. y. .1, ,

PETER PAHEN, Prop.I.m-ati'il 011 Comity Hiiuil. Xliihviiy IK'

WII-II Cruiifonl nml Wi-HtlWil.AoCdinmoilatloua Flrat-Closa.



Tli.r.' i-virylhiiij; !-|«>k<- «'f hm: Op-pn.-KSiil liy tin- lii-;it nf ilii-il -.y. tin-]>lalitH.mid lluurri* li:ld Iili^-^tmiTl rr^iv mureinto lift'-, lllliiii; tin- air wiili'llnif l:r.ivyfra«r:iiKv. Tin' lir< Ilii-i l!i»il,M ]ik<>

•lirtKli' »tnrm*'i"TTi - tl;iv tift;iit"'V.ri'V-'/iVfii'wl-.eri-llii'ir r.ialt-^ ;-.u*aitt 'I ilirin nmUr

The ollurs.stand arnnuit thudi-jMiMtl kinjv *l'he ehililrcli aii> veryuie.i'. I!fh;:n<-iu i^tUh'rly, nboiit ?t7>i andlias. .u..wUiU',-'li.-ail' i,f- Imir.-' l i e ]ii:riliykiiows'h.iw' to walk, lwause rn'iuvountof bis rani: hi- lias always bet 11 carried."

Tl i -ftnrrn Vli'lilh

i n felt herself oMlj;ed toKvril Illiyii-M tol,! _liy'liiiiitViiJ; tlm' iiitiiul»iui< nt tlu> niiiin-

j nl ilrav. in;: MKim;;. Instt-ail, liuwi-vi-r, oftin- tljit k' li-avi-*. In tin- (.•I.L~I tin- ii'ii-];- uiliuittiii}.- tin' n>u:tl rrnsli lit i-ui'li invii«txK:rK«n[|l .r t 'MlKir lnvi.Ti.it<snf nil ! - ' - •"-• ' •'•• • • • -! • - • - •liu-jr.

-iou, •he diviiled to t,-ive» a r|»eial rein I!MI

S latltr part of May, tol l

iiwl 111 tin* |;r.i-s t'.i ilm: liifiH-t-t. l<n:ii;!it lint !*• lu:iril. Dr.iwin,OKiilt- tlif I ' c u y li'.-ivis if an » 1-Vr t rn*'Arii you th'jri ' ' V i i y v . t ] ] . KIMH-IH!" r !

-tin- cit;iinl. MIII tin- at .mil•'. Iu tl;,' !ouunt'K *y,', Viinn—lik«> IIM- ot i r r ' s . " • .• "Vi-s i-vi'll.-iii'v."

U-rtalu!y t!»M»«jr ]iiim.i >« UaiUtruK-gh:d oti'ccii'jitioii-ly tu riMi-t t he anlt litBupplitatiou^ of Al 'xis l*rtrovilcli. Hut.lie w.-i< 2", inn! flu- \v:i» i.nly "<\

Tlit- (^-avu <"iri'^irt of IHT litislainl«n(!gi-'t«'<l-tii'liii\ iiriiui-^ wh:>t th i ' in-Dnito Jnyii of youiiR love mi^lit 1«', with

,'itn divine int<i%i(-ntinii. itii nnli nt ciu-hra«i». N*i:ver yethn

to herways

lur lipsMust she l

>vliirh '-'"Ml \v)i«» writ ' winl ' lr to ubtjiin]il:u'«"snii tlii'lii-ht l l^tswill 'U' Mih11ill.1l.

1 S-HTM Al!' ' lil-"ll ilrl'llllllltl'SWlll Jirollt, |i\> tin' lili:..lK«l!iiTll.-T1-l.i'H(li<!l I.vtter.

Til.' Wny nf Ihr Kllii-mt.Jif jur—>|n. ' t ]io|iri'.iiii''n fit, oil tlm

tliii ty that a inan tlr-y iirrv>t sliiMlltl IHIt r r a tn l liti" a JHIIIII' of nu'ilifim'.'

Jlli'l|.ll|i|a<-^ll.l\V ill tll.lt?Ja"|Hi-—lif ilitmlil IH' " w i l l nhnb'i]

lufon' t»k<-n."—Niw York lUralil.

I -H I I I i ' o r l t . ' "1 ' ' " ' ''"''

C'li-rk—Tlio p u t in N u 11II wijm tiwrain Ii'ukitl ilown i-:i his H'tl liutliiijrlitnull °tu':il:<><1 him to tho Kkin.

l»rii]iri< tor—Clmrtro oni- hul l (half

mVmit to l'iV<i lil'iumt patcrinilkini- i * I m T I I > ' " l l i n I'M.—I-oiuhm Tit-Hit*.

II. Krossc,


< Alio SiKla anJ 5cltzer.lo r , .M.ir.l.ull A Ttll Mt».. Klliulirlli

•IKI;KI'1H)XK UMA'. UW II.lli'UviTit'4 in Crmifiiril, Mnmlnyri, I'litirii*


CompanyThe Prudential Insurance;•••„ ; • O F A M E R I C A , ' ;

B Y TKCEJ HO3ST. Q-E3O. S .Commissioner or Banking and Insurance for New. Jersey.

On the wcontl ilay of February hut ther Pndentlnl InsniTince Company voluntar-ily requested tho Honi George S. Dnryee, Coniuiinalouer of Blinking nml InsnraucefortheatatBofUewJerB«y, to examine the affair* of the Company. '

. In compliance with tliut request the Couimiiwlpner. nlileil by uln deputy, the Hon.Tiioiumi K. Jofanmii, promptly«utered njion the work. ' . • •. -

The Comnihnioner appointed aa nmilntaut exauiineni, Duviil Parka Facb.ler,- nneminent rictnary, of Hew Y'ork city; W. F. Vuu Camp, of Trenton, and ex JudgeHoward W. Hayjii, and Edward H.- Dwyee.of Newark, and these gentlemen weremoisted by an aniplu corps of 8ubonlhi«to'ej;ainliHTB uud clerks.. - .

The eiiuninnlion by the Couiuiiwioner pccniiie<l a jierlou of about six weeks oft_-oiu«*utlve work. Every:booC, voitcherniid document of wkatnocverkllld cnucexu-ing tbe-Prnileotial Comparty'B"bn»inc8n froni itB fonndiitiou down to tho dny of theexamination, were ojien to the inspection aiid Bt-rutiny of the Commissioner anah i s i w s l s t a n t H . " ' • . ' » • ' . - . , . . . " . ' • • ' . • -

The Company's mnnner of transacting Its va*U'n?IncBiJUiuVlta:.inetuoa» of-deal--iii(FwltbrWi^rMitin«iit-pfrilii'liuineui»Vuflyof policyholdeiT, numberinf;nt tlmtUmo nearly two milllnns, were freely opened' to the most searching inquiry. Afteri very comprehensive culmination, theCoininiiisionerreiMirted to tho Company ani.ti........ " - • i" '•





' . , • : • ' ' ^ TUENi'ON.DURYEE. Ooinuiiitaioner.(JEO B .

THOMAS K. JOHNSON, Deputy CominisKioiier.MB. JOJINF. DHYDEN, Preniilent f t h l'America:

THOMAS K. JOHNSON, Deputy CominisKioiier.MB. JOJINF. DHYDEN, Preniilent of,the l'rnilcnliol Inauntneo Company, olAi "^ 'America: . - • .

My Dear Sir: I lioj? leave herewith lo enclose yon n copy <if Ihe report of theexamination and the whcdnle*' tlierynriftuinnmcuUif-4lig-tH>mlitioi»if—thir^yrniiFTr'"till losuranco Coipany which will explain itself In Beiidiiig J on this report I de1iil liiKiinuiee foiiii iaiiy, which wil l oxplmii itnt'lf. In wii i l ing J on tills report I de-

iin' to m y tlmt i t liml lietn nij- jiurinwe to Have luiiilp utr.yxtiiniuution of . t h e com-l»iny ut n previons duti'.Mjiit I rvfrninAlTrom iloinif HO until y o u were t l ioroiighlysvtthtl in j o u r new oflk-e buihlintr / • ' . . . . . _ . ' . _

ODit ially niul, I w a y ailil. ]A'rs<iiially, it (tivrs HIP Krcal iilfiutirp to liml that, thecuiulitiim of tilt* i'i>ilii>auy an rP]ioittHl in.entirely verifit'tl liy the ex:iiniiiatioir~iiiaileliy this ilrpartiiieiit. I hiivu Inailu tliiii exiliiiiniiHuu in u very thorough inanner bythe oIllrerH of t h e Departineut anil h a v e IIIHU i inployt i l sneciall .c Air- Fiickler. millthiwe w h o m 1 regnnl na tully cou i^te i i t : renJ;ei«tHt.t!.lii\vyerH.ti.v.:iia5a: o i i r thu -:niii»y'iliii-stibiiKTiivolUHl iu'iiiieSiiuil'uaHonof thiii cliarii('ter, nntl of n fom] ia i i y 'o f theiniiKiiitiiile of your OU-H^- ' ; i.' ' . L"v* ' . -

I must C'oiitrrutuhtte you on your miccesH nnd woiihl nl«> tiiaulc you for njl thec mrlfxit» y o u have vlimvu lno mid m y exiiiniuerH in > llei'tini; Ihe ilillk ult lalxir 1have liei' i iculled ujHiirtojH'rforin'.--—-1 — ,.;' . - - ' • :' " '..'

• -• • -..."•" Yonm vprj-truly, . , . . . . . . . - . . . , . - •--

*tew«Ki'fpAy'lJ) PARK'axicaaiEaaniUY.!Ej.VAN^'A JVP;UII'U"^C?I| "')IIOK.-'GEGHUE S. UURYEE, Coiniiiiwii rof UunkiiiB and In»uriiiice;-Trviituii,

N . . 1 . : * - -• . • ^ ' • . • • . ' . ' - . • ' - ' • >

Sir: On February I) you didane the honor to reqnent that 1 examine the-Pro-ilential JiiHiirmi'ev fc'oiii|»iny |if Aiiieric-n, liH-atiil'iu Newark, N. .1., in coiijuitctioiiwith Mr.-Vim Ciiuip. of yotir.J/^Hirtiiieiit, and we would now reiKirt an follows:

The Company devotiil two roohiti'.to the excluMve,. use of the ejuiuiiiei-H andiht-erfully uirunliil every facilitythat wan requeMted. The work wan piiiUied withill li'iisonaliliM'ijxililion with a coiihideralile niiiuUer of able asfintallt.s (froiii liveII tifteen having bet'ii f-ii ageil in the >voik) so tlia't we nrt1 now ahle to htute IIHnllows: ' / . .The oliji'ct (if tlie-i'xiiiiiination toiiifr_to verify the ciiiii|iniiy> miiiiiiil n'imrt fur

he date of L)*'i'einlH*r ."I, IHK.'I, the iteiuji of that report lire refeireil to iu the samehtn-as therein mentioned. . • ;The ledger umets reported n» on linnd at the liejrinniiur of the year I SKI were

found tiirnut liy'coiiiiiuiisou with the co!ii|uiiiy'H UiokH. ' ."INCOME." 'Ihe premium income was verilied iu the usual iiiniiuer, ami u» -re-gimlti the/IndtiMtriai Branch, WIIH H1M> c-o.iifiriueil by u direct calculation of theiimonnt of premium Hint should liiiro.liptfulrepeiveil on tho insurance reported na inforce. > All other iteuiH of .income ivow cxauiintHl in the usiial luiinuer mill found.•orrect.aii per upi cndeil copy of tlie company'H report. • ' .

DISpUKSEMtiiVlb. All iteuiH under this lieuil wore carefully, verified fromhe vi/ucherii us far us desirable. . . ' ' .

ASSETS. The cost .value of tho rtul entate wiiii Hatisfuctorily vi rifieil from theoriKiual pajiera'miil voncheni prewuteil.. The Htated amount of the loaiix on bondanil imirlK'nKe wan found to be in ncconlancB with tho bookH and nflie inortgiiRepnperH. The papers showing the coiupany'fl title to its real estate rind thiwc con-_iitvted wjllj t)«».uiort(fnge loans -were '(^•fnl{yi¥xiiuji)i«ii'nn'!l'fi>aS.(t(lt^lbef%>i'iu.^[U whV-li coniiection pleiise'Yerer"to trie'reiMift of'tlioublp real iwtnte hnvyers eni-l>Ioycil on this mutter:. • . ,. „ ^ ' • ;.

Items (J)ami •(I) Lbans nnd Preuiinin NotiHi secnreil by the Company's, iHJlicleslypfe exttuiiucil iHitlijia tiillie )iil«iuai'y lit: tlip-tteciirity and-thV- iiiiioiitifc of the"oalis.aiiiT found all rijKht. The c<wt: value of the Mocks and bonds was verifiedrom tlie. books and the reiiorted market valnenwere Kperiiilly exiiininttl and foundorrect by Mr. Viui.C'iiiup, whoiilso investigated tho amount of c.mh on hand and

j ; . N . IRVING.' • • ' • • • D K A U C l l I N . _

BEEF, MUTTOfi, LAMB, V i L ,Porky Corned Beef, ,

Ham, Sliouldcr,\ Poultry, &c.

Opera House Block,~ Xrji llimv.to hut Otilfe. t

injj in


LEHIGH COAL1 / ...• ;..- AjNU.; .' U,'-


M.ii-r, /;I«IIII lt,l)i*)v'llM-/ IUII-K.

i . ' rii.nl. IVVI'MII .'IMurn.



HATS. CAP? :And ,



llroail St. WcKtHeld.

ip, who ain I nnk and reported nllwnrect. , f ,

During the trcctioii of the- Comiiany's ofUce bnildinj; in Newark ljiiiny items ofexiieiiditnre were charged t6xthe cost of the buihling, which would, i-eem mureprjiperly to belong to the ureo'not of ••fiiniiture. -fixtaren, inaclijjiery and rafes."Some of these items were iiftcr.varj.s tnn^ferred tQ tho protH'r ilcconnt, biU sev-oral vrcraomitted or overlooked ut the timo, and after consiilerinK all tho circnmstam-es it woultl.Keeiu pro|»-r to traiisfer $'20,000 from the cost of th? ConipiinyJiDfllce liiiililinir to fiiniitnre account. On coinniiiiiicntiiiK these vietys to tlm Presi-ilcut .lie ttutiil tlmt ho would huve every such item on which there cAild lie any

" "e iliffvreuco of opinion taken out of the real estate account on tho Ci uipany's

iniial appraisal of th • other real estate held .by tlieX'ompniiy, or of thatniortitageil to it, has yet been made; nil of the New Jerw)- proicrties nro known:o thl" real estate lawyers whose report is ajijienili d, anil tlieie genth'iueii statebar the premisi'siire all worth more than- the stated cost,, or than the ninonnt

lo.iiii d iiiHiu them, Owing to the linanciiil depression during the last twelvemonth*., there in nrrnnnsnal proporation of interest overilue, I lint if \\v Hithtract'rom the assets every mortgage on which interest is unpaid and also every piece ofi';il estate taken iimler foreclosun1, there will still lie left over $'.I,IHK),OW> of assestshat are Ix-yond i)nestiou and far in excess uf all liabilitlis „-»_.. -.

LtAIlILITIES. Then-serve liability has"liaen carefully eoin|mted" from theComiiany's rejKirt of insurance in foife on Dei'enil>t'i-'III, lJ-l)il, aTiit the report buslieen dinvtly verilied by eitciisivo comparisons with thiM-oiii|iaiiy's.-regisleiv;—awlllso by n caleniation regarding the iinioiuiM. us before stated in coiiuiction wjth'^Income.' The liability foriiiipaiil death cliiims is iiinaikably Miinll.for the prnc-ticeof thi': C'niiiiniuj|~i«-ttri'ny on the very iliij that complete proofs are received:which inspection of the books shows to lie generally within three (lays after thedeath. . ' . . '

Coinpiiiitcs which close their Inioksand make up their ri'iorts.on Jiiiinary '-'• willnecessarily omit some items of uuilevelo| wl liability due to eases- in wliicli deatho-curred prior to January 1st. but claim wns not presented iintiKafter tliat date.Fioin an examination of the death Claiuiti presented to the Company up to March1st. l.q'.M. it upivared that the actual aiiiount of liability, which was latent' ut theiliite of the n'plirt. was alxuit )."i,(HKI. mi auiimut eutiivly iuxiguticant iu compaii-sViii with the special extra reserve of ^M.IS. !».">3 voluntarily held by the Company be-yond a|l known liabilities.'\ The details of the finding of the examination are shown iu the npi>eniled state(lent. • . • . . : - • • • • '

I- U'lie judicial character of an exiimiiiation tuider State ntithority may not iicitnithiiiny coiunieiidatory expn-ssions. but it does not Reein just orproper to close tliisri'imrt without stating the satisfaction frit by the Examine!* at tile neatness anilcorrectness uf Hie books and completeness ut the system by which the Companyrecords all the details of its viint lmsim*s, with nearly two millions of ]mlicy-li'ohlers. - . . . — •

The lirst e<caiuinatiou of the Prudential Insurance Company, made under theNew .Jersey laws, was in August, IWTi), who'll it hud hardly tiegun. ltli career .anilWILS only iilxmt one sixtieth of its prtwiit size. Inthejust three years Itbilifi morethan doubled its iiKFetc, nnd is now dL«jn'iislng its binefaclions widely over theUnion. In marlv tvery case the sums tlius imid immediately after death are allthat the liereaved families have wherewith to meet tlie~piivntions that follow theloss of their breiiil-wiuiiing, or the expenses ahvays connected with sickness nnddeath. , 1-ife liilicieij have,doneg«>d,.jii.t -only afl.ir death lij-imttecliiig those leffliehiyd. lint they have often lieen the menus of prcferving the lives of those in-sured, enabling diem when sick tu obtain lmard and meilical aid from their neigh-Vin*.. who only nceiliKl to lugiiurantiitl ugainst their death. , . '" ' • - •

Hi-siHTtiullv Mihmitted. -'-•- • " -• D.A.VID PARKS FAt'KLEK.

.. " Consulting Actuary anil Examiner.

''..'"MiircViritti.WJ\. . - . . - • • • Exitiiiinrr.EX-JUDUE HOWARD W. HAYES ami EDWARD H. DUHYEE.stntvi" W e have ixiimluitl in detail the IKUM* anil mortgages and the titles to the real

estate of the 1'iitdentitil Insiiraiiee Company of America," • • • • • ""The instruments wcnriii all ciisis junp(>"rly drawn, executed aud 'nckno*ledged

anil tho mortgages were all reconli'd or registered in the punier ofllccs. The mint-gages or trust deeds all contained proper terms to vest the Company with « till? inl i e subject only to the defeasance clause to the mortgagor* • • » • • i

"The renliiiia:? belonging to the CotupVmy is held by it by an lndefeiwilile titlein fee flinphnr.is shown by the deeds and abstracts of title which we examined.The value placed on each pn>i«crty as upirt'iiniliy the iiiihexi'il'm-lieiluli- is iu eachcjise its actual cost." • , • ' t; (Co.iyl • - . STATE OF NEW JEHHEY,


••I. CiEOKOE S. DURYEE, Conmiissioin'r of Banking anil Insurance of the Stateuf New Jersey, do hereby certify the foregoing to be li true copy of the report olexamination of the condition and affairs ot the Prudential Insurance Company ofAmerica, of Newarlt. New Jersey, us of Decomlier ill, 18IK1, aiitVof the fthcdules,etc;, iiccomiianviiig tho pnme.ns taken from anil compared with the originals nowremaining on tile iu my.offtce. G. 8. DUltYEE.

' . Coinmicploner of Dunking anil Insurance.(SEAL OF THE STATE OF tJEW\ '


Acconiiiaiiying .tho foregoing certificates wcro voluminous schedule i. hhowingthe Company's assets niul liabilities, us rvjKirteil to the D.'pnrtmoiit of ll.lukii>|inni) Iiisnrnnce on Dewmber Ul, 1893,

Carpets,Chenille Portiers and Table Covers,


Parlor, Dining 0 Bedroom Furniture' If you bay these at all froni anybody, don't core who. will

beat your price, autl my advice Is when yoa need these goodscall anil see me.-

ML JOHHSOW,51 Broad SLTElizabelh, N. j .



Paints, Oils; Glass, • Varnish,

Wall Paper, &c,


Carpenter & Builder,..,.....': . i OFFICE BOOM 4, ,"...,. : .

Opera House Block. .

- nil kinds, and, .

<• (lateral Hunlimres fur Snh,

At Reasonable Prices;.


& ; JConnselor at Law." iWlur mill Aihwate Ih Ailinlrnlty.

OFFICE IKlt'ItS:10.00 A. M. to \m \: M.

' , . ..AST IIUVII uv.Ai-roiCTur.Mir~


:. I'Sloxt-oi'xfv, N!,"J! '


Cranford Bicycle Hcadquqrters,H. W . CSUYOINI. Prop .

New and Second Hand Wheels,— Sold on Easy Terms.

LAWN finOWER8'lmfborder;


Home Made & N. Y. Vienna BreadCAKES, PIES. Etc. ~

FEENOH 4 AMBBI(HN C0NFE0T10NEEY.All Onli'rn Will l lni ' lw I'n>nii.l.Atliiilioii.


Front Street, Ploi

S33, 831, 830, 83», MO onil 845 ltrn , , i»,

Best, Shorthand anil Tyjit' Writimr R. liartment iu the State

-fr— --BATES iOW.-. . _ N

AUiIrrsitfor C'ntn!ogiieorl-ollci,Tji)iirriI- ' II. OOLKMAX. Prr- -

Tayloj'is Dress Cutting School.ittl tor two yvnr* at it Ilnnl^trrrr

'jptTtaininlc to finst-rS 'ilrr^.n'ik'v1

^ ^ Jiiuilt* nt U'AMJlmblt) iirltcs. l)t\ -i"*JrvehliitfcliiriK*. "I'nvtnrntHiu i U n»i -

44 HUOAI) HritKtrr, Kr.iz. Mme.J, M.P Fr/u,JifJ^ "A|!*o till llntml S l n t t , Newark


m - m siiiBiF!! AND* BONDERS KEPI By DAY OR M l

CltAXFOItl), X. J.


fisri ].

DINING ROOMS,N'orth A v c , near depot, I'lainlii'lil,

New Jersey.. _ '

BESI35 CEdl. DIHNER IN IHE M E .Dining: :::: Headquarters




Harness & Horse GoodsAt'llu-lmri'M lirlriii iiilvlht-flit nltli ri'liufili'MiMnl .

Boots. Shoes, Rubbers.•—ACIHNTS'I 'OKT-

Willlams & Clark's Fertilizers.lOattlo nnii Foaltry Fo?ds ofall KInili,

155-1&7 Main St. Rahway, N. J.


Electrician and Locksmith,II!) BROAD ST., KMZABETII."

Kin-trie <liu lJu-hlllix. Cull Ik-IUaml llnrulnrAltti-IMH, Uiwn MIHUT*. invH uml < 'ullery

dc Upholsterer and.-•• T Cabinet Makor::364 Morris Avenue,Elliabeth^ IS. J,M ;^,i-u, m,m,,',,.,:,v,;.J,:,,.L.l.

Denier In nil klmlx nml .|UnlII I,-.- .if <

f- FURNITURE fCurjiet*, Oil Clolli8,_>Iattiiif;.'i, Mat-

ti'i'38i'8, Witiijow.- Sliailea, C'ifr-tuiiifl, .UnijH'ry, K t c , Ktc.

niiilt1 on C'ar|)i'tH and KI>1IT-tionn iiiiulo from tlu> iilm-k of Arnold,Constable & Co.; Brondwny nnd lOtliStreet, New York.


•' Window Slmdes of Best Miitcriiibiinulii nt Lowi at Iluti'K.

Old Fiirnitiiro Cleaned. Kovnruiiilipd.Ki'iHilixlicd, KeiiiiholAleri'd, in futt Hindi111 good an iunv ut miinll coat.

CURTAIN POLES X P M O R ORNASENIUflONS.Sllji Covers Cut mid M,iule, Mnttrewea

Mude Over.nnd Fly Nt'ttlngn. '

Plans & Specifications Faraisbed.


Is iiii'iiiired toNliowiiattenisiiudnriki

' " ' V - - J . . , " " ' " -'.

Spring Suits,of the latent Mini most I raiitiful nlyl—

Room No. 9 Opera House Block.noun's i> A. ii. 'TO .->-p. it.


MISS C. 0 , SQUIER,BItOAD Str.'EL&RE'hl'. N- -T V

Ladies Own Materials; Made Up to Order.







CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS,87 Broad Street, Elizabeth:

VAN COURT INN,A tlmt-ilji^ rmnlly Hutul; OJMV t'vtry »•«;»•"•

Vfiiloiu'v for t'htcrtAhum-tit nf irl^n'*1 | ^ r t 1 ' "uti fluirt notlfc. . .

C. II. HALE, Proprietor.Telephone tJiUl, "«0 M. Kow'lle.

J . >VCHHJI};C1,Drood St., Wostflold, Now Jorsey,

, (Next door lo Welch Bnx..)Dpnlfr In

Harness and Horse Supplies.Rc]Mtirlnfr.|iruui|itr}* nnd neatly done.